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Elite Instituting Drastic Measures Immediately…

Pastor Williams just emailed me something I should share with you all immediately…

“A while back I mentioned that my Elite friend was traveling for a few months. He and his wife JUST arrived back home. I just received an email from him. It was startling beyond words.

HE SAID –“The Elite are instituting drastic measures which will be implemented IMMEDIATELY. The world as we know it will never be the same again. Expect catastrophic events in the monetary world, nature and the Elite EXPECT DIVINE REPERCUSSIONS.”

I will try to get my friend to elaborate more.”

I will add more when Pastor Williams knows more…

Update: 22nd May 2014

I have received an update from Pastor Williams who has told me “I do have some very interesting NEW information. The statement by my Elite friend which you posted has been confirmed by two other people – My Wall Street insider and a visionary (Christian) in Connecticut.

I have been given the plans (Agenda) of the Elite for 2015. Multiply the events of 2008 many times over and that is what is about to happen.

Hopefully I will have a statement before long. I am trying to decide how to tell it. The Elite are ready to bring in the New World Order in its entirety.

People MUST take action to combat the Elite and let them know we have had enough.”

Pastor Williams followed up with another email and he stated “One of the most fascinating things I have found out is – Elite Riot Control. Another is – Cycles of seven. Even the Blood Moons fit into the scenario.”

Update 12th June 2014

Pastor Williams has sent me a number of articles and links that I feel you should be aware of, one is to a video from Larry Edelson that talks about the coming bull market in gold. The video has been taken down now. My own personal thoughts on the video are that it doesn't go far enough and doesn't touch on the subject of precious metals market manipulation. Also the video discussed investing in paper gold EFT and mining stocks and Pastor Williams only suggests people invest in tangibles such as physical gold and silver. However, if you are considering investing in gold and silver what was laid out within the video was very important and echoed what Pastor Williams has been saying about the economy as well as the Elite's plan for humanity and this planet.

The second article Pastor Williams shared was regarding a major policy shift at the Federal Reserve. Pastor Williams says “Interest rates are about to rise and this will create many changes”. The article featured a link from The Wall Street Journal called “Fed Wary of Market Complacency” and featured a statement by Martin Barnes, chief economist at BCA Research saying “It is a problem of their own making. They can't have it both ways. If they want to sustain zero interest rates and push up asset prices, how can they expect to have that with no excesses and no risk taking?” Basically the ridiculous over-speculation and out-of-control lending and high risk bond buying we have been seeing is the result of the Fed's own policies. In addition to the Wall Street Journal article, two Fed policy makers have said 1) Interest rates will likely need to rise sooner, and by a larger magnitude, than observers believe and 2) Volatility is way to low and complacency is way to high. Kansas City Fed President Esther George warned about rising food, rent and tuition costs, as well as excessive corporate and sub-prime auto lending. She added that while “a gradual path for the federal funds rate is suggested by the FOMC's projections … it will likely be appropriate to raise the federal funds rate somewhat sooner and at a faster pace.” Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher also added to his recent warnings “Low volatility, I don't think, is healthy. This indicates to me a little bit too much complacency.” We are facing a new, clear and present danger … the danger that policy gets even tighter, with more aggressive tapering of QE and earlier-than-expected or bigger-than-expected interest rate hikes, or both.

In the now well over 600 comments to this post some people still seem unsure of what is happening in the world. There is enough evidence provided by Pastor Williams and many others that should convince you that the Elite want you as a slave to do their bidding. Pastor Williams has laid out the Elite's plan for decades. Its not a matter of when things will happen, things are happening right now. Unlike others who just expose what is happening and leave you without any idea what to do, Pastor Williams and I have offered solutions that will allow you to survive and even prosper through the global financial crash. The Elite know that the system they have been relying on for a hundred years no longer works and they know a new system must be put in place, hence The New World Order. This is being implemented every day, baby steps to their ultimate goal of World Government. The power and control will remain in their hands and you don't feature a great deal in their plans since you are merely a commodity to them. The Elite believe they are god and we are merely animals that need to be herded and controlled. You have a real chance to put a spanner in the works, all you need to do is take Pastor Williams' advice and prepare. Read the '10 Steps To Avoid The Crash' guide I wrote and gave away freely. Its ultimate goal is to tell you to be as self-sufficient as possible. If you want to take back your power, start relying on yourself instead of others. Its a choice you must make, either you start to take control of your life, or let a corporation do it. We don't need them, they need us to make their plan work. Take responsibility for the safety, health and wealth of your family before its too late.


