The Elite have just told Chaplain Williams everything he has wanted to know for months. Answers – Finally. This information will be made available to you. Please be sure that we know how to contact you by email. Watch for future ANNOUNCEMENTS.
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
Are we seeing the start of the Big Crisis?:
James, will the pastor be doing interviews? Why has he stopped?
(EDITOR: Pastor Williams has told me that he is not well enough at this time to continue to do interviews. However, if that changes he will announce them at
LORD willing i hope he gets better. GOD BLESS!
A Run On The Banks Begins In Italy As Italian Banking Stocks Collapse
Oil & Stock Market Rally Explained:
Oil Crash Delayed: EU Central Bank President Flirts With Quantitative Easing Suggestion
Forget ISIS and the Hammond Ranch, This Is the Number One Threat to Your Survival
If you are glad that this is finally the last year you’ll have to put up with Obama’s nonsense, hold on. Not so fast. Just as we are watching the beginning phases of the new world order being put in place, he is setting his sights on leading the world.
Yiks! Looks like we have some Obama fans here – lol
Here’s a nice break down on what’s happening in Davos, Switzerland at the Economic Forum.
Despite the falling prices and crashing, do you think the elite can still hold the global economy together through manipulations?
Or is it now beyond their control?
Greece was on the verge of collapse some months ago however they haven’t collapsed as yet. Indicates the elite can maneuver events and probably influence timing.
After collapse, will gold prices continue to be manipulated?
Since the elite want everyone poor, what’s to hold them back from ongoing precious metal manipulation?
It is significantly more profitable to burn everyone with paper assets and then buy them up with cash / gold rather than keep manipulating the system forward. It will come at some point… just gotta be positioned.
If you’re not already onto it, checkout
These are great questions, and one person who has addressed them in a thoughtful and informed way is Catherine Austin Fitts.
About sustaining the current system (you cite Greece as an excellent example), she is of the opinion that they have “harvested” and continue to harvest so much money from the world’s economy that yes, this can go on seemingly indefinitely. (That is, if it does happen it will be by design.)
Concerning gold, the question she raises is whether or not gold is a “closed system.” If it is not, the price would never be constrained by what one considers “traditional market forces.”
This eye-opening interview gives another view of the current situation.
Around 50′ said Illuminati treaty has been broken (signaled by Taylor Swift’s BadBlood on may,2015).The internal shooting war has started between Zionist(Rothchild banking system) and Asian families/P2 lodge Vatican.
When the Saudi’s abandon the Petrodollar that’s it the party’s over
Market up, oil up- despite no positive change in fundamentals. But more counterfeit money from ECB. Didn’t that get us here in the first place?
Of note:
1. End of PIIGS? Runs have begun on Italian banks –
“Some Monte Paschi customers withdraw savings as bank’s stock sinks” -By Reuters 20 January 2016
2. Ben Fulford claims BDI down because shippers will only trade in yuan, not dollars and so have stopped business. (not credible)
3. Jan 22 is date of major market announcement of frenemy dropping trade in dollars, (assumed to be Saudi oil trade) according to a prior post here- is that still true?
4. Oil declines due to over supply see price SURGE after Iran’s declaration to dump even more millions of barrels per day on market. lolol
Fraud and deception only consistent factors to this economy.
4. China devaluation syndrome is all planned to bring in cashless society. Lindsey has long said “Watch China. China is the Big One”.
Total Mayhem
Markets On Decline, DJIA -249, Asia Blood Red, Oil Sideways, Gold & Silver Creeping Up
Can somebody tell me please the name of the company that sells clothing in the dvd..things you must do before Sept 15th…it’s at the end of the dvd were the guys are testing the clothing in freezing water..please advise.
(EDITOR: Yes?)
Can you advise me on my question regarding the clothing comment zbive ??
Fortress clothing i believe, GOD bless.
Thanks brother…
Got another email from “The Daily Reckoning.” This one is from Brian Maher, the Managing Editor.
The grand jubilee of globalization kicks off in Davos today.
The Caesars, Alexanders and Napoleons of the world’ll be busy with Earth’s calamities over the next few days. Climate change, poverty, Donald Trump — you name it. But the global economy will be tops…
These fellows had better roll up their sleeves, spit on their hands and get right to work. Markets are in turmoil. The Dow was down over 500 points today before finding its legs. Oil’s slipped to $27 and change. Crisis mounts by the day.
And according to the Telegraph, one banking poo-bah is now warning that the world faces a tsunami-like “wave of epic debt defaults” even worse than pre-2008.
William White, chairman of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Review Committee and former chief economist of the Bank for International Settlements said:
“The situation is worse than it was in 2007. Our macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up.”
2007 was bad enough. And now we’re out of ammo for the next time, according to White.
And who depleted it? The Federal Reserve and the world’s central banks.
They’ve carried on at such a gait for the past seven years, even Zimbabwe must have raised an eyebrow: $4.5 trillion in the U.S. and nothing to show for it but a massive stock bubble.
And Señor White says the Fed’s now trapped in the QE minefield it planted. One false step and boom: “It is a debt trap. Things are so bad that there is no right answer. If they raise rates it’ll be nasty. If they don’t raise rates, it just makes matters worse.”
