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Lindsey Williams – New Information and Radio Schedule

“We Need a RESET IN THE WAY THE ECONOMY GROWS Around the World” – Christine Lagarde, IMF Chairman

This is one of the most important articles Pastor Williams and I have created.

Pastor Williams has sent his radio interview schedule that is posted above. He will be discussing alternative and natural healthcare with Dr Rodrigo Rodriguez MD of the IBC Hospital & Health Care Center in Tijuana, Mexico. It will be very important for you to listen to these shows if you value your health. Everything is connected, health and wealth are intertwined and therefore when Pastor Williams talks about the health of the American people it is important that you listen. I am sure he will also talk about the Global Currency Reset during the interviews, so please make sure you take the time to listen.

I was also sent a number of articles by Pastor Williams relating to the Global Currency Reset. The first article he sent me talks about how the currencies of the world will be revalued. Every country under IMF and World Bank control will be valued based upon their assets. This means physical assets as well as the country’s ability to make future profits from such areas as oil extraction, mining, refinement, fishing, forestry and agriculture. The more jobs a country can create to produce tangible goods, the higher the currency value. Around the world the outlook is a positive one, where those country’s currencies are revalued higher will benefit from the ability to improve their lifestyles. For example Africa will see water wells drilled, irrigation systems installed for crop and livestock production to help produce exportable commodities. All of these will see many of the third world countries standards of living raised considerably.

What does this mean for Americans? Max Keiser, of Max Keiser Financial War Reports said this “What will happen is there’s going to be a currency revaluation across the globe. The dollar will probably be cut in half versus its other major trading currencies. Gold in particular will have to be, as it was in the 30’s, valued upward. So gold and precious metals and any currency that beings in a basket of commodities or precious metals as the basis of that currency will, in concert, you’re going to see a revaluation of gold bullion I believe… and you can see the price of gold move up 50, 60% in one day or one week, or it could move 100% in a week. This means that all currencies are going to be revalued against gold and the currency that stands to lose the most would be the US dollar.

And people will wake up in America, as it has happened in other countries, like Iceland recently, or other bail out countries from the IMF, or in Russia, or in the UK in the 70’s and suddenly they wake up and it’s like our currency was devalued by 50%, we’re now being bailed out by the IMF and the world bank, everything at the store costs double or triple or quadruple, and there’s nothing they can do about it because it’s not like these things happening without a careful coordinated plan by the banking establishments around the world that’s setting this all up to go when it needs to go. It’s going to be relatively effortless on their part.”

What Pastor Williams has said is being repeated through many other outlets including King World News “The new system will be backed by hard assets, one of which most assuredly will be gold, and the gold price could well be revalued overnight in that process. The timing of all of this is imprecise, but it’s inevitable. So as much as the short-term price action might have people frustrated, it shouldn’t disturb their long-term view in the least.” Silver Doctors says “Ben Davies states that revaluing gold and backing the monetary system with it could be one of the least disruptive ways out of the credit mess.” Also, “There will be no currency war, but there will be co-ordinated devaluation of all G20 currencies against gold, just like there was in the 1930’s.” Goldseek has said “But, far from being a silly idea, gold revaluation has been a mechanism of restoring solvency to government since central banking was invented and is very much a serious topic now as central banks race to devalue against each other …” GATA also said “Millar stresses the periodic upward revaluation of gold as the mechanism for defeating a deflationary debt depression at the end of an economic cycle” and went on to say “However, it appears that Phase 4 (instability and ultimately deflation due to excessive debt) may have started. If so, Phase 5 (revaluation of the gold price to raise the monetary value of the world monetary base and hence reduce the burden of debt) becomes likely or inevitable. The extent of that revaluation would need to be major according to our calculations, probably by a factor of at least seven times, possibly by up to 20 times the current price of gold.”

A precedent has been set by the book ‘The Silver Bomb’, which said “The era of debt-based economy, which is dependent upon the creation of debt, which is leveraged with still more debt will draw to an end. The free-fall will come to a sudden stop and the hard reset of the respective values of all commodities and currencies will occur. The banks are already preparing for the paradigm shift.”

If you have visited I recommend that you review the comments section of the latest articles. Our very active and informed commenters have given us hundreds of great comments bearing information that continues to confirm what Pastor Williams has said. There is thorough analysis of the chairman of the IMF Christine Lagarde’s recent speech at The National Press Club including the blatant statement alluding to global currency reset “…forthcoming asset quality and stress tests that will take place in 2014.” Later global currency reset confirmed in her speech at Davos World Economic Forum“We Need a RESET IN THE WAY THE ECONOMY GROWS Around the World”. The IMF is telling you what they are going to do. Definitely keep an eye out on what the IMF is saying.

Christine Lagarde - IMF - Global Currency Reset
Christine Lagarde, Chairman IMF at ‘Davos World Economic Forum'.

Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price has given an interview to Mexican news website Inteligencia Financiera Global stating that “The world is attempting to live by means of the great lie of fiat money. It will not work. You deal with Reality by means of Truth; Truth is thinking that checks with Reality. Gold is money, and if we refuse to face that fact, we are lying.” He also talks about how we got to this current global economic crisis. “We got to this state because our leaders – in Universities and in Politics – have wished to forget Reality and have thought that by using our brains we can get around Reality. Thus our thinkers and political leaders have been attempting to put Reality to one side and in its place, use fictitious money, which can be manipulated to keep people happy.” He goes on to say “Our leaders have chosen mass deceit as their instrument of power. What they will obtain will be utter chaos and disorder, and mass impoverishment.” Price goes on to say “The clear beneficiaries of monetary and credit expansion are those who get the money and the credit first, before the rest of the people. They become wealthier, at least for a time, while the rest of the people sink into diminished well-being. But, eventually, all goes up in smoke and heads begin to roll: those of the guilty as well as those of the innocent.”

Hugo Salinas Price also talks about precious metal markets manipulation saying “Of course the gold and silver markets and manipulated. You have to either be blind or a Harvard Graduate with doctorate in Economics to ignore the fact. The purpose of the manipulation is the same as the purpose of the French Revolutionaries in attacking gold when they were printing their “Assignats” paper money like crazy; to try to suppress the indicator, which showed the destruction they were carrying out with unlimited printing of fiat money. Gold tells the Truth and so it is an enemy of those who wish to deceive their populations. Paul Adolph Volcker, famous head of the Federal Reserve of the US, once stated: “Gold is my enemy”.

On a return to a gold standard he said “A return to a gold standard will not be possible until thinkers and leaders begin to think differently from how they think today. We know for a fact that people in Asia have not forgotten about gold. They are buying gold frantically. They can see what we cannot, that the dollar is doomed. Perhaps a new monetary order may be imposed by China and Russia acting together. At least, that is a hope.” Price also talks about the “thousand individuals” who control the world and that “the people themselves who enslave themselves”.

Mr Price also talks about China accumulating gold at a high rate. He said “… the Chinese are not so silly as to think that gold is no longer of vital interest and importance to humans. China is thousands of years old. The US is not even 250 years old. They know that the rule of the US dollar is coming to an end, and are preparing for that moment. They are not talking about this, because they know that those who think understand China’s motives, while it is useless to explain their motives to those who will not think.

Importantly Hugo Salinas Price talked about the Federal Reserve’s gold reserves. He said “… the US does not have the gold it says it has. The US was the custodian of a gold cookie-jar, and the US government ate up all the cookies. They have no gold left-“.

The second article Pastor Williams sent me more or less confirms what Hugo Salinas Price says relating to the Federal Reserve not having the gold reserves it says it has. Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr Paul Craig Roberts has said this of the Federal Reserve “They don’t have any more gold. That’s why they can only give Germany 5 tons of the 1,500 tons it’s holding. In fact, when Germany asked for this delivery last year, the Fed said no. But, it said we will give you back 300 tons … So, they said we will give you back 20% of what you trusted us to keep for you over the next seven years, but they are not even able to do that.” He goes on to confirm that the holdings of gold in the West are being drained and transferred to Asia. Because the Federal Reserve does not have the physical gold they are turning to massive ‘naked shorts’ of gold futures contracts. This has also been discussed in the e-book I wrote in October 2013 detailing ’10 Steps to Avoid the Crash’. In summary Dr Roberts said “They don’t have real gold … So they come in and dump contracts, say in a period of 6 minutes, that are three times the amount of gold COMEX has to make delivery. So, it drives down the price of gold. That’s how they got the price of gold down from $1,900 to $1,250.” This blatant manipulation of the gold markets confirms why the Federal Reserve will not allow anyone to audit their vaults, because they don’t have any.

Dr Roberts also goes on to say “The ability to continue selling these ‘naked shorts’ is now disappearing because there is no gold left to back them up … None of these ETF’s has the gold to back the shares. The ability to continue looting them in order to make good on gold deliveries is running out. So, this will prevent the Fed from selling ‘naked shorts’ to protect the dollar from its policy of quantitative easing … You can’t print $1,000 billion of new dollars every year without causing other holders of dollars to wonder about the value of the money and to seek a way of getting out of it. China has been doing that by going into gold.” This confirms what Pastor Williams has been saying for many years, “get out of paper” and “Gold and silver are the currency of the Elite.”

Roberts predicts, “If people in the West try to move from dollars into bullion and there’s not any to speak of, then you would see a massive rise in the price.” He also predicts “I think, this year, you are going to see a further downturn in the economy. The signs are not only that we do not have a recovery, but it’s going to get worse … Christmas sales were very negative. There’s no growth in people’s income and no jobs. So, if the economy goes down further, what does that mean? It means the deficit widens. It means they have a greater debt ceiling lift. They have to have a bigger ceiling increase, and all of this will alarm the world. They’ll say, good heavens, they already had a trillion dollar deficit. Now it’s gone up, and the Fed can’t stop the quantitative easing without the stock and bond market collapsing. The banks’ solvency will become an issue. So, the world is watching a bigger deficit, more printing of money, and they are likely to start dumping dollars. When they do that, they’ll say ‘gold, I want gold’. There’s not much supply to meet demand, and the price has to escalate. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if that shows up this year.”

