February 2017
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – February 23, 2017
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter. If you are not a subscriber please subscribe for free by entering your name and email address in the box below.
Pastor David Bowen is pastor of Standing Stones Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. For more information about Pastor Dave please visit http://standingstonescc.org/
Pastor Dave is also creator of the website Interpreting The Times, understanding world events through scripture. You can find out more by visiting http://www.interpretingthetimes.com/
Latest News Articles – February 23, 2017
From James Harkin (Webmaster & Editor of LindseyWilliams.net). Here is a summary of articles of interest from around the world for this week. Please LIKE the Lindsey Williams Online Facebook Page to see stories posted daily regarding the current state of the economy around the world.
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Latest News From February 17, 2017 to February 23, 2017:
- German Minister Calls For ‘Plan B': “Greece Should Pledge Gold, Real Estate For New Loans”
Bavaria's 50-year-old finance minister Markus Soeder was previously named by German weekly Der Spiegel as one of the Ten Most Dangerous European Politicians (defined as “every politician who is resorting to cheap populism in order to rack up domestic political points”). For the Greeks, this may well be true. During the Greek government-debt crisis, Soeder was among the most vocal in calling for Greece to leave the Eurozone. By 2012, he said in an interview: “Athens must stand as an example that this Eurozone can also show teeth.” - Prospects For A Quick Obamacare Repeal Are Fading Fast
Back on January 12th, 8 days before Trump even officially moved into the White House, the prospects of a quick repeal and replacement of Obamacare were looking really good when the Senate voted 51-48 to instruct key committees to start drafting legislation to do away with Obama's crowning “achievement”. In fact, that early January budget resolution required lawmakers to submit repeal proposals for consideration by January 27th, a lofty goal, but welcome news to conservative voters around the country that were eager for a quick unwind of the controversial legislation. Alas, today, nearly a full month after the original deadline of January 27th, no replacement plan has been officially introduced and even Trump admits “maybe it will take till sometime into next year, but we are certainly going to be in the process…it's very complicated.” - The Coming Minimum-Wage Tsunami Will Wash Away Millions Of Minority Jobs
One of the most vexing economic issues today is the minimum wage. For many, the failure to raise the minimum wage to $15 or higher is a sign of our nation's stinginess and an essential part of the fight for income equality. However, the truth, sad to say, is quite different, as a new study shows. The study by the American Action Forum, a nonpartisan think tank led by former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, looked at minimum-wage hikes scheduled to take effect in the coming years in 14 states and the nation's capital and found they will “cost millions of jobs across the country and each lost job only leads to total wage earnings rising by a few thousand dollars.” - UK Police Chief: Former British PM Was HUGE Pedo, Establishment Covered Up
In the four weeks since Donald Trump's inauguration there have been a record number of human trafficking arrests – including the largest bust in US history which received virtually no MSM attention. In total, over 1500 suspects have been taken down, including high profile serial child molester Jerry Sandusky's adopted son, Jeffrey Sandusky, who was arrested a week ago on charges of sexually assaulting two minors and sending Anthony Weiner-esque texts. And it's way more than just domestic busts in the United States; two days before the Clinton Foundation pulled out of Haiti, a sting rescued at least 31 victims of human trafficking right next to where Bill and Hillary spent their honeymoon. There have also been international busts in Quebec, a huge takedown in Japan, and another in Ghana. A little over two weeks ago, a fifth of the “dark web” was taken down – around half of which was related to human trafficking and pedophilia. - French Nuclear Watchdog Gives An Update On Mysterious Radioactive Iodine Blanketing Europe
On Sunday we reported that concerns have spread in Europe about a potential nuclear “incident” following a recent report by a French nuclear watchdog agency – the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), the French national public expert in nuclear and radiological risks – that radioactive Iodine-131 had been observed across much of northern and central Europe. Since the isotope has a half-life of only eight days, the detection was an indication of a rather recent release. As the Barents Observer added, “where the radioactivity is coming from is still a mystery.” - Alan Greenspan: Ron Paul Was Right About The Gold Standard
As John Rubino eloquently puts it, “when the history of these times is written, former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan will be one of the major villains, but also one of the greatest mysteries. This is so because he has, in effect, been three different people.” Greenspan started his public life brilliantly, as a libertarian thinker who said some compelling and accurate things about gold and its role in the world. An example from 1966: “This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard.” - Stockman Warns Trump “Flynn's Gone But They're Still Gunning For You, Donald”
General Flynn's tenure in the White House was only slightly longer than that of President-elect William Henry Harrison in 1841. Actually, with just 24 days in the White House, General Flynn's tenure fell a tad short of old “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too”. General Harrison actually lasted 31 days before getting felled by pneumonia. And the circumstances were considerably more benign. It seems that General Harrison had a fondness for the same “firewater” that agitated the native Americans he slaughtered at the famous battle memorialized in his campaign slogan. - Feds Make Record Gains On Human Trafficking As Global Networks Broken Up
While the mainstream media’s attention has been fixed on political drama in Washington D.C., federal and state law enforcement have been quietly working to dismantle a shockingly large number of human trafficking and child abuse networks across the United States. The busts in America come at the same time as a number of other successful international law enforcement operations against networks engaging in human trafficking of women and children. - Drudge Put It Perfectly: Congressional Republicans Flail and Fail
On February 8, 2017, Matt Drudge tweeted, “No Obamacare repeal, tax cuts!” and “Republican party should be sued for fraud. NO discussion of tax cuts now.” Drudge was spot on. This week, Sen. Rand Paul (my former boss, it should be pointed out) stormed out of a meeting with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan when he heard talk of keeping Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion intact and creating tax credits. Paul worried these tax credits would be a Republican-created entitlement program. - Mystery as dangerous radioactive particles spread across Europe…and no one knows why
Scientists are struggling to explain why traces of Iodine-131 have been discovered in Norway, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France and Spain. The particles are usually found after an atomic bomb is detonated or a nuclear power station disaster, such as Chernobyl or Fukushima. The public has been kept in the dark about the find – sparking accusations of a cover-up. Rumour is now also running rife Vladimir Putin has detonated a nuclear device in the Arctic causing the radioactive plume. - Journalists who publish leaked information will be jailed under new Tory legislation
There are some well known stages that mark the path towards totalitarianism – and one indicator that we are strolling down this dangerous path is the UK government’s Investigatory Powers Act.
One of the principal purposes of the IPA is to records the phone calls, internet browsing records and other data traffic of every person in the country, just in case it comes in useful later. Namely – to create an internal surveillance system. This was quite rightly judged to be illegal by The Court of Justice of the European Union, although the government is yet to meaningfully respond to the ruling. One can only surmise that our impending exit from the jurisdiction of the CJEU will mean that any protection afforded by the judgement will be short lived, if it ever materialises at all. - Another season of John Oliver, shameless pro-establishment shill
This Sunday, season four of John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight premieres. If the last three seasons were any indication, viewers can expect no deviation from the official party line by the establishment’s favorite comedy accomplice. Let’s just cut right to the chase. John Oliver is a charlatan who appears to be a rebellious liberal comedian speaking truth to power. In reality, he is a shameless shill for the ruling class in the United States. Oliver, who hails from West Midlands, England, specializes in telling his liberal audience and those in the establishment exactly what they want to hear. He never genuinely challenges or questions the American power structure, thereby making him an agent of the status quo, which is why the media adores him. - Reminder: WikiLeaks Revealed The Deliberate Construction Of A Liberal ‘Echo Chamber’
In all the excitement about Hillary and Donald and Putin and pizza during our last election cycle, there was an important WikiLeaks document that had nothing to do with any of these things which got largely lost in the shuffle. Republican outlets barely touched on it, and it didn’t make the slightest blip on the radar among Berners and DemExiters, so I’d like to write a reminder piece about Podesta email #59125 (click ‘Attachments’ and then ‘2008 Combined Fundraising, Message and Mobilization Plan’), because we need more awareness on this one. - Jean-Claude Junker, EC president, hands over 600 million Euros to Kiev regime
During the Ukrainian Prime Minister's visit to Brussels on February 10, Juncker, the president of the European Commission, not elected by the people of the EU, granted 600 million to the Kiev regime. Even though less than a week before, the Ukrainian army carried out the worst bombardments against the Donbass and the civilian population, this technocratic entity gives money to a corrupt regime. In December, “Europe” sanctioned Greece because it paid a thirteenth salary to people receiving a small pension, two months later, this same “Europe” gives money to a regime that bombards civilians and cheerfully robs the Ukrainian people by selling Ukraine to the multinationals. The last sentence of the communiqué in the last link cited says a lot about the betrayal of a president born of a putsch supported by the US / Canada and the EU. - How the mind treats “impossible things that couldn’t be happening”
I recently published an article that highlighted the numbers of medically caused deaths in America. When little fragmentary stories about this fact emerge in the mainstream press, they’re one-offs. There is no serious follow-up and no deep investigation. Therefore, the public isn’t aroused. On May 3, 2016, the Washington Post ran an article detailing deaths from medical errors. This bomb dropped: doctors’ errors account for “about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.” Let that sink in. - Tucson cosmetology student under investigation for giving free haircuts
A local cosmetology student is being investigating for giving free haircuts to homeless in the community. Juan Carlos Montes de Oca has given dozens of free haircuts to the homeless at the Santa Rita Park over the past few months. “Out of the kindness of my heart. Out of the memory of my mom, because she lost her hair,” Juan Carlos Montes de Oca said. Montes de Oca thought he was doing a good deed for Tucson by offering the haircuts, a service many homeless hadn’t received in a long time. “About seven months was the longest one, another lady was about two years without a basic trim.” He too has been homeless in the past. - Davi to Hollywood Elite: Invite Illegal Aliens and Refugees to the Oscars… or You’re Racists!
An open letter to the Hollywood Elite and the rest of America: My Dear friends and colleagues, I have recently been pondering President Trump’s executive action with regard to our nation having extreme vetting and our immigration policy finally being enforced. It has pained me deeply to see such a violent reaction to something that, to my mind, makes absolute common sense. Let me begin by saying that I am from a family of immigrants that came to this country for a better life. They came to the US “legally,” assimilated, integrated, and learned English to the best of their ability, and demanded we speak it. As we all know, we live in a time in which there are forces who wish to destroy our way of life… - I’ll never bring my phone on an international flight again. Neither should you.
A few months ago I wrote about how you can encrypt your entire life in less than an hour. Well, all the security in the world can’t save you if someone has physical possession of your phone or laptop, and can intimidate you into giving up your password. And a few weeks ago, that’s precisely what happened to a US citizen returning home from abroad. - Greenwald: Empowering the “Deep State” to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy
Some supporters of Trump, including Breitbart News, have accused the intelligence agencies of attempting to wage a deep state coup against the president. Meanwhile, some critics of Trump are openly embracing such activity. Bill Kristol, the prominent Republican analyst who founded The Weekly Standard, wrote on Twitter, “Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state.” We talk about the deep state with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of The Intercept. - 4 dead Russian Diplomats in 3 months
Russia's long time ambassador to the UN has died suddenly in New York – this is the fourth Russian diplomat who has died in the last 3 months. Vitaly Churkin was one of the wisest voices in international diplomacy. His voice will no longer echo in the halls of the United Nations. Articulate, polite yet commanding, wise yet affable, he oversaw some of Russia’s and the world’s most important events in a position he occupied since 2006. - Fast Food Prices Before And After $15/Hour Minimum Wage Increase
C.E. Dyer reports after San Francisco raised the minimum wage to $15/hr, the Bay Area has seen numerous restaurants close, yet the liberal media can’t wrap their minds around the idea that there might be a correlation between the two. Breitbart reported: Restaurants are rapidly going out of business in the Bay Area, after San Francisco passed a $15 minimum wage law in 2014 and the State of California followed suit in 2016. Yet the media are struggling to make the connection between high minimum wages and restaurant closures. The East Bay Times, for example, asked Tuesday: “What’s behind the spate of recent Bay Area restaurant closures?” It barely mentioned new minimum wage laws, brushing them aside as if they were largely insignificant.
