Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – December 8, 2016
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter. If you are not a subscriber please subscribe for free by entering your name and email address in the box below.
Pastor David Bowen is pastor of Standing Stones Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. For more information about Pastor Dave please visit
Pastor Dave is also creator of the website Interpreting The Times, understanding world events through scripture. You can find out more by visiting
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Latest News Articles – December 8, 2016
From James Harkin (Webmaster & Editor of Here is a summary of articles of interest from around the world for this week. Please LIKE the Lindsey Williams Online Facebook Page to see stories posted daily regarding the current state of the economy around the world.
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Latest News From December 2, 2016 to December 8, 2016:
- ALERT: Gerald Celente Just Released The Top 10 Trends For 2017 And They Will Surprise You
As we come to the end of what has been a wild trading year, here are Gerald Celente’s just released top 10 trends for 2017. Top 10 Trends For 2017. (King World News) Gerald Celente — Forecasting worldwide since 1980, never before have we observed so many key socioeconomic and geopolitical trend dynamics as those that will shape 2017 and beyond for both better and for worse… From Americans electing Donald Trump president – the darkest of dark-horse candidates whom the Trends Journal® was the first publication to forecast as winner (Trends Journal, May 2016) – to economic, financial, entertainment, technological and pop-culture mega-trends that will shape 2017, your audience and you will be ready to ride the waves and survive the dives ahead by knowing how to profit from this new-world trend order. - Massive Dollar Selling Ahead-John Williams
Economist John Williams has been forecasting a dollar selloff for a few years. It now looks like the manipulators are running out of options to keep propping up the U.S. dollar. Williams explains, “I think we are going to see massive dollar selling ahead. We have problems here not just with the economy, but you have the Fed faced with a circumstance where the U.S. banking system and the global banking system was threatened with collapse in the panic of 2008. The Fed and the Treasury decided they did not want the system to collapse. . . . All they did was buy time. Now, that time has basically run out. The economy has not turned around.” - It’s Not Over: Rogue Republican Elector Announces He Will Not Vote For Trump And Urges Others To Join Him
Donald Trump has already lost one of his electoral votes, and there are indications that a number of additional electors may be prepared to abandon him. Prior to the election, I warned my readers that we would not officially know who the next president would be until December 19th. On that Monday, the 538 members of the Electoral College will gather in their state capitals in all 50 states to formally elect the next president. Throughout U.S. history electors have voted according to the will of the people more than 99 percent of the time, but in 2016 there is a concerted effort to persuade Republican electors not to vote for Trump. If 37 Republican electors can be convinced to vote for someone other than Trump, that would keep Trump under the 270 vote threshold needed to win and it would throw the election into the House of Representatives. Most people had considered this to be a longshot, but on Monday a Republican elector named Christopher Suprun publicly announced in the New York Times that he will not cast his vote for Donald Trump. On the other side, there are at least 8 Democratic electors that have already publicly pledged to switch their votes from Hillary Clinton to a compromise Republican alternative to Trump. - Proof That The Elite Really Do Want A Global Society With No Possessions, No Privacy And No Freedom
If you listen closely, the global elite are telling us exactly what they intend to do. If they get their way, our world is going to look vastly different than it does now in the not too distant future. These elitists share a dream of an environmentally-friendly dystopian socialist paradise in which individual freedom is severely restricted for the good of the collective. Where you live, what you do for a living, what you are allowed to eat and how many children you are permitted to have would all be determined by an all-powerful central government that nobody would question or challenge. This may sound very bizarre to you, but the global elite really do dream of these things. A perfect example of what I am talking about is an article that recently appeared on the official website of the World Economic Forum entitled “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better“. It was authored by a member of parliament in Denmark named Ida Auken, and as you can see she is quite convinced that we can achieve this type of society by the year 2030… - Robots to steal 15million of your jobs, says bank chief: Doom-laden Carney warns middle classes will be ‘hollowed out' by new technology
Robots could put 15million Britons out of work, the Bank of England Governor declared last night. In an alarming vision for workers, Mark Carney warned many jobs would be ‘hollowed out' as huge technological advances meant roles could be automated instead. The Bank has said the march of the machines in the workplace puts administrative, clerical and production staff most under threat. And it has even predicted that entire professions, such as accountancy, could be pushed to the brink of extinction as developments in computers make their roles redundant. - GOP Readies Cuts to Federal Workforce Under Trump
For years, Republicans in Congress have been eyeing an overhaul of the federal workforce — by reducing the number of workers and curtailing benefits and pay while making it easier to fire bad employees. Now, with a president-elect who has promised to do much the same, 2017 could be the best time in recent memory to make sweeping changes affecting those who work for the bureaucracy. One major plan is being readied by Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The Utah Republican calls it “high on our agenda.” While details remain sketchy, it would likely mean big changes to the generous retirement benefits given federal workers, mainly by looking to shift new employees from a defined benefit into a market-based 401(k). - Eurozone Inflation Rate Highest Since April 2014
The eurozone’s annual rate of inflation rose to its highest level since early 2014 during November, but remained far short of the European Central Bank’s target as policy makers prepare for a Dec. 8 meeting at which they will decide whether to extend a bond buying program due to expire in March. The European Union’s statistics agency Wednesday said consumer prices in the eurozone were 0.6% higher in November than a year earlier, a pickup in the annual rate of inflation from 0.5% in October and its highest level since April 2014. - Multiple Jobholders Hit New All Time High As Part-Time Jobs Soar
While today's headline jobs number was essentially Goldilocks, with the payrolls print missing the expected print of 180K by just 2,000 jobs, it was accompanied by a plunge in the unemployment rate to 9 year lows as a result of a jump in the number of people leaving the labor force, and rising to a new all time high of over 95 million. But while the quantitative headline aspect is open to interpretation, the qualitative component of the November jobs print was – just like in the case of October – quite clear: it was ugly, again. Recall that in October, the Household Survey revealed that the number of full-time workers tumbled by 103,000 as part-time workers jumped by 90,000. The trend continued in November, when another 118,000 part-time jobs were added, paired with a far more modest 9,000 increase in full -time jobs. - Gold Prices Expected to Move Up With Sharia Law Revisions
Since it was first proposed last April, trading gold as a commodity within Islamic finance is now a reality. The pro-gold law was first adopted on November 19 by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions, which sets Sharia Law standards for finance groups. Historically, Islamic investments have been guided by Sharia Law, which prohibits financial practices like earning and paying interest on loans. It also outlines requirements for the exchange of commodities like gold and silver. Islamic law sees gold as a substance sold by its weight and measures; a commodity that must be immediately exchanged in equal amounts. These types of substances are called Ribawi, and traditionally include silver, dates, wheat, salt, and barley. Therefore, the idea of using precious metals as an investment vehicle or as wealth retention is new. - Obama administration fails to check immigrants against FBI databases, approves citizenship
Some 175 immigrants were approved for citizenship even though their names weren’t properly run through the FBI’s name-check databases, potentially missing red flags that may have disqualified them from naturalization, the Obama administration admitted this weekend. Homeland Security officials blamed computer code for the problem, which affected about 15,000 applications in total. The problem was significant enough that the government halted all naturalization ceremonies already in the pipeline and banned U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officers from approving new citizenship applications beginning on Nov. 29, when officials acknowledged the problem in an internal email that was later obtained by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte. - How Trump’s Calls to World Leaders Are Upsetting Decades of Diplomacy
President-elect Donald J. Trump has broken with decades of diplomatic practice in freewheeling calls with foreign leaders. The call with President Tsai Ing-wen risks infuriating China, which wants to bring Taiwan back under mainland rule. By honoring the Taiwanese president with a formal call, Mr. Trump’s transition team implicitly suggests that it considers Taiwan an independent state. The U.S. has declined to recognize Taiwan since 1979, when it shifted recognition to the government in Beijing. Taiwan itself has yet to declare formal independence. Mr. Trump tweeted, “The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency.” - Kissinger and Brzezinski to Be Honoured by Nobel Institute and Oslo University
These two top officials behind major US wars (Iran/Afghanistan and Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos) and regime change (against Allende, Chile) will speak at the first of a new event, The Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo, created by the Nobel Institute in Oslo. More here. The leaders of the two institutions declare that they are proud to have succeeded in getting these two diplomats to Norway – and the media of course will be there. The event is sponsored by the California-based company InCircl – a marketing and mobile payment company. - Here Are The Biggest “Post-Trump” Market Risks According To Bank of America
As BofA's rates strategist Ralf Preusser writes in a note this morning, “not even a month since the US election and markets seem unrecognizable” adding that the Trump election represented a paradigm shift. Fiscal easing would take over from monetary easing and would allow for the dollar and rates to rise in unison, a trend not seen for a while. The bank notes that whilst the direction of the moves since the election is in line with its expectations and forecasts, “the speed has come as a surprise.” and while fundamentally the repricing has further to go, especially in light of OPEC’s decision to end the price war within the cartel, there are red flags emerging among which vulnerability of EMs, and the reaction function of the PBOC, while warning that investors should not forget that premature tapering by the ECB risks exposing the Euro area’s fault lines again. - 20 Years Later, Greenspan's “Irrational Exuberance” Has Become Even More Irrational
20 years, to the day, after Greenspan's iconic speech that warned of the unintended consequences of “irrational exuberance,” we find ourselves, yet again, in the midst of perhaps the largest asset bubble in history. In fact, Greenspan's warning, previously made in a speech on Dec. 5, 1996, eerily reflects many of the same concerns surrounding the market today with low interest rates and lower risk premiums driving an unprecedented equity bubble. “Clearly, sustained low inflation implies less uncertainty about the future, and lower risk premiums imply higher prices of stocks and other earning assets. But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to unexpected and prolonged contractions as they have in Japan over the past decade?” Of course, since Greenspan's initial warning in 1995 U.S. equity markets have bubbled up and crashed twice. Now, with the broader indices up 500-600%, one has to wonder whether “irrational exuberance” has once again “unduly escalated asset values.” - As Dakota Celebrates, Trump Advisors Propose Privatizing Oil-Rich Indian Reservations
With celebrations continuing at the site of the Dakota Access Pipeline protest (following the “Monumental victory” following the Obama administration's decision not to grant the construction permit), it appears the Trump administration has very different ideas. Having confirmed Trump's support for the pipeline (not to do with his investments), Reuters reports a Trump advisory group proposes the politically explosive idea of putting oil-rich Indian reservation lands into provate ownership. - Don’t Believe The Propaganda, China’s Rise Will Be The Big Shocker In 2017
Despite propaganda to the contrary, China’s rise will be the big story in 2017. Stephen Leeb: “Gold is back in business and barring some unforeseen event should soon resume its uptrend. As I recently argued, anything bringing oil to the dance would do the trick, and OPEC’s agreement to cut production fits the bill. Rumors circulating midweek that China planned to limit gold imports don’t alter this conclusion. They likely indicate an effort either to eliminate arbitrage (stemming from the fact that gold in China trades at a 10 percent premium to gold traded in the West) or talk gold down. China’s thinking on gold hasn’t changed, and the case for a near fantastical bull market in the monetary metal has moved closer… - A Devastating Collapse Looms As India Sees The Price Of Gold Selling At A Jaw-Dropping $1,600 – $3,000
With interest rates soaring, today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, and major global events, warned King World News that a devastating collapse looms as India sees the price of gold selling at a jaw-dropping $1,600 – $3,000. The Road To Global Collapse. Egon von Greyerz: “Today the Die Is Cast for Europe and the EU. This is what Caesar said when he crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC marching towards Rome, leading to a major change in Europe’s history. The Italian referendum taking place today (December 4) has a similar significance. The Brexit vote, in which Britain decided to divorce from the EU, started the breakup of the artificial construction of 500 million people being ruled by an unelected and unaccountable elite in Brussels. Even worse is an artificial paper currency, the euro, which is used by 19 out of the 28 EU countries. All paper currencies are of course artificial constructions that eventually become worthless, but to have a currency for 19 countries with different cultures, different growth rates and productivity and vastly different inflation rates is a total disaster… - What The Italian Vote Really Means And Why Commodities Are Set To Continue To Surge
On the heels of Italy’s no vote and Renzi’s resignation, this is what the Italian vote really means and why commodities are set to continue to surge. Here is what Peter Boockvar wrote today as the world awaits the next round of monetary madness: The Italians didn’t vote anti establishment I believe, they voted to keep the same sclerotic system in place. What a huge missed opportunity. Does this spell the end of the Euro experiment? Are we a step closer to a breakup? Maybe and I’ve heard all the scare stories but I still don’t believe it irrespective of the referendum outcome as the majority of Europeans still want it. Austria did not vote for the anti euro candidate and France may, and I emphasize may, elect a pro business President next year. This all said, if regulatory, labor and tax reforms don’t take shape in many European countries that have excessive debt levels and pathetic growth, then anything is possible… - Alleged “Consensus on Climate Change” Is Actually Only 75 Hand-Picked US Scientists
Considering that we're living in a time when news outlets on both sides of the political spectrum are screaming “fake news” about anything and everything written or said by anyone other than themselves, this article and the video before it will come as fantastic news for anyone looking to retire their status as a “climate denier” for good. If the whole “climate change” debate wasn’t so dishonest, so corrupt, and so fraudulent, once you finally find out where the numbers liberals have been throwing at you for years actually come from, you'd probably die of laughter. Unfortunately, when you consider how many hard working Americans Al Gore must have stolen from to become a billionaire based on a perpetual lie, it becomes less funny. - Italy's Monte Paschi Told To “Prepare For State Bailout”
On Sunday night, when we commented on the results of the Italian referendum, we said that while the Italian political limbo may or may not be an issue in the near term, a bigger problem for Italy will be the fate of Monte Paschi, whose 3rd bailout was likely doomed to failure after the failed referendum, which could unleash contagion upon the Italian banking sector at a very precarious time for Italy and Europe. Overnight, we got confirmation of that from not one but two sources, with Italian Il Sole 24 reporting that the Italian treasury is considering “precautionary” direct state intervention to rescue the bank, a plan that has already been sketched out by Rome and Brussels. The lender’s executives are meeting with European Central Bank officials today and may ask for a delay to a non-performing loan sale that’s part of the bank’s capital increase plan, the newspaper said. In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Marcello Messori, economics professor at Luiss University said that “the probability of finding a natural market solution is very very low currently, due to the fact that instability implies that international investors have a lot of difficulties to decide in the short term for a very important recapitalization” and added that the ECB may give more time “if there is a solution on the horizon.” - Jim Rogers Reports on the Nation on Fire that Trump Will Inherit in January
In the following video, the RT network interviews Jim Rogers and several other members of a round table discussion over what the network refers to as “Trump-Lash.” Jim Rogers is of course, the international investor and co-founder with George Soros of the legendary Quantum Fund, from which Rogers retired from at age 37 because the Quantum fund was pumping out returns as high as 1,600%. One of the topics the round table discusses, is the recent surge in U.S. equity markets, and how those recent surges could ultimately come back later and make the impending collapse that much worse, however then again, they may not. Right now, we just don’t know, and markets can only handle so much uncertainty before the wheels begin coming off… The point the gentleman at the table make, is that the U.S. economy is in shambles, and nothing Trump or any other president will decide to do will ever be enough to prevent the long term devastation that lies ahead. In the short term, what happens is anyone’s guess. - Global Financial Markets Plunged Into Chaos As Italy Overwhelmingly Votes ‘No’
Italian voters have embraced the global trend of rejecting the established world order, but the “no” vote on Sunday has plunged global financial markets into a state of utter chaos. The euro has already fallen to a 20 month low, Italian government bonds are poised for a tremendous crash, and futures markets are indicating that both U.S. and European stock markets will be way down when they open on Monday. It is being projected that Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s referendum on constitutional reforms will be defeated by about 20 percentage points when all the votes have been counted, and Renzi has already announced that he plans to resign as a result. When new elections are held it looks like comedian Beppe Grillo’s Five-Star movement will come to power, and the European establishment is extremely alarmed at that prospect because Grillo wants to take Italy out of the eurozone. In the long run Italy would be much better off without the euro, but in the short-term the only thing propping up Italy’s failing banking system is support from Europe. Without that support, the 8th largest economy on the entire planet would already be in the midst of an unprecedented financial crisis. - The United Nations General Assembly Passes 6 Outrageous Anti-Israel Resolutions
Last Wednesday, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to adopt 6 outrageous anti-Israel resolutions. These resolutions address a wide variety of issues including “a two state solution”, the status of the Golan Heights and a “lasting solution to the question of the City of Jerusalem”. Unlike UN Security Council resolutions, these UN General Assembly resolutions are not considered to be legally binding upon the parties, but they do show that virtually the entire planet is in favor of dividing the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. In addition, even though the U.S. voted against each of these resolutions, there is still a tremendous amount of buzz that the Obama administration may decide to go along with a UN Security Council resolution that would set the parameters for a “two state solution” before the end of Barack Obama’s term comes on January 20th. I have not seen a single mainstream news article about these UN General Assembly resolutions that were just passed. The only way that I learned about them is because someone sent me a link to an announcement on the official UN website. In this article I want to share with you some extended excerpts from that announcement so that you can see for yourself exactly how the UN feels about Israel. - Wall Street’s Goldman Sachs Is Big Winner In Trump Election Victory
During the Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders demanded that Hillary Clinton release transcripts of speeches she made to Wall Street’s top banks, including Goldman Sachs. Her detractors claimed that a Clinton nomination as the democratic presidential candidate would be a win for Wall Street. While Donald Trump was campaigning he promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington, District of Criminals (DC) – by avoiding placing either lobbyists or Wall Street pros in positions of political power. Boy, how time flies! Yesterday’s certainties are certainly not today’s realities. Trump’s cabinet appointments are nestled firmly in the conservative wing of the Republican Party. - These Were Supposed To Be Hillary’s Numbers!
Good headlines just keep coming. The Chicago PMI index of Midwest economic activity jumps to its highest level in two years. The ADP employment report shows 216,000 new jobs added in November. US Q2 GDP growth is upgraded to a completely acceptable rate of 3.2%. Very nice numbers all. And – had the election gone a different way – a big help in easing the transition from one Democrat administration to another. Success breeding success. But a different number explains this apparently-accelerating expansion: US federal debt, which after growing by only $330 billion in 2015 soared by $1.38 trillion this year. For more on why this happened, see Another Election Year, Another Bunch Of Fake Growth Numbers. But for now it’s enough to say that $1.3 trillion is a lot for the entire US economy to borrow in a single year. For the federal government alone to do so is huge, and probably accounts for much of the recent above-trend growth. - Chinese Developers Rethink U.S. Real Estate Projects: “I See Danger…U.S. Real Estate Is Peaking”
For months we've been warning that real estate markets in NYC and San Francisco, among others, are getting ready to rollover as the market is about to be flooded with new supply of luxury apartments (see here and here). Real estate in both markets are just starting to show signs of cracking as the apartments sales cycle is getting stretched out and pricing growth has stalled. Now, per an article from the Wall Street Journal, wealthy Chinese real estate investors are admitting that the jig is up in large cities like New York and are running for the hills. With a substantial amount of capacity expected to come online over the next several quarters and a growth cycle that is entering its 8th year, one Chinese real estate investor admits “you get a sense now that it’s peaking.” - So THAT'S why he needs an army! EU's Juncker predicts WW3 after Italian referendum result
JEAN-CLAUDE Juncker today used the result of the Italian referendum to predict that the rise of anti-EU parties will spark World War Three. The Brussels chief said that the disintegration of the euro project would herald a return to the “tragic history” of a Europe at war. In a series of sensationalist remarks he said the continent was living through “dangerous times” due to a rise in opposition to the EU. His remarks mirror those of ex-prime minister David Cameron, who was widely mocked for predicting that Brexit would cause a global conflict. Mr Juncker is currently behind a concerted push by Brussels to acquire its own army which is being vigorously opposed by Britain. - The Propaganda About Russian Propaganda
In late October, I received an e-mail from “The PropOrNot Team,” which described itself as a “newly-formed independent team of computer scientists, statisticians, national security professionals, journalists and political activists, dedicated to identifying propaganda—particularly Russian propaganda targeting a U.S. audience.” PropOrNot said that it had identified two hundred Web sites that “qualify as Russian propaganda outlets.” The sites’ reach was wide—they are read by at least fifteen million Americans. PropOrNot said that it had “drafted a preliminary report about this for the office of Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), and after reviewing our report they urged us to get in touch with you and see about making it a story.” Reporting on Internet phenomena, one learns to be wary of anonymous collectives freely offering the fruits of their research. I told PropOrNot that I was probably too busy to write a story, but I asked to see the report. In reply, PropOrNot asked me to put the group in touch with “folks at the NYTimes, WaPo, WSJ, and anyone else who you think would be interested.” Deep in the middle of another project, I never followed up. - “Fake News” Has Been a Problem for Thousands of Years … Here’s How to Stop It
Throughout history, government officials have tried to stop “fake news” through various means. Socrates: For example, Socrates was killed in 399 BC for spreading “fake news”. His crime: “Failing to acknowledge the gods that the [mainstream media of the day] acknowledges”. William Tyndale: William Tyndale was killed in 1536 for spreading “fake news”. His crime: Translating the Bible into English so that everyone could read it for themselves, and no longer had to rely on the clergy to tell them what it said. - The ‘Fake News’ Con: A Case Study
The media have found a creative new way to explain away Hillary’s Clinton’s crushing defeat and their own humiliation. They have dubbed the agent of their mutual undoing “fake news” and talk about the phenomenon as though it made real sense. In an all too typical New York Times opinion piece this week Michael Lynch defines “fake news” as “pure fiction masquerading as truth” and presents it exclusively as a “right wing” phenomenon. Like many of his colleagues, Lynch suggests the Russian government was involved in planting fake news items and believes that such items, regardless of source, may have cost Hillary Clinton the election. - Trump’s Appointments — Paul Craig Roberts
What do they mean? Before I give an explanation, let’s be sure we all know what an explanation is. An explanation is not a justification. The collapse of education in the US is so severe that many Americans, especially younger ones, cannot tell the difference between an explanation and a defense, justification, or apology for what they regard as a guilty person or party. If an explanation is not damning or sufficiently damning of what they want damned, the explanation is interpreted as an excuse for the object of their scorn. In America, reason and objective analysis have taken a backseat to emotion. We do not know what the appointments mean except, as Trump discovered once he confronted the task of forming a government, that there is no one but insiders to appoint. For the most part that is correct. Outsiders are a poor match for insiders who tend to eat them alive. Ronald Reagan’s California crew were a poor match for George H.W. Bush’s insiders. The Reagan part of the government had a hell of a time delivering results that Reagan wanted. - The Biggest Worry About 2017 Will Surprise You…
The biggest worry about 2017 will surprise KWN readers around the world. Eric King: “Bill, anything you want to say to people around the world about the outlook for 2017?” Bill Fleckenstein: “I think the most important thing to keep in mind is how little we really know about what’s liable to happen next. We’ve got a lot of wild cards. And I think the uncertainty factor has to be much higher than it’s been in a very, very long time. Look, I’m known as a bear, right? But I’m really very optimistic and the reason I’m outlining the problems and I’m always talking about this is because we need a crisis to solve the problems. And so I’m rooting for the crisis to hurry up and hit. The longer we wait to fix things and the more we kick the can the road, the more impossible it is to fix the problems. Or said differently, the more painful it will be and the longer it will take to fix the problems. We don’t want to end up like Greece…To continue listening to the powerful KWN audio interview where Fleckenstein discusses what surprises to expect in 2017, whether or not the gold smash is finally over, and much more. - ALERT: Is This The Most Important Chart Of 2016?
