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Chinese Renminbi

New World Currency Announced


In October 2015 the New World Currency was not officially announced. It was expected that the IMF would announce a reserve currency alternative to the US dollar. However, on November 30th, 2015 the Chinese Renminbi was approved by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a Main World Currency and will be included in the Standard Drawing Rights (SDR) basket from October 1st, 2016 with a 10.92 percent weighting, which is nationalistically greater than Japan's Yen and Britain's pound. This heralds a giant step towards the end of the US Dollar as the sole world reserve currency. However, that being said whilst the British pound's weight in the SDR will fall from 11% to 8%, the Japanese Yen from 9% to 8% and the Euro from 37% to 31%, conspicuously absent from this list of demotions is the US dollar, which remains a rock-solid 42% weighing. But, does the weighting really matter?

Does the public announcement of a new reserve currency really matter when many countries are already no longer using the US dollar to trade? The US dollar has been the dominant reserve currency since the end of WWII, on terms that were dictated by the US government practically by gunpoint. In the decades since, they have continually and viciously abused this privilege, violating the trust of the rest of the world. It's no wonder why there is now so much demand for an alternative. This has happened so many times throughout history. Dominant reserve currencies come and go.

Chinese Renminbi
Chinese Renminbi

On October 8, 2015 China launched its own cross-border Yuan payments system. Currently most global payments are handled by SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). The new and streamlined China International Payments System (CIPS) is modelled on the US Clearing House International Payment System. The new system will thereby bypass the US dollar for international financial transactions. Russia is already developing their own SWIFT alternative based upon CIPS success and in time, this will be rolled out amongst the other BRICS nations. When sanctions threatened to cut off Russia from SWIFT, one of its top bankers said it was the equivalent of a declaration of war.

The BRICS nations have also created the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) and China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). These developments are expected to protect BRICS from exchange rate volatility. We must also mention that Russia and China have already signed a deal to bypass the US dollar for oil trading.

Gulf Arab states are also planning along with China, Russia, Japan and France to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese Yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar. Iran has also announced that its foreign currency reserves would be held in euros rather than US dollars and Russia has included the Chinese yuan in its reserve currency basket to boost the yuan's presence in the Russian financial market.

With regards to Gulf Arab States planning to end dollar dealings, Standard and Poor’s has downgraded its sovereign credit rating for Saudi Arabia. According to figures published by the IMF this year, the kingdom’s budget deficit will hit $130 billion this year. The IMF has also warned that Saudi Arabia could be bankrupt within the next five years if the government maintains its current policies. The crude price decline has prompted the government to cut spending, delay projects, and sell bonds. The kingdom’s finances are depleting at an alarming rate by continued subsidies, hand outs to public sector workers in order to keep dissent in check, the deadly aggression against Yemen, and a patronage system that has expanded over years. As soon as sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran are removed, they will pump even more oil into world markets that will further reduce the price. The fall of the House of Saud is inevitable. As Pastor Williams Elite friend has said, Saudi Arabia will be the last regime to fall. On another note the UN granted Saudi Arabia the chair of a key UN Human Rights Council panel, Saudi Arabia has put to death well over 100 people so far this year. What does this tell you about the UN? But, I digress…

There may have been no official announcement of a new global currency, the Global Currency Reset, according to Pastor Williams’ Elite friend there has been a backlash by several countries which could see their economies severely impacted from such a reset. It is possible there will not be a reset. It may go straight to the new world currency that would also include physical gold, hence many countries converting US debt to physical gold. That doesn’t mean that the GCR will not go ahead, but it may go ahead under considerable revision especially due to a world-wide collapse of the financial markets that would see the IMF step in and announce the SDR as the world reserve currency, whilst resetting currency rates based upon asset to debt ratios. It is also possible that because of political red tape at the IMF several countries around the world are going ahead with major financial changes that will affect the global financial market without the IMF.

Speaking about a revised Global Currency Reset, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has said the system of currencies and capital rules which binds the world economy is not working properly, and was largely responsible for the financial and economic crises. It added that the present system, under which the dollar acts as the world's reserve currency, should be subject to wholesale reconsideration. Although a number of countries including China and Russia have suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the UNCTAD report is the first time a major multinational institution has posited such a suggestion. In essence, the report calls for a new Bretton Woods-style system of managed international exchange rates, meaning central banks would be forced to intervene and either support or push down their currencies depending on how the rest of the world economy is behaving.