Also confirming what Pastor Williams has been told by his Elite friend that the Affordable Health Care Act is not about healthcare. Dr Roberts said “The Affordable Health Care Act is not affordable and doesn’t provide care. It’s a way to loot the poorest people and steal whatever assets they have … The poorest who are supposed to be helped are herded into Medicaid, where any property they own is subject to estate recovery.” Medicaid Estate Recovery is the process initiated by U.S. state governments for recovering payments they made under the Medicaid program to program beneficiaries. The government recovers the sum of payments from the estate at the time of death of the program beneficiary.

A few people have complained that nothing has happened, yet. They should take every day as a blessing when nothing happens, because it is another day they can use to prepare. Most people who read this article will do nothing. I don’t know why people wait until it’s too late. You have the information not only from Pastor Williams, but from many other sources. You know the US debt can no longer continue to spiral out of control. You have the ability to do what you can to protect yourself and your family. Your time to prepare is running out. Those relative few who have taken steps to protect themselves from what is about to happen are going to be glad they did when the dust settles.

To those who are still on the fence, please read through Pastor Williams’ website. Listen to his radio interviews; watch his DVDs and films some of which are freely available on YouTube. Follow the advice given in the free e-book ’10 Steps to Avoid the Crash’. All this help and advice is there to help you protect yourself.

Those of you who haven’t at least converted part of their investments from worthless paper assets into physical gold and silver – I have to ask why you are so hesitant? When the Global Currency Reset happens, it’s likely your investments will halve in value overnight Those who wait and do not take heed the warnings laid out by not only Pastor Williams but other highly respected individuals are taking a very big risk to their family’s health and wellbeing. Please take the warnings shared by a former Federal Reserve Chairman, a Billionaire, even the chairman of the IMF. The Global Currency Reset is real. Gold is more precious now than it ever was, you should now understand why Pastor Williams has repeated many times that Gold and Silver are the currency of the Elite. The collapse is coming, it is inevitable. Protect yourselves and your families. You have the tools, now use them. Stop procrastinating, start doing something however small, today!

If you do not know of a reputable company that can convert your paper assets into physical gold I personally recommend GoldCo who are an expert in converting your IRA and 401k into gold, silver and other precious metals. The process is relatively painless with only a few forms to complete, so great for those who have never bought gold or silver before. For Pastor Williams’ email list subscribers they will pay the first year dues for retirement accounts, which include all the setup fees, administration fees, storage fees and delivery of metals, saving over $500. They also have a 7 day delivery guarantee. This guarantee is invaluable when the Federal Reserve and COMEX are struggling to deliver. You can contact GoldCo toll free on 1-877-414-1385.

“Gold and silver are the currency of the Elite” – Pastor Lindsey Williams

“China is in big trouble!”… News just in before publishing of this newsletter from Pastor Williams, “In Mexico I just talked with a business person from the Philippines who frequents Hong Kong. They briefed me for about an hour about what is happening in China with banking trouble, real estate problems and an unhappy populous. The Chinese New Year (Our January 31st 2014) is very significant. Watch out – Anything could happen.”

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Update From Pastor Lindsey Williams – January 2014


    • singwin
    • February 10, 2014

    I believe Lindsey Williams is a good man, so are most readers here. That’s not the point. I am saying If should continue to trust his information.

    He told me the elites wanted to make 2012 the most event year but it truned out 2012 is just another year.

    He told me the dollar will be dead by 2012 but right now the dollar is still the reserve currency.

    He told me after 2012 a war will break out in middle east and it will spread all over the world.

    He told me gold will go up in proportion to the devaluation of dollar. In readlity, gold dropped and continue to drip after QEII.

    He told me, just in his latest DVD, I have to buy gold by Jan 2014. Today is Feb 2014 and I would still buy gold at cheap price.

    The last good call I could remember is in 2008 when he said the oil price will drop below %50.

      • Sam
      • February 10, 2014

      Really? If you click on my name you’ll see this huge list I just finished putting together of all the things Lindsey talked about since 2008 that all came true:

      * $50 a barrel oil
      * the arab spring
      * rent to the bankers
      * $2,000 gold (it didn’t quite make it to 2,000 when he said it would but came pretty close so I’m counting it)
      * north dakota oil boom
      * occupy wall street
      * rise of the muslim brotherhood
      * syrian civil war
      * iran provocations
      * debt limit suspension
      * tax hikes on the poor (remember the fiscal cliff?)

      There’s links to all the interviews where he made the claims and then the news articles that were published later proving him right, so there’s no question he knew before they happened.

      BTW after the timeline I get into an easy and novel strategy for using Lindsey’s “updates” to expose the globalists, in case anybody’s interested.

        • singwin
        • February 11, 2014

        Interesting post. I will study it carefully.

          • Travis
          • February 11, 2014

          I tend to agree with you, singwin. Lindsey hasn’t been particularly accurate in the past few years. And nothing has transpired to make me believe there will be a reset within the next three weeks. That said, currency crises do tend to happen suddenly.

    • Glen
    • February 10, 2014

    If you go to JSmineset today you will see an article written by Bill Holter which describes his experience at the latest Jim Sinclair Q and A conference. Exellent article. Mr Sinclair believes the Great Reset will occur in 2 to 3 years. He also says that gold and silver will go up this year, silver could even reach 49 dollars per oz he says. The dollar should go down in value at least 25% this year according to Mr Sinclair. The timing is different but Mr Sinclair’s message is not much different than Pastor Williams. And, this information is coming from Mr Gold so it adds to the message. Now, Jim Sinclair was wrong last year in his short term calls. Long term he is spot on.

