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In Loving Memory of Lindsey Williams (1936-2023)

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”
These are the words Lindsey Williams spoke shortly before his departure to be with The Lord forever. He felt that he had fulfilled his destiny.

In Loving Memory of
January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023

It is with great sorrow that we inform you that Linsey Williams went home to be with the Lord on January 23, 2023. He is survived by his Wife, Joanna Williams, and children, Elizabeth, Daniel, and Joseph. He wore many hats in his lifetime; Pastor, Missionary, Father, Lecturer, Radio Personality, and Patriot. Many of you know him for his recent work, sharing updates on current events that affect individuals around the world.

This is the story of the extraordinary life of an extraordinary man, Lindsey Williams.

From a young age, the Lord had his hand on Lindsey. His mother recounts that when she was pregnant with Lindsey, she heard from the Lord that the baby she carried would preach His word. At 21 years old, Linsey graduated from bible college and went to Florida to start a church. He scraped together what money he could and rented a carpenter's union hall for his first worship service. It was a small group on the very first Sunday. Twelve years later, the church had grown to 450 members. Lindsey felt the Lord was calling him to Alaska to become an aviation missionary. This is where his life took a radical turn.

The year was 1973. Lindsey had just arrived in Alaska, answering the Lord's call to become an aviation missionary. Shortly after he arrived in Alaska, six oil companies announced that they would build the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline. This 800-mile-long pipeline would take three years to build and involve over 25,000 personnel in its construction. Lindsey thought, “25,000 of the roughest, cussedness, orneriest people on the face of the earth? They must need to hear about Jesus!” With this burden on him, Lindsey flew to meet with members of the oil companies to find out details about becoming a chaplain on the pipeline project.   At first, they laughed at him, telling him they had never had a chaplain on any pipeline project in the world and that they could not pay him anything. But Lindsey was determined to get on that pipeline! He kept going back and back until finally; they said they would allow him to go to the seven northernmost work camps, Prudhoe Bay, down to Galbraith Lake. They said, “go see what good you can do.” They all gave him a matter of weeks before he left due to the conditions. However, six weeks later, they called him back and said, “Chaplin Williams, we had no idea how valuable it could be to have a chaplain on the pipeline. You are literally saving us thousands of dollars in counseling fees!” They then asked him if he would be willing to accept a management position on the board overseeing the project in an advisory capacity to help with the relationship between management and labor. He gladly took them up on the offer.

Being in this position allowed Chaplin Williams to hear and see things that no other person of his caliber would be able to know! Lindsey recalls one instance where an executive invited him to join him on a trip to see a new oil discovery on Gull Island! He recalls seeing a huge plume of black liquid rise into the sky as they released the oil to discover many technical aspects of the discovery. Lindsey and this executive then raced back to base camp to find out about the discovery. What they discovered was a pool of oil that (along with others in the area) could have made the United States energy independent for two hundred years or more. Everyone in the room was ecstatic. They all knew this discovery could change history!

However, Lindsey soon learned that what they discovered that day was ordered classified and never to be spoken of again! He was devastated, knowing that it could have rewritten the textbooks! Lindsey could not remain silent with this knowledge, and many other things learned from his time on the pipeline. He was encouraged by a  good friend at the time to write a book detailing his experiences on the pipeline! This book, the Energy Non-Crisis, was the fuse to Lindsey's explosion into the world of insider information and knowledge about events worldwide.

He learned on the pipeline that there is a group of people who control the world. They control currencies, governments, wars, organized crime, and many other facets of society that affect our everyday lives. Many times, this Elite group tried to silence Lindsey, but he kept pushing forward in his attempts to expose them.  After The Energy Non-Crisis became a best seller, Lindsey would write five more books dealing with subject issues with the Constitution, Health, and Governmental Control.

Throughout his life, Lindsey continued to have an enthusiasm for others hearing the Gospel message. When he became known worldwide, he used every opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ. He always gave God the glory for the opportunities he was given. Having spoken in every state except for Maine, he had many opportunities. Every speaking tour and radio show he went on, he went on the condition that he be allowed to share a salvation message. He never lost his zeal for sharing the same message that drove him to Alaska and the pipeline.

Shortly before Lindsey passed away, he expressed his life with the scripture, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). He had a great desire in his final days to be with the Lord. He wished his gravestone read “a sinner saved by grace.” This is how he wanted to be remembered.

* This tribute was written by Lindsey's wife, Joanna Williams and his son Daniel Williams.

Please feel free to leave a message in the comments section of this post. Lindsey's family will read all of your messages.

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    • Stephen
    • February 23, 2025

    I remember hearing Lindsay on a couple different shows over time and was a follower of his email chain. It was amazing what he was able to do in the people he was able to meet in The Insider information he got. Although sad to miss him now I will join him as well when the Lord sends me home. Good work Lindsay see you on the other side

    • Mary Beasley
    • January 26, 2025

    Pastor Williams was a wonderful pastor, I don’t care where you sat in church he preached directly to you. My mother, husband , several friends and I were baptised at Grace Baptist Church in Hollywood Fl. I never forgot this wonderful person. He’s soaring high with God

      • Jeff
      • February 23, 2025

      Thank you pastor and family for sharing your lives : ) May our Lord continually to bless you richly all the rest of your days.

    • Wayne M Reinhold
    • October 22, 2024

    This may be a little late but I saw Lindsey at a Prophecy Club meeting in New Cumberland Pa several years ago. I asked him if I could buy him dinner and he graciously accepted. It was so awesome getting to know this great yet humble man on a more personal basis and just talking about our encounters with our amazing savior. Say Hi to him for me Jesus. Until I see you again sir.


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