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Elite Instituting Drastic Measures Immediately…

Pastor Williams just emailed me something I should share with you all immediately…

“A while back I mentioned that my Elite friend was traveling for a few months. He and his wife JUST arrived back home. I just received an email from him. It was startling beyond words.

HE SAID –“The Elite are instituting drastic measures which will be implemented IMMEDIATELY. The world as we know it will never be the same again. Expect catastrophic events in the monetary world, nature and the Elite EXPECT DIVINE REPERCUSSIONS.”

I will try to get my friend to elaborate more.”

I will add more when Pastor Williams knows more…

Update: 22nd May 2014

I have received an update from Pastor Williams who has told me “I do have some very interesting NEW information. The statement by my Elite friend which you posted has been confirmed by two other people – My Wall Street insider and a visionary (Christian) in Connecticut.

I have been given the plans (Agenda) of the Elite for 2015. Multiply the events of 2008 many times over and that is what is about to happen.

Hopefully I will have a statement before long. I am trying to decide how to tell it. The Elite are ready to bring in the New World Order in its entirety.

People MUST take action to combat the Elite and let them know we have had enough.”

Pastor Williams followed up with another email and he stated “One of the most fascinating things I have found out is – Elite Riot Control. Another is – Cycles of seven. Even the Blood Moons fit into the scenario.”

Update 12th June 2014

Pastor Williams has sent me a number of articles and links that I feel you should be aware of, one is to a video from Larry Edelson that talks about the coming bull market in gold. The video has been taken down now. My own personal thoughts on the video are that it doesn't go far enough and doesn't touch on the subject of precious metals market manipulation. Also the video discussed investing in paper gold EFT and mining stocks and Pastor Williams only suggests people invest in tangibles such as physical gold and silver. However, if you are considering investing in gold and silver what was laid out within the video was very important and echoed what Pastor Williams has been saying about the economy as well as the Elite's plan for humanity and this planet.

The second article Pastor Williams shared was regarding a major policy shift at the Federal Reserve. Pastor Williams says “Interest rates are about to rise and this will create many changes”. The article featured a link from The Wall Street Journal called “Fed Wary of Market Complacency” and featured a statement by Martin Barnes, chief economist at BCA Research saying “It is a problem of their own making. They can't have it both ways. If they want to sustain zero interest rates and push up asset prices, how can they expect to have that with no excesses and no risk taking?” Basically the ridiculous over-speculation and out-of-control lending and high risk bond buying we have been seeing is the result of the Fed's own policies. In addition to the Wall Street Journal article, two Fed policy makers have said 1) Interest rates will likely need to rise sooner, and by a larger magnitude, than observers believe and 2) Volatility is way to low and complacency is way to high. Kansas City Fed President Esther George warned about rising food, rent and tuition costs, as well as excessive corporate and sub-prime auto lending. She added that while “a gradual path for the federal funds rate is suggested by the FOMC's projections … it will likely be appropriate to raise the federal funds rate somewhat sooner and at a faster pace.” Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher also added to his recent warnings “Low volatility, I don't think, is healthy. This indicates to me a little bit too much complacency.” We are facing a new, clear and present danger … the danger that policy gets even tighter, with more aggressive tapering of QE and earlier-than-expected or bigger-than-expected interest rate hikes, or both.