- Weather Warfare Biggest Threat to Life on Earth-Dane Wigington
Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says the number one threat facing humanity is extreme weather modification to cool the planet. It’s being done by geoengineering (commonly known as chemtrails) and it must be stopped now because it’s having the opposite effect. Wigington says all climate engineering is really just “weather warfare” and explains, “How long can humans survive without habitat? If we have an issue that is mathematically the greatest single assault launched by the human race against earth’s natural life support system, why wouldn’t we deal with that first and foremost above anything else?” - Definite Movement to Take Trump Out-Gerald Celente
Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says the resignation of top security advisor Michael Flynn is further proof there is an ongoing “destabilization campaign” and a “definite movement to take out Trump.” Celente explains, “When Trump came in, one of the first things he said in his campaign is let’s stop this fighting with Russia, they’re not the threat that everyone says they are. Since he’s been saying that, he’s been attacked. Let’s go back to Michael Flynn. Trump and Flynn say the CIA has become too politicized. A lot of these agencies have been wasting money and giving us bad information. That was what a lot of Flynn was about. Let’s not forget that Obama dumped Flynn because those were the things that Flynn was saying that Obama didn’t want to hear.” - Pope Francis Declares ‘Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist’ As He Continues To Set The Stage For A One World Religion
When I first started seeing headlines that claimed that Pope Francis said that “Muslim terrorism does not exist”, I thought that it couldn’t possibly be true. After all, who could possibly deny that Islamic radicals are engaged in terrorism? Within the last 30 days, there have been 127 Islamic terror attacks in a total of 25 different countries. And in 2016 global terror attacks set an all-time record high and were up 25 percent from the year before. Unfortunately, there are many world leaders that are so politically correct and that are so married to the idea that Islam is good that they cannot admit to themselves that radical Islamic terror is being fueled by radical Islamic beliefs. And in the case of Pope Francis, he is exceedingly careful never to say anything negative about Islam because it would greatly hinder his efforts to bring all of the major religions of the planet closer together. - The Globalists Strike Back With A Major Push Toward A Cashless Society
Their agenda may be on the rocks in the United States at the moment, but that doesn’t mean that the globalists are giving up. In fact, a major push toward a cashless society is being made in the European Union right now. Last May we learned that the 500 euro note is being completely eliminated, and just a few weeks ago the European Commission released a new “Action Plan” which instructs member states to explore “potential upper limits to cash payments”. In the name of “fighting terrorism”, this “Action Plan” discusses the benefits of “prohibitions for cash payments above a specific threshold” and it says that those prohibitions should include “virtual currencies (such as BitCoin) and prepaid instruments (such as pre-paid credit cards) when they are used anonymously.” - This Is One Of The Big Reasons Why So Many Families Are Feeling Extreme Financial Stress
When the cost of living rises faster than paychecks do year after year, eventually that becomes a very big problem. For quite some time I have been writing about the shrinking middle class, and one of the biggest culprits is inflation. Every month, tens of millions of American families struggle to pay the bills, and most of them don’t even understand the economic forces that are putting so much pressure on them. The United States never had a persistent, ongoing problem with inflation until the debt-based Federal Reserve system was introduced in 1913. Since that time, we have had non-stop inflation and the U.S. dollar has lost more than 98 percent of its value. If our paychecks were increasing faster than inflation this wouldn’t be a problem, but in recent years this has definitely not been the case for most Americans. - This Week The ‘Arch Of Baal’ Was Displayed For The Third Time In Honor Of ‘The World Government Summit’
Did you know that 4,000 world leaders from 130 different countries gathered in Dubai this week for the World Government Summit? It was held from February 12th to February 14th, and it featured more than 100 internationally-known speakers including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Christine Lagarde and Elon Musk. If you would like to know more about this shadowy group, you can visit the official website right here. The first World Government Summit was held back in 2013, and that one was actually attended by Barack Obama. Unfortunately the mainstream media in the United States was almost entirely silent about this summit, so most of us in the western world didn’t even hear about it. - A Civil War For Control Of The U.S. Government Has Erupted Between ‘The Deep State’ And Donald Trump
The ruthless political assassination of Michael Flynn was just one battle of a major civil war that has erupted for control of the U.S. government. Donald Trump and his new administration are now under relentless assault by “the deep state”, and at this point it is not clear who will emerge as the victor. There are many that use the term “deep state” as a synonym for the intelligence community, but the truth is that it is much broader than that. In reality, the deep state encompasses thousands upon thousands of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats that never seem to change no matter which party wins an election. Certainly the intelligence community is at the heart of this system, but there are countless others that are embedded within key government agencies and the Pentagon that deeply resent Donald Trump and the kind of change that he is attempting to bring to Washington. - We Live In A Society Where ‘Fifty Shades’, Beyonce And Lady Gaga Are Considered To Be ‘Entertainment’
What in the world has happened to America? We live in a society where perversion, sexual violence and occult rituals have become essential elements of our entertainment. In fact, these days it seems like we can’t get through a major awards show or a Super Bowl halftime celebration without being forced to see things that would have been absolutely unthinkable in this country just fifty years ago. Unfortunately, most Americans have already had their consciences seared so badly that these things don’t even bother them anymore. In the old days, popular music was certainly full of sexually suggestive themes, but the artists were never as graphic as they are today. In addition to blatantly flaunting their sexuality, the biggest pop stars of today also seem to be in a competition to see who can include the most occult symbology in their performances. - 11 Deeply Alarming Facts About America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
No matter what your particular political perspective is, if there is one thing that virtually everyone in the United States can agree upon it is the fact that America’s infrastructure is crumbling. Previous generations of Americans conquered an entire continent and erected the greatest system of infrastructure that the world had ever seen, but now thousands upon thousands of those extremely impressive infrastructure projects are decades old and in desperate need of repair or upgrading. The near catastrophic failure of the Oroville Dam is a perfect example of what I am talking about. We should be constructing the next generation of infrastructure projects for our children and our grandchildren, but instead we are in such sorry shape that we can’t even keep up with the maintenance and upkeep on the great infrastructure projects that have been handed down to us. - It Is About Time That We Had A President That Was Willing To Go To War With The Mainstream Media
Thursday afternoon’s press conference was perhaps the most memorable moment of Donald Trump’s presidency so far. Trump’s blistering attack on the media was quite a spectacle, but the truth is that it was desperately needed. For decades, the mainstream media has dominated political discourse in this country no matter who has been in control of the White House or Congress. They have become masters of guiding and shaping public opinion, and in recent years they have completely discarded any pretense of being “unbiased” or “objective”. These monolithic media organizations relentlessly push the progressive agenda of their owners (the global elite), and that is why the “news” always seems to be just about the same no matter which network it is coming from. Their monopoly is slowly being broken by the rise of the alternative media, but the truth is that most Americans still rely on just a handful of ultra-powerful media organizations for their news. - Why Melania Trump Leading The Public In The Lord’s Prayer At A Rally In Florida Was A Historic Event
We just witnessed Melania Trump’s finest moment as First Lady so far. After a week in which her husband declared war on the mainstream media, Melania absolutely electrified a huge crowd at a rally in Melbourne, Florida by reciting the Lord’s Prayer. What Donald Trump had to share afterwards was remarkable as well, but that night will always be remembered for what Melania did. After beginning with the phrase “let us pray”, Melania stunned the entire world by slowly but carefully leading the crowd in the Lord’s Prayer, and it is being reported that the assembled throng responded to her prayer with “thunderous applause“. - BREAKING: Health Ranger threatened by left-wing media goons: “Destroy Alex Jones or we will destroy YOU”
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am being threatened with the “complete destruction” of my reputation, my brand and my character by left-wing media operatives who have issued a new threat this week: “Destroy Alex Jones or we will destroy YOU.” Alex Jones, of course, is the founder of InfoWars.com, one of the most popular multi-media publishers of pro-America news, videos and radio broadcasts in the world. The warning implies that a barrage of left-wing media stories will target me personally — obviously spreading “fake news” lies — unless I agree to go public with “opposition research” targeting Jones that was previously delivered to me on a physical thumb drive. - “Euro May Already Be Lost” – Vice-Chairman Of EuroThinkTank Warns “No Way To Avert Break-Up”
The 1st of January 2017 marked the 18th anniversary of the European common currency, the euro. Despite its success from 1999 to 2007, after 2008 the euro has become a burden for many of its members. For example, living standards in Italy and Greece are below the levels when they joined the euro. Finland is the only Nordic country using the euro and it is also the only Nordic country which has not yet recovered from the financial crash of 2008. There have been many proposals on how to fix the euro and the EMU, but they are politically unpopular and unrealistic. In this blog-entry, we will argue that the euro will almost surely fail; we just do not know the exact timing of its demise. - Growing Huge Amounts of Food on 1/2 an Acre – Urban Abundance
In the small town of Oxford, Kane and Fiona Hogan have transformed their urban 1/2-acre property into abundant veggie gardens. Their business Urban Gardener aims to build resilience and food security in their local community. - “It's Over Folks” The Neocons & The “Deep State” Have Neutered The Trump Presidency
Less than a month ago I warned that a ‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in the USA. My first element of proof was the so-called “investigation” which the CIA, FBI, NSA and others were conducting against President Trump’s candidate to become National Security Advisor, General Flynn. Last night, the plot to get rid of Flynn has finally succeeded and General Flynn had to offer his resignation. Trump accepted it. - Flynn’s son, who pushed phony Pizzagate, blames dad’s downfall on ‘disinformation campaign’
Michael Flynn’s son is blaming a “disinformation campaign” for bringing down his father, who up until Monday night served as President Trump’s national security adviser. “The disinformation campaign against my father won #AmericaFirst #USA #Flynn #FlynnResignation,” Michael Flynn Jr. claimed on Twitter. The tweet, which has since been deleted, came hours after Flynn resigned his posting after being accused of misrepresenting communications with a Russian official. - Peter Schweizer: Media Hound Trump over Russia Dealings, Silent When Clintons Made ‘Tens of Millions of Dollars’ from Russia
Breitbart News Senior Editor Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, broke down the story behind National Security Adviser Mike Flynn’s resignation on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily. - A Letter From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Robert De Niro to American Journalists
On the occasion of our announcement of the World Mercury Project's $100K challenge, we want to address America's reporters, journalists, columnists, editors, network anchors, on-air doctors and news division producers. We especially want to reach out to those of you who have made a point of assuring the public about the safety of the mercury-based preservative, thimerosal. It's our hope that this challenge will elevate this important debate beyond name calling and prompt a genuine examination of the relevant science. The American public is entitled to an honest, probing and vigorous discussion about this critical public health issue—a debate based on facts, not rooted in fear, or on blind faith in regulators and the pharmaceutical industry. - French Election Puts Possibility of ‘Frexit' on the Agenda
What’s striking about the French presidential election is the extent to which the two front-runners share a basic analysis of the choice facing the country. Marine Le Pen, the leader of the right-wing National Front, and Emmanuel Macron, the 39-year-old former economy minister who quit François Hollande’s government to stand as an independent, are poles apart politically. But both agree that the defining issue is France’s membership of the eurozone. - Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – February 16, 2017
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter.
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Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – February 16, 2017
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter. If you are not a subscriber please subscribe for free by entering your name and email address in the box below.
Pastor David Bowen is pastor of Standing Stones Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. For more information about Pastor Dave please visit http://standingstonescc.org/
Pastor Dave is also creator of the website Interpreting The Times, understanding world events through scripture. You can find out more by visiting http://www.interpretingthetimes.com/
Please leave your thoughts and comments below regarding this new addition to Pastor Williams' newsletter each week.
Latest News Articles – February 16, 2017
From James Harkin (Webmaster & Editor of LindseyWilliams.net). Here is a summary of articles of interest from around the world for this week. Please LIKE the Lindsey Williams Online Facebook Page to see stories posted daily regarding the current state of the economy around the world.
Lindsey Williams Online | Promote your Page too
Latest News From February 10, 2017 to February 16, 2017:
- Monster oil & gas deposits discovered in Iran – local media reports
Iran has found a dozen new oil fields that could produce 30 billion barrels of crude and 128 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, according to Press TV quoting officials in Tehran. “We have to say goodbye to (finding) such big fields as Yadavaran and Azadegan and get used to discovering smaller fields,”said Seyyed Saleh Hendi, an official from the National Iranian Oil Company. According to Hendi, while new gas discoveries are possible, new oil findings are unlikely to be large. Iran has 157 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, the world’s third largest. - “Euro May Already Be Lost” – Vice-Chairman Of EuroThinkTank Warns “No Way To Avert Break-Up”
The 1st of January 2017 marked the 18th anniversary of the European common currency, the euro. Despite its success from 1999 to 2007, after 2008 the euro has become a burden for many of its members. For example, living standards in Italy and Greece are below the levels when they joined the euro. Finland is the only Nordic country using the euro and it is also the only Nordic country which has not yet recovered from the financial crash of 2008. There have been many proposals on how to fix the euro and the EMU, but they are politically unpopular and unrealistic. In this blog-entry, we will argue that the euro will almost surely fail; we just do not know the exact timing of its demise. - China Just Created A Record $540 Billion In Debt In One Month
One week ago, Deutsche Bank analysts warned that the global economic boom is about to end for one reason that has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with China's relentless debt injections. As DB's Oliver Harvey said, “attention has focused on President Trump, but developments on the other side of the world may prove more important. At the beginning of 2016, China embarked on its latest fiscal stimulus funded from local government land sales and a booming property market. The Chinese business cycle troughed shortly thereafter and has accelerated rapidly since.” - World's 2nd Largest Stockpile Of Gold Leaves The United States
About 20 years ago when I was still a cadet at West Point, my economics professor organized a class trip to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The part of the trip that I remember most was touring the Fed’s high security vault, 80 feet below street level beneath the bank’s main office building downtown. This vault houses the largest known depository of gold in the world. - Big Brother is watching you: Jim Rogers prophesizes death of cash & total govt control of spending
The time will come when you won't be able to buy a cup of coffee without being traced, warns investment guru Jim Rogers. To control people, governments will increasingly seek to hunt down cash spending, he adds. “Governments are always looking out for themselves first, and it's the same old thing that has been going on for hundreds of years. The Indians recently did the same thing. They withdrew 86 percent of the currency in circulation, and they have now made it illegal to spend more than, I think it's about $4,000 in any cash transaction. In France you cannot use more than, I think it's a €1,000,”said Rogers in an interview with MacroVoices Podcast. - Will The U.S. See A Carbon Tax Under Trump?
Last week a group of Republicans and businessmen tabled a proposal for a carbon tax, designed to replace the Obama administration’s string of environmental regulations aimed at reducing climate change-aggravating emissions. The idea is not new. It has been put forward before by energy industry representatives, including Exxon’s then CEO Rex Tillerson, now Secretary of State, as a transparent and direct way to curb the effects of CO2 emissions on climate, even though the company lobbied against carbon tax bills last year. - Wind Energy Is Now The Largest Source Of Clean Energy In The U.S.
Wind power has now overtaken hydroelectric as the largest single source of clean energy in the United States. With 82 thousand MWs of total installed capacity at the end of 2016, wind turbines exceeded the 80 thousand MWs generated by the nation’s hydroelectric dams. This comes on the heels of the EIA’s short-term energy outlook which predicts wind and solar power will continue to account for the fastest growth in the U.S. energy sector, repeating a trend from last year. The EIA predicts wind power will reach 94 thousand MWs by 2018. Wind hasn’t surpassed hydroelectric power in all categories, however; in terms of actual power generated, dams still out-perform wind turbines, as they tend to stay on for more of the year. But with few dams planned for construction, it’s likely wind power will exceed hydroelectric in actual power produced in the next few years. - China Set To Resume Work On Nuclear Power Plants
In order to cater to growing power demand, China is likely to begin construction on inland nuclear reactors in the next four years, resuming plans for nuclear power plants that were halted after the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan, a senior energy official told Chinese media on Monday. China has already decided which locations would host its inland nuclear power plants, Wang Yiren, vice director of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, and vice-chairman of the China Atomic Energy Authority, has told China National Radio in an interview. - Don't Tell Bernie Sanders But Healthcare Is Not Immune To The Laws Of Economics
One of the great things about economics is that it is devoid of all mysticism. Every person, good, service, and dollar is treated equally — nothing is special or above the rules. There’s nothing about the supply of or demand for apples that is categorically different from that of oranges. Since every good or service demanded by anybody is scarce, economics treats apples, oranges, computers, haircuts, education, and health care in the same way. There is not a special branch of economic theory that only applies to health care. Economists may focus on health issues, but they use the same basic set of tools as economists who focus on energy, or any other area for that matter. - Parsley Energy to spend $2.8 billion on Permian land
In a quest to continue their acquisitions in the area, Parsley Energy is buying rights to undeveloped acres in the heart of West Texas’ Permian Basin from Double Eagle Energy for $2.8 billion. This will be the 10th largest purchase in the basin that has been announced by Parsley, an Austin-based company, it will add 71,000 net acres to the company’s Midland portfolio. This brings it’s total Permian acreage to 227,000, one of the largest holdings by an independent production company within the basin. - Global Shipping Meltdown Mauls German Banks, Retail Investors, Taxpayers
When Commerzbank, Germany’s second largest bank, reported earnings on Thursday, it made another groan in direction of the collapsing maritime shipping industry. It raised its loan loss provisions to €900 million, as it said, “in timely response to the deterioration in the shipping markets.” It warned that its losses on shipping loans alone could reach €600 million in 2017 after having nearly doubled to €559 million last year. At one point, Commerzbank had €18 billion in shipping loans. Over the years, as the shipping crisis worsened, it has whittled down its shipping loan portfolio to €5 billion. - Solar responsible for one in 50 new jobs in U.S last year
As the cost of solar panels declined, consumer demand increased causing solar jobs in America to grow at a “historic” pace in 2016, according to The Solar Foundation’s National Solar Jobs Census 2016. The report – now in its seventh edition – discovered that the solar industry provided two percent of all jobs created in the U.S over the past year; solar jobs increased in 44 of the 50 states. As of November 2016, 260,077 solar workers were employed by the industry, “representing a growth rate of 24.5 percent since November 2015.” Within the last year the solar industry provided more than one in every 50 new jobs created in the U.S. - UN to increase cooperation with China
When Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos next week, he will also be visiting Geneva where he is expected to meet with UN officials. He is expected to visit the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG), the World Health Organization and the International Olympics Committee. UNOG Director-General Michael Moller said that he is looking forward to increasing cooperation with China on global challenges. - Trump Promises “Fast Trains,” Japan’s Railway Stocks Soar
President Donald Trump met with airline CEOs at the White House on Thursday. At the core of the discussion was the overhaul of the Federal Aviation Administration, including changes to the “totally out of whack” national air-traffic control system. He had other goodies for the airline CEOs. Afterwards, Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly told reporters that the meeting had been “delightful.” It seems they’d gotten pretty much what they’d wanted. “We are very well-aligned on some very key topics: income tax reform, regulatory reform, and especially growing our industry,” he said. - China, Turkey complete underground gas storage project
China and Turkey on Sunday finalized an underground gas storage project located in Turkey’s Salt Lake area. The one billion cubic meter facility is Turkey’s first such storage capacity and is designed to alleviate the country’s gas shortages. The project is seen as part of China’s enhanced cooperation with Turkey, which Beijing views as a crucial partner in the Silk Road Economic Belt trade and economic partnership initiative. - Putin invites German president-elect to Moscow
Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited German President-elect Fank-Walter Steinmeier to visit Moscow soon. In a congratulatory cable a few hours after Steinmeier was elected, Putin said he hoped for strengthening of ties with Europe’s strongest economy. We hope to “facilitate the development of the Russian-German relationship, productive cooperation in different spheres benefiting the interests of both countries within the framework of the strengthening of the stability and security in Europe and across the world,” Putin said, according to a Kremlin statement. - U.S. Special Forces Deployed To 70% Of The World In 2016
U.S. Special Operations Command launched a raid in Yemen’s Baida Province on Jan 29, targeting Qassim al-Rimi, the leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The first high-profile special forces operation of Trump’s presidency, the raid resulted in the deaths of at least 14 Al Qaeda fighters, 20 civilians and Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens. Three other Americans were reportedly wounded and an Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft was destroyed by U.S. forces after it was heavily damaged in a forced landing. Over the past few days, it has emerged that al-Rimi survived the raid and he has subsequently released an audio message taunting President Trump. - Washington Post Admits Shutting Down ‘Fake News' Will Move Us Closer To A Modern-Day ‘1984'
Remember George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth? In his dystopian novel “1984,” its purpose was to dictate and protect the government’s version of reality. During the Cold War, Orwell’s book was banned behind the Iron Curtain, because readers perceived the novel as an allegory for their own repressive regimes. It was a serious crime to distribute information defaming the Soviet social and political system. Such criminal laws were widely used by the Kremlin to silence dissidents, human rights activists, religious movements and groups fighting for independence in the Soviet republics. Similar laws were on the books in East Germany, Poland and other Eastern bloc countries. - Mainstream Media Spread “Fake News” 76 Times Trump’s First 3 Weeks
Looking back on 2016, it would be tough to argue that there was any single cultural phenomena that was bigger, or had more of an impact on American society than what has been referred to by many as “Trumpmania,” or “Trumphoria.” If Donald Trump was the biggest story of 2016, then unfortunately most people would probably agree that the second biggest story to come out of 2016 was what we now refer to as the “fake news” phenomena. - The Globalization of Environmental Degradation
Figuratively speaking, a ginormous asteroid is hurtling to a cataclysmic rendezvous with earth, but we are not supposed to notice. The asteroid is the rising threat from environmental degradation. Evidence is accumulating that environmental degradation is becoming global. We can either act responsibly by accepting the challenge or take refuge in denial and risk the consequences. There is nothing new about climate change. It has been ongoing for as long as earth has had an atmosphere. Through change nature produced an atmosphere supportive of life. We know for a fact that human activities can have adverse impacts on the air, water, and land resources. If these impacts become global, as independent scientists believe, life on earth might be at risk. - China “Seriously Concerned And Opposed” After Trump Backs Japan Over Disputed East China Sea Islands
On Friday, when President Trump confirmed that the US alliance with Japan covers the contested “Senkaku” islands located in the East China Sea, and which prompted a diplomatic scandal between China and Japan in 2013, we predicted that China would not be happy. Additionally, in a joint Japanese-U.S. statement after the weekend meeting in the United States said the two leaders affirmed that Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan security treaty covered the islands, known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China. - Foreign Governments Dump US Treasuries as Never Before, But Who the Heck is Buying Them?
