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The Elite have just told Chaplain Williams everything he has wanted to know for months. Answers – Finally. This information will be made available to you. Please be sure that we know how to contact you by email. Watch for future ANNOUNCEMENTS.


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Precious Metals Are The Only Lifeboat!


    • Dammy
    • February 7, 2016

    Iran pushes forward with killing off the Petrodollar:

    • Kat
    • February 5, 2016

    What’s Really Going on in Oregon! Taking Back the Narrative ! KrisAnne Hall

    Let’s talk about what’s going on in Malheur Oregon and take back the narrative.

    What does the Constitution say about this?
    What are the precedents?

    She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents. KrisAnne Hall does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today.

    We need a revolution of the mind. The Liberty First message will inspire and inform. We can’t recapture our future without the hard earned wisdom of the past.

    • Dammy
    • February 5, 2016

    Ya think? Late to the party, but pull up a chair:

    • mike
    • February 4, 2016

    Pitch Fork Radio – Episode 1 : Jim Willie World Renowned Economist & For…

    • gary
    • February 4, 2016

    The Elite, have been using time travel capabilities to identify all American Presidents since Jimmy Carter. That’s a fact,just ask Andrew D. Basiago.

      • Occasnltrlvr
      • February 8, 2016

      Couldn’t they just use Google?

      (Oh, maybe you meant the OTHER direction… .)

    • Kat
    • February 2, 2016

    Monstrous IMF Secret Is Going Viral and One You Won’t Believe Unless You See It! Warning, You’ll Be Enflamed!

    • Everyday Joe
    • February 1, 2016

    Anyone want to take a guess as to who Lindsey thinks will be President. If my guess is right it may surprise many. Read this quote from an interview:

    “Hillary’s gonna get indicted, and then she’s gonna plead guilty to save face and Obama will pardon her right away,” Kriener speculated. “That’s all gonna happen before July, and then at the Democratic Convention, Mister Joe Biden’s gonna step in her place and be the nominee for president of the United States on the Democratic side.” Kriener conceded that it sounded crazy, but he was privy to inside information. “They’ve got buttons already made—’Biden for President,’ ” he explained. “Once I’ve seen that, I just knew.”

      • Chaos
      • February 1, 2016

      I am going to go by what James Harkin said that it will not be Trump. With that being known, does it really matter what puppet they put up there.

      They all play for the same team.

      Hard Death Or Soft Death…Both End In The Same Place

      (EDITOR: We saw what happened in Iowa.)

        • everyday joe
        • February 3, 2016

        Chaos, Rob and Tim I agree.

        That said, anyone care to guess who Lindsey is picking? I’m guessing Trump won’t be allowed to win either.

        Have you seen his Trump jet? I wonder why’d he want the job. Just his jet looks like a Royal Palace.

      • Rob
      • February 1, 2016

      Nothing surprises me anymore. I think Hillary will come out on top. Not because she will win, but because the elections are rigged. Also, I saw today where George Soros donated $6 million to her superpac.

      I don’t think it matters anymore anyway, because whoever gets in, they will never straighten this mess out, because there are way too many crooks and corruption. It’s broken and domed to fail. The fat lady started singing when they declared Obama the winner of the rigged 2012 election. Now he wants to run the UN at the end of the year. Go figure.

      • Tim
      • February 3, 2016

      I don’t think it really matters who is “elected,” as nothing changes from one administration to the next. As long as every president chooses the majority of his cabinet and advisers from the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-Lateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group, nothing will ever change. Those clubs of the elite have a set agenda and have run the country based on that agenda, no matter who holds the seat of government. We need to confront the leading candidates and force them to pledge, swear, affirm, whatever, that they will not utilize advisers from those three organizations, then hold them to it.

    • Dammy
    • January 31, 2016
    • mike
    • January 28, 2016

    Gold – Willem Middelkoop

    • Amber
    • January 28, 2016

    IMF Global Reset Begins…

    • John
    • January 28, 2016
    Reply…..quite a listen guys

      • Jake Diesel
      • January 28, 2016

      Probably one of the best analysts out there. Nice Find & thanks!

