The Elite have just told Chaplain Williams everything he has wanted to know for months. Answers – Finally. This information will be made available to you. Please be sure that we know how to contact you by email. Watch for future ANNOUNCEMENTS.
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
MICRO CHIPPING moving closer; hsbc is rolling out finger printing technology for 15million account holders-however scientificamerica has found flaws in fingerprinting technology (those with degenarative diseases and on certain drugs, brick layers who skin wears thin….)
so what next but micro chipping–ALL dogs are to be micro chipped in uk 2016 april
Former CIA Operative: The End of The World As We Know It and Preparing
Agent K , a former CIA Operative, speaks openly with Ari Kopel about his involvement in “The Company” and why he left.
He reveals what is coming to our country in the U.S., based on his first-hand experience with documents that he saw that revealed this, and how it will affect the world.
He mentions possible ELE (Extinction Level Event) scenarios that could play out and how the government is protecting an enemy on our soil to help bring Marshall Law.
Then, he talks about what we need to do to prepare for this.
If you would like to know more about the Sustainable Community mentioned in the interview, email:
And join our website with over 5600 members, who are all “in the know” with what is going on in the world at large and spiritually, at by clicking the link:
Something brewing in China?
Thank you Kat for placing that link on the webpage about Dave Fishwick.
I thought I’d share this most intriguing prophetic poem from a guest (Matt Smith) Rick Wiles had on his radio broadcast. It parallels with other dreams and visions from several others, and offers an interesting seasonal timeline of events. Enjoy!
“Warning for America in 2016 & Beyond”
At the very end of 2015,
And the year of ten plus six,
That wicked old Satan,
Will be up to evil tricks.
December through February,
Winter finds itself here,
A sudden event will strike,
And many will be in fear.
Know then My judgment,
Has come upon this land,
God reigns supreme,
And deals with a heavy hand.
From March until June,
The spring season shall arrive,
There will be many people,
Found not to be alive.
During this same season,
Another checkpoint will originate,
Then another crushing blow,
Will seal this nation’s fate.
During these two seasons,
The economy will decline,
Look to Me My people,
I say, ‘Your souls are mine.’
For war will be inevitable,
It will not go away,
I implore My holy people,
Stay on your knees and pray.
The dog days of summer,
Will follow and draw nigh,
Protests will fill the streets,
With a far more violent cry.
At the end of the summer,
As the season reaches a climax,
JADE HELM will come to life again,
Surely it will be brought back.
The fall season will bring,
another election year,
But by this time our nation,
Will be firmly gripped in fear.
Barack Hussein Obama,
Will stay seated in his chair,
No Democrat nor Republican,
will find themselves his heir.
Martial law is coming,
It will soon grip our land,
I plead with all the saints of God,
To take a righteous stand.
2017 will follow next,
When it comes rolling around,
The changes will be different,
They will surely be profound.
America will have seen,
Destruction and devastation,
I will hold nothing back,
I will show no hesitation.
Disease and pestilence,
Will surely grip this land,
But My people do not worry,
It’s all part of My plan.
Watch the hand of Islam,
They will shout a battle cry,
A day of terror is coming,
And many will surely die.
Now look upon the map,
And look upon it well,
You will see trouble landed,
Where American cities fell.
Now woe unto you cities,
And you states shown below,
You have angered God in Heaven,
And made yourself His foe.
Woe unto the city,
Of the Bears, Cubs, and Bulls.
Woe to San Fransisco,
You dare mock me, you fools!
I will destroy both of you,
In the hour of My fury,
You have been found guilty,
Yes, by my Heavenly Jury.
Woe unto Las Vegas,
Seattle, and the Big D,
Plagues, famine, and destruction
Are coming soon, you’ll see.
Woe unto New Orleans,
And even Florida too,
When I shoot arrows of destruction,
You shall surely be through.
Woe unto the city,
Known for the Liberty Bell,
I will take away your freedoms,
And you will see much hell.
Woe unto Baltimore,
Woe to Washington DC,
Woe to you wicked leaders,
For you must answer to Me.
I will destroy these cities,
With one single attack,
I will shoot arrows of destruction,
And I will hold nothing back.
Woe unto Boston, New York City,
And even California too,
You do not worship Me,
You say, “I answer to who?”
You say you only answer,
To gold, silver, and sex,
But I will put something on you,
Far worse than any vex.
Half of California,
Shall be thrown into the sea,
And New York City,
The same fate it will be.
Oh Boston, Oh Boston,
Your arrogance will be no more,
I shall wipe you off the map,
You big arrogant whore.
Get prepared for slavery,
It is coming to this nation,
Like Egypt in the days of Moses,
It will not be a good sensation.
An asteroid will strike,
In the Caribbean sea,
All around the world,
Tsunamis must be.
Earthquakes will come,
And will divide this land,
That we might not forget,
God deals with a heavy hand.
You shall look to the east,
And see Russians coming here,
You shall look to the west,
And see China causing fear.
They shall invade this land,
And take over this place,
America once a golden cup,
Has become an utter disgrace.