As we kickoff trading in December, is this the most important chart of 2016? We see a 30+ year chart of 10-Year Treasury yields. This chart encompasses the multi-decade bull market in bonds, but it also shows that it is in danger of coming to an end as Treasury yields on the 10-Year are now reaching the upper limit of the trend channel. If the 10-Year Treasury yields break decisively above the trend channel, it would definitely be waving a caution flag that the 30+ year bull market may indeed be coming to an end… - House Quietly Passes Bill Targeting “Russian Propaganda” Websites
On November 30, one week after the Washington Post launched its witch hunt against “Russian propaganda fake news”, with 390 votes for, the House quietly passed “H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017”, sponsored by California Republican Devin Nunes (whose third largest donor in 2016 is Google parent Alphabet, Inc), a bill which deals with a number of intelligence-related issues, including Russian propaganda, or what the government calls propaganda, and hints at a potential crackdown on “offenders.” A quick skim of the bill reveals “Title V—Matters relating to foreign countries”, whose Section 501 calls for the government to “counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence … carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly.” - The Shocking Truth About How Barack Obama Was Able To Prop Up The U.S. Economy
Barack Obama is one of the biggest “Keynesians” of all time, but unfortunately most Americans don’t even understand what that means. In this article, I am going to share with you the primary reason why Barack Obama has been able to prop up the U.S. economy over the past eight years. If Barack Obama had not taken the extreme measures that he did, we would be in the midst of a historic economic depression right now. But by propping things up in the short-term, he has absolutely demolished our long-term economic future. But like most politicians, Obama has been willing to sacrifice the future for short-term political gain. If you take any basic college course in economics, you are going to learn about John Maynard Keynes. Without a doubt, Keynes was one of the most famous economists of the 20th century, and one of the things that he believed was that governments should go into debt and spend more money when an economic downturn strikes. By injecting additional funds into the economy during a time of crisis, he believed that the severity of recessions and depressions could be reduced. This approach ultimately become known as “Keynesian economics”, and in the post-World War II era virtually the entire world embraced it at least to some degree. - Italy referendum: ‘Period of uncertainty' predicted after Matteo Renzi's defeat – as it happened
Here’s a roundup of the latest on Italy’s referendum and its aftermath: Matteo Renzi is preparing to formally submit his resignation after voters dismissed his plans for constitutional reform in a crushing referendum that saw close to 60% of voters opt for “no”. He said “My experience in government ends here … I did all I could to bring this to victory. Renzi has called a cabinet meeting for 1730 GMT, after which he said he would tender his resignation. The margin of the rejection– close to 20 percentage points – was much wider than expected. On a high turnout of 65.47%, 59.11% of voters chose no; 40.89% went for yes. Overseas voters bucked the trend, voting overwhelmingly (64.7%) for yes. The vote prompted the euro to initially fall to a 20-month low against the dollar and then bounce back to its highest level since mid-November. But shares in Italian banks have tumbled. - Reprieve for Native Tribes as Army Denies Dakota Pipeline Permit
The secretary of the Army Corps of Engineers has turned down a permit for a controversial pipeline project running through North Dakota, in a victory for Native Americans and climate activists. A celebration erupted following the Sunday announcement at the main protest camp in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, where the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and others have been protesting against the 1,172-mile Dakota Access Pipeline for months. However it may prove to be a short-lived victory because President-elect Donald Trump has said he supports the project and policy experts believe he could reverse the decision if he wanted to. The line, owned by Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners LP , had been complete except for a segment planned to run under Lake Oahe, a reservoir formed by a dam on the Missouri River. That stretch required an easement from federal authorities. The Obama administration delayed a decision on the permit twice in an effort to consult further with the tribe. - The New American Dream – A Life In Hock
We live in a society driven by debt. Cars, for example, have become hugely expensive (even on the low end) relative to what people can afford – because of the easy availability of credit. Which is the nice word used to speak about debt, intended to encourage us to get into it. It takes at least $15,000 or so to drive home in a “cheap” new car, once all is said and done. And the “cheap” car will have to be registered, plated and insured. It runs into money. And most new cars cost a lot more money. Which most people haven’t got. So they get debt. A loan. Which, when it becomes commonly resorted to as a way to live beyond one’s means as a lifestyle, drives up the cost of life for everyone. Including those who try to live within their means – or better yet, below them. When most people (when enough people) are willing – are eager – to go into hock for the next six years in order to have a car with an LCD touchscreen, leather (and heated) seats, six air bags, a six-speaker stereo, electronic climate control AC and power everything – which pretty much every new car now comes standard with – the car companies build cars to satisfy that artificial demand. Artificial because based on economic unreality. That is a good way to think about debt. It is nonexistent wealth. You are promising to pay with money you haven’t earned yet. - Stripped of Accounting Gimmicks, the US Has Been on the Verge of Recession since 2011
The Fed has a very serious problem on its hands. That problem concerns the fact that for seven years the Fed has spread the myth of a “recovery.” I say “myth” because the reality is that when you remove accounting gimmicks, the US has been a “hair’s breadth” away from a recession since 2010. The most obvious gimmick being employed is the phony “deflator” used to understate inflation and overstate growth. Everyone knows that the official CPI measure for inflation is bogus. But the Fed routinely uses a deflator that is even lower that CPI when calculating GDP. This sounds rather technical, so let’s run through this one step at a time. Consider this simple example. Let’s say that the US GDP grew by 10% last year. Now let’s say that inflation also grew by 10%. In this scenario, real inflation adjusted GDP growth was ZERO. - We Have Killed Capitalism-Jim Sinclair
Legendary gold and market expert Jim Sinclair says, “Markets do not exist anymore . . . and you can’t time what does not exist.” Sinclair contends a huge transition is underway, and the old system cannot be fixed. A new one is on the way, and the old one is going to end with a bang. Sinclair explains, “Right now, they’re eating each other, and the eventuality is, getting back to the steam pot, there is going to be a day when there is only going to be one shark left, one very fat shark left, and what happens next? That shark starves to death because it ate all the food. So, the end of this is the explosion of that steam cooker which is called capitalism.” - Americans Not In The Labor Force Soar To Record 95.1 Million: Jump By 446,000 In One Month
So much for that much anticipated rebound in the participation rate. After it had managed to post a modest increase in the early part of the year, hitting the highest level in one year in March at 63%, the disenchantment with working has returned, and the labor force participation rate had flatlined for the next few month, ultimately dropping in November to 62.7%, just shy of its 35 year low of 62.4% hit last October. This can be seen in the surge of Americans who are no longer in the labor force, who spiked by 446,000 in November, hitting an all time high of 95.1 million. As a result of this the US labor force shrank by 226,000 to 159,486K, down from 159,712K a month ago, and helped the unemployment rate tumble to 4.6%, the lowest level since August 2007. - Fake News and War Party Lies
“I have in my possession a secret map, made in Germany by Hitler’s government — by the planners of the New World Order,” FDR told the nation in his Navy Day radio address of Oct. 27, 1941. “It is a map of South America as Hitler proposes to reorganize it. The geographical experts of Berlin, however, have ruthlessly obliterated all the existing boundary lines … bringing the whole continent under their domination,” said Roosevelt. “This map makes clear the Nazi design not only against South America but against the United States as well.” Our leader had another terrifying secret document, “made in Germany by Hitler’s government. … “It is a plan to abolish all existing religions — Protestant, Catholic, Mohammedan, Hindu, Buddhist and Jewish alike. … In the place of the churches of our civilization, there is to be set up an international Nazi Church… - Prepare for a US interest rate rise before Christmas
Interest rates in the world’s biggest economy are going up before Christmas. That was the clear message from the latest set of US employment figures measuring job creation in November. Non-farm payrolls – the bellwether of demand for labour in the US – rose by 178,000, almost bang in line with what Wall Street was expecting. This was solid rather than spectacular, but good enough to trigger a move from the Federal Reserve, America’s central bank, when it meets later this month. Since it last raised rates this time in December 2015, the Fed has repeatedly found reasons to delay another increase in the cost of borrowing. But, after a slow start to the year, the pace of growth has quickened and unemployment has continued to fall, dropping from 4.9% to 4.6% last month. - “Economy Shattered, Currency Collapsing”: Venezuelans Wait In 6 ATM Lines For Enough To Buy Rice
A fistful of bolivars buys… well, next to nothing. A sad state of affairs in Venezuela. Is this how the economic crisis will play out in America? A cash strapped population, forced to the brink and stripped of their dignity? Unfortunately, it is already underway in Venezuela. Of course there is a higher standard of living in the United States overall, but tens of millions of people are already on the edge of poverty and tens of millions more can be brought to their knees in a matter of hours. Some 46 million Americans are already on food stamps, and reliance on digital systems, EBT debit cards and electronic transactions could make Americans more vulnerable than they appear on the surface. If the system shut down tomorrow, what would you do? How would you feed your family? Unless you are a prepper, the answer could make you uneasy. Long lines have been the norm in Venezuela for over a year now; shortages and rations just another part of their upended lives. But now, the sheer free fall of their currency’s value has made live even more precarious – forcing many to visit as many as six ATMs just for enough to buy very basic, cheap goods. - OPEC Oil Cuts May Revive US Fracking Boom
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has agreed to cut crude oil production, and, though there are few details, it’s likely to good news for U.S. oil drillers. OPEC’s decision to reduce oil output by 1.2 million barrels per day has already sent London’s Brent benchmark crude price up 8 percent to more than $50 per barrel. The U.S. benchmark price rose 6 percent to $47.97 on Wednesday. That’s good news for U.S. oil drillers who have been struggling to produce with prices under $50 a barrel. U.S. hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, operations can quickly respond to oil price changes, meaning lots of idle oil wells could come online in the coming weeks if prices keep rising. Indeed, International Energy Agency (IEA) chief Fatih Birol said U.S. shale oil would “pour” onto markets if OPEC somehow managed to raise prices. - Why Trump Will Be Unable To Save The American Coal Industry
It is no secret that the coal industry has faced hard times for the last few years. Environmental concerns led President Obama to institute more stringent regulatory requirements, while cheap natural gas created intense competition. Against that backdrop, many coal industry participants and investors hoped that President Trump would be able to reverse those fortunes. President Trump will undoubtedly do his best to help the industry, but recent events have shown that may be harder than it appears. Canada recently announced for instance that it would begin phasing out coal faster than it had previously planned due to increased environmental concerns. That’s a significant development because Canada is the fifth largest buyer of U.S. coal traditionally. - Winners And Losers Of The OPEC Deal
It’s no secret I’ve been one of the consistent naysayers about the OEPC deal. I was confident a deal wouldn’t be had, and that if they did manage to reach a deal—which seemed an impossibility given Iran/Saudi relations—it would have little to no effect on the supply glut. I was wrong on one account—they did manage to solidify a deal. It’s important to note before we look at the cold, hard facts of the deal specifics that I’m a proponent of letting markets correct themselves, and as such, I found it disturbing that the world was expectant that OPEC needed to solve the world’s oil supply glut by essentially manipulating oil prices through a controlled production cut, but nonetheless, all eyes were on OPEC. “Solve the supply glut!” the world seemed to scream. This perplexed me. - An interesting perspective on the War on Cash
It’s happening faster than we could have ever imagined. Every time we turn around, it seems, there’s another major assault in the War on Cash. India is the most notable recent example– the embarrassing debacle a few weeks ago in which the government, overnight, “demonetized” its two largest denominations of cash, leaving an entire nation in chaos. But there have been so many smaller examples. In the US city of New Orleans, the local government decided earlier this month to stop accepting cash payments from drivers at the Office of Motor Vehicles. - Demonetisation can permanently damage India’s informal economy
On November 8, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that ‘the 500 rupee and 1,000 rupee currency notes presently in use will no longer be legal tender from midnight’. This step of demonetisation was taken ostensibly for curbing black money and counterfeit currency notes. As per Reserve Bank of India (RBI) figures, the higher denomination notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 constitute 86.4 per cent of the total currency in circulation in the economy, by value. Therefore, with the stroke of a pen, the government nullified 86 per cent of the currency in the economy. This huge monetary shock to the economy has both short-term and long-term effects. Firstly, such withdrawal of money supply in the economy has drastically reduced transactions and exchanges, primarily for those sectors which use cash. - The Great Unwind Unravels Hottest Rental Markets in the US. Now in San Francisco, New York, Boston, Chicago, Washington DC, and perhaps a city near you.
Averaged out across the US, asking rents for apartments still rose in November on a year-to-date basis, though more slowly than before, with the median asking rent for a one-bedroom up 1.8% and for a two-bedroom up 2.2%, according to Zumper’s National Rental Price Index. In July, rents had still been up over 4% year-to-date. Since then, they’ve started ticking down on a monthly basis. But averages can cover up more than they reveal. On a city-by-city basis, a different scenario emerges, with rents going totally crazy in some la-la lands, as if it were still the summer of 2015, and in other cities, including the three most expensive rental markets in the US, rents are coming down hard. - Subprime Auto-Loan Delinquencies Surge to NY Fed’s Attention. Six million Americans are 90-plus days delinquent.
The increasingly turbulent sector of subprime auto loans bubbled to the attention of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. In its Liberty Street Economics, it worries about the “notable deterioration in the performance of subprime auto loans” – Fed speak for the momentum with which these loans are going to heck. About six million people with subprime credit scores (below 620) are now at least 90 days past due on their payments for their car or truck. The New York Fed worries about the lenders that specialize in these loans, and it worries about the “large number of households” whose vehicles are at risk of repossession: “The increased level of distress associated with subprime loan delinquencies is of significant concern, and likely to have ongoing consequences for affected households,” it says. - Largest US Bitcoin Exchange Ordered To Disclose Three Years Of User Data To IRS
Last week we reported, that in an unprecedented attempt to breach the personal privacy of users of the largest bitcoin exchange in the US, Coinbase, the IRS filed papers seeking a judicial order to serve a so-called “John Doe” summons on the San Francisco-based Bitcoin platform. The government’s request was part of a bitcoin tax-evasion probe, and seeks to identify all Coinbase users in the U.S. who “conducted transactions in a convertible virtual currency” from 2013 to 2015. What makes a “John Doe” unique, is that it represents a special “shotgun” form of summons to look for tax evaders that allows the IRS to obtain information about all taxpayers in a group or class of people, even if the agency doesn’t know their identities. The IRS has deployed the tactic in its recent crackdown on undeclared offshore accounts, with the implication that any such broad sweep may lead to prosecution. Coinbase executives were “extremely concerned” and vowed to oppose the government's petition in court. - Debt & Deficit Outlooks for France, Italy, Spain, & Portugal
After dragging Greece kicking and screaming through a never-ending vicious cycle of fiscal adjustment and output decline, the European Commission seems to be softening in its attitude towards other struggling Eurozone economies. France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, among others, have all repeatedly been given extensions to reduce their debt and deficit levels after recurrent breaches of EU targets have gone unpunished, and the trend looks set to continue as our forecasts show that those economies will underperform again this year and next. Does this mark a shift in mindset within the Commission as to whether the Growth and Stability Pact is fit for purpose? Or rather just tactical maneuvering—or indeed resigned acceptance—in tough political times, as the EU faces unprecedented challenges to its legitimacy and survival? - One Scary Chart: Venezuela's Currency Disintegrates
It was just this past Monday when we were reported that the Venezuela currency, the Bolivar, had crashed below 3,000 for the first time ever, losing 15% of its value in just one day as the Venezuela hyperinflation had entered its terminal phase. Today, the website, maintained by a person the WSJ dubbed “Public Enemy No. 1 of Venezuela’s revolutionary government, Gustavo Díaz, a Home Depot Inc. employee in central Alabama” reports that having crossed the psychological 2,000 level ten days ago, and taking out the 3000 barrier earlier this week, the Bolivar has now plunged to a new all time low of 4,609.37 on the black market, dropping by 15% from its latest print of 2,972 reported on Friday of last week, and has lost 60% in its value just in the past month. - Crunch Time for “Zombie Bank… on Brink of Collapse”
Things have gotten so serious at Spain’s sixth biggest bank, Banco Popular, that The Wall Street Journal just christened it “Spain’s most Italian bank.” It wasn’t meant as a compliment. These days the bank’s second biggest block of shareholders are short-sellers. They include some of the biggest hedge funds on the planet, from UK-based Oxford Asset Management, which holds a short position of 0.53% of the banks’ total shares, and Marshall Wace (2.23%) to Connecticut-based behemoth AQR Capital Management (2.92%). As of Nov 25, short-sellers held 8.6% of the bank’s capital. It was enough to attract the unwelcome attention of Spain’s market regulator, CNMV, which has so far refused to ban shorting of the stock but has launched an investigation into whether a group of insiders led by Mexican billionaire Antonio Del Valle is using underhand tactics to cheapen the stock in preparation for a takeover bid. - Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – December 1, 2016
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams’ weekly newsletter. - Putin: We’ll work with new US administration
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Moscow does not want to go to war or enter into confrontation and any other country in the world. During his annual state of the nation televised address Putin said he wanted to work closely with the new US Administration adding that Moscow needs friends to ensure global stability. He added that Moscow and Washington share responsibility to ensure international security and stability and for enhancing anti-proliferation mechanisms to ensure that nuclear weapons do not spread and do not fall into the hands of terrorists. But Putin also said that Russia would not allow outside interference in its affairs. “But we won’t allow any infringement on our interests and neglect of them,” he said. - Trump Confirms Retired Marine General “Mad-Dog” Mattis Will Be America's Next Secretary Of Defense
Speaking during an Ohio “thank you” rally, Donald Trump just confirmed that James “Mad Dog” Mattis will be America's next Secretary of Defense. President-elect Donald Trump has chosen 66-year-old retired Marine General James N. “Mad-Dog” Mattis to be secretary of defense, according to The Washington Post. - After A “Run On The Pension Fund” Dallas Mayor Demands Halt Of Withdrawals
We've written several times over the past couple of months about the epic meltdown of the the Dallas Police and Firefighters Pension (DPFP) (see here, here and here for background). It all started when the Pension Board discovered that one of their real estate managers had been consistently overmarking illiquid real estate investments. That discovery resulted in an FBI investigation of the manager and a $1BN write down for the DPFP. In the wake of the writedowns, Dallas policemen and firefighters rushed for the exits and withdrew over $500mm in assets. Fearing a “run on the bank” that could push the whole city of Dallas into bankruptcy, Mayor Mike Rawlings has just sent a scathing letter to the DPFP Pension Board demanded that withdrawals be halted immediately until the “solvency and actuarial soundness of the Pension System is restored.”
Precious Metals Are The Only Lifeboat! I have persistently WARNED you what was happening in the gold market and why you needed to convert your paper assets to physical gold and silver by the middle of September 2015. You need to hedge against the financial instability with physical gold and silver. Call the experts to help you convert your IRA or 401k into Gold, Silver and Other Precious Metals. Contact Birch Gold NOW before it's too late!
Elite: What Next! Trump Has Won…
Chaplain Williams' Elite friend has told him the total story of the election – Donald Trump and what to expect from the Elite. A NEW DVD entitled, “Elite: What Next! – Trump Has Won!” is coming soon!
God Bless,
Chaplain Williams
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – December 1, 2016
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter. If you are not a subscriber please subscribe for free by entering your name and email address in the box below.
Pastor David Bowen is pastor of Standing Stones Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. For more information about Pastor Dave please visit
Pastor Dave is also creator of the website Interpreting The Times, understanding world events through scripture. You can find out more by visiting
Please leave your thoughts and comments below regarding this new addition to Pastor Williams' newsletter each week.
Latest News Articles – December 1, 2016
From James Harkin (Webmaster & Editor of Here is a summary of articles of interest from around the world for this week. Please LIKE the Lindsey Williams Online Facebook Page to see stories posted daily regarding the current state of the economy around the world.
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Latest News From November 25, 2016 to December 1, 2016:
- WARNING: Dangerous Indicator Just Hit A New All-Time High Eclipsing Years 2007 & 2000, Prior To Crashes
This dangerous indicator just hit a new all-time high, eclipsing the years 2007 and 2000, prior to crashes. Here is what Peter Boockvar wrote today as the world awaits the next round of monetary madness: Reiterating again my bullishness on the economic agenda of our new President (ex any nationalistic trade changes that include tariffs) I will repeat that it would be naïve to analyze this in isolation when trying to quantify the full implications… - ALERT: James Turk – The World Is About To See A Historic Shift Out Of Stocks Into Gold
As we kick off the final week of trading in November, today James Turk told King World News that the world is about to see a historic shift away from stocks and into gold. James Turk: “A lot of publicity is being given to the record highs in the stock market, Eric. The result is that people are getting very excited about the Dow Jones Industrials and the S&P 500. It is easy to sense the froth that one sees at market tops is building, which leads to an important question… - Jim Willie Issues Financial Collapse Warning: “Fuse Has Been Lit!”
Many are the potential fuses to be lit, which would create the conflagration, the massive bonfire of the bond vanities and bank charades. Many are the fuses lying around, all criss-crossed, all exposed, all overlapping each other in highly dangerous manner. If any single fuse is lit, then several will light and the detonation arrives. It is unavoidable since the financial world is so deeply interwoven. Never in modern history has the global financial structure been so badly weakened, so totally corrupted, so thoroughly undermined by control mechanisms, so intensely defended by sanctions even war. - Americans Cannot Comprehend the Loss of the Dollar as the World Reserve
In the following interview, Dr. Jim Willie joins John B. Wells on the Caravan to Midnight for an explosive interview that touches upon a dozen very hot thorny topics, such as politics with Trump vs Hillary, the aftermath with deep economic and financial implications, the new challenges of the Trump Administration, and numerous other areas, as it bounces from one topic to another including #PizzaGate, Podesta, Madelaine McCaine, ISIS, the Clinton Foundation, the Bundy Farm, Uranium sales, and so much more! - Germany on a knife edge: Italian referendum sparks panic over Deustche Bank's future
DEUTSCHE Bank's share price tumbled further during Tuesday trading, as fears escalated for the lender's future ahead of Italy's referendum on Sunday. Investors have dumped stock in Germany's largest bank, taking its price down almost one per cent today, and by more than three per cent over the the last five trading sessions. Deutsche has already lost almost half its value this year, as markets fret over the bank's weakness and a looming fine from US authorities. The troubled lender is now looking vulnerable to shocks set to rip through the eurozone if Italy's Prime Minister loses a vote over Constitutional Reform on Sunday, said experts. - The Western War On Truth — Paul Craig Roberts
The “war on terror” has simultaneously been a war on truth. For fifteen years—from 9/11 to Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction” and “al Qaeda connections,” “Iranian nukes,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” endless lies about Gadaffi, “Russian invasion of Ukraine”—the governments of the so-called Western democracies have found it essential to align themselves firmly with lies in order to pursue their agendas. Now these Western governments are attempting to discredit the truthtellers who challenge their lies. - STRESS TESTS: Barclays, RBS and Standard Chartered found to have ‘capital inadequacies'
Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays and Standard Chartered came up lacking in the Bank of England's stress tests. The three banks had to submit plans to the regulator detailing how they would raise capital and boost their resilience to financial shocks. “While the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Board judged that some capital inadequacies were revealed for three banks (The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, Barclays and Standard Chartered), these banks now have plans in place to build further resilience,” the central bank said. - Amazing Prophecy From 1981 Says That The U.S. Economy Will Collapse After The Death Of Fidel Castro
Four out of the five major events named in an incredible 1981 prophecy have already happened in consecutive order, and the only thing remaining to be fulfilled is “the collapse of the economic system of the United States”. On Friday, I logged into Facebook and I discovered that someone had sent me a message about a website that I had never heard about. I had a few spare minutes so I went and checked the website out and to be honest it was very poorly designed and so I only spent a moment looking at it before I moved on. Sadly, this is how things work on the Internet – if something does not capture our interest immediately we don’t have the patience to keep reading. But later I learned that this website contained a very old prophecy about the death of Fidel Castro which has very alarming implications for our near future. - Why Are So Many Among The Elite Building Luxury Bunkers In Preparation For An Imminent ‘Apocalypse’?
