The Elite have just told Chaplain Williams everything he has wanted to know for months. Answers – Finally. This information will be made available to you. Please be sure that we know how to contact you by email. Watch for future ANNOUNCEMENTS.
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
All the american presidents are just fronts. Do mistake me presidents have power but they come and go.
Surrounding every presidents are the advisors who appear to be at the president’s beck and call during public appearances. They serve one president after another and never seem to go away or lose their jobs.
Outwardly it appears they are helping or serving the presidents but they prepare his speeches and tell him what to say after all what the hell do president know? They are just politicians not subject matter experts.
Are these the real force or just another level closer to the real power?
Thanks to both you and Pastor Williams for the DVD’s and this website which I read daily.
I am under the impression that the NWO (elite) control and decide who shall be President in order to carry out their agenda.
Even though I am not an American, I do pay attention to American politics. I do not have a horse in this race and am not a big fan of either Hilary or Trump.
I am curious about your comments on this website in regards to Trump and why you feel he will not win.
Could you also please expand on who you may think has a better chance to win the election and why. Best regards and thanks.
(EDITOR: Thank you for your comments. The Elite choose the president who will pursue their agenda. Those who waiver from the agenda are removed from office one way or another as we have seen in the past. With regards to Donald Trump he will not win because his statements and attitude go against the sustainable development agenda (NWO), which is what the Elite are rolling out globally. Now, I understand that most if not all presidential candidates promise the earth and then fail to deliver. Trump has said things that clearly he will never be able to deliver. One can ask the question, would Trump be able to follow orders? During the birth certificate debacle Trump was told to back off, and he did. That was the time when it was revealed that Bin Laden was killed to bring people’s attentions away from the birth certificate derailing Obama’s presidency. Is it possible that Trump was offered something in return if he stopped pushing the birth certificate issue, maybe the presidency? Trump does love the glory and there’s no more glorious position than President of the United States of America even if it is a puppet presidency. I believe he is too used to getting his own way and doing his own thing to actually follow the orders given to him. A red flag is that he is not pushing the sustainable development agenda that life politicians like Bush or Clinton would promote to please their masters. Ultimately when we get down to it, it is not up to the American people who they get to vote for. The Elite always get their man (Hillary included). Regardless of who is elected, the Elite still make the rules and always will. People keep telling me that law protects the citizens. People forget that the law is written by the rich. There is no scenario, whether Trump, Clinton, Bush, Sanders or another is elected, that the Elite don’t control the outcome. That is the problem. I have said it before and I will say it again, I believe that Trump is a clown sent in to take heat off of Clinton and when all is said and done they are not real rivals. We see it in politics around the world, they are friends. The system is corrupt and the American people will continue to be ruled over by the Elite. Until the people decide to make radical changes to their way of life it will always be this way, its simple as that.)
As an additional to James’ response, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is worth reading if anyone hasn’t come across it already. It’s an eye opener into how the world today is run. It reveals that those at the top will lie to your face without flinching, have their agents in all the key areas of government, education, religion, science, finance, media. Will undertake whatever is necessary to unfold their plan of world domination. Will groom their “people” to appear “respectable and honorable” and “above reproach” so the general population will never suspect them as undercover representatives. This book has awakened many and as you read, the pieces fall into place and one realizes why poverty and world problems fail to be permanently resolved. This book confirms that anyone in key positions opposing the plan of the elite will firstly not be permitted to take the position, or if they perchance do, will be somehow removed. President John F. Kennedy was killed by the elite because he was taking a direction they didn’t want and was beginning to expose them. Video of the President’s revelation of the elite:
Full version:
Everybody here has a short memory. When Obama ran against McCain we were told Mc was their choice. Obama ended up winning. LW said the “elite” hated Obama because he was a renegade. He even said that he was a muslim and sympathetic to them and the “elite” did not like that. Another issue was the keystone pipeline. So what has changed? As I said before. The “elite” do not control anything. They just give an illusion of control by taking credit for world events. I agree with LW that they probably now the Bible well. They know the prophecies and take credit for things to come that way.
You could very well be right. I do believe they are in control in some way. But think about this:
If Ken From was really an elite man, why he then was being involved in such low operational things like building an oil pipeline in cold Alaska? This does not make any sense. He would have had enough people for that dirty job.