The proposals would also imply that surplus nations such as China and Germany should stimulate their economies further in order to cut their own imbalances, rather than, as in the present system, deficit nations such as the UK and US having to take the main burden of readjustment. “Replacing the dollar with an artificial currency would solve some of the problems related to the potential of countries running large deficits and would help stability,” said Detlef Kotte, one of the report's authors. “But you would also need a system of managed exchange rates. Countries should keep real exchange rates [adjusted for inflation] stable. Central banks would have to intervene and if not they would have to be told to do so by a multilateral institution such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Recently the Chinese president visited the United Kingdom (the main financial center of the world), there was so much fawning over China by the British government and British Royal Family that 40 billion pounds ($62 billion) of deals have been made including: Nuclear power project, automobiles, theme parks, financial center, healthcare, oil and gas, cruise ships, aircraft engines and insurance industry. China’s president Xi said “With growing interdependence and interwoven interests, countries in the world are increasingly becoming a community of shared future.” With closer ties to China and BRICS, is the UK hedging its bets against continuing control of globe by the US? After the visit to the UK by the Chinese president, the US warned the UK not to leave the EU stating the UK would face barriers trading with the US due to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and USA.

This closer tie with Britain includes the founding of the Bank of China Trading Center (London). The Bank of China is committed to developing London as the world’s leading offshore Renminbi (RMB) center “through promoting the economic and financial cooperation between the two countries and acting as a long-term and trusted partner and financial advisor for all global customers involved in China related business.”  This goes hand in hand with the China Construction Bank joining HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Mitsui & Co Precious Metals, Bank of Nova Scotia – ScotiaMocatta, Toronto Dominion Bank, and UBS in taking part in the daily auction process hosted by CME Group and Thomson Reuters for the silver price-setting mechanism. Eastern markets continue to play an increasingly important role in global finance, and the Chinese are steadily positioning themselves to become essential to the international gold and silver trade.

Before Ken From died he said that China was the “Big one – Watch China.” Is it possible that he was not talking about the crash of China, but the global expansion of China?

China has called for a New Global Reserve Currency to Replace the Dollar. Gov. Zhou Xiaochuan recommended creating a currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund and made up of a basket of global currencies. Xiaochuan said the move would help “to achieve the objective of safeguarding global economic and financial stability.” Earlier in October, the Yuan passed the yen to become the fourth most-used currency for global payments and is very much one of the reasons why the IMF has chosen to announce China's currency as part of the SDR. China has been stockpiling gold as part of its strategy to raise the stature of the Yuan on the world stage. After announcing its reserves for the first time since 2009 in July 2015, the world’s largest consumer of gold has upped its holdings steadily. The Chinese gold stash increased another 1% in September 2015.

The IMF has two major criteria for admission into the SDR:

  1. The country must be a major trading nation. China easily passed.
  2. The currency must be “freely usable”. China has passed this test too. China is rapidly closing in on the British pound in third place (the US dollar and the Euro occupy the top two spots). Over 1,000 banks in 100 countries use the Yuan for payments with China – up 20% over the past two years. Trading in Yuan was almost non-existent five years ago when it was looking to enter the SDR before, but today ranks among the most globally traded currencies.

There is no doubt that the United States was against its inclusion. However, its power is limited. China gained over the threshold of 70% approval from IMF shareholders. The US had a voting share of 16.7%, so it alone could not block China’s entry. Plus, it’s unlikely that the US wanted a repeat of the embarrassment of its opposition to the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Despite its opposition, most US allies joined the AIIB anyway.

A word of warning and potential risk to the global financial markets is, IMF inclusion of the Yuan could trigger $1 trillion of inflows into the Yuan, as central banks add the currency to their reserves. It is unsure how the Yuan would be included, there are current reforms of the SDR currently under way that would allow multiple SDR’s that would take the politics out of reserve currency determination and let the market decide the basket. However, what the Chinese do not want is for these new found buyers of the Yuan to send the currency soaring beyond its pre-devaluation levels, thereby slamming the Chinese economy further which could result in a full-blown global crash. China is a parallax economy. From one position China appears to be in a massive financial crisis thanks to a bursting credit bubble that has the potential to drag most of Asia, and possibly the world, into an era of massively depressed trade and asset prices. From another China has already become the world's second largest economy, and has accumulated more savings than every other nation on the planet.