It started with a whimper a couple of years ago and has turned into a roar: foreign governments are dumping US Treasuries. The signs are coming from all sides. The data from the US Treasury Department points at it. The People’s Bank of China points at it in its data releases on its foreign exchange reserves. Japan too has started selling Treasuries, as have other governments and central banks. Some, like China and Saudi Arabia, are unloading their foreign exchange reserves to counteract capital flight, prop up their own currencies, or defend a currency peg. - TISA Ready to Take the Place of TPP
We got rid of TPP and now they’re bringing it back with TISA. In some ways it’s even worse that TPP. TPP was killed because Congress wasn’t going to go along with it and US President Donald Trump withdrew the county from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as soon as he got into office. But now we’re finding out that it lives on through the Trade In Services Agreement (TISA). TISA has actually been around for a long time, some 21 rounds of negotiations since April 2013. And while many things can be said about TISA, it was obviously designed as a back up to TPP. In fact one can speculate that TPP was actually expected to fail and TISA was developed to take its place. - French Election Could See Euro Break Up – New Global Crisis
David McWilliams, economist, writer and journalist, has warned that the coming French election may lead to the euro breaking up and that Ireland should have a ‘plan B’ and ‘print punts’ in order to be ready for the collapse of the “single currency.” McWilliams, who is among the best economics commentators from the only Anglophone nation in the euro – Ireland, has previously warned that the mismanagement of the euro currency has had disastruous consequences on the people in periphery EU nations. He correctly asserts that the mismanagement has been both “both laughable and terrifying”. - How can we trust global warming scientists if they keep twisting the truth
They were duped – and so were we. That was the conclusion of last week’s damning revelation that world leaders signed the Paris Agreement on climate change under the sway of unverified and questionable data. A landmark scientific paper –the one that caused a sensation by claiming there has been NO slowdown in global warming since 2000 – was critically flawed. And thanks to the bravery of a whistleblower, we now know that for a fact. - Empire Strikes Back on Trump-Catherine Austin Fitts
Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says the oligarch, or establishment class, is on the attack. She calls this latest chapter in the Trump Administration “The Empire Strikes Back.” Fitts explains, “Number one, Trump came into Washington with an agenda that would really make America great again: tax reform, regulatory relief, infrastructure and Obama Care. Immediately, he got bogged down in those for a variety of reasons. If you look at Congress’s constituents, they can’t make money solving those things, particularly if it helps regular people. So, immediately you bog down on those issues. He’s trying to get his cabinet in place. In the meantime, you have the Empire worried about a variety of things. - Loving Our Servitude in America’s Plantation Economy
One of the themes I’ve been addressing since 2008 is the neocolonial-plantation structure of the U.S. economy. The old models of colonial exploitation that optimized plantations worked by cheap imported labor (or situated in peripheral nations with plenty of cheap labor) have, beneath the surface, been adapted to advanced capitalist democracies. - The Reason The Elite Hate Trump So Much Is Because He Is Opposed To The One World Agenda Of The Globalists
Have you ever wondered why the elite hate Donald Trump so much? There have certainly been many politicians throughout the years that have been disliked, but with Trump there is a hatred that is so intense that it almost seems tangible at times. During the campaign, they went to extraordinary lengths to destroy him, but it didn’t work. And now that he is president, the attacks against him have been absolutely relentless. So why is there so much animosity toward Trump? Is it just because he is not a member of their club? - Gold Is Rallying Because Western Central Bank Vaults Are Running Out Of Physical Gold
With continued uncertainty around the globe, today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, told King World News that gold is rallying because Western central bank vaults are running out of physical gold. The reason is that the gold wasn’t available because it had been leased or maybe even sold. This is confirmed by comments that the bars received in return were not the same as the original ones. But the big question now is, if the remaining 1,668 tonnes that are supposed to be stored in the US and France actually exist? If they do, why not bring them back to Germany? Originally the reason for holding gold outside of Germany was the Cold War. - Goodbye Petrodollar: Russia and China Dump US Treasuries, Buy Gold
It's no secret that Russia and China both share a growing appetite for gold. But how excited are they about U.S. Treasuries, the most boring but “safe” investment which basically translates into “we believe that everything will basically stay the same”? From the looks of it, Moscow and Beijing no longer think T-bonds are a safe bet or in their national interests. Yes, for those who missed it: “Gold is appealing to these countries because it shields them from the U.S. government's ability to control the value of their holdings. Gold is a country-less currency. A continuing trend of reserve buildup and Treasury sales might weaken the dollar and pressure gold prices higher.” - What Form Will The Great Confiscation Take — And How Can We Prepare?
For what seems like decades, people have been warning that the next time some over-leveraged corner of the financial system implodes, bank and brokerage accounts will be either confiscated by desperate governments or lost during the resulting chaos. The fact that this mass confiscation hasn’t yet happened doesn’t mean it won’t, says Jim Rickards, whose previous bestsellers Currency Wars and The Death of Money were already pretty apocalyptic. He believes that a coordinated closure/restructuring/confiscation of the banking/brokerage industry is imminent. - Barclays: “Significant Change Is Coming To The Fed Over The Next 18 Months”
Following yesterday's surprise resignation announcement by Obama friend, and Fed “regulatory point man” Daniel Tarullo, which in turn followed last week's resignation announcement by the Fed's general counsel Scott Alvarez, and which means that there will be three open governor seats at the Fed (resulting in more Fed presidents, 5, than governors, 4, until the vacant slots are filled), Trump can now populate the Fed board with governors whose views echo his own – especially if strong pro-Clinton supporter and donor, Lael Brainard, is the next to go – even if it is still unclear just what that view is. - Fed ‘Insider' Exposes The Evils Of US Monetary Policy Recklessness
Danielle DiMartino Booth, former analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, has just released the book Fed Up: An Insider's Take On Why The Federal Reserve Is Bad For America. In it, Danielle describes how the Federal Reserve is controlled by 1,000 PhD economists and run by an unelected West Coast radical with no direct business experience. The Fed continues to enable Congress to grow our nation’s ballooning debt and avoid making hard choices, despite the high psychological and monetary costs. And our addiction to the “heroin” of low interest rates is pushing our economy towards yet another collapse. - “It Was A Deer In Headlights Moment”: Japan Dumps Most US Treasuries Since May 2013
With the December monthly TIC data due out this week, bond traders will be closely watching if the selling of US Treasuries by foreign accounts, and especially central banks, which as we have repeatedly shown for the past several months has hit record levels will persist, with a focus on whether China's near record selling of US paper will persist. As UBS notes, Japanese investor appetite for developed market overseas bonds, and especially US, was a big story during the first seven months of 2016. However, since then interest has waned. Weekly flow data underscores how Japanese investors sold ~¥4 trillion of overseas bonds from the time of the US presidential election to the end of Jan-17. Last week the Japanese government released more granular data for the month of December which highlights a number of notable developments. - Revealed: Trump Administration Aborted Operation That Would Have Provoked War With Iran
Buried in the middle of the New York Times' story on the inner workings of Trump's National Security Council is a revelation almost too terrifying to believe: Last week, the U.S. Navy came close to intercepting and boarding an Iranian ship — allegedly in an attempt to stop the flow of weapons to the Houthis in Yemen. Ah yes, that annoying little detail, “international law”. And are we supposed to be reassured that Mattis has set the operation aside “at least for now”? It's clear that the risks involved could never justify any potential “positive” outcome for Washington, like a few less guns for the Houthis. - Why Donald Trump Needs The Next Recession To Start As Quickly As Possible
A new recession is coming, and Donald Trump needs it to begin sooner rather than later. As I explained last week, most American voters tend to care about their pocketbooks more than anything else. If the next recession were to officially start during the first quarter of 2017, it would be very easy for Trump to blame it on Obama, and then he could portray himself as the one that pulled the U.S. economy out of recession in time for the 2020 election. But if the next recession does not begin until 2018 or 2019, everybody is going to blame it on Trump even if it is not his fault. In politics, who gets the blame for whatever goes wrong is often the most important thing, and if Trump wants to avoid blame for the next recession he needs for it to start as quickly as possible. - Trump and the Draining of the Swamp
The Dow is back above the 20,000-point mark. Federal debt, as officially tallied, is up to nearly $20 trillion. The two go together, egging each other on. The Dow is up 20 times since 1980. So is the U.S. national debt. Debt feeds the stock market and the swamp. What’s not up so much is real output, as measured by GDP. It’s up only 6.4 times over the same period. Debt and asset prices have been rising three times as fast as GDP for 36 years! Best bet: Sell stocks and bonds (debt). Buy GDP. How? To be addressed in due course. - Trends in Migration to the U.S.
Under the motto e pluribus unum (from many, one), U.S. presidents frequently remind Americans that they share the immigrant experience of beginning anew in the land of opportunity. Immigration is widely considered to be in the national interest, since it permits individuals to better themselves as it strengthens the United States. For its first 100 years, the United States facilitated immigration, welcoming foreigners to settle a vast country. Beginning in the 1880s, an era of qualitative immigration restrictions began as certain types of immigrants were barred: prostitutes, workers with contracts that tied them to a particular employer for several years, and Chinese. In the 1920s, quantitative restrictions or quotas set a ceiling on the number of immigrants accepted each year. - 2017 Prophetic Outlook from Sid Roth with Perry Stone, Cindy Jacobs and Rich Vera
Perry Stone delivers a “right now” word for this year including current and coming events. You will also learn—What is a spiritual Manifesto? What is the Balaam Strategy? Has our Nation been given a Reprieve? What is the assignment of the United States? Cindy Jacobs delivers the Word of the Lord for 2017 as given to the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. You’ll also hear the complete “Prophetic Word of the Lord” as given to Cindy and the Elders, and read by Gezell Fleming from the hit movie “The War Room.” Rich Vera received a specific word that this year, 2017, The Lord is releasing “The Law of Attraction” over His people. Specifically—this is the year of Long Awaited Breakthroughs and Unexpected Victories in the areas of family, salvation, relationships, healing and finances. - US Scrambled to Fill Empty Vaults After Germany Requested Return of 300 Tons of Gold
At Berlin's insistence, Washington has finally returned 300 metric tons of gold to Germany. According to reports, the transfer was uneventful and even ahead of schedule: “The transfers were carried out without any disruptions or irregularities,” Bundesbank board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele said in yesterday’s news release. “The gold storage plan for New York, which envisaged the transfer of 300 tons of gold from New York to Frankfurt, was fully realized in 2016.” - Co-op Bank lists itself for sale
The Co-operative Bank, which is 20% owned by the wider Co-op Group, has put itself up for sale in order to meet its capital requirements. The struggling lender has been in the process of implementing a turnaround plan after coming to the brink of collapse in 2013. The bank's balance sheet ballooned following a disastrous merger with the Britannia Building Society, and then ran into trouble when it tried to buy more than 600 branches from Lloyds Banking Group. - RBS Said to Plan More Than $1 Billion of Cost Cuts as Jobs Pared
Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc is preparing to cut more than 1 billion pounds ($1.25 billion) of annual operating costs by eliminating jobs and closing branches as it seeks to bolster profitability, said a person with knowledge of the plans. While the Edinburgh-based lender probably won’t reveal a headline figure for role reductions, senior executives believe RBS has more staff than it requires and will cut more jobs, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the details are private. - IMF's Lagarde says worried about European elections
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said on Sunday that she was worried about the result of looming elections in Europe, though she insisted the euro zone was making progress in resolving its economic problems. “I am worried, as we all are, about some of these elections,” Lagarde told an international conference of economic policy makers and academics in Dubai, when asked about this year's votes in France, the Netherlands and Germany. - Cash No Longer King: Europe Accelerates Move To Begin Elimination Of Paper Money
In the shadow of Donald Trump’s spree of controversial actions, the European commission has quietly launched the next offensive in the war on cash. These unelected bureaucrats have boldly asserted their intention to crack down on paper transactions across the E.U. and solidify a trend that has been gaining momentum for years. The financial uncertainty amplified by Brexit has incentivized governments throughout Europe to seize further control over their banking systems. - Germany orders Greece to LEAVE euro if it wants debts cut
HARDLINE German minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has warned the only way Greece's loans can be written off is through the country leaving the eurozone, as the debt crisis once again blows up. Angela Merkel's finance chief ruled out cutting the amount of money owed by the struggling Mediterranean state in an interview on German television. He insisted creditors must keep the pressure on Greece to meet the strict terms of its bailout programme or kick it out of the single currency. Markets reacted with alarm after the minister raised the prospect of a Grexit. - Civil Asset Forfeiture Is Theft
This week we learned that President Trump supports the seizure of property from individuals who are merely suspected of a crime. In other words, President Trump is endorsing theft. - Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable
In 2009, the historian David Kaiser, then a professor at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, got a call from a guy named Steve Bannon. Bannon wanted to interview Kaiser for a documentary he was making based on the work of the generational theorists William Strauss and Neil Howe. Kaiser, an expert on Strauss and Howe, didn’t know Bannon from Adam, but he agreed to participate. He went to the Washington headquarters of the conservative activist group Citizens United, where Bannon was then based, for a chat. - Harvard Economist: 42 Percent of Immigrant Households on Public Assistance
A Harvard economist has found that nearly 42 percent of immigrant households in the United States are on public assistance of some kind. “In 2016, there were 8.9 million households headed by a non-citizen … almost 42 percent of those households received some type of assistance,” George Borjas, Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, wrote on his website on Feb. 1. To come to his conclusions Borjas used census data from 1994 to 2016 to calculate how many of the migrant-headed households receive either money, food stamps, or Medicaid. - 77% of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries
The State Department has more than doubled the rate of refugees from Iraq, Syria and other suspect countries in the week since a federal judge’s reprieve, in what analysts said appears to be a push to admit as many people as possible before another court puts the program back on ice. A staggering 77 percent of the 1,100 refugees let in since Judge James L. Robart’s Feb. 3 order have been from the seven suspect countries. Nearly a third are from Syria alone — a country that President Trump has ordered be banned altogether from the refugee program. Another 21 percent are from Iraq. By contrast, in the two weeks before Judge Robart’s order, just 9 percent of refugees were from Syria and 6 percent were from Iraq. - Italy to QUIT EUROZONE in final nail of coffin for EU, warns top economist
ITALY could be set to pull out of the Eurozone in what would be the final nail in the European Union's (EU) coffin, Greece’s former finance minister has warned. Yanis Varoufakis said there was an “epidemic” among countries using the single currency, with Italy the next to fall foul of Brussels’ economic malaise. He also said Brexit would “speed up” the break-down of the bloc – before making a dig at Jeremy Corbyn. In a fiery interview, to be shown by Al Jazeera TV tomorrow, the economist let loose at the European Union, seven years after the union bailed Greece out in controversial circumstances. - TV host Stephen Colbert took orders from Clinton Foundation
We already know that the MSM, including the major TV news networks, are blatantly biased in favor of Democrats and against conservatives. But it’s not just TV news. Studies show that Americans, especially millennials, increasingly get their news from late night TV talk shows. What if I were to tell you that a major comedian-actor who made his reputation on Comedy Central’s popular news-parody series The Daily Show and now hosts the CBS Late Show, actually took direct orders from the Clinton Foundation? - The Data That Turned the World Upside Down
Psychologist Michal Kosinski developed a method to analyze people in minute detail based on their Facebook activity. Did a similar tool help propel Donald Trump to victory? Two reporters from Zurich-based Das Magazin went data-gathering. - Who sits above Trump? 10 Presidents and Politicians who tols us that a “Secret Government” controls the World
This year’s U.S. election completely shocked the world. It seemed clear that Hillary Clinton was backed by the big banks and other elite groups to run the American empire, and Wikileaks further helped to illustrate how corporate and financial interests control the presidency. This is exactly why Trump’s election came as such a surprise, and why mainstream media continues to demonize him. Of course, his many and obvious flaws make it easy for them to do so, but in an age where mainstream media completely controls the thoughts and perceptions of the masses, it is important to remember that the elite oppose Trump. Trump has been demonized for his recent travel ban, yet Clinton and Obama helped devastate the Middle East and cause the death of millions and remain media darlings. - NGO Fleet Bussing Migrants Into The EU Has Ties To George Soros, Hillary Clinton Donors
In November 2016, a number of NGO’s were revealed by independent European news source GEFIRA to be smuggling migrants from the northern coast of Africa across the Mediterranean into the EU using a ramshackle fleet of ships. Research by Disobedient Media shows that a number of the organizations sponsoring ships in the armada are funded in part by Hillary Clinton donors and organizations run by billionaire George Soros. The actions taken by sponsors of ships in the fleet may be illegal under EU law and possibly run the risk of aiding ISIS operatives hiding among the migrant population. - Recession 2017? These Things Never Happen Unless The Economy Is In Decline
Is the U.S. economy about to get slammed by a major recession? According to Gallup, U.S. economic confidence has soared to the highest level ever recorded, but meanwhile a whole host of key economic indicators are absolutely screaming that a new recession is beginning. And if the U.S. economy does officially enter recession territory in 2017, it certainly won’t be a shock, because the truth is that we are well overdue for one. Donald Trump has inherited quite an economic mess from Barack Obama, and it was probably inevitable that we were headed for a significant economic downturn no matter who won the election. - Billionaire Eric Sprott Says Central Banks Panicking As ‘The Whole World Is Buying Gold Here,’ Including Druckenmiller
Today billionaire Eric Sprott told King World News that central banks are panicking as the whole world is buying gold here, including Druckenmiller. Eric King: “King World News was the first news organization in the world to report that multi-billionaire Stanley Druckenmiller had bought back his gold position and today (two days later) Bloomberg news confirmed it. What are your thoughts on Druckenmiller buying back his gold position?” - Associate of Paul Craig Roberts Says Today 30% Of Available Physical Gold On Comex Was Dumped In 60 Seconds!