Real elites like Rothschild do not work this way.
Have you noticed how people of all stripes bandy-about the term “international law,” and everyone thoughtlessly accepts the implications of such an absurd notion?
Do you really believe the elite have no control? If not, how did this way of thinking (as one single, simple example) become pervasive?
People are “sheeple”. Especially the liberals. They believe they can have a utopia if we all live under one government and religion. The politicians and so called “elite” just exploit and use them. There is really no control. The masses are willing participants. They are naïve and Holy Bible illiterate.
The latest Up-to-Date Info On What Is Going On (2016):
(EDITOR: I was going to delete this comment, but I am going to approve it just for the responses both positive and negative towards what I have stated in my notes on comments left as EDITOR at this website. According to the video blogger, what I stated in my answer to a question directed to me was “weird” and that I was arrogant and condescending towards a commentator especially with my statements about the idiot Donald Trump. The questions referred to by the video blogger were asked to me not Pastor Williams. The answers came from myself and not Pastor Williams. I do not just relay information from Pastor Williams, I get information from time to time as well. The information relating to the Arab Spring I have relayed at this site previously, it is not a new revelation. By the way, I also do research that ties in with what Pastor Williams and his Elite friends has said over the years to back up what is shared with evidence. That is why the newsletters sometimes take weeks to write. The last newsletter was over 18,000 words because correlating information from hundreds of sources on and offline takes time. I didn’t benefit from sending the newsletter, in fact it caused problems in my personal life. However, I must refrain from giving excuses. I will state that sometimes I think am wasting my time editing this website. One individual actually complained that the newsletter was too long and it put them to sleep. Therefore, they wouldn’t share it with others because people wouldn’t want to read something so long. It is messages like this that actually make me question if I am actually making a difference. In the same train of thought, I wish the video blogger had more to share other than criticism about information shared by myself and Pastor Williams. What I find more concerning is the video blogger posted the video here to gain some publicity and followers for themselves. They did not really share anything that benefits the visitors and the many valued contributors at this site other than furthering the agenda of the individual that created it. I will end by saying this, I edit this website and as such I dictate what gets posted. I have said this from day one… Comments that are overly negative towards the work of myself or Pastor Williams or comments that do not share valuable information that can help people will not be approved. I have said before, if you wish to complain or be negative towards myself or Pastor Williams feel free to use the many forums and websites that are more than willing to welcome that kind of behavior. Also, if you do not like the information that Pastor Williams or I share, then please feel free to search for knowledge elsewhere. Additionally, ALL the new information shared by Pastor Williams is shared by way of a physical DVD. It has always been like this, if you do not appreciate the way in which Pastor Williams has always shared his information, then please go elsewhere. To those who have contributed valuable information and links to informative articles, I say thank you and please keep up the good work because your sharing of knowledge and information can and will help save lives.)
I watched this video and feel the presenter doesn’t have the complete picture, isn’t fully informed on all the factors involved and is largely honing in on the date/timeframe factor to debunk Pastor and the work of this website. It’s easy to debunk anyone – what effort does that require? Sure, it’s natural to query an individual when a forecast doesn’t eventuate but no one is infallible and one needs to step back and examine the overall intent along with what’s been proven to date – what is the fruit? Pastor has spent years communicating with elites, researching, asking questions, getting out to audiences in person and on air, communicating information and warning the public to the best of his ability. The majority of what he has reported has eventuated – Rob’s post on this page regarding Pastor’s 2012 DVD confirms accurate forecasts and is evidence of the “fruit” of Pastor’s work. Sure some things may be “off”. But the elite have “off” factors too, for example they had to indict those nations objecting to bail-in laws. Do you think they anticipated that or wanted those objections? Not having bail-in laws in force worldwide is an obvious delay factor in my mind to bringing down the banks worldwide Sept – Dec when the whole idea of bail-in’s is to rob everyone’s savings.
James, this website you maintain is very important in helping people. Your articles I find are extremely valuable and I personally gain a lot from them in terms of giving clarity on where we’re at – you have a talent of collating everything that’s going on out there, extracting the truth and communicating in a way that’s easy to understand. This isn’t found anywhere in mainstream media. My view is you’re providing a superb humanitarian service and I’m grateful for this site. I was unhappy to read the recent articles caused an issue in your personal life. I hope that’s fine now and best wishes going your way for peace and prosperity.
