Pastor Williams just emailed me something I should share with you all immediately…
“A while back I mentioned that my Elite friend was traveling for a few months. He and his wife JUST arrived back home. I just received an email from him. It was startling beyond words.
HE SAID –“The Elite are instituting drastic measures which will be implemented IMMEDIATELY. The world as we know it will never be the same again. Expect catastrophic events in the monetary world, nature and the Elite EXPECT DIVINE REPERCUSSIONS.”
I will try to get my friend to elaborate more.”
I will add more when Pastor Williams knows more…
Update: 22nd May 2014
I have received an update from Pastor Williams who has told me “I do have some very interesting NEW information. The statement by my Elite friend which you posted has been confirmed by two other people – My Wall Street insider and a visionary (Christian) in Connecticut.
I have been given the plans (Agenda) of the Elite for 2015. Multiply the events of 2008 many times over and that is what is about to happen.
Hopefully I will have a statement before long. I am trying to decide how to tell it. The Elite are ready to bring in the New World Order in its entirety.
People MUST take action to combat the Elite and let them know we have had enough.”
Pastor Williams followed up with another email and he stated “One of the most fascinating things I have found out is – Elite Riot Control. Another is – Cycles of seven. Even the Blood Moons fit into the scenario.”
Update 12th June 2014
Pastor Williams has sent me a number of articles and links that I feel you should be aware of, one is to a video from Larry Edelson that talks about the coming bull market in gold. The video has been taken down now. My own personal thoughts on the video are that it doesn't go far enough and doesn't touch on the subject of precious metals market manipulation. Also the video discussed investing in paper gold EFT and mining stocks and Pastor Williams only suggests people invest in tangibles such as physical gold and silver. However, if you are considering investing in gold and silver what was laid out within the video was very important and echoed what Pastor Williams has been saying about the economy as well as the Elite's plan for humanity and this planet.
The second article Pastor Williams shared was regarding a major policy shift at the Federal Reserve. Pastor Williams says “Interest rates are about to rise and this will create many changes”. The article featured a link from The Wall Street Journal called “Fed Wary of Market Complacency” and featured a statement by Martin Barnes, chief economist at BCA Research saying “It is a problem of their own making. They can't have it both ways. If they want to sustain zero interest rates and push up asset prices, how can they expect to have that with no excesses and no risk taking?” Basically the ridiculous over-speculation and out-of-control lending and high risk bond buying we have been seeing is the result of the Fed's own policies. In addition to the Wall Street Journal article, two Fed policy makers have said 1) Interest rates will likely need to rise sooner, and by a larger magnitude, than observers believe and 2) Volatility is way to low and complacency is way to high. Kansas City Fed President Esther George warned about rising food, rent and tuition costs, as well as excessive corporate and sub-prime auto lending. She added that while “a gradual path for the federal funds rate is suggested by the FOMC's projections … it will likely be appropriate to raise the federal funds rate somewhat sooner and at a faster pace.” Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher also added to his recent warnings “Low volatility, I don't think, is healthy. This indicates to me a little bit too much complacency.” We are facing a new, clear and present danger … the danger that policy gets even tighter, with more aggressive tapering of QE and earlier-than-expected or bigger-than-expected interest rate hikes, or both.
In the now well over 600 comments to this post some people still seem unsure of what is happening in the world. There is enough evidence provided by Pastor Williams and many others that should convince you that the Elite want you as a slave to do their bidding. Pastor Williams has laid out the Elite's plan for decades. Its not a matter of when things will happen, things are happening right now. Unlike others who just expose what is happening and leave you without any idea what to do, Pastor Williams and I have offered solutions that will allow you to survive and even prosper through the global financial crash. The Elite know that the system they have been relying on for a hundred years no longer works and they know a new system must be put in place, hence The New World Order. This is being implemented every day, baby steps to their ultimate goal of World Government. The power and control will remain in their hands and you don't feature a great deal in their plans since you are merely a commodity to them. The Elite believe they are god and we are merely animals that need to be herded and controlled. You have a real chance to put a spanner in the works, all you need to do is take Pastor Williams' advice and prepare. Read the '10 Steps To Avoid The Crash' guide I wrote and gave away freely. Its ultimate goal is to tell you to be as self-sufficient as possible. If you want to take back your power, start relying on yourself instead of others. Its a choice you must make, either you start to take control of your life, or let a corporation do it. We don't need them, they need us to make their plan work. Take responsibility for the safety, health and wealth of your family before its too late.