Do they know something that the rest of us do not? There are tens of millions of ordinary Americans that are feeling really good about the future now that Donald Trump has won the election, but meanwhile the elite are feverishly constructing luxury bunkers at a pace unlike anything we have ever seen before. So why are so many among the elite preparing for an imminent “apocalypse” when tens of millions of other Americans are anticipating a new era of peace and prosperity? Are they smarter than most of the rest of us, or are they simply being paranoid? - Fake News List Death Knell for MSM-Paul Craig Roberts
Economic expert and journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts thinks the recent publication of the so-called ‘fake news” list recently published by the Washington Post signals a major turning point for all of the mainstream media (MSM). Dr. Roberts explains, “I think this is the death knell for the mainstream media. I think this list essentially kills the credibility of the mainstream media and certainly the Washington Post. It has demonstrated it is completely devoid of any integrity. I am a former Wall Street Journal editor, and if we had done something like that, Warren Phillips would have fired every one of us. We would have been told to get out. You can’t carry on this kind of assault on people. I think this is a sign of desperation.” - Jimmy Carter Urges Barack Obama To Divide The Land Of Israel At The United Nations Before January 20th
In an absolutely stunning editorial for the New York Times, former president Jimmy Carter has publicly called for Barack Obama to divide the land of Israel at the United Nations before Inauguration Day. While he was president, Carter negotiated peace between Israel and Egypt, and ever since that time he has been a very strong advocate for a Palestinian state. Carter is completely convinced that a “two-state solution” will bring lasting peace to the Middle East, but now that Donald Trump has been elected Carter knows that his dream of seeing a Palestinian state while he is still alive is rapidly slipping away. In a desperate attempt to salvage the situation, Carter is urging Barack Obama to take bold action while he still has the power to do so. - Turkey Has Declared War On Syria – Does This Mean That World War 3 Is About To Erupt In The Middle East?
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has just announced that the only reason Turkish military forces have entered northern Syria is to “end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad”. By publicly proclaiming that Turkey intends to use military force to overthrow the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Erdogan has essentially declared war on the Syrian government. Of course this puts a member of NATO in direct military conflict with Russia, since Russia is working very hard to prop up the Assad regime. If all-out war breaks out between Turkey and Russia, could that be the spark that causes World War 3 to erupt in the Middle East? And once Turkey and Russia start fighting, would the United States and the rest of NATO be dragged into the conflict? - The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
The recount in Wisconsin, and the coming ones in Michigan and Pennsylvania will not change the outcomes in any of the states. No recount ever changes thousands of votes. I do not think that is the purpose. The recounts, if done by hand, which can be demanded, may take longer than the last day for completing the official counts in a state and directing Electoral College voters. If all 3 states miss the deadline, Trump is at 260, Hillary at 232. No one hits 270. - Fears of multiple bank failures if Renzi loses referendum
Up to eight of Italy’s troubled banks risk failing if prime minister Matteo Renzi loses a constitutional referendum next weekend and ensuing market turbulence deters investors from recapitalising them, officials and senior bankers say. Mr Renzi, who says he will quit if he loses the referendum, had championed a market solution to solve the problems of Italy’s €4 trillion banking system and avoid a vote-losing “resolution” of Italian banks under new EU rules. - Italian Banks Hit Again Ahead of the Looming December 4th Referendum
There may be another reason why the Euro has been so damned weak v the dollar: it might not exist for too much longer. With Le Pen from France surging in the polls and Prime Minister Renzi from Italy promising to fire himself should a drastic and very aggressive constitutional realignment fail to pass in a referendum on December the 4th, the anti EU five star movement might takeover and tell Germany to fuck off. All of this is weighing heavily on Italian stocks, one of the worst performing indexes in the world this year, off by 23% — somewhat immune to the greatness of QE and all of its grandiose splendor. To that end, Italian banks continue to slug lower, amidst acrimonious sentiment that a potential exit from the EU might lead to the ultimate destruction of an already comically overburdened and woefully undercapitalized Italian banking system. - UN Official: The Real Reason For The Global Warming Scare Is To Kill Off Capitalism
Christiana Figueres, the executive secretary for the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change actually admitted during a news conference this month that the real goal of all the climate change propaganda is to kill off capitalism. “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” Figueres stated. - US Housing Market In Peril As “Increase In Mortgage Rates Has Shocked Consumers”
While rising treasury yields may be music to the ears of savers who have been crushed by low interest rates over the past 7 years, they're a bit of downer for the overwhelming majority of Americans that have been funding their lavish lifestyles with cheap debt. Yes, sadly the days of upgrading to the $65,000 luxury car despite a $40,000 annual salary, because you can “afford it” so long as you can cover the low monthly payments courtesy of 7-year terms and low interest rates, may finally be coming to an end. But auto OEM's aren't the only ones about to get crushed by the “normalization” of interest rate policies in the U.S. As the Wall Street Journal points out, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association, mortgage refinancings are set to drop 46% in 2017. And with many American's funding their daily expenses with “cash-out” mortgage refi's, pretty much everyone selling goods to consumers, which happens to represent about two-thirds of the economy, has reason for concern. - Nigel Farage: I fear for my life – Ukip leader fears violent attacks every day
NIGEL Farage says he cannot leave his house without security after Brexit and Donald Trump’s US presidential election victory. The interim Ukip leader has received death threats and just last week was confronted during a night out. The revelation came as the 52-year-old Brexiteer refused to rule out backing fascist National Front leader Marine Le Pen for the French presidency. In his most explosive interview to date, the controversial MEP said he was “on the fence” over whether far-Right Eurosceptic Le Pen’s election was a price worth paying to bring down the EU, saying: “If she wins, it’s over.” - The Hyperinflationary Endgame: Venezuela Currency Crashes 15% In One Day
Just last week we were amazed to report that the Venezuela currency, the Bolivar, had crashed below 2,000 for the first time ever, losing 50% of its value in just two months as the Venezuela hyperinflation had entered its terminal phase. As of this morning, the website, maintained by a person the WSJ dubbed “Public Enemy No. 1 of Venezuela’s revolutionary government, Gustavo Díaz, a Home Depot Inc. employee in central Alabama” reports that having crossed the psychological 2,000 level just one week ago, the Bolivar has just plunged to a new all time low of 3,480.22 on the black market, dropping by 15% from its latest print of 2,972 reported on Friday of last week, and has lost 60% in its value just in the past month. - Judge Napolitano: Enough evidence to prosecute Clinton for espionage
FNC Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano on whether Hillary Clinton could still be prosecuted over the email scandal and President-elect Donald Trump's potential picks for the Supreme Court. - India's Modi Admits Plan Shifting Nation To “Cashless Society”
Well who could have seen this coming? Just as we noted, the slippery slope towards full government control in a cash-less society is where Indian PM Modi is heading following his chaos-creating demonetization efforts of the last two weeks. While massive opposition protests are planned tomorrow, Modi remains indignant, as Reuters reports, “we can gradually move from a less-cash society to a cashless society…this is the chance for you to enter the digital world.” - 7 Investment Implications In A Post-Trump World
Market dislocations occur when financial markets, operating under stressful conditions, experience large widespread asset mispricing. Welcome to this week's edition of “World Out Of Whack” where every Wednesday we take time out of our day to laugh, poke fun at and present to you absurdity in global financial markets in all its glorious insanity. While we enjoy a good laugh, the truth is that the first step to protecting ourselves from losses is to protect ourselves from ignorance. Think of the “World Out Of Whack” as your double thick armour plated side impact protection system in a financial world littered with drunk drivers. Selfishly we also know that the biggest (and often the fastest) returns come from asymmetric market moves. But, in order to identify these moves we must first identify where they live. - Ron Paul Lashes Out At WaPo's Witch Hunt: “Expect Such Attacks To Continue”
Washington Post Peddles Tarring of Ron Paul Institute as Russian Propaganda, via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, The Washington Post has a history of misrepresenting Ron Paul’s views. Last year the supposed newspaper of record ran a feature article by David A. Fahrenthold in which Fahrenthold grossly mischaracterized Paul as an advocate for calamity, oppression, and poverty — the opposite of the goals Paul routinely expresses and, indeed, expressed clearly in a speech at the event upon which Fahrenthold’s article purported to report. Such fraudulent attacks on the prominent advocate for liberty and a noninterventionist foreign policy fall in line with the newspaper’s agenda. As Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob G. Hornberger put it in a February editorial, the Post’s agenda is guided by “the interventionist mindset that undergirds the mainstream media.” - Italy: The Biggest Elephant Jeopardizing Europe and the Euro
Not just the euro, but the entire European Union may be in jeopardy next week when the Italians vote on a constitutional referendum initiated by Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi. What a Jubilee year it has been. First Brexit, then Trump and now it appears Italy is on the cusp of also escaping the grasp of the European Union. After two years of directly covering trends involved with the disintegration of Western culture in my book Shemitah Trends, I can say with confidence that what has been built up is being torn down. That includes the European Union which will either gradually or abruptly collapse into various pieces. - Breaking News on the War on Cash: Now Spain
India, Uruguay, Australia and now Spain. The Minister of Finance and Public Service, Cristóbal Montoro has reportedly just announced “anticipated measures in order to ‘reduce the use of cash.’ In other words, Spain is going to make cash transactions even more difficult. As of presstime, from what we can tell, this has yet to be reported anywhere in English media except here now at TDV. As you can see, the chaos is increasing. Combine cash bans with attacks on fake news (more on that tomorrow), and you end up disturbing a significant amount of people as we wrote here recently. - Hit by Global Turmoil, Banks in Spain Get Jittery (Again)
Banking stocks in Europe continue to benefit from the gravitational pull exerted by the so-called Trump effect. But the effects have not been felt universally. Monte dei Paschi di Siena, which is at the center of Italy’s banking crisis, has been reduced to a penny stock. The shares of Italy’s other large banks continue to trend downwards. And the problems in other national banking sectors have not gone away; they’ve just been consigned to the background. Such is the case in Spain, where the risks and challenges in the country’s banking system continue to bloom. - Shipbuilding in Japan, Korea, China Collapses in Death Spiral of Orders
New orders received by Chinese shipyards – now infamous for undercutting competitors and sinking into bankruptcy – have plunged 58.5% so far this year through October, compared to last year, according to shipping industry data provider BIMCO, cited by the Nikkei. At South Korean shipyards, which include the three largest in the world, orders have plunged 84.2%; at Japanese shipyards, 90%. - Trump is meeting with an ex-bank CEO who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard
As President-elect's Donald Trump's transition rolls on, more and more attention is being paid to possible selections for a variety of high-ranking positions and meetings that might help decide these appointments. On Monday, Trump will meet with John Allison, the former CEO of the bank BB&T and of the libertarian think tank the Cato Institute. There have been reports that Allison is being considered for Treasury secretary. - Profits over People: How Big Pharma’s Money Affects Our Health and Wallets
Earlier this month, I posted two articles on Big Pharma, back to back. The first one was my classic approach: How PE Firms Are Flipping Drugs in Price-Gouging Scheme that Cannibalizes the Entire US Economy (with 109 great comments). The second one was coincidence. The digital ink wasn’t dry on the first article, when its was revealed that the Justice Department was getting antsy: “More than a Dozen” Drugmakers under Criminal Investigation for Price-Fixing, Shares Plunge, after Getting Crushed All Year (56 great comments). But as always, there’s more to it. Here are some hard numbers from a different angle that shed a lot of light on how the industry works. - Black-Friday Woes: The Death of the Department Store
Black Friday is when you’re supposed to shop till you drop. It kicks off the holiday selling season. No season is more sacred for retailers. They’re expected to do about 40% of their annual sales in those few weeks till Christmas. The National Retail Federation is bubbling over with enthusiasm, expecting holiday sales to grow 3.6% this year to $656 billion. Since Trump has won the election, consumer optimism about the economy has surged, and this is expected to be one hot holiday selling season. - Black-Friday-Weekend Woes End “Trump Effect”
Since Trump’s victory, stocks have soared in magic anticipation that the economy would somehow suddenly rise from its languid state and reach escape velocity. Consumer confidence has jumped, even according to Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index whose defining aspect over the years has been its daunting negativity [The Trump Effect on Americans’ Perception of the Economy]. And the National Retail Federation had gushed recently that spending would rise 3.6% this holiday selling season, compared to last year. And we may still get that, but miracles have become scarce and hard to come by these days. - Short-Term Negative Long-Term Positive-Catherine Austin Fitts
Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts sums up what happened with the election of Donald Trump by saying, “It’s amazing because if you look at the faction that wanted to sacrifice the United States for empire, you basically had Washington, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and Hollywood. What they have done for the last 20 years is they have used the corporate media to create this color revolution, soft revolution, which is really a front so the 1% can control. The reality is if you look at what they were doing to destroy the United States, you just had an enormous, very wide group of people say enough. We did a discussion of the election several months ago, and I said if the right people in the military intelligence get behind Trump, he could win, and I think that’s exactly what happened. . . . I think the intelligence agencies understand that you cannot leave people to do what needs to be done with people that are used to printing all the funny money they want and have no clue how the economy works. . . . I had no idea how completely ignorant Hillary Clinton was of the whole fundamental economics of the situation. It’s because she’s been operating with cheap and free money for decades. I think the intelligence agencies were trying to assert adult supervision of the situation.” - Shocking: Trump Fills Cabinet With Council on Foreign Relations War Hawks
All due respect to Donald Trump supporters, partially because I am one, but I can’t help but notice I’m seeing many of the same characteristics in some of Trump’s more ‘rabid’ fan base that were also one of the key defining characteristics present in Obama’s ‘rabid’ fan base. Because certain supporters have put Trump up on a pedestal, much the way many of the Obamabots did before them, those same people are usually completely incapable of being objective, or calling out their candidate when something is wrong, or the candidate pulls a total 180 from something they campaigned on. - This Is Going To Rock The World And Bring Countries To Their Knees
On the heels of a brutal multi-week smash in the gold and silver markets and with bonds collapsing and interest rates soaring, this is going to rock the world and bring countries to their knees. Egon von Greyerz: “The state of the derivatives market is very interest rate dependent and is going to be impacted by higher interest rates, which will come in the coming months and years. They are going a lot higher. Interest rates are going into the teens (13+%) regardless of what happens to the economy. Of course that will mean that the derivative market will not survive. The debt market is the biggest bubble in the world. We are talking about a total debt market of $150 trillion. That market is going to collapse and that collapse will start as money printing increases. Gold could therefore go a lot higher than anybody realizes. I’m still standing by my $10,000 price target for gold in today’s money, but there is no chance… - As Massive Bond Bubble Implodes, Is It About To Trigger A Major Move In Gold, Silver, And The Canadian Dollar?
Is the 34-year bull market in U.S. bonds over? And how will this impact gold, silver, and the Canadian dollar? Fitzpatrick also noted the November 2015 high of 2.37%, and the 2015 high of 2.5% on the U.S. 10-Year yield. Fitzpatrick stated, “A break above those levels (noted on the chart above) would open the way to the 3.00-3.05% area which was the ‘taper tantrum’ peaks.” Of course this would mean much higher mortgage rates, which would weaken prices of real estate. - Castro Was Not Who You Thought He Was
Castro is dead, but he achieved his purpose, which was to aggravate the Cold War, provide a test case for communism and frighten people about incipient nuclear missile exchanges. His passing marks the end of the first phase of the Cold War. Now it is very obvious that a second phase is being prepared. Tensions between Russia and the US are being continually heightened… and no, they are still ongoing even with the election of Trump who, under the guidance of Henry “War Criminal” Kissinger, has pledged his full support for NATO while Putin has replied that he will crush NATO. These tensions are mainly initiated by the US and Britain. In other words it is the Anglosphere that has been responsible for so many wars including the World Wars. Castro provides us with an example of how these trends – which we regularly analyze – work. - 2016′s Worst Black Friday Fights While Shopping
If the 2016 election taught us anything, it is that our country’s government is a cesspool of corruption, and if Obama’s presidency taught us anything, it was that the country no longer should have a “moral compass” to guide us, because after all, who’s to say what is moral, right? [eyes rolling] n his latest video, YouTuber Jason A shows video footage of Americans at their worst. During a time when people are shopping for special loved ones in their lives, for gifts during a season that is supposed to be special, on Black Friday people seem to lose sight of the things that are truly important in life, as you’re about to see. - College Students Demand Police Investigate “Suck It Up, Pussies” Post-It Note As Hate Crime
Today we learn of yet another campus full of disaffected Hillary snowflakes who were triggered by a post-it note suggesting that they should stop whining about the election and just “suck it up, pussies.” This latest example comes to us from Edgewood College in the ultra-liberal bastion of Madison, Wisconsin via Campus Reform. Apparently the simple post-it note was determined to be a “hate crime” by the college's “diversity offices” and students with knowledge of the incident were encouraged to contact campus police. To our complete shock, a message from Edgewood's Vice President for Student Development pinned the blame for the “hate crime” on Trump, saying that it is part of a growing trend of “covert micro-aggressions and overt macro-aggressions” that have “taken on new fervor in higher education since our national election.” - What It Feels Like To Be Homeless For The Holidays In America
Could you imagine spending the holidays in a homeless shelter, in a tent city surrounded by drug addicts and prostitutes, or in a sleeping bag on the cold, hard streets of an urban jungle? Unfortunately, that is what real life looks like for an increasing number of Americans. Most of the time when we think of “homeless people”, the image that comes into our minds is one of a grizzled old man asking for some spare change, but the truth is that vast numbers of women and children in our country do not have anywhere to live. In fact, Poverty USA has reported that last year a grand total 1.6 million U.S. children stayed either in a homeless shelter or in some other form of emergency housing. And you never hear the mainstream media report this number, but the truth is that the number of homeless children in the United States has risen by 60 percent since the “end” of the last recession. For the moment the wealthy are getting wealthier, but meanwhile things have just continued to get harder and harder for those that are struggling to survive in this economy. - 12 Signs Of Extreme Optimism In America Now That Donald Trump Has Been Elected
The election of Donald Trump has brought a giant wave of optimism to conservative America unlike anything that we have seen since probably the days of Ronald Reagan. Millions of Americans that were once deeply pessimistic about the future of this country now have hope again thanks to what many consider to be the greatest miracle in the history of U.S. politics. And just like so many of the pre-election polls, the predictions about how the nation would immediately respond to a Trump victory have turned out to be completely wrong as well. Instead of a historic stock market crash as many in the mainstream media were projecting, we have seen an unprecedented stock market rally in the days following Trump’s win. Instead of an immediate economic downturn, many economic indicators have surged to their highest levels in quite some time in recent weeks. And instead of feeling gloomy about the future, many Americans are feeling really good about what is ahead for the first time in a very long time. - Record Run into Gold and Silver Coming-David Morgan
Precious metals expert David Morgan says trillions of dollars of negative interest rate paying bonds is a sign we are getting close to another financial calamity bigger than the last. Morgan explains, “Now, as everyone knows, we are even at negative interest rates, and people are buying into this. They are guaranteed to get less back. . . . This is the upside-down world we are living in. This is the scientific planet that is our reality. So, this is the reason you will see a run to the dollar before you see a run to gold. - Half Of The Population Of The World Is Dirt Poor – And The Global Elite Want To Keep It That Way
Could you survive on just $2.50 a day? According to Compassion International, approximately half of the population of the entire planet currently lives on $2.50 a day or less. Meanwhile, those hoarding wealth at the very top of the global pyramid are rapidly becoming a lot wealthier. Don’t get me wrong – I am a very big believer in working hard and contributing something of value to society, and those that work the hardest and contribute the most should be able to reap the rewards. In this article I am in no way, shape or form criticizing true capitalism, because if true capitalism were actually being practiced all over the planet we would have far, far less poverty today. Instead, our planet is dominated by a heavily socialized debt-based central banking system that systematically transfers wealth from hard working ordinary citizens to the global elite. Those at the very top of the pyramid know that they are impoverishing everyone else, and they very much intend to keep it that way. - Washington Post Names Drudge, Zero Hedge, & Ron Paul As Anti-Clinton “Sophisticated Russian Propaganda Tools”
The desperate flailing of a mainstream-media struggling through the five stages of grief continues as no lesser unbiased foundation of the fourth estate than The Washington Post pushes ahead with its “fake news, blame the Russians” narrative for why their candidate failed so miserably. Citing “two teams of independent researchers” (who surely have a substantial libel litigation provision) who found “Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery… echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal,” the Jeff Bezos-owned website names Drudge, Zero Hedge, and The Ron Paul Institute and countless other outlets among the “useful idiots” that true American patriots should be wary of. - Election Not Over? Money Is Being Raised To Challenge The Election Results In Wisconsin, Michigan And Pennsylvania
Just when you thought it was safe to celebrate Trump’s victory, the left is hatching a plan to try to steal the election right from under his nose. A group composed of “prominent computer scientists” and “election lawyers” is urgently asking the Clinton campaign to challenge the election results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. They claim that there is “persuasive evidence” that the election results in those states were “manipulated or hacked”, and they are pushing Clinton to file formal challenges to those results while there is still time to do so. As I write this article, the final result in Michigan could still go either way, and if Hillary Clinton does end up winning Michigan all she would have to do would be to flip the results in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to become the next president of the United States. - Wisconsin to recount presidential votes
Wisconsin will undertake a recount of its presidential election votes after two requests from third-party candidates. Green Party nominee Jill Stein filed her request just before the deadline Friday afternoon, the Wisconsin Elections Commission announced. Reform Party candidate Rocky De La Fuente also filed for a recount. “We are standing up for an election system that we can trust; for voting systems that respect and encourage our vote, and make it possible for all of us to exercise our constitutional right to vote,” Stein said in a statement. - Electoral college must not elect Donald Trump unless he sells his business, say Obama and Bush's ethics lawyers
The former ethics lawyers for president Barack Obama and George W Bush have asked the electoral college to not appoint Donald Trump as the next president due to his potential conflicts of interest. Richard Painter, former chief ethics counsel for Mr Bush, and Norman Eisen, former chief ethics counsel for Mr Obama, said that the president-elect must sell out from his real estate and business holdings before 19 December, when the electoral college officially appoints the next president. - Instead Of Black Friday Materialism, Thanksgiving Weekend Should Be A Time To Live, Laugh And Love
On Friday, hordes of desperate zombies were spotted desperately trying to save a few dollars on toys, apparel and cheaply made electronic goods all over America. Seemingly oblivious to the fact that virtually all of these goods were made outside of the United States in nations where it is legal to pay slave labor wages, these zombies often clashed violently with one another over items such as soap, toilet paper and jumbo-sized televisions. Black Friday puts the worst excesses of American materialism on display for the whole world to see, but most Americans don’t seem to care how pathetic we appear to be to the rest of the planet. The only thing that most Americans know is that it is “the holiday season”, and so now it is time to spend, spend, spend even if it means going into crippling amounts of credit card debt. - ‘We can't be choosy': Mexican cement company executive says he'll HELP Trump build his border wall
A Mexican cement maker is ready to lend its services to President-elect Donald Trump to build the wall he wants to erect on the southern border of the United States to curb illegal immigration. ‘We can't be choosy,' Enrique Escalante, Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua said in an interview with Reuters. ‘We're an important producer in that area and we have to respect our clients on both sides of the border.' - Paul Craig Roberts Asks “What If Trump Fails?”
