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Message From The Elite “Chaos Approaches” – Lindsey Williams

Pastor Williams today sent me a message regarding an email he received from his Elite friend. Below are the few words that were sent from the email since it comes directly from the Elite he couldn’t send the entire email for obvious reasons.

“Chaos approaches! I still think such will come in 2015 on God’s 7 year time plan. (2001, 2008, 2015…)”

Pastor Williams also shared an article that he wanted to share with you all about the money in your bank account. Pastor Williams said “EVERYONE must know what has just happened. This is true. My Elite friend knew 2015 would be the year. Everything is shaping up for September – October. Tell everyone you can.”

Lindsey Williams - Chaos Approaches

The article is from Dave Hodges of ‘The Common Sense Show’ and is entitled ‘The G20 Just Stole Your Bank Account’. The article discusses new rules that went into effect on the 16th November 2014 that mean your bank deposits no longer have insurance. On the ‘Economic Policy Journal’ website it says that bank deposits will no longer be considered money, but paper investments. Russell Napier a co-founder of the Electronic Research Interchange is declaring November 16th as “the day money dies”, and this was discussed at length at ‘Zero Hedge’.

What this all means is that “bank deposits are now just part of commercial banks’ capital structure, and they are far from the most senior portion of that structure”. Pay close attention America, this means that following a bank failure, “a bank deposit is no longer money in the way a banknote is”.

The G20 legislation will formally push down bank accounts through the capital structure to a position of being mere material capital risk in any “failing” institution. “In our last financial crisis, deposits were de facto guaranteed by the state, but beginning November 16th 2014 holders of large-scale deposits will be just another creditor fighting to regain their share of the assets of a failed bank.”

Dave Hodges says “if you have $100,000 in a bank account, you will take home under $1,200!” He has echoed what Pastor Williams has been saying for many years, by getting out of paper investments and into tangibles and to get out of debt. Dave Hodges says “The prudent thing to do is only put enough money in the bank to pay your basic bills and do other things with the remainder of the money, such as pay off your mortgage or pay off your car loans.”

In the newsletter I sent out on the 22nd October 2014 Pastor Williams said “the banks see what is coming and want to cover their losses”. This was about a war game, the first of its kind, designed to test how the banks would react to another financial crash. This was carried out by the United States and the United Kingdom simulating how they would prop up a large bank with operations in both countries that landed itself in trouble. Taking part in this simulation was Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Bank of England  Governor Mark Carney as well as the heads of a large number of other regulators all hosted by the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Take this point seriously. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has only about $25 billion in its deposit insurance fund, which is mandated by law to keep a balance equivalent to only 1.15% of insured deposits.

If a banking collapse were inevitable, the banks would not notify you because they would not wish to incite a bank run. With only 1.15% of all deposits being insured by the FDIC, your money would be left vulnerable. Only the Elite themselves would be warned and they would quietly transfer their money to a safer haven, such as gold.

The precious metals market clearly shows signs of mass manipulation. The Elite have been moving their fiat currency holdings to gold since the Spring of 2013. The price of gold was artificially manipulated by Goldman Sachs to drive down the price of gold in order to make it cheaper for the Elite to purchase gold cheaply. Pastor Williams said in December 2013 that “People must buy hard assets only – Not paper of any kind. The Elite are buying gold by the ton while prices are intentionally depressed…” The best proof that the Elite are manipulating the price of gold comes from “Goldman Sachs (who), in the Spring of 2013, told their clients that they recommend initiating a short COMEX gold position”. This has been going on for over 18 months!

Remember this is the same Goldman Sachs that shorted its stocks on 9/11. This is the same Goldman Sachs that placed put options on Transocean stock the morning of the Gulf oil explosion. This is the same Goldman Sachs that got caught shorting the housing market in advance of the housing bubble burst. Basically, when Goldman Sachs starts shorting anything, we should all become apprehensive. It’s time to take your money and run for the hills.

