Pastor Williams just emailed me something I should share with you all immediately…
“A while back I mentioned that my Elite friend was traveling for a few months. He and his wife JUST arrived back home. I just received an email from him. It was startling beyond words.
HE SAID –“The Elite are instituting drastic measures which will be implemented IMMEDIATELY. The world as we know it will never be the same again. Expect catastrophic events in the monetary world, nature and the Elite EXPECT DIVINE REPERCUSSIONS.”
I will try to get my friend to elaborate more.”
I will add more when Pastor Williams knows more…
Update: 22nd May 2014
I have received an update from Pastor Williams who has told me “I do have some very interesting NEW information. The statement by my Elite friend which you posted has been confirmed by two other people – My Wall Street insider and a visionary (Christian) in Connecticut.
I have been given the plans (Agenda) of the Elite for 2015. Multiply the events of 2008 many times over and that is what is about to happen.
Hopefully I will have a statement before long. I am trying to decide how to tell it. The Elite are ready to bring in the New World Order in its entirety.
People MUST take action to combat the Elite and let them know we have had enough.”
Pastor Williams followed up with another email and he stated “One of the most fascinating things I have found out is – Elite Riot Control. Another is – Cycles of seven. Even the Blood Moons fit into the scenario.”
Update 12th June 2014
Pastor Williams has sent me a number of articles and links that I feel you should be aware of, one is to a video from Larry Edelson that talks about the coming bull market in gold. The video has been taken down now. My own personal thoughts on the video are that it doesn't go far enough and doesn't touch on the subject of precious metals market manipulation. Also the video discussed investing in paper gold EFT and mining stocks and Pastor Williams only suggests people invest in tangibles such as physical gold and silver. However, if you are considering investing in gold and silver what was laid out within the video was very important and echoed what Pastor Williams has been saying about the economy as well as the Elite's plan for humanity and this planet.
The second article Pastor Williams shared was regarding a major policy shift at the Federal Reserve. Pastor Williams says “Interest rates are about to rise and this will create many changes”. The article featured a link from The Wall Street Journal called “Fed Wary of Market Complacency” and featured a statement by Martin Barnes, chief economist at BCA Research saying “It is a problem of their own making. They can't have it both ways. If they want to sustain zero interest rates and push up asset prices, how can they expect to have that with no excesses and no risk taking?” Basically the ridiculous over-speculation and out-of-control lending and high risk bond buying we have been seeing is the result of the Fed's own policies. In addition to the Wall Street Journal article, two Fed policy makers have said 1) Interest rates will likely need to rise sooner, and by a larger magnitude, than observers believe and 2) Volatility is way to low and complacency is way to high. Kansas City Fed President Esther George warned about rising food, rent and tuition costs, as well as excessive corporate and sub-prime auto lending. She added that while “a gradual path for the federal funds rate is suggested by the FOMC's projections … it will likely be appropriate to raise the federal funds rate somewhat sooner and at a faster pace.” Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher also added to his recent warnings “Low volatility, I don't think, is healthy. This indicates to me a little bit too much complacency.” We are facing a new, clear and present danger … the danger that policy gets even tighter, with more aggressive tapering of QE and earlier-than-expected or bigger-than-expected interest rate hikes, or both.
In the now well over 600 comments to this post some people still seem unsure of what is happening in the world. There is enough evidence provided by Pastor Williams and many others that should convince you that the Elite want you as a slave to do their bidding. Pastor Williams has laid out the Elite's plan for decades. Its not a matter of when things will happen, things are happening right now. Unlike others who just expose what is happening and leave you without any idea what to do, Pastor Williams and I have offered solutions that will allow you to survive and even prosper through the global financial crash. The Elite know that the system they have been relying on for a hundred years no longer works and they know a new system must be put in place, hence The New World Order. This is being implemented every day, baby steps to their ultimate goal of World Government. The power and control will remain in their hands and you don't feature a great deal in their plans since you are merely a commodity to them. The Elite believe they are god and we are merely animals that need to be herded and controlled. You have a real chance to put a spanner in the works, all you need to do is take Pastor Williams' advice and prepare. Read the '10 Steps To Avoid The Crash' guide I wrote and gave away freely. Its ultimate goal is to tell you to be as self-sufficient as possible. If you want to take back your power, start relying on yourself instead of others. Its a choice you must make, either you start to take control of your life, or let a corporation do it. We don't need them, they need us to make their plan work. Take responsibility for the safety, health and wealth of your family before its too late.
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
Understand that the great tribulation is over before the stars fall in Rev. 6.
immediate after the tribulation
sun darkened…stars fall
sun black…stars fall
The seven thunders told John to scramble what he had
been shown and heard?
Rev. 7 is where John actually saw the details of Rev. 12,13, and part of 15.
Rev. 17 is two different stories.
The angel tells the mystery of the beast that carries the woman, and then watch how later this angel is referring to the sea beast-the one shown in Rev. 16.
Rev. 17 – the angel said…he saith
The speaker did not change, but the story did (at verse 15).
Watch where John begins and ends accounts of the various vision/s stories.
Rev. 7 has more than one vision in it. This is why chapters 12 and more fit there as to when John saw them shown to him. Remember, John saw a set of seven angels before he could write them down by chapter 8 as
“the seven angels”.
Does Lindsey think that the Elite were going to have Putin stop the reset all along? Was it their plan to get the BRICS nations into a new central banks that is already infiltrated by people beholden to the existing bankers. Ask yourself why Maurice Strong has been in China for years. He’s the point man on the NWO global warming. I think China and Russia are being played just like the USA and UK governments are being played. No one can escape the control that the NWO operatives have devised. These people know human psychology and how to direct people, or herd them, into doing what they want. I think the NWO people have this long circuitous plan with the BRICS that lead them into what they think is a new free central bank, but it leads them right into the arms of the NWO.
Haha, probably the raise of anti EU parties in Europe is in their plan also :). And unable to control Syria and east Ukraine… There is one simple fact of life – if you put 2 random people in the same room, the chances are they will be on opposite opinions for almost everything. If they knew human psychology so well, they would know that. Even the pastor has said that there are opposing groups inside the west ‘elite’ itself. They are probably very good at creating conflicts, since people are emotional infants and easy to manipulate in this way. However making them work together in one system, well, and being on one mind themselves what this system should look like is a real challenge. The bigger picture is that this is really a prison planet, for this so called ‘elite’ included. Are they really so powerful, when they are in the prison themselves? I don’t think so…
The world know about the US debt. The powers that be failing. Time running out. They bail.
