“I JUST HEARD FROM THE ELITE!” – Pastor Lindsey Williams
New DVD From Lindsey Williams
Available now!
Pastor Williams discusses the following in his new DVD presentation:
The Purpose of the Coronavirus!
The Next Plague!
Weather Before November 3, 2020!
Your iPhone!
– Chaplain Lindsey Williams
– Author of The Energy Non-Crisis
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of LindseyWilliams.net. I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to LindseyWilliams.net. I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
Thank You Lindsey Williams.
You have been always right in the real counting prognoses. I hope, You will continue, helping us to understand, what we are faced in this times.
God bless You
Biden is now the President. We need Pastor Lindsey to provide us with new information.
So it’s 15 day until election and there is no unusual cold in the NE where I live. As a matter of fact it has been on the warmer side. I guess the elite are losing their touch….lol
I will never question LIndsey again…. listen and weap……
Jesus is in control of everything. He just lets the morons think they are…
How is the weather now?
I don’t watch tv, is anything unusual happening?
Is it cold yet?
You need to investigate the Grand Solar Minimum (Maunder Minimum) as we are entering this phase. We will see considerable changes in weather patterns as well as crop losses. This will affect us over the next fifty years.
great. no more global warming to deal with. By the way it was 60 degrees in New York today and will be for the next several days. Lindsey specifically said the northeast. nothing unusual here.
By the way Pastor Lindsey you do have that look of glow after facial and hands too?!
Oh my goodness you are God’s beloved lay your life down for others to follow suite
Thank you Pastor Williams and James
Goodness Gracious there will be a celebration for the 2 of you in Heaven!
Stem cells are Start cells Life enduring cells Got it Love it thank you Bio Care Lindsey and James
Q: So is that the need to beware of 5 G are they the globalust pigs assaulting us underneath our skin hoping to reach our stem cells to destroy us
Buy the way Pork seems to be the main author of the day the only protein outside the chickens we humans get to eat
Could bio care weigh in on that mess of disinformation buy the pigs we should not right?
Thank you Pastor Williams and Sir James Harkins
I could add some very important and interesting information related to both ancient history and prophecy in the Tanakh, and I know that 99.9% of people would go into denial as a result. The establishment authorities in religious matters are either in total ignorance and stupidity, or in collusion with purposeful deception of all peoples, using religious institutions as a cover.
The Israelites under Moses and Joshua traveled to the East China Sea and had to venture back along the northern boundaries of Vietnam to eastern India. Then venture northward through Tibet, eastern India, Afghanistan, western China, Outer Mongolia, Korea, and northward to Alaska into North America. AND NO, I AM NOT A MORMON. This is found in your O.T.right under your Noses…….
I think Lindsey Williams was sugesting that the Elite want Biden & Harris in. When he spoke of the prophets vision in 1934 of a wicked woman in charge Harris came to my mind. I hope this isnt the case for at least 4 years of additional grace.
You title this “things you must do before Nov 3,” but you only mention getting our immune system strengthened.
In previous posts you mentioned the economy will not crash as long as Trump is in office. I do not see how the elite can hold off the crash another four years? Unless they use another plague or crisis to divert attention away from that real issue while Trump is in office a second term? This would be cover for their real plan for a major financial reset. Is there any truth to this?
It depends upon what level of the elite you are talking about.
The 10 kings spoken of in the Bible in Revelation 17 and 18 are at the highest levels of the elite.
They will soon destroy Mystery, Babylon the Great, which could be the USA. Soon thereafter they will establish the final empire with their Antichrist as the head.They will jointly rule with the Antichrist until Jesus returns.
They will do quite well until Jesus returns and brings about their empire’s destruction. Then they will be judged and come to a very quick and devastating end.