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
The very belly of the financial beast, explicitly saying that a rise in the cost of money is inevitable.
Hey Occasnl Trvlr, I think I have seen you post on the White Hats Aux blog.
I am not joking here, but, knock a hole in the wall…put your Pm’s in there…patch it back up. (not a sloppy patch job BTW)
I do not trust storing my PM’s anywhere but on me.
I iike your idea of dialogue on this topic…good to compare notes:)
The cost of REAL money will raise. Nobody can escape that. It depends on when the funny money show will stop. And I can’t see hints for this yet. Some guys think we have years ahead and promote going in debt, buying real estate… I’m cautious about both views. If you are not in finance, I think it’s better to ignore such noise and attempts to precise timing. Just keep getting better in your job (for money AND experience), and store your wealth in real assets. People with real economy experience and money will rebuild the systems after these “elite” guys break it…
jj99, my point is that Blankfein is publicly validating The Chaplain’s pronouncement.
The more I read the mainstream press about interest rates rising soon due to a recovery and the economy doing well now, the more I start to believe it and wonder if this whole coming crash is fake?
It’s hard living in two worlds. I got the mainstream telling me it’s all ok now, and I got LW telling me the moment the rates rise we all crash. Well, the moment of truth is coming very soon. If the rates rise and the next day there is no bad reaction… then I will feel like SUCH AN IDIOT!! I’ve told everyone what will happen and nobody believes me. If I am proved wrong on all this crash stuff I will get skinned alive by everyone that knows me. It’s making me nervous in case I am wrong. I would rather the crash comes and be right!! Else I can’t show my face!!
Anyone else starting to think “what if this doesn’t happen?”? I know the mainstream media is nonsense, but even I am starting to be sucked into now as the moment of truth (rate rise) gets close. Honestly, if nothing happens I will have to move away from everyone I know as they will think I am a total idiot after months of me shouting “the crash is coming!”
It’s ok dude don’t worry the crash is still coming. Just look at the DHS shopping list and that should confirm to you that something wicked this way comes. The other Jake is right V and Jim Willie have been spot on lately, maybe listen more to those two. As far as interest rates rising, way to go out on a limb on that one. Eventually they’ll rise whether the elite want them to or not. I’ve got a prediction the Fed will continue to expand the money supply, gee I should have my own forum.
Easy, Jake, easy.
Yes, I’ve asked myself dozens of times if I am fully convinced about a pending collapse of the current monetary system.
STOP looking for someone to tell you what is going to happen, and look at the facts, and the historical precedent. They tell the same story every time.
I am sitting on 300 oze of gold. It’s not just my face that is at stake. People keep asking me why didn’t I get a mortgage and buy a house. I cannot tell anyone what I believe.
I believe that English is not your native language, so please share a little humor with me as I express myself in pure American English.
Damn, buddy, you sure believe in puttin’ your money where your mouth is!
Now that I have that “out of my system”, I wish there were some safe way for us to publicly discuss how to keep precious metals secure. If one has metals at home, there are the risks of robbers and police taking it. If it is in a secure “depository”, there is the risk of it being confiscated by federal government, because they would go to where they know they can find large quantities of valuables. If it is held in a secure location in a secure jurisdiction that is not a person’s homeland, there is the risk of not being able to utilize it, due to capital controls.
Anyone who has a large quantity has thought about these things, and I always like to hear the thoughts of people who have thought about it.
Can you share any thoughts?
I keep them in safety boxes in 3 different location, provided by 2 different banks. I keep nothing at home. We don’t need to worry too much about police or govn’t confiscation in Hong kong
Thanks for your reply, Singwin.
Please let me ask, aren’t you concerned that PRC (if there were some very bad circumstance) might forcibly “harvest” assets from Hong Kong, including bank-held assets?
You keep all that gold in bank lock boxes???
Dude, you are one brave person. You must take sleeping tablets, surely?!
Let me put it this way:
From my memory there were a few times of bank’s safty box robbery hanpped in Hong Kong in the past.
Every once in several years I heard news of plane crash.