Praise the Lord, I am glad that I am wrong!!! I am aware of his close association with Stan Johnson of The Prophecy Club? I have listened to many of his interviews and I don’t ever remember him addressing the “Catching Away” of The Body of Christ? Now that’s a Supernatural Event the Elites can write home about. I love Pastor Lindsey. What most people get wrong about him and I have tried to explain for years. Is that he has for a better way of saying it, “A basic outline of the Elitist Agenda, and not a prophetic timeline” Thank you for correcting me. God Bless, Jimmy
Paul Volcker’s recent speech at the Bretton Woods Committee annual meeting suggests things may have really stalled out at the IMF for now. Here is a link to his speech:
Volcker talks about “A New Bretton Woods???” but repeatedly says “we are a long way from it” in the speech.
We also discuss it in depth on our blog.
I believe that he is a Preacher of the Gospel, but he is not Pre-Trib? The Prophecy Club tends to be the dead give away on that? I have heard him numerous times talk about Jesus and getting that house in order. I honestly can say, “I could have written everyone of your bullet points”. You are right on!!! I would add if the Catching Away hasn’t taken place, then how do they plan on Riot Control? Keep Looking Up
(ED: For your information: Pastor Williams believes in a pre-Tribulation Rapture of Christ Bride.)
Please do not be offended and keep an open mind. The following may explain my feelings.
There is one thing about LW that has always bothered me…
He claims to be a pastor (which is what got me listening to him) but he never speaks from a Christian point of view. He always talks about being part of the NWO and getting along in it. That is not Biblical. Why doesn’t he ever talk about how to prepare spiritually and how the things that are happening relate to the Bible. Why doesn’t he talk about Jesus’ role in the end times which we know is a major part of things to come. For example I have raised questions in the past that never get answered…I know you all have opinions and please do not feel the necessity to respond. I want Lindsey’s take as a Christian pastor but never get it. Here are just some.
1.Is there a peace deal in the works for Israel that will trigger the final 7 years? or is there going to be a war that precedes it? If so is that the war of Ezikiel 38-39?
2. Are the elite planning to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem?
3 Have the elite selected the person to be the antichrist yet? If so who or at least where will he come from?
4. At what point in the book of Revelation are we? Have the seals been opened? are the trumpets being blown etc?
5. Do the elite believe in a rapture? If so when? and what are they doing to prepare for it?
6. Where is mystery Babylon?
7. Is America in Bible prophecy?
8. Is this the final Pope and is he the false prophet? Is he part of the elite?
many more….
Once again, I am not trying to offend anyone. I am just looking for information as you all are. Over the last several years, 3-4 we have gotten nothing. I have nothing against LW and I know he is just a mouth piece but if he does not come up with credible stuff this time I am out of here. I know you will welcome that so no need to tell me how horrible I am.
RT, I understand that you feel differently, but I feel I’ve gotten quite a lot from The Chaplain. To wit:
The Russians tapped into abiotic oil and BP shut down the Liberty rig, also poised to tap into abiotic oil – this is a huge factor driving current events. The final factor in the China/Russia contract was that the pricing mechanism for gas must be tied to the then-current market price of oil.
He revealed that Hillary, the Bernanke, and Turbo Timmy would all leave their respective posts before they were compelled to, and they all did.
He said the debt ceiling would be removed, not raised, and the net result of the agreement was that it was not in effect (i.e., removed).
He said the overall progress of agenda of the “old” elite can be gauged by the price of crude oil. They want it north of $150, and wanted to take down Syria on the way to deposing the Saudi kingdom. I think it’s a useful and meaningful correlation.
He used the barroom brawl metaphor to illustrate the conflict among the elite, and I think that is exactly the reason for the negotiations over the “Iran sanctions” (one result of which is that Russia will be supplying Iran with eight nuclear reactors).
The smart meters, more Muslims, and the beginnings of Sharia law in the US, the covert intent to control people’s money, credit, and banking through the provisions of Obamacare, these all dovetail with many prominent prognosticators both inside and outside of professed Christian faith.
I know that Green Lantern posted this after your posting, but what he wrote above pertains here: “As a reminder to someone asking where we are in specific parts of Revelation, all I can say is that there are going to be a multitude of opinions on that. It could house a website on its own. Yet, the common ground is that we all understand we are somewhere in the Book of Revelation.”
The Chaplain claims to have an insider source of information, and my opinion is that that is the very thing he is called of God to do, so that people such as you and I have insight into current events that we may not have otherwise. I’ve never heard him claim to be a teacher of prophecy, and I don’t look to him for that.
There are two specific things he said that I am still waiting on: Hillary will head the World Bank and the Clintons will leave the US.
Also, I know your questions were intended to be rhetorical, but nevertheless I would like to share my opinions on a couple of things.
No one is “selecting” the antichrist. The abominating desolator is Lucifer himself.
Babylon, the mystery, is the very entity that is making the decisions that the elite are implementing.
Most of Israel resides in the developed economies (uncountable because they cannot identify their heritage), and most of Israel is drunk with the wine resulting from the fornication of Babylon with the kings of the earth (of which the “smart meters” represent a tiny portion).
I too, just as you, am looking for information, but I feel The Chaplain has been a wealth of information. (I hope that doesn’t make either one of us “horrible”.)
1.peace deal on September-October 2015. Ezekiel 38 on the end of 7 years agreement.
2. yes. will be restored in around 250 days after “holy covenant” will be signed.
3. Yes. Russia
4.We are near to fall of Babylon (Rev.18). The first seal will be opened when 7-years agreement will be signed (september 2015). Trumpets and veils close to 2 coming and during the period of wrath of God (during 75 days after rapture).
5. yes. massive abducton. and in the end of 7 years – trying to imitate a rapture.
6. Mystery? Babylon is USA and all this created economic sistem.
7.Yes. Fall of Babylon is fall of USA as a state.
