Pastor Lindsey Williams sent me an excerpt from an email he received today relating to a potential Catastrophic Currency Crash in 2013…
Well–something that you were informed about a year and a half ago has just bled out in a tiny corner of a major media outlet today—Bloomberg Television.
A Bloomberg anchor at the Jackson Hole Conference interviewed a prolific book author and “High Academia” Ivy League professor. The following is the gist of the interview.
The discussion noted that emerging countries’ initial concern and policies have been oriented toward the problem of an appreciating currency. (This would make their produced and exported assets more expensive and less competitive). Yet the interviewer noted that emerging market “currencies are plunging by the day”. (This is the result of the Trade War and the currency implications you were alerted to by Chaplain Williams well over a year ago). The professor when asked “How ugly this could get?”, responded “This could get very ugly”. The professor explained that emerging market countries had experienced a “capital flow bonanza lasting for several years—the golden boom years”. The professor continued by citing studies that indicated that after such dynamics— “…the probability of a banking crisis, the probability of a CURRENCY CRASH, the probability of a default, all increases afterwards”.
The GDP per capita in PPP of the year 2011. It is from Worldbank, CIA and IMF Data. Courtesy of Wikipedia
As if to emphasize this concept, Brazil Thursday announced a $60 billion intervention in their currency. And two days prior, India’s currency plunged to a record low despite their central bank’s attempt to support it. Indonesia's rupiah fell to a four-year low and the Malaysian Ringgit slid to its weakest in more than three years. Mexico and other Latin American countries’ currencies hit various lows last week as well. (There is some background information on currency and trade that follows below).
What is instructive about the various currencies plunging in value is the “deflationary” performance (loss of value) of most assets in 2013. Depreciating in value this year are corporate bonds, municipal bonds, U.S. Treasury Bonds, gold, silver, copper, coffee, wheat, lumber and natural gas. Emerging countries stock markets have felt the brunt of such deflationary values by declining over 14% in 2013 (based on the “EEM” ETF). The U.S. S&P 500 Index is down slightly since the advent of “tapering talk”.
This is a warning of what may happen around the world in the near future. For those who listen to Pastor Williams' message, the time to prepare is upon us all. His new DVD set will be ready shortly featuring a top Wall Street insider who will explain in detail what may be vital for the welfare and even survival of those who listen. This message goes out to everyone in all countries across the globe… PLEASE PREPARE NOW!
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
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“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
I’ve been helping some other mommy friends of mine get their gardens started this fall. They’ve never done this before, but I pray our efforts will bless their homes. Fresh root vegetables and greens are better than nothing and will help supplement their canned goods should the worst happen.
We have a water filter but need rain barrels. Does anyone have suggestions on good barrels or collection systems to purchase or make?
Sounds nice Kim, but you sound American so you probably have a nice size garden.
In the UK, most people live in shoebox homes with tiny patches of rubbish land. The rich own the land over here. You guys get everything better over in the USA … well, you did before Obama arose and this final sprint to the finishing line happened. Now I wouldn’t want to live in the USA for all the tea in China! I feel for you Kim, I hope you can get out some how.
Oh and one more very important cheap thing to save… as mentioned by others… SEEDS! They will save you. Each seed will produce many times it’s self. SEEDS!
To plant…. where? In the UK most people don’t have land, unlike plenty of Americans. Land here is very expensive and the island is tiny and over populated, which not much land to buy.
Seeds?! How many carrots does it take to feed a whole family for 6 months or more. Quite a few. How long do carrots take to grow?
Seeds ain’t gonna save anybody except bartering, which surely silver and gold is better for?
I admire the spirit behind the idea of seeds, (not personally moaning at you HolyWarrior I loved your list!) but seeds is one of those things that suggest somehow we’re all gonna “rebuild and thrive” – do you think the NWO will let you have a food patch?? Right now in the USA people are getting in trouble with the law for having gardens – we ain’t seen nothin yet.
Day will come when your neighbour in your NWO complex will phone the police to tell them that you are growing carrots. Then you get 3 years inside as an example to others.
Bless you for your list early, HolyWarrior, but seeds can only be a currency I guess so maybe there’s some value there but not for planting, not for the average man and woman in the UK who has no land, a tiny garden and 3-4 mouths to feed with those carrots.
Hello Ann,
My whole concern is this…
how many people are actually gonna have jobs? I mean, if the only thing that people will be able to buy is food, that means no buying of anything else. Therefore, there won’t be any need for UPS/FEDEX drivers because no one will be ordering. No need for manufacturing laborers because no one will be buying. No need for fast food like McDonald’s/Burger King or any other restaurants because it will be cheaper to buy basic food items on our own. No need for car salesmen or realtors because obviously big ticket items will be off limits. No need for Best Buy or any other electronics store employees… no one will be buying.
The way I see it, the only people that will be gainfully employed will be grocery stores and farmers.
So, it really depends on how bad this collapse will be to know who will be employed. If it’s really bad – you probably won’t be employed… better save food! If it’s just bad – you might be employed (maybe with reduced hours)but your dollar won’t buy much. So will you have a job? THIS IS THE BIG QUESTION THAT NO ONE CAN ANSWER AT THIS POINT.
Will there be any type of unemployment benefits? Welfare system? If the economy collapses – maybe not. Or at a reduced amount which could result in barely anything to live on.
You have to take this time and seriously prepare. Only you can protect your family. You do not want to rely on the government and it’s food lines or FEMA Camps (in the U.S.). There will be many deaths for the unprepared. Don’t be one of them. Even saving the cheapest spagetti/rice/macaroni/beans in bulk will help. A little saved food will go a long way if used sparingly.
But do not stress out at this point. It helps nothing. You still have time.
Look… ain’t trying to moan but am I just a little angry over all this? YES! This is such a rubbish situation we are all in.
I’m not doing that “poor me” thing, it’s actuallu “poor us”. I feel bad for me AND you AND our loved ones.
I get gallows humour sometimes when I think “can’t wait, let it all blow” and then it reverts back to “wow this is serious this has ruined all my plans and other people’s too”.
It ain’t all about me, it’s about us.
It’s a really rubbish time to be living. Not that I want to die, I mean I wish I was born into a different time.
I’m gonna have to take what I can get and keep a girlfriend happy who wants to make plans by just stalling her until this crash comes and I can finally see where I am, what I can do, where I can go etc. Will there be any jobs for us on the other side of this crash? Homes? Futures? The way LW is speaking, then there’s a chance the answer is no.
I’m newer than you obviously to this whole doomsday thing, so please forgive me, and I’m not running round pulling my hair out. Limo, you are probably a successful, strong, prepared person who has his/her house in order and doesn’t have the worries I do at this point in life. You have your problems and I have mine. I have to sit and wait to see if I am alive and have a future after the dust settles, then make some plans which will no doubt be the best of a very very bad situation – nothing to really look forward to. Will I be on food stamps and in a council flat in some inner city slum 10 years from now in this brave new world? Is that all I have to look forward to now? If so, shoot me now, please.
I ain’t playing Mr Moaner, I just have no direction now and people are pressuring me on all side as to what we I do next with my life while they don’t believe in all this “collapse nonsense”. So I have them to worry about too as well as myself.
I wish this wasn’t happening. Meanwhile, here’s this guy called LW who is telling us this thing is going down whether we like it or not. It ain’t a stock market crash, it’s a “man on the street” crash involving food and money problems. And he seems to say it’ll happen quick and take everyone by surprise unless informed. This really is gonna be bunker time. Thing is, 99% have no bunkers, like me.
So I’m sorry if I come across blunt, or moaning, or stupid, or useless, or whatever. I’m not scared, I’m deeply concerned and taking it very seriously.
Like Ann said, right now food is going up, state help is going down. People are choosing between food and heating bills. And it’s barely begun!
I don’t wanna be philosophical about it all, I want it over so I can see what’s gonna happen next with my life… or at least I’d like LW to just give us this date/timeframe/sign ASAP (with all due respect to LW – he is a great man) so I can stop thinking “when when when”.
Just need direction and I need this collapse over with so I can get that direction.
I stil think I may not live through this, considering where I am in the world, my environment and my lack of resources.
LMAO sorry HolyWarrior I hit the wrong reply button, meant to reply to Limo!!