Every once in serveral days I heard news of car accident.
Every day there are several news of people commit sucide.
There were several times in modern history where the government came to confiscate people’s wealth.
So I will worry about me killing myself and getting a car accident before I worry my safty box will be robbed or PRC will come to get it.
for me to hold in bank is a risky option. In case the panic will start, it depends on who will arrive the first at your box. Anyway, there are few possibility to hide gold in Hong Kong – no forests or fields. I wish I have some. But I’m poor.
Hong Kong is much more safe place then the western world. So don’t repeat blindly what you’ve generally heard. GoldMoney and others are holding gold there. If you don’t have really a lot of gold, it’s better to do it by yourself I think. Even if you can’t diversify it as good as a big company. The risk of using such company must be also accounted. “Happily” I don’t have such amount to worry about :). Anyways, good job Singwin, you will be able to start your own company, which is at least what I would like to do 🙂
(ED: I regularly contact those involved with offshore corporation formation, Hong Kong while part of China is still heavily involved with the UK and Europe, therefore Hong Kong will share financial data with these countries, especially the UK. From my discussions with the formation brokers they recommend Singapore as a place to hold bank accounts for their high privacy laws. If you are to form a corporation to create one in St. Kitts & Nevis. These change regularly, the financial privacy is getting tighter, but still possible. Contact an offshore corporation & privacy expert for more information — one of the better ones is . For the record I personally recommend W.G. Hill’s ‘Six Flag Theory’, it is a way to protect yourself how the Elite protect themselves. Please check out: .)
Is there another link to that video available? The one sourced no-longer works.
Here is an interesting article about a new asset backed virtual currency being tested in Africa by 15 nations:
Central bank supervised new regional currency?
After years of warning us to get out of anything paper, are you now promoting an advisor who is trumpeting mining stocks? Does anyone else smell a maddening inconsistancy here? WHAT IS GOING ON OVER THERE?????
Well, since 2012 I’m very cautious to the information released by the pastor. It’s not his fault, and I still think his warnings are very valuable. But you should make your own research and think for yourself. His job is not financial adviser or journalist. He makes his own mistakes and for his age, he is still doing pretty good job. He is right about the (fault) attempts for new financial system, the collapse of the current one and he is right about owning physical gold. From there, it’s your own job… Maybe this interview is with some insider, but it has a lot of disinfo there also, because the guy must sell his services. You realize that, right…
Bank of England chef announces possible rise of interest rates end of this year…
I am not sure that I would be looking at the Fed or the WSJ for advise or clues for what is coming down the pike. The Fed is a major reason why we are in this situation to begin with. They are littered with Keynesian economists and blew every call in ’08…but if Lindsey thinks they are good at forecasting-then so be it.
Jim Willie and V the economist have been spot on lately. V predicted the silver smash from 30$ down along with the banker suicides. (I can go all day on other ones too) And Jim Willie has given detailed accounts of the GCR to gold trade settlements and the Belgium bulge which is Russia and Saudi Arabia actually dumping US treasuries. Even on the Euro Clear Treasury clearinghouse which is a dumping ground for for UST’s based in Frankfurt…(I can go all day as well with Dr. Jim Willie.)
Point being, the IMF, WSJ, and the Fed came out with news and all Lindsey did is copy and paste it for an update. I do not consider those sources legit. Also, Mario Draghi in Europe a week back instituted NERP from their previous ZIRP policy…but we are going to raise interest rates…we can’t raise interest rates!–If-Inactive/
Now they start to confiscate “inactive” bank accounts.
Australian government confiscates legally 360 Million Dollar…
This is confusing… he said the agenda for 2015 is the crash but something will be implemented immediately. Now this update says they will maybe raise rates (ie: collapse it all) earlier than thought. So… 2014 now? Or does “immediately” mean months away yet? Pastor quoted as saying something like “they are ABOUT to raise rates” in this article but again we have 6 months left of 2014 so which is it? 2014 or 2015?? Mixed signals or am I misunderstanding?
in my opinion is 2 different events. One in this year and will drive american economy and dollar down. And the final act – event in 2015.The first one is around 1-2 months ahead, in 2015 around 1 years (it’s not clear now which frame time). So we gonna pass from little chaos to complete chaos in 2015. But don’t worry, Putin “the Savior” will come and fix the problems in autumn 2015. All that you recognise today as being problems in system are working together to install him as a supreme governor and chief authority.