    • Rob
    • January 27, 2016

    While we’re waiting to receive Lindsey’s dvd, I got another email from J. Rickards:

    “Dear Reader,

    It’s one thing for bloggers to predict financial collapse. But what happens when the world’s most powerful people gather in a secret conclave to say the same thing? That’s what happened last week at Davos. Heads of state, CEOs, academics and central bankers gathered to discuss the state of the world.

    The mood was gloomy and frightened. The elite view was that the next financial collapse is coming, and it will be worse than 2008 in two ways — financial losses will be greater, and it will be accompanied by social unrest.

    William White, former chief economist of the Bank for International Settlements, summed it up when he said, “The only question is whether we are able to look reality in the eye and face what is coming in an orderly fashion, or whether it will be disorderly.”

    The view that a recession is coming, and that it will be worse than 2008, is not confined to world leaders at Davos. They’re saying the same thing on Wall Street and on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. One of the top officials at the New York Stock Exchange told me privately that “There’s no liquidity on the floor. None. When the market tanks, no one will stand up to it. Stocks will go ‘no bid.’”

    That sentiment is also echoed by Zhu Min, the third highest-ranking official at the IMF. He’s also the former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC). Because he has experience with both the Western-controlled IMF and the Communist-controlled PBOC, no one has a better global perspective than Zhu. I interviewed him on the subject of China and gold in my book The Death of Money. His comments at the time were highly revealing. And here’s what he’s saying now to global elites in Davos: “Liquidity could drop dramatically, and that scares everyone. If everybody is moving together, we don’t have any liquidity at all.”

    When stocks start to go down, financial journalists become obsessed with the percentage declines that make up a “correction” (10% decline) or a “bear market” (20% decline). But those percentages are arbitrary and misleading. Recessions and bear markets typically produce much greater losses than that. Declines of 35%, 50% and even 75% are not unusual in severe bear markets.

    Below, I show you how the elites use the “shock doctrine” to take advantage of the sort of crisis we could soon be looking at. The shock doctrine lets them implement the unpopular and undemocratic agendas they can never get away with in normal times. I also take you ahead to the year 2024 to lay out the frightening scenario I see unfolding over the next few years.


    Jim Rickards
    for The Daily Reckoning”

    Part Two:
    “The Shock Doctrine: When Order Trumps Personal Freedom
    By Jim Rickards

    One of the most influential books among global power elites in the past 10 years is Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, by Naomi Klein, published in 2007.

    The shock doctrine is an essential concept for understanding how power elites such as central bankers, finance ministers and the ultra-rich work behind the scenes to advance their agendas. These are the people who just got done meeting in Davos.

    The shock doctrine also explains how today’s world could quickly turn into chaos. In December 2014, I looked ahead 10 years to 2024 and envisioned what it might look like after another financial crisis. Here are some excerpts from my dystopian “In the Year 2024”:

    My work now is only historical, because markets were abolished after the Panic of 2018. That was not the original intent of the authorities. They meant to close markets “temporarily” to stop the panic, but once the markets were shut, there was no way to reopen them without the panic starting again.

    Authorities started printing money after the Panic of 2008, but that solution stopped working by 2018. When the panic hit, money was viewed as worthless. So markets were simply closed…

    Stock and bond trading were halted when the markets closed. During the panic selling after the crash of 2018, stocks were wiped out. Too, the value of all bonds were wiped out in the hyperinflation of 2019. Governments closed stock and bond markets, nationalized all corporations and declared a moratorium on all debts.

    To facilitate the gradual freezing of markets, confiscation of wealth and creation of Social Units, world governments coordinated the elimination of cash in 2016. The “cashless society” was sold to citizens as a convenience. No more dirty, grubby coins and bills to carry around!

    World leaders initially explained it as an effort to “buy time” to come up with a plan to unfreeze the markets, but over time, they realized that trust and confidence had been permanently destroyed, and there was no point in trying.

    Wiped-out savers broke out in money riots soon after but were quickly suppressed by militarized police who used drones, night vision technology, body armor and electronic surveillance. Highway tollbooth digital scanners were used to spot and interdict those who tried to flee by car. By 2017, the U.S. government required sensors on all cars. It was all too easy for officials to turn off the engines of those who were government targets, spot their locations and arrest them on the side of the road.