August 31, 2013
Oh, and one final thing Limo and others: if you’re American and you’re smart, you have guns and some will be hidden no doubt. In the UK, they are mainly illegal. Also, self defence is generally illegal in the UK and defending you home is mainly illegal. If an armed man broke in, and you hit him with a bat, you get done in the court if you hurt him.
Basically, in the UK, if a man was raping your wife in front of your kids, you have to make him a cup of tea and biscuits while he is doing it, else he can sue you for lack of hospitality. Extreme thing to say, but it ain’t far off the truth.
We have been taught to just call the police, never fight back, never defend, cower in fear. Most most you can carry a personal alarm. I mean, even cheap pepper spray is illegal over here and considered a firearm so you can go to prison for it. Seriously!! It’s a joke. Defence and weapons and even punching a robver are frowned upon in UK law.
I think most rapists take milk, two sugars and prefer Custard Cream biscuits – just a heads up there for your prep list all you Brits for when the looting, murders and rapes start.
Don’t swing a punch whatever you do, else you’ll get 6 months inside for bodily harm.
This, too, is another stress for us. How on earth we will defend against the mob? It’s a joke. Brits are disarmed!! The law says don’t defend yourself!! We’re screwed.
September 2, 2013
You should relocate to a country where you can defend yourself and your family. Do it B4 the SHTF.
It is apparent that you have worked yourself into such a lather that you are unable to think clearly. Don’t worry, those of us who are awake will have gone through exactly what you are going through now.
We are all facing a time of reckoning and for those who are awake and have been given the greatest gift – the gift of foresight. How often does that ever happen in a lifetime? And the great news is that there is still time left for choices to be made – unlike for those who will be left with none when the time comes.
What you are not seeing, Johnny, is that your circumstance provides you with an advantage, not disadvantage. You are obviously a strong healthy, and intelligent young man. You do not have the constraints of material anchors that keep you from broadening your options nor do you have immediate responsibility for others (like children, etc.). Many are mentally unable to make a shift or through circumstance unable to explore other solutions and have only the option of stocking up and barricading themselves in.
Why not consider selling what little “stuff” you have and moving to maybe one of the small island communities say, off the coast of Scotland for instance? The community spirit is high as are levels of trust. They are also relatively self sufficient, and don’t rely heavily on just-in-time supply chains. And these communities are always in need of a young strong pair of hands – so its certain you wont be sitting idle. This option will also allow for the possibility planning for your future with your partner. If she isn’t sold on the idea right now, or still skeptical about what is coming, go ahead yourself and set up a life for you both right now, and buy her an open travel ticket so she can join you when the time comes. Of course, I am not suggesting that difficult economic times won’t impact these places, but at least there is a greater chance of surviving the dangers you might otherwise face in an urban environment – you may even thrive.
Johnny, please don’t throw away the opportunity that you (and anybody who is reading this post) has been given. Being forewarned is being forearmed. Sitting there and waiting this to smack you in the face isn’t going to help you or your partner. Shed the panic and get on with what you need to do.
If we have to rebuild a collapsed economy and nation there will be more jobs than you can ever imagine.
America will close it’s borders (for a few decades)and rise again like a phoenix after we shed the insanity and the people/institutions who helped engineer it.
I have to agree with you. I’m sure Limo meant well, but singing birds and rising suns do not help us when we run out of food and water or there is a mob outside the door, or the FEMA camps are filling up, or the NWO takes your house when you can’t pay the council tax etc.
Frankly I am amazed at the… what’s the word? Apathy? No… something like “lacklustre”… of the comments on this site considering what is coming. Am I the only one who finds LW’s words scary? When LW says this currency crash will be the biggest thing since God put Adam on the earth, that your children will be crying from hunger, that you will be “begging” for a new currency to feed yourself, that you won’t be able to afford food on the store shelves, that you need ammo and weapons and to get away from urban areas etc… I mean, doesn’t this worry anyone else? Ok, some people on here are concerned, but there’s a lot of this attitude of “it’ll be ok” and “keep perspective” and “the birds will still sing” stuff, and so I start to question my sanity and wonder if I have misheard LW all along… maybe this won’t be bad, maybe the currency and global crash will just be a fun adventure? Am I going mad here? Isn’t anyone else worried about the murders, the rapes, the suicides, the government/military/police, the starvation, the poverty, the fighting you may have to do with your neighbours etc etc when it all hits the fan???!??!?
Have I got this all wrong? Is this all a big build up for nothing really?
I’m not trying to be off key or nasty, but I think I’d feel better if people were sounding a bit more alarmed and worried, frankly.
The birds may well be singing the morning after, but you won’t!!
“The birds may well be singing the morning after, but you won’t!!”
Thanks for the wise prediction. 😉 Well I got worried a long, long time ago and started to prepare way back then. Complaining (on this board, or wherever) now won’t solve anything. People need to realise, the only thing that will help you, is by taking positive action for yourself. Lindsey has the said the purpose of telling you is so that you can prepare and thrive, and not to live in fear or worry (he has also said what I mentioned previously, the birds will be singing the day after. :))
Seeing all this doom and gloom mentality, let’s put things into perspective here. The day *before the crash*, the sun will rise, the birds will sing, the buildings will stand, you will be alive. The day *after* the crash, the sun will rise, the birds will sing, the buildings will stand, you will still be alive. It’s only the phony corrupted system comprising of nothing but computer digits posing as phoney wealth that will collapse. This is a BLESSING for those who prepare, you will be able to buy things for dirt cheap! The debt has to be purged for the benefit of future generations. Like Lindsey said not everyone stood in a soup line during the depression. Those who prepared made out ahead. The world will still be spinning, the world will not be ending.
We are given one life to live by the Lord- to serve Him and to glorify and praise Him. I know it can be a little nerve wracking to think of the things to come,but the Lord said in Matt 6:34- Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
This is hard to practice- I know and so does God. I have felt this way for about 25 years since the Holy Sprit helped me realize that the return of the Lord is near- even at the door.
But know this, we should continue on the path in life that we feel called to by the Lord. Be it career, marriage, money or faith.
John, place your faith and trust in Him.
We should prepare as best as each of us can. I am doing the same for me, my wife and 4 soon to be 5 children, but also realize that the Lord will
be the one who really provides. After all- HE OWNS EVERYTHING!
See, while things are going to get worse in the world economically, politically and in the natural, God is about to pour out His spirit in ways we have not seen to help those who are faithful and humble themselves
before Him.
I am talking about real miracles, healing and providing for His people to display His awesome love and glory so that we may be witnesses to others
during this time of trouble.
Do not let the things to come stop you from marriage!
Embrace your girlfriend and go through this TOGETHER with the grace of the
People are going to have to get back to the basics and realize they have to start with what they have and build from there with the help of the Lord.
My wife and I were broke when we got married 9 years ago, but God has always provided!
Marriage in the time to come will be simply the part about making bond in the presence of the Lord. Not the outfits, the flowers, presence of rings, food etc.
Just the commitment before God that you will love each other and that with the help of the Lord, your union should endure!
“Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish.” Psalms 146:3-4 ESV
It was just laid on my heart to share this with everyone. What is going to happen, “is going to happen”. Keep your eyes upon Jesus, listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance, and don’t get caught up in the fear, regardless of what will unfold in the next two years. As LW always repeats, “Get your spiritual house in order.”
Matthew, the best thing you can do is limit your expenses and buy the essentials for living now before the prices go even higher. Buy things that do not have a short shelf life. And of course maybe canned food for future use.
Hi Insider,
I do agree with several of your comments above concerning the elite and the fact that one would be crazy if they actually looked forward to a complete collapse.
You seem very knowledgeable- do you have any other advice or insight that you could share on how the transition may occur and the duration of it.
Do you see ways to make a living during it? After all, many people made money during the Great Depression on new products, services etc?
I’m glad that you understand my comments and mean well. You see, most people either go to far or to close, they have problem keeping balanced thoughts.
I wont deny that we are living in a period of transition, in which humanity and civilization has finally reached the cap and must decide how to move forward as a species. But wars and self interest hinders us from moving to the next step, and most think the next step is that we will somehow be in a prison camp serving a banker or AKA “elite” (I mean, who are the elite going to sell products or lend too?”