Putin is the most respectful leader in the world now. Personally, I’m not superstitious, I don’t define people as good or bad. There is one simple truth – the leader is the mirror of the society itself. If society is rotten, it’s leaders will be rotten. If the society really wants a positive change, the leaders for this will come. It needs time for the society to see itself in its leaders though. So I still can’t say exactly what kind of leader is Putin. But he is very clever, he is confident, but in a good way, not overconfident like the western “elite”. He seem really in control, without a need to generate empty noise like the west…
Ok not that anybody probably cares what I think but it seems LW knows much more but cannot say. Maybe he will be allowed to say or maybe not. I really hope he can. And I would welcome another DVD. Also to whoever wrote this updatw (LW or JH) you said aboit “more” QE tapering….???!! There has been no tapering yet, quite the opposite. They lied and purchased more through other means. Lets all admit that so we can move forward. And to the person who asked, yes raising the interest rates is the trigger that will kill everything and all paper will be lost, LW told us. Makes sense. So we are turkies at xmas waiting to be killed, just waiting for the interest rate announcement. In the meantime PLEASE LW tell us what you know, and please elite friend let him say enough to inform us properly. It won’t ruin the elite plans it would just be one good turn to help a few people.
Lets see here, Muslim Brotherhood is about to take Iraq (bypassing Syria for now) and jacking up oil prices, Elite’s puppets are about to shove Amnesty through Congress because of this manufactured children refugee surge coming from Latin America, FATCA is less then 3 weeks away, China’s papertiger housing has now a roaring bonfire, and now IMF/WB is issuing a warning about global economy:
Bad timing or Elite’s opening salvo?
FED won’t rise the rates now. I think they won’t rise them ever. It will be something else that will induce collapse without this operation. It’s clear. Nothing new in this update. Lindsey is playing his game. He want to seems foolish, but he isn’t. I recognise his style. His today answer to us I could translate: “I cannot tell you more”. He knows, but cannot deliver more. Right decision.
No information is better than bad information. Why would LW ruin his credibility? It would be better if he said he had nothing new that he was able to offer at this time. Very disappointing.
No instead. I would say it’s right and wise choice of Lindsay to speak in this way. Maybe you understood wrong what I said. I won’t condemned him for this attitude in passing the word.
Is still better to communicate in some way. Like LW have done in this situation.
Look at Hagee…There are passed quite 2 months after the first moon on 15 april and he haven’t released nothing about. I have told – he is a misery and we have a confirmation by this inadequate absence. But Lindsey is responsible man, I have seen it during the time. But I also keep capacity to treat and interpret his interventions accordingly my point of view.
RT, No instead. I would say it’s right and wise choice of Lindsay to speak in this way. Maybe you understood wrong what I said. I won’t condemned him for this attitude in passing the word. Is still better to communicate in some way. Like LW have done in this situation. Look at Hagee…There are passed quite 2 months after the first moon on 15 april and he haven’t released nothing about. I have told – he is a misery and we have a confirmation by this inadequate absence. But Lindsey is responsible man, I have seen it during the time. But I also keep capacity to treat and interpret his interventions accordingly my point of view.
Joki, you don’t understand economics. The Fed must increase rates at some point. It’s only a matter of whether the Fed raises them or the bond market raises them first.
I apologise, I read quickly your comment and understand it in another way, so my comment could be less connected with what you said. Sorry.
Y Diddy,
I know perfectly what is a situation, and the fact FED NEED to rise rates to avoid problems in economy. I stressed that FED won’t rise the rates because there will be others factors that will “help” them. To rise rates equal disaster, not to rise rates means also disaster. If happened some “natural” disaster – in this case they won’t raise rates. I hope you catch my idea. Behind natural disaster no one is guilty – is only “nature”. Under disaster it’s possible to wipe away what you want. It’s exactly what they want to do now. You will see something in USA that you never seen before as a proportion of damage. After this event you won’t need any raise in rates. They will change the system with repercussions around the globe. Years ago if you rose rates as was proposed by Ron Paul, the process could be limited mostly at USA. Big amount of liquidity injected in economy from 2008 was a preparation and a time bomb for a big global hit. If they will rise rates now – they are guilty, instead with disaster – the nature, and all are happy – Bernanke, Yelen and Obama. And mostly Hagee who will became more popular because confirmed sign under his fake moons.