God bless you James.
(EDITOR: Thank you for your kind words Marguerite. We should all be moving forward together instead of bickering among ourselves. The division within communities such as ours is the reason the Elite still remain in total control of this planet. To become as self-sufficient as possible is the only way we can overcome the Elite’s master plan. The Elite want everyone reliant on everyone else, the reason for this is so they continue to hold control within a completely integrated world. No country will be allowed to become self-sufficient. I believe the last country to have this plan of action was Libya and we saw what happened on live prime-time television to the leader of that country. We must all think in terms of self-sufficiency, if we all do this WE win! The Elite reinforce every day the reason we need them. In reality we don’t need them. We are more than capable of managing our own lives. Pastor Williams will be sharing with us important topics in his new DVD that I believe will be released within the next two weeks. I will be creating a new “10 Steps To Avoid The Crash” in time that will update everyone on what they can do to prepare for, and therefore be less affected by, any kind of financial crash, civil unrest or downgrade of national status. I want to help people really live and not just survive day-to-day. Positive comments from Marguerite and others that have contributed information to help everyone makes me wish to continue to share information.)
I assure you, I have a great grasp of what is going on. I find it very interesting that Gerald Celente and Lindsey Williams predicted the same exact scenario of collapse by the end of 2015. Gerald Celente apologized for missing the mark, and that is fine since he data mines and is transparent about where the forecasting comes from.
I find it even more interesting that Gerald provided this prediction first, and along with further predictions for 2016. Gerald’s ‘Panic of 2016’ prediction however does seem to be on the money so far.
I eagerly await what Mr. Williams has to say in his DVD, so I can further compare and contrast.
IMPORTANT: I am in no way shape or form saying that this is a prophetic revelation however I feel deeply compelled to write the following potential problems that may develop very soon:
1) CRUDE OIL SUPPLY DISRUPTIONS WORLDWIDE as NATIONS RISE AGAINST NATION AND TENSIONS DEVELOP WITH OPEC. An emergency meeting is being discussed and requested by several concerned nations at this very moment.
2) GASOLINE PUMP PRICES to rise substantially in the U.S.A. as the burden is placed on the consumer to account for recent losses in the big oil industry.
3) The man of sin the son of perdition to be revealed soon as the world is seeking a leader to make everyone feel more safe and secure.
4) The true believers on Christ are going to disappear from view as God sends strong delusion and hardly anyone will even notice.
You may be right about item #’s 1 & 2, I don’t know. We’ll just have to take the wait and see approach on this, which is all we can really do anyway.
#3 – You may want to keep an eye on Obama. As much as people are looking forward to his exit, I’ve seen where he would like to run for the UN Secretary General after Ban Ki Moon’s term is finished at the end of this year. I’m sure that many would disqualify him as the man of sin, based solely on the fact that he’s from America and not the revived Roman empire (Europe). But I would remind them that America is merely an extension of Rome. We have Roman culture as well as Roman law here. Not to mention the fact that Daniel said the 4th beast would devour the entire world and tread it down and break it in pieces (globalism). It also appears that Obama seems to fit many of the prophecies. So this is another wait and see item.
#4 – I must agree, at least somewhat. I have been saying for years that in the end, the church will go underground or meet in houses like they did in the first century. Mega-churches may still be in operation then, but the truth will not be taught in them.
We should understand that the “Powers That Be” do change/modify their plans. They know of Lindsey. Lindsey would be very often right if the plans weren’t changed. So give Lindsey a break and understand that everything he tells you can be changed, and that he’s trying to provide us with what he is told.
Everything Pastor Williams has been warning about for several years now is finally coming to pass. Feeling afraid here! The mainstream media are talking about an economic crisis in china. They are also talking about a crisis as great at the 2008-2009 world economic meltdown.
James, appreciate your response on a question because your analysis, research and knowledge is so good…
Do you have any thoughts on the 1988 Economist magazine cover announcing a new currency for 2018? This gives a major clue on timing of the elites’ plan and may dovetail into the information Pastor will shortly provide in his DVD. If a new world currency is to be released in 2018, would that suggest a financial collapse in 2017 or 2018 for instance? Wouldn’t a new currency be issued shortly after a collapse? Perhaps the elite will keep things teetering for a further 1-2 years.