Most have it all wrong and I wont say they are saints. But you see, we tend never to look at the other side of the equation, we tend only to see things in our point of view and consider everything evil what we don’t comprehend.
The chaplain himself has never mentioned that the world will be choatic and that modern civilization will just vaporize into thin air. As humans we are all responsible in making sure that never happens. For some wierd reason, people want to live like in those movies and books such as “The Road”, “The Book of Eli” “One Second After”. I would be extremely disappointed if that is what your are wishing for to happen, just imagine you having to bury your child for lack of medical treatment…Something to really meditate.
All i know Architect, is that we are coming close to some hard times ahead and a period of transition for humanity. ( I will go religious here for a sec) Until God decides to intervene on behalf of humanity, it is our duty to look out for our species and make sure every soul has an opportunity in life. Lets not forget the the “bible” also states that “The Authorities have been put in place by god and we have an obligation to respect them”
Unfortunately we cant to announce “New global currency” as countries such as russia, syria, iran, north korea and other countries reject the idea, have no respect for human life and no goals in contributing to the prosperity of mankind.
What i can say is this, either the transition goes smoothly, or the transition fails and we are in serious problem as a civilization. If the transition fails, we will have systemic problems in our process and things will start falling apart rapidly. And god help us after that. Especially if we loose CDC.
“The Authorities have been put in place by god and we have an obligation to respect them”
This was written most assuredly by the authorities not God or his disciples.
The main lesson ‘Wall Street Insider’ will learn is
among these so called ‘elites’ “There is no honor among thieves”….Prepare to be sold out (for less than 30 pieces of silver) when you are no longer useful to the remaining power structure.
I have been searching for a long time for a point of view that would help me clarify my taught and I have found it in your words.
Needles to say I thank you for that and I will appreciate your wisdom regarding these questions.
Will the possession of precious metals outside of the financial system in a segregated form be respected when the transition happens or is holding them in your personal possession your only choice?
Is there a time frame for the transition period is things go smoothly?
The only means of protecting from a currency crash is to have in your possession several months tangibles such as survival foodstuff, seeds, barter items plus gold and silver coins easily exchanged as they have eternal monetary value while paper currency is only confetti in a currency crash.
The emphasis must be on having reasonable protection in advance of such a likely event.
One other thing to note is that there is no such thing as a Wall Street Insider, there is however the law of consequences which are especially bad as a result of Wall Streets actions and I believe Pastor Williams and all of us that listen are conscious of this and want to be prepared.
As for Johnny, you are blessed with youth. There is nothing to be depressed about, most young people do not have a clue what their career should be. Choose one or get whatever work you can, get married, have children and just in case grow some fruit and vegetables, learn DIY, go to church and see what life brings as that is the adventure that lies ahead when you are young.
Let me start by saying that I understand for the few who are going through economic problems. As earth population grows out of control and on the other hand technology is contributing to automation, this is the result = you will have millions of people who have nothing to contribute or do. Which equals to chaos.
You see, we tend to blame the elites for lending money to your governments so that your government can use it to subsidize most of your daily living or politicize money that is not theirs. The Governments borrowed money from private people such as your self and has mismanaged it, and it is unfair for us all to blame the “Elites” on this.
Should we blame the elites for finding oil?
Should we blame the elites for researching on ways to save people? Such as nano-technology that will attack and kill cancer cells?
Should we blame the elites for searching for ways to feed people world wide at a lower cost? GMO was not designed to purposely harm you, it was designed to keep low cost while we find solutions on how to bring food to your table while humanity is growing out of control with no work available to them.
Is it our fault you decided to go to collage and study art? instead of studying something can contribute to humanity?
Is it the elites fault that poor family decide to have 4-5 kids without the means to provide? and your government borrows money from us to give to them?
Is it the elites fault that Detroit politicians borrowed money to give to unions knowing they could not afford it?
Most of you are stuck on someone else equation & cannot see the other side because you chose to listen or put your complete faith in someones point of view. I suggest that you wake up & start putting the pieces of puzzle together.
The elite offer monetary solutions because they are in the business of making money, We don’t care what your representatives do with it, such as public assistance or higher wages to gov employees and benefits.
We are not here to enslave humanity, but we are here to save it from itself. All those who appose to save our civilization from complete collapse have no idea what your asking. I hope none of you have kids to feed during the transition, especially for those who rely on simple medicine like insulin and heart pressure. As most of you no it deep in your hearts you don’t want the complete collapse of civilization.
For those who are depressed and stuck on hiding in your basement, I urge you to lift your head and stay positive, depression is no good for the heart and clouds your vision. Keep a simple life, and buy only the essentials. Work is tough and so is life, but be happy that with the little that you have your still able to provide. Simplify your life, do things that keep you happy, find ways to contribute for the greater good of humanity, we can all change and find a solution.
All I can say is that the elites are doing all those things for their own satisfaction – based on their greed. The elites did not do that for us – the ordinary people. It’s never for us. We are their slaves. God saves us from this world’s slavery. Thank you Jesus.
If you are trying to teach us conscience, Lindsey can do a better job. If you are trying to justify on behalf of the Elite, best take your comment else where. The Elites have done enough damage in the planet to the point of extinction all in pursuit of profit, power and control.
And you, Wall Street Adviser, don’t even get we the, people, mankind, started. You are not a wall street adviser and you don’t know the plans of the criminal elite. You almost had us fooled. Nice try though!
The Elite have had control of the education, media, currency, corporate, and government system for decades if not longer. Many, especially younger people never had a chance. The system was too far gone before they were even born. Don’t try and pass off the blame on the innocent, the blame lies with those who are and have been pulling the strings.
These are people who are willing to murder thousands if not millions to achieve their goals. (See Iraq, Afghanistan, and probably Syria for recent examples.) Look at the depopulation plans. Look at how the treat innocent children within your order now. Look at how they treat lower ranking members of the order. Don’t think that when your leaders get at they want, they are suddenly stop being evil. They feed on the abuse and misery of others. One day if all of us are gone, they will turn their wrath on you. They need to be stopped.
We can’t have a currency crash. Our currency is the dollar a piece of paper worth nothing, today how can it be worth less. Once the dollar was redeemable in silver or gold but no more the dollar is redeemable in nickel copper things.
Article 1 Section 10 paragraph 1 No State shall make anything but silver and gold coin a tender in payment of debts.
We don’t even obey our Constitution.
We are a nation that no longer obeys or allows God’s 10 Commandments to be shared in the Public schools… and the 10 Commandments have been removed from most ‘churches’ now as well. *This is disturbing.
Its interesting that since we (the USA) as nation no longer recognize God’s commandments/law as necessary in the public places, our elected leaders no longer recognize our nation’s law/Constitution and Bill of Rights. *If our government & President DID recognize the Constitution & Bill of Rights, then there would be no need for the dozens of unconstitutional Executive Orders, NDAA, etc.
“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord [is], there [is] liberty.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 (King James Version).
I know it’s easy to say but just prepare the best you can with food. It’s the main resource you will need. Then just go with the flow on the rest. You are informed and knowledgable compared to the 90% sheeple of the world.
Relax. Worrying will get you absolutely nowhere fast.
Thanks Lindsey Williams for your great information.
I am from India, right now there is a currency rout happening here. Indian currency crash is biggest in 20 years. Your advise greatly help me. I was telling this to many people for past 2 years, but they were laughing at me, but good thing is now they started listening to me.
Once again thank Pastor the great advice.
Thanks for your advice, but the article said a potential currency crash in “2013” so if it doesn’t happen quite this year surely that means next year at latest?? A year ago the elites told Lindsey he had nothing to worry about for around 1.5 years right? Ok so I don’t believe it will be 2013 really, but 2014 (maybe early-mid) I do believe. Just waiting for this DVD update.
As for getting depressed, I admire your spirit, but this thing is gonna be so huge that it’s totally ruined me because I do not have much, but with what I have I was trying to build a little life. Now we can’t, because this is looming. Me and my girlfriend are not getting any younger and it’s time to maybe marry soon and think about kids and a mortgage and stuff. We’ve waited years to finally get a little ahead. Now it’s all wrecked. I’m telling her this is not the time to get a house etc but she is annoyed and so am I. We are living in a very bad routine at the moment and we need stability and a plan to move forward. I can’t give her such a plan anymore because we do not know when this thing will blow and how bad it will be. So it gets me depressed.