    The entire process unfolded in small stages so that investors and citizens barely noticed before it was too late. Gold had been the best way to preserve wealth from 2014–18, but in the end, it was confiscated because the power elites knew it could not be allowed. First, they eliminated cash in 2016. Then they eliminated diverse currencies and stocks in 2018. Finally came the hyperinflation of 2019, which wiped out most wealth, followed by gold confiscation.

    This is not conspiracy mongering or science fiction; this is a plausible scenario.

    Shock doctrine is simple. Political leaders use crises to ramrod policies into place no one would accept in normal times.

    When the shock occurs… People begin to value order above liberty.

    The shock doctrine begins with the fact that power elites have agendas that take decades or even centuries to implement. These agendas include things like world money, global taxation, control of physical gold, population control and other plans intended to increase the power and wealth of the few at your expense.

    Political elites are not fools. They understand that their agenda is highly unpopular. They also understand that democracy empowers everyday citizens and makes their unpopular plans hard to implement. This is where the shock doctrine comes in useful.

    A shock can take many forms. It can be a financial panic, terror attack, natural disaster, assassination or other extreme event of a kind that seems to come out of the blue but is actually somewhat regular and predictable.

    When the shock occurs, people become fearful and look to their leaders for comfort. People begin to value order above liberty. It is at these critical moments that the elites stand ready with a “plan” that will restore order but also secretly advance their agenda.

    In effect, inevitable shocks are used as a cover to implement plans that you would not accept in ordinary times. Order is restored at the expense of liberty. When the shock wears off, the new order remains but liberty is lost forever. This is the shock doctrine at work. After each episode, the elites retreat and wait for the next shock, which is always just a matter of time.

    A good example is the USA Patriot Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in 2001. This was the legislative response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. There were a lot of good items in the Patriot Act that aided the global war on terror and helped to eliminate Osama bin Laden. But there is also much that has been abused in the years since.

    You and I have lost our privacy and have our private communications, emails, phone calls and other records collected. If you’ve traveled abroad lately, you may have seen the new kiosks at Customs that take a digital retinal scan of each returning traveler. This is something that used to be handled with a paper passport.

    Privacy and liberty are mostly gone as the result of policy responses to various shocks such as Sept. 11.

    That retinal scan goes into a digital data bank, perhaps to be used to pursue political enemies, as happened in the recent IRS scandal. Privacy and liberty are mostly gone as the result of policy responses to various shocks such as Sept. 11. There are many other examples.

    For investors, the important question is how will the shock doctrine be used next? What is the unfinished business of the power elites? What is the next part of the hidden agenda to be revealed? And what shock will be used as cover to advance that agenda?

    These questions have definite answers. Regardless of those agendas and coming shocks, there are things investors can do today to avoid being manipulated by the power elites.

    There are investments such as gold, land and fine art that are not digital and cannot be wiped out by computers. There are wealth preservation strategies that are not subject to current tax. There are portfolio diversification strategies that are robust to many types of shocks even if each particular shock cannot be predicted exactly.

    And if you’ve taken those recommendations, and want something else? Something that takes a little bit more risk in the hopes of generating higher returns? Then, click here and take a minute to review some details I’ve put together for you. As I’ve mentioned in the past, my proprietary indicator, The Kissinger Cross, is a powerful tool that investors can use to improve how they invest.


    Jim Rickards
    for The Daily Reckoning

    P.S. Here’s what the global elites didn’t mention in Davos: The world’s largest banks have been quietly meeting with one of the most secretive and connected government men in the world…

    This man’s so connected, he’s been on speed dial for eight presidents since 1969.

    HSBC — the largest bank in Europe — was reported last week to have met this man.

    Even American Express is quietly tapping him. Why now? What are all these financial firms trying to extract from this man? And why wasn’t this front and center in Davos?”

      • penny
      • January 28, 2016

      Will anyone be posting a breakdown of what is in the video here?

      (EDITOR: Check YouTube for video reviews when DVDs are shipped.)