Did Donald Trump win the election because he is a racist and misogynist and so are the American people? No. That’s BS from the Oligarchs’ well-paid whores in the media, “liberal progressive” activist groups, think tanks and universities. Did Trump win because he stole the election? More BS. The Oligarchs controlled the voting machines. They failed to steal the election, because the people outsmarted them and told the pollsters that they were voting for Hillary. This led to the presstitutes’ propaganda that Hillary was the certain winner, and the Oligarchs believed their own propaganda and didn’t believe it necessary to make certain of their victory. Trump won the presidency because he spoke directly and truthfully to the American people, telling them what what they knew to be true and had never before heard from any politician. - Dollar Shortage Goes Mainstream: When Will The Fed Confess?
Last week we posted the report by ADM ISI's Paul Mylchreest “Dollar Liquidity Threat is Getting Critical and the Fed is M.I.A” which summarized some of the key points in the ongoing, second phase of global dollar shortage, profiled here first in the start of 2015 and validated recently by the BIS. We discussed the bitter (and all too predictable) irony that the Federal Reserve doesn’t “get it”, having recently declared that that liquidity in financial markets was “adequate.” It isn't. More than 68,000 hits later, we suspect that many ZH readers are tracking the dollar liquidity crisis (and Fed ignorance) via the negativity in Cross Currency Basis Swaps (CCBS). The 3-month Yen/Dollar CCBS has made a new low of 81.75 bp (swapping Yen into dollars for 3 months costs 81.75bp annualised above covered interest parity) implying that the structural dollar shortage is deteriorating. - All Aboard The Post-TPP World
A half-hearted near handshake between US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin before and after they spoke «for about four minutes», standing up, on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Lima, Peru, captured to perfection the melancholic dwindling of the Obama era. A whirlwind flashback of the fractious relationship between Obama and «existential threats» Russia and China would include everything from the Washington-sponsored Maidan in Kiev to Obama’s «Assad must go» in Syria, with special mentions to the oil price war, sanctions, the raid on the ruble, extreme demonization of Putin and all things Russian, provocations in the South China Sea – all down to a finishing flourish; the death of the much vaunted Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty, which was reconfirmed at APEC right after the election of Donald Trump. - How Much Government Debt Rests Upon Your Shoulders?
With the U.S. National Debt closing in on the $20 trillion mark, there has been a lot of conversation in Washington about debt and its role in government. And most of that conversation right now revolves around President-elect Donald Trump. On one hand, the Trump campaign had early rhetoric in the Presidential campaign that the elimination of the deficit and existing government debt would be paramount if elected. The Trump administration has also been highly critical of the Federal Reserve, saying that the Fed’s policies create a “false economy”. As a result, some see Trump embracing the unique opportunity to put his stamp on how the Federal Reserve does business in early 2017. - Indian Currency Crashes To Record Low As Cash Exchange Of Old Notes Suspended
It appears the social unrest, economic collapse, and currency crisis sparked by Indian PM Modi's decision to demonetize “corrupt” high-denomination bank-notes was not enough. As the Rupee crashed to a record low overnight, officials announced a suspension of the exchange of ‘old notes' as of tomorrow to, in their words, “encourage people to deposit old notes in their bank accounts.” With as much 60% of banknotes still un-exchanged, we suspect chaos will be the operative word for the immediate future. Those with old notes will still be allowed to deposit them into their bank accounts until Dec. 31, but not permitted to do outright exchanges. - ECB Warns There Is “Significant Risk Of Abrupt Market Reversal”
One week after the BIS issued an unexpectedly stern, if completely ignored warning, that the surge in the USD is leading to an abrupt tightening in financial conditions around the globe, making the repayment of trillions in USD-denominated cross-border debt increasingly more difficult and suggesting that the Dollar index itself is the new “fear indicator”, overnight another central bank, the European Central Bank warned that the risk of “abrupt” global asset market corrections “have intensified” on the back of rising political uncertainty, posing a threat to banks, stability and economic growth. “More volatility in the near future is likely and the potential for an abrupt reversal remains significant amid heightened political uncertainty around the globe and underlying emerging market vulnerabilities,” the ECB wwarned in its twice-yearly Financial Stability Review published on Thursday. - Donald Trump says he believes there is ‘some connectivity’ between humans and climate change in major U-turn
It is hard to keep up with the pace of change in the mind of Donald Trump. Just hours after announcing he was not going to pursue an investigation of Hillary Clinton over her use of a personal email server, he indicated another important U-turn – this time in regard to climate. During the campaign, Mr Trump has suggested climate change was nothing more than a “hoax”, and that the so-called myth may have been started by the Chinese. - Chile, Peru to join China-led trade partnership
China appears to be making headway at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Lima, Peru as more countries fear the demise of Washington’s trade initiative and seek to sign on to Beijing’s Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Late on Sunday, Chinese officials said that Peru and Chile had signaled interest in joining the RCEP. The flight from President Barack Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) comes as the gathering of 21 leaders appears to been overshadowed by one man who isn’t even attending the proceedings. Statements by President-elect Donald Trump about reversing US free trade commitments and policies have unnerved many global leaders who feel decades of negotiations are about to be undone. - Iran And Russia Continue To Strengthen Oil Ties
Three Russian companies have signed contracts for oil field development with the National Iranian Oil Company, a senior NIOC manager told media. Gholam-Reza Manouchehri, deputy managing director of NIOC, said the companies were Lukoil, Tatneft, and Zarubezhneft. The contracts are the latest demonstration of the ever-closer ties between Moscow and Tehran, especially in energy. Since January, when most economic sanctions on Iran were lifted, the country has been in a rush to revive its energy industry, after four years of barely making ends meet. For this, it needs the assistance of foreign companies with production know-how and infrastructure investments. - Trump’s Opponents See Normal Americans as Deplorables — Paul Craig Roberts
I guess we have all noticed that the holier-than-thou groups who whined that Trump wasn’t going to accept the outcome of the election refuse to accept it themselves. Because I was critical of the George W. Bush regime, the liberal-progressive-leftwing and homosexual/transgendered rights groups have me on their mailing lists. And it is unbelievable. The entirety of “the other America” refuses to accept the people’s decision. They think that their concerns are more important than the concerns of the American people, who they regard as nothing but a collection of racist homophobic rednecks. - The Great Con: Political Correctness Has Marginalized the Working Class
So when the protected class of well-paid institutional “progressives” speak darkly of “reversing 40 years of social progress,” what they’re really saying is we’re terrified that the bottom 95% might be waking up to our Great Con of identity politics and political correctness. To understand the Great Con of political correctness, we must first grasp the decline of the working class (self-described as “the middle class”), i.e. those who must sell their labor to earn their livelihood. - EU Parliament wants to freeze Turkey membership talks
The European Union's legislature is asking the bloc to freeze membership negotiations with Turkey over the government's heavy-handed crackdown following a failed coup in July. The European Parliament approved a non-binding resolution Thursday asking the 28-nation EU “to initiate a temporary freeze” on talks with Ankara until “disproportionate measures under the state of emergency in Turkey are lifted.” Anticipating the vote, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday that his country's “struggle for its stability and future won't be interrupted by (European legislators') raising and lowering their hands.” - Veterans to deploy for Standing Rock
On December 4, hundreds of veterans plan to “deploy” to Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota to join in protest against the planned Dakota Access Pipeline. The event, Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, is a call for veterans to “assemble as a peaceful, unarmed militia” to “defend the water protectors from assault and intimidation at the hands of the militarized police force and DAPL security.” The organizers hope to prevent progress on the construction of the pipeline as well as draw national attention to the cause. - Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – November 24, 2016
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams’ weekly newsletter. - About that “Fair Share”
There are two words that kept coming up over and over again over the last 20+ months during the US Presidential circus: “fair share”. Hardly a day went by without hearing that certain taxpayers “need to pay more of their fair share.” It sounds really great, and given the voter statistics, this idea resonated with tens of millions of people. After all, who could possibly be against fairness? When you dive into the numbers, however, the data doesn’t support this assertion at all. According to IRS figures, households that earn more than $1 million annually, roughly 0.4% of all taxpayers, pay a total of $364 billion in federal income tax. This amounts to roughly 27% of all the US federal individual income tax that’s collected. So in other words, the top 0.4%, pays 27% of the total tax bill. - This Is The Real Reason Why The Public Is Broke And The Middle Class Is Being Destroyed
As we kick off the fourth week of trading in November, this is the real reason why the public is broke and the middle class is being destroyed. James Turk: “It is good to see gold and silver starting the week in a positive way with their prices stabilizing, Eric. When you look at the recent dip in prices, it’s been a rough couple of weeks. But then again, when you see distortions like backwardation in the market, it is a good time to buy… - Look At This Shocking Preview Of How Devastating The Coming Worldwide Financial Destruction Will Be
On the heels of another wild week, today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, and major global events, spoke with King World News about how devastating the coming worldwide financial destruction will be. World Will See Devastating Global Financial Destruction. Egon von Greyerz: “Very few people realize the enormous wealth transfer that will take place in the next 5 years. Most will lose 75-90% of their wealth and some 100%. What is interesting is that investors needn’t lose most of their money if they took a few measures to protect their fortune. I often speak to Family Offices who built fortunes from the $100s of million to many billions. Without exception, they believe that it is there skill in building a business or investing that has created these fortunes. It clearly requires a lot of skill and a bit of luck to build a sizable fortune. But the magnitude of wealth today is not due to investment skills but the enormous creation of credit and money printing that the world has experienced since the creation of the Fed in 1913. This has created a global growth in asset values of unparalleled proportions…
BREAKING NEWS: December 2016 – Nathan Shepard is a Bible scholar with a background in theology and archaeology. He has spent more than 17 years studying the ancient scriptures and how the words of the prophets became historical fact over time. Now, his spine chilling theory links present times events to Bible prophecies in a clear and concise way… and foretells a very sinister future for the US. From that moment on, he decided that he must become a survival expert, train and prepare for the worst disaster in human history…
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – November 24, 2016
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter. If you are not a subscriber please subscribe for free by entering your name and email address in the box below.
Pastor David Bowen is pastor of Standing Stones Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. For more information about Pastor Dave please visit
Pastor Dave is also creator of the website Interpreting The Times, understanding world events through scripture. You can find out more by visiting
Please leave your thoughts and comments below regarding this new addition to Pastor Williams' newsletter each week.
Latest News Articles – November 24, 2016
From James Harkin (Webmaster & Editor of Here is a summary of articles of interest from around the world for this week. Please LIKE the Lindsey Williams Online Facebook Page to see stories posted daily regarding the current state of the economy around the world.
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Latest News From November 18, 2016 to November 24, 2016:
- We Are Being Set Up For Higher Interest Rates, A Major Recession And A Giant Stock Market Crash
Since Donald Trump’s victory on election night we have seen the worst bond crash in 15 years. Global bond investors have seen trillions of dollars of wealth wiped out since November 8th, and analysts are warning of another tough week ahead. The general consensus in the investing community is that a Trump administration will mean much higher inflation, and as a result investors are already starting to demand higher interest rates. Unfortunately for all of us, history has shown that higher interest rates always cause an economic slowdown. And this makes perfect sense, because economic activity naturally slows down when it becomes more expensive to borrow money. The Obama administration had already set up the next president for a major recession anyway, but now this bond crash threatens to bring it on sooner rather than later. - John Bolton Warns That Obama May Divide The Land Of Israel At The UN Before The Inauguration
Is Barack Obama about to make the most catastrophic decision of his entire presidency? Former UN Ambassador John Bolton is warning that there is “a lot of speculation” over at UN headquarters right now about “resolutions that recognize a Palestinian state or that try and set a boundary for Israel based on the 1967 ceasefire lines”. Of course this would have to happen before the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20th, because Trump has already made it quite clear that he will not support any UN resolution of such nature. Knowing that Trump is about to take office, advocates of the “two state solution” are putting an immense amount of pressure on Obama to support a UN Security Council resolution that would permanently divide the land of Israel while he is still in the White House, and at this moment we do not know what Barack Obama’s final decision will be. - US Pension Crisis: This is How Families Get Squeezed to Bail Out Pension Funds in Chicago
Chicago is another trailblazer. But it’s not alone. Other cities are lining up behind it. Bankruptcy may still be the route to go. But until then, homeowners, renters, drivers, users of phones, etc. – in other words regular families who’re just sitting ducks – are going to get squeezed dry, in order to slow the momentum of the public-employee pension crisis eating up the city’s and the school district’s finances. “Because of a new accounting rule, Chicago now has to report its pension debt on its balance sheet,” explains Truth in Accounting. “As a result, the city’s reported pension debt grew from $8.6 billion in 2014 to $33.8 billion in 2015.” - What’ll Happen to Housing Bubble 2 as Mortgage Rates Jump?
In the few days since the election, we got a flavor of what might happen when the bond market sees hues of inflation, expects the Fed to respond, and suddenly (after years of closing its eyes to it) dreads a tsunami of government deficit spending, on top of the flood of deficit spending already washing over the land. The US government borrowed on average $850 billion per year over the last two fiscal years, in total $1.71 trillion. Very soon, the gross national debt will hit $20 trillion. And with a little help from the next administration’s plans, the annual new debt to be issued by the US government could balloon far beyond $1 trillion a year. - Who’ll Get Hit by Fallout from the $11-Trillion Commercial Property Bubble in the US?
Warnings about the loans, bonds, and commercial-mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) tied to the vast $11-trillion commercial property sector in the US have been hailing down for months. Moody’s Investor Services just warned about the rising delinquency rate of some $360 billion in CMBS it rates. Delinquencies of 60+ days jumped from 4.6% last year to 5.6% in September. Fitch Ratings has been fretting about valuations in the sector, and CMBS, for months. “Valuation and lending trends are not sustainable in the medium term,” it said most recently in its November report. It pinpointed debt backed by apartment buildings as a particular trouble spot. But now it’s also fretting about construction loans, which “experienced the highest loss severity in the last crisis, and we expect a similar trend in the next downturn,” it said. - Jim Rickards Discusses Looming Shut Down of the Entire US Economy
In the following interview, legendary investor Jim Rickards echoes almost verbatim what Peter Schiff and Michael Snyder said recently in a post titled, Peter Schiff: Making America Great Again Will Be Much Harder Than Voters Think. In just a few short minutes, Jim confirms what myself and so many others have been trying to warn our readers about for well over a year now, which is that collapse of the global economic system is imminent. To put things in perspective, consider the fact that Deutsche Bank's derivative exposure alone, is more than 3x the continent of Europe's annual GDP, and that's just one bank. - Now it Begins to Unravel – The Credit Bubble Peak was Marked by “Totally Crazy Lending.”
Debt is good. More debt is better. Funding consumer spending with debt is even better – that’s what economists have been preaching – because the consumed goods and services are gone after having been added to GDP, while the debt, which GDP ignores, remains until it is paid off with future earnings, or until it blows up. Corporations too have gone on a borrowing binge. Unlike consumers, they have no intention of paying off their debts. They issue new debt and use the proceeds to pay off maturing debts. Funding share-buybacks and dividends with debt is ideal. It’s called “unlocking value.” Debt must always grow. For that purpose, the Fed has manipulated interest rates to rock bottom. Actually paying off and reducing debt has the dreadful moniker, bandied about during the Financial Crisis, “deleveraging.” It’s synonymous with “The End of the World.” - 2017 Predictions for MSM, Markets and Gold-Gerald Celente
Top trends researcher Gerald Celente started forecasting back in May 2016 that Trump would win. He was spot-on. What are the big trends and predictions in store for 2017? Mr. Celente gives us three of his top predictions coming up in this interview. We start with the mainstream media (MSM) that went all in for Hillary Clinton with actions associated with propaganda and not news. What’s going to happen to the MSM in 2017? Celente, who is Publisher of The Trends Journal, says, “It’s gone, and that is the top story coming out in the next Trends Journal too. . . . We are forecasting that this is the end of daily newspapers. They’ll go down to a couple of days a week. The flipside is more people to and other media. We are not alternative media. They are the alternative media. They are the media that only promotes the establishment. The establishment is Hollywood to the White House to the media, and the people are disgusted with it. This is bigger than a populist movement.” - Self-driving car startup nuTonomy will begin testing its cars in Boston soon
NuTonomy, a self-driving car startup spun out of MIT and based in Cambridge, Mass., will soon begin testing its autonomous vehicles in Boston. The company, which launched a commercial self-driving pilot in Singapore in August, has been given permission to operate its vehicles in the city’s Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park. NuTonomy, which also recently forged a partnership with Southeast Asia’s homegrown ride-hail player Grab, is moving relatively quickly toward its goal of launching a full-fledged on-demand network of self-driving cars in Singapore by 2018. (We rode in the self-driving car that is now operating in Singapore’s business district.) - FOMC Minutes Confirm Rate Hike Imminent “To Preserve Credibility”
A lot has changed since the November 2nd FOMC statement – most notably the world has suddently become awesome again. The relatively benign statement (and election result) has left rate-hike odds at 100% for December but comment from Fischer and Yellen since have hinted concerns at the need for Trump fiscal spendfest. The main risk going in to the minutes was a dovish tilt for the future, tamping the current ‘nothing can stop us now' attitude (and we note the dollar leaked lower into the release). But sure enough, The Fed confirmed a rate-hike was approrpoate “relatively soon” and was “important to Fed credibility.” - Dallas Mayor Admits Police Pension Pushing City Toward “Fan Blades Of Municipal Bankruptcy”
A few months ago we wrote that the Dallas Police and Fire Pension Fund was on the verge of collapse after a series of shady real estate investments resulted in massive markdowns of pension assets, the ouster of the fund's CIO and an FBI raid of it's largest real estate investment manager (see “Dallas Cops' Pension Fund Nears Insolvency In Wake Of Shady Real Estate Deals, FBI Raid”). We summed up the fund's dilemma as follows: ‘The Dallas Police & Fire Pension (DPFP), which covers nearly 10,000 police and firefighters, is on the verge of collapse as its board and the City of Dallas struggle to pitch benefit cuts to save the plan from complete failure. According the the National Real Estate Investor, DPFP was once applauded for it's “diverse investment portfolio” but turns out it may have all been a fraud as the pension's former real estate investment manager, CDK Realty Advisors, was raided by the FBI in April 2016 and the fund was subsequently forced to mark down their entire real estate book by 32%. Guess it's pretty easy to generate good returns if you manage a book of illiquid assets that can be marked at your “discretion”.' - Obama Says He's Had A Scandal-Free Administration. Here Are 11 of His Scandals.
President Barack Obama—who isn't going away after he leaves office—just unleashed this massive whopper: “I'm extremely proud of the fact that over 8 years we have not had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations.” This is demonstrably false. Obama's presidency has been mired with numerous scandals that would be blared on the news 24/7 if he were a Republican. But because he's a Democrat, too many people buy Obama's argument that his presidency has been scandal-free. - Goldman Sachs Drops Out of R3 Blockchain Group
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has dropped out of the R3 CEV LLC blockchain group. The investment bank was one of nine original members of R3, founded in 2014 to explore the use of the distributed database technology in Wall Street infrastructure. The technology, best known for underpinning the system that trades the virtual currency bitcoin, has garnered increasing attention as a way banks can save billions of dollars and make old-fashioned processes faster and more efficient. But not all blockchain firms are the same, with different banks backing different ventures to exploit the technology. As of Oct. 31, Goldman let its membership lapse in R3, one of the higher profile efforts, but the firm will continue to work with blockchain technology, a spokeswoman for the investment bank said. - The Big Short: is the next financial crisis on its way?
In the Oscar-winning The Big Short, Steve Carell plays the angry Wall Street outsider who predicts (and hugely profits from) the great financial crash of 2007-08. He sees sub-prime mortgages rated triple-A but which, in reality, are junk – and bets billions against the banks holding them. In real life he is Steve Eisman, he is still on Wall Street, and he is still shorting stocks he thinks are going to plummet. And while he’s tight-lipped about which ones (unless you have $1m to spare for him to manage) it is evident he has one major target in mind: continental Europe’s banks – and Italy’s are probably the worst. Why Italy? Because, he says, the banks there are stuffed with “non-performing loans” (NPLs). That’s jargon for loans handed out to companies and households where the borrower has fallen behind with repayments, or is barely paying at all. But the Italian banks have not written off these loans as duds, he says. Instead, billions upon billions are still on the books, written down as worth about 45% to 50% of their original value. - Initial Jobless Claims Collapse To Lowest In 43 Years – The US Economy Fell Into Recession Immediately After
After an ugly October, November has seen two straight weeks of improvements in initial jobless claims (plunging 11.6%, 31k – the most since Jan 2015 – to 235k). This is the lowest initial jobless claims since Nov 1973… The US Economy fell into recession the next month. - UN recommits to combating climate change
Approximately 200 nations on Thursday reaffirmed their commitment to combating climate change enshrined by the Paris Agreement at the annual UN climate conference in Morocco.
This came amid fears that the incoming US administration would backtrack on the deal. A “Marrakesh Action Proclamation” issued at the conference called on member states to boost funding for projects to cope with the effects of climate change. “We call for the highest political commitment to combat climate change, as a matter of urgent priority,” the statement read. - Cash Crisis in India Hitting Gold Sales Hard
The domestic gold market in India is facing an upheaval as traders place an increasing number of bulk, short-term orders on fears Prime Minister Narendra Modi could seriously throttle overseas imports of gold. The traders’ fears stem from Modi’s plan to eliminate so-called black money from India’s monetary system by demonetizing the 500 and 1,000 rupee notes. The bills were previously the country’s largest currency denomination. Modi’s hard-line demonetization efforts are meant to root out untaxed funds held in secret by Indian citizens. It’s estimated up to a third of the country’s annual demand (1,000 tons of gold) is paid for with black money. The intent of demonetization was to cut down on corruption by targeting Indians holding “large amounts of undeclared wealth to deposit the money at banks and make their assets official,” according to the L.A. Times. - U.S. economy is running below potential, Chicago Fed gauge shows
A measure of national economic activity improved in October but its less-volatile, three-month average weakened, according to the Chicago Federal Reserve on Monday — one sign that below-potential economic growth could limit Fed aggressiveness with interest-rate hikes. The Chicago Fed national activity index rose to negative 0.08 in October from negative 0.23 in September as factory production, housing and consumer spending, as well as the business orders that make up the index mostly improved; employment had a neutral effect. The October reading still shows U.S. economic growth running below its potential. - The “Trump Effect” Now Versus Later
Peter Schiff recently appeared on Alternative Media Television (AMTV) to discuss the so-called “Trump effect” on the US economy. So far, the stock market has gone through some downs after the president-elect’s surprise win and now back up with the Dow Jones average nearing record highs. There’s also been last week’s bond rout, which sent long-term yields soaring as bond prices dropped. The yield on the 10-Year Treasury saw its largest two-week increase since 2001, up 5.9 basis points to 2.337%. The selloff was driven by “rising inflation expectations and the market’s near-certainty that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in December,” according to MarketWatch. - Trump Says He Will Issue Executive Order On First Day In Office Withdrawing U.S. From TPP
In a video message released moments ago by Donald Trump, the President-Elect announced that he has asked his team to develop a list of executive actions for his first day as president and announced that he would issue an executive order on his first day of office, withdrawing the US from the Trans Pacific Partnership, and would issue a notification of intent to withdraw from the TPP, voiding Obama's “free-trade legacy.” Trump stated that his agenda “will be based on a simple core principle, putting America first… whether it's producing steel, building cars, or curing disease, I want the next generation of production and innovation to happen right her on our great homeland.” He added that he would issue a rule, along the lines of what he proposed during his Gettysburg address, that for every new government regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated, and said that he will direct the labor department to investigate abuses of visa programs. - Former CEO Of UBS And Credit Suisse: “Central Banks Are Past The Point Of No Return, It Will All End In A Crash”
Remember when bashing central banks and predicting financial collapse as a result of monetary manipulation and intervention was considered “fake news” within the “serious” financial community, disseminated by fringe blogs? Good times. In an interview with Swiss Sonntags Blick titled appropriately enough “A Recession Is Sometimes Necessary”, the former CEO of UBS and Credit Suisse, Oswald Grübel, lashed out by criticizing the growing strength of central banks and their ‘supremacy over the markets and other banks’. The former chief executive officer claimed that the use of negative interest rates and huge positive balance sheets represent ‘weapons of mass destruction’. He calls for an end to the use of negative interest rates. - ‘First Brexit, Then Trump and There is More of This to Come!'