With the price of gold moving steadily higher after a major breakout above the key $1,220 level, today an associate of former Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, says today the equivalent of 30% of the available physical gold for delivery on the Comex was dumped in 60 seconds. - Germany repatriating gold faster than planned as confidence in euro plunges
Berlin is bringing home its gold reserves stored in New York, London and Paris faster than scheduled, Germany’s central bank said Thursday. The move is linked to surging euroskepticism, as new governments in France and Italy may ditch the single currency. The German Bundesbank has already moved 583 tons of gold out of New York and Paris, planning to have a half of its gold back in Germany by the end of 2017, which is ahead of the 2020 plan. The rest will be split between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Bank of England. - Trump changes tack, backs ‘one China' policy in call with Xi
U.S. President Donald Trump changed tack and agreed to honour the “one China” policy during a phone call with China's leader Xi Jinping, a major diplomatic boost for Beijing which brooks no criticism of its claim to self-ruled Taiwan. Trump angered Beijing in December by talking to the president of Taiwan and saying the United States did not have to stick to the policy, under which Washington acknowledges the Chinese position that there is only one China and Taiwan is part of it. A White House statement said Trump and Chinese President Xi had a lengthy phone conversation on Thursday night, Washington time. - ‘Step up and speak out': Hillary Clinton makes a rallying cry for women to rise up against the Trump administration as she speaks on video for the first time since the inauguration to say ‘the future is female'
Hillary Clinton said female leaders need to ‘step up and speak out' in a video statement urging women across the United States to ‘be bold'. In footage from the 2017 MAKERS conference, Clinton talked about breaking glass ceilings and the Women's Marches that took place last month. ‘Despite all the challenges we face, I remain convinced that, yes, the future is female,' she said. This was Clinton's first on-camera statement since President Donald Trump was inaugurated last month. - World’s largest hedge fund manager predicts bleak future for markets
There are lots of famous investors and hedge fund managers who are legendary stock-pickers. Warren Buffet is a great example. Others are hard-core quantitative analysts who build complex trading algorithms. Ray Dalio, the billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates, is neither. He’s a macro investor whose fortune was built on an uncanny ability to spot big macro trends. He predicted in 2007, for example, that the US housing bubble would burst, and warned the Bush administration that major banks were on the verge of collapse. The government ignored him. - Out of work: Chelsea Clinton's husband Marc Mezvinsky shut down his hedge fund in December just weeks after Hillary lost election
Marc Mezvinsky quietly shut down his hedge fund Eaglevale Partners back in December. Bloomberg reports that Mr. Chelsea Clinton and his partners are now working to return money to investors, including Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd C. Blankfein. The decision to shutter the fund came just a few weeks after Mezvinsky's mother-in-law Hillary lost the election to president Donald Trump. Mezvinsky has kept a low profile ever since Hillary's loss in the election, but was photographed by DailyMail.com heading out for a weekday jog in the middle of the afternoon last week. He and his wife are now both without a full-time job. - Gold Buying Russia To Intensify Reserve Diversification On Trump ‘Unpredictability’?
Russia’s massive and increasing gold bullion reserves are kept in tightly-guarded locations across Russia due to the fear of sanctions and the ‘unpredictability’ of Donald Trump according to The Sun and Russia Beyond The Headlines. Russia has been diversifying into gold since before the global financial crisis and views it as a safe haven asset and a hedge against a devaluation of the dollar and indeed the beleaguered euro. This is something we wrote about as long ago as 2007. Thus, Russia was buying gold long before Trump’s election. Given relations between Trump and Putin are quite good, the question now is whether Russia continues to diversify its reserves into gold. - Fed Junkies Continue Injecting Cocaine & Heroin in System-Peter Schiff
Money manager Peter Schiff says the economy is not near as good as you have been told. A year ago, former Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher said the Fed “injected cocaine and heroin into the system” to basically prop it up. Is that kind of easy money policy going to continue? Schiff says, “Why would you expect a junkie to do anything else, especially when they haven’t acknowledged the problem that they have. They still think this is all medicine. They don’t realize how toxic it is. Yes, I expect them to continue that. The fact that the Dow is at 20,000, that doesn’t reflect a healthy economy. That reflects a bubble. - Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels
Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. - Here Come The Robots – And They Are Going To Take Almost All Of Our Jobs
What is going to happen to society when robots are able to do just about everything better, faster and cheaper than human workers can? We live at a time when technology is increasing at an exponential pace. Incredible advancements in robotics, computer science and artificial intelligence are certainly making our lives more comfortable, but they are also bringing fundamental changes to the workplace. For employers, there are a lot of advantages to replacing human workers with robots. Robots don’t surf around on Facebook when they are supposed to be working. Robots don’t need Obamacare, lunch breaks or vacation days. Robots never steal from the company and they never complain. - Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – February 9, 2017
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter.
Precious Metals Are The Only Lifeboat! I have persistently WARNED you what was happening in the gold market and why you needed to convert your paper assets to physical gold and silver. You need to hedge against the financial instability with physical gold and silver. Call the experts to help you convert your IRA or 401k into Gold, Silver and Other Precious Metals. Contact Birch Gold NOW before it's too late!
2017 Prophetic Outlook from Sid Roth with Perry Stone, Cindy Jacobs and Rich Vera
Perry Stone, Rich Vera & Cindy Jacobs will share what’s next on God’s prophetic calendar concerning America, Israel and the world.
Perry Stone delivers a “right now” word for this year including current and coming events. You will also learn—What is a spiritual Manifesto? What is the Balaam Strategy? Has our Nation been given a Reprieve? What is the assignment of the United States?
Cindy Jacobs delivers the Word of the Lord for 2017 as given to the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. You’ll also hear the complete “Prophetic Word of the Lord” as given to Cindy and the Elders, and read by Gezell Fleming from the hit movie “The War Room.”
Rich Vera received a specific word that this year, 2017, The Lord is releasing “The Law of Attraction” over His people. Specifically—this is the year of Long Awaited Breakthroughs and Unexpected Victories in the areas of family, salvation, relationships, healing and finances.
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – February 9, 2017
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter. If you are not a subscriber please subscribe for free by entering your name and email address in the box below.
Pastor David Bowen is pastor of Standing Stones Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. For more information about Pastor Dave please visit http://standingstonescc.org/
Pastor Dave is also creator of the website Interpreting The Times, understanding world events through scripture. You can find out more by visiting http://www.interpretingthetimes.com/
Please leave your thoughts and comments below regarding this new addition to Pastor Williams' newsletter each week.
Latest News Articles – February 9, 2017
From James Harkin (Webmaster & Editor of LindseyWilliams.net). Here is a summary of articles of interest from around the world for this week. Please LIKE the Lindsey Williams Online Facebook Page to see stories posted daily regarding the current state of the economy around the world.
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Latest News From February 3, 2017 to February 9, 2017:
- Debt Apocalypse Beckons As U.S. Consumer Bankruptcies Do Something They Haven’t Done In Almost 7 Years
When debt grows much faster than GDP for an extended period of time, it is inevitable that a good portion of that debt will start to go bad at some point. We witnessed a perfect example of this in 2008, and now it is starting to happen again. Commercial bankruptcies have been rising on a year-over-year basis since late 2015, and this is something that I have written about previously, but now consumer bankruptcies are also increasing. In fact, we have just witnessed U.S. consumer bankruptcies do something that they haven’t done in nearly 7 years. - Last year, Obama gave $27B to lawless ‘sanctuary’ cities
On January 25, 2017, his third full day on the job in the White House, President Trump fulfilled more of the promises he’d made — those concerning illegal “immigration” — by signing two executive orders: Executive Order: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements, which authorizes the construction of a wall along the porous U.S.-Mexico border. Executive Order: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of United States, which authorizes the denial of federal funds to “sanctuary” states and cities that willfully violate Federal immigration law in an attempt to shield aliens, including criminals, from removal from the United States and, in so doing, “have caused immeasurable harm to the American people and to the very fabric of our Republic.” As White House spokesman Sean Spicer put it, “The American people are no longer going to have to be forced to subsidize this disregard for our laws.” - How George Soros Singlehandedly Created The European Refugee Crisis – And Why
George Soros is trading again. The 85-year-old political activist and philanthropist hit the headlines post-Brexit saying the event had “unleashed” a financial-market crisis. Well, the crisis hasn’t hit Soros just yet. He was once again on the right side of the trade, taking a short position in troubled Deutsche Bank and betting against the S&P via a 2.1-million-share put option on the SPDR S&P 500 ETF. More interestingly, Soros recently took out a $264 million position in Barrick Gold, whose share price has jumped over 14% since Brexit. Along with this trade, Soros has sold his positions in many of his traditional holdings. Soros had recently announced he was coming out of retirement, again. First retiring in 2000, the only other time Soros has publicly re-entered the markets was in 2007, when he placed a number of bearish bets on US housing and ultimately made a profit of over $1 billion from the trades. - Prominent Republicans Pitch Carbon-Tax Plan to Top Trump Aides
A group of prominent Republicans and business leaders pitched a tax on carbon dioxide to top White House aides Wednesday, selling the plan as an economic win that could drive job growth and yield environmental dividends too. Former Secretary of State James Baker and other members of the new “Climate Leadership Council” pressed the case in a 45-minute meeting in the Roosevelt Room that included President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser Gary Cohn, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and senior aide Kellyanne Conway. “The signs were very encouraging,” Ted Halstead, who founded the council, said after the meeting. “Two weeks into this new administration, we have positioned our solution as the most promising climate solution — if they want to go there.” - Millennials are struggling at work because their parents ‘gave them medals for coming last'
Bosses the world over are struggling with their millennial employees – they say we confound leadership, are self-entitled, narcissistic, lazy and tough to manage. But according to motivational speaker and author Simon Sinek, this is the result of our parents’ “failed parenting strategies.” After the astounding success of his video on millennials in the workplace, which has had over 56 million views on Facebook alone, Sinek spoke to The Independent about how our parenting, combined with social media, working environments and our impatience have created a generation plagued by low self-esteem, and what we can do about it. - Which Assets Are Most Likely To Survive The “System Reset”?