8. Yes, is a part of elite. He isn’t a false prophet. The false prophet is just working. Officially the antichrist will be anointed the next year. It’s clear – Vladimir Putin. For who are recognised him. For the rest of the people – they should simply wait until he will sign the agreement…
According to John Paul Jackson, Putin is just doing the foundation work to usher in someone, even more ruthless than him, later… (check out John Paul’s youtubes). Just wait and see…
I think we have little time for another person, able to concentrate all necessary characteristics. Another person “more ruthless than him” is the same Putin who drastically will change in time. If you can give me a direct link to figure out which are his explanation. If they want to put someone in programme, they must insert it now, not after. The scene is prepared, all actors are at their places. Would you start the wedding without a bridegroom? He SHOULD BE on the stage now. This show is for him. He is a principal beneficiary of all these signs, collapses and black agreements. If antichrist would come in front little time before the agreement, people could ask – “what you want and what to do with our lovely Putin (85% in popularity among russian)”. Why he should leave now, after being performed conspirational agreements? It’s nonsense. Maybe someone will kill him? If he pretending to be the anointed one why not be resurrected from death like Jesus? Could be nice of him, so the people will recognise him as a Savior. With little difference – Christ stayed 3 days and 3 night in the ground (from Wednesday after sunset 14 nissan until Saturday 17 nissan, after sunset). This one would stay maybe 1 day and 2 nights to confirm his false identity… So, Putin cannot be changed. He is a one.
I also stand with Green Lantern.
We are looking at a grand scale of things here. Do not look to specific dates or take immediate meaning “now”. It just means it is the foremost subject on their agenda.
Just continue to prep and be aware of what is coming. Every day you have is an extra day you have to prepare. More so than 90% of the world population. Consider it a gift of knowledge.
How can anyone complain.
Extra time is so precious.
HolyWarrior: Your closing comment is the key. As people are awakening to what is happening, there is still time. Not much, but it’s there. All of us who have been traveling down this road together also understand that we are living outside of the matrix.
I am pleasantly surprised to see mainstream sites like Drudge Report even covering the Bilderberg meeting. It wasn’t even 10 years ago when Mr. Limbaugh was convincing his Limbots that if you believed or talked about it, you were a tinfoil hat wearing kook. Great strides have been made, but only because many are finally ready to awaken from their sleepwalking. Many are starting to learn, if it’s on a Clear Channel station, it’s controlled!
Like when the media is telling you the economy is great, yet the two families ahead of you in the grocery line are using food stamp cards to buy groceries, you know instinctively we are being blatantly lied to. That is the black and white of the situation, not what the MSM is pimping us.
Let’s all take a deep breath. The game plan is obvious, even without the important info that Pastor Williams supplies. Being aware and seeking the truth is why we are here. The pastor is just validating what many of us are seeing independently. I can only tell people to remain vigilant.
As a reminder to someone asking where we are in specific parts of Revelation, all I can say is that there are going to be a multitude of opinions on that. It could house a website on its own. Yet, the common ground is that we all understand we are somewhere in the Book of Revelation. God willing, I want to remain “remnant ready” for whatever we are about to have unleashed on us.
Focus on God. Trust in Jesus. Listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Everything else will fall into place. Doors will open. The right people will suddenly “find each other”. Truth will not cease. The toughest part will be seeing others who will literally be caught off guard, basically because they trusted without questioning. While “the deceiver” is still on the loose, that is going to happen. Even in the Lord’s Prayer, the last line (which is seldom used) is to deliver us from the evil one. Jesus was very specific on this.
My prayer is to keep feeding the sheep to the best of my ability. I am grateful for the time we still have left to wake people up. I am more grateful that God has chosen me to be involved in the battle.
We were all born for this moment!
If people consider the original info given about the GCR, Pastor Williams did say that the total dollar collapse would not happen until the complete implementation of Obamacare. In my eyes, nothing has changed and I haven’t a need to be alarmed that nothing has happened yet. And remember, the (paraphrased) comment was also made that “if Lagarde gets her way”, that was going to be the lynch pin to start the process. Again, based on what we are speculating, this involves over 200+ nations, so obviously one person deciding for all was always going to be an “if” situation. So really, she delivered the talking points of the names of those we will never know openly and publicly. That’s OK. What people really need to understand is that Lagarde is presenting nothing more than talking points from her handlers and is sending coded messages to reassure her handlers that she is staying on script. I have not had the time to dissect Lagarde’s latest speech, but rest assured, there will be coded messages in it. In my skimming, she makes an interesting comment regarding JFK and his quote regarding the moon. In that simple phrase, the code could translate to JFK (high level assassination) and using the moon quote, could be alluding to the blood moons. Is the coded message a high level assassination during the blood moons? It’s possible, but really, this comes down to wanting to understand the codes. When things that appear to be unusual in speeches “jump out”, then a message is being sent. Meanwhile, I can assure you that 9 out of 10 people in the United States would not have a clue who Lagarde is, but they certainly know the details of the upcoming Kardashian wedding. And right there is the precise reason why the NWO is getting bolder with their actions.
Green Lantern
I stand up and applaude you on the best conment so far. Well said andI echo every word.
Count how many angels show up at the start of Rev. 7.
four angels
a set of we angels (seven angels)
This set of seven angels – seals the 144,000 and returns to heaven to stand before God and be given
seven trumpets.
Rev. 8 – what happens?
John tell us of seeing that same set of angels.
the seven angels
that stood before God
They actually were seen standing in Rev. 7.
This is why John heard the numbers of the sealed.
The we angels were giving their sealed people report.
No wonder America is back in the Philippines!….
Philippines to give U.S. forces access to up to FIVE Military Bases.
I think that before the Bilderberg meeting in Kopenhagen nothing serious will happen.
Yamashita’s Gold…..
I believe we all have been taken for a Loop…… There is about 1.5 MILLION TONNES of GOLD hidden in the Philippines in caves and tunnels stolen by the Japanese from 12 Asian countries during WWII…… IF this is True and if this gold comes out….. Could the value of gold be worth less that a rock on on the street?…… No wonder The Elite is selling China Tones of gold…… The mindset of the Elite?!….. it is impossible to think like Satan!……
Here are some links below on Yamashita’s Gold…..
Yamashita’s Gold
Has Massive WWII Gold Hoard Been Found?
Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold
Any comments on this monkey wrench?
This seems like disinfo, but on the off chance it isn’t buy silver instead.
Yamashita’s Gold
Has Massive WWII Gold Hoard Been Found?
No wonder America is back in the Philippines!….
Philippines to give U.S. forces access to up to FIVE Military Bases.
There is a lot of hidden gold for sure, but this kind of people who claim they know where it is hidden are just clowns and talk with numbers which are just ludicrous. We know how much gold is humanly possible to mine so a dozen of thousands of tones can be hidden. But millions? These people do not have even common sense… Also, most probably this gold will stay hidden. Why the “elite” are selling gold so easily? Because they must make China play their game. Because they want to keep the dollar alive. Also, they are selling the gold of the countries. Gold, which can be used to make these countries financially independent. They don’t want that. They want bankrupt countries, and when they crash the system, others must follow their lead because there is no other choice… US now sells not just the US gold, but Europe gold and any other country they have successfully invaded.