The article continues to talk about why would Goldman Sachs drive the price of gold down? It says that besides trading and bartering, if the dollar and the Euro were to collapse tomorrow, what currency of exchange would be left standing? The obvious and simple answer would be primarily gold, and secondarily silver. Ask yourself this question, if you knew that paper monies all around the world were to collapse, what action would represent your best option? The obvious answer would be to dramatically drive down the price of gold and silver if one had the ability to do so, and then buy as much gold as one possibly could. Pastor Williams has been pleading with people to buy every piece of gold and silver they can lay their hands on. Goldman Sachs has the ability to suppress the price of any commodity by utilizing their ominous shorting strategy and that is precisely what they have done.

Additionally, your bank account has been collateralized against the derivatives debt. This is why former CEO of Goldman Sachs and the Secretary of the Treasury, in 2008 Hank Paulson telling a closed session of Congress that if they did not authorize the bailouts, there would be tanks in the street and ultimately, revolution! This was necessitated by the credit swap derivatives Ponzi scheme and the debacle that followed.

Further, the bankruptcy reform laws stemming from the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005, the credit swap derivatives counter-parties are given preference over all other creditors and customers of the bankrupt financial institution, including FDIC insured depositors. This is why the G20 effectively stole your money on the 16th November 2014!

In the action taken by the G20 nations, your bank account is no longer considered to be money. The bankers holding the bag on the credit swap derivatives will move to the head of the FDIC compensation line. Therefore, the regulations requiring that your money be insured by the FDIC are no longer in effect! This devaluation of “money to something other than money gives what the experts call “super priority” in terms of the line of succession from which to collect bankruptcy monies. To make matters worse, Bank of America has conspicuously co-mingled their credit swap derivatives debt with your savings account and as such they have every legal right to use your money to cover their debt.

In the MF Global debacle, the reason that MF Global customers lost their segregated account funds was because the MF Global debt load was caused primarily because of their credit swap derivatives debt which, under bankruptcy laws, gave derivatives super-priority in the bankruptcy proceedings. As of the 16th November 2014, every bank account in America became an MF Global. A financial game with no rules has begun.

Dave Hodges followed up his extensive article on what happened at the G20 meeting in Brisbane, Australia on the 16th November 2014 with another article regarding how the Elite are going to steal your bank account incrementally in order to avoid a violent backlash from the public. He is also planning a third article that will discuss how the Elite will not stop with the theft of your bank accounts, but will also quickly include your retirement accounts, your homes and ultimately the Elite will seek to control your one remaining asset, your personal labor. This is why Pastor Williams came up with the ’10 Steps To Avoid The Crash’ a set of steps I expanded on to create a 100 page guide to what is happening and how you can protect yourself from the Elite’s plan for humanity and this planet.

If you would like to read Dave Hodges follow up article entitled ‘After the Globalists Steal Your Bank Account, What’s Next?’ please follow the link. You will find out who the Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew really is, the theft of pension funds, how the government is controlling your retirement and even goes on to talk about Russia not being independent of the banks and they are also in the same boat.

It is important that you take on board the seriousness of what Pastor Williams has been saying for many years. In his new DVD “Special Events Scheduled for 2015” Pastor Williams warns you about what is about to happen with the stock market and derivatives market. These are not idle warnings, official announcements are happening by the day and you cannot pass by a warnings from the IMF and G20. The Elite are making their plans, why are you not making yours? Like dominoes everything Pastor Williams’ Elite friend has predicted is occurring before your eyes. Do not procrastinate. It’s time to start preparing for the worst. Please purchase a physical copy of Pastor Williams’ new DVD “Special Events Scheduled for 2015” and share the information with your family and friends. You can purchase a copy by calling Prophecy Club on 1-888-799-6111.

The American people have allowed private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then deflation. The banks are now depriving the people of their property. You know what comes next. It is up to you to protect your family, your dinner table, your health and wealth. You cannot rely on third parties to take care of you. These third parties are looking out for themselves. Time is short. Pastor Williams has been told by his Elite friend that “Chaos approaches! I still think such will come in 2015 on God’s 7 year time plan. (2001, 2008, 2015…)” You cannot get any more warning than this. It’s time for you to make the decision whether you are going to prosper through the crash or und up homeless on the continent your fathers conquered.

