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Update From Pastor Lindsey Williams – January 2014

I have had an email update from Pastor Lindsey Williams relating to what is about to happen around the world in relation to the global currency reset.

Lindsey Williams

Pastor Williams says “There are some strange things happening in the financial world in the past few weeks. I have been hesitant to risk my reputation on what I know. Christine Lagarde, IMF personally came to the U.S. a few days ago. A gentleman who was in the meeting she had with some of the most powerful people in America, he said she was very angry and vowed to close some banks down if they did not cooperate immediately. We are in the midst of a big power struggle. People that I know in the financial world are extremely concerned because they expect “that one of the numerous things could happen any time”.”

He went on to say “The best advice I can give is – “If it is written on a piece of paper, it is worth the paper it is written on.” GET OUT OF PAPER!” Those of you who prepare now are going to prosper. Those who second guess Pastor Williams' warnings will find the future bleak.

Furthermore, he also told me “I have done no radio shows and cannot for a while because I don't dare answer certain questions.”

Chaplain Williams will not be available until the middle of February 2014. However, he said that “I will send you updates every time I can (am allowed to).”

Pastor Williams ended his email stating “please urge everyone to get the Global Currency Reset DVD and give it to everyone they know”. If you have not already viewed the DVD you can purchase one from Prophecy Club. This DVD will inform you about what is happening and how you can protect yourself and your family. The currency reset could happen at any time, without warning.

On a personal note, I have read the comments that come from the many concerned visitors and followers of Pastor Williams' work at his website It looks like several people are trying to out-guess the Elite. As Pastor Williams has said many times GET OUT OF PAPER! Fiat currencies such as the Iraqi Dinar, Chinese Yuan and Bitcoin are worthless. The only investment you should make is in physical gold and silver. Pastor Williams has said this time and time again “Gold and silver are the currency of the Elite!” Please listen to what he says and prepare accordingly.

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  1. Reply

    If were to try to find a date which adds up to 7 in numerology from now on”

    2/7/2014 = 2+8 = 0+(2+0+1+4=7) = 7
    So that would be Saturday 8th Feb 2014
    Jim Willie reckons it will happen on a Saturday night – over a weekend, anyway.
    BTW, as an aside [and perhaps a bit of a long shot) Saturday is associated with the planet saturn – which, I have found in research, is associated with Satan….. That should fit nicely! 🙂

    Recalling what PumpDump wrote on the original forum back on Dec 14th:
    “Lindsey Williams said on November 21 that he was briefed a few weeks back about a financial event that is planned possibly within the next 3 months. So, a few weeks is probably at least 2 weeks meaning NOvember 7.
    So, to me it seems the 3 month period extends out until February 7 at the latest, possibly the end of January. What do you all feel about this?”

    If his reasoning is rift, I would guess that the 8th would still just be a possible day.

    Perhaps another way to look at it [IF this numerology thing isn’t a red herring] is to ignore the 2014 and just look for month/day numbers [which also produce a result which is on a weekend].
    Jan 24th {Friday – could they unleash the news after markets close?] 1+2+4 = 7
    Feb 5th [Weds] 2+5 = 7

    Just thinking…

      • BruceL
      • January 18, 2014

      Seems like a Sat night very feasible/logical. Watch brief interview on Bloomberg ( ).

    • Sharly
    • January 18, 2014

    Dear Chaplain Williams,

    This is really threatening and I thank you for your integrity and courage to publish your information. It is a great help to at least limit the forecast losses.
    Much further information could be gained by the comments and links attached.
    Thankyou so much and God bless!

    • DJ
    • January 18, 2014

    I just wanted to say that regardless of what happens financially, we need to put our faith and trust in Jesus first and foremost. Paper money and gold and silver pale in comparison to the safety and security of being in Gods perfect will and being wrapped in his love. His people will be mighty and do exploits!Watch this vision about the future, it is inspiring!