These are what I believe to be the monkey wrenches (“spanners” to some) in the Yamashita’s gold monkey wrench.
First, it’s nowhere near 1.5 million tonnes, closer to 150,000.
Second, it was moved to Hawaii.
Third, U.S. warships recently moved it back to China, where it really belongs in the first place.
(And, not really a “fourth”, but other people are trying to lay claim to it, producing documents stating that it belongs to some altruistic overseer who will release it to “do good”. Odd lot, they are.)
FYI, I listened to an interesting interview with Paul Sandhu and Jim Willie the other day that I came across on you tube. A simple search there and you should be able to locate it if interested to hear it.
Jim goes into Russia / China relations and the west as well as the devaluation of the US dollar in regards to “DEVALUATION.”
Jim plainly says that when they claim a “RESET” on the devaluing paper fiat, it literally will translate to a revaluation upward of Au & Ag…
A debt jubilee would be a great idea.
For the religious folks here. It is a mathematical certainty that the current system is not suitable for man kind long term objective. There has been many collapses in the past followed by chaos –> then order. Eventually the strong will consolidate the weak or remove them from the equation. The system will collapse, the means are in place to sustain government structure if and when it arrives. If GOD who is technological superior wants to rule/establish his kingdom on earth, then the most reasonable thing to do would be not to appose it, but embrace it.
nobody is denying the fact that the old system is going to collapse. What I don’t tolerate is the fact how it’s done. First, the monetary system with interest rates has a kind of error, because after 70 years of making debt, it inclines exponential and comes to an end. There has to be a collapse then. The bankers know that and for me that’s kind of fraud to the people.
Secondly the population, the average Joe, wants to have a decent life, some income to make a living and enjoy life. These people have to suffer most from the imbedded system error. They are mislead by theirs leader and have trusted them, which destroys the trust into governments worldwide.
Furthermore the spiritual war on the people has come to it’s climax these days and nobody is able to determine what’s right and what’s wrong. The New Age even forces this process by beliefs like: there is no right or wrong.
From the beginning of Christianity the ruling powers have pursued the believers and with Constantin they have mixed pagan worship with Christianity and have corrupted the belief. The real Christian belief has never ruled the Earth- in contrary the corrupted Pagan/Christian of Rom has caused a big falling away from Jesus Christ, which now even in the US has maid a big impact. The Pilgrims fled to the New World for a reason- for freedom of belief. And now after several hundred years this last bastion of Christian belief is going to fall apart also.
In my opinion the US was the most prosperous country on the face of this earth because of these Christian roots and the leaders of the last 10 decades are destroying it on purpose. Nobody is facing this system, nobody is strongly opposing after implementation of the patriot act-people are unable to do so without being put to jail.
Yes wallstreet, you are right, this system has to be removed and people should start to read the bible again and should follow the two commandments Jesus gave to us: love your God with all your heart and your soul and secondly love your neighbor like your self. If we would follow these two simple rules there would be no war, no hunger and no greed for money anymore.
But the NWO will not solve the problem, but create another round of even worse future with controlling everyone, with less freedom and a unity of belief you ought to follow or you will be punished. This will be the forced belief to everyone under the cover of brotherhood, equality and global unity…
you would be impressed to read about a financial system in the bible. which is pretty neat. For example take the jubilee year (every 50 years) there was a full debt relief for everyone. That makes absolute sense when you investigate the debt based money system, especially in context of the interest based system.
You continue to amuse me. I am glad you can decide what is reasonable for God to do. He created the heavens the earth and all that is in them but you can understand his ways. Once again I will take Jesus’ side.
Isaiah 55:8
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
This is a pretty good interview with Jim Rickards. He’s saying it could happen now or 2 years from now. He’s smart enough to say he doesn’t really know for sure when, but that it is coming.
take your money out of the bank
There are many who have been deceiving Christians for centuries, however, the main stream false doctrine of “pre-trib” is pretty new with no evidence of anyone TEACHING it before 1830. Satan is working behind the scenes to set up a one world government and one world religion in preparation for the Antichrist. He has also deceived modern evangelical Christians into believing that they will be removed from this earth before the great tribulation takes place. This doctrine, known as the pre-tribulation rapture, teaches that Christ may return at any moment, and that there will be no signs of his coming. As a result of this deception, most Christians are completely unprepared for what the Bible has warned us is coming.
All the believers of pre-trib rapture will be the reason for the great falling away from the church, because when it doesn’t happen, they will become bitter and lose their faith – because of the designed false doctrine. Jesus comes back once, not twice.
By the way, Thessalonians that you cite as reference, common to do so by the deceivers, does NOT even mention tribulation for good reason. What verse in the Bible, has the word tribulation in it to prove “pre-trib” doctrine? Remember, God’s wrath and Tribulation and 2 totally different things and is where the deceived are attempting to combine the two. Tribulation is persecution by man.”Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for awhile; for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.” Matthew 13:21.
Also, while you are looking at these verses be aware that not a single verse of the 22 verses in the Bible that does mention tribulation does not mention a rapture before the tribulation. Most unknowingly deceived pre-tribbers rely on what interpretations of scholars or some past official who had interpreted for them and come up with the twisted doctrine. God does not play tricks, his words are clear and he loves you. God is love. He is giving Warning in the Bible of Tribulation or Persecution to those that have received his word. When Tribulation or Persecution comes, do not lose your faith because he warned you of these things to come.
Further, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace, In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world” John 16:33
Even most Pre-trib and Mid-trib people know that nobody really knows exactly when this event will take place. And if anybody claims they do they are deceiving themselves. The best advice is to prepare but be ready always. Even Jesus does not know the day or hour.
Mark 13:32
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Many people are confused about this because their eyes are sealed and they have not the eye salve of the Holy Ghost. Ask yourself one question: “What day and hour am I going to die?”
Heaven and Earth were created to last forever. (Psalm 104:5, Psalm 148:6). His word shall never pass away. The death of our fleshly body is the 2nd coming of Christ. (Heb 9:27). That is when his judgment comes: to live forever, or to remain in the grave.
The physical life we live on this planet is the tribulation period. The Hope is in Christ.
Although I am no expert, God has given his word in the Bible for everyone to plainly read it as it stands. Nothing needs to be rewritten by some officials or reinterpreted. If only more would just simply read it and leave those twisted reinterpretations of fantasy and feel good interjections of “pre-trib” or “mid-trib” behind.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” Proverbs 3:5
Obama and the rest of the new world order are preparing for the rapture. They believe the Bible more than you do. I think Pastor Williams has stated numerous times they know more about the Bible than many pastors.
