world currency
It’s All Shaping Up For 2015! – Lindsey Williams
Pastor Williams sent me an article taken from USA Today entitled “China Currency Push Takes Aim at Dollar”. The article talks about China bidding to enter the heart of global finance by establishing its currency, the renminbi, as part of a ubiquitous monetary unit used in official transactions around the world. Pastor Williams has said this information is “Very important. Latest on Chinese currency becoming the Reserve Currency. It is all shaping up for 2015. Our listeners need to know this. This information comes from my friend. It is reliable.”
The article discusses a decision on a new Special Drawing Right, which is the composite reserve currency used in official financing being decided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. The decision on a new SDR structure, to be made in the next 15 months, will influence how China and its currency can play a bigger part in driving world trade, investment and capital flows. The article goes on to discuss recalculating the composition of the SDR, which comes up for review in 2015, to follow market developments, reflecting a big increase in demand for renminbi financing from private banks, central banks, traders, corporations and asset managers. The renminbi has made impressive strides recently and is challenging the euro in several key fields.
In another article from Reuters entitled “Fed Officials Keep Eyes on Mid-2015 Rate Rise” Pastor Williams has said “this is just what we predicted in our latest DVD – Special Events Scheduled For 2015”. In the article it says that the Fed is considering raising interest rates around the middle of next year (2015), although two top officials at the U.S. central bank said the exact timing would depend on the economy. The article continues by saying the Fed considers the U.S. jobless rate of 5.9% close to its full employment targets. Pastor Williams said to be wary and shared another article that said that today’s recovery is a total sham with real unemployment at least 12% with the labor force at its lowest since 1978 when only 40% of women having entered the workforce and with most “new jobs” being part-time retail and service jobs. The article went on to discuss futures market shifting to point to a September 2015 rate hike after bond-buying ends before rates increase being between two and 12 months.
The news continues, with Pastor Williams sharing another article from the Financial Times entitled “Banks Rewrite Derivatives Rules to Cope with Future Crisis”. Pastor Williams says “the banks see what is coming and want to cover their losses.” He continued by stating “This is exactly what my friend said and we have said in a number of DVD’s. Interest rates rise, Derivative problems, Stock market collapse, Banking trouble, September & October 2015. Like dominoes. The banks see it coming as you will see in this article.”
The article talks about the world’s biggest banks tearing up the rule book on the derivatives market to make it easier to resolve future failing institutions such as Lehman Brothers. It says that 18 banks ranging from Credit Suisse to Goldman Sachs have agreed to give up the right to pull the plug on derivatives contracts with any crisis-stricken institutions. What this means is that these banks have come up with a plan to stop their counterparties terminating derivatives contracts in the event of a crisis. Ultimately shareholders of the failed institution would be wiped out, but the operating company would be recapitalised or sold to mitigate the shock to the broader financial system ending ‘too big to fail’. The company would stay in business, with the financial sector absorbing the losses. The International Swaps and Derivatives Association said that the banks portrayed the success of the talks as a rare positive example of industry collaboration and will announce the agreement to change its “protocols” will take effect from January 1, 2015.
I subscribe to a quarterly periodical in the UK called “The UK Column” published independently from the established mainstream media. Within the newspaper were a number of articles one was entitled “New Rules For Financial Carnage” and talks more about what is proposed by the Financial Times article above, about new rules designed to protect global systematically important institutions such as Commerzbank, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays, HSBC, Societe Generale and Credit Agricole. The new rules follow a “war game” which took place on October 13, 2014 at the offices of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in Arlington, Virginia. Present were the FDIC and Bank of England staff, along with “top financial brass” from the US and UK treasuries. The war game was the first of its kind and designed to test how they would react to another financial crash of the scale of 2008. The new rules oblige banks to wait up to 48 hours before requiring settlement of derivatives contracts from a failing bank. This delay will be used to give regulators time to transfer asset from the failing bank, as well as obligations to a “bridge company”, negating the need to unwind derivatives contracts. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said “We want to make sure we are able to handle an institution that previously would have been too big to fail … We are confident in this framework, but we are testing it.”