Your skills, knowledge and and social capital will emerge unscathed on the other side of the re-set wormhole. Your financial assets held in centrally controlled institutions will not. Longtime correspondent C.A. recently asked a question every American household should be asking: which assets are most likely to survive the “system re-set” that is now inevitable? It's a question of great import because not all assets are equal in terms of survivability in crisis, when the rules change without advance notice. If you doubt the inevitability of a system implosion/re-set, please read Is America In A Bubble (And Can It Ever Return To “Normal”)? This brief essay presents charts that reveal a sobering economic reality: America is now dependent on multiple asset bubbles never popping–something history suggests is not possible. - Dirty Vaccines: Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated With Metals and Debris in New Study
Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single sample tested – except in one animal vaccine. Using extremely sensitive new technologies not used in vaccine manufacturing, Italian scientists reported they were “baffled” by their discoveries which included single particles and aggregates of organic debris including red cells of human or possibly animal origin and metals including lead, tungsten, gold, and chromium, that have been linked to autoimmune disease and leukemia. - FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic
After years of sweeping the issue under the rug and hoping no one would notice, the FDA has now finally admitted that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic, a cancer-causing toxic chemical that’s fatal in high doses. But the real story is where this arsenic comes from: It’s added to the chicken feed on purpose! Even worse, the FDA says its own research shows that the arsenic added to the chicken feed ends up in the chicken meat where it is consumed by humans. So for the last sixty years, American consumers who eat conventional chicken have been swallowing arsenic, a known cancer-causing chemical. - Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016
Employees of a hedge fund founded by the king of the Institutional Left, billionaire and Democratic Party mega-donor George Soros, donated tens of thousands of dollars to top Republicans who fought against President Donald Trump in 2016, donation records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics show. Soros Fund Management, a former hedge fund that serves now as an investment management firm, was founded by progressive billionaire George Soros in 1969. It has risen to become one of the most profitable hedge funds in the industry. Employees of the firm are heavily involved in backing political candidates giving millions upon millions to groups that were supporting failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton for the presidency. - White House Releases List Of Terror Attacks It Considers Underreported By The Media
The White House released a list Monday night of the terror attacks it believes were underreported by the media. CNN’s Jim Acosta said his producer was given the list of the 78 attacks outside of the White House. Though he did not read the list in full on air, Acosta said it included attacks like Paris, Brussels, Nice, Istanbul and San Bernardino. Dan Merica said a White House official told him that “most of these attacks did not receive adequate attention from Western media sources.” - President Trump is now speculating that the media is covering up terrorist attacks
Speaking to the U.S. Central Command on Monday, President Trump went off his prepared remarks to make a truly stunning claim: The media was intentionally covering up reports of terrorist attacks. “You’ve seen what happened in Paris, and Nice. All over Europe, it’s happening,” he said to the assembled military leaders. “It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported. And in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that.” The comment immediately harked back to comments from senior adviser Kellyanne Conway on MSNBC last week. - The Leftwing Has Placed Itself In The Trash Can Of History
At a time when the Western world desperately needs alternative voices to the neoliberals, the neoconservatives, the presstitutes and the Trump de-regulationists, there are none. The Western leftwing has gone insane. The voices being raised against Trump, who does need voices raised against him, are so hypocritical as to reflect less on Trump than on those with raised voices. Sharon Kelly McBride, speaking for Human Rights First, sent me an email saying that Trump stands on the wrong side of “America’s ideals” by his prohibition of Muslim immigrants into the US. - Trump Is Right: Silicon Valley Is Using H-1B Visas To Pay Low Wages To Immigrants
On the heels on its controversial immigration ban targeting seven Muslim-majority countries, the Trump administration has drafted a new executive order that could actually mean higher wages for both foreign workers and Americans working in Silicon Valley. The Silicon Valley companies, of course, will not be happy if it goes into effect. The order aims to overhaul and limit work visas, notably the H-1B visa program. Tech companies rely on these to bring in foreign talent. Their lobbyists claim there is a “talent shortage” among Americans and thus that the industry needs more of such work visas. This is patently false. The truth is that they want an expansion of the H-1B work visa program because they want to hire cheap, immobile labor — i.e., foreign workers. - O'Reilly said Putin is a killer. Trump's reply: ‘You think our country is so innocent?'
President Donald Trump has long been effusive in his praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike. In an interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, which will air ahead of the Super Bowl on Sunday, Trump doubled down on his “respect” for Putin – even in the face of accusations that Putin and his associates have murdered journalists and dissidents in Russia. “I do respect him. Well, I respect a lot of people, but that doesn't mean I'll get along with them,” Trump told O'Reilly. O'Reilly pressed on, declaring to the president that “Putin is a killer.” Unfazed, Trump didn't back away, but rather compared Putin's reputation for extrajudicial killings with the United States. “There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers,” Trump said. “Well, you think our country is so innocent?” - Bill O’Reilly, meet the real “KILLER”. Barack Obama’s massive kill list in charts
Former POTUS Barack Obama may have played the part of a dainty liberal, but don’t be fooled, deep down Barack was a killer. A killer of mass proportions. As the US liberal and neocon media freak out over Trump’s interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, where Trump (GASP) admitted that he “respects” Putin, and America “is not so innocent” when it comes to killing…we present to you the real stone cold killer. When it comes to racking up ‘kills’, no one was more deadly these last eight years than Barack Hussein Obama. No world leader even comes close to Obama’s kill stats. - A bill has already been introduced in Congress to remove the US from the United Nations
A bill introduced by Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers earlier this month calls on the US to “terminate” its membership in the United Nations and effectively sever all ties with the organization. The bill, titled the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017, was proposed on January 3. It is cosponsored by a handful of Republican lawmakers, including North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones, Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, Missouri Rep. Jason Smith, Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie, Tennessee Rep. John Duncan Jr., and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz. Biggs said in a statement on Monday that he cosponsored the bill because he believes that “our sovereignty as a country is harmed by our membership in this body.” - Trump to order regulatory rollback Friday for finance industry starting with Dodd-Frank
President Trump plans to order a rollback Friday of regulations governing the financial services industry and Wall Street under the Dodd-Frank law and beyond, a White House source confirmed. Gary Cohn, White House Economic Council director, told the Wall Street Journal in an interview published last night that the administration would also move against a regulation designed to force retirement advisers to work in the best interest of their clients. That “fiduciary rule” is set to take effect in April. Promulgated by the Department of Labor, it’s meant to eliminate conflicts-of-interest among professionals dealing with people enrolled in qualified retirement plans and IRAs. - Trump’s Enemies Within
How on earth is all this stuff getting in the newspapers? Bob Haldeman told Richard Nixon that he had uncovered the culprit: Mark Felt, a top official at the FBI. “Now why the hell would he do that?” asked Nixon, who was secretly recording the exchange. Cracking down on Felt directly was out of the question, the two men agreed. “If we move on him, then he’ll go out and unload everything,” Haldeman said, of the man later revealed as Deep Throat. “He knows everything that’s to be known in the FBI.” - President Trump Speaks: Here's Why They Hate Him
The political elites hate him on both sides of the Atlantic. Why? Because he's not on board with their precious New World Order. RTV takes a closer look at President Trump's inauguration speech and its ramifications. Trump is far from perfect, but so was Constantine…and look how God used him. Pray for President Donald J. Trump! - U.N. Official Admits Global Warming Agenda Is Really About Destroying Capitalism
A shocking statement was made by a United Nations official Christiana Figueres at a news conference in Brussels. Figueres admitted that the Global Warming conspiracy set by the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, of which she is the executive secretary, has a goal not of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity, but to destroy capitalism. She said very casually: “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.” - Scientists have a plan to replace fossil fuels with nuclear fusion by 2030
Nuclear fusion is premised on building technology that would replicate the reaction that naturally powers our Sun – two light atoms, in this case, hydrogen, are fused together under extreme temperatures to produce another element, helium. The process would release vast amounts of clean energy drawn from an almost limitless fuel source, with nearly zero carbon emissions. However, it has yet to be done on a scale that would make it usable. Canadian scientists are hoping to change that, announcing plans to harness and develop nuclear fusion technology so they can deliver a working nuclear fusion plant prototype by 2030. What they need, however, is for the government to invest in their vision. - FDA quietly bans powerful life-saving intravenous Vitamin C
It would be naive to think that the FDA endeavors to protect the public’s health as its primary focus. Indeed, that would be a conflict of interest, as it serves its master, the pharmaceutical industry. Has the Food and Drug Administration engineered a shortage of intravenous vitamin C as part of an overall attack on natural and non-toxic approaches to healing that compete with prescription drugs? An analysis by Natural Blaze would suggest that the answer is yes. - Halftime HELL: Satan speaks through Lady Gaga to declare dominion over the Earth (while Pope Francis blesses) (satire)
Before you get into this article, note that I’m marking it “satire.” Yet none of the themes unveiled here are actually funny. This is serious stuff… it’s just that 99.9% of humanity isn’t ready to cognitively grasp what I’m about to present here, so until people are more ready to face the reality of demonic evil in our world, I’m going to label all this a weekend joke. Funny, isn’t it? If it’s too much for you, don’t take it too seriously. The NFL is a joke anyway, right? The average Superbowl viewer is so totally clueless about reality that they have no idea what they’re even watching. Over the last several years, the NFL has slowly given way to the agenda of truly evil globalists, pushing quack science fraud (breast cancer “awareness” propaganda), anti-American hatred (Colin Kaepernick’s nauseating antics), cultural subversion agendas and vulgar halftime shows that frequently invoke Satanic imagery in ritualistic fashion (see the multitude of photos and videos below for proof). - Liberal lynch mob trolling Trump could bring down US democracy
The Left's non-stop temper tantrum since Trump's election win is revealing an ugly underbelly of the Democratic Party – think Rosie O'Donnell mud-wrestling with a pig – where a rogues’ gallery of provocateurs aims to delegitimize conservative rule. First, some necessary background: for 15 uninterrupted years of US military escapades abroad, eight of those years on Obama's watch, the Liberal Left could not be awakened from its somnambulist slumber, not even to hold a meaningful antiwar protest in the spirit of their Vietnam-era forebears. - Permaculture, Politics and Solutions Thinking
How we think colours everything we do, that is indisputable. Our biases definitely affect our objectivity and clarity as well as our judgement, factors critical to effective solutions thinking. Permaculture is a discipline which embodies systems thinking, the ability to think holistically, to clearly see what is before us in its entirety, and to understand the relationships between elements of a system. Equally important to Permaculture is solutions thinking, the ability to create optimal solutions to address specific problems. - New Warming On European Banks
The European Banking Authority (EBA) just called for urgent action to be taken in regards to European banks’ bad loans. Because Italy is not the only country having to grapple with this problem: EBA’s chairman, Andrea Enria, is worried that ten European countries have more than 10% in non-performing loans (NPLs), which shows the extreme fragility of their banking system. Those NPLs are loans for which the payments are late for 90 days or more. - The Other “Ban” That Was Quietly Announced Last Week
Most of the world is in an uproar right now over the travel ban that Donald Trump hastily imposed late last week on citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries. But there was another ban that was quietly proposed last week, and this one has far wider implications: a ban on cash. The European Union’s primary executive authority, known as the European Commission, issued a “Road Map” last week to initiate continent-wide legislation against cash. There are already a number of anti-cash legislative measures that have been passed in individual European member states. In France, for example, it’s illegal to make purchases of more than 1,000 euros in cash. - Pound, Dollar, Euro and Yen Will be Worthless Within Five Years
The new US Administration has taken over with the conviction that they will “make America great again”. I really wish they will succeed because a strong US would be good for the world. Sadly, the odds of achieving that admirable objective are totally stacked against them. At the end of the next 4 years, there is a risk that this Administration will be more hated than any government since Carter and possibly even more disliked than Hoover. - Is Italy’s Banking Problem Becoming Too Big to Solve?
Ever since the European Commission and ECB jointly decided that Italy’s government could bend EU banking rules out of all recognition in order to bail out the country’s third largest bank, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Europe’s financial stocks have been on a tear. But the good times were brought to a grinding halt Monday after Italy’s largest bank, Unicredit, which employs 55,000 people in 17 countries, announced losses for 2016 of €11.8 billion. By the bank’s logic, it would have announced profits if it hadn’t had to write off €12.2 billion, including billions of euros of non-performing loans (NPLs) festering on its balance sheets. - Markets Smell a Rat as Central Banks Dither
Markets are suspecting that central banks are in the process of exiting this fabulous multi-year party quietly, and that on the way out they won’t refill the booze and dope, leaving the besotted revelers to their own devices. That thought isn’t sitting very well with these revelers. In markets where central banks have pushed government bond prices into the stratosphere and yields, even 10-year yields, below zero, there has been a sea change. - California in the red by $127.2 billion, state auditors say
A financial report issued by state auditors finds that the state of California is in the red by an unsustainable $127.2 billion. The report says that the state’s negative status increased that year, largely because it spent $1.7 billion more than it received in revenues and wound up with an accumulated deficit of just under $23 billion in fiscal year 2011-2012, the Sacramento Bee stated. Gov. Jerry Brown has referred to the deficit and other budget gaps, mostly money owed to schools, as a “wall of debt” totaling more than $30 billion, the Sacramento Bee reported. About half of the deficit came from the state issuing general obligation bonds and then giving the money to local governments and school districts for public works projects. The report listed California’s long-term obligations at $167.9 billion, nearly half of which ($79.9 billion) were in general obligation bonds, with another $30.8 billion in revenue bonds, the Sacramento Bee reported. - It’s Time We Talked About Our Owners – How vast asset managers impact “our increasingly cartelized economy.”