I’ll recommend watching a great 12 minute video on youtube which is titled.. “Jesus is coming and so is martial law” by the Reverend James David Manning out of Harlem NYC. A very outspoken critic of Obama since 2008 or before. Incidentally, he is putting together a Racial Reconciliation and healing event at Gettysburg on July 4th. is his website.
The pre-tribulation rapture is Biblical and certainly expected very soon. But many so called Christians won’t even be taken in the Rapture if you believe the words in the book of Revelation about lukewarm Christians.
Regardless of when the Rapture occurs, we should be seeking God, and doing what we can to prevent the elite from harming others. We know what will occur and it is described in the Bible.
Amen to that
totally agree with you. Even Revelation confirms the post-tribulation rapture.
When will they release part 2?
For the naysayer’s of the Pre-Trib Rapture who say there is no evidence of it until the 1800s, what say thee about these guys?
St. Victorinus, who was a bishop of Pettau, in A.D. 270 he wrote a commentary on the book of Revelation: “Seven angels having the last seven plagues, for in them is completed the indignation of God. And these shall be in the last time when the church shall have gone out of the midst.” He was talking about the Rapture.
Writer and poet Ephraem the Syrian, who lived from AD 306 to 373, was a theologian of the early Byzantine Eastern Church. He stated: “All the saints and Elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins.” His hymns and homilies are used in the Greek Orthodox and Middle Eastern Nestorian Churches singing of the rapture.
Hugh Latimer in the 1500s said, “It may come in my days, old as I am, or in my children’s days, the saints shall be taken up to meet Christ in the air and so shall come down with him again.” He was burned at the stake for his faith in 1555.
Joseph Mede, a sixteenth-century literalist, understood I Thessalonians 4:13-18 to teach the catching up of the saints and even used the word Rapture, almost 250 years before McDonald, Irving and Darby.
Also, if you believe the Gospel of John, Jesus said in John 14:1-3: “Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” He spoke of the Rapture. Does Jesus come down to meet every Christian who dies? Or do we when we die go up to meet Him? This is not Him coming to earth but of him “catching us up” to Him at the Rapture.
In addition to I Thessalonians 4:16 and I Corinthians 15:52 concerning the actual events of the Rapture, believers will be kept out of the tribulation as stated in Revelation 3:10, “Since you have kept My command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth”. Revelation 4:1 states, “…come up hither…(The Rapture)”.
Another argument for the Pre-Tribulation is concerning the Rapture and the coming of the Anti-Christ. The AC won’t be known until the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” is removed from the earth, meaning the Believers, or Born-Again Christians with The Holy Spirit in them. Note that II Thessalonians 2:1 speaks of the Rapture again, but II Thessalonians 2: 6-7 states, “And now you know what is holding him [Anti-Christ] back, so that he [AC] may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one [Holy Spirit] who now holds it back will continue to do so till he [Holy Spirit] is taken out of the way [Rapture]” [Emphasis mine].
There is more, but prayerfully this will satisfy many of the deceivers the Holy Word warns about and they will see the light. If not, at least leave us to our hope in Jesus the way we see Him. Note. If you take offense at the word Believers or Born-Again Christians being caught up (Raptured), read John 3:3.
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.
Nice work giving the other side.
So all the Christians are supposedly “raptured” before the “son of perdition” yet revelation speaks of Christians being persecuted and killed during the time of his reign which is during the tribulation.
Consider Revelation 8: 13-14
And one of the elders answered saying, unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and wence came they?
And i said to him, sir thou knowest. And he said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white with the blood of the lamb.
Revelation 10: 4 (after the bottomless pit has been opened)
And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing neither any tree but those which do not have the seal of God in their foreheads. (note: this implies of saved Christians still on the earth at this time)
Revelation 13: 5-7
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things & blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months (3.5 years)
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints (Christians) and to overcome them, and power was given him over all kindreds tongues and nations. (note: so if all the Christians have been raptured, what is the anti-christ doing going round overcoming them?)
There are so many quotes out the bible which i don’t have time to write out on here but the evidence against this doctrine of pre-trib is overwhelming. I only hope that the likes of jerry and everyone else who holds this close to their heart has another serious look at it all.
Hi Barry,
I have a question for you regarding the sequence of the revelation:
Are the ones in white robes in Rev 8:14 the ones which are died before the beast came on Earth or after? I mean that these people maybe died in the early centuries?
Why he saw these people before the bottomless pit was opened in Rev 10:4? Does this makes sense?
Who says that all Christians are “raptured” before the son of perdition arrives on the scene? There was always a tribulation against Christ people and maybe these are mentioned in Rev 8:14. What do you think?
I don’t believe that all Christians will be raptured before the last days, but 144.000 are sealed on there forehead and maybe they will be taken from Earth before the endgame. We will see…
Hi Al,
Rev 8:14 says that these came out of the great tribulation. Seeing as the great tribulation has not started yet, i think its safe to say that the people it is speaking of never died centuries ago.
I’m not sure what you are asking regarding Rev 10:4 so please clarify.
Again Rev 8:14 makes it clear that the people came through “great” tribulation. Not just tribulation which i agree Christians have gone through since day one. This passage seems to indicate a period of time relating to the “great” tribulation and not just your usual run of the mill tribulation.
Regarding the 144,000 i am not a 100% as i’m still learning. Maybe one of the more senior biblical followers on here can comment. One thing is for sure is that i think it’s highly unlikely, not least of being scripturally short in examples, that God would come down, rapture a few people, then go back to heaven only to come down again later after the great tribulation to meet with the rest. Even if the 144,000 are raptured (i can only find the word saved) where are the bible quotes that imply a pre-trib rapture as far as they are concerned?
Indeed we will see but i think it’s only wise that Christians the world over prepare themselves spiritually for when a pre trib rapture does not happen.
As a side note, what do you make of varying conspiracy’s that exist regarding having the technological capability to “rapture” or “abduct” people and how this could be used as a deception?
Hi Barry,
let me try to explain: in Rev 7:14 is mentioned ” out of great tribulation. In context that means before the angels destroyed 1/3 of the earth mentioned in the following chapters and before the opening of the bottomless pit . The sealing of the 144,000 happens also in same chapter Rev 7, before the great tribulation started, which doesn’t mean they are raptured.
John saw this in chapter 7 and what is described in chapter 10:4 comes after chapter 7. That’s what I mean by sequence. He saw these people out of tribulation and then after he saw them the angels started to hurt the earth. Do you understand what I mean?