      • Pratt
      • February 10, 2014

      U.S. to suspend pension, retirement funding: Lew The Next 24 Hours May Be Critical For The Debt Ceiling

      WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew told Congressional leaders Monday that he is taking two extraordinary measures to avoid hitting the debt limit. In a letter, Lew said he will suspend debt issuance for the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and not invest fully in the Government Securities Investment Fund of the Federal Employees’ Retirment System. Lew said that the actions were taken “during previous debt-limit impasses,” and that both funds “will be made whole once the debt limit is increased.” Federal retirees and employees will be unaffected by these actions, he said

      • singwin
      • February 10, 2014

      Bill Holter is a coin dealer. Every call about “gold will go up soon” was wrong for the last 2 years. Why is it so different this time?

    • Mark
    • February 10, 2014

    Looks like full implementation Obamacare is being delayed until 2016:

    Wonder if that changes when the banks are going to close?

      • __________
      • February 11, 2014

      Don’t believe anything these guys tell you about Obamacare being pushed off till 2016 or anything else. When they say they aren’t going to do something for a few years or they’ll be your friends then that is time to look out even more. It could be a few weeks or months later and we find out they lied to us (again).

      If reports are true that 30% or more people are unemployed and more and more people are on food stamps every day to get by.. then that means they are weakening enough people to accept whatever they propose when the next catastrophe happens. Could be huge earthquakes, war, natural disaster or some feigned false flag. I saw a recent headline stating the latest Trillion dollar bill is 80% going to food stamps. That tells me they are not satisfied with only 30% unemployment.

      Only thing I can truly rely on is Jesus, what the Bible says will happen and maybe some hints at what is coming from people like Lindsey and whistle blowers which seem to be fewer and fewer.

      Jesus is coming.. get ready.

    • Jerry
    • February 10, 2014

    I can’t believe all the people that think this reset is so great. It’s just a further move to a one world government with the elite controlling everything and leading to the mark of the beast.

      • Pratt
      • February 10, 2014

      Austrian bank going under, is this the start?

      • Glen
      • February 10, 2014

      If this reset happens we will all suffer. I hope Lindsay has been fed incorrect information. Yes, I would like my silver to go up in value. No, I don’t want the value of my pension to go down. The price is just too high for Americans to handle. I believe that a GCR is inevitable but I also believe we are better off if it happens a couple of years or more into the future. Oh, Jim Willie has a new public article out if you are interested where he discusses the devaluation of the dollar. He believe’s that we are in the process of this happening now.

    • Peter B
    • February 10, 2014

    I have said this before, but it needs to be remembered that from the outset Lindsey Williams qualified his remarks on the Global Currency Reset by saying ‘IF Christine Lagarde gets her way’… so I don’t think that talking of bad info is necessarily correct at this stage.

    That there is a major geopolitical transition in progress involving an evolution of the status of the dollar as the sole world’s reserve currency ought to be a secret for nobody. You don’t need to be a follower of LW to sense this. All you need to do is to read the official transcripts of Mme Lagarde’s speeches (e.g. National Press Club) or some official IMF research papers to see that their models predict something different from the present setup.

    The structural pressures within the current system are such that it is clearly unsustainable (just look at any of the graphs of monetary expansion since 2008, for example, or statistics regarding the enormous leveraging in international finance) and there are any number of experts saying this. Periodically there have been resets in the past, such as Bretton Woods in 1944 and its replacement by the petrodollar/fiat currency arrangement in the early 1970s following the blow-up of the London Gold Pool, Nixon’s exit from Bretton Woods and changes in power dynamics of global oil production. Saying that a reset is imminent isn’t crystal-ball gazing, just an application of the lessons of history. Many have compared the situation to the end of the 1960s, the major difference being that we now have the small matter of a $1 quadrillion market of derivatives removed from any underlying asset to deal with. If a society builds its financial structure around a market that many regard as delusional, then at some point sooner or later there will be consequences. These things simply cannot be rolled over ad infinitum without reality reasserting itself.

    • singwin
    • February 9, 2014

    If GCR is going to happen over weekend, only 3 weekends left before 4 March.
    15 Feb
    22 Feb
    1 March

    It’s time to prepare for the most important item, not food, not water, not buttets. It’s to realize that all you have been reading about dollar collapse is not going to happen. it’s the preparation to going back to “main stream”. There is a chance that “dollar collapse” is just an industry, with players who ae coin dealers or people looking for commercial, hit rate, subscription. I am not saying I am sure about that. I am not. I still have some little faith on LW. He made some good calls (and bad calls also). But if you google this topic (dollar being replaced), you will find articles published every year for the last 5 years. Those articles are very similar to every single one being quoted in this web site. I am not saying the dollar will never be replaced. Every person is going to die. But to say that someone is going to die next year is a totally different thing. The internet contains very little truth and a enormous amount of self-interest.