      • able danjer
      • January 28, 2016

      Shock therapy is old news. Naomi Klein lifted it off of the bankster mafia’s term used by Sachs when they “shocked” the USSR into submission and pillaged in after fall of the wall in early 1990s.
      What is incredible- and mentioned nowhere I have seen online? Retinal scans at customs. This is BIG. THAT is our ‘national ID’. Gives me the chills… (btw- When I mentioned this emerging tech to an exec at ABC News in 1995, they called me ‘crazy’)
      As far as the advisor to 9 Presidents Rickards refers to? Is it Rockefeller? Kissinger? Why play games? Just NAME him.

    • RT
    • January 27, 2016

    they could not accomplish the collapse but somehow we should believe they can pick the next president?

    I can tell you without inside info that war is inevitable.

    What good are guns. They will make the amo impossible to get. Keep your eye on the amo not the guns.

      • Mark
      • January 27, 2016

      All the Globalist Elite would have to do is pull all the central bank intervention and it would all collapse tomorrow. They have a reason for delaying. I have no Elite Friend so I don’t know why, but make no mistake, they are still in control and either you take steps to save yourself from them, because believe me they are going to try and get you and yours through financial collapse or war. Timing is the only variable here.

    • Kat
    • January 26, 2016

    Rob Kirby
    America’s Most Closely Guarded Secret: The Covert Fund That Controls It All

    “Rob Kirby joins me to expose extremely important economic information which the majority of the world knows nothing about.
    Rob says, “We are talking about something here that is extremely dark. This is a very dark entity. This is one of the most closely guarded secrets that America has.”
    The men behind the curtain have been using this top secret deep state funding source to manipulate world events and currencies for nearly 100 years.”

    Hugo Salinas Price

    Eric deCarbonnel, June 3, 2011
    What I have been afraid to blog about: THE ESF AND ITS HISTORY (Part 1-5)

  1. Reply

    Looks like there’s a delay in this report. Hopefully it’s not time critical information. It probably has to do with CRUDE OIL now since that’s the big headline worldwide and OPEC is now working on supply cuts. We are about to swing from one extreme to another.

    The lie of PEAK OIL is going to be told again and here come the GAS SHORTAGES. And guess what? Most people will believe it.

    • Dammy
    • January 26, 2016
    • mike
    • January 25, 2016

    Hugo Salinas Price
    The Coming Revaluation of Gold

      • Marguerite
      • January 25, 2016

      A good article – thank you Mike.

      If the world returns to gold backed currency, what was the point of this whole fiasco created by the elite i.e. derivatives, currency printing, bail-in laws? What did they get out of it?

      What we know is the elite want a global currency and one world government.

      Will a global currency be backed by gold?

        • CJV
        • January 26, 2016

        I believe Williams has addressed this in the past. Everything is mortgaged. The elite hold the mortgage on everything tangible. They will claim ownership over everyone and everything that has a mortgage or loan claim against it.

        The other reason they want gold (and silver to a lesser extent) is that they then control all commerce after the fact. They can guarantee the destruction of 6+ billion people via starvation and disease since they will control food production and medicines.

        Williams has said over and over again, “The name of the game is control.” The currency/credit they have created means nothing to them. They want control over all governments and tangible property globally. That is the point. Only those who have gold will be independent of their control. The number of us who are awake and hold PMs is small and of less concern to them than the masses they want to liquidate.

    • Chris
    • January 25, 2016
    • gary
    • January 24, 2016

    The economy is on life support.

    • Kat
    • January 24, 2016

    Celente – $15 Trillion Wiped Out In Global Rout But Here’s The Elites’ Secret Plan To Really Screw The Public

    • Rob
    • January 23, 2016

    Another email from Brian Maher, Managing Editor at The Daily Reckoning.

    “The Dow was down 526 points on Wednesday before fools rushed in…

    Just when it looked like investors were folding, the gamblers threw down their chips. Stocks rallied on the buying spree. The Dow ended the day only 249 points in the red. Then stocks the world over rallied in overnight trading. The Japanese market rose a full 6%.

    Chinese stocks also rallied. European stocks, too.

    Why should stocks rally at all? China’s hemorrhaging into the rest of Asia. Europe’s worse than the U.S. Global trade’s in doldrums, and fears are spreading that Saudi Arabia could spark another round of currency war. Jim Rickards warned about it this week.

