Pastor Williams just emailed me something I should share with you all immediately…
“A while back I mentioned that my Elite friend was traveling for a few months. He and his wife JUST arrived back home. I just received an email from him. It was startling beyond words.
HE SAID –“The Elite are instituting drastic measures which will be implemented IMMEDIATELY. The world as we know it will never be the same again. Expect catastrophic events in the monetary world, nature and the Elite EXPECT DIVINE REPERCUSSIONS.”
I will try to get my friend to elaborate more.”
I will add more when Pastor Williams knows more…
Update: 22nd May 2014
I have received an update from Pastor Williams who has told me “I do have some very interesting NEW information. The statement by my Elite friend which you posted has been confirmed by two other people – My Wall Street insider and a visionary (Christian) in Connecticut.
I have been given the plans (Agenda) of the Elite for 2015. Multiply the events of 2008 many times over and that is what is about to happen.
Hopefully I will have a statement before long. I am trying to decide how to tell it. The Elite are ready to bring in the New World Order in its entirety.
People MUST take action to combat the Elite and let them know we have had enough.”
Pastor Williams followed up with another email and he stated “One of the most fascinating things I have found out is – Elite Riot Control. Another is – Cycles of seven. Even the Blood Moons fit into the scenario.”
Update 12th June 2014
Pastor Williams has sent me a number of articles and links that I feel you should be aware of, one is to a video from Larry Edelson that talks about the coming bull market in gold. The video has been taken down now. My own personal thoughts on the video are that it doesn't go far enough and doesn't touch on the subject of precious metals market manipulation. Also the video discussed investing in paper gold EFT and mining stocks and Pastor Williams only suggests people invest in tangibles such as physical gold and silver. However, if you are considering investing in gold and silver what was laid out within the video was very important and echoed what Pastor Williams has been saying about the economy as well as the Elite's plan for humanity and this planet.
The second article Pastor Williams shared was regarding a major policy shift at the Federal Reserve. Pastor Williams says “Interest rates are about to rise and this will create many changes”. The article featured a link from The Wall Street Journal called “Fed Wary of Market Complacency” and featured a statement by Martin Barnes, chief economist at BCA Research saying “It is a problem of their own making. They can't have it both ways. If they want to sustain zero interest rates and push up asset prices, how can they expect to have that with no excesses and no risk taking?” Basically the ridiculous over-speculation and out-of-control lending and high risk bond buying we have been seeing is the result of the Fed's own policies. In addition to the Wall Street Journal article, two Fed policy makers have said 1) Interest rates will likely need to rise sooner, and by a larger magnitude, than observers believe and 2) Volatility is way to low and complacency is way to high. Kansas City Fed President Esther George warned about rising food, rent and tuition costs, as well as excessive corporate and sub-prime auto lending. She added that while “a gradual path for the federal funds rate is suggested by the FOMC's projections … it will likely be appropriate to raise the federal funds rate somewhat sooner and at a faster pace.” Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher also added to his recent warnings “Low volatility, I don't think, is healthy. This indicates to me a little bit too much complacency.” We are facing a new, clear and present danger … the danger that policy gets even tighter, with more aggressive tapering of QE and earlier-than-expected or bigger-than-expected interest rate hikes, or both.
In the now well over 600 comments to this post some people still seem unsure of what is happening in the world. There is enough evidence provided by Pastor Williams and many others that should convince you that the Elite want you as a slave to do their bidding. Pastor Williams has laid out the Elite's plan for decades. Its not a matter of when things will happen, things are happening right now. Unlike others who just expose what is happening and leave you without any idea what to do, Pastor Williams and I have offered solutions that will allow you to survive and even prosper through the global financial crash. The Elite know that the system they have been relying on for a hundred years no longer works and they know a new system must be put in place, hence The New World Order. This is being implemented every day, baby steps to their ultimate goal of World Government. The power and control will remain in their hands and you don't feature a great deal in their plans since you are merely a commodity to them. The Elite believe they are god and we are merely animals that need to be herded and controlled. You have a real chance to put a spanner in the works, all you need to do is take Pastor Williams' advice and prepare. Read the '10 Steps To Avoid The Crash' guide I wrote and gave away freely. Its ultimate goal is to tell you to be as self-sufficient as possible. If you want to take back your power, start relying on yourself instead of others. Its a choice you must make, either you start to take control of your life, or let a corporation do it. We don't need them, they need us to make their plan work. Take responsibility for the safety, health and wealth of your family before its too late.
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
July 1, could be when it starts, but as far as when this is going to happen I’ll quote Jim Rickards here:
“Right now, we are on the precipice now. When you are on the precipice, it doesn’t mean you fall off immediately, but you are going to fall off because you can see the forces in play. What I tell clients and investors is it’s not as if we are going to make some mistakes and some bad things are going to happen. The mistakes have already been made. The instability is already in the system. We’re just waiting for that catalyst that I call the snowflake that starts the avalanche. You don’t worry about the snowflakes; you worry about the snow and that it’s unstable and it’s just waiting to collapse. That’s what the system is right now; we are just waiting for a catalyst. People ask me all the time, what could it be? Technically, my answer is it doesn’t matter because it will be something. It could be a failure to deliver physical gold. It could be an MF Global financial failure. It could be a natural disaster. It could be a lot of things. The thing investors need to understand is the catalyst doesn’t matter. It’s coming because the instability is already there.”