Financial writer and gold expert Bill Holter says “China used fiat debt to build real infrastructure, and when the system blows up, the fiat debt blows away and they are left with infrastructure. Do they have 20% bad loans? They very well could and probably do. If that is true that they are going to have a debt blow up, don’t forget China has been importing big tonnage of gold for years now. Over the last five years, they have imported 9,000 tons of gold. Their way out is the old way out. The old way out was to revalue gold higher. They could revalue gold and step up and say they will pay $50,000 or $100,000 per ounce for any and all ounces for sale. You can’t say there is not enough gold. What you can say is that it’s not priced correctly to support the system. If they have an implosion of debt which leaves their balance sheets impaired, the way to recapitalize the balance sheets is to revalue the price of gold higher. It creates capital, in other words.”

China are backing their currency with gold and real infrastructure assets since “gold forms the very material basis for modern fiat currencies.” and Gold is the world's only monetary asset that has no counter party risk, and is the only cross-nation, cross-language, cross-ethnicity, cross-religion and cross-culture globally recognized monetary asset.

Gold is a monetary asset that transcends national sovereignty, is very powerful to settle obligations when everything else fails, hence it’s exactly the basis of a currency moving up in the international arena. When the British Pound and the USD became international currencies, their gold reserve as a share of total world gold reserves was 50% and 60% respectively; when the Euro was introduced, the combined gold reserves of the member states was more than 10,000 tonnes, more than the US had. If the RMB wants to achieve international status, it must have popular acceptance and a stable value. To this end, other than having assurance from the issuing nation, it is very important to have enough gold as the foundation, raising the ‘gold content’ of the RMB. Therefore, to China, the meaning and mission of gold is to support the RMB to become an internationally accepted currency and make China an economic powerhouse.

As was stated above, China wants to found the Bank of China Trading Center in London, UK. China Construction Bank is also taking part in the daily auction process for the silver price-setting mechanism. The Chinese are also establishing a Gold bank. This is to break the barrier between the commodity and monetary world. It is designed to acquire more reserves and gives China more say and control within the gold market. When Pastor Williams says the new world currency will be GOLD BACKED. It is true as that is what China has done to secure its place within the SDR basket. “Gold & Silver, that's the currency of the Elite!”

Under the New World Order, the Sustainable Development Agenda is formulated for every country to rely on every other country within its global fiefdom. It is calling for a global currency. Not a currency based upon one superpower, but a currency based on stability. It is possible that other countries will be invited to join the SDR in the future. Russia, India, Brazil and other countries with huge resources and little debt are likely candidates and we can now we see why countries are forming their own groups via organisations such as BRICS, TPP and TTIP. They are ending national sovereignty in order to support each other through global government. If what the IMF and UN have proposed comes to fruition, all countries around the world must be on board with the Sustainable Development Agenda. Resource, asset and income rich nations will support those weaker nations. Just like within the USA federal financial policy mandates the richer states support weaker states. We will see this stabilize the Euro Zone after the current refugee crisis has done its job. This will then become the global norm, under the New World Order that according to George Soros could very well be China-owned.

The US dollar as the sole reserve currency is over. It's not *if*, its it's not *when*. It's over for the US dollar, it just hasn't been officially announced, yet.

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Cycles of Seven – Christine Lagarde – The International Monetary Fund

Since it is now July, 2014. Here is a reminder of the strange occult numerology messages regarding the number “7” said by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF in January 2014:

“7” references:
1:22 – “Now I'm going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic seven”
1:34 – “Most of you will know that seven is quite a number
2:24 – “2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven”
4:08 – “It will mark the 70th anniversary, 70th anniversary, drop the zero, seven, of the Bretton Woods Conference that actually gave birth to the IMF” (7 + 0 = 7)
4:22 – “And it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, 25th..” (2 + 5 = 7)
4:38 – “It will also mark the 7th anniversary of the financial market jietters”
5:08 – “After those seven miserable years, weak and fragile”
5:14 – “We have seven strong years”
5:43 – “Now I don't know if the G7 will have anything to do with it” (G is also the 7th letter of the alphabet)

2014″ references:
1:18 – “The global economy and what we should expect for 2014”
2:19 – “So if we think about 2014”
2:24 – “2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven”
3:54 – “So 2014 will be a milestone and hopefully a magic year in may respects”
5:05 – “So my hope and my wish for 2014”

Watch the full video here

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Global Currency Reset – Update – March 2nd, 2014

Over the past few weeks I have been gathering information from numerous sources regarding the Global Currency Reset as well as other stories of note relating to the global financial crash. I have shared some articles with Pastor Williams and asked his opinion and feedback based on what his Elite friend has told him. Please listen to the latest radio interview with Mills Crenshaw. This is the first interview Pastor Williams has had talking about the total global financial collapse and the global currency reset and therefore it is recommended listening.

