Global Currency Reset – Update – March 2nd, 2014
Over the past few weeks I have been gathering information from numerous sources regarding the Global Currency Reset as well as other stories of note relating to the global financial crash. I have shared some articles with Pastor Williams and asked his opinion and feedback based on what his Elite friend has told him. Please listen to the latest radio interview with Mills Crenshaw. This is the first interview Pastor Williams has had talking about the total global financial collapse and the global currency reset and therefore it is recommended listening.
Many prominent researchers have been talking about the Global Currency Reset you only have to put a search into Google for articles being posted on a daily basis. Of course if there are those who say there will be a GCR there are those who say there won’t be. Unfortunately for those who claim that there won’t be a GCR, Pastor Williams Elite friend has told him this will happen. Furthermore, you only have to read the last newsletter I sent out. In that newsletter I stated that Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund said at Davos World Economic Forum explicitly “WE NEED A RESET IN THE WAY THE ECONOMY GROWS AROUND THE WORLD”, which means the GCR is planned and therefore WILL happen. The only thing we don’t know exactly is when, what was shared was a time frame that was dependent on the IMF and the Elite. Pastor Williams’ Elite friend said within 90 days from his original statement and that would come into the time frame of a Washington Times article from October 2012 entitled ‘U.S. economy on schedule to crash March 4, 2014’. We will shortly see if this is the date, or if it has been postponed. This will be the greatest financial event that has happened for over 1,000 years and it could happen at any time. So please do not hesitate, prepare yourselves and your family now.
Here are two recent articles relating to the Global Currency Reset that you may not have read (be sure to check out the comments on all the articles too):
- ‘Fasten Your Seatbelts the Coming Global Monetary Reset‘
- ‘Jim Willie: We Are Well Past the 11th Hour – The Global Currency Reset Looms‘
I shared with Pastor Williams an article published on February 13th, 2014 written by Michael Snyder relating to ‘20 Signs That the Global Economic Crisis is starting to Catch Fire‘. I also shared an article published by Zero Hedge entitled ‘Does the Trail of Dead Bankers Lead Somewhere?’ Pastor Williams has confirmed “I have read both articles in their entirety. They are correct as I interpret events.”
Pastor Williams also said that “My Elite friend says one year [for global financial crash] BUT I don’t see how they can hold it together that long. I personally am not betting on it. All preparations MUST be made immediately.”
In relation to the Global Currency Reset Pastor Williams said “I expect the Global Currency Reset to happen any day. I am surprised it has not already been announced. What is holding it up – I don’t know. Some little detail undoubtedly.” In another email he said “My Elite friend has been travelling around the country and has not been in contact with me.” And that “I am waiting on the Global Currency Reset, which they keep saying is supposed to take place any day, but the IMF keeps postponing for some strange moment. It could happen any moment.”
The Mills Crenshaw interview [Click Here To Listen] is very important and everyone should listen to it. Pastor Williams told me “I said everything on the Mills Crenshaw [show] that I can say. The last two hours of the show was unexpected. Dr. Rodriguez was supposed to have been on for three hours, but Mills began asking me questions.” The show includes the latest information that Pastor Williams is able to share with us and also warned us not to hesitate with dates because the Global Currency Reset could be weeks or even days away. He said that “Every newsletter is predicting doom and gloom. My Elite friend still insists that the TOTAL collapse is at least one year away.” He also said that he is “…afraid to say anything…” And that his “…record has been so good for many years I don’t want to mislead people so the best thing to do is say nothing.” Relating to Pastor Williams record someone has created a timeline of articles and information that show that he has been correct on multiple occasions. You can check out this record by clicking here.
Regarding Gold & Silver Pastor Williams has said that you still have time to get out of paper, but it would be better to do this sooner rather than later. He confirmed that while there will be confiscation of between 30% & 50% of ALL pension funds there will be no controls on gold and silver. However, he had a warning that after the Global Currency Reset gold and silver will increase in value, since the dollar will be reset at between 30% to 50% less than current prices. He said that the Federal Reserve Note is not a store of wealth, but a loss of wealth and therefore encouraged listeners to the Mills Crenshaw show to invest in gold & silver as soon as possible.
Although I have said this many times before, it is important to get your financial house in order, there are a few companies I recommend if you do not have a local gold bullion dealer you have an existing relationship with, the first and my own personal recommendation is Birch Gold, they are experts in converting paper IRA and 401k retirement funds into gold, silver and other precious metals. They offer a 7 day delivery guarantee as well as pay the first year dues for retirement accounts, which include all the setup fees, administration fees, storage fees and delivery of metals, saving over $500. Visit their website where you can see many testimonials of their customers.