    But for many investors, it seems that bad news is good news. It’s a classic case of “the worse, the better.”


    Because the worse the news, the more likely it is that central banks will ride to their rescue. It’s been the pattern for seven years. Now they’re expecting more stimulus, more easing, more rum in the punch bowl. More welfare for Wall Street.

    They’ll get it too. And they’ve had enablers in the media to support them…

    The mainstream financial press has whistled hard to keep up the pretense that the stock market bonanza of the past seven years was real. The economy was on the upswing, jobs were returning, housing was back. God knows what else.

    But even they can no longer deny that the stock market rally was as phony as a Chicago election.

    Bloomberg said as much yesterday, unintentionally. You just have to read between the lines. It said global stocks rallied the other day because they were “charmed by central banks”:

    U.S. stocks added to a global rally in equities, with the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index heading for the first weekly gain this year, on speculation that central banks will expand stimulus measures to counter turmoil in financial markets…

    The S&P 500 rebounded yesterday from a 21-month low as European Central Bank President Mario Draghi signaled the potential for more stimulus as early as March. Sentiment also received a boost from speculation that the Bank of Japan is considering additional easing.

    Bloomberg ran more headlines in the same key: “Stocks Rebound on Stimulus Speculation,” “Oil Rallies in Biggest 2-Day Surge Since August on Stimulus Bets” and

    “Yen Investors Homeward Bound as BOJ Stimulus Seen Boosting Bonds.” (Hat tip to Zero Hedge for those.)

    Detect a theme?

    Central banks, led by the Fed, are driving stocks. Not real economic conditions.

    But as we explained on Wednesday, the Fed’s out of rope. It used it all to stop the Great Recession from running its natural course. We quoted one top economist who gave it straight: “Our macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up.”

    And as David Stockman reckoned Thursday, “The truth is the bull market in stocks is ending. That bull market was phony and fueled by years of Fed money printing. Now it’s rapidly breaking down.”

    Whatever false fireworks the Fed pulls off will be brief. Maybe then Fed will be exposed as the man behind the curtain from The Wizard of Oz — all smoke and mirrors.

    But who’ll be left to buy the dips?

    Below, Charles Hugh Smith explains how the Fed’s “bag of tricks is empty.” And why it will soon lead to a painful new era of “financial triage” that will impact every level of society. Read on.


    Brian Maher
    Managing editor, The Daily Reckoning

    P.S. The Fed’s attempts to prop up the falling market will fail. And David Stockman just revealed the next major U.S. stock to crash. With over 50 million square feet of U.S. real estate and 220,000 employees, it could drop like an A-bomb on unsuspecting shareholders as soon as Jan. 28. That’s less than a week away.”

    WOW! That looks like a MAJOR corporation going belly-up. YIKES!

      • able danjer
      • January 24, 2016

      Walmart cutting 16,000. but combined tech cuts of half doz corps estimated to be close to 330,000 layoffs. Huge.
      But then no elephant is too big to be hidden by the mainstream media; so expect news of “unemployment drops to 2%” and equally deceitful, absurd headlines…

      • Mark
      • January 25, 2016

      My best guess is it’s Sears. I can’t believe they’ve lasted this long.

      If the Elite didn’t have control of are banking system and currency these awful boom/bust cycles wouldn’t happen.

      • Nina
      • January 27, 2016

      Thanks again Rob. Very interesting!

    • Don
    • January 23, 2016

    Have the latest information from the latest announcement mentioned been sent out to those on the mailing list yet? I have not seen anything.

    (EDITOR: The new DVD will be released within a week or so.)

    • Kat
    • January 22, 2016

    Central Bank Debt Bubble Will Wipe Out Large Portion Of Global Population. By Gregory Mannarino

      • able danjer
      • January 23, 2016

      The announcement of frenemy who would stop trade in dollars on Jan 22- didnt happen. Anyone hear anything?
      Also- Congress drafts legislation for stealth martial law re: ISIS threat.
      Hope Pastor Williams is better- and that he is not living in western US/Alaska. LOTS of Fukushima rad out there, all hidden by MSM. Folks dont eat Pacific fish; W Coast fish imports banned by China for yrs now due to Fuku accumulation.


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