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My Elite friend just briefed me on everything that can be expected for 2015. All the Elite agendas.

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Pastor Lindsey Williams – Global Currency Reset – Update – April 29th, 2014


    • Little Al
    • May 20, 2014

    Only God CAN (and HE will) turn America around!

    A Spiritual Awakening is coming to America!

    To ALL Believers in Jesus here – please join the remaining sessions of the Ministers’ & Leaders’ Conference (from May 18 to May 25, 2014) – LIVE webcast for the 2 daily sessions – 10 am to 1 pm/ 2 pm & 7 pm EST to 11pm/midnight.

    Your faith WILL be lifted UP! At least, you will confront your true spiritual situation.

    God bless you all in the coming days!

    • Jorge
    • May 20, 2014

    Will have to wait and see what happens could be soon.

      • Barry
      • May 21, 2014

      Well according to his message, he indicated that it would happen near or in winter time and before the next U.S election. Could it be this year, could it be next?

      Just got to keep an eye out and a ear to the ground and pray i suppose.

        • Joki
        • May 22, 2014

        in June or during this summer. They haven’t so much time to lose. To continue deceive people they should do it as quickly as possible.

    • jerry
    • May 20, 2014

    Barry – I left more responses above.

      • Barry
      • May 20, 2014

      Hi yes Jerry i did realise. I am in agreement that we could go back and forwards about the subject and never reach agreement.

      I personally don’t believe that the particular scripture quote suggests or gives evidence of a pre or mid trib rapture and can be related to something else.

      I am open to the suggestion of one if there is ample scriptural evidence to support it but at this moment in time i do honestly believe there is not.

      Separately, i would love to hear peoples opinions after watching that video link i posted above as that’s what i would consider a major event even more so than the GCR.

        • Barry
        • May 20, 2014

        I forgot to add, did God take Noah out of the earth before he re-arranged the real estate or did he keep him here but with protection?

          • RT
          • May 20, 2014

          He actually raised him above the destruction in the ark. Some say this shows a pre trib-rapture with Jesus raising us above the earth in the clouds prior to destruction, Once again different views on the same verse so BE READY ALWAYS !

          • Barry
          • May 21, 2014

          Raised in the sense that he was above the waves RT but he was still on the earth wasn’t he. If God took him out the earth then there would not of been the need to make the Ark.

        • RT
        • May 20, 2014

        The video makes sense and also goes along with Revelation when a great mountain is thrown in the sea. If America divides Israel I am sure it will be judged.

          • Barry
          • May 21, 2014

          Yes it does seems to fit a lot of things, not only in scripture but relating to the conspiratorial side of things such as foreign troops already in the U.S & concentration camps etc.

          I’m wondering what fate my nation (UK) will face in the coming years as most if not all speakers only talk about judgement on the U.S

          • RT
          • May 21, 2014

          Based on the Bible the UK is part of the “Beast” (revived Roman Empire) and will be ruled by the antichrist. There will be great persecution of Christians and Jews. Many natural disasters, wars, judgment etc. “Those who bless Israel will be blessed. Those that curse Israel will be cursed” America’s role is not clearly defined in the Bible.

          • Barry
          • May 21, 2014

          I’m moving to Israel then. Either that or the North pole 🙂

        • Creed
        • May 21, 2014

        Hey Barry/Jerry,

        The question to ask concerning pre mid post, is:

        Does the Day of the Lord which is the Wrath of God happen once or three times.