    • DJ
    • January 18, 2014

    Here is my full strategy for the GCR:

    To all of those asking for trade ideas for the GCR, here are some very risky trades with heavy leverage: Look up the “option chains” of these symbols.

    SLV (calls) long Silver
    GLD (calls) long Gold
    FAZ (calls) short of the Russell 2000 Financial sector
    USO (calls) long oil
    SPY (PUTS) shorting the S&P 500
    DIA (PUTS) shorting the Dow Jones
    CYB (calls) long the Chinese Renmimbi
    SGOL (calls) long Gold
    SIVR (calls) long Silver
    SPXS (calls) 3X short S&P 500
    TYO (calls) 3X short 10 year Tbils

    Should make me around 2-4 Mil overnight.


      • Lola
      • January 18, 2014

      about how much are you risking to make that 2-4 mil?

        • DJ
        • January 19, 2014

        about 10-20K

      • BruceL
      • January 18, 2014

      In the same camp. My thinking:
      – GCR occurs, not immediate chaos e.g. Banks limiting withdrawals etc. so one has time to get cash out of Brokerage Account and into some PMs.
      *Concern- will there be PMs to buy at the APMEX’s of the world at that time or will we be stuck holding the “Zimbabweas”?

      Gonna be time sensitive I think to pull it all of or it may take months for it to ripple through the system.


        • DJ
        • January 18, 2014

        IMHO there will be people willing to sell PM’s and take their profits. Even after the GCR, many people still will not “get it”. You can always buy other physical commodities like farm land or oil.

        • chloeJ
        • January 27, 2014

        Over past weekend, HSBC wouldnt allow bank withdrawals unless depositors revealed what the money was to be used for. even then- big withdrawals were delayed and Lloyd’s ATMS shut down. This is the beginning stages to what will soon be a deluge.

      • Limo
      • January 18, 2014

      I generally agree (gold, silver, oil = long) but I wouldn’t short the stock market (if anything it’s probably a better idea to be long). USO doesn’t really track the price of oil, you’re better off in the futures market if you want to trade oil (or just commodities in general).

        • DJ
        • January 19, 2014

        If the USD gets devalued by 30% how do you not see the markets tanking big time? Just curious what your rational is? The markets are a reflection of future profits. A 30% increase in the COGS (cost of goods sold) would tank most US companies. It’s just simple math. But please explain your position as maybe I’m missing something. Thanks for your input.

          • Limo
          • January 19, 2014

          Look at last year’s best performing stock market, the Venezuelan stock market, all from the fall of its currency. Likewise when Zimbabwe had its hyperinflation, the world’s “best performing” stock market. So no, I do not see a tanking. I see it rising to new highs. Let history be your guide.

          • DJ
          • January 19, 2014

          Thanks for the insight. What do you think about shorting T-Bills?

          • Limo
          • January 22, 2014

          Shorting T-bills would be a good idea but not as of yet. I don’t think interest rates will rise until inflation as according to fudged government statistics, is evident and sprayed all over the news. Be long the stock market, that in my opinion will keep going up (until the very end). Most people here are saying the market will get crushed, but the evidence is in history itself. We don’t live in a free market, but a manipulated one, if you want to make fiat, go with the trends and perceived reality, not ideology.

      • Mark
      • January 18, 2014

      Well you know if the GCR or whatever is coming, happens past the expiration date of those options, it all goes to 0.

      It’s a gutsy bet, good luck.

        • DJ
        • January 19, 2014

        My plan is to keep buying calls every 2-3 months until it happens, I’m ok with losing some money along the way

      • Y Diddy
      • January 25, 2014

      All of those things you have listed are PAPER.

      Did you not hear Lindsey say ‘get out of paper’?

    • Sentinel
    • January 18, 2014

    Folks, the GCR process will be finalized in Hong Kong, this is the last meeting before the “Go”. China is in the driver’s seat and the coming January 31st, Chinese New Year been the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calendar is an important timeframe.
    Such meeting has to happen before the 31st otherwise nothing will move till after February 15th.