Another article within the pages of “The UK Column” is entitled “Legacies, Clouds & Uncertainties”. This article discusses the recent release of the IMF’s World Economic Outlook update entitled ‘Legacies, Clouds & Uncertainties.’ The article says that while attempting to put a brave face on the current situation, the IMF tried to divert attention onto the fraudulent notion of “growth.” In this context they completely ignored the fact that the growth they spoke about fails to meet current debt obligations, never mind unfunded future obligations such as old age care and pensions. An incredible amount of seniors are claiming disability benefits, social security, Medicare and Medicaid; driving the welfare spending to nearly $1 trillion per year in the US alone. They downplayed the successes of emerging economies, since these economies are no longer playing casino finance, opting instead for real physical economic development. One area they could not ignore is the systematic risk still running through the financial system “Easy financial conditions and the resulting search for yield, could fuel financial excess. Markets may have under-priced risks by not fully internalizing the uncertainties around the global outlook. A larger-than-expected increase in U.S. long-term interest rates, geopolitical events, or major growth disappointments could trigger widespread disruption.”
“Downside risks have increased compared with the spring. The main reason is the increase in geopolitical risks, including turmoil in the Middle East and international tensions surrounding the situation in Russia and Ukraine. Also, with the baseline now reflecting increased financial market optimism – risk spreads and major implied volatility indicators are close to pre-crisis expansion lows. Equity prices have continued to rise, and longer-term yields have declined – downside risks from a financial market correction have increased.” In other words, we are looking at a major risk of a major financial crash. When the IMF are telling you to prepare, you need to prepare and quickly!
On September 25, 2014 Pastor Williams asked me to send out a newsletter entitled “Buy Gold As Quickly As Possible!” As predicted gold didn’t fall far south of $1,200 an ounce at $1,180 per ounce on October 6, 2014 before it rebounded to just under $1,250 an ounce today. As I have said many times, gold has been trading historically for the past several years between $1,200 and $1,400 an ounce. Our prediction was correct once again! Please take notice of what Pastor Williams has told you time and again, “Gold & Silver, that’s the currency of the Elite!” He has only recommended tangible assets such as physical gold and silver. I am sure many of you took his advice and purchased as much gold as you could lay your hands on. If you haven’t, physical gold is still very cheap and I recommend that you purchase physical gold today before it rises significantly. My personal recommendation for anyone looking at investing in physical gold is Birch Gold for their first class service, especially for IRA and 401k rollovers.
In his new DVD “Special Events Scheduled for 2015” Pastor Williams warns you about what is about to happen with the stock market and derivatives market. These are not idle warnings, official announcements are happening by the day and you cannot pass by a warning from the IMF. The Elite are making their plans, why are you not making yours? Like dominoes everything Pastor Williams’ Elite friend has predicted is occurring before your eyes. Do not procrastinate. It is time to start preparing for the worst. Please purchase a physical copy of Pastor Williams’ new DVD “Special Events Scheduled for 2015” and share the information with your family and friends. You can purchase a copy by calling Prophecy Club on 1-888-799-6111.
Remember, the American dollar as a symbol of stability is over. It is already no longer the sole world reserve currency or currency for the worldwide trade of petroleum. Reserve currency status does not last forever. Plans are already in place for a new world currency. Plans are in place to reset the global currencies, crash the stock market and correct the derivatives market. Pastor Williams has given you the information to protect your family from the crash. His recent DVDs allow you to accurately predict events scheduled for 2015, which he has dubbed “the most unusual year you have ever lived through“. Last year I wrote a free 100 page guide entitled “10 Steps to Avoid the Crash”, in this guide I expand on the ten steps that can help you to survive, even thrive through the coming collapse. I know many of you have started preparing. I cannot tell you too often that preparedness is important to safeguarding your family’s health and wealth.
A number of you have written to Pastor Williams regarding health issues. Pastor Williams recommends The International BioCare Hospital & Medical Center in Tijuana, Mexico for any help, advice and treatment for any health issue you are experiencing. You can call them on 1-800-701-7345 or visit their website. Please check out many testimonials of satisfied patients.
Pastor Williams has produced a short presentation entitled “Alternative Answers for the Treatment of Cancer” and you can watch that free below:
Buy Gold As Quickly As Possible!
Pastor Williams has asked me to send out an important update relating to the rapid death of the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency. He has asked me to ‘PLEASE BEG everyone to buy gold as quickly as possible.’ I posted an article at last week relating to Britain including China’s RMB as a foreign currency reserve for the first time issuing a bond outside of the US dollar and I expand on this article later. Today he shared with me more news this week relating to oil being sold in Russian rubles as well asSaudi Arabia wishing to end the petrodollar system with a major announcement expected to come within weeks, or the very latest a few months for this game changing event. Everything is heading towards the crash that Pastor Williams predicts in his new DVD ‘Special Events Scheduled For 2015’. Pastor Williams has said ‘The American dollar is VERY, Very, very rapidly no longer to be the reserve currency or the petrodollar. Please warn everyone you can. Get out of paper NOW!’