In the now well over 600 comments to this post some people still seem unsure of what is happening in the world. There is enough evidence provided by Pastor Williams and many others that should convince you that the Elite want you as a slave to do their bidding. Pastor Williams has laid out the Elite's plan for decades. Its not a matter of when things will happen, things are happening right now. Unlike others who just expose what is happening and leave you without any idea what to do, Pastor Williams and I have offered solutions that will allow you to survive and even prosper through the global financial crash. The Elite know that the system they have been relying on for a hundred years no longer works and they know a new system must be put in place, hence The New World Order. This is being implemented every day, baby steps to their ultimate goal of World Government. The power and control will remain in their hands and you don't feature a great deal in their plans since you are merely a commodity to them. The Elite believe they are god and we are merely animals that need to be herded and controlled. You have a real chance to put a spanner in the works, all you need to do is take Pastor Williams' advice and prepare. Read the '10 Steps To Avoid The Crash' guide I wrote and gave away freely. Its ultimate goal is to tell you to be as self-sufficient as possible. If you want to take back your power, start relying on yourself instead of others. Its a choice you must make, either you start to take control of your life, or let a corporation do it. We don't need them, they need us to make their plan work. Take responsibility for the safety, health and wealth of your family before its too late.


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My Elite friend just briefed me on everything that can be expected for 2015. All the Elite agendas.

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Pastor Lindsey Williams – Global Currency Reset – Update – April 29th, 2014


    • michael
    • June 9, 2014

    Russian companies ‘de-dollarize’ and switch to yuan, other Asian currencies

    • michael
    • June 9, 2014

    World Leaders in Discussion for New Reserve Currency

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    • June 9, 2014

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    • michael
    • June 9, 2014

    Emergency Meetings Of Western Elite Fail To Break Financial Deadlock, US Implosion Now Looms

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    • RT
    • June 9, 2014


    you said…

    “innocent blood of many people in Irak, Afganistan and Middle east? Give me a clear interpretation of modern Babylon and maybe I would change idea. I fear it’s impossible.”

    I know you are not American and therefore un-American but terrorism and jihad is real weather you want to believe it or not. America will be judged for many things but not for your warped view of who we are. The people of Iraq, Afgan and the ME are not innocent. Without the USA the NWO would have happened many years ago. Even George Soros and Kissinger admit that. God Bless the USA !

    All of the things you are claiming are just your own interpretation of the Bible which I totally disagree with. I read the same passages and verses and come to a much different conclusion. By the way.. It is called Mystery Babylon because it is a MYSTERY !

      • PJ
      • June 9, 2014

      Joki and RT,

      My take on the Babylon is, it a world system (NWO) under Illuminati lead by three city states: Washington DC(political), City of London (financial) and Vatican( religious). America is just part of it.

      We need repentance to wash the sin. Like Abraham did for Lot of Sodoma/Gormora, Moses did for Israelites in the wildness. Compare to what America did to the First Nations, to the African Americas etc., the recent war in Middle east would be small. But all these can be forgiven by God if we truly repent on behalf of our nation.

      I do believe Christians will go through tribulation, but I don’t think we will go through under God’s wrath(7 bowls) which happens after the 7th(last ) trumpet. And the harvest will happen before that or sooner. Praise God.

        • Joki
        • June 10, 2014


        “I do believe Christians will go through tribulation, but I don’t think we will go through under God’s wrath(7 bowls) which happens after the 7th(last ) trumpet. And the harvest will happen before that or sooner. Praise God”.

        I totally agree with this quote.

        About you vision about Babylon – I’m not sure I could find some evidence of fall of religious structure in book of Rev. It’s true that pope Francisc will pass the keys of church to antichrist, but first will be an economic crash (both Washington and London) Three of them will decline before the official coming of antichrist, but is a mistake to put all tree togheter under the symbol of Babylon. It’s easy to name this trilogy as an “anticrist system”. It’s also true that in middles ages Catholic church was under this sign of Babylon. Nowadays is USA as a core of symbol..

      • Al
      • June 9, 2014

      Is Mr. R.A. Coombs an American?
      He has written a book about the theme and did a good job.
      Nobody wants to blame American citizens. The government has destroyed the godly country and its Christian roots.

        • Al
        • June 9, 2014

        The war against Iraq and Afganistan was a criminal act. Who was behind Bin Laden? Who made him strong? Who destroyed the Twin Towers? The Moslems? Come on….

          • RT
          • June 9, 2014


          Once again I will defer to the Bible.