        Math 24, Jesus says Immediately after the (Great) Tribulation, the sun will be dark, moon not give light, etc. (Day of the Lord/Wrath of God). 6th Seal “Hide us from the face of the Wrath of the Lamb”, 7th Trumpet “wrath is come”, the 7 vials ARE the wrath of God, w/ 7th trumpet and 7th vial having alot of commonalities.

        you can go to and search phrase ‘Day of the Lord’
        check it out:
        Isa 13:5-13DotL at hand/cometh, destruction almighty/wrath of the Lord of host, His fierce Anger.
        Joel 1:15 DotL at hand, destructiion from Almighty
        Zep 1:14-2:3 DotL is near, day of wrath, trouble distress

        So the Day of the Lord and the Wrath of God are one in the same and happen after the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation. In my interpreation of scripture.

          • Barry
          • May 21, 2014

          So there is only one rapture event and that is afer the great tribulation. Right?

          • Creed
          • May 21, 2014

          Correct, only one rapture event and it is after the wrath of satan (Great Tribulation) and after the Wrath of God. If you read the vials, they are the Wrath of God and not for us, ex boils for Those that take the mark if beast.

          • Joki
          • May 22, 2014

          Right Barry,
          UK is not part of Beast, and I think they will fight against him. EU will be part of anticrist empire, but only after Russia will fight against 3 countries (Germania, France and Italy I think). There will be an agreement on october 2015 between some nations (China, Rusia, EU) after collapse of all currencies on spring-summer 2015. After some time of peace (1-1,5 years) Putin will start a war against EU. This guy will have big help from haarp or analogue sistems, so he are going to “destroy not with his power”. So this war will imply climatic as well as military components. Without natural resources and devil behind he is a big “nothing”. They manage now how to give him a way through desruction of USA. Don’t think the world elite is a part of a country. They work togheter to gain more control and destroy many people as possible, but in most intelligent way possible (vaccines, aspartame, AIDS, 9/11).

          • Joki
          • May 22, 2014

          is only one wrath of God, but after the rapture when Jesus will return. By most of commentators the wrath is described as a part of last 3,5 years. We have 7 trumpets and 7 vials -all events are closed to 2 coming, so mostly after rapture – there be an period of 75 days in which ac and the world will be destroyed. Only the last 7th trumpet and vial have a God source, the first 6 are from the devil. So it will be a mix, but mostly bad things are going to come from satan.
          All who read the Bible and understand the truth, are noticed that “blood moons” is a fake scheme to deceive people. Blood moon in a Bible (book of Ioel and Revelation) reffers only to the moment of second coming of Jesus. Guys, it’s a MOMENT, not PERIOD. And this is a secondary as element and part of anothers (sun, earthquake) more importants things during the 2nd coming. Hagee and Biltz are doing their dirty game being part of Sinagoge of Satan.

          • jerry
          • May 22, 2014


          • Creed
          • May 23, 2014

          Hey Joki,

          According to Rev 16:1 ‘saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.’
          so all 7 vials are the Wrath of God. Not sure how long this will take, it could start at the end of the Wrath of Satan, aka the ‘Great Tribulation’, or after, i’m a little fuzzy on the exact timing of when it starts. But, there is a final 7 years, and half way thru is the Abomination of Desolation, in which case we know who the antichrist actually is, in which case he will pursue the saints and Jews for 3 1/2 years, ergo the great tribulation is the wrath of satan and last 3 1/2 yrs. Note Daniel 7:25, little horn for times, times and 1/2 times (3 1/2 yrs), Rev 13:5 Beast given power for 42 months and Rev 12:5,6 (Isreal is protected for 1,230 days) Math 24:15 Great Tribulation, Math 24:19, immediately after the Great Tribulation we are raptured then and meet Christ in the air.

          You might find this interesting:

          May 20, 2014
          Today’s Headlines Match Bible Prophecies
          By Irvin Baxter

          The Bible prophesies that the Temple Mount will soon be placed under a sharing arrangement. Today’s Jerusalem Post reported that a new bill will soon be presented to the Israeli Knesset which would place the Temple Mount under a sharing arrangement. This is prophecy being fulfilled by today’s news. We’ll tell you more on today’s edition of Politics & Religion.

    • Barry
    • May 20, 2014

    I posted this link above but in case no one saw it, here it is again.

    This talks of an imminent asteroid strike of the coast of Puerto Rico which has been militarily confirmed yet details of which has not been widely released to joe public.

    This will effect the whole world in some way but mainly the U.S and the rest of the Americas etc. The speaker goes on to say that this message is from God and the punishment is because the U.S will force Israel to make a separate Palestinian state.