So bottom line is just know it’s coming, none of us really know when, just be ready and until it happens try to enjoy life.
How long can a ‘precipáce’ last? Cmon already- its been close to a decade now since many have been warning of immediate collapse.
I think the ‘drastic measures of the elite’ finally just happened this morning. ZeroHedge posted just now that the European Central Bank has finally introduced the Negative Interest Rate upon bank depositors. This was predicted only a year ago as the Cyprus bank disaster unfolded. We said it would happen and now it has.
That means that the Euro banks are now taking their customers’ savings accounts and have turned it into a loan — for themselves, to prop up their decrepit banks for a few more lousy minutes.
See the news at:
This was expected and means nothing. You were losing money in bank saving even before negative rates because of the inflation… When they block your account and keep your money, this will be drastic…
Have you seen this online about July1 a bill to be passed,this may be what LW is talking about.
FATCA.. That is what happens on July 1st, 2014. This bill gives the U.S. Government authority and access the all worldwide banks when dealing with dollar exchanges. In other words, the IRS will take over and imposes taxes on anyone who deals with the dollar, nearly 30% or so. Also, if they refuse, they must discredit the owner of the dollar and move their assets, money and any other value to another currency.
This forces more countries to remove the dollar as the world reserve currency. Even more accelerating the collapse of the dollar. Normalcy bias is what keeps people uninformed and dumb to the disaster that is heading. We are not immune to governments and the collapse, you are not invincible to anything except defeat. God bless, wish you all a safe future.
What do you all think!
Reads just as Lindsey Williams has been telling us.
Pastor Williams stated that he needs to decide on how to tell the information. If the new information was time sensitive and urgent to our immediate future, he would have already shared the intel with us. So, im sure we have time. Pastor Williams, thankyou for all that you have done to inform us.
Are You Ready For Nuclear War? — Paul Craig Roberts
Calm down there Jake. You can’t direct, write, and produce a DVD in a day.
It takes time.
This waiting for updates is insane. Driving me mad. Surely if you know something you would just share it? Not say “here it comes…” then disappear for even more weeks on end. Can’t wait for this elusive crash to just happen already as the build up is too painful and frustrating!
Please Lindsey, for the sake of sanity, no more teasing please just tell us what you have been told OR tell us you can’t yet until you get permission (so we know where we stand). Please just say something! The silence is the absolutw worst thing to do after telling us you have an update. If you cannot reveal yet, then ok, but please tell James so he can update us with that so we know. The silence is maddening.
Thank you.
part of the lyrics from LISTEN by Beyonce
Listen, I am alone at a crossroads
I’m not at home in my own home
And I’ve tried and tried to say what’s on mind
You should have known
Oh, now I’m done believing you
You don’t know what I’m feeling
I’m more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I’ve gotta find my own
Hi Jake,
what will be the difference for you to know what will come next in the agenda? Actually Lindsey has already revealed a lot of stuff for the current and for the next year. What will you change in your life according to his predictions?
If you wait for a “go” to do something important then you should not wait for a message of Pastor Williams. Think about the predicted meteor for Puerto Rico and what influence that may have on the US. Think about the biblical Revelation for Babylon (which seems to be the US) to be completely destroyed. Will you and your family move out of the US because of that or not?
Do you believe in the God of the Bible, Jake?
Joki – I agree with much of what you write as regarding the Jews, the Bible says they are not Jews in Rev 2:9 and Rev. 3:9 who say that they are Jews. Truthfully on the Lord knows who the true Jews are today, the Roman General Titus so utterly destroyed Jerusalem in 70ad. along with All the birth records and the tribes to which they belonged. Sop, it is very difficult if not impossible for a Jew to prove his blood connection to Abraham or for another to prove he is not. That is why it necessary for the Lord Himself to call out the people of Israel in Rev. 7 and to place them in their proper tribe, because only He knows who they are and to what tribe they belong. It also fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 66:8 “shall a nation be born at once?”
It is very difficult if not impossible for a Jew to prove his blood connection to Abraham or for another to prove he is not.
It’s not so difficult. There are so many genetical studies on ashkenazi jews, so we have a clear comparative materials. I think in USA are special kits to make genetical analysis of DNA (around 100 dollars), which permit to see a linkage with hebrew population. I think majority simply won’t to pass this procedure, because most of them aren’t in fact jews from tribes of Israel. Most of them are descendants from parents, which in the past become jews being converted to Judaism.
Think how precise are God. He strictly are going to select 12 thousands jews from every line to be “first fruits” on the 2nd coming. He very deeply know our genetics, in time when the most of preachers are doing a common error to recognise Israel as a nation of jews, asking to support this state, indirectly supporting the agenda and wars against other peoples that are more semithic in their genetics (palestinians, irakies) than most of population, pretended to be jews in Israel.
I agree that we should protect jews. But first we should find who really are jews. Most of them were peaceful population that have lived in Palestina and area around before 1948 among arabs. After the proclamation of state of Israel, mostly non-jews have been immigrated, and they were used as a shelter in idea to destabilise the region. Moreover, the true jews are persecuted in modern state of Israel and also abroad. Interestingly, but some of true jews, not fully, but are ready to open the door to Jesus. Definitely, Jesus will force this door at the end of antichrist rule for all of them. But most of people of modern Israel, beneficiary of Hagee propaganda, will die.