          The Muslims who are decedents of Ishmael and Esau have wanted to kill Jews and then Christians since they have existed even prior to a formal religion. I am not saying that Americans have not been manipulated and are completely innocent. What I am saying is that the Middle East is even more corrupt. So who do you think blew up the twin Towers….Oh I know it was Bush !

          Isaiah 8:12

          “You are not to say, ‘It is a conspiracy!’ In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it.

          • Al
          • June 9, 2014

          Agreed, RT.

          • Jimmy
          • June 9, 2014

          Yes, He was an American. He went home to the Lord last July. He was a Pastor

      • Occasnl Trvlr
      • June 9, 2014

      How many people in the United States have died gruesome deaths or suffered grievous injury at the hands of Afghanis or Pakistanis?

      How many people in Afghanistan and Pakistan have suffered deaths or grievous injuries at the hands of the occupying forces of the United States?

      Yes, terrorism is real, whether you want to believe it, or not. Just ask the real victims, as opposed to the imaginary victims.

        • RT
        • June 9, 2014

        1 John 2 22
        And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist.

        Christians and Jews are the victims.

      • Joki
      • June 10, 2014

      I understood I could touched the pride of some americans, claiming about the recent war. In what I’m interested is a truth, non subjective opinions. I know that many americans could be offended by my “warped view”, as well as russian could laughing at idea that Putin is antichrist.
      Soros and Kissinger have another interest than USA and are bad examples of americans. Even Soros said the USA “is a big problem in the way to establish NWO”. I have heard someone pretends he is a antichrist .
      Be non-american isn’t mean to underestimate a country. Moreover, many strangers like USA for some reasons. To convince you I should rearrange in other way – statistically in my own list of respect I have found more americans than from other nations.
      Someone will be offended, but the better ones from americans are going simply to prepare to overcome the difficult times ahead. To understand the guilty of USA is a kind of spiritual perception and choice over just a clear biblical testimony. So, it’s upon you to accept this things or rebuke it, claiming something vague you call “mystery”.

        • RT
        • June 10, 2014


        It is all just your opinion. Please do not take things out of context.

        Philippians 3:20
        But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.

  1. Reply

    Has anyone noticed this:

    This plus the Taliban prisoner exchange feels like a heating up of events to me.

    • R2J2
    • June 8, 2014

    Prophetic literature like the Bible and the Book of Mormon have given us the times and seasons and even the strategies and goals of those nations and elite who strive to build up and uphold secret combinations to acquire power and gain so they can overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries. Therefore, because of these advanced warnings in Divine literature, I have to believe that God has it all under control. So a certain measure of peace abides within me despite trying times.

    • R2J2
    • June 8, 2014

    We are living in extraordinary times where our children will read our present life as pivotal historical literature. History is being written now and it’s important to be as accurate as possible as to current events because one day, those individuals who write our history books, will be obliged in authoring books by way of historical revisionism. When our children come home with homework and study guides, we might find it necessary to filter the content and tell them how it really happened.

    • R2J2
    • June 8, 2014

    They’re at least two books that I have read that I believe shed a lot of light on current global events. One is titled “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and “The Naked Communist” by Cleon Skousen. Both books are tremendous in value because of their content. I strongly recommend considering these books to gain further knowledge.

    • yugo
    • June 8, 2014

    Please update more informaton Pastor Lindsey.

    • Y Diddy
    • June 8, 2014

    I think he will definitely release a DVD about what was mentioned in this post. I hope there is more information in the upcoming one than there has been in the last couple of videos.

      • Jake Diesel
      • June 19, 2014

      Nice Post.

      It was worth all 3 hours. Agent Wayne is money…wealth of info. (as is V)

    • Al
    • June 8, 2014

    Does anyone here know about the relation of HAARP and earthquakes? Have heard that HAARP can produce earthquakes in 10km depth. Today we had third earthquake in three month near Frankfurt – 10km deep. But no real damage….
    Maybe they warn us Germans?

