Lindsey Williams Information
Lindsey Williams On Recent Lowering Gold Price
In recent weeks I (James Harkin, creator of have been continuing to look at the price of gold and its fall from its all time high of $1,913 an ounce in August 2011 to its two year low on 15th April 2013 to $1,356 an ounce. So I asked Pastor Williams his thoughts on the situation, his response may be of interest to all existing and would be gold owners…
Please note: Myself and Chaplain Williams are not financial advisers and you should not take anything in this post as financial advice and I would suggest that you contact a registered financial adviser. Please see our Legal Disclaimer at the top of this page.
Pastor Williams has replied to several emails relating to the current price of gold and to one visitor to his response was as follows:
[testimonial] [tentry image=”” name=”Pastor Lindsey Williams” company=”Author of The Energy Non-Crisis”]
Two reasons.
1. To discourage people from owning gold as it is the only true
store of wealth.
2. The Elite are buying as much as possible themselves with the
price down.
[/tentry] [/testimonial]
Further information from Pastor Williams reveals that this lowering of the gold price is “all manipulation of the highest degree…”, even Trends Journal forecaster Gerald Celente agrees with this fact.
Lindsey Williams told me that “… Everything is selling off – commodities – copper – the global economy is weak…” and continued “… The Elite wish to discourage the average person about gold because gold is the only true value of wealth”, and that “the Elite are buying gold as fast as possible…”. It is important to understand that “Gold will go back up as soon as the powers that be have purchased what they want”. He also said that we should “watch commodities and the derivative market…”.
Those of you who are owners of gold, whatever you do, don't sell. Gold is a long term investment, it is a hedge against inflation. Lindsey Williams told us last year that the Federal Reserve was to initiate purchases of $40 billion of mortgage backed debt a month indefinitely. The US national debt is $16.8 trillion, do you really think that could ever be paid back? In 2011 the US paid just under $454.5 billion in interest on the national debt.
In 2008 Chaplain Williams told us “If people had ever bought precious metals in their entire lifetime they should buy every piece, every ounce, ever half ounce, every quarter ounce, every tenth ounce, I don't care what you buy, you should get your hands on every piece of gold and silver that you can possibly get … and get it as quick as you can … don't even wait until tomorrow, buy everything you can possibly buy. It is the only thing that is going to have any purchasing power or value when all of this is said and done”. This statement is still true today. Just last year, just after the re-election of Barack Obama he said “precious metals are going through the roof, you have never seen anything yet, if you think $1700 or $1800 gold is high priced, it is going to be dirt cheap by the end of this 4 year administration”. Gold is the currency of the Elite!
Fiat paper currency is not worth the paper its printed on. In fact its not even paper its digital dollars dumped into the system and according to Gerald Celente on the 16th April 2013 “Gold is being manipulated by the United States central bank, by the European central band and by the Japanese central bank, which continues to dump digital dollars into the system in form of their rigging the game by buying bonds, treasuries and mortgage backed securities”. In March Celente said that he “buys silver for his golden years” and that he is not a speculator. He goes on to say “China, Russia and Iran are getting together to try and kill the petro-dollar” and that “you are going to see the dollar crash like you have never seen it crash before…”. He also said that “they are never going to solve this problem … they can't save it, its impossible” and ended on a bombshell that “they are going to debase the currency”. If this happens inflation will become rampant and if anyone is still in paper assets, whether it is stocks and shares, derivatives or precious metals in exchange traded funds they will be worthless.
Those investors who have cash in their banks must look at what happened in Cyprus and the new EU banking legislation that anyone with more than the threshold of 100,000 euros in their bank could lose anything above that figure if the bank they hold their euros in is bailed out. This is theft on a magnitude you have never seen before. Don't kid yourself that it is not going to happen in the UK, USA or other nations. The Elite are already working towards a date for the collapse of ALL currencies. Events SIMILAR to what happened in Cyprus are planned for nation after nation.
This is real! You need to focus on protecting your family with the salvation of physical precious metals; Land that you own outright without liens or mortgages, especially land with natural spring water since major bottling corporations are looking at owning ALL drinking water; and I wholeheartedly suggest you also obtain heirloom seeds because GMO's are being rolled out worldwide; If you do not see this already being rolled out in front of your very own eyes, and have decided to protect yourself, then you have a very bleak future. If you do not act now, it will be you who will end up handing in your guns and begging to be chipped so you can get your food stamps for the genetically modified crud they call food.
If you really want to find out what is planned for you, please obtain a copy of Lindsey Williams' new EMERGENCY DVD “NEW SIGNS OF THE ELITE”. The New World Order is in it's final formation. This is a DVD you do not want to miss. Order it today from Prophecy Club Currently 70% off and is just $27.
Please, stop fooling yourselves, if you weren't already buying gold after the recent fall then you need to start looking at it. Gold, silver and other precious metals will go through the roof when all is said and done. It is the only way to secure your financial future. If you have an IRA, stocks, bonds or mutual funds then you can have it converted to physical gold. Many people are doing this, they see the signs and they are taking action.
Pastor Williams doesn't sell gold. However, I have asked him if I can link to a couple of companies that can help, not only to sell you gold and silver, but to offer help and advice to those wishing to convert their IRA or old 401(k) to physical precious metals. I have found a company, they specialise in precious metals IRA's and have several recommendations including ones that support an individual's retirement plan and offer the best return, stability against inflation, and protection against economic uncertainty. They only deal in physical gold, silver, platinum and palladium and have a 7 day delivery guarantee. The only problem is that this company only deals with investments over $10,000. There are many companies out there and I recommend looking at them all. Then go here and check out what they offer, read the up-to-date testimonials, then complete the enquiry form and order their Gold IRA Rollover kit and talk with their advisers. The link to this company is also in the sidebar under the section entitled “Current Gold & Oil Prices“.