Joki m- God does not joke. Putin is NOT the man. His name MUST equal numerically 666 or he is not he man, period.
you could be correct. I said that I’m looking into circumstances of our time and I have seen Putin at work. Officially the antichrist will be proclaimed after he signs 7-year agreement, so you are among many other who waiting for his anointment. This is a wise position and correspond to the Bible start point for antichrist. My choice was to anticipate his name, making the connection between I called “preliminary” period (of induced haos and riots) and moment of official public entrance of false Messiah. I understand your reaction about “joke of God” and obligatory number 666. Before the false messiah will appear as a public savior, he are going to start his activity at least in parallel with disaster in USA, programmed for this summer. But I think Putin cannot be removed, so my forecast is 98-99% (I should admit some reserve) he is a chosen person.
In this case you, like many others, are the classical case when is looking into some details and is neglecting the whole picture.
The truth about this number is maybe connection to the system, which will work behind him, like communications, HAARP and others, so antichrist will have an international, first of all, technological cover-up. 666 is mostly associated with this staff.
You’are very logical and correct to pretend that it must be like you wrote in your comment. But I still blindly believe that Putin is a bad guy and will perform destructions. Not only using his army, but mostly being helped by modern climatic arm. Waste destructions won’t be performed by him, but by his “elite” friends. When you will see a map of destructions of 2015 you will understand who in fact is direct beneficiary of all this “natural disasters”. 666 is a number of system that seems to be stronger than a power of a simply man. This system will be so strong that could permit to this man be helped by him and promote destructive agenda.
Hi Joki,
where do you see the map of destruction of 2015? you keep saying an event will happen this summer in the US. What is it and what’s your source of information? I hope it’s not from some fear mongering videos you found randomly on Youbube.
Hi singwin,
I wrote “when you will see a map of destruction of 2015” . It means – after that date in 2015. Event in this summer – is period between june and september. And I gave some important clues in precedent topics. Did you see some copy-paste in all I have written until now?
The most important reason I’m here, is because I found only Lindsey who has given a message about the truth. I look around and it’s only him who has an eye on the events. Even he speaks in allegories it make interferences with the things I just know about. Any information from him is mostly confirmation for me than some kind of revelation. Maybe someone consider him kicking the can down the road, but I think he is performing his work carefully and give us confirmation only when the things are sure. Behind his allegories is true information that cannot be revealed in free speech without direct consequences for him. For a big part of public he have presented only some little details about near future, but for some have brought confirmation and particularities in general picture of endtime. Looking from outside USA, my provisional impression, he’s seems to be amongst the most important people in christian world during the last decade. A very important thing – he didn’t lose the start of endtime, during the period I just tried to catch his start. And no one, I want to stress this, NO ONE, publicly didn’t take this responsibility to inform the general or more reserved public. Maybe he should be less commercial and renounce at DVD, but looking into substance I have seen his good intentions.
If you found some youtube movies that have connection with what I said, I would be curious to see them. So, it’s my opinion. I’ve put only the things together.
I would be interested in your opinion about Guerrilla Report 05.16.14 (it talks about this summer event):
Twisting the scripture is so predictable. No, there were not “many generations”. The words are concise and clear. It is known as the “last generation” before the return of Christ and it is very explicitly and pointedly timed around the founding of Israel.
If God’s word is true, it shouldn’t need humans to redefine it, ‘help it out’ by manipulating the verses, to make them true.
Jesus foretold of more than one generation in Matthew 24. We first hear of the time of the wars and rumours of wars that would all come to pass – but the end is not yet -be ye not troubled.
as in – not in tribulation
We were to see a time of wars – world wars – then a time of rumours of world wars.
these people come to pass – their generation/s come to pass
The final generation sees – the beginning of sorrows.
nation against nation
kingdom against kingdom
/as in another world war
Drastic measures of the elite call for drastic action.
It’s high time for all believers on the Lord Jesus Christ to be sober and vigilant more than ever before.
This present evil world is moving on right according to the plan and purpose of God according to the scriptures. It’s nice to know that all things are naked and open before the eyes of him with whom we have to do and there is not anything hidden from the LORD God and not manifest in his sight. He knows the end from the beginning and he will soon judge the world by that man that he hath ordained.
“the generation which has seen the founding of the State of Israel [66 yrs ago] will see all these things come to pass…” hasnt happened friends. They’ll try to stretch the years to match prophecy and give themselves more time. But the fact is- the prophecy FAILED. A generation is NOT more than the lifespan of a human being. And no its not ‘the timeline of a nephilim’ etc etc.
Better take a deep look at the truth & accuracy of your religion.
If Obama is the anti-christ, it won’t be long before the tribulation starts. Obama fits the descriptions in the Bible in every way. Pastor Williams has hinted this new world order plan, the elites have, closely aligns with scripture.
The recent messages have been a bit vague. It seems the good info passed on with Ken Frahm
Rev. 17 has two stories in it.
Rev. 17 is not the start of a new vision. It is continuing the chapter 16 story. In chapter 16, we find the beast is mentioned as to his kingdom. Okay. then the angel will explain the part as to the judgement – yet as the explanation begins as to the beast (scarlet) that John now sees, John begins to wonder after the woman. This wondering by John now causes the angel to tell a different thing first. The angel will tell about this woman and the beast that she rides. But if you look down to verse 14, you see that part ends and with verse 15 is when we hear of what the angel intended to tell John as to the judgment.