Lindsey Williams - Gold Is The Only Hedge

As Pastor Williams has said for many years “GOLD IS THE ONLY HEDGE!” As I have said over and over and I was not wrong when I said that gold would not fall far south of $1,200 an ounce. Earlier in the month it came close to $1,100, which as I have said is the average cost to extract and refine one ounce of gold. It has rebounded to just under $1,200 an ounce. Gold is extremely good value if you invest now in fact it is virtually cost price. Any lower and the gold mining and refining companies would slow supply and store metal until the price rises. You cannot get any better value than right now. ‘ETF Report’ has sat down with four experts to help sort out the outlook for gold: Rick Rule, director, president and chief executive officer of Sprott US Holdings; Mike McGlone, director of U.S. research for ETF Securities; Dennis Gartman, editor and publisher of The Gartman Letter; and Ed D’Agostino, publisher of Mauldin Economics and general manager of Hard Assets Alliance have all said that they are all bullish on gold for 2015. The majority have said if things get really ugly, you want the option of holding your metal in your hand. Pastor Williams has been saying this for many years, you should have physical possession of your precious metals.

This is fair warning that you should not try and outthink the Elite. Do not sell your metals under any circumstances unless it is to pay off your debts. Get out of paper and into tangible assets such as gold and silver. Please contact your trusted and reliable precious metals dealers and get out of paper as soon as possible. By September – October 2015 if you haven’t protected yourself, its likely all bets will be off. If you do not have a trusted and reliable gold and silver supplier please check out Birch Gold who I recommend for their first class service. A few people have asked about what if an Executive Order 6102 type event “forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States” happens. The gold company I recommend can help with that offering help in legally and securely storing gold and silver holdings outside of the continental United States so you can hold gold in your retirement account if you do not wish to take physical possession. They do not recommend numismatics whatsoever, so you won’t be paying exorbitant prices for so called collector coins. Take a look at what Pastor Williams said in April 2013 about ‘gold’ he has never once said sell gold and buy paper. He has said and continues to say “Gold & Silver, that's the currency of the Elite!”

The price of gold is so low not only because of the Elite’s manipulation of the commodities market, but also because oil has steadily been on the decrease because Barack Obama wanted the oil price to be low. The Elite do not want oil to be priced so low. Remember Pastor Williams said the Elite did not want Barack Obama as their President. This is why the Koch Brothers want the republican candidates they funded to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and nutrition programs.

We need alternative ways of living our lives without having to rely on steadily declining support from government. Not only with healthcare, which Pastor Williams has recommended The International BioCare Hospital & Medical Center in Tijuana for help, advice and treatment for any health issues you are experiencing.

More important than gold and silver is farm land. With the U.S. losing 9.5 acres of farmland per minute, those of you with the skill to produce food will prosper. We are currently in a dramatic decline in the available amount of farmland per person and this is worldwide. Even China has lost more than 40% of its arable land in recent years due to development, drought and topsoil erosion. On a small scale, you can do well for yourself by planting a small garden with some fruit and nut trees in your own backyard. Worst case you enhance your property and have a small supply of organic food.

Lindsey Williams - Permaculture

I know Pastor Williams is keen on stopping the erosion of family farms. In light of this, and due to my own interest in self-sufficiency, I recently graduated a course in Permaculture Design with one of the leading Permaculture experts Geoff Lawton. Permaculture is a branch of ecological design, ecological engineering, environmental design, construction and integrated water resources management that develops sustainable architecture, regenerative and self-maintained habitat and agriculture systems modelled from natural ecosystems. It is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labor; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating them as a single product system. It is my intention to help anyone who needs help in creating their own organic edible garden and food forest on your property regardless of size. We all need security in food and in the coming weeks I will be offering my assistance by way of articles, links and discussion to help you get started in growing your own food. Please watch out for updates at

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It’s All Shaping Up For 2015! – Lindsey Williams


    • Paul
    • December 7, 2014

    New warning from the BIS discussed here:

    And here is the actual BIS report link:

    They are telling us what is coming.

    • Marguerite
    • December 1, 2014

    Interesting development – China will now begin insuring bank deposits:

    Though the funding of the insurance isn’t yet established by the Chinese government.

    What this seems to indicate is that staying in paper for the Chinese isn’t such a risk. Even in the event of a world economic collapse or bank failure, the Chinese still have wealth and purchasing power.