I’m about to quit my job hopefully end of year/beginning of 2014 for a last chance change of career before I’m too old (that’s depressing even typing that!). But jobs are scarce now, especially where we’d like to settle. So this is now potentially all just a dream. And on and on. It’s all wrecked.
I mean listen to us: we’re talking about baseball bats, food, gold and seeds. That IS depressing. These thing we’re gonna need right? That means the situation must be awful. I never thought I would grow up as a kid into such a situation. I thought adults got jobs, got married, started families and had a house each. The American and UK dream pretty much. Now everyone is stocking up on dry food and weapons. That really isn’t fun when all is said and done.
Yes I’m keeping a “gallows humour” slant on all this – hence me “I’m looking forward to the crash” stuff I sometimes go along with. But then in the dark of night I think about this and realise this really is gonna be bad for me and my loved ones and has totally ruined all our plans. That’s why I’m depressed.
I have pressue on all sides now. My dad doesn’t believe anything is wrong because he reads newspapers who say Britain is gonna boom now. He keeps on at me “get on the property ladder” every week. He thinks I’m wasting my life. He won’t listen. My girlfriend is depressed as she hates her job and location and needs to move away and start over to be happy again. I keep promising “we will” but keep stalling for time which leads to arguments. I’m stalling because I have NO idea what to do!! No idea where this is gonna! And it’s obviously gonna be “soon” by some measure, so I’m stuck. We’re a very unhappy couple because of our living circumstances and jobs etc and this is stopping us getting things together.
Even if we rented a place together (after marrying) there’s still no real jobs out there to support a family anymore. So we would have to partially claim benefits from the government whilst working low paid jobs… and that’s our ticket into the NWO right there.
personally, I would rent, if u/we have to rely on the government then so be it–we don’t pay are national insurance contributions for nothing-people are entitled to claim so long as its not fraudulent.
the gov has new help to buy scheme but it is only available on new properties lol -new properties are always/generally more expensive than 2nd or 3rd hand homes in good condition -so all this will do is stoke prices higher!! this is will cause inflationary house prices since the govnt is not building affordable homes and this house price bubble will burst-it is so obvious-this is to aid the banks-we the public tax payers are underwriting this scheme!!
wish I knew how to make money as an entrepreneur unfortunately I don’t so what to do but UNDER CONSUME is the only thing I can think of to safeguard from debt and to help build a little money. that would be my best advice
Johnny, Get married and live it one day at a time. The purpose of marriage is to tell your better half and all those that know the two of you that you care for each other and are committed to each other. You keep a marriage going by communicating that care/respect/trust on a daily basis. If your woman wants to move and live somewhere else, give that a try, and keep caring the whole time, especially if things around you are rough. Forget the bullshit script of a “regular” job and a mortgage – that is not always appropriate. Exercise (physical exercise daily) to relieve the depression – simply go on very long walks and do lots of push ups and sit ups – that is free and takes care of that. Work as much as possible, no matter how little is out there a any given time, and move to where the jobs are, no matter how scary that is – if you are married, you have each other for support in difficult times. Live cheaply and don’t take on debt. Life is movement, so keep active. Smile. Listen to comedians. Laugh. Love. Cry. Be alive.
Pastor Williams Emergency alert e-mail from the Elite friend read:
“…Well–something that you were informed about a year and a half ago has just bled out in a tiny corner of a major media outlet today—Bloomberg Television…”
Buzzword words, “…a year and a half ago’… and “has just bled out…” (as in haemorhaging)…in a tiny corner of a major media outlet today…”= Currency Crash now, incrementally, quotes 66% bank failure drops all across the board, in 2013, like a timed detonation, may equal total Collapse of world currencies months later. 2013- 2014.
Hello Mr. Wallstreetinsider, you sound and speak like a globalist and/or neo-con. You are welcome not to listen to Pastor Williams and believe me when I tell you I am not the only one who will not pay any attention to what you have said. The simple fact that you believe that humanity will someday evolve into a higher life form is sure evidence that your views match the elite, that you are one of them.
The email was full of warnings, but like Wall Street Insider said this isn’t new, there’s no date set in the email and there was no mention of a date, it’s just warnings but these shenanigans have been going on for years. Nevertheless it’s always wise to prepare and keep preparing.
When I saw a new update today on this site, my underwear filled up.
I thought the date was gonna be released.
This has brought home the fact that many currencies are already plunging ready for the big crash. I still maintain Lindsey has said many times they will all fall together at once overnight, but maybe this is subject to change. Maybe it will be staggered. Ah, who knows. I’m getting angry about all this now (not at Lindsey, he is wonderful, I am angry at the whole situation and getting frustrated not knowing what way this is gonna go and when and how and what I can expect on the other side of the crash when the dust settles. Can I expect to go buy a house one day and live a happy little life in the countryside? Probably not under the NWO).
Whole thing is depressing me.
HolyWarrior: thanks for that list. You are taking this seriously and we could all do with doing similar. Althought the list, as well, depresses me. But in a reassuring way.
I wish I was born a couple of generations ago because I’d probably be dead now and not have to see the NWO pull of their master stroke. I know they went through wars etc back then but they never had to see the world lose everything to the thieves of the NWO and no chance to rebuild after. I think this will change everything for everyone and there’s no chance (I feel) that the future afterwards will involve any freedom. Maybe I’m being too down on this (?) but Lindsey did say it’ll be the biggest thing since God put Adam on the face of the earth. Yikes. That’s big.
I’ve warned my girlfriend that we may not have a future.
hey johnny,
don’t get depressed over the news! or you could be depressed for the next 2 to 3 years just waiting for this thing to “happen”.
remember to add seeds to your list of things in preparation-one of the cheapest ways to prepare.
cheaper than a baseball bat as I said elsewhere 🙂
also remember that it has already started for those of us that are unemployed–which is why there is no date as such. the date if there is one will only affect those who are well off with certain assets to lose in my opinion-such as house going into negative equity and being unable to sell…
being knowledgeable is a gd thing when used to yr advantage so be clever and don’t let it depress you eh?
Let me start by saying that this information is available to you all and Pastor elite friend did not reveal anything new than what you can read on your own in the financial media.
We can see something is wrong, let me be very clear, when SHTF, you will not know about it until it happens, there is no mystical majic fortune telling guy that knows the exact date. There is no Date! This can go on for more years as currency is digital and paper currency is less than 4% circulating.
Listen, there is no doubt that there is something wrong, and I can be honest in saying that things on the inside are really bad. Everyday that we keep things afloat is an extra day you all have to prepare in case your area suffer tensions until it gets under control, and I guarantee that it will come under control. This is all for the greater good of humanity, it is not to enslave anyone or take away their individual freedom.
Mankind has reached a cap, and if we don’t interfere, we will never reach our potential and advance as a species, as a unified humanity representing the people of earth. We have reached critical point on our civilization & people will resist, and unfortunately you will have to decide which route you want to take…As people who want peace and security and the advancements of our species, or the collapse of our civilization where you cant even get medicine for you or your sick family member.
I know that religion plays a role on many of us, but religion has also played a huge role on why earth and mankind has not gotten along. You will be able to practice your beliefs, but that will be in your personal home.
To all of you, i wish you all well…And please think about my words, as I really mean this from the bottom of my heart as a fellow human who wishes we unite to resolve our differences and advance for the greater good.
It is easy to see that you are a plant on this website. I think I will take God’s guarantee and “Seek first the Kingdom of God” rather than submit to a guarantee from the Kingdom of the New World Order. Thank you anyway.
When Pastor Williams talks about buzz words, re-read this posting by Wall Street Insider. It is littered with Illuminist speak. This person must be one of those who wants to usher in the New Atlantis (aka New World Order), just based on their phrasing and reasoning.
Wall Street Insider – Just what do you think will happen to those outside of the U.S. that trusted the storage of their wealth to the U.S. dollar? What will be their response to their loss? What will China do? Do you really think any American outside of the U.S. will be safe no matter how much money or wealth they possess?
“Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee”
HolyWarrior. THANKS for your list. It has been most helpful to me and mine. But, did you list TOILET PAPR? LOL. That’s the FIRST thing I started stocking.
Your inside information from the elites is crucial to many Americans and especially christians all over the world.