Religious organizations within the USA which have agreed to a 501C or equivalent status with the IRS must abide by the contractual agreement they have made.They are bound by contractual law to get in line with the IRS. They forfeit their status under the Constitution when they make contract with the system. Such religious organizations have made a pact with the world system for gain. Such bow down to the god of gain over the true and living God. One can not obey both God and man. They have made their choice. Meanwhile, many of them claim to their members that they represent God. Yet, they bowed to Mammon. This is blasphemy. They will be judged accordingly.
I just spent over an hour listening to hear its going to be cold in the northeast this fall?
The is an election in 50 days for the most powerful position in the world and no insight form the elite?
I don’t understand?
Lindsey did mention in the video that the other elite friend had passed away so he doesn’t have the same heads up anymore.
Good Day to You,
I’m thankful to for Pastor’s Lindsey’s referral to Biocare Hospital where my family receives courteous and competent treatment.
For those who would like a mobile device that doesn’t use iOS or Android, the Librem 5 is a privacy-focused phone developed by Purism (puri.sm/products/librem-5).
God Bless,
Matthew Weeden, M.Div.
Hello Pastor, can you tell us about how many months we need to prepare for food re: virus shut down? 6 months, a year, more?
Thank you for all that you do and share. I appreciate it very much! Bless you and yours.
Looks like this is it. Bring on the next pandemic plague and crash the mother of bubbles. Though if Trump is still in power, so will they still crash the economy yet? I hope Lindsey Williams can answer that. Thanks.
Mr Williams, Could you please go into more detail about what sorts of things the Iphone could be used for?
Thank you
Thank you, Pastor Williams. I am one of those people that wrote to you in the past year, urging for any updates. Thanks, for replying me directly and following through with your promise of Elite updates when you finally had it on hand. Again, can not thank you enough. Very informative. G-d bless.
I’m sure glad Lindsey gets to the point and doesn’t beat around the bush very much.
Thanks, Lindsey:
* Your video answers many questions — and I believe it.
* Now watch as the power-hungry establish the One-World Government with one religion that they control.
* And that is the Abomination of Desolation spoken by the prophet Daniel that Jesus warned us of (see my book)
Thanks, Lindsey:
* Your video answers many questions — and I believe it.
* Now watch as the power-hungry establish the One-World Government with one religion that they control.
Thank you for your latest video, Lindsey. I will take to heart all that you told us.
However, I have several comments.
First, the audio quality could be better.
Second, most of us will never be able to afford a trip to the Bio Care Hospital. How about some mainstream solutions for boosting the immune system. You used to recommend laminine.
Third, you did not mention the re-election of President Trump. How come? Surely, he will be re-elected.
Thanks again for warning us of things to come.
Thank you for the update. I was wondering if you know what oil is gonna do? I know it seems small, but our family gets their income from this industry and we’ve been wiped out and we are contemplating a move and career change but we feel safe in our conservative, rural town and don’t want to move if it will come back up. Thank you!
If the law of the land is that we must take the mark of the beast and worship the beast and the anti-Christ, we have to say no and disobey the laws of the land or we’ll go to hell for all eternity.
In China, people are only allowed to worship and believe in one God and that is the leader of the CCP. The ten commandments tell us that we are to have no other Gods before the God of the Christians and the Jews. We should obey the laws of the land only if they are just laws or not in opposition to our God’s laws.
Also, if the law of the land is that you must take the mark of the beast, you must say no and not obey the laws of your government, or you will go to hell for all eternity.
Most in the USA may never have the opportunity to either deny or to accept the mark of the beast. If the USA is “Mystery, Babylon the Great”, she will be destroyed before the establishment of the Antichrist’s beast empire.
When the great tribulation begins (estimated date: 2030), there will be no more tolerance from the 10 kings and their Antichrist for any that don’t take the Mark. That is why the Revelation 12 Woman flees into the Daniel 11:41 wilderness for 1260 days.
If the elite attack God, God will attack them. I had a dream and in that dream, God told me that the elite wouldn’t be able to escape like they always have before. I think this means they are going to reap what they sow this time around. I hope they know who they are going to battle with.