      • Joki
      • May 20, 2014

      We are waiting for something special in USA, not Puerto Rico. I know what they want to do, so be patient. Maybe you will feel it (depend on which coast you are). It gonna be the first hit. Lindsey knows exactly what will be this summer. But cannot tell us directly.

        • Al
        • May 21, 2014


        have you seen the complete video? The US will be heavily impacted by the meteor!

          • jiij
          • May 21, 2014

          This will be a DOD false flag event using high tech weapons system called ‘Rods from God’ fired from satt platforms at highest velocity and with tremendous, supreme weight and force; simulating a meteor into the ocean, earth…
          It starts the Great Deception.

          • Barry
          • May 22, 2014

          Interesting take on that Jiji.

          We know that the technology exists for such things.

          • Me
          • May 22, 2014

          It cannot be a false flag event, even if it would be normal for the “elite”. Why?

          How would they fake to stop the earth rotating?

          The only possibility is, that the “elite” try to fake this AND God will interfer with a real impact. Why not?

          • Barry
          • May 22, 2014

          That’s a good point Me. Stopping the earth can’t be faked.

          • Joki
          • May 22, 2014

          there will be another inside job. Most people will forced to think is a natural disater. So many peolpe are stupid-most of them think aluminium airplane passed the WTC, which is made of steel and concrete. Only because on TV someone told them this fake story.
          If you think is a asteroid or something else that is from outside, so God is responsible. What you will see is complete devil’s work. There are american citizens behind this event. They only will take luggage and leave country at the appointed time. They want to completely destroy USA, maybe during this year. So USA will loose his status of superpower. Because the antichrist will come from the north of Israel, this event are going to open the way to him. He is at work now, and still waiting at ukrainian border. He knows very well about the event, because his master told him.

          • Al
          • May 22, 2014

          Hi Joki,

          thanks for kind reply. We will see what will happen…

      • Al
      • May 20, 2014

      Thanks Barry for that link. A very, very startling event.

      • Mark
      • May 21, 2014

      Is there any other evidence of this besides this video? I’m inclined not to buy it. The financial collapse and possible WWIII is enough to worry about.

        • Barry
        • May 21, 2014

        Not sure tbh. If it makes any difference, many people have apparently dreamt about it over the years although not in the detail that this guy has.

      • Me
      • May 22, 2014

      Barry, you are a post-tribber, but you obviously don’t listen to the message. Efrain Rodriguez wrote on his FB-page:

      “The asteroid impact AND The Rapture will occur BEFORE the events described in Revelation”

      So if you really believe, that Rodriguez is a true prophet of God – it seems to – why do you believe in this post-trib-crap? I really cannot understand people with this mindset, because most of them did NOT read the whole bible.

      Pleasebuy the book “Could the Rapture Happen Today?” by Mark Hitchcock and then try to disprove it. Afterwards we can discuss further.

        • Barry
        • May 22, 2014

        I haven’t read the whole bible (yet) no but i’m getting there and i’m sure my biblical understanding will grow and expand in time.

        And i don’t follow facebook so have no idea what he has said on it either.

        The scripture is clear that there IS a post trib rapture (not that the word exists anywhere in the bible). The debate here is weather or not there is a pre or mid trib rapture.

        If you think there is then why is that? What scripture support do know of that shows it?

        I’m sticking to one “rapture” event which happens at Christ’s return as i have so far yet to be shown otherwise from scripture.

          • Me
          • May 22, 2014

          There is not “that scripture” for pre-trib, as you ask. The whole bible tells pre-trib in it’s total story. So please first read the mentioned book and after that read the whole bible – I did. After that I will debate with you further.

          Efrain Rodriguez is very clear about the rapture. If he is a true prophet his word about pre-trib-rapture must also be true.

          • Barry
          • May 22, 2014

          And sorry i have enough Bible to read at the moment before reading any of man’s books.

          • Barry
          • May 22, 2014

          Another thing, Rodriguez himself said he asked god for protection for his family when this asteroid hits so he must also believe that this rapture will be after the asteroid.