We really appreciate for all your work.
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I’ve been helping some other mommy friends of mine get their gardens started this fall. They’ve never done this before, but I pray our efforts will bless their homes. Fresh root vegetables and greens are better than nothing and will help supplement their canned goods should the worst happen.
We have a water filter but need rain barrels. Does anyone have suggestions on good barrels or collection systems to purchase or make?
Sounds nice Kim, but you sound American so you probably have a nice size garden.
In the UK, most people live in shoebox homes with tiny patches of rubbish land. The rich own the land over here. You guys get everything better over in the USA … well, you did before Obama arose and this final sprint to the finishing line happened. Now I wouldn’t want to live in the USA for all the tea in China! I feel for you Kim, I hope you can get out some how.
Oh and one more very important cheap thing to save… as mentioned by others… SEEDS! They will save you. Each seed will produce many times it’s self. SEEDS!
To plant…. where? In the UK most people don’t have land, unlike plenty of Americans. Land here is very expensive and the island is tiny and over populated, which not much land to buy.
Seeds?! How many carrots does it take to feed a whole family for 6 months or more. Quite a few. How long do carrots take to grow?
Seeds ain’t gonna save anybody except bartering, which surely silver and gold is better for?
I admire the spirit behind the idea of seeds, (not personally moaning at you HolyWarrior I loved your list!) but seeds is one of those things that suggest somehow we’re all gonna “rebuild and thrive” – do you think the NWO will let you have a food patch?? Right now in the USA people are getting in trouble with the law for having gardens – we ain’t seen nothin yet.
Day will come when your neighbour in your NWO complex will phone the police to tell them that you are growing carrots. Then you get 3 years inside as an example to others.
Bless you for your list early, HolyWarrior, but seeds can only be a currency I guess so maybe there’s some value there but not for planting, not for the average man and woman in the UK who has no land, a tiny garden and 3-4 mouths to feed with those carrots.
Hello Ann,
My whole concern is this…
how many people are actually gonna have jobs? I mean, if the only thing that people will be able to buy is food, that means no buying of anything else. Therefore, there won’t be any need for UPS/FEDEX drivers because no one will be ordering. No need for manufacturing laborers because no one will be buying. No need for fast food like McDonald’s/Burger King or any other restaurants because it will be cheaper to buy basic food items on our own. No need for car salesmen or realtors because obviously big ticket items will be off limits. No need for Best Buy or any other electronics store employees… no one will be buying.
The way I see it, the only people that will be gainfully employed will be grocery stores and farmers.
So, it really depends on how bad this collapse will be to know who will be employed. If it’s really bad – you probably won’t be employed… better save food! If it’s just bad – you might be employed (maybe with reduced hours)but your dollar won’t buy much. So will you have a job? THIS IS THE BIG QUESTION THAT NO ONE CAN ANSWER AT THIS POINT.
Will there be any type of unemployment benefits? Welfare system? If the economy collapses – maybe not. Or at a reduced amount which could result in barely anything to live on.
You have to take this time and seriously prepare. Only you can protect your family. You do not want to rely on the government and it’s food lines or FEMA Camps (in the U.S.). There will be many deaths for the unprepared. Don’t be one of them. Even saving the cheapest spagetti/rice/macaroni/beans in bulk will help. A little saved food will go a long way if used sparingly.
But do not stress out at this point. It helps nothing. You still have time.
Look… ain’t trying to moan but am I just a little angry over all this? YES! This is such a rubbish situation we are all in.
I’m not doing that “poor me” thing, it’s actuallu “poor us”. I feel bad for me AND you AND our loved ones.
I get gallows humour sometimes when I think “can’t wait, let it all blow” and then it reverts back to “wow this is serious this has ruined all my plans and other people’s too”.
It ain’t all about me, it’s about us.
It’s a really rubbish time to be living. Not that I want to die, I mean I wish I was born into a different time.
I’m gonna have to take what I can get and keep a girlfriend happy who wants to make plans by just stalling her until this crash comes and I can finally see where I am, what I can do, where I can go etc. Will there be any jobs for us on the other side of this crash? Homes? Futures? The way LW is speaking, then there’s a chance the answer is no.
I’m newer than you obviously to this whole doomsday thing, so please forgive me, and I’m not running round pulling my hair out. Limo, you are probably a successful, strong, prepared person who has his/her house in order and doesn’t have the worries I do at this point in life. You have your problems and I have mine. I have to sit and wait to see if I am alive and have a future after the dust settles, then make some plans which will no doubt be the best of a very very bad situation – nothing to really look forward to. Will I be on food stamps and in a council flat in some inner city slum 10 years from now in this brave new world? Is that all I have to look forward to now? If so, shoot me now, please.
I ain’t playing Mr Moaner, I just have no direction now and people are pressuring me on all side as to what we I do next with my life while they don’t believe in all this “collapse nonsense”. So I have them to worry about too as well as myself.
I wish this wasn’t happening. Meanwhile, here’s this guy called LW who is telling us this thing is going down whether we like it or not. It ain’t a stock market crash, it’s a “man on the street” crash involving food and money problems. And he seems to say it’ll happen quick and take everyone by surprise unless informed. This really is gonna be bunker time. Thing is, 99% have no bunkers, like me.
So I’m sorry if I come across blunt, or moaning, or stupid, or useless, or whatever. I’m not scared, I’m deeply concerned and taking it very seriously.
Like Ann said, right now food is going up, state help is going down. People are choosing between food and heating bills. And it’s barely begun!
I don’t wanna be philosophical about it all, I want it over so I can see what’s gonna happen next with my life… or at least I’d like LW to just give us this date/timeframe/sign ASAP (with all due respect to LW – he is a great man) so I can stop thinking “when when when”.
Just need direction and I need this collapse over with so I can get that direction.
I stil think I may not live through this, considering where I am in the world, my environment and my lack of resources.
LMAO sorry HolyWarrior I hit the wrong reply button, meant to reply to Limo!!
Oh, and one final thing Limo and others: if you’re American and you’re smart, you have guns and some will be hidden no doubt. In the UK, they are mainly illegal. Also, self defence is generally illegal in the UK and defending you home is mainly illegal. If an armed man broke in, and you hit him with a bat, you get done in the court if you hurt him.
Basically, in the UK, if a man was raping your wife in front of your kids, you have to make him a cup of tea and biscuits while he is doing it, else he can sue you for lack of hospitality. Extreme thing to say, but it ain’t far off the truth.
We have been taught to just call the police, never fight back, never defend, cower in fear. Most most you can carry a personal alarm. I mean, even cheap pepper spray is illegal over here and considered a firearm so you can go to prison for it. Seriously!! It’s a joke. Defence and weapons and even punching a robver are frowned upon in UK law.
I think most rapists take milk, two sugars and prefer Custard Cream biscuits – just a heads up there for your prep list all you Brits for when the looting, murders and rapes start.
Don’t swing a punch whatever you do, else you’ll get 6 months inside for bodily harm.
This, too, is another stress for us. How on earth we will defend against the mob? It’s a joke. Brits are disarmed!! The law says don’t defend yourself!! We’re screwed.
You should relocate to a country where you can defend yourself and your family. Do it B4 the SHTF.
It is apparent that you have worked yourself into such a lather that you are unable to think clearly. Don’t worry, those of us who are awake will have gone through exactly what you are going through now.
We are all facing a time of reckoning and for those who are awake and have been given the greatest gift – the gift of foresight. How often does that ever happen in a lifetime? And the great news is that there is still time left for choices to be made – unlike for those who will be left with none when the time comes.
What you are not seeing, Johnny, is that your circumstance provides you with an advantage, not disadvantage. You are obviously a strong healthy, and intelligent young man. You do not have the constraints of material anchors that keep you from broadening your options nor do you have immediate responsibility for others (like children, etc.). Many are mentally unable to make a shift or through circumstance unable to explore other solutions and have only the option of stocking up and barricading themselves in.