(EDITOR: The Elite do not make snap decisions. Whatever happens has been planned for years in advance. Announcements are made and it is several years before things appear to the layperson. China’s Renminbi added to the IMF’s SDR, will be a year before it goes ahead. Remember a few years ago I mentioned that I was told about the Arab Spring two years before it actually happened. Although the phrasing of what was said to me was cryptic, all was revealed when it actually happened. The Elite knew and already planned what was about to happen. Nothing is left to chance. Everything is prepared, tested and ready to roll when they decide to let it roll. If the Elite crash the economies of the world, it is for good reason. People including Pastor Williams have said the GCR will not happen because of complaints by several countries governments. All this means is that the Elite will come up with a revised plan since they hold all the cards. The IMF do not make idle comments, whatsoever. The GCR would happen in the event of a crash to return to a sustainable global financial system. Please make note, it is easy to figure out what the Elite are trying to do — think like them, everything is about sustainable development — DOES THIS EVENT THAT IS SHARED BY MAINSTREAM MEDIA ADVANCE THE GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL? By thinking this, immediately rules out the stupidity of Donald Trump, he will never be president. Place a bet on it, it’s not going to happen. Does the destruction of the US superpower make sense under global sustainable development? Of course it does.)
Interesting question Marguerite.
The Bible leads me to believe currencies will be out of commission for quite a while after the crash. Rev. 6 says “A quart of wheat for a days wages, and three quarts of barley for a days wages.”
Of course, this may happen before the mark of the beast is implemented? I can imagine how the elite would purposely create very hard times for people, in hopes that many would start begging for the mark. If they tried to pull that off right now, the people would be wise to it and it wouldn’t work. Yet, if we have to start working for our food supply, things would quickly start turning in the elites favor. This is why we need to be prepared.
Thank you for your reply James. What I realize is that it’s generally risky for anyone to give timeframes/dates because the elite are not perfect in their movements since they would be contending with opposing forces and timing can’t ever be accurately kept however stages and steps can be and these we clearly see are being maintained. This is the focus of what Pastor and yourself continue to track – the stages and what the end game is which is very valuable information to us ‘little people’. I want to thank you for sharing information that comes your way and hope you will continue to do so. You are right about the elites’ global sustainable development goal and tip of “thinking like them”. As evidence of needing to think like them to understand the game, the Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott was in opposition of supporting the global warming agenda, carbon taxes and some other facets of the agenda. As a result he was suddenly and for no known legitimate reason removed from the position. This clearly demonstrates government officials MUST tow the line, think and do and enforce laws according to the elite.
Your work is much appreciated, especially sympathized with your response to the guy who said the newsletter “put him to sleep”?! How outrageous. Your 18,000 words of Excellent analysis, research & data served up to him on a silver platter without having to do or pay anything- and even THATS too much effort for him!? God help America.
If Trump is supported by what seems overwhelming demand- would the Elite try to rig the machines? Assassinate him? Buy him off?
Waiting anxiously for Lindsey’s DVD. Nikkei down nearly -800 overnight w trading halt- none of this is reflected in the charts Americans will see upon waking. But I saw the events myself online.. Age of Deception.
Listening to everything again. Two questions come to me that I hope someone can answer.
1. “The biggest buying opportunity of our lifetime. What is it that Mr. Williams means here? Opportunity to buy metals while low? Other goods, because of a strong dollar? Is there a sign to look for that signals a close to this opportunity?
2. If I have $100 in my pocket right now, do I buy silver (physical at the local shops still take $17/oz because they refuse to sell it cheaper), save cash for the ‘buying opportunity’, or spend it on lotto tickets (kidding).
3. In some of the older DVD’s we were told about oil and its future climb to new heights. Is that old news now or something still on the horizon? When do we sell metal, or do we keep it always?
Thanks to anyone who can guide me to answers on these. Um, answers that are based in Mr. Williams words not personal guesses.
ROFL obviously I added another question in there, 😛 no hillbilly jokes about my math.
Secure your gold and silver until after the crash. Dollar will be worthless or severely devalued and medals will skyrocket allowing you to purchase things for pennies on the dollar after the dust settles.
I’m in Canada, you know, the crappy country to the north.
Right now our country is in collapse.