Mark 13:32
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
If it was post-trib we would know the exact date. 7 biblical years from the signing of the peace treaty. Barry I appreciate your enthusiasm but if Jesus does not know surely you do not know as well.
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
That is talking about Jesus’s return is it not? Even Jesus himself (as he admitted himself in scripture) does not know about the day or hour, except the Father.
The Father knows and no one else as it’s written.
I think i follow what your saying but i’m not sure what your question is exactly?
Do you think there are two “raptures” one at the beginning of the great trib & one at the end at Jesus’s second coming?
I am not sure if there is any rapture or not, Barry. Till now I was of the opinion that 144,000 people are sealed and will therefore surely not die during the great tribulation of the end days. I have read in Matthew 24 that people will disappear, but this is during Jesus coming as far as I understand it. But I have never read that people will escape the great tribulation.
Regarding the Revelation I am not sure where we are currently now. The disaster starts with Rev 6 and following, but then the bottomless pit will be opened in Rev 9. Therefore I was asking, if the people in white cloth are from our time (end times) or maybe from the millennium before.
I think that we had already a great tribulation till 1789, when the Roman church received its deadly wound. And the end time will be another one…
Interest rates! Feds ponder how to raise 1st quarter 2015!
The Governor of the Bank of England has also recently hinted at a interest rise “sooner than expected” by spring 2015.
It’s been in the news the last few weeks.
you are the only one calling names. If you can show me where in the Bible it says salvation requires more than accepting Christ I will take you more seriously.
I happy to have confirmation from Lindsay about blood moons and their fake scheme.
For RT and others. Sorry for my bad english (it’s not my native language) in case I have expressed not so clear my ideas, but I want to write down some elements that could help you understand better what is happening. I’m convinced – Lindsay know about, but because he’s a public person and cannot reveal the whole truth he must act step by step carefully. For me is relatively easy to make a comment here behind anonymous name. His last message on 22 may in my opinion is a sign to be more active for those people who almost have understand the game.
I want to point at 2 things you mentioned in idea to avoid confusion. First you told me about persecution on Christians, and after suggested that you don’t accept postribulation rapture. I don’t want to blame you especially, mostly because this confusion is still persisting in minds of many Christians. They simply don’t realise that are pursuing a common way chosen for them by others. How could be possible for a pretribulation believers to be persecuted, if for them all is ok and Christ simply will come and took them before the worse events are going to happen? So, where is persecution?
Don’t worry. The guys you trusted will organise something interesting. If “blood moons” scheme will be activated this summer, your “rapture” could be in summer-autumn 2015. Before to describe what kind of rapture it will be, I want to reconfirm that pre- and midd- tribulation is a part of deceiving scheme. The fact that this element was injected in doctrines at the end of the 19 century it doesn’t mean that is some kind of evolution in knowledge. If it were 10 years ago, I could say to you: “Ok. It’s your opinion”. But because the things are going to change dramatically the next years, the understanding of truth in this sense is important for your salvation. It is also true that the exact moment doesn’t change in fact decision about your rapture by Jesus. Indeed, bad knowledge about the exact moment is going to help those who are trying to catch you in different moments of endtime period. It’s long story to recount you how historically the natural and widespread during the centuries postribulationist idea was changed by someone more than one hundred years ago. I think it’s enough to remember from Bible that at 2nd coming:
“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
(1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17).
Pay attention at the strict sequence. First – the dead, after who is alive. Both groups will be taken in heavens only during the 2 coming of Jesus. So, would you and all kind of preachers force a plan of God? And this is only one verse among others that clearly explain the true moment of rapture.
But in the masquerade of this mouth-broken Hagee they previewed/provide to include rapture. Being a false rapture you should ask yourself who will participate. If in true rapture we have angels of God, in this kind of “rapture” there are going to be the friends of Hagee and George Bush (see bellow explanations about Synagogue of Satan). Right. The same creatures behind 9/11, mostly defined by many with scientifically and romantic term – “extraterrestrials”. Simply said – it will be a massive phenomenon of abduction. And here I give you a home work – to find who is abducted. There are a special group of people that is abducted. When you will see people disappearing, only check who was taken and perhaps you will be able to understand what’s really happen. I don’t wish you to take a part in this rapture, but if you insist on pretrib., maybe you will “enjoy” a company of bad heavenly creatures. Simply accepting their deceitful doctrine of rapture you easy could choice death. You and others should understand that we are in middle of the game now and many things depends on your right perception of doctrine, which absolutely will be reflected in your actions and decisions during this difficult period that maybe starts this summer.
Another confusion that I often found reading topics concerning endtime and “blood moons” is unexplainable incapacity of many to make a link between 9/11 and fake scheme of Mark Biltz. It’s because the author make a connection between the years 2001-2008-2015 (shmittah years). I understand those who still believe in terrorist attack on WTC, and their overwhelming stupidity (especially English auditory which have more possibility to inform herself about reality on that day) when 2 aluminium planes against rules of physics are quite passed a steel structure of towers and another tower (no.7) is crushed by herself (mostly because of blowing wind on mind of those who easily have accepted an official version). But also I saw a strange combination where is accepted the idea of “blood moons” as a divine sign together with fact that 9/11 was an inside job. Be careful, because there are part of the same deceitful scheme – 2001 was a planned action, 2008 was a planned crisis, and all this garments of moons, coloured by them in something they pretend to be “bloody” is nothing but a schedule behind of which they will bring us some real planned events, where the principal goal to reach is to put the antichrist Vladimir Putin on power on autumn of 2015 and make possible to him to sigh a “holy agreement” with many. Fabricated events on shmittah years will culminate by Putin’s real 7-years covenant, when he officially will be anointed (that is a true reason why they are insisted and made a false flag events in 2001 and 2008 during month of September). White apocalyptical horse is waiting for him, the first one. On his way, little by little, Putin is going to change the horses and their colour. He will change also his appearance in time, but not due to his age. It’s not difficult to observe also today that his face is changing periodically (colour, grimace) because of presence of his nice companions behind (even common people notice this strange changes). It’s a slowly, but constant process. After about 4,5 years we are going to see a totally possessed man, thing that happens very rare in demonology.