      • Mark
      • February 9, 2014

      Unless the US stops spending more than it takes in (unlikley), there is no question the dollar collapse is coming. Maybe not in March, but it’s coming and in the near future, and to not prepare for it would be just simply foolish. Every single fiat currency in human history has collapsed, as will the US dollar.

      And as I’ve said before, if Lindsey is wrong, it’s because they are feeding him disinfo or one of the Elite’s plans didn’ work out.

      Lindsey is a good man trying to help us, he’s only a messenger. Don’t blame him for any bad info.

        • singwin
        • February 10, 2014

        Japan has a debt-to-GPD ration over 250%, much worst than USA. the Yen is still here

          • Mark
          • February 13, 2014

          Ah, but how much longer? That kind of debt and US debt is not sustainable. It’s all going to break down at some point. And actually the longer the better, more time to get ready.

  1. Reply

    I am in agreement about the WHA. While I have found some of the info credible, there is the discerning side of me that says to listen, but don’t trust. They seem too excited about their big cash day, while telling people they are looking forward to this new level playing field. It seems too paradoxical.

      • singwin
      • February 9, 2014

      The comment by Adolf Hitler on Harvey Organ is very interesting. I’ve been saying don’t trust anyone say anything on the internet.

        • Pratt
        • February 9, 2014

        GCR is not just a claim by LW. IMF, World Bank and US govt policy have all been objectively working towards this end.
        NWO was fully intending to implement this by crashing the stock market, among other reasons. But seems they have shifted their tactics at the last moment. That does happen- as with Syria in Sept 2013. This is not LW’s fault.
        Lets continue to watch. We know they WILL eventually do the GCR, be grateful if we’ve gotten a few more months.

    • Creed
    • February 8, 2014

    Didn’t LW mention something that Bernanke planned before he was Fed chairman to prevent deflation? and he listed four things, the last tool the Fed has is devaluing the dollar, like Roosevelt did??? We have already accomplished the first three…
    I think i found it:
    Last paragraph under “Curing Deflation”:
    “Although a policy of intervening to affect the exchange value of the dollar is nowhere on the horizon today, it’s worth noting that there have been times when exchange rate policy has been an effective weapon against deflation. A striking example from U.S. history is Franklin Roosevelt’s 40 percent devaluation of the dollar against gold in 1933-34, enforced by a program of gold purchases and domestic money creation. The devaluation and the rapid increase in money supply it permitted ended the U.S. deflation remarkably quickly. Indeed, consumer price inflation in the United States, year on year, went from -10.3 percent in 1932 to -5.1 percent in 1933 to 3.4 percent in 1934.17 The economy grew strongly, and by the way, 1934 was one of the best years of the century for the stock market. If nothing else, the episode illustrates that monetary actions can have powerful effects on the economy, even when the nominal interest rate is at or near zero, as was the case at the time of Roosevelt’s devaluation.”

    • Ron
    • February 8, 2014

    Jim Willie is the one to focus on, new audio as of Feb 5. Linsey said watch China, Jim explains why. Jim also says get out of paper and buy gold. The reset is coming but it will be based on gold.

    The web bot or is a waste of your time. Noboby has threatened Jim Willie and he is talking, consider him your source until you hear Linsey tak again.

      • Peter B
      • February 8, 2014

      Am in broad agreement that Jim Willie is worth listening to and vastly preferable to (even if I felt it necessary to follow the latter until proven false, a little digging throws up too many red flags for it to be considered reliable). The jury is out for me as far as the intel offered by ‘White Hat Auxiliary’ is concerned.

      The brilliance of JW’s analyses ought to be self-evident – my only caution would be that he does indulge in a fair amount of speculation. This is perhaps inevitable given the subject-matter that he tackles. Take his recent theorizing as to the reasons behind the Chinese acquisition of the NYC building with JP Morgan’s gold vault; his fascinating argument that the relatively low price paid by the Chinese for the transaction indicates that the building was put up years ago as collateral definitely has a certain logic and internal coherence to it, but no conclusive proof. He exhibits the strengths and weaknesses of a lone ranger – on one hand an incredible force of conviction, but on the other a tendency towards rant (as came out in his recent Trunews interview, for example).

      My own sense is that JW is best read as part of a broader diet including a variety of voices such as Eric Sprott, Egon von Greyerz, John Hathaway, James Rickards. It is when convergences can be established between several sources that the reader stands the best chance of getting closer to the truth IMHO.

      1. Reply

        Peter B has well thought out comments imo.

        Don’t accept any one person as the end all of information. Look for good sources of information, test them over time. Hold on to the ones that have the best track records.

        Keep in mind there are a lot of powerful competing forces in the world. When they agree, things happen quicker. When they are arguing, things can stall out.

    • Peter B
    • February 6, 2014

    Interesting new exchanges over at including an extended statement from ‘White Hat Auxiliary’ which is worth reading (despite an irritated and somewhat superior tone which some readers may find off-putting or downright menacing). Yesterday Reuters produced a news release stating that 40 representatives and senators standing down before the US mid-term elections, which appears to corroborate at least some of what is being said over on the dinaresguru site. These exchanges need to be monitored attentively (though not uncritically): it can’t necessarily be assumed that everything in them is simply hot air and conspiracy theorizing.