Many prominent researchers have been talking about the Global Currency Reset you only have to put a search into Google for articles being posted on a daily basis. Of course if there are those who say there will be a GCR there are those who say there won’t be. Unfortunately for those who claim that there won’t be a GCR, Pastor Williams Elite friend has told him this will happen. Furthermore, you only have to read the last newsletter I sent out. In that newsletter I stated that Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund said at Davos World Economic Forum explicitly “WE NEED A RESET IN THE WAY THE ECONOMY GROWS AROUND THE WORLD”, which means the GCR is planned and therefore WILL happen. The only thing we don’t know exactly is when, what was shared was a time frame that was dependent on the IMF and the Elite. Pastor Williams’ Elite friend said within 90 days from his original statement and that would come into the time frame of a Washington Times article from October 2012 entitled ‘U.S. economy on schedule to crash March 4, 2014’. We will shortly see if this is the date, or if it has been postponed. This will be the greatest financial event that has happened for over 1,000 years and it could happen at any time. So please do not hesitate, prepare yourselves and your family now.

Here are two recent articles relating to the Global Currency Reset that you may not have read (be sure to check out the comments on all the articles too):

I shared with Pastor Williams an article published on February 13th, 2014 written by Michael Snyder relating to ‘20 Signs That the Global Economic Crisis is starting to Catch Fire‘. I also shared an article published by Zero Hedge entitled ‘Does the Trail of Dead Bankers Lead Somewhere?’  Pastor Williams has confirmed “I have read both articles in their entirety. They are correct as I interpret events.”

The Global Currency Reset

Pastor Williams also said that “My Elite friend says one year [for global financial crash] BUT I don’t see how they can hold it together that long. I personally am not betting on it. All preparations MUST be made immediately.”

In relation to the Global Currency Reset Pastor Williams said “I expect the Global Currency Reset to happen any day. I am surprised it has not already been announced. What is holding it up – I don’t know. Some little detail undoubtedly.” In another email he said “My Elite friend has been travelling around the country and has not been in contact with me.” And that “I am waiting on the Global Currency Reset, which they keep saying is supposed to take place any day, but the IMF keeps postponing for some strange moment. It could happen any moment.”

The Mills Crenshaw interview [Click Here To Listen] is very important and everyone should listen to it. Pastor Williams told me “I said everything on the Mills Crenshaw [show] that I can say. The last two hours of the show was unexpected. Dr. Rodriguez was supposed to have been on for three hours, but Mills began asking me questions.” The show includes the latest information that Pastor Williams is able to share with us and also warned us not to hesitate with dates because the Global Currency Reset could be weeks or even days away. He said that “Every newsletter is predicting doom and gloom. My Elite friend still insists that the TOTAL collapse is at least one year away.” He also said that he is “…afraid to say anything…” And that his “…record has been so good for many years I don’t want to mislead people so the best thing to do is say nothing.” Relating to Pastor Williams record someone has created a timeline of articles and information that show that he has been correct on multiple occasions. You can check out this record by clicking here.

Regarding Gold & Silver Pastor Williams has said that you still have time to get out of paper, but it would be better to do this sooner rather than later. He confirmed that while there will be confiscation of between 30% & 50% of ALL pension funds there will be no controls on gold and silver. However, he had a warning that after the Global Currency Reset gold and silver will increase in value, since the dollar will be reset at between 30% to 50% less than current prices. He said that the Federal Reserve Note is not a store of wealth, but a loss of wealth and therefore encouraged listeners to the Mills Crenshaw show to invest in gold & silver as soon as possible.

Although I have said this many times before, it is important to get your financial house in order, there are a few companies I recommend if you do not have a local gold bullion dealer you have an existing relationship with, the first and my own personal recommendation is Birch Gold, they are experts in converting paper IRA and 401k retirement funds into gold, silver and other precious metals. They offer a 7 day delivery guarantee as well as pay the first year dues for retirement accounts, which include all the setup fees, administration fees, storage fees and delivery of metals, saving over $500. Visit their website where you can see many testimonials of their customers.

Pastor Williams sent me an article relating to China buying increasing amounts of gold. The article entitled ‘China Declares War’ published on February 20th, 2014 said that in 2013 while the US was busy being caught up in the stock market bull run and with gold offering lacklustre results in 2013 that China never waned and continued to increase purchasing of gold to historic levels. The article goes on to say that China is expecting today’s crumbling fiat currency system to come crashing down and that is why they are pro-actively preparing for a complete reformation of the international monetary system and that those with the most gold will yield the most power when that day comes.