The seven trumpets are plagues. These plagues are given to the seven angels by one of the four beasts during chapter 15. These plagues are then handed off to the four angels in Rev. 7.
to whom it was given to hurt
The final angel (the 7th one) ascending from the east has the trees plagues. Just as in Ezekiel 9, the one sealing people is in linen – and returns to God to give his report.
Rev. 7 – the seven angels – were seen by John
giving their sealed how many report in heaven.
Rev. 8 – the seven angels – which stood before God.
They are not standing there in Rev. 8. John is tellinh us what he saw them do earlier. John is clarifying what set of angels he sees. The trumpets are already over before Rev. 8.
The seven thunders part is what John could not write down. Okay, then what enters into Revelation in chapter 10? the mystery of God
mystery – made obscure – hidden
John has made a puzzle of end time events.
Hi Joki,
Isaiah 13 is set for the time when the day of the LORD begins – it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. Rev. 11 shows that God doesn’t begin to destroy until the time of the 7th trumpet. Rev. 11:18 tells how He – shouldest destroy. This is also when He shall appear, becaue when He judges the quick and the dead is when we (the church/OT saints) shall be like Him.
Jeremiah 27-6-8 has some interesting prophecy that seems to line up with the end part of Isaiah 13 as to when the time of Babylon’s land comes.
Jeremiah 28:14 and chapter 30 also seem to line up as to a yoke. Nebuchadnezzar was the yoke of iron. Babylon was to be served by the other nations for seventy years. Babylon so far has ruled only about 66 years. 605 BC to 539 BC.
The Jews have been in Babylon for 70 years; but they have yet to serve the Babylonian’s king for 70 years.
serve the king of Babylon – 70 years
After this 70 years comes to pass is when the king and his land would be punished.
When the Jews ended their time in Babylon in the past, the Babylonian land was not destroyed. It was also not the time of the end of 70 years of a Babylonian king, as the king had fallen/slain about three years prior (when Darius took the land).
Let’s make it clear about trumpets. We have 7 trumpets – 6 are coming from devil’s source, and only the last, no.7, is from God. In this spacial arithmetic the 7th trumpet is a first after the 2nd coming.
Why you think Babylon should be destroyed immediately after jewish captivity? All prophecies about historical Babylon and Egypt are clear – first was destroyed, the second is continuing his way as a nation.
You needn’t to invent new Babylon in area of modern Irak. It doesn’t exist and will not exist (mostly because of radioactive contamination from real Babylon the Great).
My impression, you repeat mistakes made by someone. Try to think for yourself.
I agree with you. Amen
Joki, I have hit the reply and it appears I am answering Valerie? You and I seem to be on the same page? I am aware that the Jewish race is small in number (15 Million)? I believe that the Lord will give an opportunity for My People (Jews) to come out? If you read 1 Corinthians 10:32…there are three groups of people in the world today? Jews, Gentiles and the Church of God (which is His Body). Be you a Jew or Gentile when you come to Christ you are made a New Creation. The Body of Christ. One of the “Mysteries” revealed only to the Apostle Paul. Another of those mysteries is the “Catching Away” of the Body of Christ. What do you have left Daniel 9:24-27…the Jews in Jerusalem, and a Christ rejecting Gentile world that says “Let’s destroy them”. I believe that America has been “Weighed in the Balances, and been found wanting”? And as we move toward the Tribulation or at the commencement, Judgment falls? He gives the Jewish people an opportunity to leave and go to the Land? God bless, Jimmy
Look at the end of a section of Jeremiah (50-51) as to Babylon. Where does it say all the words were spoken for?
this place
the Euprhates River
Only Iraq can be Babylon. /king of the north
about historical Babylon:
1.Isa.13:20 – It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there
But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there
2. Jer. 51:26 – They will not take from you even a stone for a corner Nor a stone for foundations, But you will be desolate forever
3. Jer.51:43 – Her cities are a desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness, a land wherein no man dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass thereby.
It’s clear – the historical Babylon is a desolate place. All thing described in Rev.18 could fit in only with USA, at least if someone is not trying to interpret all symbolically. Fall of Babylon the Great is a first major sign in endtime history.
Until USA still stay, our hero – Vladimir Putin cannot perform destructions. He need a free way. He and his “Americans” and “Europeans” bloodline friends will give you some “bloody” signs, until you look in wrong direction.
I think you know that all territory of Irak is contaminated with radiation. Could on this territory rise an empire and perform in time all sins described in Revelation? Or we should wait another 20 years (because most of sins mentioned in Rev.18 are developed in time) and wait until another empire accumulate some sins?
If Putin is the antichrist how does he fit the number of the beast 66* prophecy?