      • Joki
      • June 8, 2014

      You’re right Al. Perfect observation. It’s a perfect range of HAARP. Usually they are trying to hidden this depth. Only a part of them are reported by USGS (US geological survey) in their register. They make a “scan” of german territory now. Some countries are passed this procedure and are “ready” for antichrist. You will see big temperatures the next 2-3 month in Germany (higher than the medium) and drought this year. Maybe you won’t see a raindrop in Frankfurt this year. It’s possible that in the end of this year – first months of the next there will be a massive fall of precipitations in area of Germany where you’ve heard about earthquakes, because of chemtrial particles than will descend from up to the lowest part of athmosphere and cause a massive fall.
      I hope you will forget about Puerto Rico and start to consider real programmed events. Germany is on schedule. Climatic arm (from “american” elite friends will help Putin to enter in Germany at appointed time) will be the principal element of third world war.

      • Joki
      • June 8, 2014

      A question I forgot to ask you – where the germans government hold their gold? In which city?
      It will be some reason why Putin is going to visit with army your country after some years.
      About climatic changes I described above – it’s all depend on the power of quake.

        • Al
        • June 8, 2014

        Frankfurt is the financial center of Germany. They are spraying chemtrails for several years in most parts of Germany. But earthquakes are very rare. Most of Germanys gold is in the US.
        What most people don’t know about Germany is the fact that we have no peace treaty and are not a souvereign country. We have to pay the US troops to be in our country and are still more or less occupied.

          • Joki
          • June 9, 2014

          I know the gold of Germany is somewhere in Frankfurt. Your gold in USA is only on paper. The americans told to germans that they will release only 20% during the next 7 years. So it’s clear- there is no gold to give back. The american gold is gone. There is no gold at Fort Knox. Now they are trying to catch, using Goldman Sacks, gold from Venezuela (1,45 billion ouncies or 45 tonnes) and Ecuador (460000 uncies og gold). The agreement – they give this gold to Bank of England until 2020, and receive some interest on him. Once it was arrived in England it passed trough Switzerland in China and Russia. My account on Facebook was closed 2 times for at least 11 days because I shared some articles containing delicate information about this flow of gold from west to east. That’s why they don’t hurry to hit USA now. They should finish their gold transactions before induce the disaster. Germany, Venezuela (what a bad joke-Chaves brought back gold and new government waste it), Ecuador will not see their gold back ever. Along with Ukraine. We don’t have a precise information if all gold was taken from Ukraine. At least big part of it was carried by special american forces through airport of Borispol. This was an agreement between Putin and americans – Ukraine for him and gold for them. The rest – battle between east and west is propaganda for naive people. In future they will help him to take gold of Germany, Italy and France. Using climatic arm they will open the way to his week and barbarian army to invade these countries. They will provide destructions for him and he will invade and collect what he need.
          But I think, the next year Germany won’t have some problems. The massive destructions are going to be in other area in 2015. But generally, in future, various type of calamities will have a connections with Putin’s intentions to conquer this or that country. So if at some moment he will decide to invade Germany, some time first there will be droughts, famine or other staff produced by HAARP and analogue systems. In fact there are many area with this kind of antenna and when I say HAARP I mean not strictly this area in Alaska, but all this system.
          I give you a quote by senator Lisa Murkowski: “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do, to inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed”.
          So, the work around climatic arm has been completed and we are waiting now for the spectacle to start. But we should stay a little until they will rearrange some gold in right places.

          • PJ
          • June 9, 2014


          Thanks for the input/insight. I agree most of them except the one about how God will deal with USA.

          Nita Johnson with her World for Jesus Ministry ( been doing repentant intersession conferences/gatherings(GOE: Gathering of Eagles)since year 2000 to save America out of the hand of Illuminati. God is not done with America but will bring the harvest before the end come.