    (James, any thoughts you may have on this would be helpful)

    • Mark
    • December 1, 2014

    We are having some incredible volatility in the precious metals market. This COULD indicate a bottom, finally. If so, that means Pastor Williams was only 9 months off on his gold/silver call. Not bad, better early than late.

    • Jan
    • December 1, 2014

    Here is a good check list of things to watch for in 2015 in terms of major change.

    Lots of things to keep an eye on.

    • Marguerite
    • December 1, 2014

    Amazing…impossible to fabricate

    An image of Jesus appears in the smoke of a house on fire 30 October 2014:

    Live video – watch closely top left hand side of the smoke to see the image appear (may need to replay a few times to catch it):

    Still shot:

    • Dammy
    • November 29, 2014

    Question is why is the oil dropping? There has to be a motive behind the action, it’s obviously not organic. Is it to hammer Iran’s economy so they have to cut back on Syrian support? And the Elites want to use this as a back door in weakening the kingdoms that ISIL is planning to take on next? What is in it this drastic price reduction (IIRC, Fracking needs $80 @ barrel) for the Elite?

      • Mark
      • December 4, 2014

      $60 per barrel oil hurts the US more than anybody else. There was a Zero Hedge article the other day about how most of the jobs in the US created since 2007 are from the US energy sector. Also there are a huge amount of derivatives tied to the oil price. The drop in oil price could be the Elite’s way of lighting the fuse for the fireworks in 2015. A similar oil price drop happened before the Lehman shock in 2008.

    • sherif
    • November 28, 2014

    Russian Leader Warns, “Get All Money Out Of Western Banks Now!”

    (ED: This article is copied from EUTIMES.COM and dated March 21, 2013.)

    • Marguerite
    • November 27, 2014

    James, would it be possible to have Chaplain check this website which states it is the official website of the illuminati (aka the elite):

    illuminatiofficial dot org

    (After numerous attempts, this comment would not post when the actual link was included, so keyed it as showing)

    The site purports that the illuminati have been a good bastion for humanity and admits to having shaped every movement on the planet since the first human government was established.

    The site’s high quality design could very easily reel in innocent minds. There is also an option to sign up onto their mailing list.

    It would be of benefit if Pastor Williams could look at this site. His feedback would be helpful, in particular if he garners a comment from his elite friend.

    Thank you for any input.

    (ED: Its not an official website. It is someone who purports to be the Illuminati. The Illuminati have no official website or even exist as a single entity.)

      • PJ
      • November 28, 2014

      Below is the link of Illumicorp training video. The illiminati doesn’t exist as a single entity but I feel it uses these to reveal its agenda.

      (ED: It is not an official video of the Illuminati. These websites are created by regular people.)

    • morningstar
    • November 27, 2014

    when oil prices crashed from 150 to 40 (and said Lindsey was crazy). but wasn’t that the elite collapsing the ME. could this be the trigger. that collapses US. Once again they are saying how great it is for Holiday travel. But is it?

    • morningstar
    • November 27, 2014

    Hmm! lets see America was so happy in 2008 (cycle of seven) when oil prices crashed from 150 to 40 (and said Lindsey was crazy). but wasn’t that the elite collapsing the ME. could this be the trigger. that collapses US. Once again they are saying how great it is for Holiday travel. But is it?

      • morningstar
      • November 28, 2014

      nothing going on! stock markets up black Friday sales best in years! shake industry is bringing oil prices down. yippee.

      nothing to see here

    • Mark
    • November 26, 2014

    Just listened to a report from “V” the guerrilla economist.
    Couple points you might be interested in.

    Said some Elite just met at the Dubai F-1 race. Said they like to meet at such events because provides cover for alot of international people meeting

    Pretty good chance there would be a large false flag event in the middle east in Jan-Feb by ISIS, not 100% though. Would be an excuse for large military intervention in middle east.

    Ferguson protest and being used as a test run for civil unrest due to the financial collapse. The current Ebola epidemic is a test run as well for a future event.

    He does confirm 2015 will be a big year.

    V has been pretty reliable, but like Lindsey not 100% and timing hasn’t been 100% either. But just thought I’d let you guys know.