Very good question. The possible big problem – we could never find a person with this number. It’s just an opinion. Once LW said that antichrist is a sistem, not person. I was shocked by this affirmation, but later I understand what he meant. This number could be a connection that explain the system behind him. I really want to find a person that correspond to this number. Yes, Bible is very clear about and I should interpret literally. But my fear remain – we cannot find a man with this number. Maybe God put it to make more intrigue. I really feel week to give an reasonable answer like in others topics. I simply believe in idea that we could loose time in calculation about 666 and don’t look into substance and circumstances. I simply jump over this verse. I see antichrist. I see Vladimir Putin. Please forgive me if I’m superficial, but I can omit this verse if have seen other more evident details. It could be a part of game.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, 14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
I don’t see how that correspond to Putin.
it’s number of the Beast and number of a man. In case Putin have some connection with this number, majority of people could understand without some spiritual effort. I would stress again – in case we will have a special event in USA during this summer (including september, with less possibility) the ONLY beneficiary of this scheme is Putin Vladimir. We have a tinny possibility that another person will take his place until the moment something will broke USA. This possibility exists, but is a very low. Even you are with your thoughts on the day of 7-year agreement, you should understand that without a “preliminary” period the true antichrist (or false Savior) cannot exist. And the start of this period will be right now. What we can do without Putin? Do you think this guy tomorrow will come and say – bye my Russia, I decided to dedicate my life to poor people or hobby like fishing. No, this man wants to force the door of whole world, like the door of his bathroom when he desperately need to make a pipi. Don’t looking for another hero. Since he is going to exit Russia and spread his influence among nations, interpretation of 666 verse will melt quickly without to find any logical answer. It’s a big mistake to still stay looking at one finger and don’t see the big picture behind. For me is kind of joke God plays with us. We cannot omit or exclude him from the game which is ready to start. He have had a chance to leave the scene these years, but it still there. Moreover, he becomes more ungodly, ugly and proud. However, we have no sign that his power is diminishing or cease in some way. He have been absorbing the energy of power from his master and is politically alive. He is a antichrist, but most of you is still waiting for a worse one. Instead, no one is coming to take his place, because he was selected to bring destructions.
Hi Joki,
thanks for your answer. Nobody has a complete and full understanding on the ongoing agenda of the Elite and also no complete understanding of God’s Revelation. In my opinion there have been so many evil leaders in the past, even more evil compared to Obama and Putin. We will see who is the antichrist and there might be still some time…
I don’t estimate that God is playing a game. I have understand his plan as an offer: our civilization has the opportunity to turn around of our wicked ways and tell everyone about the salvation of Christ. The Lord has given us around 6000 years, before he closes the door to eternity.
He uses leaders of our time and allows things to happen. He can read our thoughts and is in control of the situation. He knows about the future and what will happen. He even can give us thoughts and influence our acting in present time- so do evil spirits. We have to realize this action as positive or negative intervention. This gives us the opportunity of choice. Currently I understand this realization process as the most important purpose of life!
We have to come out of this world, says the bible. I understand this as request to leave the old habits and stop to think about our own future here on earth. We shall support our neighbor, we shall help the poor people, we shall love the other like our self. Usually we think about the future of our life and of our family. We live in fear of the future decisions of our leaders. But God told us to take care about our fellow men. God told us to collect a treasure in heaven by acting kind to each other. God told us he will take about us.
Since we ate of the apple in paradise, our brain washed mind set is ego driven. How can I make a decent living? What can I do on my holidays? How can I prepare for a economic crash?
If the bible is right then we should not be scared by the political decisions, which we can’t influence at all. We can influence our behavior, the way we act in terms of love your neighbor. This will make a difference. As long as we stay in the trap of the present behavior, to take care of us and our family and only react on political decisions and events like a slave of this earthly system, we are under control of the Elite and the devil.
This is not an easy step and easier said then done. I am not always acting like I am suggesting here and that is a shame. To realize what to do and to make the step is crucial and has consequences. I have to leave my dreams and my convenient life style for a different way of life. To dedicate own life to other people is unfamiliar and uncommon. I am so far away of this christian idea that it seems to be crazy or stupid.
Therefore we need the support of the Holy Ghost to encourage us, to open doors and to give us strength to become holy. I think that’s what is meant by following Christ. He was not considering about his own future, what to eat, what cloth to wear, what to do in his leisure time. Although he was aware when he should die and how, he was never thinking about what to do to enjoy life, but to use his short time here on earth to teach us to be there for each other and to have belief in him and all mighty God.
The day we ate of the forbidden fruit our life in paradise ended abruptly. We believed a temptation, a lie of a better future.
The current ego-driven lifestyle of mankind is expressed by: how to make more money, how to enjoy life and how to escape a future that will rob our savings. We need to educate our children to become successful business men and women that the system can run for future generations.
But mankind is realizing that everlasting growth is a lie. Even in nature growth comes to an end. Resources are finite. We realized the cruelty of war, hunger and lack of freedom. We see the how the political establishment is deceiving voters in every election. But we have to realize that there is no righteous human political system. We are unable to rule righteous as long as our mindset is driven by gaining more for ourselves.
Therefore I understand that this world will and has to come to an end. Mankind has proven it’s inability to rule in righteousness. We had enough time and plenty of options to establish a fair system. There were several attempts to do the right thing, but in the end it turned out to be not working- again!
My conclusion is to forget about the political decisions, forget about who the leader is and what will happen. Start to believe and trust in God. Read the bible and believe that it is the incorruptible Word of God.
Accept that our ego-driven “enjoy life” thought is one of the reasons for the current situation. Not Socialism, Capitalism or Communism or any other human political system is the answer to our problems. We need a different spirit in our mind and in our heart: the spirit of righteousness, grace and freedom- the spirit of Jesus.
another question. why are we being told to invest in gold and silver if the Bible says it will be worthless in the end times? Also wont we need the mark of the beast to engage in commerce? All physical currency will be useless.