The article concluded about China wanting the SDR (Special Drawing Right, a type of money for governments), because it is not the US dollar. It is issued by the IMF (International Monetary Fund). China is using its willingness to lend money to the IMF to purchase SDR notes and give the IMF money to bail out Europe in order to obtain more votes in the IMF. Its increase in votes would make China the second largest member of the IMF after the United States. The article went on to say that the US is opposing giving China more votes, but Christine Lagarde (Head of the IMF) is pushing to increase the Chinese role. China wants to get rid of the US dollar as the global reserve currency and replace it with the SDR. Finally the article said that China were not planning to use the Yuan to leverage power, instead China is planning on using gold.

Another email Pastor Williams sent to me was relating to Government document FT900. In this document is a category called “Miscellaneous Commodities” relating to the importing and exporting of gold that is well above what the US should be capable of exporting since 1991. The researcher used data from the Gold Fields Mineral Services, the US Census Bureau, the US Mint and Bloomberg to determine the US total demand and supply of gold over the past 20 years. The research said that the US had 7,532 tons of gold available for consumption, but the US consumed 7,605 tons of gold. Therefore the US consumed more gold than was available and therefore it implies that the US should have been a net importer of gold. The researcher then revealed that the US exported 5,504 tons of gold. Ultimately the researcher concludes that there is an unexplained supply gap of 5,577 tons of gold and that the Federal Reserve is the only institution capable of supplying such a large amount of gold. The researcher said that if the Federal Reserve disclosed that most of the gold reserves in the US were gone, it would lead to a major crisis of confidence in the US dollar and US government bonds. This could be the reason the Federal Reserve refused to allow Germany to independently audit their gold reserves held in the US after the US said it would take 7 years to return Germany’s gold. The last audit of gold stored in the US took place in 1953. The researcher claims that when China releases its five year gold storage statistics that it will send ripples through the financial system. I’ll let you make your own mind up on this one, click here to read the report.

I will leave you with a scary parallel. There are eerie parallels between the stock market’s recent behaviour and how it behaved right before the 1929 crash. Please check out this article ‘Scary 1929 Market Chart Gains Traction‘.

Even the UK mainstream media is warning of this new stock market bubble in this article ‘This Is No Recovery, This Is A Bubble – And It Will Burst‘, saying ‘Share prices are high mainly thanks to quantitative easing not because of the strength of the underlying real economy'.

If you have not already watched Pastor Williams’ DVDs ‘Elite Emergency Data’ and ‘Global Currency Reset’ please obtain copies, watch them, take notes and then share the DVDs with friends and family. Also be sure to read and download a copy of my free ‘10 Steps to Avoid the Crash!‘ e-book. It will explain what is happening and how you can protect your health as well as your finances.

Pastor Williams said to me “Something BIG is definitely about to happen. Every newsletter can’t be wrong.” If you have not prepared for the Global Currency Reset and the Total Global Financial Collapse, please do so. Do not wait another minute.

Update: 5th March 2014 – Gerald Celente: Banker Suicides the Prequel to Global Collapse – MUST WATCH!

Gerald Celente: Banker Suicides Prequel to Global Collapse – The onset of the great depression of the 1930's brought a spike in banker suicides, Will Rogers noted of the time, “When Wall Street took that tail spin, you had to stand in line to get a window to jump out of, and speculators were selling space for bodies in the East River.”

Update: 8th March 2014 – Russia wants IMF to move ahead on reforms without U.S.!

‘Russian officials are pushing for the International Monetary Fund to move ahead with planned reforms without the United States, which could mean the loss of the U.S. veto over major decisions at the global lender, sources said.

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov brought up the idea at a meeting of top finance officials from the Group of 20 nations in Sydney late last month, two G20 sources told Reuters this week.

The failure of the U.S. Congress to approve IMF funding has held up reforms agreed in 2010 that would double the Fund's resources and give more say to emerging markets like China.'

Source: Reuters: Russia wants IMF to move ahead on reforms without U.S.

Click here for an article which explains what the 2010 IMF reforms are.

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Lindsey Williams – New Information and Radio Schedule

“We Need a RESET IN THE WAY THE ECONOMY GROWS Around the World” – Christine Lagarde, IMF Chairman

This is one of the most important articles Pastor Williams and I have created.

Pastor Williams has sent his radio interview schedule that is posted above. He will be discussing alternative and natural healthcare with Dr Rodrigo Rodriguez MD of the IBC Hospital & Health Care Center in Tijuana, Mexico. It will be very important for you to listen to these shows if you value your health. Everything is connected, health and wealth are intertwined and therefore when Pastor Williams talks about the health of the American people it is important that you listen. I am sure he will also talk about the Global Currency Reset during the interviews, so please make sure you take the time to listen.