          • Barry
          • May 22, 2014

          Just to add, i never said i believed he was a true prophet of god. He could be i don’t know. God never whisked the ancient israelites away before the eygyptians made them slaves. He never took Noah from the earth before the flood. I don’t think he will change policy now and implement a pre or mid trip either. God forgive me if i am wrong in my assumptions.

    • Al
    • May 20, 2014

    I think that we all know that the system we are living in is the wide gate. “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat”

    Ordo ab chao may mean that there will be a massive destruction of the old system, like the New Age belief. They await the beginning of the New, what will be the NWO system. But it seems that the New Age believers don’t understand this NWO in detail. They have a veiled view of things to come. Not love will reign but something bad will appear.

    Therefore we should forget about this old system and the coming one, because it always will be the wide gate, which leads to hell. The path to Jesus is different. It is not leading into better future here on Earth. It is the hope of the everlasting life in heaven, where the real peace will reign.

    Here on Earth it will be always a dream of utopia. It will never happen, because we are not able to implement that on Earth. No united world government will appear and fulfill this dream of peace, brotherhood and prosperity for everyone. Our mind set is ego-driven and therefore everyone is looking for his personal best in present and future. To serve the others, like Jesus did, is not our nature. We always want to have a decent live, dream of a nice home at the beach and a wonderful car, wife and children. We don’t want to harm each other, but are in fear that someone will take or achieved prosperity away. We don’t teach our children in school how to collect prosperity in heaven, but how to become a good working class robot.

    • Euhill
    • May 19, 2014

    Lindsey did say to expect chaos in the finacial world, well this would be some of it.

  1. Reply

    this will be a SYSTEMIC COLLAPSE – see–2-May-2014-&p=836219#post836219 for related updates as events unfold.

    • S
    • May 19, 2014

    What will happen to the banks? All those bubbles bursting…the biggest financial event in 1000 years…it would make many assume that all banks will go bankrupt too.

    But, no matter whichever way this mess goes, banks will be needed in the future too. Are banks going to be bailed out somehow, or are they allowed to go bankrupt and then new banks are formed? Or maybe some are bankrupted and some are saved?

    • outsider
    • May 19, 2014

    Wallstreetinsider does have a point. A global government would have the ABILITY to solve global problems and lift up the standard of living for everybody, at least in theory. The problem is INCENTIVE. The day-to-day decisions would still have to be made by people and whoever you elect to make those decisions, it will always be in their interest to give more wealth and freedom to themselves and their friends and family, and take away from everybody else. That’s why communism failed. I would argue that it’s the fact that we have several different governments all over the world to choose from that creates a sort of free market competition that forces these governments to be responsible to their citizens or lose them to other, less corrupt ones. Once a global government gets rid of this competition there will be nothing to stop them from taking everything, including our lives. That’s why as flawed as the current decentralized system is, it’s the lesser of two evils and in fact i would say that if we had even less centralization it would create more of this healthy competition between governments and we would all become freer, happier and wealthier as a result. The answer is MORE governments, not LESS.

    As for the problem of limited resources, you’re forgetting that we’ve increased the carrying capacity of the earth many times before through advancements in economics and technology WITHOUT a global government. See, the resources of the planet have always been the same, it just changes forms as we use them. The trick is to stop thinking of it as ‘waste’ and instead look at it as a resource that we haven’t figured out how to use yet. And what about space travel? There’s an infinite universe out there just waiting for us to colonize. So don’t worry about how we’re going to solve all our problems, just get out of our way so YOU don’t become the problem.

    • RT
    • May 19, 2014


    based on that book is the financial collapse September 2015? That would be 7 years from the last collapse and 14 from 9/11 wouldn’t it?

      • jerry
      • May 19, 2014

      Yes. Stock market collapses were 7 years apart to the day in 2001, 2008 and will be in 2015. SPecial note – you have to use the Hebrew Calendar. All collapses were on & will be on Elu 29.

        • jerry
        • May 19, 2014

        That should be Elul. That’s the day before Rosh Hashanah.