I agree. The only gold I have is one tooth and a few rings. Can’t afford anything else.
Also, when the end times do come, only the REALLY rich with gold will be ablt to invest it in whatever new financial system, and that won’t last long.
If someone comes to me seeking supplies, I will barter for them, not trade for gold.
Just don’t take the mark if you are here. Despite some comments here, I still hope for the Catching Up and meet Jesus in the air. He won’t set his feet on earth so it is not His second coming.
Hi Joki,
Thanks for your inputs.
However, per John Paul Jackson’s sharings –
5:33 – 6:17
Putin is setting the stage for another guy (much more ruthless) – but both of them are NOT the anti-Christ, who will come from somewhere else.
As for food storage, how do you prepare? Especially water – take up so much space! If the man-made famine (even drought – see chemtrails on the net) lasts more than a year – the country is pretty much toasted. If you’re a Christian, it’s a must for you to draw closer to God, get filled by the Holy Spirit, and exercise Spiritual Gifts in the coming days (like multiplying food & water). is a good place to start.
Have a blessed weekend.
Joki – God does Not play games with His word. Rev 13:18 Here is Wisdom. The opening sentence says God does not play games or joke around with His word – not here or anywhere else in Holy Scripture Putin does Not add up. So, he is Not the man, period. Therefore, there must be another. We cannot force pieces into God’s puzzle of the End Time simply because we “think” they should fit.
Valerie, Have you ever read Pastor R A Coombes book “America, the Babylon”? He spent about 15 years on this work? It cost him friends, family and finances. It was his life’s work. I believe that he gives at least 33 reasons why it can’t be Iraq? One of the main reasons is that she must have a large Jewish population. Because, before the Lord destroys her he gives the decree to “Come Out of Her My People”. If you read Jeremiah 50-51 I believe one is hard pressed not to see America? In Chapter 51? The Rabbis for centuries have defined the Hebrew word “Hindermost” as the last of the great nations, a young nation as opposed to the other nations of the world, an End Time Nation, and she is described as the “Hammer of the Earth”? My understanding is that is an idiom for the Policeman of the World? She gets destroyed in a “Surprise Attack”. Jeremiah 50-51, portions of Isaiah 13-18, and Revelation 18. I hope this helps? God Bless, Jimmy
to get out of a country it was an appeal for Americans. And if you notice – because of sins of Babylon the Great. “My people” aren’t only jews. Even now in Israel we have only 12% of true bloodline Hebrew. “My people” are Christians. Some americans left the country because they understood the meaning of symbol. The rest still think they are living in country of liberty. Before the fall of Babylon we approach, see also that in Rev.16:9 (the 7th trumpet) is said – “and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath”, so He will bring new punishments during the wrath of God especially on USA. We, in Europe and all over empire of antichrist will also take our portion of mourning.
And don’t think for Hebrew in Israel – God promise ALL of them will be saved. I mean the true bloodline. Hagee is thinking for hybrids in Israel, so he and most of preachers of pro-Israel simply are defending a strange to christians and to jews a bloodline of khazar people whom ancestors never were in Palestine. Their teaching is a bad theology that unfortunately twisted and corrupted many Christian minds.
Joki, You address several issues. One is for an example on the day of Pentecost, Peter addressed the “Whole House of Israel”. So the idea of the 10 Lost Tribes or the Khazars is a mute point? The Lord knows exactly where His people are? Where you and I probably disagree is that the Lord has “Two Elect”. There is a difference Israel and The Body of Christ? The Apostle Paul makes it quite clear that the Lord has Blinded Israel for a time until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in? Today as Paul wrote we are in the Dispensation of Grace. It is open to every person, be it Jew or Gentile, but mostly Gentiles are responding during this time. It is one of the “Mysteries” the Risen Savior revealed only to the Apostle Paul. After the last gentile comes into the Body of Christ, you have the Catching Away, which is another of those mysteries written by Paul to the Church (which is His Body). Then the Lord deals with Israel as a Nation during Daniel’s 70th week..Daniel 9:24-27. If you look at 1 Corinthians states basically “Give no offense to the Jew or Gentile or to the Church of God (which is His Body). There are Three groups of people during this age.If you be a Jew or Gentile, if you come to Christ, you are made a New Man..A New Creation (the Body of Christ). This opportunity is open to all. The Lord isn’t through with Israel because of the covenants and the promises made to the Fathers. Just as he gave the Jewish people an opportunity to come out of old Babylon, before judgment fell. He will also give them an opportunity again (Come Out of Her My People), but I will assume that as in the past most chose to stay in Babylon? The same will happen again? I believe the Scriptures teach that End Time Babylon gets a double portion of Judgment. The first is by Fire at the beginning of the Tribulation, and the second is at the end of the Tribulation by Water. Where she sinks under the waters. You might read Pastor Coombes book, but there are several scholars who are basically on the same page? Hope this Helps!!! Jimmy
I agree with you about time of Gentiles and time reserved to jews. The time of Jews will come during occupation of antichrist, when life in Israel will become difficult. In Romans chapter 11:26 we have confirmation that ALL jews will be saved. In the same time Zechariah in 13:8,9 said that God will destroy 2/3 of population in Israel and only 1/3 will be left:
” And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God”.