    Plea to webmaster – can we get these comment threads into a place on the website where they can easily be read, as they are now embedded several clicks down. Thanks and keep up the good work!

      • Peter B
      • February 8, 2014

      Still trying to sort out truth (even if only residues of it) from disinformation on all this. Given what I’m seeing, there seems to be little doubt that anything marked ‘Tony (TNT)’ with regard to the Iraqi Dinar should be systematically ignored as this source has faced legal proceedings for fraud in the past. That he is able to spin out an extended narrative with many details may seem impressive at first, but is in all probability simply evidence of a certain skill at confabulation without which he could not have built up a large following.

      My question is this – take away the infamous ‘TNT Tony’ and what is left? Has he been piggy-backing on legitimate information coming through Lindsey Williams, Jim Willie and public IMF statements in order to keep his yarn about the Dinar going? Close, discerning monitoring needed here.

    • morningstar
    • February 6, 2014

    WOW watch the first video it is a private prediction from web bot. i know maybe it is tea leaves to some. but then watch the next two and see if this is not exactlly what Lindsey, jim willie and others are talking about Feb-Mar.

      • singwin
      • February 7, 2014

      I said I don’t trust permabulls and permabears. I don’t trust anyone without any track recors on the internet who claims to have insider information. But webbot is differnt. webbot has a perfect track record of being wrong all the time. I take it as a counter-information. Whatever web bot predicts something, 99% it is not going to happen. So it getting likely that GCR is just a made-up story.

    • Judy
    • February 5, 2014

    This has all been so planned, and manipulated, so that a few people could create a One World Currency..They started small, then went National, now heading towards world control. They “think” they are nearing the finish line.
    The whole damn world needs a reset.
    Then, maybe we could discuss all of the crap being put into our skies, which, if allowed to continue will cause an extinction level event in the near future…food for thought!

      • Wallingford
      • February 5, 2014

      the extinction level event has been in progress for 3 yrs now- its just that so few notice. FUKUSHIMA has poisoned the entire food chain and within a couple yrs the ever accumulating radiation will make the entire W coast UNIHABITABLE- from the Arctic to Peru. Salmon are YELLOW, seals are orange, lobster are being caught that are lavender and even corp media is reporting on “rivers of millions of star fish melting into goo” on W coast. 2012 already, Stanford U found EVERY tuna off Calif was radioactive. NOT ONE, was rad free. This is truly right out of Revelation; a global ticking bomb that can not be stopped. even global currency reset cant outdo that for scope.

        • Mark
        • February 6, 2014

        Stop spreading this alarmist BS, everybody here has enough to worry about with the world’s fiat economy in the condition it is in.

        Will there be more cancers around the world because of Fukushima? Yes

        Will everyone get cancer? No

        Will there be some increased mutations of animals? Yes

        Will life adapt and more on? Yes, see Chernobyl.

        Don’t get me wrong Fukushima is bad but an Extinction Level Event?!?!? Like the asteriod that killed the dinosaurs!?!? Get real, we’ve got enough to worry about.

          • Wallingford
          • February 6, 2014

          Get educated or keep quiet. IAEA ok’d dumping of ALL Fukushima radiation into the Pacific- which has been ongoing SINCE DAY 1. 400 tons of it a day, and they cant stop that since Fuku is built atop an underground reservoir. There are THREE fully melted corium cores in the earth (China Syndrome). BTW- Chernobyl- was LANDLOCKED and therefore its spread was finite and not into global oceans- Chernobly was only a quarter the size of the SMALLEST Fuku reactor. There are FOUR reactors in play in Japan nuke complex (some say 6).
          WHO, in a rare moment of half-truth just came out and admitted that cancers will rise worldwide by 70+ % in coming years. (But they tip toe around WHY).
          What I’ve quoted are some hard stats based off Japanese, French and other world nuclear experts/scholars. You want to say YOU know better than Ivy league scientists at STANFORD U? LOLOL I dont think so pal.
          If you cant take the truth, its not my fault. Then check out of reality. GCR, ObamaCare and other manmade policies can be reversed. Fukushima is in a class of its own. Do some research (NOT the NYT) before you go off on a tantrum.

          • Mark
          • February 7, 2014

          Look I said Fukushima was bad, but you were the one who called it an extinction level event, meaning like 70%-75% of life on earth would be wiped out. That’s just not true.

          Here’s some education for you:

          All I’m saying is don’t blow up problems bigger than they are, we have enough to worry about.

          • Mark
          • February 7, 2014

          Oh and I’d also like to point out it is Ivy League economists running our economy right now. What a fine job they are doing.

          • Wallingford
          • February 7, 2014

          Fukushima can NOT be stopped. ObamaCare, GCR, Debt Ceiling, PPT- all of these are human policies that could be (but probably wont be) refused as they are made by human decision. They theoretically could be reversed or rolled back.

          You’d rather have a mediocre govt intel op like wiki-weed vs Nobel Prize winners, molecular biologists etc tell you what you want to hear? Why not just go to the Nat Enquirer?

          Banks, Kings and currencies come and go. Only the land, air and sea are forever. Getting fundamental priorities straight is not fearmongering.
          Fukushima is far more crucial than any man-made crisis.