But until that day, don’t search the hand of God behind their fake moons, even when their propaganda will scream at you. We still have some frame of mind to understand what’s happen. All of the events are strictly planned and are made by bad guys. Under the first 2 moons they think to completely shut down USA. First event should happen this summer. They have spent billions to prepare the place. Europe is a piece of game for the next year. After the first event taken place in USA, all in Synagogue of Satan will work for Putin. He has a list of “good things” to be done during this year, immediately after the new crisis starts. This list is prepared by Synagogue and he should only scroll and do all the prescriptions. Because the disaster in USA will spread around the globe due to link with dollar and internal devaluation in currencies in different countries, people around the globe are going to search for a solution trying to overcome the situation. On their TV screen Putin will appear more often than another lider, at least more evidently after widespread disaster of the next year. They are trying to make an imitation of “great tribulation”. It should be around 1 year of global civil unrest. They are going to create a general situation forcing people to start appreciate and start putting their trust in Putin as a superman who will fix all problems. It’s a part of big deception.
The real endtime events are ready to start. In Bible this period is described as a “birth pains”, in piramidology as entrance in King’s Chamber.
Synagoge of Satan – general term that include a part of elite, especially involved in destructive mission, majority of them being “seed of Satan”. There are a bloodlines resulting from ancient intercourses between fallen angels and human females (Gen.6:4). In Noah time there are many of them, so God decided to chose a group of genetically pure humans and destroy satanic hybrids by flood. After the flood satanic influence was reduced 10 times (only around 20 fallen angels descended and gave in different places a new bloodlines). They have at least some genetical and blood particularities. Many of them are declared to be jews, but definitely aren’t. Their first ancestors, because of closer nature to the demons have a high amount of hemocianin in blood. That’s why an active member of Synagoge Al Gore, today is fighting against emissions of carbon dioxide. Demons cannot tolerate a big amount of this substance. After 7-yers agreement signed by Putin there will be a beginning of intrusion of demons in this world and they need special conditions. Special chemical structure of hemocianin has a perfect form of star of David, present today on the flag of Israel. This star hasn’t any connection with Hebrew and was imposed as symbol of state. This sign is a distinctive item for them – they recognise each other also by showing it. Another element is a genetical particularity – CCR5 delta 32 (in homozygous). This one help them in the middle ages to spread in the world, but especially in Europe a bubonic disease, officially know as pests (bubonic plague) caused by Yersinia pestis, but it was in fact another disease, unknown until now. Only people with this genetical particularities all survived and usually took proprieties of dead families in their own possession. Some of them reach the power during the next centuries. Today they are immune at AIDS. If for example G.Bush takes a transfusion with blood contaminated with AIDS, it will be ok for him, because virus cannot replicate. There are surely other particularities, but this subspecies are not studied enough. They have a capacity to interbreathing/interact with demonic area, that’s why they can act and perform thing over the level of general public. They indirectly promote the idea of “extraterrestrial civilisation” to cover up the real nature of demonic presence. Many authors, one of them is most known – David Icke, should assure a quality of deception, describing the humanity as a field of battle not between a good and evil, but between “different civilisations”, ignoring presence and decisive role of Jesus. Important to mention – those hybrids are 3 times more resistant to radiation. That’s why they will use radiaton to destroy USA. Bad notice for Americans citizens, but a good one for them. Crisis will take their homes, radiation will take the health and life. It’s a modern scheme of repossession in style of middle ages. Many of you are still waiting from “sign of God” because impostor Hagee told you about. But they will give you some signs of their god. Hagee said that God will punish USA for their lack in supporting Israel. He as usual is lying. Here the right answer – God will permit the disaster in USA because of innocent people killed in Middle East, Irak, Afganistan and violence around the globe. He will turn back the justice for committed sins, only by remove His protection, allowing bad guys to do their dirty work. The American people are guilty only because of co-participation and their unconditional faith in these criminals.
The next days the part of Synagoge of Satan, being among the members of Bilderberg group, will analyse and decide in Copenhagen the situation after European and Ukrainian elections, the best mode to hit USA (we will have the confirmation of plan A, because now we have clear evidence that target area is still in preparation), how to manipulate the markets and give sign to Putin (or maybe vice-versa, depend on where is a devil now) to invade or in some way conquest Ukraine.
I am sure you are a great guy. And thank you for spending your time to write this and give your opinion. You have touched on things that I believe have some truth but I just see things happening differently. I do not know why you think that Americans are following Hagee. His following is not that big and I do not follow him. As long as we keep our eyes on and trust in Jesus I am certain we will both get through whatever is going to happen. And I promise to stay away from alien space craft. With all sincerity God bless you !
Thanks for your time to write such a long post, not easy for a non-native English speaker. Forgive to say that, it just look like a Marvel comic story to me. But you claimed you have confirmation from Lindsey and James did not make any correction to your post, I will keep an eye on what you said. You said the first event will happen this summer, right? we will see.
“God will permit the disaster in USA because of innocent people killed in Middle East, Irak, Afganistan and violence around the globe”
I really like this one. That’s exactly how other nations think about America.
I think also many nations will suffer and cry as a result of this fall. No one is expecting an end like this.
Thank you, Joki, for sharing this. I disagree on two very specific points, but overall this is very thought-provoking. I will re-read very carefully a couple of times. I appreciate your time and effort to share it.
Could you please write my about points you disagree?
Hi Joki,
Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I hope you see this.
One of them is the difference between the “Synagog of Satan” and the fallen angels.
The giants were the seed of the fallen angels, as you’ve mentioned, but the “generation of vipers” is of their father the devil. Satan impregnated Eve and she conceived Cain. That bloodline is most definitely still with us, and is different from the nephilim.
Hi Joki,
where does your information come from? Regarding hemocianin I was thinking it is only in creatures like spiders, scorpions etc. and mollusca creatures. It has the same oxygen related purpose like hemoglobin in the human body. I am not so sure that you will find hemocianin in the human blood. The blueish appearance of some people must not be related to the blue color of the blood of these hemocianin carrying creates.
Furthermore I can’t see the star of David in the chemical structure in hemocianin. Do you have a source which confirms your arguments?
Explanation on star of David made by zionists – it’s a star that contains 7 elements: 6 tops that springs from the center.
There are around 1000-7000 people in the world who have a blue blood. We talk more about a bloodlines, which initially had big amount of this substance in their blood, but partially have lose some proprieties by mixing with human population. If a woman take a iron tablet in our case this one cannot help. It’s a special drug they take, which contain Cu (I don’t remember the exact name).
