The Elite have just told Chaplain Williams everything he has wanted to know for months. Answers – Finally. This information will be made available to you. Please be sure that we know how to contact you by email. Watch for future ANNOUNCEMENTS.
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
Big Oil News:
Oil Crash Is Here: Oil Producing Countries Already Selling Below $13 Dollars A Barrel.
Big Banks Prepare For Oil & Gas Loan Implosion. Bail-IN Coming. Small Banks Will Not Survive.
Thanks for the heads up, Chaos. Short & sweet!
One of the best assessments or descriptions I’ve heard of what the mark may likely be from Alex Jones at 47:00
I think Alex has given a reasonably good key to unlocking the Bible verse:
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
No, Jones is wrong as far as I understand him and what scripture says. Jones says that the digital number will be personal, which is not the number of the beast.
“17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
It is a mark of the beast or is the name of the beast or the number of his name, which is 666. How can a personal number be personal then if all have the same number? Makes no sense to me.
Btw the carbon atom has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 😉
Interesting Al… carbon is the second most abundant element in the human body, Alex I understand is referring to some kind of biometrics which identifies individual human beings and whether biometrics is a carbon based identifier
The beast I’ve heard somewhere could represent the financial system rather than an actual individual
Stock Markets Crash In The MiddleEast Fueled By Iranian Oil Put Into Circulation
Another really good one:
Here is a snippet ala’ Hugo Salinas Price. Also read the comments- interesting
I thought this was an excellent video:
This was an emergency interview given by Bill Friday. As I said before Mr Williams may not get that video out in time before the banks are closed.
“…..I believe this is it. The margin call, the meltdown, we’re watching it in real time… I guess the best way to look at where we are right now is, we’re standing at the gates of Hell……”
it’s going to get much worse. We’ll see more debt, store closures, bankruptcies, layoffs and bank bail-ins before the banks are closed.
Good alert – thank you
Buckle up: China’s economic downturn headed for US
The Unfolding Global Reset that Only Few Understand
Here the full SDR-reset-PDF by IMF-official Warren Coats – …
The Goldman Sachs contagion of greedy ex-executives in global positions IMF/ECB/BIS/Fed Reserve government officials will never deliver economic confidence to the people. Once a reset we wait until a few % is syphoned off each year until the next reset.
This is also what Ben Fullford was saying.
NZ Treasurer hails China’s role in creating #AIIB as new addition to int’l financial system
“China Banks Seem To Be Doing Whatever They Can To Avoid Paying Anyone In Dollars”
Eurasia Abandoning US Dollar Hegemony One Kick at a Time
whats lindseys take on current stock market? it been over 2 weeks of tantalizing internet checks.
Dr. Warren Coats (former IMF) explains his proposal for a Real SDR global reserve currency (that could replace the US dollar some day):
Everything is manipulated.
Oups ce que je voulais dire lundi je vais entreprendre des démarches pour acheter une onze en argent.
Je crois je fais une très bonne affaire.
Si mes calculs sont le big one financier arrivera d’ici avant les présidentiels. Les fêtes juives sont pour cette année entre le 3 octobre et le 25 octobre 2016.
Les krachs qui ont lieu en octobre
1987 sont tous deux arriver à deux jours après les fêtes juives.
Dont pour le 27 octobre 2016 c’est un jeudi.
Oops I meant Monday I will take steps to purchase eleven silver .
I think I do a pretty good deal.
If my calculations are the financial big one will come out of here before the presidential . Jewish holidays are this year between October 3 and October 25, 2016 .
The crashes that take place in October
1987 are both arrive in two days after the Jewish holidays .
Which for October 27, 2016 is a Thursday.
Lundi prochain je vais entreprendre pour acheter un onze d’argent physique.
Je crois que c’est l’année où qu’on l’établissement de l’Union nord-américain.
D’après l’interview de Bill Ryan avec un général 4 étoiles.