Why not consider selling what little “stuff” you have and moving to maybe one of the small island communities say, off the coast of Scotland for instance? The community spirit is high as are levels of trust. They are also relatively self sufficient, and don’t rely heavily on just-in-time supply chains. And these communities are always in need of a young strong pair of hands – so its certain you wont be sitting idle. This option will also allow for the possibility planning for your future with your partner. If she isn’t sold on the idea right now, or still skeptical about what is coming, go ahead yourself and set up a life for you both right now, and buy her an open travel ticket so she can join you when the time comes. Of course, I am not suggesting that difficult economic times won’t impact these places, but at least there is a greater chance of surviving the dangers you might otherwise face in an urban environment – you may even thrive.
Johnny, please don’t throw away the opportunity that you (and anybody who is reading this post) has been given. Being forewarned is being forearmed. Sitting there and waiting this to smack you in the face isn’t going to help you or your partner. Shed the panic and get on with what you need to do.
All the very best.
If we have to rebuild a collapsed economy and nation there will be more jobs than you can ever imagine.
America will close it’s borders (for a few decades)and rise again like a phoenix after we shed the insanity and the people/institutions who helped engineer it.
I have to agree with you. I’m sure Limo meant well, but singing birds and rising suns do not help us when we run out of food and water or there is a mob outside the door, or the FEMA camps are filling up, or the NWO takes your house when you can’t pay the council tax etc.
Frankly I am amazed at the… what’s the word? Apathy? No… something like “lacklustre”… of the comments on this site considering what is coming. Am I the only one who finds LW’s words scary? When LW says this currency crash will be the biggest thing since God put Adam on the earth, that your children will be crying from hunger, that you will be “begging” for a new currency to feed yourself, that you won’t be able to afford food on the store shelves, that you need ammo and weapons and to get away from urban areas etc… I mean, doesn’t this worry anyone else? Ok, some people on here are concerned, but there’s a lot of this attitude of “it’ll be ok” and “keep perspective” and “the birds will still sing” stuff, and so I start to question my sanity and wonder if I have misheard LW all along… maybe this won’t be bad, maybe the currency and global crash will just be a fun adventure? Am I going mad here? Isn’t anyone else worried about the murders, the rapes, the suicides, the government/military/police, the starvation, the poverty, the fighting you may have to do with your neighbours etc etc when it all hits the fan???!??!?
Have I got this all wrong? Is this all a big build up for nothing really?
I’m not trying to be off key or nasty, but I think I’d feel better if people were sounding a bit more alarmed and worried, frankly.
The birds may well be singing the morning after, but you won’t!!
“The birds may well be singing the morning after, but you won’t!!”
Thanks for the wise prediction. 😉 Well I got worried a long, long time ago and started to prepare way back then. Complaining (on this board, or wherever) now won’t solve anything. People need to realise, the only thing that will help you, is by taking positive action for yourself. Lindsey has the said the purpose of telling you is so that you can prepare and thrive, and not to live in fear or worry (he has also said what I mentioned previously, the birds will be singing the day after. :))
Seeing all this doom and gloom mentality, let’s put things into perspective here. The day *before the crash*, the sun will rise, the birds will sing, the buildings will stand, you will be alive. The day *after* the crash, the sun will rise, the birds will sing, the buildings will stand, you will still be alive. It’s only the phony corrupted system comprising of nothing but computer digits posing as phoney wealth that will collapse. This is a BLESSING for those who prepare, you will be able to buy things for dirt cheap! The debt has to be purged for the benefit of future generations. Like Lindsey said not everyone stood in a soup line during the depression. Those who prepared made out ahead. The world will still be spinning, the world will not be ending.
I have to cut back on food to pay the bills
but “the sun will rise, the birds will sing, the buildings will stand, you will be alive.”
I can’t afford a movie but
“the sun will rise, the birds will sing, the buildings will stand, you will be alive.
I know that “the sun will rise, the birds will sing, the buildings will stand, you will be alive.”
today this gives me little comfort
We are given one life to live by the Lord- to serve Him and to glorify and praise Him. I know it can be a little nerve wracking to think of the things to come,but the Lord said in Matt 6:34- Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
This is hard to practice- I know and so does God. I have felt this way for about 25 years since the Holy Sprit helped me realize that the return of the Lord is near- even at the door.
But know this, we should continue on the path in life that we feel called to by the Lord. Be it career, marriage, money or faith.
John, place your faith and trust in Him.
We should prepare as best as each of us can. I am doing the same for me, my wife and 4 soon to be 5 children, but also realize that the Lord will
be the one who really provides. After all- HE OWNS EVERYTHING!
See, while things are going to get worse in the world economically, politically and in the natural, God is about to pour out His spirit in ways we have not seen to help those who are faithful and humble themselves
before Him.
I am talking about real miracles, healing and providing for His people to display His awesome love and glory so that we may be witnesses to others
during this time of trouble.
Do not let the things to come stop you from marriage!
Embrace your girlfriend and go through this TOGETHER with the grace of the
People are going to have to get back to the basics and realize they have to start with what they have and build from there with the help of the Lord.
My wife and I were broke when we got married 9 years ago, but God has always provided!
Marriage in the time to come will be simply the part about making bond in the presence of the Lord. Not the outfits, the flowers, presence of rings, food etc.
Just the commitment before God that you will love each other and that with the help of the Lord, your union should endure!
Do not panic. It won’t be long until the Lord returns. I give this to those who haven’t heard of the lunar tetrads:
Also, get a copy of Jonathan Cahn’s book The Harbinger
The most important thing you can do is to be sure of your salvation.
“Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish.” Psalms 146:3-4 ESV
It was just laid on my heart to share this with everyone. What is going to happen, “is going to happen”. Keep your eyes upon Jesus, listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance, and don’t get caught up in the fear, regardless of what will unfold in the next two years. As LW always repeats, “Get your spiritual house in order.”
Matthew, the best thing you can do is limit your expenses and buy the essentials for living now before the prices go even higher. Buy things that do not have a short shelf life. And of course maybe canned food for future use.
Hi Insider,
I do agree with several of your comments above concerning the elite and the fact that one would be crazy if they actually looked forward to a complete collapse.
You seem very knowledgeable- do you have any other advice or insight that you could share on how the transition may occur and the duration of it.
Do you see ways to make a living during it? After all, many people made money during the Great Depression on new products, services etc?
Hello Architect,
I’m glad that you understand my comments and mean well. You see, most people either go to far or to close, they have problem keeping balanced thoughts.
I wont deny that we are living in a period of transition, in which humanity and civilization has finally reached the cap and must decide how to move forward as a species. But wars and self interest hinders us from moving to the next step, and most think the next step is that we will somehow be in a prison camp serving a banker or AKA “elite” (I mean, who are the elite going to sell products or lend too?”
Most have it all wrong and I wont say they are saints. But you see, we tend never to look at the other side of the equation, we tend only to see things in our point of view and consider everything evil what we don’t comprehend.
The chaplain himself has never mentioned that the world will be choatic and that modern civilization will just vaporize into thin air. As humans we are all responsible in making sure that never happens. For some wierd reason, people want to live like in those movies and books such as “The Road”, “The Book of Eli” “One Second After”. I would be extremely disappointed if that is what your are wishing for to happen, just imagine you having to bury your child for lack of medical treatment…Something to really meditate.
All i know Architect, is that we are coming close to some hard times ahead and a period of transition for humanity. ( I will go religious here for a sec) Until God decides to intervene on behalf of humanity, it is our duty to look out for our species and make sure every soul has an opportunity in life. Lets not forget the the “bible” also states that “The Authorities have been put in place by god and we have an obligation to respect them”
Unfortunately we cant to announce “New global currency” as countries such as russia, syria, iran, north korea and other countries reject the idea, have no respect for human life and no goals in contributing to the prosperity of mankind.
What i can say is this, either the transition goes smoothly, or the transition fails and we are in serious problem as a civilization. If the transition fails, we will have systemic problems in our process and things will start falling apart rapidly. And god help us after that. Especially if we loose CDC.
“The Authorities have been put in place by god and we have an obligation to respect them”
This was written most assuredly by the authorities not God or his disciples.
The main lesson ‘Wall Street Insider’ will learn is
among these so called ‘elites’ “There is no honor among thieves”….Prepare to be sold out (for less than 30 pieces of silver) when you are no longer useful to the remaining power structure.
Hello Mr. Insider,
I have been searching for a long time for a point of view that would help me clarify my taught and I have found it in your words.
Needles to say I thank you for that and I will appreciate your wisdom regarding these questions.