          • RT
          • May 20, 2014


  2. Reply – oil prices have already started to rise…LW may be spot on this round. Only time will tell…

    • RT
    • May 19, 2014


    It is hard to tell. All the signs of the tribulation are upon us but the exact time clock does not start ticking until a false peace deal is struck between Palestine and Israel. I also believe the economy needs to collapse prior to that. The antichrist will play a big part in the peace deal. At that point there will be exactly 7 years until Jesus’s return. The first 3.5 years will be full of deception. The ac and false prophet will preach peace while forming a one world government and religion. The religion will NOT be based on sound biblical doctrine and will deny Jesus as the only way. At the mid point the ac in the new temple to be built in Jerusalem will claim to be god and then all “hell” will break loose in the Middle East and around the world until Jesus returns to set up his Kingdom. The ac will institute the mark of the beast which some believe to be an RFID chip. Jesus will ultimately destroy evil at the battle of Armageddon. That is it in a brief nutshell. Lots more detail if you seek it out.

      • Al
      • May 19, 2014

      thanks for your answer.

      • bono2
      • May 21, 2014

      the infamous biblical peace deal was signed in 1993 between Arafat and Rabin. it lasted 7 yrs till year 2000.

    • Al
    • May 19, 2014

    @Barry an Jerry
    As far as I understand the revelation in the bible, there is kind of count down in terms of things to happen. What do you think where we are in this count down?

      • jerry
      • May 19, 2014

      Al – I’m thinking we are coming upon the time for the antichrist to be revealed after the Arabs will be forced to negotiate as a result of a war that will accompany the current tetrad of lunar eclipses on Jewish Holy Days. To fit Jonathan Cahn’s time table in “The Harbinger”, that would be sometime within the next one a half to two years. The year from Rosh Hashanah 2015 to 2016 will be a Year of Jubilee

        • Al
        • May 19, 2014

        think you are spot on with your opinion and the ac will be revealed soon.

      • Barry
      • May 20, 2014

      Personally i believe that we are nearing the time of sorrows. The Anti-christ (son of perdition) does not get his time at least till the temple has been destroyed and rebuilt in Jerusalem. Obviously that has not happened…yet.

      I would suggest everyone watch this

      Although it’s not about the topic of rapture it’s very interesting and could be used as a tool to better gauge timing of events etc.

    • Al
    • May 19, 2014

    Maybe Pastor Lindsey is recording another DVD with the startling facts, his Elite friend gave him recently…

    • Mike
    • May 19, 2014

    things are not looking good. and no news for Pastor Lindsey is not good at all. The only thing to do is
    Pray Pray and Pray. U.S. is like a toilet paper we are
    almost at the end of the roll.

    • dave
    • May 19, 2014

    I agree with Jerry, Don’t be so sure.
    It is in fact one of the few areas of the Bible that ISN’T clear by most… hence the Pre-Mid-Post Rapture debates.

    As for me, I hope for the Pre, wouldn’t be surprised by a Mid & Prepare for a Post rapture.

    and Hope I will see you all up there either way !

    • jerry
    • May 19, 2014

    By the way, Lindsey is a pre-tribber, fwiw.

      • Jaque
      • May 19, 2014

      Rapture & second coming are 2 different events.

        • Joki
        • May 20, 2014

        I’m sorry Jaque. They want you think like that. Only posttribulation is true.

      • RT
      • May 20, 2014

      I am a during tribulation rapture myself…so that settles it. One of each. LOL

      Jerry, you are correct. This often distracts Christians from the real issues. Nobody really knows but the Bible is clear about one thing. BE READY ALWAYS!

  3. Reply

    Keep a watchful eye on crude oil inventories –

    Next updated release scheduled for Wednesday, May 21st.

      • Barry
      • May 19, 2014

      Really jerry? Please feel free to fire over any scriptural evidence to the contrary.

        • jerry
        • May 19, 2014

        When you begin to see these things come to pass, look up for your redemption draweth nigh. No man knoweth the day or the hour. Under the post trib, you could name the date as 7 years after the 70th week of Daniel treaty is signed. There are many and I’m sure with you that it would be true that a man convinced against his will is a man unconvinced still. Your scenario would require the church to go up and right on over to the Mount of Olives. The post tribbers favorite verse is the immediately after the tribulation of those days etc., That refers to the return of Christ with his saints 7 years later. I won’t waste any more time with you. This could go on forever.