The world’s biggest asset manager, BlackRock, was splashed across the front pages of the Spanish financial news yesterday. The firm had just raised raised its stake in Spain’s telecoms giant Telefónica to 336 million shares — the equivalent of 6.7% of Telefónica’s total capital, with a market value of just under €3 billion. In the short space of five months BlackRock has almost doubled its holdings and is now the largest owner of Telefónica stock, ahead of Spain’s second biggest bank, BBVA, which holds 6% of the shares. The asset manager has also expanded its participation in Telefónica’s international subsidiaries, raising its holdings in Telefónica Deutschland to 0.76% and Telefónica Brasil to almost 2%, making it the firm’s biggest institutional shareholder. - We Are Moving Forward: The Future of Oil and Gas
Oil will hold a dominant position in the world energy demand at least next 20 years. Despite the small decline, oil will secure as many as 29 percent of world energy demand by 2035 vs 32 percent in 2015. The slight decline by 3 percent will occur because of gas, nuclear and renewables (including biofuels) sectors rise in the world energy demand share. ‘Global oil production becomes geographically more concentrated as low cost producers gain share. The Middle East, US, and Russia account for 63% of oil production in 2035, up from 56% in 2015.’ BP reports in its Energy Outlook-2017. BP publishes its energy outlooks on a regular basis. The Energy Outlooks allow to track in details the global energy trends. One of those energy trends is that BP expects 106 million barrels of oil per day as demand and 107 million barrels of oil per day as supply by 2035. North America will hold its dominant in gas production. BP considers North America will produce 1.33 billion t.o.e. of gas per year by 2035 what makes 31 percent share of the global gas production. North America has been keeping its dominant in gas production since 1995, by the way. Before 1995 episodically North America had been ‘overtaken’ in gas production by USSR. USSR collapsed in 1991 while the previous year – 1990 was the last year when Soviets could produce more gas than the entire North America. In 1990 USSR produced 672 million t.o.e of gas versus 584 million t.o.e produced in North America. In 1995 North America got 651.7 million t.o.e of gas while Soviets faced only 569.1 million t.o.e. North America leads in the global gas production ever since. - Whistle-Blower: ‘Global Warming’ Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference
A high-level whistleblower at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has revealed that the organization published manipulated data in a major 2015 report on climate change in order to maximize impact on world leaders at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015. According to a report in The Mail on Sunday, NOAA scientist Dr. John Bates has produced “irrefutable evidence” that the NOAA study denying the “pause” in global warming in the period since 1998 was based on false and misleading data. The NOAA study was published in June 2015 by the journal Science under the title “Possible artifacts of data biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus.” - Shell To Sell Another $5B In Assets, Misses Profit Expectations
Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE:RDS.A) is making “significant progress” on selling another US$5 billion worth of assets, chief financial officer Simon Henry said on Thursday after the oil supermajor reported 2016 profits below analyst expectations. Shell’s current cost of supplies (CCS) – a key measure comparable with net income – came in at US$1.8 billion, excluding identified items, compared with US$1.6 billion for the fourth quarter 2015, the company said today. Full-year 2016 CCS earnings attributable to shareholders excluding identified items dropped to US$7.2 billion from US$11.4 billion in 2015. The fourth-quarter profit fell short of analyst estimates by around US$1 billion, according to Bloomberg. - Weatherford Slashes Another 3,000 Jobs
As part of its strategy to further cut costs and reduce debt, oilfield services company Weatherford International (NYSE:WFT) said on Thursday that it had launched another head count reduction plan totaling 3,000 employees. Weatherford’s Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President Christoph Bausch said at the company’s earnings call on Thursday for the fourth-quarter and full-2016 results: “At the time of this call, we have already reduced 2,000 employees out of the 3,000 mentioned before.” In its drive to cut more costs, Weatherford will also pull back its pumping operations in the U.S. and close additional uneconomical field locations, Bausch said, adding that all those actions are expected to generate additional annualized cost savings of about US$300 million. - Fukushima nuclear reactor radiation at highest level since 2011 meltdown
Extremely high radiation levels have been recorded inside a damaged reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, almost six years after the plant suffered a triple meltdown. The facility’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), said atmospheric readings as high as 530 sieverts an hour had been recorded inside the containment vessel of reactor No 2, one of three reactors that experienced a meltdown when the plant was crippled by a huge tsunami that struck the north-east coast of Japan in March 2011. The extraordinary radiation readings highlight the scale of the task confronting thousands of workers, as pressure builds on Tepco to begin decommissioning the plant – a process that is expected to take about four decades. - Russian economy to emerge from contraction
Russia’s economy ministry on Monday said that GDP growth fell by one per cent in December from the same time last year. In October, the economy contracted by 0.6 per cent but grew in November by a revised 0.9 per cent. For 2016 as a whole, GDP fell 0.6 per cent from 2015. According to forecasts by the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the UN, Russia’s economy has beaten the effects of US and European Union sanctions over the Ukraine crisis. In 2017, GDP growth is expected between one and 1.5 per cent. - Things Just Got Serious in Europe’s War on Cash
The central authorities in Europe just launched their most important offensive to date in their multiyear War on Cash. The new move comes directly from the European Union’s executive branch, the European Commission, which just announced its intention to “explore the relevance of potential upper limits to cash payments,” with a view to implementing cross-regional measures in 2018. Maximum limits on cash transactions already exist in most European countries, and the general trend is downward. Last year, Spain joined France in placing a €1,000 maximum on cash payments. Greece went one better, dropping its cap for cash transactions from €1,500 to €500. In simple terms, any legal purchase of a good or service over €500 will need to be done with plastic or mobile money. - Gerald Celente Issues Major Trend Alert On The Road For The Gold Market In 2017
With the price of gold surging above the critical $1,220 level, the top trends forecaster in the world, Gerald Celente, just issued a major trend alert on the road for the gold market in 2017. Here Is What To Look For In The Gold Market In 2017. Gerald Celente — Trends are born, they grow, mature, reach old age and die. The Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, Trend has just been born. Never in modern history has the nation stood so divided and nations across the globe so alarmed following the election of the leader of the world’s largest economy and most powerful military… - The Alternative Fact of the Cashless Society
Last week a new phrase was introduced into our lexicon by Trump Adviser Kellyanne Conway. When asked about why press secretary Sean Spicer had made statements that were (according to the press) unverifiable she said that he had used ‘alternative facts’. This prompted a raft of satire, journalists to flail their arms up at the audacity of Conway and Trump’s administration, and for people to rush out and buy George Orwell’s 1984. Penguin, the world’s largest publisher, ordered a 75,000 copy reprint last week. Apparently more than the ‘typical reprint’ for the 1949 Orwellian classic. The ‘alternative facts’ statement echoed of ‘Newspeak’ the language used by the totalitarian government in Orwell’s 1984 to influence and control its citizens of Airstrip One (previously Britain). - Cal Berkeley Fascists Violently Protest Free Speech
150 masked “protesters” at Cal Berkeley, precisely 0.0039 percent of the 38,000 student body was all it took to shut down free speech at the University of California, Berkeley. The protesters are so confused that they see the shutdown as a victory for free speech. Something is wrong here. The 150 violent protesters are masked, so we don’t know if they are students or a Deep State operation against President Trump. The protesters are behaving as fascists by shutting down free speech. By associating the exercise of free speech with fascism, the protesters appear to be too stupid to be Cal Berkeley students. When I was a graduate student at Cal Berkeley, there were high admission standards. Perhaps those standards have been declared to be racist and were thrown out with the bath water. - Leaked Draft of Trump’s Religious Freedom Order Reveals Sweeping Plans to Legalize Discrimination
A leaked copy of a draft executive order titled “Establishing a Government-Wide Initiative to Respect Religious Freedom,” obtained by The Investigative Fund and The Nation, reveals sweeping plans by the Trump administration to legalize discrimination. The four-page draft order, a copy of which is currently circulating among federal staff and advocacy organizations, construes religious organizations so broadly that it covers “any organization, including closely held for-profit corporations,” and protects “religious freedom” in every walk of life: “when providing social services, education, or healthcare; earning a living, seeking a job, or employing others; receiving government grants or contracts; or otherwise participating in the marketplace, the public square, or interfacing with Federal, State or local governments.” - Amazon sinks as revenue misses, guidance disappoints
The online retail technology company reported fourth-quarter earnings that beat analysts' expectations on Thursday, but revenue that fell short of estimates. It also gave future guidance that was below the average estimate. Shares dropped more than 4 percent after hours. The free-spending company has invested heavily in new projects and infrastructure to meet ballooning demand as more shopping moves online. Amazon keeps taking business from traditional retailers, which are closing stores by the hundreds. But it also offers promotions to have the lowest prices, a “cost of doing business,” chief financial officer Brian Olsavsky said. - Student Loan Reforms to Watch for in 2017
So far, the Trump administration continues to deliver on some key campaign promises. These promises include the travel ban, federal hiring freeze, and authorizing the construction of the US-Mexico border wall. Higher education is another issue Trump will likely be addressing in the coming months, as it continually ranks as the biggest source of consumer debt today. - America’s Problem with Student Loans Is Much Bigger Than Anybody Realized
The Department of Education recently released a memo admitting that repayment rates on student loans have been grossly exaggerated. Data from 99.8% of schools across the country has been manipulated to cover up growing problems with the $1.3 trillion in outstanding student loans. New calculations show that more than half of all borrowers from 1,000 different institutions have defaulted on or not paid back a single dollar of their loans over the last seven years. This comes in stark contrast to previous claims and should call into question any statistics provided by government agencies. The American people haven’t fully grasped the long-term implications of loaning a trillion dollars to young people who have no credit or assets. - US Productivity Growth Has Never Been This Low For This Long
Despite slowing US productivity growth QoQ in Q4 (from +3.5% in Q3 to +1.3% in Q4), overall productivity in 2016 grew at 1% – the best annual growth since 2013. However, that silver-lining is akin to being the tallest midget as over the longer-term, US productivity growth has never been this low for this long. - Fed Leaves Policy Rate Unchanged, Offers No Hint on When It Might Next Move
The Federal Reserve said Wednesday it remains on track to gradually raise short-term interest rates this year and gave no hint about when the next increase might come. Following a two-day policy meeting, officials voted unanimously to hold their benchmark rate steady in a range between 0.50% and 0.75%, while noting in a statement some recent improvements in the economy, including an uptick in consumer confidence. They lifted rates by a quarter percentage point in December and penciled in three quarter-point moves in 2017. Investors hadn’t expected the Fed to move Wednesday and were looking for a signal about its next meeting on March 14-15. Market reaction to the statement was muted. - Gold Gains as Trump Shocks Markets by Doing What He Said He’d Do
President Donald Trump’s policies have brought gold back to life. Gold futures rose for a second day, posting the biggest monthly gain since June, on investor concern over moves by Trump that included barring entry by citizens from seven predominantly Muslim nations and firing the acting U.S. attorney general for refusing to enforce the order. The dollar headed for a third straight decline against a basket of 10 currencies, and U.S. stocks slid. Confusion over U.S trade and immigration policies has helped rekindle haven demand for gold, which in December capped its biggest quarterly decline in more than three years. Money is also flowing back to precious metals as speculation mounts that the Federal Reserve may be more cautious in raising U.S. interest rates amid concerns Trump’s policies could stifle economic growth. Protests from New York to Atlanta to Detroit were held Sunday. - GOP Rebrands Obamacare Strategy From ‘Repeal’ to ‘Repair’
Some Republicans in Congress are starting to talk more about trying to “repair” Obamacare, rather than simply calling for “repeal and replace.” There’s good reason for that. The repair language was discussed by Republicans during their closed-door policy retreat in Philadelphia last week as a better way to brand their strategy. Some of that discussion flowed from views that Republicans may not be headed toward a total replacement, said one conservative House lawmaker who didn’t want to be identified. Using the word repair “captures exactly what the large majority of the American people want,” said Frank Luntz, a prominent Republican consultant and pollster who addressed GOP lawmakers at their retreat. - ALERT: Former Soros Associate Just Warned We Are About To Witness ‘Absolute F*cking Chaos’ Across The Globe
Today a former associate of George Soros told King World News that we are about to witness “absolute f*cking chaos” across the globe in a little over two months. Victor Sperandeo oversees over $3 billion, has been in the business 45 years, and has worked with famous individuals such as Leon Cooperman and George Soros. Below is what Sperandeo had to say. Victor Sperandeo: “What people are underestimating is the upcoming election in the Netherlands on March 15. A month later France is going to hold their election… - Mexican border wall could take just two years to build
The Mexican border wall could take just two years to build and parts could be “see through,” according to the new head of the Department of Homeland Security. “The wall will be built where it’s needed first, and then it will be filled in. That’s the way I look at it,” Secretary John Kelly told Fox News. “I really hope to have it done within the next two years,” the retired four-star Marine general added. Fox’s Catherine Herridge reported Thursday that Kelly told her that the wall won't all be solid and sections of it may be transparent. - U.S. appeals court revives JPMorgan silver futures rigging lawsuits
A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday revived three private antitrust lawsuits accusing JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) of rigging a market for silver futures contracts traded on COMEX. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York said a lower court judge held hedge fund manager Daniel Shak and two other traders to an excessively high legal standard when deciding last June 29 to dismiss their complaints. Shak, Mark Grumet and Thomas Wacker accused the largest U.S. bank of having in late 2010 and early 2011 placed artificial bids on the trading floor, harangued staff at metals market COMEX to obtain prices it wanted, and made misrepresentations to a committee that set settlement prices. The traders said this forced them to post more capital to support their positions in silver futures spreads, and ultimately to liquidate them at heavy losses. - As Brazil Unemployment Hits Record High, Rio's Murder Rate Soars
With Brazil stuck in what may be its worst depression on record, it will surprise nobody that the homicide rate in Rio de Janeiro climbed by 20% in 2016 from the previous year, as violence soared in the Brazilian metropolis amid rising unemployment and sharp cuts in public security budgets. Worse even than Chicago, state security statistics released on Wednesday and cited by Reuters showed that 5,033 people were murdered in Rio during the year, up from 4,200 in 2015. - Researchers: Fake News Did Not Alter Election Results
As social media sites like Facebook and Snapchat move to eliminate “fake news” reports from their sites, researchers from Stanford and New York Universities say Americans can be sure of one thing: the phenomenon did not affect the results of the presidential election. The new study released last month investigated the influence that fake news may have had on President Trump’s victory. NYU economics professor Hunt Allcott and Stanford economics professor Matthew Gentzkow led the research. The pair ran a series of tests to determine which fake news articles were circulated, how much of it was circulated, and the amount of voters that believed the stories to be true. - The Central Banks Pull Back: Now It's Up To Fiscal Policy To “Save The World”
Another problem is the rise of social discord, for reasons that extend beyond the reach of tax reductions and increased infrastructure spending. Have you noticed that the breathless anticipation of the next central bank “save” has diminished? Remember when the financial media was in a tizzy of excitement, speculating on what new central bank expansion would send the global markets higher in paroxysms of risk-on joy? Those days are gone. Nowadays, central banks cautiously continue the bond buying programs they've had in place for years, but their policy initiatives are tepid at best: they talk about expanding asset-buying programs to include more stocks, or discuss notching interest rates higher in some cases; but the talk is subdued, as expectations are being consciously lowered. - State Minimum Wage Hikes Already Passed Into Law Expected To Cost 2.6 Million Jobs, New Study Finds
Even though we know that Bernie and his alt-left compatriots will never tire of their endless “Fight for $15” no matter how much data we throw at them, we thought we would go ahead and highlight yet another economic study detailing the devastating job losses that will result from minimum wages hikes that have already been passed in states all around the country. The latest study comes for the American Action Forum (AAF) and estimates that 2.6 million jobs will be lost around the country over the next several years as states phase-in minimum wage hikes that have already been passed. - BOOM! Companies That Openly Criticized Trump For “Making America Safe Again” Take Stock Market Hit
The Dow Jones industrial average fell around 120 points after sliding more than 223.39 points, dropping below 20,000, with Goldman Sachs contributing the most losses. Most of the companies who criticized Trump’s temporary travel ban on the 7 nations Obama’s DHS identified as terror hotbed nations lost money in the stock market today. Apparently keeping our country safe takes a back seat to these companies, unless of course, we see another major terror attack in America by an unvetted refugee, then they’ll all be lining up behind Trump and complaining he didn’t do enough… - Trump pledges to end political limits on churches
Declaring that religious freedom is “under threat,” President Donald Trump vowed Thursday to repeal a rarely enforced IRS rule that says pastors who endorse candidates from the pulpit risk losing their tax-exempt status. “I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment and allow our representatives of faith to speak freely and without fear of retribution,” Trump said at the National Prayer Breakfast, a high-profile event bringing together faith leaders, politicians and dignitaries. Trump's pledge was a nod to his evangelical Christian supporters, who helped power his White House win. So far he has not detailed his plans for doing away with the rule, which he has previously promised to rescind. Named after then-Sen. Lyndon Johnson, the regulation has been in place since 1954 for tax-exempt charities, including churches, though it is very rare for a church to actually be penalized. - Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – February 2, 2017
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams’ weekly newsletter.
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Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – February 2, 2017
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter. If you are not a subscriber please subscribe for free by entering your name and email address in the box below.
Pastor David Bowen is pastor of Standing Stones Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. For more information about Pastor Dave please visit http://standingstonescc.org/
Pastor Dave is also creator of the website Interpreting The Times, understanding world events through scripture. You can find out more by visiting http://www.interpretingthetimes.com/
Please leave your thoughts and comments below regarding this new addition to Pastor Williams' newsletter each week.
Latest News Articles – February 2, 2017
From James Harkin (Webmaster & Editor of LindseyWilliams.net). Here is a summary of articles of interest from around the world for this week. Please LIKE the Lindsey Williams Online Facebook Page to see stories posted daily regarding the current state of the economy around the world.
