Lindsey Williams – Secrets Of The Elite – 3 DVDs – Video – March 2012
Lindsey Williams – Secrets Of The Elite – 3 DVDs – Video – March 2012
You must know the Secrets of the Elite (Mindset) in order to survive the New World Order. Now you will hear the hidden Secrets of the Elite. See and hear a Wall Street Insider who appears on Lindsey Williams' DVD for the first time with his story. Four prominent professionals explain – Insider trading – Derivatives – What congressmen, judges, and some lawyers know that you are never told. Learn what the younger Elite are taught.
This is the entire 3 DVD set recorded by Lindsey Williams and released in March 2012. Lindsey Williams requested that the full videos not be available online until 1st June 2012, we have now been given permission to provide the entire video for your education. If you enjoyed the video and would like a high quality DVD set to share with friends and family, please consider purchasing the 3 DVD set.
This video covers the following:
- Secrets never told before.
- How the Elite make and preserve wealth.
- Derivatives – Prelude to disaster.
- Insider trading that creates Super-Wealth.
- Americans Financially Betrayed by Congress.
- Gold and Silver wealth preservation.
- The Paper currency deception.
- You can survive the New World Order.
- Decisions that will help you Sleep Well at Night.
- Live to a ripe old age: How and where to get it.
- Health Solutions.
The elite plan is more bewildering than can be believed. There’s more to this conspiracy than meets the eye. The big boys have a plan–a 500 year plan: 1776+500=2276CE. This is the big picture. This the very year of the inauguration of their New World Order. And the midpoint of their plan is just 5 years away in 2026, the year the USA celebrates 250 years of sovereignty. (Will they reach their goals?). The online book 2276CE: The Future is Calling (2020) outlines The Plan. That is, The Plan will abrogate the future of the whole world. We are simply living in the midst of its unfolding.
The time I spent watching this three hour DVD is well worth it. I have suspected much of the information on this video but to actually hear it documented and told by Lindsey Williams is incredible. Every American should purchase, watch and let everyone know the truth of what is going on. We need to get prepared NOW! Please do not delay, start today!
I was wondering what they are planning to do with the oil up in Alaska when they finally decide to use it.