          Japan, as well as US experts expect current rates of rads to INCREASE cumulatively for minimum of 40 yrs- by that date? Yes this will be as close to an extinction level event as we’ve seen yet.

          • Creed
          • February 8, 2014

          Fukashima is definately worse than Chernobyl, a bigger meltdown and for a longer period of time. But according to a documentary produced by a secular Japanese group, “Chernobyl, the Taste of Wormwood”, the radiation reached as far as the east coast of the United States. Also, the radiation was worse wherever it rained (the rain knocking down the radiation) and it is estimated that millions will die from the cancer that Chernobyl radiation has caused.

    • Aurum
    • February 5, 2014

    There was an OP-ED in the New York Times yesterday titled:

    The IMF Needs a Reset

    They mainly discuss how the voting and the power structure of the IMF member states needs to be reset.

    • john
    • February 5, 2014

    Hey Lindsey is GCR till on track for MARCH 4TH or sooner??? Im hearing there pushing it back some even saying 2015 now? No word from you that things are still on schedule for 90 days. LET US KNOW.

    • Wallingford
    • February 4, 2014

    seems no more updates from lindsey on the GCR. too bad.

      • Peter B
      • February 5, 2014

      I could be wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some kind of gagging order at work here for the time being. In any case, something strange definitely seems to be going on more generally: this morning the blog dinaresguru to which I referred earlier was deleted completely. There were extremely detailed and concrete accusations against the insiders written in the course of the last few days on that blog… Basically the contention was that the revaluation of the Iraqi currency (and therefore the GCR, at least in part) had already occurred but was not being made public in order for the insiders to benefit from a completely different rate from the many members of the public who rightly or wrongly have acquired Iraqi dinars ahead of the purported revaluation. The claim is that the insiders have been allowed to make extremely profitable transactions by exchanging a currency (IQD) that is not yet legal in the US. This may naturally be false, but there appears to be a substantial community of people out there who are absolutely convinced that this is happening and that they have the evidence. Only time will tell…

      My question is why the blog has suddenly been deleted, and by whom?

        • Peter B
        • February 5, 2014
        Reply is now back in action. Take a look at the material over there: it’s difficult to judge how much of it is true, but it is so detailed that it has to be considered an important source regarding the Currency Reset/Revaluation, at least in the absence of further insider information coming through LW, Jim Willie, ‘White Hat Auxiliary’ or others.

        For example, the first post reads:

        “Mort: my int lawyeer just said that the few countries that already did rv was the 1st basket-so he said the dinar-dong- and the zimbabwe will be among the others coming out next in the 2nd basket-”

        This is predicated on the notion that the GCR is already happening gradually.

        Then read through the ‘TNT Forum’ notes for today; if what is being alleged here has any basis whatever in fact, we have the makings of a Major Political Scandal on our hands…

          • Wallingford
          • February 5, 2014

          can people cash Iraqi dinar notes from Saddam’s time?

      • Glen
      • February 6, 2014

      Pastor Williams was very specific about his prediction of a GCR before March 4, 2014. It hasn’t happened yet so what can he say? He is very busy now in Mexico doing radio interviews promoting a hospital. I am sure that when he has time and has some new info to share he will do so. Until then? Wait.

    • Occasnl Trvlr
    • February 4, 2014

    Looking at these comments, only Wallingford mentions Ms. Perry’s performance.

    Isn’t this blatantly obvious? They are telling us, SHOUTING at us, THIS IS the year of the dark horse.

    “A day’s wages for a loaf of bread,” or somesuch, followed by pestilence.

    On like DONKEY KONG by next lunar new year. Don’t you think so?

  2. Reply

    Bitcoin Magazine asked me to write this article which relates to what we are following on here for anyone interested:

    It’s about a possible new asset backed cryptocurrency.

    • Peter B
    • February 4, 2014

    Latest from Christine Lagarde: text of the Dimbleby Lecture ‘A new multilateralism for the 21st century’ –
    Quite stimulating reading – no specific mention of a reset here, but a sustained argument in favour of globalization of the international monetary system. In Mme Lagarde’s reading, this multilateralism

    ‘also requires collective responsibility for managing an international monetary system that has traveled light years since the old Bretton Woods system. The collective responsibility would translate into all monetary institutions cooperating closely—mindful of the potential impact of their policies on others.

    In turn, that means we need a financial system for the 21st century. What do I mean by that?

    I mean a financial system that serves the productive economy rather than its own purposes, where jurisdictions only seek their own advantage provided that the greater global good prevails and with a regulatory structure that is global in reach. I mean financial oversight that is effective in clamping down on excess while making sure that credit gets to where it is most needed. I also mean a financial structure in which industry takes co-responsibility for the integrity of the system as a whole, where culture is taken as seriously as capital, and where the ethos is to serve rather than rule the real economy.’

    Reading between the lines here, the key point in relation to the notion of a Global Currency Reset is her clear advocacy of a ‘regulatory structure that is global in reach’. Up to the reader whether this should be interpreted at face value or whether it should be viewed as indicative of a power struggle between the IMF on one hand and national governments on the other.