    • Jesusonly
    • January 18, 2014

    Common sense will tell you that if you did invest in a particular currency that is not worth anything now, will be worth something when the reset occurs. There would have to be a digital system in place to replace every piece of paper money in the world if the physical paper won’t be worth anything. There is more divine intervention involved in this process than you know. Evil will not prevail and I promise that 100%!! It’s already confirmed..

      • chloeJ
      • January 27, 2014

      SDRs, its on the IMF website

    • Austrian
    • January 18, 2014

    Lagarde said: 2014 drop the zero, so 14:2=7!!
    magic 7!!
    then 70′ bretton woods, dropp the zerros= 7!!
    then 25 years german wall falling, she said twice 25!
    Now 25:7=3,5 that means 5.march of 2014 GCR – its logicly.

      • aussie
      • January 19, 2014


        • johnny
        • January 23, 2014

        2+5=7, 3,5*2=7

      • chloeJ
      • January 27, 2014

      2/7 is start of Russia Olympics
      2/7 Chinese banks reopen after 7 day close for Chinese New Years on 1/31- same day the world largest bank defaults in China

  2. Reply

    I just watched the video of Ms C Lagarde’s new years speech.
    (Link from Bankster’s post above)

    This is what I made of it, FWIW:

    Lagarde’s response to the question: Are currency wars over now?@0:38mins

    When she started talking about the currency wars she touched her nose. According to body language theory:”…if the speaker is the one who displays the nose touch gesture, it means he could be lying.”

    Lagarde: “We don’t see a currency war. In our models (gesture which looks like “if you believe in them” with a cute smile) we see a much better alignment of currencies relative to the fundamentals of the economies. .. .. So there is (stumbles with her words) none of that (currency wars) at the moment (then folds her arms – defensively – with tight, down turned smile and downward gaze – which suggests to me she wanted to close the subject without any further discussion).

    Incidentally, she said this on the new reserve currency question: “..not necessarily rival, but join the US Dollar as a reserve currency. I think we will see that. Now, in what period of time, I don’t have a clue”. (The last phrase she uttered quickly with eyes downcast, and again with a tight mouth). She then looked up and smiled at the (friend) who was reading out to her the questions )(i.e. next question please.

    And I had a look at the recent (January 9) Press Briefing by William Murray, Deputy Spokesman, Communications Department, IMF to see if I could find any hints.
    …Not much, except perhaps: “We have a work program which shows sort of the institutional priorities. And you’ll see there’s a lot of work underway on unconventional monetary policy….”

      • BruceL
      • January 18, 2014


      Man- I did the same thing, have PMs currently and wanted to leverage price action on some extra cash. Took a position on the AGQ Calls for Jan-15.

      ?- If the COMEX implodes, what happens to all these options that are priced according to the price set by this entity. Walking a thin line…

      My conclusion is to have a majority of money in the actual in-hand physical, very small amount on these other vehicles.

      2014 is gonna be amazing on all fronts

        • DJ
        • January 18, 2014

        Looks like AGQ holds futures contracts. I somehow missed this symbol and will add it to my list. SLV and SIVR are supposed to hold real metal (there is debate about what they really hold), so the comex deliveries will not be as much of an issue. IMHO the best strategy (besides holding physical) is to diversify and spread the counter-party risk around to as many symbols and entities as possible. I’m also playing the FX markets. Exciting times!

          • Mikel
          • January 18, 2014

          DJ be careful with those triple etfs they could wipe you out in no time.

          • DJ
          • January 19, 2014

          I’m buying options so my only exposure to loss is the price of the options. I agree that if the position moves against me I may lose my total premium. I am prepared to suffer that loss.

      • BruceL
      • January 18, 2014

      John- EXCELLENT observations!

      I appreciate the thoroughness. It’s almost as if they are so arrogant and deceived they don’t even try to conceal their wicked beliefs(numerology over the living GOD) and agenda(enslave the “unenlightened”).