Our dollar is down 40% in under two years.
Food prices are skyrocketing.
Housing prices are skyrocketing.
Taxes are skyrocketing.
The metals have held their value.
The government is in panic mode, slashing interest rates to devalue our currency due to low oil prices. This is fuelling a massive housing bubble, people are paying $400,000+ over market value for 100+ year old farm houses. They are opening the flood gates to massive immigration trying to dilute the debt by increasing the population.
Everyone is getting squeezed, and predictably, they are sustaining their lifestyles by borrowing money.
Now we are in an interesting race against time. Because as the currency collapses, the cost of living is skyrocketing. At some point it will break, and people will begin to go bankrupt unable to keep up because wages are flat or declining. When that will happen I do not know. When it does happen, our country will collapse financially.
Think housing bubble crash of 2008, the bubble raged for 6-7 years, and the big bang at the end was when financial institutions starting failing. This is when your gold/silver will pay off big time.
My advice, is to keep a portion (not all) of your money in metals. You will still need money to invest, because there are still financial opportunities during the run up of the bubble.
The media/government will tell you all is fine, even though it is definitely not fine, it is worse than not fine, the situation is totally out of control.
Canada’s currency is currently hyper-inflating. It is strange, life goes on until the credit snap, it is coming.
Thanks, to both of you who replied.
I am just a simple hillbilly in the Ozarks. That means there is not much money to invest in anything. Yet I have managed (through the efforts in the 70/80’s of my father) to have what I need to ‘survive’. Land, shelter, food (for a while, our generosity has be insecure…but hey what is the point of surviving if you do not stay human), we have our weapons to hunt and secure, and a mild amount of metals. We are more ready than most.
But… we can not pretend that society will end because of all this. It is a designed hardship but bills and taxes will still be there. Money (what ever form it will be in) will still be needed. I have been poor my whole life and wonder just what else other than metals would be valuable.
With oil and gold this low at the same time, surely there are companies that we KNOW will weather the storm… maybe ways to put our retirement plans into those companies now to protect them from the bubble market. I just do not know what they are or how to do it.
Listening to all the info again now to see if I can figure this out. Every time I listen to them after major events I find new information.
The Big Short:
Have anybody else seen this movie yet? It remineds me of the the documentary, Inside Job.
What i find most interesting about this movie, is that it can make a lot of people more bearish.
It of course remindes people about the 2008 crisis, but it also show people how corrupt the system is.
The lack of resposibel people i key positions, and how it created a systemic crisis.
I already know this like the rest of us on this page. I have seen more documentaries about this subject than most people. And most people dont se documentaries or read books, but they do whatch movies like The Big Short in cinemas.
I dont expect people to se the problems in derivatives and currencies, but they might get more carefull with spending money and open for the possebility for a new crisis. Which will make the crisis come sooner?
I also have to admit, that i am a but surprised that somebody made a move like this…. it just dont seem to be in the interest of hollywood and wall street.
Personally if it’s gonna happen then I’d like it to happen soon. The sooner the bottom drops out the sooner it can be fixed. I sit and watch the stock market, last week I actually thought that this was it. Now with it ending on an up note yesterday and possibly today (it’s up as I type this)I start to doubt it. Business is somewhat steady in my manufacturing shop. In 2008 I had very few employee’s left. I need people but am hesitant to hire(I don’t want to lay off next month). That’s the biggest problem having 60 families depending on me to make the correct choices. The wait either way at least for me is the hard part. So I can plan to either ride this storm out or just hire and hope like hell It don’t happen.
Well looks like the whole will be going up in flames before we ever see a DVD from Pastor Williams. It just does not look like we have much time. Oil going to 20 barrel, Nigeria just halted dollar sales, their currency just crashed. Derivatives about to go up. This looks like an hourly thing now.
Gas Prices To Jump In Feb 2016
RBS cries ‘sell everything’ as deflationary crisis nears
It’s starting to collapse.
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit ALL anchored along coasts; none moving …
Rail Traffic Is Saying Something Worrying About the U.S. Economy –: …
Back in September I didn’t really feel the crash would occur despite the many forecasts.
After reading about George Soros’ warning last week of China likely to cause a global meltdown I’m beginning to sense the crash could now be very very close.
George Soros is either one of the global elite or is in close company with them.