Pastor Williams sent me an article relating to China buying increasing amounts of gold. The article entitled ‘China Declares War’ published on February 20th, 2014 said that in 2013 while the US was busy being caught up in the stock market bull run and with gold offering lacklustre results in 2013 that China never waned and continued to increase purchasing of gold to historic levels. The article goes on to say that China is expecting today’s crumbling fiat currency system to come crashing down and that is why they are pro-actively preparing for a complete reformation of the international monetary system and that those with the most gold will yield the most power when that day comes.
The article concluded about China wanting the SDR (Special Drawing Right, a type of money for governments), because it is not the US dollar. It is issued by the IMF (International Monetary Fund). China is using its willingness to lend money to the IMF to purchase SDR notes and give the IMF money to bail out Europe in order to obtain more votes in the IMF. Its increase in votes would make China the second largest member of the IMF after the United States. The article went on to say that the US is opposing giving China more votes, but Christine Lagarde (Head of the IMF) is pushing to increase the Chinese role. China wants to get rid of the US dollar as the global reserve currency and replace it with the SDR. Finally the article said that China were not planning to use the Yuan to leverage power, instead China is planning on using gold.
Another email Pastor Williams sent to me was relating to Government document FT900. In this document is a category called “Miscellaneous Commodities” relating to the importing and exporting of gold that is well above what the US should be capable of exporting since 1991. The researcher used data from the Gold Fields Mineral Services, the US Census Bureau, the US Mint and Bloomberg to determine the US total demand and supply of gold over the past 20 years. The research said that the US had 7,532 tons of gold available for consumption, but the US consumed 7,605 tons of gold. Therefore the US consumed more gold than was available and therefore it implies that the US should have been a net importer of gold. The researcher then revealed that the US exported 5,504 tons of gold. Ultimately the researcher concludes that there is an unexplained supply gap of 5,577 tons of gold and that the Federal Reserve is the only institution capable of supplying such a large amount of gold. The researcher said that if the Federal Reserve disclosed that most of the gold reserves in the US were gone, it would lead to a major crisis of confidence in the US dollar and US government bonds. This could be the reason the Federal Reserve refused to allow Germany to independently audit their gold reserves held in the US after the US said it would take 7 years to return Germany’s gold. The last audit of gold stored in the US took place in 1953. The researcher claims that when China releases its five year gold storage statistics that it will send ripples through the financial system. I’ll let you make your own mind up on this one, click here to read the report.
I will leave you with a scary parallel. There are eerie parallels between the stock market’s recent behaviour and how it behaved right before the 1929 crash. Please check out this article ‘Scary 1929 Market Chart Gains Traction‘.
Even the UK mainstream media is warning of this new stock market bubble in this article ‘This Is No Recovery, This Is A Bubble – And It Will Burst‘, saying ‘Share prices are high mainly thanks to quantitative easing not because of the strength of the underlying real economy'.
If you have not already watched Pastor Williams’ DVDs ‘Elite Emergency Data’ and ‘Global Currency Reset’ please obtain copies, watch them, take notes and then share the DVDs with friends and family. Also be sure to read and download a copy of my free ‘10 Steps to Avoid the Crash!‘ e-book. It will explain what is happening and how you can protect your health as well as your finances.
Pastor Williams said to me “Something BIG is definitely about to happen. Every newsletter can’t be wrong.” If you have not prepared for the Global Currency Reset and the Total Global Financial Collapse, please do so. Do not wait another minute.
Update: 5th March 2014 – Gerald Celente: Banker Suicides the Prequel to Global Collapse – MUST WATCH!
Gerald Celente: Banker Suicides Prequel to Global Collapse – The onset of the great depression of the 1930's brought a spike in banker suicides, Will Rogers noted of the time, “When Wall Street took that tail spin, you had to stand in line to get a window to jump out of, and speculators were selling space for bodies in the East River.”
Update: 8th March 2014 – Russia wants IMF to move ahead on reforms without U.S.!
‘Russian officials are pushing for the International Monetary Fund to move ahead with planned reforms without the United States, which could mean the loss of the U.S. veto over major decisions at the global lender, sources said.
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov brought up the idea at a meeting of top finance officials from the Group of 20 nations in Sydney late last month, two G20 sources told Reuters this week.
The failure of the U.S. Congress to approve IMF funding has held up reforms agreed in 2010 that would double the Fund's resources and give more say to emerging markets like China.'
Source: Reuters: Russia wants IMF to move ahead on reforms without U.S.
Click here for an article which explains what the 2010 IMF reforms are.