So, less than 1/3 from population in current Israel are true jews, and God will add some more people, could be mostly arabs, by their link with Avraam (we don’t know for sure).
About historic Babylon – in that time jews didn’t have a choice to leave Babylon, but pursued a strict time prophecy of 70 years. In the past almost all jews left Babylon. Today, simply accepting idea that jews should leave a Babylon the Great, make a confusion, because of vague understanding of modern Babylon and non-sense especially to hebrew people to escape from Babylon. So, I cannot stand with this kind of interpretation, where the jews are still in the elect dominant position. Moreover, the most of them aren’t jews as a blood, and receiving so much cheap attention without be worthy for this status. I think it’s last call for “my people” – christians from USA to leave country. It’s almost impossible today to do this thing because the connections with system of most Americans.
The last week from Daniel 9:24-27 is not for Israel only. About destruction of USA or Babylon – I also think there will be some steps.
In conclusion: don’t exaggerate about jews. They are few in number and God will protect them in the last period, by refining them during tribulation. Is God’s promise.
I hope I didn’t offend you.
What if ‘Mystery Babylon’ and Babylon in Rev 18 wasn’t a nation, but a religion? Remember Mystery Babylon is a great whore that sits on many waters. The true Church is referred to as the BRIDE of Christ. The opposite of a bride… Ergo, could not a ‘false’ Chrisitan Church be referred to as a ‘whore’? Also, if ‘Mystery Babylon’ is a false Christian religion, that would explain why God would call ‘His People’ out of ‘her’.
If it is a ‘false Christian religion’ which ‘Christian’ Religion fits?:
Rev 17:1-2, Is there a religion that ties herself to Government and that will be tied to the one world government (17:3)
Rev 17:4, is there a religion that has it’s priest/preachers wear purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones. Is ‘a golden cup’ in reference to drinking (maybe) communion out of, if ‘she’ has turned from true Christianity to a false Christianity teaching all roads (including Islam) leads to Heaven and the traditions of men over scripture.
17:5 Evidently other ‘false’ forms of Christianity may have come out of her, or she is the author of them
17:6 Is there a ‘Christian’ Religion that has killed Saints and followers of Jesus?
17:8 is referring to the beast (nations) and not the woman (religion)
17:9 does this false religion base it’s headquaters on seven mountains/hills, does a search for ‘City of Seven Hills’ get you a city that sits a major religion?
17:15 is there a Christian religion that spans many peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues?
17:16 so the political leaders will hate the religious leader (nothing new).
17:18 is there a religion that resides/headquarted in a great city which reigneth and combines herself with kings?
The rest of the versus are dealing with the beast/nations/and the rulers there of.
Creed, I agree? I have seen different scholars through the years say that there is a Commercial, Religious and Political Babylon? Food for Thought ..God Bless, Jimmy
Hi Creed,
If you carefully read all Rev.18 you would notice the clear evidence of a collapse of some structure, stop in commerce and the start of economic problems for all nations (Rev.18:9). In Rev.18:8 we find that all will come “in one day, death, and mourning, and famine”. Could the fall of any church produce this kind of event – famine, death? Surely no. Give to children to read this passage in the Bible (chapter 18) and ask him to explain you what he/she have understood about. I guarantee that this child will give you more clear description of events. It was difficult years ago to explain a collapse of currencies, but today it’s an easy topic. I still can’t figure out how people is so blind when we are on the edge of events.
I could understand why this happened if you are a member of some church, especially Testimonies (withnesses) of Jehova (in their doctrine they have this interpretation about religion). Their way is a way of destruction and you needn’t do more than repeat their teaching. Most of americans should die and is ok for you to dream about “mystery of Babilon”. Why should you think about fall of USA, when is simply better to repeat the information you’ve taken from WJ journals? So, don’t worry about America and live your quiet life. You will take your reward when the wave will come.
Hey Joki,
If the ‘church’ in question is the Roman Catholic Church who is partnered with countries again in a Revived Holy Roman Empire, then yes that church would fit Rev 17 and 18. Rome is the “City of Seven Hills” and her priest wear purple and scarlet and many believers in Christ as well as Jews have died at her hands across many countries. ‘She’ has aligned herself as a political partner to nations before(reference Charlamagne) and she will do so again to form another Holy Roman Empire. The end times will have a one world government with a one world religion. That religion, i believe, will be the Catholic Church (she has ‘adopted’ pagan items like Christmas trees, etc., to help adopt other beliefs). So the RCC is the best fit to scripture, in my opinion, unless a better one comes along later.
(FYI, not attacking Catholics, i was one and have family that go to Catholic Churches. I equate the Catholic Church to America, in that the leaders of both (Church and America) are steering them away from their founding documents, Bible and Constitution.)
The RCC would explain the ‘her/she’ in 18. I’m not certain when ‘her’ destruction and at what ‘hour’ it would be, but i would guess it would be at Christ Second Coming, but it could possibly be during the later part of the Great Tribulation of the final 3 1/2 years.
Sorry, but i am only vaguely familiar with the watch tower orgination. I have never been a Johava Witness.
The person that i heard this view point from (to me it’s the best fit) was a pentacastal pastor who discovered that Rev.’s is not in Chronological order.