Him coming out with such a warning is perhaps his role in being a mouthpiece for the elite. We know their protocol, as Pastor has informed us previously – they must forewarn before they undertake their actions.
Rob Kirby says “we are very close to the end”
When I think about the Blessed Lord and how He would be viewing a global financial collapse, I’m guessing He will permit it to occur because of the shake-up it will create in people’s beliefs. Despite the global elite having so much earthly power, for the me the Lord is supreme and He will halt or allow according to how He wants to move humanity towards salvation and the end time.
I thank you and Mike for sharing the link. Great interview indeed.
Rob Kirby-We Are Very Close to the End
Here are two very informed articles that deal with the coming chaos.
The 1st is a website that looks at the big picture and what to stay focused on.
Copy and paste to your browser.
The second is a guy, Clif High, who’s computer program, based on linguistics, is very accurate and articulate. Some of his stuff is shown on youtube, but I highly recommend people purchase his latest ALta report, on his website: half past human, for $15.00. It is a mind bending report about the timeline of Bitcoin, silver/ gold, bond, $ & market crash and ensuing chaos to fallow.
Here’s a youtube posting from 12/23/15
I’m still waiting for that “Global Coastal Event.”
Still waiting…
Still waiting…
(Hmmm…”Clif High”…apt name.)
Yesterday I watched Lindsey’s dvd from 2012, “The Next Four Years.” I believe he was more clear then, than when he produced, “Elite Emergency Data.” It seems everyone is waiting for a crash to come all at once, but it became more clear after I watched “The Next Four Years.” Here’s what he said:
One of the elite’s plans was to faze out the dollar sometime during the four years after Obama’s re-election. We’re now in the fourth year. They gave Lindsey some signs to look for before it would happen. They told him to watch out when he started to see trade wars. Then would come currency wars. Both of these have been happening for quite some time now. Then they told him that when he started to hear about the Federal Reserve raising interest rates, then the crash would be coming within the next three to six months.
A rise in interest rates would be the last sign and rates have not been raised in nearly ten years. But as you know, that all changed on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015. A tiny .25% raise could end up being the straw that broke the camel’s back.
The general public is being misinformed by the mainstream secular media. They are being lulled to sleep like a frog in a pan of water that is cooking very slowly. The media is owned by the elite, so don’t expect to hear any reports about this there. They’re too busy keeping us distracted with their phony unemployment numbers, false economic statistics and propaganda.
But if you saw what happened to the stock market this week, if that is not a sign of things to come I don’t know what is. It was the worst opening week in the history of the stock market. Traders were hit with great losses every single day this week as the Dow plunged about 1100 points. And the same disaster was felt on all of the other stock markets around the globe as well.
Get ready for the bubbles to start popping. The meltdown has begun. The Fed will be forced to take drastic measures soon, and so will this evil government. And then we can expect to see things like bail-ins, losses in retirement accounts and the end of entitlements…
Thanks for the recap. It confirms how good Pastor’s info has been.
rob: that was an interesting fact.
a lot have already come true, and the rest might as well within this year:
I tought the crash was in December 2015, he repeated this all the time and nothing happend
Looks the elite can’t make a crash when they want, they are loosing power
(EDITOR: The Elite have not lost power. Loose ends have not been tied up, that is the only reason they have left it so long. We’re in January and the USA isn’t looking good. Interest rates have been raised knowing there were serious problems. How long before those rates come back down?)
Come on, James: It is obvious that the “elite” lost control. They did not get their way and if you look back 2-3 years, you can see, that since then they never got their way as they told Lindsey before.
You have to differentiate between the information Lindsey got from them and the reality. It is not Lindseys fault, but you must admit that the “elite” does not have the power they think.
Also: Keep in mind, that the european “elite” are not the same as the US-“elite”. US-“elites” are Rockefeller etc., european “elites” are Rothchild. They both fight against each other in this fight for global rulership. Rockefeller want a socialist New World Order, Rothchild seems to want to rebuild monarchy.
Have a look in revelation 6 and other words where the bible tells us about “kings” instead of politicians. So the US-“elite” at the end WILL loose their power and this is what we already see in reality. Keep looking up!