Hailing 2016 the year of ‘two big political revolutions’ Nigel Farage said Angela Merkel and Barack Obama are ‘in denial’ over the public’s rejection of the political establishment. Speaking on Fox News, the UKIP leader said Obama and the German Chancellor ‘simply can’t face up to the fact that their worldview has taken an absolute beating in the year of 2016′. He has taken to social media to call 2016 ‘the year of political revolution’ and the ‘underdog’ with the Brexit vote in the UK and the election of Donald Trump in America. - Smoking gun emails reveal Blair's ‘deal in blood' with George Bush over Iraq war was forged a YEAR before the invasion had even started
A bombshell White House memo has revealed for the first time details of the ‘deal in blood’ forged by Tony Blair and George Bush over the Iraq War. The sensational leak shows that Blair had given an unqualified pledge to sign up to the conflict a year before the invasion started. It flies in the face of the Prime Minister’s public claims at the time that he was seeking a diplomatic solution to the crisis. He told voters: ‘We’re not proposing military action’ – in direct contrast to what the secret email now reveals. - The 1% plotting to halt Brexit & bring back Tony Blair, leaked memo suggests
Blairite millionaires, politicians and media tycoons are reportedly plotting to stop Brexit in its tracks, a leaked memo suggests. Virgin Group chief Sir Richard Branson is apparently bankrolling the scheme. A memo leaked to the Independent suggests the plot has been underway for months, with financial backing secured and a potential CEO for the group identified. The newspaper claims the information was found in an email penned by Tony Blair’s former health secretary and right-hand man Alan Milburn. - Blair is back! Former PM announces he is ‘returning to British politics' because the Tories are ‘screwing up Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn is a nutter' as he prepares to meet with Theresa May
Tony Blair is hunting for a new office near Westminster as he plots a return to frontline politics to influence the Government's approach to Brexit. The former prime minister believes the Tories are ‘screwing up Brexit' and views Jeremy Corbyn is ‘a nutter,' according to a source who has spoken to Mr Blair. He thinks there's a ‘massive hole in British politics' that he can fill. Mr Blair is setting up a new institute that will seek to influence and advise the Brexit process. - This Is Where I Get Off
We began writing on the War on Cash some time ago, when it was still just a theoretical ploy that we believed banks and governments were likely to employ as their economic adventurism continued to unravel. But, in the last year, several countries have, as a part of the War on Cash, begun removing larger bank notes from circulation in order to force people to perform all economic transactions through the banking system, ensuring that the banks would gain total control over the movement of money. Of course, the banks could not admit their true goal to the public. They instead used the governments to claim that the measure was being undertaken to restrict crime (money laundering, drug deals, black marketing, terrorism, etc.). - $100 Billion Chinese-Made City Near Singapore ‘Scares the Hell Out of Everybody'
The landscaped lawns and flowering shrubs of Country Garden Holdings Co.’s huge property showroom in southern Malaysia end abruptly at a small wire fence. Beyond, a desert of dirt stretches into the distance, filled with cranes and piling towers that the Chinese developer is using to build a $100 billion city in the sea. While Chinese home buyers have sent prices soaring from Vancouver to Sydney, in this corner of Southeast Asia it’s China’s developers that are swamping the market, pushing prices lower with a glut of hundreds of thousands of new homes. They’re betting that the city of Johor Bahru, bordering Singapore, will eventually become the next Shenzhen. - Morocco wants to build a new city from scratch—with China’s help
Morocco is working on a $10 billion project with the Chinese group Haite to develop an industrial city that will host some 300,000 locals. The project envisions a large Chinese-style industrial park on the edge of the Mediterranean, built on about 2,500 acres with room to expand up to nearly 5,000 acres. Morocco’s King Mohammed VI has been personally involved in the improvement in Moroccan-Chinese ties that preceded the deal. The King met with president Xi of China during an official visit to Beijing this year, which led to the signing of a strategic partnership. - Soros Army Forming Liberal Version Of Judicial Watch
The latest efforts by George Soros to subvert President-elect Donald Trump involve taking a page out of the conservative playbook. Soros and his allies have reportedly discussed launching a liberal version of the government transparency group Judicial Watch, which Politico reports “spent much of the past eight years as a thorn in the Obama administration’s side filing legal petitions under the Freedom of Information Act.” - Obama and Angela Merkel Blame Internet and Social Media for Disrupting Globalism
President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are blaming the internet for disrupting the forces of globalism, suggesting that technology is making it more difficult to unite people behind a common purpose. “Because of the internet and communications, the clash of cultures is much more direct,” Obama said during a press conference on his trip to Berlin. “People feel, I think, less certain about their identity. Less certain about economic security.” - REVEALED: The Real Fake News List
We've seen the make-shift “fake news” list created by a leftist feminist professor. Well, another fake news list has been revealed and this one holds a lot more water. This list contains the culprits who told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and lied us into multiple bogus wars. These are the news sources that told us “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” They told us that Hillary Clinton had a 98% of winning the election. They tell us in a never-ending loop that “The economy is in great shape!” - Are You Prepared For The Unwinding Of The Biggest Bubble In History?
With the Thanksgiving Day holiday on Thursday of this week, are you prepared for the unwinding of the biggest bubble in history? Here is a portion of what Peter Boockvar wrote today as the world awaits the next round of monetary madness: I want to start the week by saying I believe ‘secular stagnation’ is bulls**t. As a believer in free trade and comparative advantage and thus with hopes that no trade battles take place in the next 4 years, I want to reiterate my optimism over the potential liberation of the US economy via lower and more competitive tax rates and an easing of the regulatory strait jacket all around the economy. This said, before we get to that economically better place (which we no doubt will I believe) I can’t help but be on alert about what the implications are of an unwinding of the biggest bubble ever created, that of credit via the helping hands of our central bankers… - EURO PLUNGE: Single currency could ‘COLLAPSE' against dollar amid record losing streak
THE euro has plunged to its lowest level against the dollar since December 2015, as experts warned the currency could collapse next week amid concerns for the eurozone economy. Investors have frantically dumped the single currency over 10 consecutive trading sessions – the worst performance since the euro was introduced in 1999. Head of the European Central Bank (ECB) Mario Draghi failed to ease fears after warning that the eurozone recovery depends on action by monetary policymakers. - So Much For Electing An Outsider
During his run for the presidency, Donald Trump took the occasional break from insulting women and minorities to toss off some decent – even exciting – policy ideas. Term limits for congressmen and a ban on politicians becoming lobbyists, for instance, were straight from the Libertarian good-government Christmas list. But best of all was the effective break-up of the big banks through the re-imposition of Glass-Steagall, a law passed during the Great Depression to separate taxpayer-protected commercial banks from free-to-fail investment banks. - Russia Deploys Nuclear Missiles In Retaliation To NATO “Threats”
While the detente between Russia and US president-elect Donald Trump could not have come at a more tense time, the Kremlin appears to be accelerating its head-on collision course with NATO, and as a highly placed defense official said on Monday, Moscow will deploy S-400 surface-to-air missiles and nuclear-capable Iskander systems in the exclave of Kaliningrad in retaliation for NATO deployments, confirming previous media reports of Russian intentions to once again blanket central Europe with potential nuclear ICBM coverage. While Russia has previously said it periodically sends Iskanders to Kaliningrad, until now it has always said these were routine drills. Moscow has not linked the moves explicitly with what it says is a NATO military build-up on Russia's western borders. - Border Patrol union welcomes Trump's wall as ‘vital tool'
The National Border Patrol Council has high hopes for President-elect Trump’s border security policies. The union’s president, Brandon Judd, has been advising the Trump transition team. The union has encouraged the building of a border wall and changing enforcement policies put in place in the past four years. San Diego-based Shawn Moran, vice president of the union, said a wall on the border would be a “vital tool,” and it’s difficult to say exactly where along the border a wall is needed. - More Electors Get Death Threats From Hillary Voters
A member of the electoral commission in Texas says his colleagues are getting death threats as angry Hillary supporters ramp up the pressure before electors cast their vote on December 19th. Hillary voters around the country are bombarding electors with emails, some of them threatening, in an effort to force them to vote against the outcome of the presidential election. “At first everyone was kinda enchanted by it. Now all the electors are starting to get beaten down. There are some electors who have been threatened with harm or with death,” Texas elector Alex Kim told NBC 5. - European Union Orders British Press Not To Report when Terrorists Are Muslims
This is the moment where hate speech laws become a greater threat to democracy and freedom of speech than hate speech itself. In France, Muslim terrorists are never Muslim terrorists, but “lunatics,” “maniacs” and “youths”. To attack freedom of the press and freedom of speech is not anti-hate speech; it is submission. By following these recommendations, the British government would place Muslim organizations in a kind of monopoly position: they would become the only source of information about themselves. It is the perfect totalitarian information order. Created to guard against the kind of xenophobic and anti-Semitic propaganda that gave rise to the Holocaust, national hate speech laws have increasingly been invoked to criminalize speech that is merely deemed insulting to one's race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. It is disturbing to wonder how long the EU will strongly engage its experts and influence to cut through existing legal obstacles, in a quest to criminalize any type of criticism of Islam, and to submit to the values of jihad. - Trump Announces Policy Plans
President-elect Donald J. Trump vowed in a YouTube video to focus on creating jobs and reducing regulations as soon as he takes office. - Jeff Sessions may prosecute ‘sanctuary cities’ if confirmed as attorney general
Sen. Jeff Sessions is on record saying so-called “sanctuary cities” that protect illegal immigrants should be prosecuted. He himself may get that chance next year. Mr. Sessions is president-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be the next attorney general, and if he’s confirmed, he will mark a 180-degree turn from the Obama administration on a host of issues, but nowhere more so than on immigration, where he’s been the Senate’s leading crackdown proponent. - US Bond Market Liquidity Collapses: “It's Worse Than Brexit”
Two weeks ago we warned of the “unintended consequences” of Dodd-Frank which are likely to crush bond market liquidity. On the day of Brexit we got a glimpse of what can happen when the world's most liquid bond market suddenly isn't and as one veteran bond trader exclaimed today, US Treasury market liquidity is “worse than Brexit.” Following the worst two-week loss for bonds… ever… - San Fran Home Sales Crash To Lowest Level Since 2008 As Pricing Reset Gets Underway
We have frequently written over the past couple of quarters about the bubbly San Francisco housing market that looks set for another epic reversal as home prices have reached staggering new highs just as employment levels seem to be rolling over. With home prices now implying that only 10-20% of residents can afford the “median” priced home, it's certainly not difficult to understand why demand may be waning. According to HousingWire and a new report from PropertyRadar, home sales in the Bay Area are finally starting to rollover with Q3 YTD volumes down 10.3% YoY, reflecting the fewest number of homes sold over that same time period since 2008. Perhaps even more staggering is that distressed property sales fell 35.7% YoY so far in 2016, to the lowest level since 2001, as “low-priced” inventory dried up and buyers have found it financially impossible to move up to higher price tiers. - Demonetisation: Govt mulls limits on cash withdrawals, transactions for both individuals, companies
In the government's determined push against the parallel economy, the next step after the disruptive overnight ban on high value notes could be a cap on cash withdrawal, transactions and amounts that can be held by individuals and companies, people in the know said. Recently some senior tax officials and experts were asked their opinion about such a step. The senior government officials seeking feedback or opinion on the issue is one of the main reasons why industry trackers say that such a step could be in the offing, said two people who spoke to ET. - EU Army set to be agreed TODAY – and BRITAIN will foot the £420m-a-year bill
THE EU will today ratify the creation of a continent wide super army that will be up and running next year – and blame BREXIT for its creation. Brussels politicians convened in the French city of Strasbourg to thrash out the plans that will cost taxpayers' £420m-a-year. They will vote on the issue to establish an “EU-wide system for the coordination of rapid movement of defence forces personnel” across Europe later today. If agreed Britain will not only be forced to foot the bill because it is timetabled for before the triggering of Article 50, but it will also be legally drawn into it. - Sweden leads the race to become cashless society
In 1661, Stockholms Banco, the precursor to the Swedish central bank, issued Europe’s first banknotes, on thick watermarked paper bearing the bank’s seal and eight handwritten signatures. Last year – as Britain did last week – Sweden launched a new series of notes, cheery affairs featuring 20th-century Swedish cultural giants such as Astrid Lindgren, the creator of Pippi Longstocking, Greta Garbo and filmmaker Ingmar Bergman. But like its Nordic neighbours Norway, Denmark and Finland, Sweden is fast becoming an almost entirely cashless society. - Citibank is the first Australian bank to stop taking cash
Up is down and down is up. We are now living in a bizarre era when a bank will refuse to take cash. Citibank Australia has become the first Australian bank to go completely cashless, notifying customers that its branches will no longer handle notes and coins from November 24. “We have seen a steady decline in the demand for cash services in our branches — in fact less than 4% of Citi customers have used this service in the last 12 months,” said Citibank head of retail bank Janine Copelin. “This move to cashless branches reflects Citi’s commitment to digital banking and we are investing in the channels our customers prefer to use.” - Speculators Are Finally Bailing Out Of Gold – And That’s A Good Thing
All this talk of massive new infrastructure spending financed with a tsunami of freshly-minted currency should be lighting a fire under gold. That it hasn’t is a testament to how out-of-whack the precious metals market had gotten during the first six months of this year. As gold rose, the futures contract traders whose games tend to dictate near-term price action had set the metal up for a fall. Specifically, the speculators (who are always wrong at the extremes) were ridiculously long. With the suckers all-in, a big correction was needed to restore balance. But it didn’t come. Several months passed with gold treading water, leading some to wonder if the paper market tail had finally stopped wagging the physical market dog. - Globalists Will Crash Markets and Blame it on Trump-Rob Kirby
Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby explains the violent moves in the markets by saying, “We really do not have markets anymore. We have interventions, and we have massive fraud committed on a daily basis in what we call our capital markets. Our capital markets have become nothing more than a crime scene.” Look no further than the gold market on election night. The stock market was 800 points down in the red, and gold was way up in the black. All that reversed in a matter of a few days. How did the powers pull off a stunning reversal, especially with the skyrocketing price of gold? Kirby says, “It was roughly 8,000 metric tons from late election night through Friday. It’s up in the area of three years of global production in the paper markets in the space of three days.” - Trump won the popular vote?
Based on reports in mainstream media, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote for President. The facts, however, indicate otherwise. Before getting into that, we should consider why that is important. The answer is that most people think that whoever gets the most votes is supposed to be the winner. The Constitution, on the other hand, says otherwise. When the Constitution was written, it was understood that the federal government was beholden to the states that created it, not to the general citizenry. Voters chose their state representatives, but the states chose the Senators and the President. - At This Current Pace, A Record-Shattering 2.4 Trillion Dollars Will Be Added To The National Debt This Year
Barack Obama is about to become the 20 trillion dollar man. With less than two months to go in his second term, the U.S. national debt stands less than 150 billion dollars away from the 20 trillion dollar mark. And at the pace that the debt is increasing, it seems almost certain that we will cross 20 trillion dollars before Inauguration Day. After promising us that “deficits are under control”, the federal debt jumped by more than 1.3 trillion dollars last fiscal year, and so far this year it is on pace to rise by a record-shattering 2.4 trillion dollars. This is a recipe for national suicide, and yet it wasn’t even a major issue during the recently concluded presidential campaign. It is really, really hard to spend a trillion dollars. For example, if you were alive when Jesus was born and you had spent a million dollars every single day since that time, you still would not have spent a trillion dollars by now (From year 0 to 2016 at $1m per day is just under $736Bn). - Why We Are Still In ‘The Danger Zone’ Until January 20th, 2017
Donald Trump is not the president yet, and Barack Obama could still do an extraordinary amount of damage during his last two months in the White House. Prior to the election, I described the period of time ending on January 20th as “the danger zone”, and my outlook has not changed just because Donald Trump was victorious on election night. As you will see, the next two months are an absolutely critical time, and if we can get through January 20th without something major happening perhaps we can breathe a little bit easier (at least for a while). On the other hand, the events of the next two months could easily plunge this country into a period of unprecedented chaos. A lot of people are feeling really good about things right now because of Trump’s victory, but now is definitely not a time to relax and let down our guard. - The Drought That Was Prophesied To Hit The Southern United States Is Now Here
A record-setting drought has gripped the southern United States, but most people have no idea that this drought is the fulfillment of a prophecy that was given four years ago. Back in 2008, John Paul Jackson released a DVD entitled “The Perfect Storm” in which he detailed many of the prophetic events that God showed him would soon come to America. In 2012, he released a video update to “The Perfect Storm” that you can view on YouTube right here. In that update, he shared a list of future headlines that God had revealed to him over the years. Some of these headlines have already happened since that time, and now we are watching another be fulfilled right in front of our eyes. Specifically, I am referring to this headline: “Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought Swept South”. - What Donald Trump Just Did Is Going To Have Social Conservatives In A State Of Complete Shock
This is NOT what most social conservatives were expecting. Like millions of other Americans, I greatly celebrated when Donald Trump pulled off a miracle on election night. But within a week of his stunning election victory, many social conservatives already feel like they are being stabbed in the back. On Sunday, 60 Minutes aired a post-election interview with Trump in which he explained that his stance on gay marriage is that it is “settled” and that he has no plans to try to overturn the Supreme Court decision legalizing it. According to CNN, this answer “could leave conservatives worried”… - 11 Very Depressing Economic Realities That Donald Trump Will Inherit From Barack Obama
It would be a grave mistake to understate the amount of damage that has been done to the U.S. economy over the past eight years. In this article, I am going to share some economic numbers with you that are extremely sobering. Anyone that takes a cold, hard, honest look at the numbers should be able to see that our economy is in terrible shape. Unfortunately, the way that we see things is often clouded by our political views. Up until the election, Democrats were far more likely then Republicans to believe that the economy was improving, but now that is in the process of completely reversing. According to Gallup, only 16 percent of Republicans believed that the economy was getting better before the election, but that number has suddenly jumped to 49 percent after Trump’s election victory. And the percentage of Democrats that believe that the economy is getting better fell from 61 percent to 46 percent after the election. - The Election Of Donald Trump Is Already Having An Enormous Impact On The Economy
The election of Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the U.S. economy and the U.S. financial system. Since November 8th, the Dow has hit a brand new all-time record high, the U.S. dollar has strengthened greatly, and bank stocks are way up. But not all of the economic news is good news. Unlike stocks, bonds have reacted very negatively to Trump’s election victory. The past week has been an absolute bloodbath for bond traders, and as you will see below this is going to have dramatic implications for all U.S. consumers moving forward. Over just a two day period, more than a trillion dollars was wiped out as bond yields spiked all over the globe. As CNN has noted, this type of “violent reaction” in the bond market has only happened three other times within the past ten years… - Britain has passed the ‘most extreme surveillance law ever passed in a democracy'
It's 2016 going on 1984. The UK has just passed a massive expansion in surveillance powers, which critics have called “terrifying” and “dangerous”. The new law, dubbed the “snoopers' charter”, was introduced by then-home secretary Theresa May in 2012, and took two attempts to get passed into law following breakdowns in the previous coalition government. Four years and a general election later — May is now prime minister — the bill was finalized and passed on Wednesday by both parliamentary houses. But civil liberties groups have long criticized the bill, with some arguing that the law will let the UK government “document everything we do online”. - Ron Paul: Warning to Trump — “Shadow Government” Will Infiltrate Your Cabinet
Dr. Ron Paul appeared in an RT interview speaking about Donald Trump’s election. He made some curious statements about “neocons” and an infiltration by a “shadow government,” and her warned Trump about placing neoconservatives in his cabinet. Trump is currently considering neocons for at least 5 of his cabinet positions. Many of them have links to Wall Street, specifically Goldman Sachs, and almost all of them are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, whose honorary chairman is David Rockefeller. - VW cuts 30,000 jobs in emission scandal fallout
Volkswagen (VW) is to cut its workforce by 30,000 over the next five years as it acts to save costs following the diesel emissions scandal. The German carmaker said it was committed to no compulsory redundancies under the union deal, with 23,000 of the positions to go at factories in its home market and the rest in North America and Brazil. VW said the job losses were “socially acceptable” as it prepared to relaunch the brand by 2020 – tainted by the rollout of software in 11 million diesel vehicles that was designed to cheat emission testing. - Two-Thirds Of Workers In Developing Nations To Be Replaced by Robots, Report Warns
An alarming new report from the United Nations is the latest in a litany of studies suggesting that the coming age of automation and workforces dominated by robots will be upon us much faster than previously thought. The U.N. now claims two-thirds of the human labor force in developing nations will be replaced by automation. The U.N. says a Universal Basic Income will be necessary as a stop-gap for the 75% of humans left without work. Anti-Media previously reported on predictions that half the American workforce could be replaced by automation within the next two decades. Another report’s statistics suggested automated software could fleece 1.7 million truckers of their jobs within a decade. The U.N.’s UNCTAD report notes that taken on a global scale, we’re seeing“premature deindustrialization.” - Silver Prices May Rise with Infrastructure Projects
The president of the United Auto Workers said he will sit down and talk with President-Elect Trump to try and crush the North American Free Trade Agreement, describing NAFTA was “a problem.” The union of auto workers is an early advocate for working with Trump to change trade agreements seen as being detrimental to American workers. Other industry organizations are likely to ally themselves with the future president, who made trade a cornerstone of his campaign promise to “Make America Great Again.” - Chelsea Clinton reportedly being groomed for congressional run
Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton reportedly is being mooted as a future congressional candidate. The New York Post reported that Clinton, 36, is being eyed to take Rep. Nita Lowey's place when the 79-year-old incumbent decides to leave the House of Representatives. Lowey represents New York's 17th District, which covers part of Westchester County, including Bill and Hillary Clinton's hometown of Chappaqua. The Post reported that the Clintons have purchased the home next door to theirs, in which they plan to install Chelsea, her husband and their two children. - Donald Trump Boosts Europe's Anti-Establishment Movement
Donald Trump's electoral victory has come as a shock to Europe's political and media establishment, which fears that the political sea change underway in the United States will energize populist parties in Europe. Anti-establishment politicians, many of whom are polling well in a number of upcoming European elections, are hoping Trump's rise will inspire European voters to turn out to vote for them in record numbers. Commenting on Trump's victory, Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, wrote: “America has just liberated itself from political correctness. The American people expressed their desire to remain a free and democratic people. Now it is time for Europe. We can and will do the same!” - China fires its first warning shot, warning iPhone sales will suffer if Trump starts a trade war
Apple iPhones and other U.S. goods could suffer sales hits in China if President-elect Donald Trump goes through with his “naive” plan of slapping a large import tariff on Chinese products, a state-backed newspaper warned on Sunday. During his election campaign this year, Trump spoke of a 45 percent import tariff on all Chinese goods while failing to outline how it would work. Should any such policy come into effect, China will take a “tit-for-tat approach”, according to an opinion piece in the Global Times, a newspaper backed by the Communist party. - Trump Prepares To Label Muslim Brotherhood A ‘Terror Organization’
Last November, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) co-sponsored legislation along with Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) demanding that President Obama label the Muslim Brotherhood an official foreign terrorist organization. The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act prefaces its conclusions with comprehensive research and historical precedent. “Multiple countries have declared the Society of the Muslim Brothers (commonly known as the ‘‘Muslim Brotherhood’’) a terrorist organization or proscribed the group from operating in their countries,” begins the bill. The bill didn’t make it through the winding roads of bureaucracy as a result of the Obama administration’s apparent sympathies for the Islamist group, but now, President-elect Donald Trump’s advisors are vowing to push through that same piece of legislation when the Republican victor assumes the oath of office in January. - As Venezuela's Currency Loses 40% In One Month, Maduro Dances
The last time we updated on the value – we use the term very loosely in this case – of the Venezuela currency, the Bolivar in the black market, was at the start of November, when one US dollar purchased 1,567 bolivars in the street. Fast forward not even two full weeks later, and the Venezuela currency has now officially crossed the “nice, round number” psychological hyperinflation barrier of 2,000/USD, trading at 2,014 today, crashing by 22% since our last check, and an vomit-inducing 43% in the past month. The exponentially-rising chart below shows what hyperinflation in a destroyed socialist economy looks like. - Two-thirds of the world's internet users live under government censorship: report
Two-thirds of the world's internet users live under regimes of government censorship, according to a report released today. The report from Freedom House, a pro-democracy think tank, finds that internet freedom across the globe declined for a sixth consecutive year in 2016, as governments cracked down on social media services and messaging apps. The findings are based on an analysis of web freedom in 65 countries, covering 88 percent of the world's online population. Freedom House ranked China as the worst abuser of internet freedom for the second consecutive year, followed by Syria and Iran. (The report does not include North Korea.) Online freedom in the US increased slightly over the year due to the USA Freedom Act, which limits the bulk collection of metadata carried out by the National Security Agency (NSA) and other intelligence agencies. - Online ‘Freedom' Plunges For 6th Straight Year As Social Media Censorship Grows
Internet freedom has declined for the sixth consecutive year, with more governments than ever before targeting social media and communication apps as a means of halting the rapid dissemination of information, particularly during anti-government protests. According to the latest Freedom on the Net reports, two-thirds of all internet users live in countries where criticism of the government, military, or ruling family are subject to censorship. - All Eyes On Argentina As Lithium Boom Takes Shape
Lithium is poised to be the longest-running mining bull market of the century, and independent, junior minors like Millennial Lithium Corp. are having their stocks pushed higher and higher as this market gets ready to explode under a soaring demand and tight supply situation. The disruptive force of lithium in the energy market is unprecedented, with prices tripling this year and the fantastically tight supply prognoses promising explosive profits for new entrants. And the global ground zero is lithium-rich Argentina, where massive resources have combined with a new business-friendly political atmosphere to create a situation in which everyone is talking about a lithium cartel, and the rise of the next energy barons. - China: Trump's First Crisis?