          • Barry
          • May 20, 2014

          I ask you a question and you have no more time for me? Your patience has no bounds. Like i said, feel free to give me scriptural evidence of a pre or mid trib as i would love to be wrong.

          • jerry
          • May 20, 2014

          My experience with discussing the timing of the rapture is that no one usually convinces the other. I don’t want to cut you off, but neither do I want this to go on indefinitely. I think Isaiah 26 is about the rapture from the opening of the gates in v. 2 and verses 20 & 21. Chapter 27 v. 13 is, in my opinion, a reference to Yom Kippur. Note the “great trumpet”. Matthew 29 v. 31 refers to “a great trumpet”. It is interesting to note that the scriptures say the generation seeing the Jews back in the land shall not perish till all is fulfilled. Much speculation on what a generation is, but 70 years added to 1948 brings us to 1918. I think 2nd Thessalonians v. 1-8 describes a lot. Isaiah 57, v. 1 is interesting also.

          • jerry
          • May 20, 2014

          Rev 3:10 says because you have kept the word of my patience I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Jack Van Impe says the Greek word for “from”, is I believe ek? Which he says means “out of”. Then note Rev 4:1 which says “come up hither”. I don’t know if all this will help you or not. There are so many references is hard to not skip one that adds to the picture.

    • Skip
    • May 18, 2014

    Gerilla Economist V just reported that his sources says that the elite have just set the date for July 15th for the silver price suppression to end. With other events leading up to that date including a attack on the USA from Russia.

      • Linda
      • May 19, 2014

      Can you post a link where it was reported? I could not find it.

      • Mark
      • May 20, 2014

      You know I have a problem with giving dates like that. There is no question this is coming, but it may not happen by July for whatever reason. So somebody says “Well it’s going to be July 15th” and that date passes. Then some might say, well see, it didn’t happen by the date, everything is fine then. When that is not the case.

      Just prepare yourself as James as suggested:

      And be thankful for every extra day you have to get ready, because when it does finally happen, it going to be pretty rough for a while until things get better again.

      • Skip
      • May 20, 2014

      V’s not saying it’s going to be on July 15th, he’s saying his contact told him that they elite are AIMING for July 15th with several events coming before that. Sorry Linda, this was on V’s pay site called it’s on his video called guerrilla report 5-16-14. I can’t link from his pay-site, you would have to log in.

        • Skip
        • May 21, 2014

        Illuminati insider has leaked further that a military battle between the united states navy or air force will occur with Russia/China forces possibly in late June early July. Our leaders in Washington has set up our military to fail. The United States military will be conquered within one week. They are planning this battle to lead up to the end of the silver suppression aimed for July 15th (tentatively). This will lead into massive dollar devaluations and eventually complete economic collapse and the end of the USA.

        The illuminati will meet at the Bilderberg conference in Denmark in the last week of May to plan further these events. We’ll see what is leaked from their agreements.

    • babs
    • May 18, 2014

    Well that was posted 16 days ago, so maybe not so immediate. I have no doubt that something will go down, but they’re not so good with their timing

    • Occasnl Trvlr
    • May 18, 2014

    Dear singwin,

    I very much appreciate your balanced perspective. Of course, I am neither the blog’s host, James, nor am I The Chaplain, but I would like to take this opportunity to share my perspective on your inquiry concerning the NWO in Biblical prophesy.

    To me, we are seeing the rising of the beast from the sea described in chapters 13 & 17 of the biblical book The Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle (also known as The Revelation of St. John the Divine, or more commonly, Revelation). That beast is the NWO.

    The great harlot (which is a mystery), rides upon the beast, which rises out of the sea. I detest labels, because they so frequently cause unnecessary divisiveness. But, the mystery, the harlot, is the controlling entity sometimes referred to as “TBTP”, or “the Illuminati”, or, dare I say, “the Elite.” She is not clearly known or seen, she remains primarily intangible, and hence she is a mystery. She rides upon, that is, she controls, the emerging world government. That governmental entity is described as a beast with seven heads and ten horns.