Before coming across his view point, i always thought (or was taught) that Revelations was in Chronological order and that the rapture was a pre-trib rapture. I now see that we go thru the final 7 years with the second half (the final 3 1/2 years) being the Great Tribulation, which i like to refer to as the wrath of satan. There is a big difference between the wrath of satan and the Wrath of the Lamd/God.
The reason i don’t think that America is part of the one world gov’t is that America is represented by Eagles wings in Daniel and you don’t see those eagles wings in the combined beast of revelation (all the other beast are there from Daniel in Revelations). You do see ‘great wings’ of an eagle protecting Isreal (Woman with 12 stars) for 3 1/2 years.
I suspected your interpretation and I know is mostly diffused. Also pastor Steven Anderson I respect much make maybe only this error to admit the fall of Babylon (fortunately he admit in the end that USA is a modern Babylon) after tribulation.
In my opinion antichrist won’t admit other gods, so I completely excluded the role of Catholic church until the end of antichrist rule. It’s true, this church from around years 60 is degraded as a structure (I totally agree with Malachi Martin who described this phenomenon) and its primary mission now is to realise some sort of ecumenical agreement (in march Francisc proposed to baptist and charismatic churches to stay together and yesterday he brought together leaders from Middle East to open the way to international recognition of Jerusalem) to pass all this into the hand of anticrist.
Your explanations are logical and I recognise the statement of this interpretation with Chatolic church as a second option in interpretations about Babylon. It’s very close to first option what I pretend to be USA in the middle. Your interpretation is generally old, starting with first protestant movements. But cannot fully fit it with all elements especially in Rev.18. You could notice a distance in time between moment of the fall of USA and the system and wrath of God acordingly the text in Rev.16:19
“and great Babylon came in REMEMBRANCE before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath”.
You could see the difference between the FALL of Babylon and WRATH against him as a 7th vial of God. So you cannot place it (mistake done as well by a pastor Anderson) at the end of tribulation (the 7th vial will start toghether with 6 vials from satanic source close to 2nd coming of Jesus). Is no sign of wrath in Rev.18.
Creed, you should undersand that in dependence what is your interpretation just today (if you are american) depends also your actions in this time in attempt to survive and thrive.
Also ask yourself why Lindsey told you about RESET and how it fit in with elements in Scripture. This reset is going to be around the globe, but will weakened mostly USA.
Make for you the best choice about Babylon. Unfortunately, we could choice only one interpretation.
After the last post of LW on 22 may I erupted and wrote a long post. Like I saw from feed back it was useful. Moreover, I found some questions and I hope to arrive to respond.
The most important thing to say now, especially to Americans, is to make food storage. The hidden agenda that is going to start the next period also have a preeminent starving/famine component. Also in Bible we read in Rev.18:8 that fall of Babylon, will cause “death, mourning and famine”. When you will analyse the map of destructions for the planned event on spring-summer 2015, one interesting thing will emerge. Most of these countries don’t have genetically modified products (GMO), mainly crops. For example, quite all India will escape disaster, but the neighbours don’t. Only India in this area has widely implemented GMO products. The same situation is repeated in other areas, so I make a conclusion they deliberately have made a kind of geographical choice. Some countries were forced to accept GMO, others no, because were targeted for the biggest event of next year. As exception is Africa, but I think they have esteemed, people there will die by self, because of generally worse conditions. If you know – fields with GMO are provided with seeds EVERY YEAR by diverse companies, mostly Monsanto. What would happen if at some moment they simply stop to deliver seeds or fix a high price? So, it’s clear that all this stuff and promotion of GMO is an element of war and control over all population.
If you are in a country where prevail GMO agriculture over biological (like USA), you should act NOW and make food storage for long term.
Here is a link to a radio programme I highly recommend, in idea to be prepared:
Over the possibility to simply stock aliments, it’s important to secure or hide the products, so it’s upon you how hide, protect and generally defend your territory.
For the rest of us, who are living in “organic” area and decided to remain in this dangerous area, provisions should start the next year. Anyway, they will use anywhere on massive scale HAARP to induce drought in trying exterminate more people.
John Moore: EMP Attack Confirmed, Cali Shooting, Bizarre Weather And More…
We won’t be EMP’d until WWIII, which isn’t going to happen for a few more years until Russia and China build up there militaries, especially their nuke arsenals and navies. Joel Skousen says the thing to watch for is when N. Korea invades the South, then you need to head for the hills.
Darn I wish I was wrong about WWIII.
At least God let me know ahead of time.
How many angels did John see come from the east as ascending in Rev. 7? Why were these seven angels ascending?
Look at how John uses the word “another” in Revelation. It shows that John did not just see one doing that act.
another angel……..
Look at Daniel 11 verse 13 – as to what would happen -after certain years. Notice a vile person rises in verse 21.
Come on Lindsey please hurry up, don’t make us wait weeks forvmore info it is too important to us to be left hanging. I know a few weeks is not a long time to you but it is to me! Please hurry up and give us the info.
Plus these arguments about the tribulation are becoming tiresome. Yes Jesus will return ok just believe like a child. Nobody really knows what Revelation really means until it happens (all the exact details) and you are all sounding like the Pharisees of Jesus’ time, arguing scripture amongst yourself. Just look to the Lord else you could be distracted with useless theological arguments.
So please hurry up Lindsey! We are all waiting!!