There is a growing possibility that China will be at the epicentre of President-elect Trump’s first crisis, triggered by concerns over the potential impact of protectionist measures on China’s trade surplus, which currently supports the increasingly fragile financing chains supporting corporate debt that the IMF estimates at around 155% of GDP. Trump’s pledges to impose tariffs of up to 45% on Chinese manufactured goods threatens to drive a significant uptick in the amount of capital flight from the renminbi, while the prospect of measures to change the US tax system to encourage companies to repatriate cash to the are already pulling the dollar higher. At this point the likelihood of Trump actually delivering on his protectionist rhetoric is secondary to the psychological impact on resident corporate and household savers of any potential threat to the current uneasy equilibrium within the Chinese economy. - Wall Or No Wall: Trump Needs The Mexican Oil Industry
Two of Donald Trump’s main pledges during the presidential race were building a wall along the border with Mexico, and making the U.S. energy-independent. Now that the election is over, these issues are coming to the fore. First, the president-elect said that the wall, which he mentioned on the campaign trail and in numerous debates, is still very much on the table, though what type of “wall” that may be is an unknow. Second, he said he planned to start deporting illegal aliens—those with criminal records—which could amount to as many as three million individuals. Despite “The Wall”, the deportation of Mexican citizens, and several grandiose comments about Mexico paying for said wall—not to mention Trump’s proclamation that he would raise import tariffs up to 35 percent on some Mexican products—Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto was among the first of the world leaders to congratulate Trump on his victory. - Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – November 17, 2016
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams’ weekly newsletter. - Will Your Energy Bill Get More Or Less Expensive Under Pres. Trump?
Environmentalists are panicking that President-elect Donald Trump will trigger an energy jobs disaster by cutting green subsidies, but David Holt, president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, thinks exactly the opposite. Green media is positively panicking that Trump’s cuts could literally end all life on Earth and cause a hypothetical jobs crisis by destroying the green energy industry. Conversely, Trump appears to be very supportive of industries that slash carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions while creating jobs. - Will Trump Do What Reagan Couldn’t?
Finally, it’s over. We were both delighted and appalled by the news. A smile spread over our face… and our steps lightened… as we looked ahead to four years without Hillary Clinton’s know-it-all mug in the news. But our shoulders stooped, too, as we listened to Donald Trump’s victory announcement. As we predicted, Americans got the president they deserved. Now, “no dream is too big.” No nightmare is out of bounds, either. Dow futures fell as much as 800 points as news spread and investors thought the end of the world had come [that didn’t last long, ed.]. But here at the Diary, we were serene. We had mocked both candidates and mooned the sacred rite of democracy – the election itself. Why?
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen – November 17, 2016
Pastor Lindsey Williams introduces Pastor David Bowen with his regular short weekly video for readers of Pastor Williams' weekly newsletter. If you are not a subscriber please subscribe for free by entering your name and email address in the box below.
Pastor David Bowen is pastor of Standing Stones Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. For more information about Pastor Dave please visit
Pastor Dave is also creator of the website Interpreting The Times, understanding world events through scripture. You can find out more by visiting
Please leave your thoughts and comments below regarding this new addition to Pastor Williams' newsletter each week.
Latest News Articles – November 17, 2016
From James Harkin (Webmaster & Editor of Here is a summary of articles of interest from around the world for this week. Please LIKE the Lindsey Williams Online Facebook Page to see stories posted daily regarding the current state of the economy around the world.
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Latest News From November 10, 2016 to November 17, 2016:
- James Turk – What Donald Trump Faces Is Very Different From What Ronald Reagan Faced, Expect Major Market Moves…
As we kick off the third week of trading in November, today James Turk spoke with King World News about why what Donald Trump faces is very different from what Ronald Reagan face, but here is the good news… James Turk: “Congratulations to Mr Trump. If his presidency is as remarkable as his election, Eric, he could go down in history as a great president. I expect that a lot of things will change because of Trump. That’s what voters want… - A professor has made a list of websites she says publish ‘fake' or ‘misleading' news
On Monday, Google and Facebook announced measures to ban fake news websites from using their advertising networks. Previous attempts by Google AdSense and Facebook Audience Network saw the companies ban sites that “misrepresent, misstate or conceal information”. However the proliferation of fake news during the US elections, some argued, swayed votes towards Donald Trump and prompted the social media platform and giant search engine into changing their policies. - Trump’s Victory: A Historical Upset
I have to admit it. I fully did NOT expect Donald Trump to become the 45th President of the United States of America. All of the odds were against him: He was underfunded compared to Hillary’s money machine; Nearly every media source was openly against him; Not one major celebrity came out to support him; He was labbeled a racist and a misogynist; All leading figures of his own party abandoned him; Much of his policies were in direct opposition with the aims of the globalist elite; Robert DeNiro said he wanted to punch him in the face. - Facebook, Google announce new policies to fight fake news
Two of the world’s biggest internet companies, Google and Facebook, are taking new steps to fight the rising tide of fake news — in other words, conspiracy theories and misleading information from no-name sites masquerading as news— that exploded on their platforms during this campaign cycle. The problem has grown to the point that it is now too big to ignore. Both companies have come under fire for widely-shared fake news stories that spread false information about the candidates. In a move disclosed Monday, Google said it will withhold lucrative digital ads from appearing on any sites that “misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information.” The new policy could give news and information sites greater incentive to avoid false headlines or risk losing revenue. - Here’s Where Trillions of Investor Dollars Went After Trump’s Big Win
We expected the Super Shemitah/Jubilee time period (which officially ends on November 20th with the end of the Catholic Jubilee) to be one of dramatic change and chaos. And, did we ever get it! Since the beginning of the Jubilee year, in October of last year, two massive events have happened. Brexit and Trump. Both were completely unexpected by most. Brexit saw the worst day in worldwide stock markets in history the day after the vote. And, interestingly, Dow futures were down 777 points at one point as it became clear Trump had won the “selection.” But, then the markets had a massive rebound the next day. - Legend Art Cashin On A Trump Presidency, The New World Order, Gold, Brexit, The Great Depression And Why We Will See Panic
As the bond market continues to melt down, interest rates rise and the Dollar Index surges above 100, legend Art Cashin gave one of his most important interviews ever to King World News about a Trump presidency, the New World Order, gold, Brexit, the Great Depression, and why we will see panic before the end of the year. Eric King: “In Trump’s acceptance speech he said that we are going to have massive infrastructure spending. Is that bearish for gold? I don’t think so.” - This Wasn’t A Vote, It Was An Uprising
The article below has come to me. I am unable to ascertain if it is a published statement or one of those items sent around the Internet. Nevertheless, I do believe that it captures the attitude of those Americans who in the vast majority of the states gave their vote to Donald Trump. The optimism expessed in the article might be unrealistic. In order to prevail over the Oligarchy, President Trump will need a government as strong as he appears to be. He cannot find the strength he needs for his government among the usual Washington, Wall Street, and corporate sources. If he selects from these people, he will be impotent. The question is: who is his transition team? Are they focused on making nice with the Oligachs? If so, there will be no change. - Dow’s Trump-Fueled Surge is Difficult to Explain
From David Fabian: It feels like we have almost packed a full year’s worth of stock market price action into just the last two weeks. With so many diverging market sectors and overall fluctuations, I thought it would be prudent to do an examination of some key charts. Taking a closer look at these categories can help frame macro views as well as determine areas of strength and weakness. - Here’s Where Trillions of Investor Dollars Went After Trump’s Big Win
From ZeroHedge: The early winners and losers of Trump’s presidential win are very clear, with trillions of dollars flying around as investors attempt to position themselves for the next four years. Despite the repeated warnings by websites such as this one that the polls showing Hillary Clinton ahead of the election were rigged and manipulated, misrepresenting the real popular support of the two candidates, and that the likelihood of a “shock” Trump victory is far greater than anyone was willing to admit, both traders, the media, and the punditry were stunned by the outcome which, just like Brexit, few had actually anticipated. The result, at least in global capital markets, has been an unprecedented repricing of risk assets. - War On Cash Intensifies: Citibank To Stop Accepting Cash At Some Branches
Less than a week after India’s surprise move to scrap its highest denomination cash notes, another front in the War on Cash has intensified down under in Australia. Yesterday, banking giant UBS proposed that eliminating Australia’s $100 and $50 bills would be “good for the economy and good for the banks.” (How convenient that a bank would propose something that’s good for banks!) This isn’t the first time that the financial establishment has pushed for a cashless society in Australia (or anywhere else). - Krugman Gets His Alien Invasion – And Gold Bugs Get Paradise
Nobel Prize winning economist and uber-liberal New York Times columnist Paul Krugman likes to illustrate his philosophy by noting that the threat of an alien invasion would help the economy by stimulating government spending. Well, last week’s election gave Krugman and the rest of the Keynesian establishment their alien invasion (Trump and company being only partially human when viewed through Beltway-culture eyes). - Twitter cracks down on alt-right accounts
Twitter is cracking down on accounts belonging to members of the alt-right movement in the wake of Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election, USA Today reported Wednesday. The social networking website suspended the accounts of several prominent figures, including Richard Spencer, president of an alt-right think tank. Spencer, who had a verified account, told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Twitter's action “is corporate Stalinism.” - A Third of Anti-Trump Protestors Arrested in Portland Didn’t Vote
The streets of downtown Portland have swelled with protesters each night since Donald Trump won the presidential election on Tuesday, and on occasion the protests have turned violent. That’s led to 112 arrests in the last week and a review of state election records by a local news station shows that more than a third of those arrested didn’t even vote. - Who will be Trump's chief of staff? Kellyanne Conway says the announcement of The Donald's assistant is ‘imminent'
Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump's campaign manager, has said that the announcement for the White House chief of staff is ‘imminent'. Conway told reporters late Saturday night that there are ‘several people being considered' for the position, according to ABC News. But, she added, ‘it's Mr Trump's decision ultimately'. She said that she thinks ‘Reince Priebus has expressed interest in the position' as well. - George Soros
“I cannot and do not care about the social consequences of what i do.” explains it right there folks….. - Permian’s Wolfcamp formation called biggest shale oil field in U.S.
In a troubled oil world, the Permian Basin is the gift that keeps on giving. One portion of the giant field, known as the Wolfcamp formation, was found to hold 20 billion barrels of oil trapped in four layers of shale beneath West Texas. That’s almost three times larger than North Dakota’s Bakken play and the single largest U.S. unconventional crude accumulation ever assessed, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. At current prices, that oil is worth almost $900 billion. - REVEALED: Donald Trump vows to ‘reopen 9/11 probe' that could ‘spark a revolution'
Disenfranchised working class voters propelled the billionaire reality star into the White House this week in one of the biggest election upsets in US history. In his first days as President-elect, Republican Trump has given few clues on how he plans to honour his pledge to “Make America Great Again”. But ahead of his Brexit-style election earthquake, Trump threatened to lift the lid on one of the most catastrophic terror attacks in modern history. - Soros-Funded Anti-Trump Protesters Rioting in Cities Across America: Fomenting National Crisis and Martial Law?
Globalist investor in murder and mayhem George Soros is at it again, funding his to organize post-election “sour grapes” protests around the country in response to underdog Trump’s surprising President-elect victory. Complicit crime partner mainstream media is having a field day deceitfully spinning these top down, billionaire driven demonstrations as a spontaneous, grassroots populist uprising against racist dictator Donald. From a press release from The gatherings – organized by and allies – will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump’s bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we still believe is possible. - Goldman Just Killed The “Reflation Euphoria” – Concludes Global Growth Will Suffer Under Trump No Matter What
Earlier today, we presented an analysis by Goldman Sachs which emerged with a lukewarm take on Trump's policies as to how they stand to impact US domestic growth, with only Goldman's “adverse” scenario resulting in a “stagflationary”, i.e., recessionary outcome. However, in a follow up report by another set of Goldman economists Nicholas Fawcett and Sven Jari Stehn, one which looks at the broader global set of Trump policy consequences for the entire world – because after all, the US is still a part of it – it finds that virtually every scenario leads to a global contraction, something we previewed yesterday in our post titled “What’s Good For The US In This Case, Is Not Good For Emerging Markets.” - The Anti-Trump Protesters Are Tools of the Oligarchy — Paul Craig Roberts
Who are the anti-Trump protesters besmirching the name of progressives by pretending to be progressives and by refusing to accept the outcome of the presidential election? They look like, and are acting worse than, the “white trash” that they are denouncing. I think I know who they are. They are thugs for hire and are paid by the Oligarchy to delegitimize Trump’s presidency in the way that Washington and the German Marshall Fund paid students in Kiev to protest the democratically elected Ukrainian government in order to prepare the way for a coup. - Keiser Report: Gaddafi-like Death to Clinton's Political Career (E992)
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the gruesome Gaddafi like death to a political career. They look at the role of Obamacare premium increases in middle income voter discontentment with the Democratic Party. In the second half, Max interviews Dr. Michael Hudson about what went wrong for Hillary. - Forget Trump – Is Deutsche Bank The First Domino of the Next Economic Collapse?
The FIRST DOMINO of Contagion: Will Deutsche bank be the catalyst for the collapse of the European banking system? - The Amazing Collapse of Russia’s Auto Market
We don’t hear much from the global automakers and their analysts about the multi-year sales fiasco in Russia, in part because they don’t like to bring up crummy data unless they have to. And they don’t have to. For them, Russia is just a tiny market, compared to China and the US: through October this year, new light vehicle sales in Russia amounted to about 8% of sales in the US. Since 2010, auto sales in China, the US, and many other countries have boomed. And they grew in Russia too, but only until late 2012, when the market began to stall. They declined in 2013. Then, when the sanctions hit in 2014, the market sagged. When the oil bust hit in 2015, the market crashed. And to this day, it continues to head south. The numbers are stunning. - Anti-Vaccination Proponent Melania Trump Delivers Powerful Speech
Vaccinate your kids, they say. It’ll be safe, they say. The only problem is that “they,” isn’t vaccinating their children. Tonight, Melania Trump, the wife GOP Presidential nominee and potential First Lady of the United States, took the stage in grand fashion to endorse her husband’s controversial campaign. Melania has come from a rural town in Slovenia to the brink of being one of the world’s most powerful women. For husband Donald, Melania serves as a puzzle piece that doesn’t seem to fit with liberal rhetoric. Trump’s being painted as a racist and xenophobic and misogynist, something Melania’s presence seems to deny even without her ringing endorsements of him. She’s an immigrant, a woman, a cultural infusion. - The Global “Populist” Doom Tour Swings to Italy
Widespread public disaffection and dissatisfaction are not unique to the UK and US; they’re on the rise all over the developed world. It’s not hard to see why. In the words of Mark Blyth, one of an embarrassingly small number of economists to correctly call both Brexit and the victory of Trump, the last 30 years have seen “a huge amount of economic growth but hardly anyone’s benefited from it.” And now the people are “fed up” and have decided at any opportunity to “give their elites notice that they’ve had enough.” - Here’s My Experience with Healthcare in Mexico
An acquaintance of mine was walking around with a bandaged hand so I asked him what had happened. He was working and something slipped and he ended up with a nasty gash on the back of his hand. He went down to the local clinic and they put in 8 stitches. The total bill was $52. Three years ago, I fell on a tile floor and broke my pelvis in 3 places. I was picked up by an ambulance, driven 40 miles to a private hospital where I spent 6 days and had a 5 hour surgery to repair the damage. They put in 3 pins, a plate, and 6 screws. The total bill was $22,000. I have no idea just how many stitches they put in, but the incision is 14″ long. That was the total bill, no insurance. - The Far Left Is Planning The Biggest Political Protest In United States History For Inauguration Day
We have seen very large protests in major cities all over America since Donald Trump won the election, but the biggest one of all is being planned for January 20th. Radical leftists are calling for thousands upon thousands of activists to descend upon Washington D.C. on Inauguration Day, and they are planning to disrupt the inauguration festivities as much as they possibly can. And if you doubt that the “Not My President” movement can pull this off, you may want to consider that 25,000 protesters showed up in New York City on Saturday on very short notice. These people are bitter, angry, frustrated and incredibly motivated. At this point they still have more than two months to organize their forces, and many are expecting that this is going to be the most chaotic Inauguration Day in American history. - “Is The Market Wrong?”: Financial Conditions Are Tightening At An Alarming Pace
As a result of the recent spike in yields, and surge in the dollar following the Trump victory, the market's reaction has been to assume that this is a harbinger of rising inflation due to a tidal wave of “imminent” fiscal easing, and has accordingly pushed up the December rate hike odds to above 90%. After all, the logical offset of the expected easing in fiscal conditions is for the Fed to tighten monetary policy, arguably the only source of market gains (and economy support) over the past 7 years. But is the market wrong? - President-elect Trump speaks to a divided country on 60 Minutes
The following script is from “The 45th President,” which aired on Nov. 13, 2016. Lesley Stahl is the correspondent. Rich Bonin and Ruth Streeter, producers. During what seemed an interminable campaign, a divided country found all kinds of ways to describe Donald Trump: visionary businessman, vulgar self-promoter, political neophyte. But after Tuesday, for all Americans, there’s only one description that counts: president-elect. - Bonds bloodied as Trump spending plans spur dollar
Routs in global bonds and emerging markets intensified, while the dollar climbed with base metals as investors positioned for the wave of fiscal stimulus that Donald Trump has pledged to unleash. The yield on 30-year Treasuries rose to the highest since January, with last week’s record debt selloff bleeding into Monday trading and weighing on credit markets. - Democrats Are Now Calling For A ‘Revolution In The Streets’, And I Believe That They Are Quite Serious
The surprise victory by Donald Trump on November 8th has spawned a series of violent protests and riots all over the nation as stunned leftists continue to throw the largest post-election temper tantrum in U.S. history. Protesters in large cities all across America have been disrupting public transportation, looting stores, hurling objects at the police and burning Trump in effigy. There have even been shootings at anti-Trump rallies in Seattle and in Portland. Hundreds of protesters have been arrested so far, and organizers are promising that this is only just the beginning. Meanwhile, large numbers of enraged leftists are physically threatening Trump on Twitter, and some are even calling for a violent revolution. Sadly, I believe that they are quite serious about this. - Popular Vote Reality Check
I’ve been listening to the left wingnuts crying foul because Crooked Hillary won the popular vote. They evidently fell asleep during their American government class in high school. The reason there are two senators per state and an electoral college is to keep the large powerful states from wielding too much power in governing the nation. It seems left wing nutjobs seem to be drawn together into 6 liberal enclaves. You may notice the professional violent Soros protestors do their best work in these states. Republican voters in these states know their vote is worthless, because there are far too many irrational, mathematically challenged snowflakes to overcome. So, many don’t even bother to vote. - Monte Paschi Begins Bondholder “Bail-In”: Will Equitize Over €4 Billion In Junior Bonds
Monte Paschi's long anticipated, if largely undesired bail-in is finally a fact. Ever since the bank failed the ECB's latest stress test this summer, when it was advised that it needs to raise billions in capital, only to see the process fizzle with virtually no willing sources of new cash emerging due to the opaque labyrinth of the bank's bilions on NPLs, Italy's third largest, most insolvent, bank has been hoping to avoid a debt conversion, out of fears it may spook retail bondholders across the capital structure, and in other Italian banks, who may perceive the move even if touted as “voluntary” as a creditor bail-in. Which it technically is. - Why India wiped out 86% of its cash overnight
India is in the middle of an extraordinary economic experiment. On 8 November, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave only four hours' notice that virtually all the cash in the world's seventh-largest economy would be effectively worthless. The Indian government likes to use the technical term “demonetisation” to describe the move, which makes it sound rather dull. It isn't. This is the economic equivalent of “shock and awe”. - Anti-Trump Protests: Proof Of Professional Activist Involvement
In a story from November 12, USA Today writes an article to discredit the idea that the professional activist community is involved with organizing anti-Trump protests. They invite you to meet the protesters. USA today presents them as ordinary people. However, WikiLeaks exposes them as experienced protest organizers and activists. USA Today presents the protests as spontaneous, involving people from “all walks of life” – certainly not professional protesters. - Elizabeth Warren: Democracy Demands That We Work Together on America’s Agenda
Elizabeth Warren sparred with Donald Trump throughout the 2016 election campaign. Now, the senator from Massachusetts is ready to work with the president-elect to rebuild the American economy. But if Republicans attempt to remove Wall Street regulations or gut the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she will fight them. Warren shared her thoughts in a speech to the AFL-CIO executive council in Washington, D.C., on Thursday. - Iran Nears Pre-Sanction Levels, Starts Pumping Oil At 3 New Fields
Three new oilfields in Iran were put in production mode this weekend at an official ceremony, adding more than 220,000 bpd to the country’s total output. The fields are Yadavaran, North Azadegan, and North Yaran—three of the five fields that Iran shares with Iraq. The launch of North Yaran was reported last week, with initial production seen at 30,000 bpd. North Azadegan will yield 75,000 bpd, and Yadavaran should produce 115,000 bpd. At the ceremony, President Hassan Rouhani was quoted as saying that “Oil production west of Karoun must reach one million barrels per day. This is a realistic goal, and we need investment and technology.” - Iran Surprises OPEC With A Further 250,000 Bpd Increase
President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, was poised to announce on Sunday that the nation has increased oil production by 250,000 barrels per day. This was accomplished through the creation of three new fields west of the Karoun River. The addition in production was highly unexpected, especially to neighboring OPEC nations. As of this past Wednesday, Brent crude oil futures have dropped a substantial amount to under $44 per barrel. Three publicly traded companies on three separate exchanges have paid as much as $3 billion to obtain these fields. Sinopec from China has acquired the largest, producing 115,000 barrels per day. China’s National Petroleum Corporation bought the second largest field and the third was given to Persia Oil and Gas Development of Iran. All three of these companies stand to profit from these fields. Iran is in the process of ramping up production to reach their prior unsanctioned levels, which would place the oil majors in a crucial position to grow. - Iran seeks $10 bln in Russian arms
Iran is moving ahead with plans to purchase advanced Russian weaponry now that UN sanctions have been lifted even as Republican president-elect Donald Trump vows to revisit and/or scrap the nuclear deal between the Obama Administration and Tehran. Viktor Ozerov, the Russian Federation Council’s defense and security committee, who is on a visit to Tehran, said on Monday that Iran wants to buy $10 billion worth of weapons including T90 tanks, the most advanced in Russia’s arsenal. Russia has completed the delivery of S-300 air defense systems to Iran in October and these are expected to be ready for deployment by year’s end, Ozerov said. But any weapons that can be used for offensive purposes, such as the T-90s, must be approved by the UN Security Council until 2020. - Trump just laid out a pretty radical student debt plan
Donald Trump is promising the most liberal student loan repayment plan since the inception of the federal financial aid program, in a clear effort to court the millions of Americans struggling with the high cost of college. “We would cap repayment for an affordable portion of the borrower’s income, 12.5 percent, we’d cap it. That gives you a lot to play with and a lot to do,” Trump said at a rally in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday. “And if borrowers work hard and make their full payments for 15 years, we’ll let them get on with their lives. They just go ahead and they get on with their lives.” - Commentary: The unbearable smugness of the press
The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly # WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory. More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on. - China plays critical role in climate change cooperation – official
China is expected to play a pivotal role in consolidating and enhancing South-South partnership, particularly when it comes to issues related to climate change. Speaking to the Chinese news agency Xinhua, Moroccan Foreign Minister and Climate Change Conference (COP22) President Salaheddine Mezouar said that China has an “extremely important role to play in accompanying, reinforcing and boosting South-South partnership and support sustainable development policies in the African continent”. China is currently participating in the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) held in Marrakech, Morocco. - Trump Will Become Third President to Forego a Salary. Here's What the Other Two Did With Theirs…
Trump Will Become Third President to Forego a Salary. Here's What the Other Two Did With Theirs… From the start of his campaign, Trump has pledged that he'd put aside his business activities completely if elected, telling CBS's “Face The Nation” last October that he’s been “phasing out” his role since the beginning of his campaign. - Federal Reserve & Clintons Doomed-Clif High
Internet data mining expert Clif High predicted that “Trump would win” the election and that Hillary Clinton would go “missing” after the election. Sure enough, Hillary was missing the night of her defeat. What does that mean? High thinks, “That there was a breakdown among a very delicate relationship among a lot of powerful parties that failed to deliver as promised. The plan didn’t work. So, now there is no real plan “B.” There never could be under the circumstances. We are in a situation where there can’t be a plan “B” for the Federal Reserve, for example. They (FED) have to go on a certain path, they’re doomed. That is true of the criminal organization we call CGI (Clinton Global Initiative). Any criminal gang, no matter where it is in the social order, progresses along a certain path, runs into opposition and dies. It always happens, and it always will.” - As Obama buries US-led TPP, focus shifts to China-backed trade deal
The China-proposed Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) will be in focus during the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Peru from Nov. 19-20 even as the US officially gives up on a rival trade deal, the TPP. Heads of states including Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama will be in attendance at the APEC Summit. In Peru, Obama will explain to other TPP nations the reasons for the US government’s failure and the suspensions of its efforts to win congressional approval for the deal. US President-elect Trump has called the TPP a “disaster” and “a rape of our country”. - When People Laughed At The Idea Of Trump Actually Being Elected President!