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Latest News From January 27, 2017 to February 2, 2017:
- Trump Fights to Takedown Bad Guys
According to precious metals and financial expert Bix Weir, what’s going on in Washington now is simply a struggle for control between good and evil. Weir explains, “The left is going nuts. They say they are not violent, but they are causing all these riots and protests everywhere. I am convinced that this takedown of the bad guys is going to get a lot uglier. It will get uglier because the left leaning Obama people have been given so many rights that are not in the Constitution and are not anywhere in a capitalistic society. It’s more towards socialism, and when you try to take away the rights given to socialists, they get armed. They go into the streets.” - Why One Trader Thinks “The Fed Is About To Take Out The Last Pillar Supporting The Dollar”
Fed Can’t Help Dollar Bulls in Denial. Expect the Fed to take out one of the last pillars of dollar support today. Dollar bulls are still not capitulating despite it being on target for a sixth consecutive week of losses. While some doubts are finally starting to creep in, the majority of analyst notes this week suggest the FOMC can put the dollar uptrend back on track. I’m surprised. It’s hard to see how the Fed can be hawkish given the economic policy turmoil of the last couple of weeks. All measures taken so far by Trump’s administration are negative for growth rather than reflationary. This is particularly pertinent when put in context of how optimistic expectations were only two months ago. - White House Blackballs CNN; Refuses To Send Surrogates On “Fake News” Network
Well, it's official…according to a note from Politico, the White House has confirmed that surrogates of the Trump administration will no longer appear on CNN and will instead go to “places where we think it makes sense to promote our agenda.” “We’re sending surrogates to places where we think it makes sense to promote our agenda,” said a White House official, acknowledging that CNN is not such a place, but adding that the ban is not permanent. A CNN reporter, speaking on background, was more blunt: The White House is trying to punish the network and force down its ratings. “They’re trying to cull CNN from the herd,” the reporter said. Of course, this development should come as little surprise to anyone who has been paying attention given that Trump has constantly blasted CNN as a “Fake News” outlet ever since his heated exchange with Jim Acosta at a press conference on January 11th. - Gorsuch Will Not Shift The Balance Of Power On The Supreme Court As Much As You May Think
On Tuesday, President Trump announced that he would nominate Neil Gorsuch to fill the open seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Gorsuch currently serves on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, and he was confirmed unanimously by the Senate when he was appointed to that position by President George W. Bush in 2006. Gorsuch appears to have some strong similarities to Antonin Scalia, and many conservatives are hoping that when Gorsuch fills Scalia’s seat that it will represent a shift in the balance of power on the Supreme Court. Because for almost a year, the court has been operating with only eight justices. Four of them were nominated by Republican presidents and four of them were nominated by Democrats, and so many Republicans are anticipating that there will now be a Supreme Court majority for conservatives. - Trump Picks Anti-Choice Federal Judge Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court
Within minutes of President Trump’s nomination of federal judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, several hundred demonstrators had converged on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. to protest his selection. Waving signs proclaiming, “Gorsuch: Extreme and Dangerous” and “#NoWall #NoBan,” the protesters and a stream of speakers linked the conservative nominee to the administration’s unconstitutional ban on immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, and pledged to defy both. - Lindsey Williams – The Energy Non-Crisis – Call To Decision Presentation
Lindsey Williams talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth. And he talks about how the oil companies and U.S. government won’t send it through the pipeline for U.S. citizens to use. - Ron Paul Warns: “Second Financial Bubble Going To Burst Soon… Even Trump Can't Stop It”
By all appearances notes SHTFPlan.com's Mac Slavo, President Trump is doing his damnedest to turn around the economy, revitalize jobs and bring back prosperity. But the larger trends are already in place; the cycle is turning, and the bust cannot be put off forever. “Federal Reserve policy has literally set the country up for collapse, and though the central bank has been very creative in making the impossible work, and putting off disaster, nothing can hold back the flood forever. Unfortunately, it looks like Trump may be blamed for a financial crisis that he didn’t cause. Analysts, including notably Brandon Smith, may be correct in pinpointing the attempt to use the new and highly controversial president as a scapegoat for the dirty work of the bankers. The conditions are there, and the consequences were built in when the bubble was still being pumped up. Someday it will burst. When, how, and how bad remains to be seen.” - The other “ban” that was quietly announced last week
Most of the world is in an uproar right now over the travel ban that Donald Trump hastily imposed late last week on citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries. But there was another ban that was quietly proposed last week, and this one has far wider implications: a ban on cash. The European Union’s primary executive authority, known as the European Commission, issued a “Road Map” last week to initiate continent-wide legislation against cash. There are already a number of anti-cash legislative measures that have been passed in individual European member states. - Japan Thinks It Can Balance Its Budget
A recurring problem for most developed-world governments is explaining why last year’s plan didn’t work while convincing voters that this year’s new and improved plan will do the trick. This is especially tough when the new plan is pretty much the same as the old one and therefore just as likely to fail. Let’s take Japan as our first object lesson. Its government is the world’s most deeply indebted relative to GDP. Its population is the world’s oldest, with the number of retirees on public assistance soaring. Yet for some reason its leaders keep promising to balance the budget, only to be forced to push the date further into the future with each new report. - Adventures in Currency Debasement
The U.S. dollar, as measured by the dollar index, has generally gone up since mid-2014. The dollar index goes up when the U.S. dollar gains strength (value) against a basket of currencies, including the euro, yen, pound, and several others. Conversely, the dollar index goes down when the U.S. dollar loses value. Between July 30, 2014 and December 28, 2016, the dollar’s value, as measured by the dollar index, increased from 79.78 to 103.30 – or 29 percent. Since then, the dollar index has dropped to about 100. In addition, President Trump has said that the dollar is “too strong” and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has called the dollar “excessively strong.” - Senate confirms Rex Tillerson for secretary of State
The Senate confirmed former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as secretary of State on Wednesday, even as Democrats blocked progress on other Cabinet nominees chosen by President Trump. Three Democrats and one Independent who generally votes with the Democrats joined a solid rank of Republicans in approving Tillerson 56-43. The vote puts a man who has negotiated business deals with countries around the world, including some hostile to the United States, in position to negotiate on behalf of Trump in matters of war and peace, climate change and human rights. - BUCKLE UP: Available Physical Gold & Silver Supplies Drying Up In London’s LBMA As The Price Of Silver Surges
In what promises to be a wild 2017 we are already seeing physical gold and silver supplies drying up in London’s LBMA as the price of silver surges. James Turk: “There has been a lot of gold and silver moving to China recently, prior to the Chinese New Year, and that’s starting to show up in terms of the lack of liquidity over here in London. And even as prices were going down as the options were ready to expire, we were seeing backwardation in gold. The spot price of gold was a dollar or so above what February delivery prices were and it was only a few days until February delivery. So we are seeing the tightness in terms of the way the market is trading. We are also seeing the tightness in terms of the spreads and the backwardation in gold plus the metals flows themselves. Eric, I keep reminding myself of where we were several years ago, back in 2009-2010. We have those same kind of circumstances (where gold and silver skyrocketed) developing right now and nobody is paying attention. - Here Are The Technical Reasons Why Oil Is About To Plunge
There are basically two ways to analyze markets and make trading decisions, the fundamental and the technical. Logically speaking, fundamental factors and analysis always have the upper hand, particularly over a longer time period. In the case of crude oil, for example, if supply is outstripping demand the price is going down, no matter what your charts indicate. In the short term, though, as traders pay attention to technical factors they can be enormously powerful. Right now there is a battle going on between the fundamental and technical in the WTI market and, unusually, this looks like one that technical factors will win. Two weeks ago here I predicted higher oil and we did climb from around $51 to $54, but the likely outcome of this battle has caused me to expect another drop from here. - BlackRock: Inflation Is Surging, So Buy Some Gold
Russ Koesterich discusses the signs that inflation is rising faster than many expect, and what that means for your portfolio. Like the proverbial frog that does not notice the rise in water temperature until it’s too late, investors seem to be experiencing a similarly stealthy rise in inflation. Changes in headline inflation measures suggest a gentle firming in prices. However, underneath the surface there is evidence that inflation may continue to rise past the steady 2% nirvana that central banks prefer. - Barron’s Calls For Dow 30K Already
The financial magazine which has made an art out of calling for big, round numbers in the Dow Jones Financial Index (as a reminder over 20% of the Dow’s surge since the election is due entirely to Goldman Sachs), most recently with its “get ready for Dow 20,000” call from just over a month ago, has done it again. While there are still those – pretty much anyone who still cares about fundamentals – who are scratching their heads at Dow20K, according to Barrons “the Dow hitting 20,000 was no fluke. Today’s stock prices are well supported by solid prospects for corporate earnings and economic growth.” - China Sets the Stage to Replace the U.S. As Global Trade Leader
Saturday marked the Lunar New Year, the most important date in the Chinese calendar. It’s also the start of the longest holiday at two weeks, during which the largest mass migration of humans occurs every year as families reunite and go on vacations, both domestic and overseas. 2017 is the year of the 10th Chinese zodiac, the fire rooster, one of whose lucky colors is gold. Year-to-date, gold—the metal, not the color—is up 3.5 percent, which is below the 5.7 percent it had gained so far around this time last year. Unfortunately, gold prices won’t find support from Chinese traders this week, as markets will be closed in observance of the new year. If you remember, the yellow metal had one of its worst one-day slumps of 2016 back in October during China’s Golden Week, when markets were similarly closed. - THE NEW AGENDA – Knowing This Is Your Key To Survival – A New DVD From Pastor Lindsey Williams
THE NEW AGENDA – Knowing This Is Your Key To Survival! The Elite Agenda – Point by Point. Reserve Currency – Which One? How Long Do We Have? Why The Elite Changed Their Agenda. MONEY – Under The New Agenda. Gold and Silver. Suggested New Mindset. THE NEW AGENDA – Knowing This Is Your Key To Survival! The New DVD From Pastor Lindsey Williams. Order NOW Online For SHIPMENT NOW! - Embry – A Jaw-Dropping 8.6 Million Ounces Of Paper Gold Longs Just Blew Up At The Comex!
With the Dow tumbling back below the 20,000 level, one of the greats in the business told King World News that a jaw-dropping 8.6 million ounces of paper gold longs just blew up at the Comex! U.S. Economy Weakest Since 2008 Collapse. John Embry: “With all of the chaos regarding the immigration decrees, I think most observers have lost track of what is really happening with the U.S. economy. Instead they are focusing on the turmoil in the country and the record highs on the Dow… - The Media Is Now The Political Opposition
Bannon is correct that the US media—indeed, the entire Western print and TV media—is nothing but a propaganda machine for the ruling elite. The presstitutes are devoid of integrity, moral conscience, and respect for truth. https://www.rt.com/usa/375271-bannon-trump-media-cnn/ Read the comments in which morons define freedom of the press as the freedom to lie to the public. Who else but the despicable Western media justified the enormous war crimes committed against millions of peoples by the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes in nine countries—Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, and the Russian areas of Ukraine? - Dow 20K, US Debt $20 Trillion, Trump and Gold US: Dow 20K … US Debt $20 Trillion … Trump and $15,000 Go
In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 20,000 earlier this week for the first time in its 132 year history to much media fanfare. Since Trump’s election US market indicators, including the Dow have been ticking up – it has been labelled the Trump rally. This latest milestone is something that the new President is happy to take credit for. In fact, he tweeted ‘Great! #Dow20K’ in response. - Why 2017 Could See the Collapse of the Euro
2017 could be the year that the euro collapses according to Joseph Stiglitz writing in Fortune magazine and these concerns were echoed over the weekend by former Bundesbank vice-president and senior European Central Bank official, Jürgen Stark, when he said that the ‘destruction’ of the Eurozone may be necessary if countries are to thrive again. Stark and Stiglitz are too of many respected commentators, from both the so called right and the so called left, who are warning that the common currency and the Eurozone itself will not survive the financial and political turmoil already besetting the European monetary union and set to deepen in the coming months and years. - Why Our System Is Broken: Cheap Credit Is King
Cheap credit–newly issued money that can be borrowed at low rates of interest–is presented as the savior of our economic system, but in reality, it’s why our system is broken. The conventional economic pitch goes like this: cheap credit enables consumers to buy more goods and services (and since the system needs growth or it implodes, that’s good). Cheap credit also enables companies to invest in new productive assets (capital). Last but not least, low rates of interest enables the government at all levels to borrow money at relatively low cost. - Remember When Obama Supported A Border Wall?
There really is no limit to the mainstream media’s support for the far-left’s hypocrisy, or their use of a double standard when it comes to covering the Democrats… none. For months we’ve heard all about how the “integrity of our democracy” was under siege by “thugs” like Vladimir Putin, while no one has been talking how “thugs” like Barack Obama and Jey Johnson were using the Department of Homeland Security’s computer systems to try and hack into several states’ election systems AFTER the voting had taken place, but BEFORE results were certified. Yeah, good luck explaining that one. Thankfully, as of January 17th, the Inspector General of the DHS, John Roth, was cleared to being his investigation into the matter. - Fed Will Be Forced to Print & Kill Dollar
Economist John Williams warned last year the U.S. economy never really recovered, and it was going to turn down again. That downturn happened Friday when the latest GDP figures came in below 2% growth in the fourth quarter of 2016. Williams says the economy “contracted,” and he contends it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Williams explains, “I think there is reason for optimism in terms of the economy down the road. The problem is irrespective of who is president. When you introduce new policies, it takes about nine months to a year before we see the impact. So, the impact of all the happy things that are happening now won’t start to surface until 2018 barring other complications. I expect you to see a pickup in the economy then. Unfortunately, we are still in an economy that is turning down. You are going to see that in the reporting in the next several months. We never really recovered from the economic collapse going into 2009. There was a little bit of a rebound, and we started to see the economy turn down again in 2014. If you look at the underlying series such as industrial production, freight indices and petroleum consumption, there has been no recovery. We are turning down again. This is the longest and deepest economic contraction since the Great Depression.” - Trump’s Busy First Week, Voter Fraud is Real, Updates on War and Economy
Donald Trump had a very busy first week in office. He started work on the day he was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. First thing he did was sign an Executive Order to take away some tax burdens for people who have to pay a penalty for not having health insurance. He also pushed ahead on the long stalled XL Pipeline, clamped down on immigration and took the first steps to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Trump also made the claim that “three to five million” illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election, and that cost him the popular vote. The mainstream media (MSM) basically called him a sore winner and a liar and said there was no evidence of voter or election fraud. So, Trump ordered an investigation to get evidence of widespread fraud. - Now It Is The Elite That Are Feverishly ‘Prepping’ For The Collapse Of Society
Once upon a time, “prepping” was something that was considered to be on “the lunatic fringe” of society. But in 2017, wealthy elitists are actually the most hardcore preppers of all. This is particularly true in places such as Silicon Valley, where a whole host of young tech moguls are putting a tremendous amount of time, effort and money into preparing for apocalyptic scenarios. So while interest in prepping among the general population has fallen extremely low right now, the election of Donald Trump has given liberal wealthy elitists even more urgency to prepare for what they believe is a very uncertain future. - The United States Is On The Precipice Of Widespread Civil Unrest
It doesn’t take much of a trigger to push extremely large crowds of very angry protesters into committing acts of rioting and violence. And rioting and violence can ultimately lead to widespread civil unrest and calls for “revolution”. The election of Donald Trump was perhaps the single most galvanizing moment for the radical left in modern American history, and we have already seen that a single move by Trump can literally cause protests to erupt from coast to coast within 48 hours. On Friday, Trump signed an executive order that banned refugees from Syria indefinitely and that placed a 90 day ban on travel to the United States for citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Within hours, protesters began to storm major airports, and by Sunday very large crowds were taking to the streets all over the country… - Is It Just A Coincidence That The Dow Has Hit 20,000 At The Same Time The National Debt Is Reaching $20 Trillion?