Cette union sera un fait historique avant 2017.
Donc pour cet automne 2016.
Je crois que si certain analyste ont raison le big one financier sera pour fin septembre ou bien courant octobre 2016.
Next Monday I will undertake to buy an eleven physical money.
I think this is the year that the establishment of the North American Union.
According to the interview with Bill Ryan with a 4 star General .
This union is a historical fact by 2017 .
So this fall 2016 .
I believe that if some analysts are right the big financial one will be for late September or October 2016 current .
Is Puerto RIco default the tipping point?
Lyndon LaRouche U.S. political activist warns the following:
. Obama MUST be removed from office – he is a dangerous man
. Obama’s goal is to start WW3
. Obama is a puppet for the British
. the economic system is a fraud and will collapse
He says Obama’s intent to start WW3 is most likely to occur BEFORE he leaves office.
One of the Bible’s prophecies is a world war which kills one third of humanity.
Revelation 9:14-18
Saying to the sixt Angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four Angels which are bound in the great riuer Euphrates.
And the foure Angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sate on them, hauing brest-plates of fire and of Iacinct, and brimstone, & the heads of the horses were as the heads of Lions, and out of their mouths issued fire, and smoke, and brimstone.
By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouths
Continued from yesterday’s JR email:
“Here’s where we left off yesterday:
Helicopter money — not to be confused with quantitative easing — is coming. And sooner than you think.
From Jan. 20–23, next week, the World Economic Forum meets in Davos, Switzerland.
All the global elites will show up. Think of it as the mecca of globalization. I explained yesterday that these elites — the same ones who’ll be in Davos next week — want inflation. And “helicopter money” is their answer.
How do I know?
I can see signs of it already. Here’s one very powerful sign…
An individual named Adair Turner is one of these global financial elites I expect will be at Davos. He was the former chief securities regulator in the U.K. — the equivalent of the American head of the SEC.
He is now the head of a think tank called the Institute for New Economic Thinking, which is funded and sponsored by George Soros. You can think of Adair Turner as George Soros’ high-caliber intellectual stalking horse.
Turner has a new book out that I recommend you read. It’s a bit technical, but not long. It’s called Between Debt and the Devil. The title says it all.
I read this book late last year. I took it very seriously and said to myself, “Here’s the blueprint. Here’s the game plan for the Super Bowl of debt monetization.”
This book is the elite blueprint for helicopter money. That blueprint relies a lot on Keynesian dogma, which I explained in detail yesterday. But there’s a new twist wouldn’t have had much traction in Keynes’ day.
The gist? That it doesn’t matter how much money central banks print.
The global financial elites see nothing troublesome about the fact that the Federal Reserve has taken their balance sheet from $800 billion to $4 trillion. Moreover, because the world didn’t come to an end when the Fed expanded their balance sheet by so much, they should consider taking it to $6 trillion… $8 trillion… perhaps even $20 trillion.
The Fed would add more government securities to their balance sheet. And they’d make it a permanent, noninterest-bearing debt. In other words, debt monetization — all of it just goes away.
This is the type of thinking that’s popular among these elites. And they’re getting ready to put it into action.
Helicopter money is coming. And it will “work.” Maybe not right away or in the next six months. But it could happen in late 2016. With enough helicopter money, they will actually produce inflation.
I’m not defending these policies. I’m simply relaying how many economists and global elites think.
The world is stuck in a deflation trap right now. You can see it in the falling price of commodities, in the global economic slowdown and in the leading indicators I showed you yesterday, which are pointing toward a recession.
Deflation will give Davos attendees a sense of urgency to stoke inflation. And helicopter money will be conversation in the hallways, in the private meeting rooms and over drinks.
With all the other failures in quantitative easing and currency wars that I’ve described over the last eight years, the only tool left is debt monetization (aka helicopter money).