Many think they can still sin,
And waltz right into Heaven,
But that’s like foolishly believing,
Two plus three equals seven.
There are many who come to Me,
On spiritual section eight,
They are in moral poverty,
And will not enter My pearly gate.
Moral bankruptcy,
They have truly filed,
They do not know Me,
For they are not My child.
You who refuse to teach,
My people the ways of the Lord,
Soon you will find,
You can not escape my sword.
Promising My people,
Nothing but houses and cars,
But these will not get you,
Not get you very far.
Tell the people to stop,
To halt all of their sins,
Tell them to live holy,
So they can enter in.
It is time for the saints,
To be truly tried,
Stand firm upon My word,
And in Me truly abide.
If you deny my son Jesus,
In front of any man,
You will sink faster,
Than standing in quick sand.
So know these things,
They surely will take place,
Come live your life for Jesus,
And receive My mercy and grace.
I cant wait until this election cycle is over so all of the false prophets can be exposed. I am tired of conspiracy theories and all those who are claiming to speak for God in these times to scare and control.
Just my feelings but I believe God would have given us a clear indication in the Bible of such major events. Time will tell who is correct. That is not to say America will not be judged by God.
I listened to a respected teacher of the Bible Derek Prince. He mentioned it isn’t wise to be a mouthpiece for God. So I agree, preaching the teachings within the Bible is all that’s required to remain close and on course with God.
EDITOR’s introductory comment under Latest News February 11 is right on. I checked a local bullion dealer today and I’ve never seen stocks so low, much of the inventory showing as “sold out”.
(EDITOR: I told people in December that stocks were low. This is one of the reasons that Pastor Williams stated that people should get prepared by September 15, 2015. Demand exceeds extraction by a huge amount. I believe most dealers currently have a 30-45 day wait time for delivery. We are going to see some unscrupulous dealers add large premiums. Paper gold to physical is over 500:1 now.)
Today is Valentine’s Day 2016 as mentioned in the 1989 movie, Ghostbusters 2. Nothing ominous seems to be on the horizon at this time. It could mark a season, rather than a specific day. However, all of 2016 remains and high risk (based upon substantive evidence presented in an upcoming book written in 2015, but due out this March, published by WND.)
Here is the link to the 3 minute Ghostbusters 2 video. If nothing else, since the movie was done in 1989 and it refers to today, this video is highly entertaining and pertinent for this very day. Enjoy this video!
This is not the Divine Intervention I was hoping for:
Lindsey William’s elite friend told him the truth. The world wide financial collapse that LW was told would begin by December 31st 2015 was right on target. The Federal Reserve lit the match on Dec 15th with their rate hike. The fireworks would not begin till January 2016 and Man, have they ever. We are witnessing the world wide Financial collapse day by day and week by week. Yes, the Collapse is in progress world wide. I and others were looking for a sudden implosion on a huge scale but that was wrong and not to be. Thank you Lindsey. Your elite friend told you correctly.
Ca 2012 Lindsey shared that 3-6 months áfter the Fed’s rate hike, the US$ would collapse……íf the elites get their way.
They are talking of dropping rates again. Then what?
They are talking about Negative Interest Rates. This will begin he dollar collapse once the Fed goes to Negative Rates. Brazil just stated they will be trading oil for euros with Iran a few days ago and on and on it goes as the $ becomes a pariah – worldwide.
This is a breaking economic and precious metals update from SGT
Andy Hoffman from Miles Franklin helps us frame up the severity of today’s global economic picture: “There is going to be nothing left that the bankers can do except create hyperinflation. That’s their only tool left. This is the end game.”
Ominous development recently @ infowars. Matt Drudge showed up live, telling how a Supreme Ct judge told him internet would be silenced very soon using “copyright” claims. Linking to other sites or even republishing headlines soon to be ‘criminal’. (does that mean outlawing footnotes??? wonder what academia position on this?)
Recall Lindsey said yrs back that the last thing to transpire before Elite pull the final plug would be for the media to go dark. That is basically what Drudge was spilling- end of free flow of info and the republic. his showing up at Jone’s office was HIGHLY irregular. Proximity to other events heightens the message. All Alert!
I wonder which Supreme that was? Scalia dies “in perfect repose, arms folded on chest” and a “pillow on his face”??? Who crosses there arms before dropping to sleep and then puts the pillow over his face?
Another judge killed Monday. Hit by car. Expert on telecommunications sector. Top advisor to FCC
Lets keep watch, see if a pattern develops
Lindsey right again. Recall how he advised us that the Elite have a code of ethics requiring them to inform us of events beforehand? Often presented in fiction, movies, entertainment , even cartoons. Well look at this- Scalia shot dead (doesnt say ice heart attack gun) on a hunting trip. Just another of those “random coincidences” illuminati sponsors in code
For those following how Scalia death could impact internet and First Amendment issues:
FCC Commissioner: First Amendment in Danger
Russia Prime Minister Warns US and Arab Countries: Invading Syria “will start a new world war”
(EDITOR: I think it was new cold war or words to that effect. I don’t think they specifically said world war.)