The Dow Jones Industrial Average provides us with some pretty strong evidence that our “stock market boom” has been fueled by debt. On Wednesday, the Dow crossed the 20,000 mark for the first time ever, and this comes at a time when the U.S. national debt is right on the verge of hitting 20 trillion dollars. Is this just a coincidence? As you will see, there has been a very close correlation between the national debt and the Dow Jones Industrial Average for a very long time. For example, when Ronald Reagan took office in 1991, the U.S. national debt had just hit 994 billion dollars and the Dow was sitting at 951. - Eurozone ‘destruction' necessary if countries are to thrive again, warns former ECB hawk
The eurozone must break up if its members are to thrive again, according to a former European Central Bank official. Jürgen Stark, who served on the ECB’s executive board during the financial crisis, said it was time to “think the unthinkable” and work towards a “reset” of Europe that pulled power away from Brussels. The former vice-president of Germany’s Bundesbank said the creation of a two-speed eurozone, with France and Germany at its core, would help to ensure the smaller bloc’s survival. - Trump orders ISIS plan, talks with Putin and gives Bannon national security role
President Trump on Saturday ordered the Pentagon to devise a strategy to defeat the Islamic State and restructured the National Security Council to include his controversial top political adviser as he forged a partnership with Russian President Vladimir Putin in their first official phone call. Trump and Putin spoke for one hour and vowed to join forces to fight terrorism in Syria and elsewhere, according to the White House and the Kremlin, signaling a potential shift in U.S.-Russian relations that have been marked by high tension. - New World Order Pushing Cashless Agenda in India and Around the World
The cashless agenda has taken a giant leap forward worldwide in the last 2 months, mainly due to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Modi took the bold, detested and despised step of banning the 2 highest denomination notes in India (the 500 and 1000 rupee notes, worth around US$7.50 and $15 respectively). This wiped out around 80% of the value of circulating cash widely used by many segments of society for trade. His reason was to cut down on the black money circulating in India upon which tax is not paid. However, from the broader perspective of the worldwide New World Order (NWO) conspiracy, converting the entire world economy to solely digital transactions is not just about extracting more tax revenue from the ruled populations; it’s about knowledge and power. It’s about surveillance on an extraordinary scale. The cashless agenda is about acquiring the capacity to monitor literally every single financial transaction that takes place on the planet. Unsurprisingly, the new cash ban hurt many poor Indians who either don’t have a bank account or who rarely use one. Also unsurprisingly, the idea for the ban did not originate from Modi. The truth is that India is being used as the latest guinea pig to push forth the NWO cashless agenda, and a particular US Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) was instrumental in the rollout. - Trump’s education secretary pick plans to get rid of Common Core standards
Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Education, will put the brakes on the contentious Common Core standards if she is confirmed by the Senate. “It’s time to make education great again in this country,” she said at a Trump rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Friday. “This means letting states set their own high standards and finally putting an end to the federalized Common Core.” DeVos, a prominent Republican donor and the former head of the Michigan GOP, is known as a charter-school advocate and a booster of school choice and education vouchers. DeVos’ five-minute speech echoed her new boss’s stance. - A Tariff with Mexico Will Ensure Americans Pay for Border Wall
The AP is reporting that Sean Spicer has informed reporters that President Trump is considering a 20% on Mexican goods as a way to fund his Mexican border wall. Though Trump has insisted throughout his presidential campaign that “Mexico will pay” for any such project, this move would ensure that it is Americans who will suffer the costs as they are forced to pay extra on Mexican goods coming into the country. - Trump Can't Avoid The Coming Financial Crisis
The Federal Reserve's policies of printing trillions of dollars back in '08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future. It's unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can't stop it. Trump will unfairly get the blame though. - Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees — Separating Fact from Hysteria
To read the online commentary, one would think that President Trump just fundamentally corrupted the American character. You would think that the executive order on refugees he signed yesterday betrayed America’s Founding ideals. You might even think he banned people from an entire faith from American shores. - Trump pick for Energy secretary sits on Dakota Access Pipeline company's board
Donald Trump's pick for Energy secretary, Rick Perry, sits on the board of directors of Energy Transfer Partners, the company whose Dakota Access Pipeline has been fiercely opposed by Native American tribes and their allies. Dallas-based Energy Transfer's top executive and other employees also contributed millions of dollars to support the former Texas governor's short-lived 2015 bid for the White House. - Dear Bernie, Meet the “Big Mac ATM” That Will Replace All Of Your $15 Per Hour Fast Food Workers
Dear Bernie, as you continue in your never-ending “Fight for $15”, we thought you might benefit from a simple example of how economics work in a real life, functioning, capitalistic society. You see, Bernie, labor, much like your daily serving of crunchy granola, is just another “good” that businesses can choose to consume more or less of, depending on price. And, just to be crystal clear, when the price of labor (i.e. wages) increases, businesses tend to consume less of it. Finally, our dearest Bernie, when misinformed politicians radically disrupt labor markets by setting artificially high base prices, like your proposed $15 federal minimum wage, then businesses simply stop consuming labor completely and instead replace that labor with this “Big Mac ATM Machine.” - Americans Pay More in Taxes than on Food, Clothing, and Housing Combined
Our annual Tax Freedom Day report finds that the nation’s Tax Freedom Day will come on April 21st this year, which is three days later than last year. The calendar measure represents how long Americans as a whole need to work in order to pay the nation’s tax burden. The report estimates that Americans will pay about $4.5 trillion dollars in taxes of all kinds in 2014, with $3 trillion going to the federal government and $1.5 trillion dollars going to state and local governments. This is approximately 30.2 percent of the nation’s income paid in taxes. In total, Americans will pay more in taxes in 2014 than on food, clothing, and shelter combined. - What They Tell You: Trump Is Restarting The Pipeline. What They Don't Tell You: It's 70 Miles From Standing Rock And Made With American Steel
If the United States is to become more energy independent, some say, then it is imperative that additional oil and gas pipeline infrastructure is built. And that includes the Keystone XL and the Dakota Access Pipelines, which is why President Donald Trump has signed executive orders to allow permitting to be streamlined. But the key question is whether presidential support can overcome the economics of the Keystone project, as well as the fierce environmental opposition to it and the Dakota line. While the president has the power the microphone, he does not have the power of a monarch. The lines still need the approval of the states they'll operate in. - MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS OVER! Look What Trump Just Installed in The Back of The Press Room!
The media’s WAR on Trump continues but he is fighting back! Trump’s Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, just announced the installation of their SECRET WEAPON that will take all the power away from the mainstream media! Spicer started by DESTROYING the media for their dishonest coverage of Trump. Spicer said: “I THINK THERE’S AN OVERALL FRUSTRATION WHEN YOU WHEN YOU TURN ON THE TELEVISION …YOU’RE CONTINUALLY TOLD IT’S NOT BIG ENOUGH, IT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH, YOU CAN’T WIN.” After these comments, Spicer announced their SECRET WEAPON that they installed in the press room to take away CNN’s and the FAKE NEWS media’s power! - Trump advances two energy infrastructure projects: Keystone XL and the Dakota Access pipelines… can he balance infrastructure with environmental protection, too?
On the official “Day 2” of the new administration, President Donald J. Trump continues to dismantle the legacy of his predecessor using all executive means at his disposal, fulfilling his promise to “Make America Great Again.” This morning, the president signed documents that will advance the eventual approval and construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects, both of which were stalled by President Barack Obama over the false notion of “climate change/global warming.” - A Horrific Ending As The World Moves One Day Closer To Armageddon
With the Dow surging above 20,000, while bonds and the dollar were weak once again, one of the greats in the business just warned that a horrific ending is coming as the world moves one day closer to Armageddon. John Embry: “Eric, I read Egon von Greyerz’s KWN interview over the weekend and it was such a tour de force that I’m not sure what I can add to what he already said. However, I agree with every word of his interview, and the fact that the vast majority of the population, including most of the rich and famous, seem oblivious to that reality and the resulting coming catastrophe, this virtually guarantees it can’t be avoided… - Halliburton reports $5.7 billion in losses
Halliburton, the world’s second largest oil field services company, reported dramatic losses Monday after a failed bid to take over rival Baker Hughes. Halliburton, based in Houston, said it lost $5.7 billion or $6.69 a share in 2016, compared to losses of $671 million in 2015, or 78 cents per share. It was the “sharpest and deepest industry decline in history”, said Dave Lesar, Halliburton Chairman and chief executive. In his 40 years in the business never had he seen such a rapid decline. A failed $28 billion merger with Houston-based oil field services firm Baker Hughes is to blame for such major losses. The event, which occurred back in May, cost Halliburton more than $4 billion dollars. - 11 bizarre home remedies our grandparents used that actually work!
To this day my grandparents are still giving me bizarre treatments for minor injuries. Just the other week I took a tumble down the stairs, and my Grandma piped up, telling me to boil an egg and rub the extremely hot breakfast item all over my extremely swollen ankle. And you now what? It worked! The swelling went down within an hour, and I felt almost as good as new by the next morning. Thanks, Gran! - New EU Energy Strategy To Create Up To 900,000 Jobs
On 30 November 2016, the European Commission officially released its “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package, also known as “Winter Package” i.e., moving the EU to meet its climate change target with numerous legislative proposals to reform the EU energy market. This legislation will have an important impact on the electricity market and the development of renewable-energy going forward. The European Commission wants the EU to be ahead on the global clean energy transition. For this reason the EU has committed to cut C02 emissions by at least 40 percent by 2030, while modernizing the EU’s economy, delivering jobs and growth for all European citizens. The legislative proposals include a new target for energy efficiency, achieving global leadership in renewable energies and proving a fair deal for consumers. - China calls for integrated Asia-Pacific
China has responded to US President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) by reiterating its commitment to economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region. “China will forge ahead with the negotiation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the construction of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) so as to add new impetus to regional and global economic development,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told reporters on Tuesday. On Monday, Trump followed through on a campaign promise he had been making for months and signed an executive order to withdraw from the TPP, which had been a cornerstone of Barack Obama’s policy to counter China’s growing global influence. - The 2017 “Davos Consensus” – More Welfare And More Warfare
“It’s a big club and you ain’t in it!” I often think of these words, spoken by the great comedian George Carlin, when I read about the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Every year, global elites descend on Davos to discuss the big issues of the day in a Bilderberg-like conclave. This year, George Soros was there. So was Bill Gates. The most important world leaders go. As do CEOs of the world’s largest companies, mainstream media bigwigs, and prominent academics. Central bankers attend, too. In short, it’s a bunch of out-of-touch, self-anointed elites meeting to hand down from above their uniformly bad “solutions” to the world’s problems. Then they pat each other on the back for all the good they’re doing. - These Are The Biggest Losers If Trade War Breaks Out Between The US And China
With China growing increasingly nervous about the prospect of a trade war with the US, the nation's official mouthpiece People's Daily warned that a trade war between China and the United States would harm both countries, reflecting concerns over Trump's stated protectionist, anti-China stance. “If a trade war developed between the two countries, both China and the U.S. would be negatively impacted,” the newspaper said in a commentary. “In the end neither side would win, it would bring harm to other countries and that harm would be brought to others without benefits to the U.S. or China.” As both China and the U.S. are major players in global supply chains and value chains, numerous countries would be gravely impacted from a trade war, the article added. - Trump To Launch “Major Investigation Into Voter Fraud”
Having stunned the media with his Monday night announcement before members of Congress during a private reception that Trump only lost the popular vote due to vote fraud, the president refused to back down the next day, when on Tuesday the White House said Trump stands by his belief that millions of people voted illegally in the U.S. election. “The president does believe that,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters. The press secretary said the president had said “3 to 5 million people could have voted illegally, based on the studies that he's seen” although he did not quote the studies. - The US dollar is now overvalued against almost every currency in the world
In September 1986, The Economist weekly newspaper published its first-ever “Big Mac Index”. It was a light-hearted way for the paper to gauge whether foreign currencies are over- or under-valued by comparing the prices of Big Macs around the world. In theory, the price of a Big Mac in Rio de Janeiro should be the same as a Big Mac in Cairo or Toronto. After all, no matter where in the world you buy one, a Big Mac generally consists of the same ingredients– two all beef patties, special sauce, etc. - How To Predict The Behavior Of Globalists: “You Have To Go To Some Ugly Places In Your Own Mind”
In my last article, ‘How Globalists Predict Your Behavior’, I outlined the primary method globalists use to measure public consent, or, public dissent. The use of macro-analytics and the hyper-monitoring of web traffic is a powerful tool at the disposal of the establishment for gauging shifts in public consciousness in real time. For example, in early 2016 the elites were entirely aware of the rise of conservative and sovereignty movements in the U.S. and Europe. In fact, the dangers of growing “populism” were all that elitists and their publications talked about for the first six months of the year. At first, this notion seemed a little odd to me. Generally, when globalists are attempting to manage public opinion, they are careful not to reveal the slightest hint that conservative movements exist beyond an “extremist fringe”. They certainly never suggest that there is a massive undercurrent of nationalism ready to topple the globalist structure. - If You Are Devastated At Trump Presidency “It Might Be A Sign That You Rely On Or Worship The State Just A Bit Too Much”
The inauguration is behind us now, but many – millions, it seems – are still immersed in fear, anguish, and grief over the reality of President Donald Trump. #NotMyPresident is still a very active hashtag on Twitter. People are already calling for impeachment, claiming Trump’s presidency is “illegitimate”. Celebrities (I refuse to mention them by name here and give them more attention) are still using their platforms to express anger, disappointment, and distress over the Trump presidency. Protests continue, and people are venting and ranting and arguing on social media. - The Demise of the Left
On several occasions I have asked in my columns the rhetorical question: What became of the left? Today I answer my question. The answer is that the European and American left, which traditionally stood for the working class and peace (bread and peace) no longer exists. The cause championed by those who pretend to be the “left” of today is identity politics. The “left” no longer champions the working class, which the “left” dismisses as “Trump deplorables,” consisting of “racist, misogynist, homophobic, gun nuts.” Instead,the “left” champions alleged victimized and marginalized groups—blacks, homosexuals, women and the transgendered. Tranny bathrooms, a cause unlikely to mobilize many Americans, are more important to the “left” than the working class - Theresa May: US and UK will no longer invade foreign countries ‘to remake the world in their own image’
Britain and the US will never again invade sovereign foreign countries “in an attempt to make the world in their own image,” Theresa May told Republican policymakers in Philadelphia. The Prime Minister vowed never to repeat the “failed policies of the past” in reference to Western military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, breaking from the “liberal intervention” principle established by Tony Blair. Referencing the “special relationship” between the UK and US, Ms May also stressed the importance of cooperation between the two countries to meet their “obligations of leadership” and “stand up for our interests”. - Elites Eying The Exits Signals America's Crisis
The Institute for New Economic Thinking's President Rob Johnson was interviewed by the New Yorker on hedge-fund managers and the market for air strips in New Zealand… Interviewed as part of an extraordinary New Yorker investigation into growing anxiety among America’s corporate elite over the potential for anarchic social collapse, Institute President Robert Johnson saw his peers’ talk of bolt-holes in New Zealand as reflecting a deeper crisis. Johnson told writer Evan Osnos of the mounting anxiety he had encountered among hedge-fund managers and other wealthy Americans he knew. - How Much Longer Can The Market Go Without A Correction
With the recent performance of the S&P, in which there has not been even a single 1% drawdown since the election, not only is complacency raging but some traders have forgotten what it even means to experience a modest 5% correction, let alone a 20% bear market. How much longer can this go on? For the answer, we turned to a recent report by InvesTech, according to which as the table below shows, a 5% correction has occurred about once every seven months in an ongoing bull market. Ignoring that the current bull market is already more than twice the average length of past bull markets with no 20% correction since the financial crisis, the frequency of corrections has been roughly in line with historical norms. - The peso is tumbling after Mexico's president said he wouldn't meet with Trump
The peso was tumbling Thursday after Mexico's president, Enrique Peña Nieto, announced he had canceled a meeting scheduled for next week with President Donald Trump. The peso was down by 1.2% at 21.3175 per dollar as of 11:57 a.m. ET. The currency had been up by as much as 0.8% at 20.9358 per dollar at about 8:50 a.m. ET. “This morning we have informed the White House that I will not attend the meeting scheduled for next Tuesday with the @POTUS,” Peña Nieto tweeted, according to an online translation. - Trump Orders Media Blackout At Government Agencies: Bans Use Of Social Media, Bars New EPA Contracts
It wasn't just the EPA. Earlier today, we reported that the Trump administration instituted a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants. Emails sent to EPA staff since President Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday and reviewed by The Associated Press, detailed the specific prohibitions banning press releases, blog updates or posts to the agency's social media accounts. On Monday, the Huffington Post reported that EPA grants had been frozen, with agency employees barred from speaking of the matter. - US State department's entire senior management team quits as Secretary Rex Tillerson takes up post
The entire senior level of management officials at the US State department has resigned – rather than serve under President Donald Trump. In the latest display of disquiet among civil servants in Washington over the new commander-in-chief, the four top senior officials at the equivalent of America's foreign ministry, announced they were standing down. The new Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, was present in the department’s offices in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington DC, when the officials resigned on Wednesday, the Washington Post reported. - Draghi Admits EU May Breakup For First Time
For the first time, the head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, has conceded the possibility that the EU may fall apart. Draghi came out and said that any member leaving the Eurozone would need to settle its claims or debts with the bloc’s payments system before severing ties. This statement reveals the heated discussion at Davos and the rift that is beginning to spread. This statement, released on Friday, was made in a letter to two Italian lawmakers in the European Parliament. Sentiment in Italy is turning very anti-euro and this view is beginning to emerge in other Eurozone states. While they are blaming Britain, the real issue is the insane management of austerity and negative interest rates. This has created a massive depression in Europe and the unending Quantitative Easing has destroyed the European bond market. Whenever the ECB has to give up, interest rates will soar, for private buyers will not be willing to risk it all when the EU is clearly doomed. - Alex Jones' InfoWars Offered White House Credentials
Things sure are changing in the White House press corps. According to a video posted on Wednesday, radio show host Alex Jones’s website Infowars, which has been accused of being “conspiracy theory and alt-right” by much of the established media, has been offered White House press credentials. In the clip Jones explains: “Here’s the deal, I know I get White House credentials, we’ve already been offered them, we’re going to get them, but I’ve just got to spend the money to send somebody there. I want to make sure it’s even worth it. I don’t want to just sit there up there like ‘m in the media, look our people are there.’ People don’t understand this paradigm, we’re devolving in a good way, power from the federal government back to the people, back from the centralized MSM to the people, just like Trump said in his speech.” On Monday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that four “Skype seats” would be made available to some journalists who are outside of a 50-mile radius of Washington, D.C.. It is not known when the Skype seats will be deployed during daily press briefings. - Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – January 26, 2017
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams’ weekly newsletter.
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