White sees no easy way out of the minefield. But what’s the point of being an expert with all that candlepower upstairs if you don’t have some answer?
He’s got one. And it’s telling. If fiscal discipline is your thing, we hope you’re sitting down. From the Telegraph:
“Mr. White said it would be a good start for governments to stop depending on central banks to do their dirty work. They should return to fiscal primacy — call it Keynesian, if you wish — and launch an investment blitz on infrastructure that pays for itself through higher growth.”
An investment blitz. Translation — “helicopter money”. And get ready, because it’s coming to a theater near you. It’s also the same plan the cats in Davos have in mind. Jim Rickards said last week that helicopter money would be their solution:
Helicopter money — not to be confused with quantitative easing — is coming. And sooner than you think.
From Jan. 20–23 next week, the World Economic Forum meets in Davos, Switzerland. All the global elites will show up… these elites want inflation. And helicopter money is their answer…
The world is stuck in a deflation trap right now. You can see it in the falling price of commodities, in the global economic slowdown and in the leading indicators, which are pointing toward a recession.
Deflation will give Davos attendees a sense of urgency to stoke inflation…
With all the other failures in quantitative easing and currency wars that I’ve described over the last eight years, the only tool left is debt monetization (aka helicopter money).
That’s the game plan Jim expects from the Swiss Alps this week. He’ll be watching closely.
Here’s the deal: QE and zero interest rates have been busts. The economy’s stalled. So the government’s turning to the old-time religion right out of the ’30s. It’s going to spend the country into prosperity. Mountains of spending, deficits to Alpha Centauri — and inflation at last. Happy days are here again!
We got the first sip of this hooch in December when Paul Ryan ramrodded an eye-popping $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill through Congress. Everyone from A to Z will have their hands in the pot. Democrats will fork it over to the teachers unions, Republicans to the defense contractors.
And 2016’s an election year to boot, so the skies should be black with helicopters this year. A gem from Mencken springs to mind: “Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.” They are at that.
We suspect John Maynard Keynes is down there looking up at us right now, cracking whatever grin he can muster given the blistering heat.
But at least Paul Krugman’s around to see it.
David Stockman’s been blasting the Fed daily for its criminal incompetence that’s inflated the biggest stock market bubble in history while leaving Main Street with the scraps.
Below, David shows you how the world is now drowning from the flood of easy money the Fed created, as he’s been predicting in these reckonings for months. The water’s getting especially high in China, as David shows. He says it’ll make the U.S. depression of the 1930s look like “a walk in the park.”
World faces wave of epic debt defaults, fears central bank veteran
Top Economist – Who Predicted the 2008 Crash – Confirms What Alternative Financial Sites Have Been Saying for a Decade
Is there an ordering page for the latest DVD?
(EDITOR: As soon as I am given the order page information, I will add it to
Would be great and faster if a download could be purchased
(EDITOR: Unfortunately Pastor Williams produces all of his new content on physical DVD only.)
Well the global economic collapse is in plain sight now, like a thunderstorm, we can see it rolling in.
I will offer a theory on how I see this playing out based on trend following. We will see a glut of oil coming online. Oil prices will hit $10/barrel in a few months. This is going to cause the emerging markets to default on their debts. This will unleash the derivative crisis Williams spoke of. When you see the emerging nations begin to default, you know the collapse is very close.
That’s what David Wilkerson said, and both Rabbi Cahn and Williams reference him.
We Come As Friends. Documentary [Engl Sub]
Documentary by Hubert Sauper about the Secession of South Sudan. A film about modern imperialism.
We Come as Friends 2014 (Hubert Sauper Interview w/Clips @ DemocracyNow)
Amy Goodman interviews Hubert Sauper about his 2014 documentary on South Sudan.
A brilliant look at contemporary legacies of colonialism.
Just want to say thanks to Pastor Williams and the Editor. I’m sure I speak for most of us when I say that we appreciate the hard work and effort that goes into keeping this website going.
Message to all negative types out there – go and find something constructive to do please. The rest of us need to work out how to survive the coming crash. Go learn how to grow a garden and connect with your local community rather than trying to divide us here.
God Bless.
Was there ever an e-mail announcement or did Pastor decide it was better to stay quiet again?
(EDITOR: The new DVD should be released within the next week or so.)
The Oregon BLM Standoff and the Clowns of Death Discussion
Upon The Modern American State
Even More Oil Crash News…It just keeps getting worse!
Oil Crash: Price Drops More Than 3%, Keeps Falling, Now $27, Next Stop $10 Per Barrel
Oil Crash Collapse: China CNOOC Cuts Bait On Crude Oil Until 2018, The Economist Predicts 2018 Too
A Perfect Storm Is Brewing
Loan Crash: Big Banks Run Away From The Mortgage Business. Quicken Loans Taking Over.
Internet Kill Switch Is Real: SOP 303 NCC Can Terminate And Re-Establish At Will
The revolution continues with shipping freeze, stock plunge, US dollar dumping, $20 oil, attacks on gold mines and more