    Recall how The Chaplain has emphasized that the Elite always tell everyone what they intend to do, and they don’t want riots? I would take that a step further, and hypothesize that the Elite want the people to willingly accept and agree to the Elite’s plans (however, this acceptance is through ignorance, not actual agreement). The sea, referred to in biblical prophecy, typically indicates the people throughout the world, in a general sense. The beast rises out of the sea, that is, the people actually accept and agree to the coming world governance system. All of the world will “wonder after the beast”, admiring the system that will bring prosperity, end debt, end wars, end hunger, and deliver peace to the entire world. This is the same governmental system from the first Earth age. Today, it is cryptically referred to as the “NWO”.

    Satan, in his role as antichrist, will, along with the ten horns of the beast (the ten horns are literally political leaders on Earth at that time), kill the harlot. (And let this be very clear, they kill the harlot, not the beast. The antichrist saves the beast by healing its deadly wound in Chapter 13.) That is, they will expose the “Elite” and bring them down. People will see this, and they will believe that this is the final purging of evil from the Earth, and hence, the final delivery from evil. This will be done by the antichrist in his starring role, playing as Christ. This is the great apostasy.

    Singwin, this is probably WAY, way deeper than what you were looking for, and without a pretty strong background in the subject, sounds totally nutty. (And, it may sound nutty to people with the strong background I refer to!)

    Anyway, to whomever has read this, thank you for considering my opinion.

      • singwin
      • May 19, 2014

      Thanks for you time to write the reply. I will keep that in mind.

        • RT
        • May 19, 2014

        One thing he did not mention (LW never mentions it either). This all precedes the return of Jesus who will really put an end to evil and throw the antichrist in the lake of fire. All those who honored the antichrist will go to hell (those who accept the mark of the beast) All survivors who believed in Jesus will rule with Jesus on the new earth. Those are the basics. There are variations with the timing of the rapture but pastors cannot agree when that event will take place.

          • Barry
          • May 19, 2014

          Just to add my 2 pence worth on the rapture RT, the only rapture is a post tribulation rapture (i.e when Christ descends and we’re all caught up with him in the clouds). I believe the scripture makes that clear.

          Any Christian who believes that they will be whisked away before any of the bad stuff goes down are in for a shock.

          • jerry
          • May 19, 2014

          Don’t be so sure Barry.

          • Barry
          • May 19, 2014

          Really jerry? Please feel free to fire over any scriptural evidence to the contrary.

          • RT
          • May 19, 2014


          I have heard good evidence from scripture for pre, post and during…like I said lots of disagreement here. Just be ready !

          • Al
          • May 19, 2014

          Hi Barry,
          maybe jerry is referring to revelation 14.1?
          “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.”

          • Barry
          • May 20, 2014

          Hi Al, doesn’t that scripture imply that Christ has returned by then? Christ returns after the tribulation which is evident.

          Like i said i’m open to anyone that can find scripture that suggests a pre or mid trib but i can honestly say that i do not believe there is any.

          But like RT said, we gotta be ready. If we’re all a 100% with God then we have nothing to fear anyway.

  4. Reply

    Note that the Russia-China gas deal supply would begin no later than the end of 2018…probably no EARLIER than sometime in 2018. It’s 2014 folks, so this shift away from the dollar doesn’t happen overnight, but IF drastic measures are being taken by the elite with whom LW is in direct contact – members of an elitist network who are primarily Western elite – the most likely course of action is to disrupt the derivatives market somehow…not that that would be very difficult, but it does have to be triggered nevertheless. Keep an eye on repo rates – China is doing what it needs to do to manage their bank repo rates:

    So a triggering of the collapse of the derivatives market would likely begin in Japan…not the U.S. or Europe. The Western elite could pull the plug on Japan at any time. This is the most likely scenario.

    • singwin
    • May 17, 2014

    Dear James, can you do me a favor and pass on my question to Lindsey when you have a chance:

    Is the GCR and NWO mentioned by Lindsey in his DVD has anything to do with Biblical Prophecy ?

    I want to hear Lindsey’s take on this question as a Pastor. The answer is not important to me, but important to those who are confused and fear about what’s is comming.

    • Julia
    • May 16, 2014

    2 weeks pastor and no word from you? Are you truly interested and concerned about the people out there?


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