Whatever you do, get out of paper assets as soon as you can, remember what it says in the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, sections 8 & 10 “The Congress shall have the power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; No state shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts”. Time is no longer on your side!
This article was written by James Harkin, creator of
EMERGENCY: New DVD From Lindsey Williams
Order Your Copy Now!
Ready For Shipment.
[testimonial] [tentry image=”” name=”Lindsey Williams” company=”Author of The Energy Non-Crisis”]A few minutes ago I was on the phone with my elite friend. I must tell you what he said. The survival of your family may depend on it.
You and your family do not need to suffer. Many people made great fortunes during the Great Depression in 1929. You can prosper during the days ahead if you heed what my Elite friend is advising me.
I contacted a second Elite friend to confirm what the first had said. This DVD is made to tell what I was told.
This DVD is compacted into one DVD and is REDUCED 70% from the previous series of four discs. Now only $27. I feel everyone must know this information.
I promised to let you know every time I receive something you need to know. You will not get this information from any other source.
- Cyprus – The startling Real Story
- The American Dollar – How long?????
- Healthcare – A trap
- America – The world's only hope
- Saudi Arabia – Look out
- Iran – Sabre rattling
- Derivatives – Collapse being discussed
- (Behind closed doors, all of these things have been discussed)[/tentry] [/testimonial]
Order Now Online Click The Order Button
Or call Prophecy Club at 888-799-6111
A special message from Lindsey Williams at International Bio Care Hospital and Health Center
There is no reason to suffer from Cancer, Heart Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Allergies, Hepatitis C, Degenerative Diseases, Hormonal Imbalance, Diabetes, Vascular Disease and Immunological Imbalance. A person can live a happy and healthy life because the body was designed by God to do so.
It has been my privilege to be a patient for the past three weeks at International Bio Care Hospital and Health Center. Here these above mentioned diseases are successfully treated and you can go home to live a normal life. Some of the treatments here can be obtained nowhere else in the world. The philosophy of enabling the body to regenerate itself is obvious from the organic food in the dining room to the Stem Cell treatment in the operating room. At lunch today I heard the testimony of a lady who came here sixteen years ago with cancer. She has lived a happy and healthy life for sixteen years.
Whatever it would take to get here – If I were sick – I would find a way to get to Bio Care Hospital and Health Center in Tijuana, Mexico. I was originally told about this Hospital and Health Center by my Elite friend. The Elite know where to go to successfully live to a healthy and ripe old age. Please call toll free from the United States of America and ask for the 58 page booklet which explains the natural philosophy of successfully dealing with disease. It will be sent to you at no charge.
1-800-701-7345 or on the Internet at
I am writing this letter to you as a personal endorsement of Bio Care Hospital and Health Center.
Lindsey Williams
Lindsey Williams – Center Stage – March 2013
Lindsey Williams – Center Stage – March 2013
Lindsey Williams on Center Stage speaking with Kheri Hines in March 2013. Pastor Lindsey Williams discusses doctors all over America are closing their offices and leaving the medical profession because of the new healthcare system beginning January 1, 2013. Dr. David Janda states that 40% of the healthcare professionals are leaving. Chaplain Lindsey Williams will be discussing this and more information relating to the elite and their plan for humanity and this planet including where the elite go for their healthcare needs.
Find out more about Lindsey Williams' DVDs
Lindsey Williams – Vinny Eastwood Show – March 2013
Lindsey Williams – Vinny Eastwood Show – March 2013
Lindsey Williams on The Vinny Eastwood Show speaking with Vinny Eastwood in March 2013. Pastor Lindsey Williams discusses doctors all over America are closing their offices and leaving the medical profession because of the new healthcare system beginning January 1, 2013. Dr. David Janda states that 40% of the healthcare professionals are leaving. Chaplain Lindsey Williams will be discussing this and more information relating to the elite and their plan for humanity and this planet including where the elite go for their healthcare needs.
Find out more about Lindsey Williams' DVDs
Lindsey Williams – Radio Liberty – March 2013
Lindsey Williams – Radio Liberty – March 2013
Lindsey Williams on Radio Liberty speaking with Dr. Stan Monteith in March 2013. Pastor Lindsey Williams discusses doctors all over America are closing their offices and leaving the medical profession because of the new healthcare system beginning January 1, 2013. Dr. David Janda states that 40% of the healthcare professionals are leaving. Chaplain Lindsey Williams will be discussing this and more information relating to the elite and their plan for humanity and this planet including where the elite go for their healthcare needs.
Find out more about Lindsey Williams' DVDs
Lindsey Williams – GoldSeek Radio – March 2013
Lindsey Williams – GoldSeek Radio – March 2013
Lindsey Williams on GoldSeek Radio speaking with Chris Waltzek in March 2013. Pastor Lindsey Williams discusses doctors all over America are closing their offices and leaving the medical profession because of the new healthcare system beginning January 1, 2013. Dr. David Janda states that 40% of the healthcare professionals are leaving. Chaplain Lindsey Williams will be discussing this and more information relating to the elite and their plan for humanity and this planet including where the elite go for their healthcare needs.
Find out more about Lindsey Williams' DVDs