    • morningstar
    • November 24, 2014

    so i wonder did Lindsey hear if this tonight is part of the chaos approaches #Ferguson? does this get bigger?

    (ED: A similar situation happened in London, UK in 2011. The aftermath was new legislation passed. The problem I had with this was they rolled out the legislation extremely quickly, suggesting that it was already written and the events that transpired in 2011 were manipulated to happen so they could roll out this legislation.)

    • RT
    • November 24, 2014

    Good luck Jake. I am a Bible believer and the only way 2015 will be eventful is if God of the Holy Bible wants it to be. I have learned God works on his time not ours. Do not date set.

    • Jake
    • November 23, 2014

    2015 had better be epically biblical in events or else I’m gonna look like a complete idiot. After preaching on about coming epic events for ages now (and putting a 2015 date on it) if nothing major happens I’m gonna look so stupid nobody who knows me will ever take me seriously again. We better see the sky falling after all this build up else I’m never gonna open my mouth again!!!

    Life is boring. We need a shake up. The US, UK and Europe is Godless (biblical God) and so any big judgement is well deserved in my book! This hammer looks set to fall but if it doesn’t fall I will be disappointed and confused. We had freedom and look what we did with it! Westerners are worse than ever and getting worse! We deserve this so may it rain down heavy. People have to learn, even the hard way. Tough. We deserve it.

      • RT
      • November 24, 2014

      Be careful not to date set. we were told 2012 was going to be the most eventful year in human history. I admit I fell for it. Before that it was Y2K. All Bible prophecy will eventually come true but I know it will be on Gods terms not some powerless “elite”.

    • Chris Sheffield
    • November 23, 2014

    Must listen to if you want to understand Gold and Silver prices. Keep buying cause all ponzie schemes end.

    • pak4l
    • November 22, 2014

    What ever happened to the currency reset? is it still set to happen.

    • srk
    • November 22, 2014

    Newly signed immigration bill not to afford poor starvng immigrants legal residence status, newly signed bill designed to allow anti american corporate occupation and invasion. In other words. NOW DEFUNCT USA INVASION BY Millions of NATIONS!!

    • Marguerite
    • November 22, 2014

    Author Richard Moore says a controlled demolition of capitalism is what the elite are currently up to in order to take them to the next stage of their plan which is to empower the UN to micro manage everyone on the planet.

    Richard’s material is worth reading for his good research on how the elite have been the shadow controllers and crafters of every world event:

    Richard reinforces what Pastor Williams has been saying.

    • Paul
    • November 20, 2014

    These two articles fit in with the topic here.

    This one about a Bloomberg article before this G20 Summit:

    and this one is a review of the summit that has a link directly to the G20 document that is about this change in bank rules.

    This last one also points out how this document is buried in the annex of the official G20 communique making it hard to find.

    • Wiseone
    • November 20, 2014

    Thanks Pastor and James.

    This is a must read….

      • Mark
      • November 20, 2014


      (ED: Can you expand on this statement?)

    • Marguerite
    • November 20, 2014

    It is astonishing how rules are being changed and laws passed without any consultation or discussion with the rest of the populace and how blatant this intended theft is. On checking mainstream media where I reside I found no news of this to the general public. I assume this change not only applies to the U.S. but to all G20 nations.

    This begs the question how far will they go and will it ever stop since they’re making up their own rules as they go. Divine intervention is our best hope.

    “Take your money and run for the hills”, gold and permaculture – great advice.

    I found the elite’s words interesting – “… on God’s 7 year time plan …” I didn’t think they believed in God. My understanding from various sources is the elite do not follow the teachings of Christ and therefore anti God. Perhaps they’re referring to their ‘own’ particular God. Would be interesting to hear the Pastor on this.

    Pastor Williams and James – thank you for your valuable efforts with this article and comprehensive update.

      • Occasnl Trvlr
      • November 21, 2014

      About the G20 meeting, in relation to bail-ins.