Presence of hemocianin is directly combined with no-Rh factor and first blood group (0). Prince Carles, Queen of England, George Bush and others have a first negative blood. All primates in nature have Rh factor. All the people mentioned above are part of “romanian” bloodline, which start somewhere with Dracula. Dracula, well known as a vampire, was a descendent from Dracul, which in translation mean “devil”. From this ancestor have come a royal families, and as I mentioned Elisabet, Charles, Bush, Kerry. It’s well known that Dracula was a vampire, like the hybrids before the flood. It’s because their hemocianine blood is 5 time less effective in keeping oxigenation in the blood. They need human blood to adapt to terrestrial condition. Ask yourself why prince Charles some years ago bought some proprieties in Romania in places closed to Dracula presence? And his friends in Romania to whom he write and have sent the letters are from royal blood, but are simply people who are living in a countryside. They have found each other.
It’s a huge topic.. The star was found in Russia in different places (church on Red Sqare in Moscow) before it appear officially in 1648 in Prague and have been recognised by zionists in 1897 and after appear on flag of Israel. In Russia we have another bloodline, which gave a khazar people. They were converted to iudaism, but have no link with seed of Abrahaam. Modern people of Israel is mostly composed from descendants of this group (true hebrew are only around 12%). So Hagee is defending now a descendant from hybrids that have no connection with real people of Israel.
Joki, your comment is thought provoking. Interestingly, in the last couple/three weeks I came across this: In the first two seconds of the video it states: “Have you ever considered that YHWH divides us by Blood not by race. The Nazi’s in Germany were very interested in blood. As soon as they were able to distinguish the ABO types guess what they did? They began to eradicate an entire blood type off the face of the Earth. They’ll do it again in Fema Camps right here in the U.S.” …
YouTube Channel: Garden Of Truth and Lies
Which blood type (O-, O+, A, B) were the Nazi’s eradicating?
Remember this July 1 2014
In Genesis, Pharaoh’s had two dreams. This meant it was something firm from the Lord. But I also believe that this also means a dual fullfilment. A former fulfilment in Egypt and a fulfillment in today’s America.
I call Obama the “evil Joseph”. I was astonished when I found interesting paralels between Joseph and Obama. Obama’s father had four wives throughout his life, Joseph’s father also had four wives. Obama is the first born son from his father’s second wife, the same it’s valid for Joseph. Obama is the firstborn son from this second wife, Joseph is also the firstborn son from this second wife. As you know Obama’s background is very complicated as it was for Joseph.
Joseph had a multicolored tunic from his father, I believe that Obama has this same tunic which I believe this represents a multicultural and multireligious view of America, as you know he stated that America is no longer a christian country. This garment was stain in blood I believe this will happen also in America.
Obama’s father was absent for nearly his whole life, Joseph experienced a similar situation.
Joseph was cast our into a pit in the desert without water. Obama seems to have come out from the abyss, a place with any water which would mean he is not a Christian (he’s muslim).
Joseph was sold to the madianites, Obama seems also to be sold to the arab interests. He is also Allah’s slave.
Joseph had his childhood in a foreign land, and he arrived young into Egypt as an alien. Obama grew up in a foreign country in this case Indonesia.
Joseph worked to make the pharaoh’s dream real, whereas Obama is now working to make real his father’s dream’s, remember he wrote a book called “Dreams of my father”. Obama is also a dreamer.
Joseph arrived into Egypt aged 17, Obama arrived into continental America aged 17.
Joseph had two sons in Egypt, Obama had two daughters in America.
Joseph faced a 7 year prosperity and a 7 year scarcity, Obama is now in charge of a scarcity period (I believe it will last 7 years) before this period America enjoyed a 7 year whealthy period.
Joseph blessed his family, allowing them to live in Egypt and he provided them land. Obama is blessing his spiritual family too (muslims). I am hearing many rumors of muslims being brought into America as inmigrants, in special areas in your country. I am hearing also that the muslims are getting more and more priviledges and a special status.
As you can read in Genesis Joseph governed Egypt for someone else, in that case Pharaoh. I believe in Obama is ruling America for someone else who is behind scenes, in darkness.
I believe that US economy enjoyed a 7 year abundancy period (2001-08) then in september 2008 started a scarcity period which I believe will end in september 2015, then something new will happen.
As Genesis tells, one year before the end of the second period egyptians lost all their properties, because they need to buy food. I believe that something very serious is going to happen in sept 2014 in the US.
Of course Joseph was a wise man of the Lord, whereas Obama seems to be the total opposite.
Obama is a muslim trojan horse whose mission is destroying America from within, I wish he won’t succeed.
Genesis 47: 15-19
15 And when MONEY FAILED in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth.
16 And Joseph said, Give your cattle; and I will give you for your cattle, if money fail.
17 And they brought their cattle unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds, and for the asses: and he fed them with bread for all their cattle for that year.
18 When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:
19 Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh: and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land be not desolate.
20 And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them: so the land became Pharaoh’s.
I believe this will be the future of America (Egypt), The antiJoseph is Obama and the pharaoh is behind the scenes.
Salvation has nothing to do in believing when the rapture will take place. That thinking is antichristian.
wrong and dumb
And I am done reading and/or posting on this thread. It has deteriorated substantially.
Look out for those anti-Christs selling pre-trib rapture…
Why Jerry? Just because my opinion (which is based on scripture) regarding the rapture differs from yours?
Grow up man.
Tell me, when the pre-trib rapture never happens will you be one of Christians that forsake God and take the chip though being disillusioned?
The pre-trib is not going to happen so prepare your self for that. Alternatively, you can always give me the scripture that shows that the pre-trib exists.
Sorry Sam replied to the wrong section AGAIN!!
No problem there Barry, I understand.
I am heartened to read that there is awareness on the false “pre-trib” devil doctrine that was only introduced into the believer mindset merely several decades ago. The Biblical assessment and challenge for the “jerry” and others out there believing in that will go sour quickly, unfortunately he scurried off…quite telling how pervasive and recently engrained the devil doctrine is. The pre-trib is a pre-trap, if you will, a set up to disappoint those looking for a rapture that will never come when they were sold that it would.
No. You’re too lazy to do any research. You couldn’t even use your search engine to look up the blood red moons. There are many references. I doubt you have ever read anything on the rapture question. The post trib is the LEAST possible.
AND, I won’t read any more of your posts.
I have actually read many things on the rapture question which is why i do not believe in a pre-trib. And i have done a lot of research over the years on various subjects but i don’t know everything.
How you can say that the post-trib is least likely when it’s in the bible in black and white when Jesus returns? You baffle me. Have you actually read revelations?
It seems to me that your too proud to be proven wrong on the matter.
Or maybe i’m wrong but so far i’m not seeing any scripture quotes that back up your claims.