This is a game Y Diddy. Very nice time we live…
Hi Joki,
Putin is NOT who you think he is.
Check out John Paul’s Prophecy-
Also, don’t forget the Israel/Iran Nuclear weapon issue – once a bomb got dropped in Iran, the WHOLE World will feel IMPACT (oil/gas/energy/food – everything will be MUCH MORE Expensive!)
thank you for link to video. It still better to see different points of view. We have very precise claim made by John Paul Jackson – “Putin is not antichrist, there will be another from somewhere else” (from other part, like I’ve understood). I didn’t like he make some conditions – if we “don’t pray to God” and made no clear idea about steps in his “picture”.
Important to stress – this lider must come in the next months, not simply come and firm the agreement next year. In this case we have only 2 answers – or he’ve made a false prophecy, or my statement is wrong.
I clearly told we will have a programmed disaster in USA until september. It will be a trigger for changes in economic structure (all programmed) and devaluation of USA dollar. Instead of all mix of stories with disasters it was better of him to point on climatic arm used not by God, but by bad guys.
Once the bad things happened this summer-early autumn, Putin will perform the things in parallel and gain in popularity. Theoretically is possible that another man will raise, but I think is impossible for Putin to disappear. Anyway, antichrist must be at work in the moment and after friends of Hagee will hit USA. Antichrist MUST enter the scene in parallel with planned disaster of USA. He and many others will sign the agreement in autumn 2015 (official entrance), but will be at work just 1 years before. And I see him working now.
After only a short time you have possibility to conclude about who’s testimony is right. Even I didn’t pretend to have a vision or staff like this. If you arrive in october this year and see no one, but Putin, the answer is clear. If you still don’t believe, wait until autumn 2015 and you will have the precise name of antichrist.
Is possible than Israel could do something. Only 12% of true jews in this state cannot decide for hybrids, friends of Hagee, pretending to be jews (but aren’t) that promote antisemitism against arabs countries in zone.
Here comes the Chaos:
Thank you for the update Pastor Williams. When the interest rates start to rise, is it still considered to be, “It’s all over”? I ask this question because I remember Pastor Williams saying something similar to when the Federal Reserve raises interest rates it’s all over and it’s too late to do anything with your money.
Pretty disappointing update from Pastor Williams. I think he is not producing a DVD.
Yes. There better be more. Nothing new here.
The main point with Larry and Pastor Williams citing his pitch is that the metals are soon to rise.
Oh, and on those Paper products, ya, they are going to be useful as toilet paper is, 8-/
“back up the truck” for Au & Ag…
So according to the Larry Edelson video we don’t need to worry about paper gold and mining shares “not being worth the paper they’re written on”? What happens to the rest of the stock market? Does it continue to go up and up too for the next three years during this precious metals bull run?
Treasury secretary Lew says congress should ratify 2010 IMF reforms, will re-visit issue after mid term elections, IMF wants reforms in by end of year, or US faces by pass, online wsj reports today.
Isn’t this interesting? As Ben Davies was about to mention what Papandreou told him about the “new monetary order”, the interview zips completely to the end of the recording (right around the 6:45 mark). Can I request a few more people to listen to this and let me know if the same thing happened in the Ben Davies KWN interview.
I have no problem listening to the whole interview. He said it will be a basket of currencies and may include asset like that.
Don’t jump over 2 articles on kingworld about Mr. Putin “the Savior”. Before the block of endtime events is coming, he’s recognised by many as a “big” man. We are waiting for massive worldwide “recognition” before october 2015. If you won’t love him you should to be prepared. Gold and food supplies. Don’t think Monsanto will give you the seeds next years. They have implemented GMO to starve americans at appointed time. During one year – the Whore USA should and going to completely fall. Revelation 18 is a first chapter of book to be fulfilled. So, don’t delay with preparations.
From the KWN article:
“…“deep discussions” which had already taken place about a new ‘monetary order’ that would include a new reserve currency which would take the place of the U.S. dollar.”
The interview with Ben Davies, who heard former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou mention the preceding comment, can be found at this link.