      Anyway, good stuff.

      In the words of the late Steven Covey (“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”), ‘Begin with the end in mind’.

      What’s the “end”? One is that according to scriptures no one can buy or sell without the mark(governing authority on earth approval). To accomplish this, there has to be one form of ‘currency’, i.e. One World Currency.

      It’s coming and accelerating VERY rapidly.

      Thank you for taking time to analyze and write it down

      In Him,


      • BruceL
      • January 19, 2014

      At 19:07, shes states
      “…forthcoming asset quality and stress tests that will take place in 2014…”

      ?). Is this a possible revaluing of currencies to their respective country’s assets.

    • Liberty4Ulster
    • January 18, 2014

    I agree that 14th Feb is a likely candidate for a numerology based guess on the GCR date as 14 2 2014 contains many divisions and additions of 7. Although 7th Feb plus 7 days reset brings us to 14th and they are both Fridays! Also worthy of note is that the Pastor said he would not be available (allowed) to do interviews until mid Feb (14th?) and that may be another clue to the timing. If you haven’t listened to the Lagarde IMF speech at the Press Club, I encourage you to do so (at least first few minutes about magic sevens) and decide for yourselves. The link was posted above.

  3. Reply

    DJ, I understand JPMorgan have bought up most of the silver and gold in the COMEX.
    A perfect time for the precious metals to rise here as public sentiment is so low. Nobody I meet wants to buy it.
    The Commitment of Traders’ report shows the smart money is heavily long on gold and silver….

      • DJ
      • January 18, 2014

      I have purchased hundreds of calls (March and April exp with strikes on SLV from 25 to 35) on both GLD and SLV. My greatest fear is the counter-party risk associated with collecting after the GCR. Do you think the Comex will be able to meet it’s obligations? From what I hear it is really low on physical metal and if there is demand from the paper holders to have physical delivered, it may take down the comex. The fact that GS is buying millions of GLD shares does make me feel better.

  4. Reply

    Suggestion….14th february: 14/2=7 ??

      • DJ
      • January 18, 2014

      The elite LOVE numerology! Bernake retires on Jan 31st so I think Feb or March is a good target. 2-14-14 would fit right in to the numbers game.

    • GermanLawyer
    • January 17, 2014

    Mr. Williams, God has sent you to warn all of us. I wonder how this currency reset is going to affect us in Europe. It is difficult for me to fathom the reset based on each country’s assets because with the Euro it seems only Germany has any by now. So is the Euro going to be revalued upwards or downwards? Probably upwards compared to the US dollar.

    • DJ
    • January 17, 2014

    Praise God for Lindsey Williams! God Bless him for all of his hard work and sacrifice! I’m curious what people here (especially those financially oriented) think about my trading strategy. My thoughts are these:

    1) If the banks will not close for a year then trading paper assets should be safe until that time.

    2)Shorting the USD and the markets (SPY puts) now should return windfall profits.

    3) Buying short term out of the money calls on GLD and SLV (as Goldman Sacs is buying GLD by the millions of shares) should make you a 200 to 1 return.

    Every 1K invested should become 200K if silver hits 45 (do the math).

    Thoughts anyone?????

      • Limo
      • January 18, 2014

      If the GCR occurs Silver won’t get to 45, but around the 29 level, based on today’s price. But I think buying calls on commodities in general will yield a pretty high return. As for the stock market falling, it could happen, it could not. I would think markets would go up, even if nominal, I would not go short at this point.

        • DJ
        • January 18, 2014

        Thanks for your reply! Can you please explain your reasoning behind your $29 price target? Thanks.