Never underestimate the power of the silent majority. Those who kept silent during this campaign had the strongest voices. - Soros And Liberal Mega-Donors Plot For War With Donald Trump
George Soros and other liberal mega-donors are gathering in Washington for a three-day, closed-door meeting where they will discuss opposing Trump’s plan for his first 100 days in office. According to Politico, the meeting, which began on Sunday night at Washington’s Mandarin Oriental hotel, is sponsored by the influential Democracy Alliance donor club and will include darlings of the left such as House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairman Keith Ellison. - 58 Facts About the U.S. Economy from 2015 that are Almost too Crazy to Believe
This year the middle class continued to deteriorate, more Americans than ever found themselves living in poverty, and the debt bubble that we are living in expanded to absolutely ridiculous proportions. Toward the end of the year, a new global financial crisis erupted, and it threatens to completely spiral out of control as we enter 2016. Over the past six months, I have been repeatedly stressing to my readers that so many of the exact same patterns that immediately preceded the financial crisis of 2008 are happening once again, and trillions of dollars of stock market wealth has already been wiped out globally. Some of the largest economies on the entire planet such as Brazil and Canada have already plunged into deep recessions, and just about every leading indicator that you can think of is screaming that the U.S. is heading into one. So don’t be fooled by all the happy talk coming from Barack Obama and the mainstream media. When you look at the cold, hard numbers, they tell a completely different story. The following are 58 facts about the U.S. economy from 2015 that are almost too crazy to believe… - EU chief SQUIRMS over questions of legitimacy of ‘undemocratic’ European Commission
THIS is the astonishing moment an EU chief was left squirming as he was questioned on whether the European Commission is truly democratic – when it is made up of unelected representatives. The awkward scenes happened during a citizens dialogue in Helsinki, Finland, when Frans Timmermans, the First-Vice President of the Commission, was challenged over the legitimacy of the institution. Taking the EU representative to task, a Finnish citizen demanded to know why Jyrki Katainen had been allowed to become the country's commissioner after he resigned as prime minister for “failing” in the leading role. - The sneering response to Trump’s victory reveals exactly why he won
If you want to know why Trump won, just look at the response to his winning. The lofty contempt for ‘low information’ Americans. The barely concealed disgust for the rednecks and cretins of ‘flyover’ America who are apparently racist and misogynistic and homophobic. The haughty sneering at the vulgar, moneyed American political system and how it has allowed a wealthy candidate to poison the little people’s mushy, malleable minds. The suggestion that American women, more than 40 per cent of whom are thought to have voted for Trump, suffer from internalised misogyny: that is, they don’t know their own minds, the poor dears. The hysterical, borderline apocalyptic claims that the world is now infernally screwed because ‘our candidate’, the good, pure person, didn’t get in. - Canadian Parliament Condemns Free Speech
On October 26, Canada's parliament unanimously passed an anti-Islamophobia motion, which was the result of a petition initiated by Samer Majzoub, president of the Canadian Muslim Forum. The petition garnered almost 70,000 signatures. - Donald Trump could still not become president because of ‘faithless electors’ and the electoral college
It’s still theoretically possible for Donald Trump not to become president. But the near-impossibility all depends on the electoral college and the strange US system. Donald Trump might have won the election by getting more of the votes in the electoral college than Hillary Clinton did. But strictly and legally, it’s not the election that just happened that matters: it’s the one where the members of the electoral college go and represent their voters and pick their candidate. That’s due to happen on 12 December, at meetings in each state where all Republican or Democrat representatives – depending on how each state voted – will cast their vote. And it will almost certainly go one way, with most of the electors casting their ballots for Donald Trump and making him President. - Did America Really Pass The Test? – Hillary Clinton Is Going To Win The Popular Vote By A Wide Margin
The 2016 election was a test, and it would be easy to assume that since Donald Trump won the election that America passed the test. Unfortunately, it may not be that simple. A closer look at the numbers reveals a very sobering reality. Yes, Donald Trump won far more electoral votes than Hillary Clinton did, and that means that he is on track to become our next president. But Hillary Clinton is going to win the popular vote, and it is likely to be by a very wide margin once all the votes are counted. - No Matter What Happens, We Won’t Know Who The Next President Will Be Until December 19th
Most Americans assume that their votes decide who the next president will be, but that is actually not the case. It is the Electoral College that will elect the next president, and they don’t meet until December 19th. And the truth is that all of the members of the Electoral College never meet in one place. Rather, electors gather together in all 50 state capitals on the second Wednesday in December, and it is at that time that the next president and vice president are officially elected. Of course members of the Electoral College have voted according to the will of the people about 99 percent of the time throughout our history, but with how crazy this election has turned out to be you never know what might happen. For example, later on in this article you will see that one elector in Washington state has already publicly stated that he will not cast his vote for Hillary Clinton. If other “faithless electors” emerge, that could potentially change the entire outcome of the election. - For People Who Are Worried About Druckenmiller Selling His Gold…
For people who are worried about Druckenmiller selling his gold… Before we get to Druckenmiller selling his gold, look at the collapse in the 30-year bond market as interest rates continue to surge! I am going to stick with yesterday’s format and try to make sense of the market motion, then turn to the action lower in the column, and I’m doing this in response to all the questions I’ve been getting about how various markets can possibly do what they’re doing, i.e., why are they behaving as they are… - Druckenmiller: “I Sold All My Gold On The Night Of The Election”
Just six months ago, Stanley Druckenmiller saw nothing but pain for the economy: in a presentation to the Sohn Conference in early May, the legendary Duquesne manager delivered what may have been his most bearish fire and brimstone sermon yet, and in fact according to some buysiders who were present, its somber mood and lack of faux optimism was downright apocalyptic. Druckenmiller said that while the Fed and policymakers have no endgame, markets do – hinting that one is rapidly approaching – and suggested that everyone should liquidate their equity holdings and buy a certain 5000 year old shiny asset, which as we reported previously, is Druckenmiller's “largest currency allocation.” - Toward A New World Order?
A Brave New World is coming? Perhaps. We had a recent discussion with a group of people in the hopeless business of doing long term forecasting. This made us think about what the world will look like over the next 20 to 40 years. A pretty thankless task, but the bottom line is without a damn good war, Asia will be the way of the future. As an experiment, assume, as most long term forecasters do, that both Europe and the US have reached a mature plateau where growth will average around 1.5 to 2 per cent over the long term, while China will slowly decelerate from the current 6.5 to 3 per cent and India from today`s 7 to around 4. In this scenario (which we do not necessarily believe in, as China is up for en epic crash) what will be the share of global GDP by, say, 2060? And what are the geopolitical implications? - China ‘Devalues' Yuan To Weakest Since Breaking The Peg In 2010
With offshore Yuan tumbling in recent days – echoing the collapse in US Treasury bond prices – the spread to the onshore fix appears to have forced the PBOC's hand. With a 200 pip cut in the CNY fix tonight, China has all but erased any strength in the Renminbi against the USD since it broke the peg (“enabled more flexibility”) in June 2010. Given the wakness in the Reniminbi basket, one could argue that the Yuan could be sold against the USD considerably more to catch down to the pressure that other major basket currencies have been under… - What Does Trump’s Victory Mean For Energy Policy?
Real estate mogul Donald Trump has won the presidential election, and that likely means the Obama administration’s global warming agenda will be massively scaled back or scrapped altogether. Trump, a Republican, has promised to cut the EPA, scrap the Paris climate treaty and rollback rules holding back U.S. energy production. “Just look at what Trump has promised,” a source close to Trump’s transition team told The Daily Caller News Foundation. - Blame the Shrinking Toblerone on the Expanding Money Supply
The confectionery corporation Mondelez International Inc. has announced it will be downsizing its beloved Swiss chocolate bar Toblerone due to the high cost of ingredients. The Illinois-based company, said in a Facebook post: “We carry these costs for as long as possible, but to ensure Toblerone remains on-shelf, is affordable and retains the triangular shape, we have had to reduce the weight of just two of our bars in the U.K.” Adjusting the size and weight of their products is a common practice for manufactures of food and beverages. It’s called “shrinkflation” and works as a cost cutting maneuver. In adjusting the Toblerone, the manufactures reduced its iconic row of triangular shaped pieces, expanding the gaps between each. - Marshall Swing Returns: Read My Lips…THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IS COMING
Well, today is Election Day morning and everybody is wondering what happens in the U.S. Presidential Election and also what happens to gold and silver. People will be holding their breath until polls close in East Coast and Central time zones as most elections are decided and called shortly afterwards. I have not written an article in about 1 year and with good reason. There really has not been that much interesting, to me, going on with gold and silver. It is the same old stuff over and over again, wash, rinse, and repeat. Can you spell M – A – N – I – P – U – L – A – T – I – O – N ? - Will Obamacare morph into Trumpcare?
The buzz following the US elections is all about what to expect from the Trump presidency. At first, there was uncertainty over what, precisely, did he promise to do, but when he released his ‘Contract With the American Voter’ (described in this week’s news) the uncertainty shifted to what Trump will be able to do, considering the fact that almost all of it must be initiated and funded by Congress. - Peter Schiff Calls “Hidden Vote” for Trump Before Election Results
In an interview with RT News Tuesday night just as the election was getting started, Peter Schiff showed, once again, his acumen and insight for reading economic and political situations correctly. After Larry King asked if the election’s comparison to Brexit was appropriate, Peter accurately described the simmering voter angst at the economy and predicted the existence of a “hidden vote” for Trump that would soon prove to have eluded pollsters. - No, the Electoral College won’t make Clinton president instead of Trump
Donald Trump won Tuesday’s presidential election. But many liberals and progressives have begun clinging to one faint hope that he could still be stopped — through the Electoral College. Tuesday’s vote was technically not to make Trump president, but only to determine who the 538 electors in various states across the country will be. It is those electors who will cast the votes that legally elect the president on December 19. - All About Blockchain And Why It's A Bigger Deal Than Bitcoin
Banks have made the exchange of currency their business. But the digital age has ushered in a new way of banking, disrupting the institutions that have controlled the industry for hundreds of years. It’s the internet of banking, developed by private citizens for private citizens. While innovation in the industry is most commonly linked to Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, it’s the underlying technology, blockchain, that might produce the biggest waves. “Blockchain presents an opportunity to bring disparate things together and allow secure, nonrefutable records of transactions to be done anywhere you need them to be done — quickly, securely and with little chance of fraud,” said Andrew Dare, architect of financial services innovation at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise in Halifax, U.K. “Therein lies the true value of the technology.” - The Chilling Thing Hertz Just Said about the US Auto Boom
Hertz Global Holdings, the giant rental car company which also owns Dollar and Thrifty, got crushed on Tuesday, as is so often the case, by an otherwise boring accounting entry. Depreciation of its cars had to be adjusted. Depreciation of the rental fleet is a huge expense in the industry: for Hertz, 29% of its total expenses. Depreciation is supposed to bring the value of these cars down to what they can be sold for when they’re scratched and dented and have 37,000 miles on them. Depreciating the fleet just a little less aggressively would boost earnings for a little while and is a very tempting strategy. But a few quarters later, when the cars have to be sold, reality comes home to roost. - What the Heck’s going on with Foreclosures? Why this Spike?
The total number of homes with foreclosure filings jumped 27% in October from September, when they’d been at the lowest level since 2006. It was the biggest jump in monthly foreclosure filings since August 2007. Compared to October last year, homes with foreclosure filings still decreased, but this nationwide decrease is covering up what is now happening in 28 states and Washington D.C., according to the Foreclosure Report by ATTOM Data Solutions. There, the inventory of homes with foreclosure filings is beginning to rise even on a year-over year basis. - Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Just Warned Trump Could Be Assassinated
Today former U.S. Treasury Secretary just warned that Trump could be assassinated. (King World News) Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The US presidential election is historic, because the American people were able to defeat the oligarchs. Hillary Clinton, an agent for the Oligarchy, was defeated despite the vicious media campaign against Donald Trump. This shows that the media and the political establishments of the political parties no longer have credibility with the American people… - Wow… The Country Is Totally Not Prepared For This…
If you’ve ever been REALLY bored, and wanted entertainment rather than anything even loosely resembling news, you may have stumbled upon cable “news” outlet MSNBC. If so, then it normally takes all of about 5 seconds to determine that the pundits and alleged “news” anchors MUST permanently resided in an alternate universe or dimension. Why? Because that's the only remotely plausible explanation for some of the stories they report as news on that channel, HOWEVER, in the article and videos below, you’re about to see proof that they’ve returned to our realm, even if just temporarily. - Consumer Credit Increases By $19.3 Billion
The Federal Reserve's consumer credit report for September 2016 shows a 6.3% annualized monthly increase in consumer credit, and 7.0% for the entire third quarter. Revolving credit increased 5.2% for the month as well as Q3,. Non-revolving credit increased 7.4% for September and 7.6% for Q3. Consumer credit matters due to personal consumption being the driving force in economic growth. - Do You Believe In Miracles?