Richard Russell, a 60 year veteran of the markets, chimes in on the costs of war in this King World News article.
Im loving the updates. I think that maybe Pastor Williams was advised to remain quiet until after a certain event or date.
You are so right. He will be on after the GRC. Not before
Gotta say I’m liking these updates from Michael, jj99, Dammy etc during this extremely frustrating quiet period.
Perhaps you three should band together and release a DVD..? ;p
Thanks for the links.
Elite are moving forward:
Jim Willie
In no disrespect to Pastor Williams, Dr. Jim Willie is more bold and pronounced in his info to us. He cites someone known simply as “The Voice”, which seems to be on the same info level as Pastor Williams’ source. That said, I’m pretty surprised that the pastor has not released his new bombshell info, unless it’s more dynamic than what we have been learning from Dr. Willie. That said, I guess we are all in the waiting period for Pastor Williams to share what he has learned.
The earthquake in Germany was followed by a massive heat and now followed by a disastrous thunderstorm, left six people dead.
Seems that HAARP is working….
Hello Al,
I call yesterday my friend on skype. He is graduated in staff like geology and climatology and also is looking for what’s happen with HAARP and all strange things in nature just after 2000 years of Christ, so after 1997. He confirmed they used HAARP in Germany this year. But he told me it’s another approach in make earthquake he has catch. First, they create an area of high pressure and pushing the hot area from Africa until Bavaria. This event was created most quickly as normal. Generally when the rays of HAARP are passing the atmosphere, the temperature of air is increasing. To use less energy over the fact to have a sky full of chemtrials is still better to have higher air temperature. To avoid using more energy by HAARP(and side effects) they are pushed the hot air quickly mixed with normal heating effect induced by HAARP. Because Germany is relatively closed to Atlantic ocean they have included the second element right after producing earthquake – a massive cyclone. My friend call this mode to act – “hit and wipe away” in idea to leave less residual effects now (like I described in other post – drought). It could be applied only in some countries. In Mediterranean area like Turkey, Greece and Italy it won’t be implemented. He partially agree with me about scan of Germany territory in this year, because he said there were no quake in this area for around 6 years and some of the started this year. He thinks they are interested to hit economic active areas in Germany, but technically for them is more difficult to produce destruction in central and north of Europe than in south. But is still possible.
From 3 countries, on which Putin is most interested, situation with France is less clear. Only some areas in south-east and north-west have been touched, so the question how they will deal in this area is still open. Anyway, France is third country to beat. The first in the list is Italy.
I should share some details about Italy to explain how this criminals are working.
It seems they started to scan Italy from 2007-08 destroying by the way also city of Aquila in central Italy. There are many interesting things about use of HAARP in Italy, but I want to stress only one of these. During the period between 2007 and 2013 when they used HAARP to induce earthquakes, the official international organization – USGS (United States Geological Survey), which is a worldwide authority to present statistics, all times gave us a different data in comparison with italian institute of geology. Always the first statistics in time were presented from american side. And all the time USGS showed a depth around 5-7 km, and all the time italian arrived after some hours showing the true results – around 10 km of depth. And italian institution is well known for his accuracy in dates. Even, after the data were well studied and were confirmed new data, USGS is still maintaining and spread around the wrong old data. This details confirms they are constantly presenting false data in order to hide the widespread action of HAARP. They have tried to hide about italian situation especially because of the next doom of this country. Is no hope for italians.
Good results and the cover up of experiments were guaranteed by ex-prime minister Mario Monti, member of Synagogue of Satan and Bilderberg group. This guy wasn’t elected by italians. He was imposed by Bilderberg group through italian Parliament. He knew very well what’s happen in the sky of his country, because areas in the sky above were prepared by NATO aviation before these events, along with presence of some strange symptoms among general population. What nice joke – during one of these events he was on summit NATO in USA. Maybe some of his military friends told him:”Good job Mario. You can go home and fix the problem”. And he come back in Italy and rose taxes on gasoline.
Only check the data of both organizations and see the differences in data. So, we see a clear example like the science is captured by criminals. This situation, unfortunately, isn’t only in geology area, but is widespread – in theology we have a lot of misery ahead with Hagee, in health system about your food and health condition are deciding other fucking man along with Donald Rumsfeld and so on.