    • Peter B
    • February 4, 2014

    While I am extremely sceptical about the claims being made by the Iraqi Dinar revaluation community, there is some interesting intelligence just emerging right now at
    The claim that is being made over there is that the Reset (which they are of course hoping will make them rich overnight) is being held up by the American Congress out of a reluctance to give up the US dominant voting position on the IMF. Plausible?

    • michael
    • February 1, 2014

    China’s currency to overtake U.S. dollar?

    • HolyWarrior
    • January 31, 2014

    Where did you hear of this info, Wallingford?

    • Wallingford
    • January 31, 2014

    So it bought more time, and more debt? Heard rumblings they’ll take gold down to around 1084. by years end.

    • Wallingford
    • January 31, 2014

    Did the China Trust bank that was going to default on 1/31 actually do so? Has been little on the subject today. Was supposed to be a game changer.

      • Peter B
      • January 31, 2014

      See the comments above – the default was averted by a deal struck on Monday, but the structural problems regarding China’s ‘shadow banking’ system remain, as even JP Morgan are now admitting:

      • singwin
      • January 31, 2014

      I would not trust anything Gordon Chang writes about China. He is a permabear. He once predicted the Chinese government will be over-thrown by 2013, which did not happen ofcourse.

      Similarly, I would not trust what KingWorldNews writes about the metals. They are permabull.

      Today is 1 Feb already and nothing bad happend in China.

      Today the 10 years T-bill is 2.65 and it’s trend is goning down. We are in a classical deflationary situation where money rush to US Treasury for safty.

      I have a feeling that GCR will not happen by 21 Feb (3 months from LW’s first announcement).

      It could be the elites did not have their way.

      It could be the whole GCR is a piece of dis-information.

        • Peter B
        • February 1, 2014

        Of course needs to be read and listened to critically, like anything (including this site).

        It is certainly true that it is sponsored by mining companies, that it has a defined editorial line and that KWN headlines sometimes tend towards sensationalism.

        HOWEVER, what carries weight in an evaluation of KWN content is the sheer number of interviewees with proven track records either in investment or government who are able to support their arguments with hard evidence, charts, analysis, COMEX inventory statistics etc. Figures such as David Stockman, Paul Craig Roberts, James Rickards and Eric Sprott are heavyweights in a completely different category from even a Jim Willie (who is undoubtedly an extremely creative thinker with flashes of brilliance but whose analysis contains a large dose of speculation).

        In addition, the exposure by KWN interviewees of the technical details of high-frequency/algorithmic trading – only visible to people who follow graphs on an hour-to-hour basis – and its role in the manipulation of the precious metals markets is an invaluable public service. The action that is in progress on the part of the German regulators BaFin against the banks makes it clear that we are not merely dealing with a conspiracy theory here. All indications are that BaFin’s findings are already corroborating what folks such as Andrew Maguire, GATA or Dimitri Speck have been saying for years through many channels besides King World News.

        1. Great thoughts Peter B.

          All media sources have some credible news, some speculation, and some I am sure put out disinformation. It’s good to read a wide variety of sources understanding any bias they come from.

          That is what I try to do on my blogsite. I’ll offer this thought for what its worth on timing. Some research I have done for my blog leads me to believe that there is a plan in mind to undergo a reset. And there may even be some kind of timetable.

          But I think there are competing interests in the world that are negotiating trying to see if change can be done on a cooperative basis through the IMF for example. But since this would involve the US bankers giving up power (the dollar loses reserve status), there are problems getting everyone on board. This jives with a recent comment here that Mr. Williams heard that LaGarde was unhappy at how some things were unfolding. Keep in mind the US Congress refused to agree to more power at the IMF for the BRIC bloc.

          Until and unless these powerful competing entities (the old guard US FED and IMF vs. the new BRIC led coalition) can reach agreement, things may be delayed.
          Also, politicians will want to be involved and that adds complications. If they can’t all get on the same page, things could break down and they might starting fighting with each other (intensified currency war like we just saw this past week).

          Of course a sudden major crisis could trigger the change and that is always possible too.

          So my research indicates all these factors could impact the timing of a reset and also how it actually unfolds. That is why I am following it on my blog site and archiving what I think are key pieces to this puzzle over time. To have a base of solid information available for people who care about all this. I am going to follow this to conclusion on the blog no matter how long it takes (unless Google shuts down Blogspot:)

        • Limo
        • February 2, 2014

        I agree with you. Permabulls and permabears are hazardous to your wealth. The best thing is to hedge your position. The market right now is signalling signs of deflation.

        • singwin
        • February 2, 2014

        One mis-understanding that I always hear from the gold bulls is their claim that the Chinese government encourage it’s citizens to buy gold. That’s not true. I am a Chinese living in Hong Kong and I work with people living in Shanghai and Shenzen and we have never been encouraged by the government to buy gold. Chinese buy gold mainly for wedding purpose. gold as an investment is a minority game. People are obessed with real estate, both in HK and China. There are lots of mainland Chinese comming to HK to buy gold and I guess the reason is they have so much money and nowhere to spend.

          • Limo
          • February 3, 2014

          I agree, I have family in Asia and they’re more interested in real estatet. Real estate is mainstream thinking, not gold. Until we see mainstream participation, I highly doubt gold will rise. The graph of gold right now looks like it’s being prepared to be smashed again, and the USD is rising.


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