          • Joki
          • June 9, 2014


          I agree most of them except the one about how God will deal with USA.

          You must find interpretation for Babylon the Great. Serious interpretation, not symbolical. Could someone bring back the innocent blood of many people in Irak, Afganistan and Middle east? Give me a clear interpretation of modern Babylon and maybe I would change idea. I fear it’s impossible.

          God is not done with America but will bring the harvest before the end come.

          It’s a pretribulationist idea. I think we all should pass through tribulation. The harvest is going to happen only after tribulation.

          • Marina
          • June 9, 2014


          Where do you get your information, any websites (including in Russian language)?

          • Joki
          • June 11, 2014

          regarding gold I can recommend a russian site – Being on page you could choose an author you like more and the link to his english page.

    • Green Lantern
    • June 8, 2014
      • jj99
      • June 8, 2014

      There is one saying – if you can’t beat them, join them…

    • R2J2
    • June 7, 2014

    I look foward to the new information in the DVD and the new title of the DVD. Every bit of new information helps with planning and preparing temporally and spiritually.

  2. Reply

    AL, I meant fifth element GOD’s love as projected by humanity, apologies to all, will save rant for other outlets!

    • Dan The Man
    • June 6, 2014

    If Caravan To Midnight Episode 57 is correct with Greg Morse then paying off your home might not actually be in your best interest if the court case goes through. You might be better off sinking your money into other tangible assets. I say this because Lindsey mentions paying off your home and being out of debt, and I get that it is very logical, but it looks like they might also have a solution for robbing even folks that own their homes of them. It might be interesting if Lindsey could ask about the information to see if its true and what the elite plan to do with it.

      • Mark
      • June 6, 2014

      Bull Hockey. Don’t waste your time on this disinfo/wile speculation, we’ve got enough to worry about.

    • Michael
    • June 6, 2014

    China Burst U.S. Dollar Bubble by Becoming Reserve Currency

  3. Reply


      • Al
      • June 6, 2014

      The elements are vital for human life and nobody would object against that. But don’t warship them like the mysterious religions or other Pagan religions. God is not the fifth element, that’s witchcraft thinking. God is the creator of all in the universe. He is in control and let the powers do their work. Your subject is to find back to the LORD by accepting Jesus. Don’t trust the foolish agenda of the New Age, which tells everybody that you are God or a part of God.

  4. Reply

    And smart meters regulate inert systems such as PLUMBING! Go figure! THE FOUR ELEMENTS ARE ALL THAT IS LEFT. EARTH, WIND, FIRE and, WATER! Vow to protect them at all costs! NATIONS!!! DO YOU HEAR?!! YOU MUST UNITE! And DEFEAT the NEw WUrld DisOrDer!!!

  5. Reply

    Smart meters regulate INPUT not output. Smart meters run cable, tv, DVD, vhs, movies, shows, all manner of devices, phones, I pads, tablets for INPUTonly, and can turn off at will, these devices monitor blood pressure and emotion, NOW, does everyone GET smart monitors, um, meters? JUST try and regulate body temp and temper…these criminal elites have pulled out all the cards on this planet and then some. Go back to conversations, writing, and in person communicating cause there is some entity in your bedroom you and I didn’t invite.8 7

      • Al
      • June 6, 2014

      Smart meters send data during night time on a high radios frequency which is under suspicion to manipulate the human brain. Google the internet and you will find tons of material.

    • Michael
    • June 5, 2014

    I don’t believe Lindsey should sell a DVD with this new information. It should be free for the public for immediate understanding. I believe Lindsey 100% but this time it should be posted to this website free of charge and time delay. We’ve all been hanging out for this info, biting our nails and checking for updates every day. This is extremely important and it is becoming more and more frustrating waiting. Full respect to Lindsey and his very well intentions – it is true he doesn’t have to say or do anything…but the currency reset information has made everyone more suspenseful.


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