I was also sent a number of articles by Pastor Williams relating to the Global Currency Reset. The first article he sent me talks about how the currencies of the world will be revalued. Every country under IMF and World Bank control will be valued based upon their assets. This means physical assets as well as the country’s ability to make future profits from such areas as oil extraction, mining, refinement, fishing, forestry and agriculture. The more jobs a country can create to produce tangible goods, the higher the currency value. Around the world the outlook is a positive one, where those country’s currencies are revalued higher will benefit from the ability to improve their lifestyles. For example Africa will see water wells drilled, irrigation systems installed for crop and livestock production to help produce exportable commodities. All of these will see many of the third world countries standards of living raised considerably.

What does this mean for Americans? Max Keiser, of Max Keiser Financial War Reports said this “What will happen is there’s going to be a currency revaluation across the globe. The dollar will probably be cut in half versus its other major trading currencies. Gold in particular will have to be, as it was in the 30’s, valued upward. So gold and precious metals and any currency that beings in a basket of commodities or precious metals as the basis of that currency will, in concert, you’re going to see a revaluation of gold bullion I believe… and you can see the price of gold move up 50, 60% in one day or one week, or it could move 100% in a week. This means that all currencies are going to be revalued against gold and the currency that stands to lose the most would be the US dollar.

And people will wake up in America, as it has happened in other countries, like Iceland recently, or other bail out countries from the IMF, or in Russia, or in the UK in the 70’s and suddenly they wake up and it’s like our currency was devalued by 50%, we’re now being bailed out by the IMF and the world bank, everything at the store costs double or triple or quadruple, and there’s nothing they can do about it because it’s not like these things happening without a careful coordinated plan by the banking establishments around the world that’s setting this all up to go when it needs to go. It’s going to be relatively effortless on their part.”

What Pastor Williams has said is being repeated through many other outlets including King World News “The new system will be backed by hard assets, one of which most assuredly will be gold, and the gold price could well be revalued overnight in that process. The timing of all of this is imprecise, but it’s inevitable. So as much as the short-term price action might have people frustrated, it shouldn’t disturb their long-term view in the least.” Silver Doctors says “Ben Davies states that revaluing gold and backing the monetary system with it could be one of the least disruptive ways out of the credit mess.” Also, “There will be no currency war, but there will be co-ordinated devaluation of all G20 currencies against gold, just like there was in the 1930’s.” Goldseek has said “But, far from being a silly idea, gold revaluation has been a mechanism of restoring solvency to government since central banking was invented and is very much a serious topic now as central banks race to devalue against each other …” GATA also said “Millar stresses the periodic upward revaluation of gold as the mechanism for defeating a deflationary debt depression at the end of an economic cycle” and went on to say “However, it appears that Phase 4 (instability and ultimately deflation due to excessive debt) may have started. If so, Phase 5 (revaluation of the gold price to raise the monetary value of the world monetary base and hence reduce the burden of debt) becomes likely or inevitable. The extent of that revaluation would need to be major according to our calculations, probably by a factor of at least seven times, possibly by up to 20 times the current price of gold.”

A precedent has been set by the book ‘The Silver Bomb’, which said “The era of debt-based economy, which is dependent upon the creation of debt, which is leveraged with still more debt will draw to an end. The free-fall will come to a sudden stop and the hard reset of the respective values of all commodities and currencies will occur. The banks are already preparing for the paradigm shift.”

If you have visited I recommend that you review the comments section of the latest articles. Our very active and informed commenters have given us hundreds of great comments bearing information that continues to confirm what Pastor Williams has said. There is thorough analysis of the chairman of the IMF Christine Lagarde’s recent speech at The National Press Club including the blatant statement alluding to global currency reset “…forthcoming asset quality and stress tests that will take place in 2014.” Later global currency reset confirmed in her speech at Davos World Economic Forum“We Need a RESET IN THE WAY THE ECONOMY GROWS Around the World”. The IMF is telling you what they are going to do. Definitely keep an eye out on what the IMF is saying.

Christine Lagarde - IMF - Global Currency Reset
Christine Lagarde, Chairman IMF at ‘Davos World Economic Forum'.

Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price has given an interview to Mexican news website Inteligencia Financiera Global stating that “The world is attempting to live by means of the great lie of fiat money. It will not work. You deal with Reality by means of Truth; Truth is thinking that checks with Reality. Gold is money, and if we refuse to face that fact, we are lying.” He also talks about how we got to this current global economic crisis. “We got to this state because our leaders – in Universities and in Politics – have wished to forget Reality and have thought that by using our brains we can get around Reality. Thus our thinkers and political leaders have been attempting to put Reality to one side and in its place, use fictitious money, which can be manipulated to keep people happy.” He goes on to say “Our leaders have chosen mass deceit as their instrument of power. What they will obtain will be utter chaos and disorder, and mass impoverishment.” Price goes on to say “The clear beneficiaries of monetary and credit expansion are those who get the money and the credit first, before the rest of the people. They become wealthier, at least for a time, while the rest of the people sink into diminished well-being. But, eventually, all goes up in smoke and heads begin to roll: those of the guilty as well as those of the innocent.”

Hugo Salinas Price also talks about precious metal markets manipulation saying “Of course the gold and silver markets and manipulated. You have to either be blind or a Harvard Graduate with doctorate in Economics to ignore the fact. The purpose of the manipulation is the same as the purpose of the French Revolutionaries in attacking gold when they were printing their “Assignats” paper money like crazy; to try to suppress the indicator, which showed the destruction they were carrying out with unlimited printing of fiat money. Gold tells the Truth and so it is an enemy of those who wish to deceive their populations. Paul Adolph Volcker, famous head of the Federal Reserve of the US, once stated: “Gold is my enemy”.

On a return to a gold standard he said “A return to a gold standard will not be possible until thinkers and leaders begin to think differently from how they think today. We know for a fact that people in Asia have not forgotten about gold. They are buying gold frantically. They can see what we cannot, that the dollar is doomed. Perhaps a new monetary order may be imposed by China and Russia acting together. At least, that is a hope.” Price also talks about the “thousand individuals” who control the world and that “the people themselves who enslave themselves”.

Mr Price also talks about China accumulating gold at a high rate. He said “… the Chinese are not so silly as to think that gold is no longer of vital interest and importance to humans. China is thousands of years old. The US is not even 250 years old. They know that the rule of the US dollar is coming to an end, and are preparing for that moment. They are not talking about this, because they know that those who think understand China’s motives, while it is useless to explain their motives to those who will not think.

Importantly Hugo Salinas Price talked about the Federal Reserve’s gold reserves. He said “… the US does not have the gold it says it has. The US was the custodian of a gold cookie-jar, and the US government ate up all the cookies. They have no gold left-“.

The second article Pastor Williams sent me more or less confirms what Hugo Salinas Price says relating to the Federal Reserve not having the gold reserves it says it has. Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr Paul Craig Roberts has said this of the Federal Reserve “They don’t have any more gold. That’s why they can only give Germany 5 tons of the 1,500 tons it’s holding. In fact, when Germany asked for this delivery last year, the Fed said no. But, it said we will give you back 300 tons … So, they said we will give you back 20% of what you trusted us to keep for you over the next seven years, but they are not even able to do that.” He goes on to confirm that the holdings of gold in the West are being drained and transferred to Asia. Because the Federal Reserve does not have the physical gold they are turning to massive ‘naked shorts’ of gold futures contracts. This has also been discussed in the e-book I wrote in October 2013 detailing ’10 Steps to Avoid the Crash’. In summary Dr Roberts said “They don’t have real gold … So they come in and dump contracts, say in a period of 6 minutes, that are three times the amount of gold COMEX has to make delivery. So, it drives down the price of gold. That’s how they got the price of gold down from $1,900 to $1,250.” This blatant manipulation of the gold markets confirms why the Federal Reserve will not allow anyone to audit their vaults, because they don’t have any.

Dr Roberts also goes on to say “The ability to continue selling these ‘naked shorts’ is now disappearing because there is no gold left to back them up … None of these ETF’s has the gold to back the shares. The ability to continue looting them in order to make good on gold deliveries is running out. So, this will prevent the Fed from selling ‘naked shorts’ to protect the dollar from its policy of quantitative easing … You can’t print $1,000 billion of new dollars every year without causing other holders of dollars to wonder about the value of the money and to seek a way of getting out of it. China has been doing that by going into gold.” This confirms what Pastor Williams has been saying for many years, “get out of paper” and “Gold and silver are the currency of the Elite.”