      Just to be clear, there are no recent changes in US law or policy in this regard. The fact that deposits are the legal property of a bank is not newly-established law, and the announcement that creditors will be liquidated during a bank failure has been US Treasury policy, and law, for over a year and a half. This is from the Under Secretary of the Treasury on 4/18/13:

      “…[A]s a result of the comprehensive reforms passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama, no financial institution, regardless of its size, will be bailed out by taxpayers again. Shareholders of failed companies will be wiped out; creditors will absorb losses; …and any remaining costs associated with liquidating the company must be recovered from disposition of the company’s assets… .”

      Established law directs that deposits are credits, and this could not be more clear: “creditors will absorb losses”. And please notice the verb tense: “will”, not “would”. They have absolutely and unambiguously told us of the risk of banking institutions, just as The Chaplain has said they feel compelled to do.

      Of course, none of this is on MSM. MSM news is nothing more than soap opera for the blind.

        • Marguerite
        • November 25, 2014

        The information seemingly says they apply their tactics initially in the U.S. then collude to bring the rest of the G20 nations on board. The country I reside in, to date, the government secures up to $250,000 in bank deposits in the event of a bank failure – though no one knows how this will be funded. So even if a government doesn’t state or know how they will fund a guarantee, the “take your money and run for the hills” I think is a wise rule to still apply. I peruse the local media to see when or whether the government will announce the new bank failure rules.

    • Joe
    • November 20, 2014

    I still don’t get this buy Gold & Silver thing. I mean from a Christians perspective, it’s known that the world will not be able to buy or sell unless he has the mark etc etc. So what good will a piece of metal be?

    Obviously, and there is some assumption here, the current system of fiat money would have to collapse in order to pave way for the “mark of the beast” rendering Gold & Silver useless.

    Or will there be a small window of transition between the fiat monetary system and the mark of the beast?

    What does everyone else think?

      • MRD
      • November 21, 2014

      Joe, since no one else has responded I’ll give my 2-cents worth.
      While I believe in the “Catching-up” or as some call it the Rapture, others don’t. And even so, only GOD knows the time table. Therefore, while I believe and am looking nigh everday, I don’t know what the market, money situation will be in the mean time.
      What little I have made on disability payments, I have tried to follow Pator Williams advice the best I can. Until Christ comes for me, I have to survive in this nasty world.

      • Occasnl Trvlr
      • November 21, 2014

      I’d like to share a thought about the “can’t buy or sell without the mark” concern.

      This requires that something be prevented. There must be some power or authority that will be preventing transactions without the mark. To me, this pretty clearly implies that there will be some kind of transaction system, which may or may not involve a physical representation of currency.

      But, keep in mind, any thing is worth no more nor less than what some other party is willing to trade for it. That applies to paper fiat currency, crypto-currency, fresh oranges, motor oil, and OPM silver rounds.

      Outside of a transaction system, what will prevent my trading an ounce of white metal for a quart of corn oil or 5 lbs. of potatoes? The reason I think metals will be a good thing to have is because they, along with food, land, and livestock, have the very oldest track records of being popularly recognized as having value.

      Now, of course, in the future there may be extreme risk in simply offering to trade outside of the then-current transaction system. Just offering to trade that OPM round for 5 lbs. of potatoes may carry the risk of imprisonment, or “re-education”. So, admittedly, the idea may not work. But, I think it is worth a try.

      • Y Diddy
      • November 28, 2014

      Joe, google image ‘silver bar’. What do you see? They all say ‘999’ on them. Turn that upside down and what do you see? It’s right in front of your face, Joe. All you need to do is open your eyes.

    • HolyWarrior
    • November 20, 2014

    I am hoping that gold/silver will continue to be artificially suppressed for awhile after Christmas. Because I want to buy some “usable” gifts for my family since this might be the last time to do it.

    All the reliable financials I watch said it is possible gold and silver will elevate for the new year because that is when China’s reserves run out. And if the West fails to deliver, that’s when the price goes up and suppression stops.

    But from what I what I possibly foresee from this new info, they might find a way to keep it suppressed for the Elite’s own consumption. We can only hope!

      • Martus
      • November 21, 2014

      You still cannot eat gold as far as I am aware.

      I am sure there are better uses for your money including charity.

      From my own bible studies on prophecy this is what I have concluded:

      New York city will be Nuked in 2015.

      This will lead to Iran being destroyed as a military power.