Reserve currency status does not last forever. Pastor Williams has said ‘The Dollar is losing ground BY THE DAY.’ US National Debt has surged $1 Trillion in just 12 months since the tapering of quantitative easing. The Fed is also most likely stalling for time in raising interest rates since it believes that the US economy is really weaker than it wants to admit. Gold is somehow being prevented from its previous job of accurately reflecting an explosive US national debt picture. It seems the stock market is being manipulated. If you haven’t already done so, it is time to make preparations. If you haven’t already gotten out of paper, it is time to do so. Please take Pastor Williams’ words seriously. In his new DVD ‘Special Events Scheduled for 2015’, Pastor Williams tells you the date of the financial crash slated for 2015. It is going to happen! If you are worried about your financial situation, this DVD is essential viewing. To recap, when Pastor Williams was told about the Global Financial Reset (GCR) and went on numerous talk shows to warn you, it was announced officially by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF at Davos World Economic Forum in January 2014, exactly as Pastor Williams was told by his Elite friend. Do you really want to hold onto worthless paper investments? Holding out for that extra percentage point on worthless paper doesn’t sound like a good idea especially when you are being told the truth about what is about to happen, which is a Global Financial Crash of the likes we have never seen before!
Pastor Williams has always told you to invest in physical assets such as gold and silver. He has not suggested you invest in any fiat currencies. Do not try and outthink the Elite. Do not wait any longer. I know many people are afraid of making a decision concerning their financial future and are waiting to see what happens. Do not wait too long. Pay attention to the warning signs and buzz words. What is currently happening with the US dollar is a massive warning to us all!
Precious metals are now at a very low rate. It is unlikely the price can fall much further without extraction being halted until the price rises. The price of gold and silver has been manipulated by the Elite so they may buy all that they need. Pastor Williams has told us this before. Take this warning seriously. For the past several years gold has performed between $1,200 and $1,400 an ounce. It is unlikely to fall south of $1,200. The cost to extract, refine and distribute precious metals is rising and it costs approximately $1,100 per ounce to produce, most probably more with rising inflation. Pastor Williams is recommending that everyone gets out of paper and buys gold and silver now, before it is too late. It is very timely he says this now because you will get more physical gold for your fiat US dollar currency. Please contact your local trusted gold dealer and purchase gold and silver today.
If you do not know of a precious metals broker you can trust, my own personal recommendation is Birch Gold. Although they deal in larger investments of more than $5,000, they offer a great service with a 7-day delivery guarantee, where other companies can take several months. They are experts in transforming paper IRA or 401k retirement funds into gold, silver, and other physical precious metals and have several options for those concerned with gold confiscation. A part of their great service they also pay the first year dues for retirement accounts, which include all the setup fees, administration fees, storage fees and delivery of metals. The reason I recommend Birch Gold is that I have found them to be honest and trustworthy. You can ask them any question and they will give you an informed answer. Visit their website where you can read many testimonials from their existing customers.
Some of you may not have a lot of money right now. Times are still tough. I tell everyone to take every day as a day you can prepare for the worst. The guide I wrote a year ago ’10 Steps to Avoid the Crash’ goes a long way to help you prepare. Get yourself as self-sufficient as possible. Let us all pray for the best. The protection of your family is the most important preparation you can make. Prepare now, prepare quickly!
Pastor Williams also told me ‘As people become more and more SINFUL, the systems of our present modern world become less and less efficient. Eventually the whole system will break down and fail. The Elite do have their share of problems also.’
IMPORTANT: Prophecy Club Back Up & Running after Virus Hit!
The Cryptowall virus hit Prophecy Club computers this past week and they were shut down for most of the week. During the shutdown Prophecy Club accepted no phone calls because of the virus. Just to let you know phone calls will now be accepted by Prophecy Club. Prophecy Club apologises for any inconvenience caused by the virus.
You can purchase Pastor Williams' new DVD ‘Special Events Scheduled for 2015' from the Prophecy Club website or by calling 1-888-799-6111