Will the possession of precious metals outside of the financial system in a segregated form be respected when the transition happens or is holding them in your personal possession your only choice?
Is there a time frame for the transition period is things go smoothly?
Wish you well.
The only means of protecting from a currency crash is to have in your possession several months tangibles such as survival foodstuff, seeds, barter items plus gold and silver coins easily exchanged as they have eternal monetary value while paper currency is only confetti in a currency crash.
The emphasis must be on having reasonable protection in advance of such a likely event.
One other thing to note is that there is no such thing as a Wall Street Insider, there is however the law of consequences which are especially bad as a result of Wall Streets actions and I believe Pastor Williams and all of us that listen are conscious of this and want to be prepared.
As for Johnny, you are blessed with youth. There is nothing to be depressed about, most young people do not have a clue what their career should be. Choose one or get whatever work you can, get married, have children and just in case grow some fruit and vegetables, learn DIY, go to church and see what life brings as that is the adventure that lies ahead when you are young.
Meanwhile the country of Columbia has been shutdown for the last 10 days!
Let me start by saying that I understand for the few who are going through economic problems. As earth population grows out of control and on the other hand technology is contributing to automation, this is the result = you will have millions of people who have nothing to contribute or do. Which equals to chaos.
You see, we tend to blame the elites for lending money to your governments so that your government can use it to subsidize most of your daily living or politicize money that is not theirs. The Governments borrowed money from private people such as your self and has mismanaged it, and it is unfair for us all to blame the “Elites” on this.
Should we blame the elites for finding oil?
Should we blame the elites for researching on ways to save people? Such as nano-technology that will attack and kill cancer cells?
Should we blame the elites for searching for ways to feed people world wide at a lower cost? GMO was not designed to purposely harm you, it was designed to keep low cost while we find solutions on how to bring food to your table while humanity is growing out of control with no work available to them.
Is it our fault you decided to go to collage and study art? instead of studying something can contribute to humanity?
Is it the elites fault that poor family decide to have 4-5 kids without the means to provide? and your government borrows money from us to give to them?
Is it the elites fault that Detroit politicians borrowed money to give to unions knowing they could not afford it?
Most of you are stuck on someone else equation & cannot see the other side because you chose to listen or put your complete faith in someones point of view. I suggest that you wake up & start putting the pieces of puzzle together.
The elite offer monetary solutions because they are in the business of making money, We don’t care what your representatives do with it, such as public assistance or higher wages to gov employees and benefits.
We are not here to enslave humanity, but we are here to save it from itself. All those who appose to save our civilization from complete collapse have no idea what your asking. I hope none of you have kids to feed during the transition, especially for those who rely on simple medicine like insulin and heart pressure. As most of you no it deep in your hearts you don’t want the complete collapse of civilization.
For those who are depressed and stuck on hiding in your basement, I urge you to lift your head and stay positive, depression is no good for the heart and clouds your vision. Keep a simple life, and buy only the essentials. Work is tough and so is life, but be happy that with the little that you have your still able to provide. Simplify your life, do things that keep you happy, find ways to contribute for the greater good of humanity, we can all change and find a solution.
Hi Wallstreetinsider,
All I can say is that the elites are doing all those things for their own satisfaction – based on their greed. The elites did not do that for us – the ordinary people. It’s never for us. We are their slaves. God saves us from this world’s slavery. Thank you Jesus.
Hey Mr. Wall Street Insider,
If you are trying to teach us conscience, Lindsey can do a better job. If you are trying to justify on behalf of the Elite, best take your comment else where. The Elites have done enough damage in the planet to the point of extinction all in pursuit of profit, power and control.
And you, Wall Street Adviser, don’t even get we the, people, mankind, started. You are not a wall street adviser and you don’t know the plans of the criminal elite. You almost had us fooled. Nice try though!
The Elite have had control of the education, media, currency, corporate, and government system for decades if not longer. Many, especially younger people never had a chance. The system was too far gone before they were even born. Don’t try and pass off the blame on the innocent, the blame lies with those who are and have been pulling the strings.
These are people who are willing to murder thousands if not millions to achieve their goals. (See Iraq, Afghanistan, and probably Syria for recent examples.) Look at the depopulation plans. Look at how the treat innocent children within your order now. Look at how they treat lower ranking members of the order. Don’t think that when your leaders get at they want, they are suddenly stop being evil. They feed on the abuse and misery of others. One day if all of us are gone, they will turn their wrath on you. They need to be stopped.
We can’t have a currency crash. Our currency is the dollar a piece of paper worth nothing, today how can it be worth less. Once the dollar was redeemable in silver or gold but no more the dollar is redeemable in nickel copper things.
Article 1 Section 10 paragraph 1 No State shall make anything but silver and gold coin a tender in payment of debts.
We don’t even obey our Constitution.
We are a nation that no longer obeys or allows God’s 10 Commandments to be shared in the Public schools… and the 10 Commandments have been removed from most ‘churches’ now as well. *This is disturbing.
Its interesting that since we (the USA) as nation no longer recognize God’s commandments/law as necessary in the public places, our elected leaders no longer recognize our nation’s law/Constitution and Bill of Rights. *If our government & President DID recognize the Constitution & Bill of Rights, then there would be no need for the dozens of unconstitutional Executive Orders, NDAA, etc.
“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord [is], there [is] liberty.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 (King James Version).
I know it’s easy to say but just prepare the best you can with food. It’s the main resource you will need. Then just go with the flow on the rest. You are informed and knowledgable compared to the 90% sheeple of the world.
Relax. Worrying will get you absolutely nowhere fast.
Thanks Lindsey Williams for your great information.
I am from India, right now there is a currency rout happening here. Indian currency crash is biggest in 20 years. Your advise greatly help me. I was telling this to many people for past 2 years, but they were laughing at me, but good thing is now they started listening to me.
Once again thank Pastor the great advice.
Thanks for your advice, but the article said a potential currency crash in “2013” so if it doesn’t happen quite this year surely that means next year at latest?? A year ago the elites told Lindsey he had nothing to worry about for around 1.5 years right? Ok so I don’t believe it will be 2013 really, but 2014 (maybe early-mid) I do believe. Just waiting for this DVD update.
As for getting depressed, I admire your spirit, but this thing is gonna be so huge that it’s totally ruined me because I do not have much, but with what I have I was trying to build a little life. Now we can’t, because this is looming. Me and my girlfriend are not getting any younger and it’s time to maybe marry soon and think about kids and a mortgage and stuff. We’ve waited years to finally get a little ahead. Now it’s all wrecked. I’m telling her this is not the time to get a house etc but she is annoyed and so am I. We are living in a very bad routine at the moment and we need stability and a plan to move forward. I can’t give her such a plan anymore because we do not know when this thing will blow and how bad it will be. So it gets me depressed.
I’m about to quit my job hopefully end of year/beginning of 2014 for a last chance change of career before I’m too old (that’s depressing even typing that!). But jobs are scarce now, especially where we’d like to settle. So this is now potentially all just a dream. And on and on. It’s all wrecked.
I mean listen to us: we’re talking about baseball bats, food, gold and seeds. That IS depressing. These thing we’re gonna need right? That means the situation must be awful. I never thought I would grow up as a kid into such a situation. I thought adults got jobs, got married, started families and had a house each. The American and UK dream pretty much. Now everyone is stocking up on dry food and weapons. That really isn’t fun when all is said and done.
Yes I’m keeping a “gallows humour” slant on all this – hence me “I’m looking forward to the crash” stuff I sometimes go along with. But then in the dark of night I think about this and realise this really is gonna be bad for me and my loved ones and has totally ruined all our plans. That’s why I’m depressed.
I have pressue on all sides now. My dad doesn’t believe anything is wrong because he reads newspapers who say Britain is gonna boom now. He keeps on at me “get on the property ladder” every week. He thinks I’m wasting my life. He won’t listen. My girlfriend is depressed as she hates her job and location and needs to move away and start over to be happy again. I keep promising “we will” but keep stalling for time which leads to arguments. I’m stalling because I have NO idea what to do!! No idea where this is gonna! And it’s obviously gonna be “soon” by some measure, so I’m stuck. We’re a very unhappy couple because of our living circumstances and jobs etc and this is stopping us getting things together.