      This will lead to the U.S. being destroyed as a military power.(late 2018?).

      Rapture of the mature church April 13 2022.

      7 year tribulation of the Jews from April 13 2022 to April 13 2029 and in the midpoint the 144000 Messianic Jews Raptures out. The main body of the Messianic Jews raptured out April 13 2029 which will include all those that call on the name of the Lord.

      The mature church will preach until it is raptured out in April 13 2022. The 144000 Messianic Jews will preach in the first half of the tribulation and then they will be taken out, and the Two witness (Enoch and Elijha will preach in the last half of the tribulation till they and the Messianic believers are also taken out.

      After that destruction of life on the earth will followed by the godless left and an asteroid!

        • MRD
        • November 22, 2014

        Good summary, Martus, except I take exception of the dates. I don’t think/hope it will be that far away. With the Blood Moons concluding in September 2015, I see events occuring around these dates.
        Come quickly LORD Jesus.

        • Tommy
        • November 22, 2014

        Eating gold is not the point.

        Gold and silver have been monetary metals for 5000 years.

        They are used as money for bartering for food and othe commodities in hard times.

        They are used as money because they are in limited supply and cannot be printed (and manipulated) like paper (fiat) money can – which is why we are in the situation that we are now in.

        Until currencies are once again backed by gold, the manipulation will continue.

      • seven
      • November 21, 2014

      I think that is total ********

      (ED: Can you expand on that statement?)

        • HolyWarrior
        • November 22, 2014

        Martus,I respect your beliefs but those come not from the Bible. They are based on visions, theories and hypothesis’.

        We all look for knowledge for what our Lord has planned for the End Times – to which we are living – but we must only look to the Bible and not rely on outside non-sacred sources.

    • les may
    • November 19, 2014

    YES !!! I have read The Harbinger and The Mystery of Shemetah

      • Y Diddy
      • December 9, 2014

      I read this too. I just want to know who it was that told Lindsey to read it.

    • MRD
    • November 19, 2014

    Thank you James and Pastor Williams. Troubling times are coming. If you haven’t prepared by now with what you are able to afford and do, time is running out.
    Come quickly LORD Jesus.

      • Sam
      • November 22, 2014

      Just a reminder note for those spreading the quick rapture lie as a forget to prepare and forget concerns because we the believers will be whisked away:

      You do know that the anti-christ arrives first and that the made up story of a rapture of believers before hand is of the devils plot in order to foil the faithful who will turn away from Christ because of the twisted lie as told, right?

        • Jesus is coming
        • November 25, 2014

        Jesus is coming, and the “elite” know and believe that fact more than you do.

        I’ve researched the Rapture doctrine, and you are in fact mistaken. Biblical evidence shows the Rapture of the church occurs early. Significant Bible scholars with credentials and a lifetime of fruitful preaching also agree to that fact as well. I’m talking about men of God that taught and preached to millions.

        True Christians are not the type that are just sitting on their hands waiting for the Rapture of the church anyway. They are busily engaged doing The Lord’s work while there is still time.

        It’s clear who the anti-Christ is and the false prophet seems pretty certain as well and one can guess what ten political figures will be given control over their part of the world. This motley crew won’t wait long to fully implement their plan.

          • Sam
          • December 7, 2014

          @JIC, sadly you have placed your faith in the foolowing of your alleged Bible scholar men instead of God’s word…they have you believing Jesus’ 2nd coming in reverse order…

          You may further research ” The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud Exposed” for clarification.

          • Jesus is coming
          • December 8, 2014

          In response to Sam

          Sam, you’re placing your faith in a false understanding of Bible doctrine by your set of “Bible scholars.” People like the crack pot “Steven Anderson” and the guy that runs Prophecy Club promote what you are saying. Those are the two that came up with I searched for “Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud Exposed.” They point to all sorts of false understandings of Scripture. Maybe they get it right once in a while but not on the Rapture of the church. S. Anderson doesn’t even read Bible commentaries, he says they are all full of false teachings. If this is the kind of quack pastor you follow to understand scripture then he’s going to make merchandise of you. One of Steven Anderson’s famous quotes include: “get the hell out of my church” to someone in his “small” congregation.


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