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. After seven years and $4 trillion of Federal Reserve money printing after the 2008 crash, you may think to yourself, if hyperinflation were ever going to happen in the U.S., it would’ve already.
When your savings are wiped out, you can’t say you weren’t warned.”
Thanks Rob. Much appreciated!
World Rushes to De-Dollarize Oil Trade Before US Economy Crashes and Burns THE BIG SHORT in theatres now This Hollywood movie Money Monster out in May, very fitting, guy looses everything to wallstreet, says its all rigged.
Just got an email from Jim Rickards I thought I’d paste a part of it for everyone>>>
Soon — perhaps just weeks from now — I believe markets will be hit by the third and biggest currency shock since the currency wars started in 2010.
It’s going to be a hard stab in America’s back by one of our closest “allies”.
Absolutely no one is expecting this…
Yet, when this sneak currency attack hits financial markets in the next few weeks…
Stocks could flash crash by over 10% in a matter of minutes, causing a selloff…
Oil prices could crash even lower than $35 per barrel…
Some financial institutions might go bankrupt, taking savers money with them…
The U.S.’s most powerful financial weapon will be destroyed…
America’s biggest “frenemy” will gain the world’s #1 financial advantage…
And a full scale war between a region’s two biggest powers could explode. The U.S. might even get dragged into the fighting…<<<
That's it, but he also said that an announcement will be made next Friday that will set off the media. It must be big if it destroys America's most powerful weapon. I can only guess what that is…maybe the end of the petro-dollar or possibly losing reserve currency status? I don't know but I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for sharing this info, Rob. It would look like Saudi Arabia announces selling oil other than the US dollar.
Saudi Arabia selling in non-US dollars would immediately collapse the dollar! Interest rates would skyrocket in the US! You’d see 20% interest rates overnight. The whole country would default.
I just finished watching Jim’s live video stream and he said they expect Saudi Arabia to de-peg from the dollar in the coming days.
Is next Friday- Jan 15? Going into the long holiday weekend? That timing would be true to their tactics.
No, he said an announcement will be made on Jan. 22.
Isn’t January 22nd the end of the Davos Economic Conference? Would the moderator have any comment on that meeting?
Hi Rob,
Just curious, how do you receive email from Jim Rickards? Also, when was this msg dated? Thanks.
Hi Alex,
Rickards is one of several who work under Bill Bonner on the side. These emails came from that network under the heading of, “The Daily Reckoning,” which have various different writers on any given day.
Email was sent out on Jan. 14th, and his follow up came the next day.
Rob, did you really get this from Jim Rickards because I haven’t received anything and I’m a twitter follower of his?
Hi Luke,
Yes, Rickards wrote the email and also signed it. However, he’s only one of several financial gurus working under Bill Bonner. This was his set up for a free video webinar tonight at 7:00 p.m. EST.
I think it might be Saudi Arabia breaking its peg of the Riyal from the Dollar.
First of all you do not know me and I do not know any of you. The answer to all of this is repentance to God your leaders need to repent. None of you know the mind of the elite only God knows that and Lindsey can only report what he is told by his friend and he does his best. But this is all going to work to Gods plan and not man’s none of you can predict what God will do and that includes your life too. It’s time for everybody to repent and it must be an honest repentance and not just talk. Your elected officials need to get down on their knees and repent as they will find no other way out. Keep your faith in God and he will see you through all of this, God wins and the elite loose. Do not be deceived by all you read as nobody knows God’s hand and what he will allow to happen to America. Just because the crash did not happen at the end of December is meaningless as it will happen when God allows it to happen and not the elite, God is in control of all of this and not man. I have followed everything Lindsey has said for years but I know who is in control and that is my God. Yes they the elite can take everything I own but they cannot take my belief or soul. Just a warning as I was compelled to write this.
John B
Good advice, John B. Thank you.
RBS tells their clients to sell everything as they expect a crash.
a 20% drop is far from cataclysmic. Don’t believe the hype…