We have never seen anything like this in the history of American politics. Donald Trump’s shocking victory on election night is nothing short of a modern day miracle. Several weeks ago I told my readers that it would take the biggest political miracle ever in order for Trump to win, and I had been strongly urging them to vote, but even early on election night I was skeptical that Trump could actually pull it off. Initially the results coming out of Florida, North Carolina and Ohio looked rather ominous, and a lot of Trump supporters were freaking out. But those initial numbers strongly reflected early voting results, and those results typically favor Democrats. Once the Election Day numbers started rolling in, it was clear that there was a massive unanticipated wave of momentum for Trump. - The defeat of Hillary Clinton just dealt a devastating blow to Monsanto, Big Pharma and the corrupt vaccine industry
The ignorant people voting for Hillary Clinton two days ago had no idea what they were really voting for. That's by design, of course: They are kept deliberately dumbed-down by the complicit media which packed their brains full of anti-facts and twisted mush. While Clinton supporters mistakenly believed Hillary supported women, children, immigrants and humanity, in the real world Hillary Clinton was an obedient pawn of the most evil, genocidal corporate entities on the planet. - This Trump Economic Advisor Wants America to Go Back to the Gold Standard
Donald Trump is no policy wonk. He is pitching himself as the best man for the presidency based on his track record as businessman, and his ability to surround himself with the “best” people—not on his knack for writing white papers. This, of course, means that it is important for voters to understand whom he is surrounding himself with, and what sort of ideas they hold. - Trump releases seven-point health care reform plan . . . and it's excellent
A lot more than just getting rid of the lines. I mentioned on Facebook yesterday that I am not that big a fan of election years, and here's a case in point. At this moment, #NeverTrump is all the rage among conservatives, and there's a tremendous push to get Republican primary voters united behind one remaining Trump rival to take the nomination away from him. My job is to write what I think about whatever happens on a given day. It's not to only write what I think will result in a certain outcome. So when I tell you that Donald Trump's new seven-point health care reform plan is excellent, some of you are going to say: Don't say that now! It'll help Trump! # NeverTrump!!! - Kremlin: Hillary Clinton victory would have CAUSED World War 3 between Russia and USA
DONALD Trump's shock victory in the US presidential election prevented World War 3 erupting between the USA and Russia, a Kremlin official has claimed. The senior Moscow diplomat, who advises Vladimir Putin, said a Hillary Clinton presidency would have plunged the world into a diplomatic crisis. But a former British foreign secretary has warned Mr Trump against cosying up to the Russian strongman, saying the Kremlin was “unafraid to use aggression and intervention to shore up its influence”. - Surging Bond Yields Signalling Pain Not Growth Ahead For US Economy
The US election results are in and the US stock market is enjoying a sharp rally over the shock news of Donald Trump winning the election and becoming the new President elect. On the back of the big rally in US stocks there has also been another big shift occurring in another very important asset class, US Government bonds. - Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do In His First 100 Days
At the end of October, Donald Trump spoke in Gettysburg, Pa., and released a plan for his first 100 days in office. The plan (below) outlines three main areas of focus: cleaning up Washington, including by imposing term limits on Congress; protecting American workers; and restoring rule of law. He also laid out his plan for working with Congress to introduce 10 pieces of legislation that would repeal Obamacare, fund the construction of a wall at the Southern border (with a provision that Mexico would reimburse the U.S.), encourage infrastructure investment, rebuild military bases, promote school choice and more. - Over $1 Trillion In Bond Losses In Days: Second Worst Week Ever
Six months after we warned about the massive loss potential resulting from a spike in bond yields, one month after Ray Dalio did exactly the same, when he warned the NY Fed that “it would only take a 100 basis point rise in Treasury bond yields to trigger the worst price decline in bonds since the 1981 bond market crash”, and one day after we documented that MTM losses from surging bond yields had surpassed a third of a trillion, the tally is now three times greater, with total MTM losses soaring to $1 trillion just two days after the presidential election. As Bloomberg calculates, more than $1 trillion was wiped off the value of bonds around the world this week on concerns Trump’s policies will unleash a debt tsunami, and are seen boosting spending and quickening inflation. They are also expected to lead to much more QE as there will be trillions in government budget deficits that need to be funded. - The Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead, Schumer tells labor leaders
The Senate’s soon-to-be top Democrat told labor leaders Thursday that the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the trade deal at the center of President Obama’s “pivot” to strengthen ties with key Asian allies, will not be ratified by Congress. That remark from Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is expected to be the incoming Senate minority leader, came as good news to the AFL-CIO Executive Council, which met Thursday in Washington. Schumer relayed statements that Republican congressional leaders had made to him, according to an aide who confirmed the remarks. - Banning Fracking In The U.S. Would Kill 14.8 Million Jobs, Study Says
A ban on hydraulic fracturing would kill 14.8 million jobs and cost the average American family $4,000 dollars, according to a new report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Were environmentalists to successfully ban fracking next year, 3.9 million jobs would evaporate in 2017, rising to 14.8 million jobs lost by 2022, according to the report. Gasoline prices would almost double as would electricity prices. U.S. household incomes would fall by $873 billion. - Trump Not Seeking Full Repeal Of Dodd-Frank; Opposes Bank Bailout Provision
One of the bigger surprises to emerge from the initial attempts by the Trump transition team to frame the president-elect's policy yesterday, was what was dubbed at full repeal of Dodd-Frank, a move which has been seen by some as surprisingly pro-banker friendly. - And Then They Came For the Big Rigs
No one appears to have noticed this yet. But they will. Not on the road – or at the car dealership. At the supermarket. For openers. Uncle is “proposing” a “program” (the soft-sell language hides the reality of regulations issued by an unelected bureaucracy – EPA – which will be extremely mandatory) in order to “Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Improve Fuel Efficiency (their exact language, in the EPA’s pretentious Federal All Caps Style) of “Medium, and Heavy Duty Vehicles.” - Edward Snowden Addresses The US Election Result In Public Webcast
Edward Snowden, courtesy of RT, is delivering a public address on the US election result from Russia where he is a “temporary resident”, and taking questions via social media on privacy concerns, his pardon and other issues of public concern. A campaign has been launched to secure Snowden a presidential pardon before Obama leaves office in January 2017. Questions can be submitted to the whistleblower by using the hashtag # StartPageSnowden. - Zhuhai Air Show draws in over $40 bln
The 11th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, in south China’s Guangdong Province, closed on Sunday with a total of 402 deals worth over $40 billion, organizers said. The six-day exhibition attracted more than 700 exhibitors from 42 countries, and showcased mainly Chinese defense equipment including the J-20 stealth fighter. Although it debuted at the airshow, the J-20 will not be fully operational until 2018, the Chinese air force says. Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) sold almost 100 aircraft, a mix of commercial and fighter jets, during the event. - To fight graft, India withdraws large bills
In a surprise move, India will withdraw the 500 and 1,000 rupee notes from circulation effective midnight Tuesday official sources said in New Delhi. The measure came following an announcement from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who said it was an essential move to tackle graft in the country and crack down on unknown sources of income. “To break the grip of corruption and black [unaccounted for] money, we have decided that the 500 and 1,000 rupee currency notes presently in use will no longer be legal tender from midnight ie 8 November, 2016,” Modi said in a speech which was special televised on national TV. - CIVIL WAR: Violent rallies sweep America as protesters BURN US flag after Trump victory
THOUSANDS of seething protestors have descended upon cities across America following the momentous election of Donald Trump as the US President. iolent rallies have taken place in New York, Chicago, Austin, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Dallas to express their anger against the billionaire businessman which have continued long into the early hours of Thursday morning. Hordes of demonstrators rushed to Trump Tower in Manhattan screaming “not my President”, “New York hates Trump”, “we reject the President-elect” and “f*** the wall”. - Russian banks hit by cyber-attack
Five Russian banks have been under intermittent cyber-attack for two days, said the country's banking regulator. The state-owned Sberbank was one target of the prolonged attacks, it said. Hackers sought to overwhelm the websites of the banks by deluging them with data in what is known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Security firm Kaspersky said the attacks were among the largest it had seen aimed at Russian banks. - The defeated left turns to HATE: Liberals unleash beatings, death threats and calls for mass murder of Trump supporters
Now that the voters have wholly rejected the retarded, delusional leftist vision for America — which we might as well just call “liberal suicide” — the real character of the left is on full display. Today, angry liberals are turning to extreme violence and hatred, calling for the killing of Trump supporters, the assassination of Trump and the bloody beatings of all whites. Yes, the racism, violence, bigotry and HATE of the left has finally come out of the closet. I saw this coming, of course, long ago. If you're a regular Natural News reader, you may recall my August 30th article entitled Chaos will erupt across America in less than 100 days… no matter who wins the election. Now, like clockwork, it's all coming true exactly as I foresaw. - George H.W. Bush on Trump: I ‘wish him well'
Former President George H.W. Bush joined his son on Wednesday in congratulating Donald Trump on his White House win. POLITICO reported in September that the elder Bush planned to support Hillary Clinton for president, according to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, a former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy. It's unclear, however, whether he actually did so. - Progressives Find ‘White Trash’ More Threatening Than Nuclear War — Paul Craig Roberts
The American electorate’s preference for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders has established two facts. One is that the majority of the American people do not believe the media presstitutes. The other is that only the “progressives” and “liberals” who inhabit the Atlantic Northeast and Pacific West coasts believe the presstitutes. Trump’s election to the presidency has confirmed these holier-than-thou souls in their strongly held belief that America is a white trash racist country. They have told us this all day long today. From these people and from the presstitutes we hear that white supremacy elected Trump. This is their propaganda, the intention of which is to discredit a Trump administration before it is inaugurated. Funny how white supremacy elected black Obama twice previously. - Rudy Giuliani Addresses Hillary Pardon – “President Obama Should Leave It To The System”
Rudy Giuliani, the man that many believe Trump will tap for Attorney General, walked a very fine line this morning in responding to a question about whether or not the Obama administration should pardon Hillary Clinton for her numerous alleged crimes. While noting the obvious intricacies around potentially prosecuted a former political foe, Giuliani noted that “there are deep and disturbing issues there” and that “President Obama should leave it to the system that we all believe in to determine, is she innocent or is she guilty.” - Reverse Speech analysis of Hillary Clinton concession speech
Ok guys, Hill's concession speech reversals have now been posted on David Oates Reverse Speech Youtube Channel. A bit under 3 mins. She refers twice to a media type battle coming up. And, we can all probably easily guess what that's gonna be about. - This is How Consumers Turn into Debt Slaves
Consumer debt rose by $19.3 billion in September to $3.71 trillion, another record in a five-year series of records, the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors reported on Monday. Consumer debt is up 6% from a year ago, at a time when wages are barely creeping up and when consumer spending rose only 2.4% over the same period. This follows the elegant principle of borrowing ever more to produce smaller and smaller gains in spending and economic growth. Which is a highly sustainable economic model with enormous future potential, according to the Fed. - Obama's “Excellent” Conversation With Trump Is Over: “If You Succeed, The Country Succeeds”
Probably the most awkward meeting ever is now over as President Obama says that he had an “excellent conversation” with President-Elect Trump. The meeting which Trump had scheduled for 10 minutes, lasted an hour-and-a-half and concluded with Obama telling reporters that “if Trump succeeds, the country succeeds.” - President Trump: This Is How To Bring Back 1 Million Energy Jobs
There’s work to be done. And I know you’re up for a challenge. In fact, I’m now sure of it. So let me lay out a policy position that I am truly hoping you will adopt as your own. I’m talking about natural gas as a transportation fuel: cheap, clean, abundant natural gas. And I’m talking about U.S. energy independence, balanced budgets, jobs, trade and the environment. We use natural gas for power generation and as a heating fuel but that’s an old story for a new reality. Fracking has unlocked a phenomenal amount of gas in the last decade. Our onshore wells are rivaling the reserves of the deep offshore giants. And we’re getting much more for much less these days. North America also has over 2 ½ million miles of pipeline with more coming on line plus distribution capabilities in every urban center in America and Canada. All that’s missing is an appetite for it. - Trump Reveals Policy Goals: “Building That Wall”, End “War On Coal”, Repeal Obamacare, Dismantle Dodd-Frank
On his transition website, the Trump team has laid out the framework of his initial policies with policies focused i) on American Security including as Defense and National security, Immigration Reform and Building That Wall, and Energy Independence; ii) Getting America Back to Work Again including Tax Reform; Regulatory Reform; Trade Reform; Education; Transportation & Infrastructure and Financial Services Reform; and iii) Government for the people including Healthcare Reform (Obamacare), Veterans Administration Reform and Protecting Americans' Constitutional Rights. - Angela Merkel Warns Russia May Interfere In German Election Next
It appears it's not just the US voting system that has been allegedly penetrated by Vladimir Putin (at least if Trump is winning). German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday that Russia could try to influence Germany's general elections next year through cyber attacks or disinformation campaigns, following similar accusations by Washington, which also accused the Kremlin of meddling in the US vote. Germans are scheduled to go to the polls in September 2017. Merkel has yet to announce her candidacy but is widely expected to run for a fourth term. - The Working Class Won The Election — Paul Craig Roberts
The US presidential election is historic, because the American people were able to defeat the oligarchs. Hillary Clinton, an agent for the Oligarchy, was defeated despite the vicious media campaign against Donald Trump. This shows that the media and the political establishments of the political parties no longer have credibility with the American people. It remains to be seen whether Trump can select and appoint a government that will serve him and his goals to restore American jobs and to establish friendly and respectful relations with Russia, China, Syria, and Iran. - Oil Prices Stable After Initial Shock To Trump’s Election Win
Having plunged immediately after Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential vote, oil prices shook off the shock from the surprise election victory, almost pared losses, and were even trying to look up in early trade on Thursday. As of 7:11 AM (EST), West Texas Intermediate Crude traded down 0.57 percent at US$45.01, while Brent Crude was inching up 0.11 percent to trade at US$46.41. On election day, by 11:30 PM (EST), WTI Crude had slumped to US$43.72 a barrel—down a hefty 2.80 percent—as the pollsters and statisticians crunched the numbers and called first Florida, then North Carolina and Ohio for Trump, making the path for a Clinton nearly insurmountable. - President Obama is Considering Rerouting the Dakota Access Pipeline
Amidst ongoing controversy over the Dakota Access Pipeline, President Obama has finally spoken out, saying that his administration is looking for a way to “reroute” the pipeline to avoid affecting sacred tribal lands at Standing Rock Indian Reservation. Obama mentioned the strategy during an interview with Now This, saying, “My view is that there is a way for us to accommodate sacred lands of Native Americans. And I think that right now the Army Corps is examining whether there are ways to reroute this pipeline.” - Keiser Report: Winners & Losers (US Election Day special E991)
In this special US Election Day episode of the Keiser Report from New York City, Max and Stacy report from outside the Javits Center, where Hillary Clinton took the stage at the event that she and most pollsters and media thought would celebrate her victory. What went wrong? Former North Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Randy Voller tells Keiser Report that Hillary failed to bring in the working class vote. Author and former banker Mitch Feierstein suggests it was her alleged corruption. And credit analyst and Trump supporter Chris Whalen says that, in the end, Hillary just didn’t have the message that resonated with voters and it was Trump who had momentum and message. - UK Quietly Deploys Warship To Guard Oil Shipping Off Yemen
The UK has deployed its most advanced warship to guard commercial shipments through a narrow strait off the Yemeni coast, through which most of Britain’s oil and gas supply travels, The Times reported on Wednesday. The deployment of the HMS Daring ship has not yet been made public due to the sensitive nature of having a British warship linked to the conflict in Yemen, the UK’s newspaper noted. According to The Times, HMS Daring was on its way to join a mission in the Gulf, but was redeployed to the Bab al-Mandeb Strait, the waterway of global trade between the Mediterranean, the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. - This is What Happened to the “Trump Crash”
Overnight there were whiffs of financial mayhem. Wednesday morning in Tokyo, when it started sinking in that Trump was winning, speculators dumped stocks, and the Nikkei ended the day down 5.4%. The Asia Dow was down 3%. Then in the US, Dow futures plunged 750 points, over 4%. Nasdaq 100 futures plunged 4.5%. Futures for the CBOE Volatility Index – the “fear index” – jumped 40%. The Mexican peso plunged 11% to a record low of 20.3 pesos to the dollar at one point, its worst drop since the Tequila Crisis of 1994. Stocks in Europe were down, gold jumped, oil plunged. And America woke up to this scenario. Short sellers were licking their chops. This was the scenario they’d prepared for. Serious money could be made in this so predictable crash. - The Navy can't fire its awesome new gun because the rounds cost nearly $1 million each
The US Navy can't fire its awesome new gun that can hit a target more than 70 miles away because the rounds are costing the service nearly a million bucks a piece. Just a couple weeks after the Navy commissioned its most advanced warship, the USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000), the service says it won't be buying any more of the guided precision munitions the ship's Advanced Gun Systems uses, called the Long Range Land-Attack Projectile (LRLAP). - Stocks Could Crater If They Fall Below This Important Trend Line
From Dana Lyons: Some junctures are more significant than others in the markets. Coming into last week, it didn’t immediately occur to us that we were on the verge of such an important juncture across asset classes. However, the fact that our Trendline Wednesday feature on Twitter and StockTwits included an unprecedentedly large number of assets and indices suggests that we are indeed at a significant juncture. - Edelson: Oil Will Plunge To $26 Per Barrel Next Year
Analyst Larry Edelson explains his bearish case on crude oil, which includes a huge downside forecast for next year. Hopefully you heeded my warning about why the OPEC agreement was doomed to fail, leading to a sharp decline in crude oil prices. Crude oil is down 14% from the October 19 high, OPEC is scrambling for unity and all the talking heads and newswires are touting how an OPEC deal might not happen. I hate to say I told you so, but… Plunging crude oil prices and a severe loss in credibility has OPEC playing defense and concocting a new strategy. It’s becoming increasingly important for Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq to sharpen their pencils and hash out a “deal” at the November 30 OPEC meeting. And still, that may not be enough to maintain relevance and engineer higher crude oil prices. - China’s Improving Economic Data Signals Big Growth Ahead
A wave of positive economic data suggests the Chinese economy is stabilizing and that business confidence is improving. The country’s purchasing managers’ index (PMI), which measures the health of its manufacturing industry, rose to 51.2 in October, handily beating economists’ estimates of 50.3. Expanding at its fastest pace since July 2014, the industry was stimulated by a strong rebound in new orders and higher commodity prices. Output rose to an incredible five-and-a-half-year high. And with backlogs of work beginning to pile up, manufacturers trimmed employees at the slowest pace in 17 months. - There will never be a Sound Currency System
As the gold market takes a break in its journey to much higher levels, it is good to step back a bit and understand why gold has appreciated so dramatically in the last 100 years and why this will continue for many years to come. Most people have no idea what money is. They believe that if they have 100 dollars or euros, that this represents real value as well as durability. Few people realise that their currency which they call money has nothing to do with real money at all. All paper currencies are ephemeral and return to their intrinsic value of zero. This is because reckless governments cling on to power by printing or borrowing endless amounts of fiat money in the hope that they will placate the people and buy votes. Fiat money as the name indicates, can never be real money. It is issued by edict and is not backed by anything but debt and liabilities. Power corrupts and money corrupts. It is a lethal combination which not only destroys people but also nations. And sadly, we have now reached a point in history when the unlimited amounts of fiat money that have been created will also destroy continents. - Central Banks Have Broadcast What is About to Hit…
The biggest problem for the financial markets is not stocks nor is it the economy. It’s the Bond Bubble. Globally the bond bubble is now over $199 trillion in size. The world taken as a whole is sporting a Debt to GDP ratio of over 250%. This is a systemic issue. - CNN Makes False Claim About Firearm Death Rates And Uses Bogus Data From George Soros Backed Small Arms Survey
CNN makes the completely false claim that the US has “one of the world’s highest rates of death by firearms.” Note most countries don’t report their firearm homicide rates, and there are many other problems that make the US’s rate look worse compared to other countries (please see here, that also provides links to data sources). Admittedly the CNN claim is based on total firearm deaths and most of those are suicides in the US, but the firearm homicide rates are so massive in other parts of the world that they swamp firearm suicides in the US. (If you use murders (not homicides that include justifiable homicides), suicides account for about 70% of firearm deaths in the US.) - Donald Trump’s foreign policy ideas aren’t as crazy as they seem
After crisscrossing the country making his urgent last claims to the White House, Donald Trump has made it. But there is still nothing in his appearance or demeanour to suggest a president-in-waiting – at least not a president the United States has elected in recent times. His shortcomings as President-elect appear particularly glaring on foreign policy, where – so it would seem – his priorities can be summed up on the back of an envelope: bring Mr Putin in, keep the Mexicans out and make other countries pay a proper price for US protection. - Impeachment Process Starts On French President Hollande For Disclosing Classified Information To Journalists
French president François Hollande whose approval rating is a scant 4% now faces impeachment for disclosing classified information to journalists. Given national elections take place in 2017 and given socialists would be unlikely to convict him, one has to wonder “why bother?”, yet here we go: French Right Calls for François Hollande’s Impeachment. - Donald Trump to discuss smooth transition with Barack Obama
Donald Trump will head to the White House on Thursday to discuss with Barack Obama the transition of power. Mr Trump was elected the 45th president by defeating Hillary Clinton in one of the most divisive elections in modern US history. Speaking to reporters, Democrat Mr Obama admitted he and Republican Mr Trump have some “pretty significant differences” but “the presidency is bigger than any of us” as he vowed to ensure the transition was smooth and successful. - US military successfully tests electrical brain stimulation to enhance staff skills
US military scientists have used electrical brain stimulators to enhance mental skills of staff, in research that aims to boost the performance of air crews, drone operators and others in the armed forces’ most demanding roles. The successful tests of the devices pave the way for servicemen and women to be wired up at critical times of duty, so that electrical pulses can be beamed into their brains to improve their effectiveness in high pressure situations. The brain stimulation kits use five electrodes to send weak electric currents through the skull and into specific parts of the cortex. Previous studies have found evidence that by helping neurons to fire, these minor brain zaps can boost cognitive ability. - Carl Icahn Bought $1 Billion In Stocks During “Trump Crash”
As we explained first thing this morning, the market's correct reaction upon learning of the Trump presidency, was not to dump equities “limit down”, but rather to buy every risk asset in sight, now that Trump is preparing to unleash the inflation monster, something the market realized later in the trading day, leading to the biggest one-day percentage move on record in bond yields, and stock market surge that has led to a 1,000+ rebound in the Dow Jones to all time highs. However, not everyone was dumping. While the Dennis Gartmans of the world were liquidating their portfolios at lowest print of the year, warning of “fully engaged bear markets”, Trump's close confidante and person speculated to be Trump's Treasury Secretary, Carl Icahn was waving it in. - Wikileaks: Rahm Emanuel used personal email accounts
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel used personal email accounts and a personal email domain to communicate with government officials and political figures, according to a published report based on hacked emails posted by WikiLeaks. Emanuel's personal account information turned up among the thousands of emails from John Podesta, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, the Chicago Tribune reported. Clinton has come under fire for her use of a private email system because doing so potentially jeopardized classified information. - GM Slashes 2000 Jobs, Suspends 3rd Shift On Bloated Inventories, Slowing Sales
Who could have seen this coming? Just weeks after Ford idled four factories due to slumping sales and excess inventory, GM just followed by slashing 2000 jobs permanently and suspending a third shift at production facilities in early 2017. - Diving Into The Medical CPI: Are Your Medical Expenses Up Only 5% From Year Ago?
On November 1, I posted a couple of charts from Variant Perception that shows medical price inflation plus rent inflation is up nearly 9% from a year ago. Let’s review those charts, then take a look at a series of charts from the St. Louis Fed data repository on medical expenses alone. - Trump Victory Crashes Chinese Yuan To Record Low
After a brief few hours of rallying overnight as early indications tilted towards Clinton, the moment Florida was called for Trump, China's offshore Yuan started to crash. Just hours later it has dropped 5 big figures to a record lows of over 6.82/$ despite China's officials preferring him. The selling panic started as Trump took the blead in Florida and several other battleground states… Which is a new record low for the offshore currency… - China Is Suddenly Dumping Treasuries
While we admit that “suddenly” is not exactly the right word to describe China's selling of US Treasurys, which has been steadily liquidating its UST reserves over the past two years, something changed today, when in a violent move starting around the time of the Trump election was guaranteed after midnight, the offshore Yuan, the CNH, has been a one way street of non-stop selling, indicative however, of much more than just the relative strength of the dollar. In fact, as the chart below shows, the selling in the Yuan appears to be closely correlated to today's unprecedented liquidation in US Treasurys… - President Obama Explains Why It's All Hillary's (And Putin's) Fault – Live Feed
Having exclaimed for months on the campaign trail that he’d consider Donald Trump’s election a personal repudiation, President Obama is face with the harsh reality that it was him that was “peddling fiction” while ‘rome' burned. We suspect the blame-mongering will begin very quickly as former Obama senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer tweeted last night: “The most shocking part of tonight is the number of people who approve of Obama but didn't vote for Hillary Clinton.” The question is – will Obama move to Canada. - Obamacare Melts Down
When Obamacare was first passed, Vice President Joe Biden famously said it was a “big f—ing deal.” Now, though, there's a surprising level of bipartisan agreement that it's a big honking disaster. There had been many warning signs, but last week it became official: Obamacare premiums are going up next year by an average of 22 percent. And bear in mind this is an average. Our colleague Mary Katharine Ham wrote an eye-popping column at the Federalist about how her own Obamacare premiums are increasing by 96 percent in the coming year. - Five Reasons You Should Blame The Economics Discipline For Today's Problems
We are experiencing deep economic problems and it is the fault of the economics discipline. Their macro theories suck. But, there is no mechanism forcing it to alter its models when they don’t appear to work. This is so because economists basically write for each other in a language only they understand and their jobs depend on impressing a limited number of journal editors and referees, not correcting real-world problems. The academic inbreeding that has resulted has led to dysfunctional theories and, despite the fact that there were economists who accurately forecast the Financial Crisis, because their work is incompatible with what is published in “good” journals it has been all but ignored. Economics is broken and there is no internal incentive to fix it. - Multi-Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price – ‘I Have Serious Doubts About The Survival Of Our Civilization’
As the world awaits the outcome of the election in the United States, some time ago multi-billionaire Hugo Salinas Price told King World News in stunning fashion what he believes to be the frightening plan to control the world going forward. He described the people planning this as “barbarians,” and said, “this is not going to end well.” He also issued this ominous warning, “I have very serious doubts about the survival of our civilization under such people.” Below is what the multi-billionaire had to say in this incredibly powerful interview. These People Are “Barbarians”. Hugo Salinas Price: “With regards to the social question in the world, in 1929 a Spanish thinker by the name of Ortega y Gasset wrote a book that really shook up the world titled, ‘The Revolt of the Masses.’ He was talking about the appearance on the world stage of new individuals. He was writing about the growth of the population and the appearance of new individuals coming in to the mass of humanity. And these individuals evidently are (what he described as) ‘barbarians.’…. - Bitter Irony: San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose have the Worst Roads in America, Worse even than Detroit
That the streets are in terrible shape in San Francisco is clear when I step out of the house, look at the pavement I need to cross, and think: “I should have put on my hiking boots.” To its credit, the city has been repaving streets in sections of a few blocks here and there. Those repaved sections look civilized, until you get to the next intersection. But now we know, sort of officially: the streets in San Francisco are in the worst condition of any major urban area. Even compared to smaller cities, only Concord, also in the Bay Area, outshines it. - Greenspan Predicts Bond Yields Rising As High As 5%
While the world has learned to take Alan Greenspan's forecasts with a grain of salt, earlier today the former Fed chairman was on Bloomberg TV with another bombastic prediction, warning of a substantial surge in US long-term interest rates should “inflation take hold.” In the interview, Greenspan said that “if the early stages of inflation, which are now developing, would take hold, you could get — fairly soon — a fairly major shift away from these extraordinarily low yields on 10-year notes, for example,” Greenspan said in an interview on Bloomberg Television on Monday. “I think up in the area of 3 to 4, or 5 percent, eventually. That’s what it’s been historically.” - Student, Auto Loans Hit New All Time High Of $2.5 Trillion As Consumer Credit Jumps By $19 Billion
The Fed's latest consumer credit report revealed that in September, overall household credit rose by a greater than expected $19.3 billion, above the $18 billion expected, if below last month's near-record $26.8 billion. There were no major surprises in the components of overall credit, with revolving, credit-card debt rising by $4.2 billion, in line with the increase observed in recent months. The ongoing increase in revolving debt, means the total amount of credit card debt outstanding has nearly caught up with the $1.02 trillion peak reached during the credit bubble.