          • Limo
          • January 18, 2014

          Well it’s just Mathematics. Let’s look at the last major devaluation of a reserve currency, the 1949 British Pound devaluation. 1 GBP went from 4.03 to 2.8 overnight, in US dollar terms, a 30% devaluation. All commodities didn’t move in US dollars but everything “went up” by against the GBP, gold, silver, oil, whatever. Assuming Silver doesn’t move from today’s level, then it would infer a jump to 29. I don’t know what’s going to happen then, and looking at the technicals I highly doubt Silver will move beyond $40 this year, maybe in 2015 or 16. I would be horrified if Gold went to whatever doomsday numbers naysayers are predicting, $3000 would be bad enough for the common person, $5000 many people would be completely devastated, and at that point gold and silver would be the least of anyone’s worries.

        • BruceL
        • January 18, 2014

        Price target on Ag

        Limo- my target PRIOR to reset is ~$30, AFTER >$60.

        Here’s why,

        Purpose of the reset will be to have a “Gold Backed” form of currency (my opinion thsi form not tied to any one nation i.e. Reminbi, but a will be a form of Crypto Currrency, see

        To do this Au needs to be >$3000/oz, hear multiple Jim Willie Q4_2013 interviews.

        So with post reset Au at $3000 and per Willie will “double overnight”, it “will be” ~$1500 PRIOR.

        Using a conservative multiplier for Ag @ 50:1, we get Ag PRIOR at $30.

        Just my “theory”, but the numbers have to originate somewhere…

        PS- with all the Dinar garbage being pimped out there, I submit this as truly a “best guess”.


          • Limo
          • January 18, 2014

          Agree about the prior target. You might also be interested in reading this

          • BruceL
          • January 18, 2014

          Appreciate the link and oh yeh, in a previous thread you stated, “$3000 would be bad enough for the common person, $5000 many people would be completely devastated, and at that point gold and silver would be the least of anyone’s worries.”

          100% agreement! Sometime I think I am like some neutral observer that’s just gonna watch it all unfold, when in reality, I will be in the middle of it.

          Was telling my wife last night, we have x number of ammo, etc. If we need more, we got bigger problems…

          • Limo
          • January 18, 2014

          Hi Bruce, replying to your thread. I pray gold doesn’t go that high, it’s just madness how people especially all the precious metal experts are thinking they’re going to be rich or something with gold at that level, but when that happens it will be a very very different world that we’ll be living in. People should be very careful with what they wish for. But for what it’s worth, it’s better to prepare now than later, and with no disaster yet people have more time to prepare.

          • jake diesel
          • January 19, 2014

          Way too low. I say if it wasn’t manipulated now it would be around $250.

          The historical ratio for gold to silver is 16-1. Plus, it hit 50$ in the 80’s. Take into account how much money we have printed in the last 30 years-account for inflation-and we are only at 20$ when the high was 50$ back then…cmon man…$250 at least.

          I am not the only one saying this:

          Jim Willie-Eric Sprott-Steve Quayle-V the Guerilla Economist-Dave Morgan-John Williams-Brother John F-Jim Sinclair..I could go all day!!!

        • chloeJ
        • January 27, 2014

        how can it stop @ 29 USD when industry requires its use and the mines have halted production last year? it was 29 in past years already where the economy was nowhere close to its final implosion. silver at 50- that is a minimum.

    • BruceL
    • January 17, 2014

    (Previous comment was re. Lagarde speech- must listen!)

    I sent to Quayle and Hagmann’s… get it out.

    • BruceL
    • January 17, 2014

    *This is VERY, VERY significant!

    These “illumined ones” always want actions to occur on certain dates and BIG events during “high dates”. So much to this don’t know where to start, but bottom line to them- 2014 is a BIG deal.

    We will see if GOD intervenes(like in Syria) or allows and uses their foolishness for His glory.

    • Michelle peng
    • January 17, 2014

    Too back I am going to miss you by one day . I have only one question beside gold , food, water, gun, sewing machine, and practical things. I should get ride of real estate that have mortgage. Is that right?
    I choose to listen to your advice,
    Michelle Peng

  5. Reply

    WOW, very weird! Watch Chrisine Lagarde’s speech. Note her introductory remarks about numerology and hte magic “7” !!