They wish it was just a repeat of 08
(EDITOR: It will be worse, much worse. They have nothing left in the bag only QE and negative interest rates.)
@Editor: To be fair to them, they are not talking about Chinese collapse added into the equation nor the impact that will have on derivative market. If they were, they would probably be screaming for Gold, Guns, and God at that point in time. Has LW said what the ground game needs to be once the collapse happens to counter where the Elite are going to drive us to?
Cash out of banks
I think I finally get it what Ken F. told Pastor Lindsey that “China is the big one.” I was thinking that China’s economy and industrial might would be the largest in the world. Now I think he meant that China will be ground zero for the derivative market crash.
Can a minibus dealer from the north of England do a better job than London’s top bankers?
“Bank on Dave Fishwick”
“People who ROB BANKS go to PRISON; Banks who ROB PEOPLE get PAID BONUSES” -Dave Fishwick
Bank of Dave ep1
Bank of Dave ep2
Bank of Dave ep3
In 2011, when Burnley Savings and Loans Ltd first opened, the office consisted of 3 members of staff, one room and a “chicken shed.”
After being open for almost 6 months, the accounts showed a profit of over £10,000, proving once and for all that common sense could prevail! And yes, the profit was donated to a mixture of local charities!
The once tiny office has now expanded to over 10 members of staff, one main room, loads of offices, and even a board room!
…And the “chicken shed!”
PS: “Channel 4 own the rights to this, and as such it can be expected it’s viewing to be restricted in the UK and Ireland”
Road to serfdom:
A big blow to Agenda 21 in America.
Wow! Very positive news.
My thoughts have been that it’s too difficult or near impossible to overturn what the elite are doing. This is eye opening and demonstrates the elite can be overthrown.
Though on the other hand I have reservation due to the prophecies of the Bible which foretell of a one world government / anti-christ system, hence somehow it’s written ‘in stone’ the elite would have to get their way ultimately.
Perhaps the Lord is intervening to cause delay in the unfolding of His prophecies.
If I wasn’t submitted to the Lord and His prophecies I’d be out there fighting to change things for the better. But as I believe the Lord reigns, it is futile to fight His prophetic word.
Biblical prophecy of the times ahead are gloomy by the world’s standards but followers of Christ know the prophecies herald in God’s Kingdom on Earth with the Almighty Lord as King, 1,000 years of peace and no more evil.
There have been numerous reports of the Lord appearing to muslims (check youtube). All glory to Him – He is busy 🙂 (probably because we Christians aren’t getting the job done).
You know I wonder if this has anything to do with the Justice Scalia death?
Jim Willie: Bullion Banks Have Pilfered 60,000 Tons of Gold From Allocated Accounts!
Fascinating graphics show who owns all the major brands in the world.
“All the biggest product brands in the world are owned by a handful of corporation. Food, cleaning products, banks, airlines, cars, media companies… everything is in the hands of these megacorporations. These graphics show how everything is connected.”
There was a scientific paper done on this as well. 147 companies pretty much run everything. The researcher gave themselves and out (probably out of fear) and said it might be a coincidence. We need a revolution.
Thanks for sharing that. Everyone must know how consolidated the power is among the top tier corporations that own such a large share and how they flex their power upon us. There are NO countries. No borders. Only global corporations.
The Movie “Network” (1976) had a revealing scene that exposed this power. It’s worth a watch.
Lindsey Williams – Elite Plan For 2016 Report – FEB. 2016
For those who can not afford to buy the DVD, Michael Dohrmann gives a good summery.
Will There Be A Depression?
By David Wilkerson ca. 1980
The Bible says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).
Get Your Own Direction From God About The Future!
God Has Emergency Plans For Every Believer During Crisis Times!
Prepared Christians, wake up! Everything is under control, and God is at work! He is saving, healing, baptising, and getting His house in order. To fear is to blaspheme. We are commanded to encourage ourselves in the Lord and to begin to sing and rejoice as we see the final hour approach. Do I hear someone ask, “But how can I rejoice when I see this old sin-cursed world falling apart?” My answer is the Bible answer:
“For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain… waiting the redemption” (Romans 8:22,23)
In regards to the jsip4 review, I think he unfairly says Lindsey no longer has an elite contact. The volume might be less and he can attribute less to them. But if he hears someone else say the same thing his elites say he’ll play that clip. He might not be able to say things came from them, but isn’t limited if someone says the same things in public. If you go back over Lindsey’s Just listen to all he got from Mr. X, his living elite. He even said that Obama would bring in Muslim migrants.
Rob Kirby talking on Trunews about the globalists and their overall global game. Pretty good listen:
did anyone see the Paypal commercial during Superbowl 50…..saying “move over old money, the new money is here”….message from the elite.
In the new video Lindsey Williams admits that the elite have no control. It is all being controlled by our Lord Jesus Christ… Something Christians already knew.
Psalm 2:3-4
He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. Then in anger he rebukes them, terrifying them with his fierce fury
Iran not selling oil in USD–the death of petro dollar starting to occur before our eyes…