Roberts predicts, “If people in the West try to move from dollars into bullion and there’s not any to speak of, then you would see a massive rise in the price.” He also predicts “I think, this year, you are going to see a further downturn in the economy. The signs are not only that we do not have a recovery, but it’s going to get worse … Christmas sales were very negative. There’s no growth in people’s income and no jobs. So, if the economy goes down further, what does that mean? It means the deficit widens. It means they have a greater debt ceiling lift. They have to have a bigger ceiling increase, and all of this will alarm the world. They’ll say, good heavens, they already had a trillion dollar deficit. Now it’s gone up, and the Fed can’t stop the quantitative easing without the stock and bond market collapsing. The banks’ solvency will become an issue. So, the world is watching a bigger deficit, more printing of money, and they are likely to start dumping dollars. When they do that, they’ll say ‘gold, I want gold’. There’s not much supply to meet demand, and the price has to escalate. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if that shows up this year.”

Also confirming what Pastor Williams has been told by his Elite friend that the Affordable Health Care Act is not about healthcare. Dr Roberts said “The Affordable Health Care Act is not affordable and doesn’t provide care. It’s a way to loot the poorest people and steal whatever assets they have … The poorest who are supposed to be helped are herded into Medicaid, where any property they own is subject to estate recovery.” Medicaid Estate Recovery is the process initiated by U.S. state governments for recovering payments they made under the Medicaid program to program beneficiaries. The government recovers the sum of payments from the estate at the time of death of the program beneficiary.

A few people have complained that nothing has happened, yet. They should take every day as a blessing when nothing happens, because it is another day they can use to prepare. Most people who read this article will do nothing. I don’t know why people wait until it’s too late. You have the information not only from Pastor Williams, but from many other sources. You know the US debt can no longer continue to spiral out of control. You have the ability to do what you can to protect yourself and your family. Your time to prepare is running out. Those relative few who have taken steps to protect themselves from what is about to happen are going to be glad they did when the dust settles.

To those who are still on the fence, please read through Pastor Williams’ website. Listen to his radio interviews; watch his DVDs and films some of which are freely available on YouTube. Follow the advice given in the free e-book ’10 Steps to Avoid the Crash’. All this help and advice is there to help you protect yourself.

Those of you who haven’t at least converted part of their investments from worthless paper assets into physical gold and silver – I have to ask why you are so hesitant? When the Global Currency Reset happens, it’s likely your investments will halve in value overnight Those who wait and do not take heed the warnings laid out by not only Pastor Williams but other highly respected individuals are taking a very big risk to their family’s health and wellbeing. Please take the warnings shared by a former Federal Reserve Chairman, a Billionaire, even the chairman of the IMF. The Global Currency Reset is real. Gold is more precious now than it ever was, you should now understand why Pastor Williams has repeated many times that Gold and Silver are the currency of the Elite. The collapse is coming, it is inevitable. Protect yourselves and your families. You have the tools, now use them. Stop procrastinating, start doing something however small, today!

If you do not know of a reputable company that can convert your paper assets into physical gold I personally recommend Birch Gold who are an expert in converting your IRA and 401k into gold, silver and other precious metals. The process is relatively painless with only a few forms to complete, so great for those who have never bought gold or silver before. For Pastor Williams’ email list subscribers they will pay the first year dues for retirement accounts, which include all the setup fees, administration fees, storage fees and delivery of metals, saving over $500. They also have a 7 day delivery guarantee. This guarantee is invaluable when the Federal Reserve and COMEX are struggling to deliver.

“Gold and silver are the currency of the Elite” – Pastor Lindsey Williams

“China is in big trouble!”… News just in before publishing of this newsletter from Pastor Williams, “In Mexico I just talked with a business person from the Philippines who frequents Hong Kong. They briefed me for about an hour about what is happening in China with banking trouble, real estate problems and an unhappy populous. The Chinese New Year (Our January 31st 2014) is very significant. Watch out – Anything could happen.”

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BREAKING NEWS! Financial Event Planned By The Elite (IMF)…

There is a financial event planned by the Elite (IMF!), possibly within the next three months. When I was briefed on this by my Elite friend a few weeks back – I was sworn to secrecy until I am told that I can talk.

Biggest Financial Event in the last 1,000 Years

PLEASE MONITOR LINDSEYWILLIAMS.NET. I will tell you everything soon. Hopefully you will have time to take action.

My Elite friend sent me the following email, the excerpt below I am allowed to give you:

[testimonial] [tentry image=”” name=”My Elite Friend” company=””] We have to remember this is the biggest financial event in the last 1,000 years at least from my perspective. Every person on the globe will be affected. It will cause starvation, riots and possibly even martial law. This is a big big event! [/tentry] [/testimonial]

Lindsey Williams


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Protect and Secure Your Retirement Savings With Gold - Claim Your FREE Gold Investor Kit