Even if we rented a place together (after marrying) there’s still no real jobs out there to support a family anymore. So we would have to partially claim benefits from the government whilst working low paid jobs… and that’s our ticket into the NWO right there.
So, so depressing. Lucky I don’t drink.
personally, I would rent, if u/we have to rely on the government then so be it–we don’t pay are national insurance contributions for nothing-people are entitled to claim so long as its not fraudulent.
the gov has new help to buy scheme but it is only available on new properties lol -new properties are always/generally more expensive than 2nd or 3rd hand homes in good condition -so all this will do is stoke prices higher!! this is will cause inflationary house prices since the govnt is not building affordable homes and this house price bubble will burst-it is so obvious-this is to aid the banks-we the public tax payers are underwriting this scheme!!
wish I knew how to make money as an entrepreneur unfortunately I don’t so what to do but UNDER CONSUME is the only thing I can think of to safeguard from debt and to help build a little money. that would be my best advice
Johnny, Get married and live it one day at a time. The purpose of marriage is to tell your better half and all those that know the two of you that you care for each other and are committed to each other. You keep a marriage going by communicating that care/respect/trust on a daily basis. If your woman wants to move and live somewhere else, give that a try, and keep caring the whole time, especially if things around you are rough. Forget the bullshit script of a “regular” job and a mortgage – that is not always appropriate. Exercise (physical exercise daily) to relieve the depression – simply go on very long walks and do lots of push ups and sit ups – that is free and takes care of that. Work as much as possible, no matter how little is out there a any given time, and move to where the jobs are, no matter how scary that is – if you are married, you have each other for support in difficult times. Live cheaply and don’t take on debt. Life is movement, so keep active. Smile. Listen to comedians. Laugh. Love. Cry. Be alive.
Pastor Williams Emergency alert e-mail from the Elite friend read:
“…Well–something that you were informed about a year and a half ago has just bled out in a tiny corner of a major media outlet today—Bloomberg Television…”
Buzzword words, “…a year and a half ago’… and “has just bled out…” (as in haemorhaging)…in a tiny corner of a major media outlet today…”= Currency Crash now, incrementally, quotes 66% bank failure drops all across the board, in 2013, like a timed detonation, may equal total Collapse of world currencies months later. 2013- 2014.
Thank you minister for all of your work! God Bless you!
FYI for those interested, if you want to read the bloomberg article, it’s at
Hello Mr. Wallstreetinsider, you sound and speak like a globalist and/or neo-con. You are welcome not to listen to Pastor Williams and believe me when I tell you I am not the only one who will not pay any attention to what you have said. The simple fact that you believe that humanity will someday evolve into a higher life form is sure evidence that your views match the elite, that you are one of them.
The email was full of warnings, but like Wall Street Insider said this isn’t new, there’s no date set in the email and there was no mention of a date, it’s just warnings but these shenanigans have been going on for years. Nevertheless it’s always wise to prepare and keep preparing.
When I saw a new update today on this site, my underwear filled up.
I thought the date was gonna be released.
This has brought home the fact that many currencies are already plunging ready for the big crash. I still maintain Lindsey has said many times they will all fall together at once overnight, but maybe this is subject to change. Maybe it will be staggered. Ah, who knows. I’m getting angry about all this now (not at Lindsey, he is wonderful, I am angry at the whole situation and getting frustrated not knowing what way this is gonna go and when and how and what I can expect on the other side of the crash when the dust settles. Can I expect to go buy a house one day and live a happy little life in the countryside? Probably not under the NWO).
Whole thing is depressing me.
HolyWarrior: thanks for that list. You are taking this seriously and we could all do with doing similar. Althought the list, as well, depresses me. But in a reassuring way.
I wish I was born a couple of generations ago because I’d probably be dead now and not have to see the NWO pull of their master stroke. I know they went through wars etc back then but they never had to see the world lose everything to the thieves of the NWO and no chance to rebuild after. I think this will change everything for everyone and there’s no chance (I feel) that the future afterwards will involve any freedom. Maybe I’m being too down on this (?) but Lindsey did say it’ll be the biggest thing since God put Adam on the face of the earth. Yikes. That’s big.
I’ve warned my girlfriend that we may not have a future.
Man, I am getting depressed more as I type this.
Good luck all
hey johnny,
don’t get depressed over the news! or you could be depressed for the next 2 to 3 years just waiting for this thing to “happen”.
remember to add seeds to your list of things in preparation-one of the cheapest ways to prepare.
cheaper than a baseball bat as I said elsewhere 🙂
also remember that it has already started for those of us that are unemployed–which is why there is no date as such. the date if there is one will only affect those who are well off with certain assets to lose in my opinion-such as house going into negative equity and being unable to sell…
being knowledgeable is a gd thing when used to yr advantage so be clever and don’t let it depress you eh?
Let me start by saying that this information is available to you all and Pastor elite friend did not reveal anything new than what you can read on your own in the financial media.
We can see something is wrong, let me be very clear, when SHTF, you will not know about it until it happens, there is no mystical majic fortune telling guy that knows the exact date. There is no Date! This can go on for more years as currency is digital and paper currency is less than 4% circulating.
Listen, there is no doubt that there is something wrong, and I can be honest in saying that things on the inside are really bad. Everyday that we keep things afloat is an extra day you all have to prepare in case your area suffer tensions until it gets under control, and I guarantee that it will come under control. This is all for the greater good of humanity, it is not to enslave anyone or take away their individual freedom.
Mankind has reached a cap, and if we don’t interfere, we will never reach our potential and advance as a species, as a unified humanity representing the people of earth. We have reached critical point on our civilization & people will resist, and unfortunately you will have to decide which route you want to take…As people who want peace and security and the advancements of our species, or the collapse of our civilization where you cant even get medicine for you or your sick family member.
I know that religion plays a role on many of us, but religion has also played a huge role on why earth and mankind has not gotten along. You will be able to practice your beliefs, but that will be in your personal home.
To all of you, i wish you all well…And please think about my words, as I really mean this from the bottom of my heart as a fellow human who wishes we unite to resolve our differences and advance for the greater good.
It is easy to see that you are a plant on this website. I think I will take God’s guarantee and “Seek first the Kingdom of God” rather than submit to a guarantee from the Kingdom of the New World Order. Thank you anyway.
When Pastor Williams talks about buzz words, re-read this posting by Wall Street Insider. It is littered with Illuminist speak. This person must be one of those who wants to usher in the New Atlantis (aka New World Order), just based on their phrasing and reasoning.
Wall Street Insider – Just what do you think will happen to those outside of the U.S. that trusted the storage of their wealth to the U.S. dollar? What will be their response to their loss? What will China do? Do you really think any American outside of the U.S. will be safe no matter how much money or wealth they possess?
“Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee”
HolyWarrior. THANKS for your list. It has been most helpful to me and mine. But, did you list TOILET PAPR? LOL. That’s the FIRST thing I started stocking.
God bless.
And yet another tremor before the Big One! I’ve been buying bulk dry food-
(spagetti/elbow macaroni/rice/boxed dehydrated potatoes/lentils/split peas/cereal/nuts/mashed potatoes/Quaker oats/popcorn/egg noodles/ramon noodles/etc..)
and cans-
of soup/fruits/beef-a-roni/canned chicken/roast beef hash/vienna sausages/vegetables/crab/shrimp/clams/tuna/sardines/baked beans/beef stew/chicken & beef broth/etc..
and other food stuff-
peanuts/peanut butter/dried cheese/Himalayan sea salt/pepper/boullion/gravy packs/etc..
shampoo/soap/dryer sheets/tooth brushes & paste/mouth wash/razor blades/aspirin/vitamins/cough drops/band aides/ear ache relief/storage zip bags/alcohol pads/all battery sizes/etc..
blankets/flash lights (torches in the U.K.)/fire starter/lighters/propane grill & tanks/tooth picks/ aluminum foil/garbage bags/light bulbs/all kinds of tape/pencils/pens/stationary/rubber bands/ cleaning supplies/etc..
Guns and ammo and silver 1oz. bars
In no way am I showing off!
Hopefully these lists will help others save items that they might forget.
I was never a prepper until last year.
I hope this helps some people.
Your inside information from the elites is crucial to many Americans and especially christians all over the world.
We really appreciate for all your work.
God bless!