The collapse is already happening, although seemingly still on slow pace
– the middle-class is fading away rapidly
– the # of people on food-stamps is growing
– more and more people can’t even make it from paycheck to paycheck anymore
– growing # of homeless people
– the official # of the unemployed doesn’t match the real #, which is much higher
– how many children and elderly are hungry daily in the US?
– the Baltic Dry Index is down month after month
– the US$ is dead since 2012… still around, still has “power” because it is on life-support
– increasing # of (mental)illnesses
– etc. etc.
When all those signs are added up, it’s easy to see that the collapse IS happening…. right now. The eerie noise of all the cracks can be heard easily and it’s sound is increasing. But…. indeed…., for those waiting for the BIG BOOM….. that BIG BOOM hasn’t happened…. yet.
The elite still have the ability to
– suppress the gold-price and other commodities,
– rig the markets,
– control the govt.,
– increase gun-control,
– impose mandatory vaccination,
– diminish free speech
– illegal eviction or land grab from private owners and small businesses
– and what not
to make our life difficult and hard while continuing to tighten the shackles where they can.
One thing though, they will never be able to ever capture (unless ofcourse we make that happen) and that is: our Thoughts, because:
Die Gedanken Sind Frei – Thoughts Are Free COVER with Lyrics
An old German song, sang by ShadowCa7 in German and English.
And now I renounce forever my sorrows,
And never again to fret my tomorrows,
I’ll always have laughter and joy ever after,
For in my heart I’ll sing, Thoughts are free!
She doesn’t charge for her songs. Her God given talent: her beautiful voice To God be the Glory
EDITOR/James Harkin do you believe the Elite have Russia (and Putin) and China under their control? I know Russia/China is suffering from thew worldwide financial manipulation, but are they submitting to the Elites or battling them?
(EDITOR: Yes, the Russians and Chinese have central banks owned by the same people as the other central banks. It only has the appearance of being separate and merely seems that they are out for their own respective countries. I have said before this is a mass movement of wealth and control away from the west and to the east. It is part of the sustainable development new world order. We must remember these apparent “good guys” have a seriously poor historical human rights record and many people in the truth movement are herald them as saviors. As BRICS trade group gains more power we’ll see more power shared among many countries. This is more sustainable than just one super power dominating the planet. A lot of researchers and pundits are now stating what I have stated for a long time, the west will be dragged down from the first world to pay for the third world to be raised. The first world will pay $100 billion for starters, every year to raise third world up. There is no white knight going to save us. We are going to go through this one way or another.)
James you answered correctly. Just testing you.
Maurice Strong, member of all the elite organizations and global warming proponent has been living in China for years. Curious place for a top elite member to live if China is battling the West as so many people believe and Maurice Strong is the embodiment of a strong western elite. It’s theater of the mind to make people think China is independent like Russia is falsely portrayed.
Maurice Strong has been in China to ensure the agenda of the elite.
James, some of the people surrounding these elite have let slip something is happening on the 15th. I wonder if Pastor can fill in as to what that is and what month.
(EDITOR: Maurice Strong died November 27, 2015.)
The Chaplain’s long-standing, uninterrupted thesis has been:
“The name of the game is control.”
But, in conjunction with this, he has long emphasized: “The elite don’t want riots.”
The change in the monetary system is a long, slow transition from an unsustainable, unipolar system to a sustainable, multipolar system. It is on track, as a primary plank of Agenda 2030.
Expecting a “crash”? Think again. “The elite don’t want riots.” But there is a change, and it is taking place now.
How the Elites now control China:
The “Elites” have LONG controlled China:
I really hope that whatever news he is able to deliver, that he just comes right out with it, things like that are better done quickly.
There is a great 2 hour interview from Elijah Johnson with Jim Willie, 1-5-2016
Part 1
Part 2
God Bless Pastor Williams. Thank you for all the valuable information you give us and helping us prepare for the time to come. Information is changing so fast in this day and age, just like our government (US) is changing – (it’s not “we the people” anymore).
I am so thankful that you are NOT a prideful man and who backs off when some information changes. The type of information you give is extremely volatile and we Christians have to power to “pray against” evil plans. This is why I follow you and your information – because THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER. Blessings Pastor Williams! Looking forward to your new DVD!
You have to be in CASH now for the ECONOMIC CRASH.
That’s the final word about it and those of us who are in Christ will meet him in the air soon.