    @IMFNews Jan 15 tweeted:
    If you missed Christine Lagarde’s speech at the National Press Club you can watch it here:

    Another twitter user ‏@Liberty4Ulster tweeted on : Jan 15:

    “And did Madame Lagarde allude to a possible #GCR date in her opening speech today about “magic 7’s” and 2 and 14. Strange stuff indeed. Was Friday 7 February 2014 to Friday 14 February 2014 alluded to in Lagarde open remarks at Press Club for Global Currency Reset? #GCR”

    And keep in mind that the first week of February marks the opening of the Sochi Winter Olympics and the date when the U.N. committee announces their findings on the Vatican pedophilia interrogation.

      • Nick
      • January 17, 2014

      Man i think you right can some one listen to her and share his thoughts about the magiac ‘7’number


        • bigo
        • January 18, 2014

        7 is the number of gods in the pagan rituals; the number of planets from egyption times. Used many times for sacrifice; sacrifice to the gods. 11 is the twin pillars of gemini. One good, one bad. The false flag. stage the event and then be the savior. 13 is death an resurrection. 6 man as god. 17 immortality. Its hard to say the date. March 4th has also been surmised. 90 days from lindsey’s radio show annoucement, and given in Rockefella assistant washington post article a year and some ago, saying something like the march 4 14 date still is on.

      1. Reply

        Feb, 14th is a Friday and Feb. 17th (monday) is President’s Day (Federal Holiday). LONG WEEKEND is a perfect time to reset.

          • lapiu
          • January 23, 2014

          Timed to occur during jews'”Blood Moon Festivals”- to prove they are The Chosen, God has punished those who [disobeyed] “did not bless ISrael”etc.

          • chloeJ
          • January 25, 2014

          from late 2013, a stock market numerology advisor-

          Lets take an important look at January in the Year of the SNAKE for the DOW, which comes just once every 12 years:

          From JAN 1st to JAN 31st, the DOW dropped -2.2%.
          The S&P dropped over -3.0%.

          From JAN 1st to JAN 26th (the Snake Year ended January 26th in 1990,) the DOW dropped over -5%.
          The S&P dropped over -6%.

          From JAN 1st to JAN 31st, the DOW dropped over -7.5%.
          The S&P dropped over -5.5%.

          Out of all these years, 1978 is the most relevant to 2014.
          1978 (1+9+7+8=25. 2+5=7).
          2014 (2+0+1+4=7).

          One last stat – according to my records the only other time in resent history their was a 7 year and SNAKE year at the same time was 1942(1+9+4+2=1+6=7
          In January 1942 DOW went from 111 to 109 ( not a Big Move, But CONSISTENTLY BEARISH

    1. Reply

      Listen carefully between 12min 18sec & 12min 27sec of this video and you would know the answer of what is coming soon…

  6. Reply

    Jim Willie concurs with Lindsey Williams that a global reset is on the way and that the only reliable currency will be the precious metals. On Jan 15, 2014 he posted his own update here:

    Here are the closing words of that blog, quote:

    “The solution is coming, but it comes from the East like a sledge hammer. The centers for global financial reform are the BRICS nations, the G-20 Forum, the Shanghai Coop Organization, and GATA. If and when the solution is imposed from entities outside the nation, then the result will be a rapid decline, a sudden shock, and a vast elimination of paper wealth inside the United States. The Jackass has been clear for several years, that the USA is heading for a slide into the De-Industrialized Third World (DI3W) for refusal to pursue proper just solutions.

    The slide will occur when the USDollar is no longer widely accepted for trade payments. The slide will occur when the USTreasury Bond is no longer widely used for banking system reserves. The global financial hegemony, whereby the USDollar in recent years has openly been supported by the USMilitary with flank support by numerous agencies, is coming to an end.

    The people can join the Gold Train with Silver cars, or they can watch their home equity, pension funds, life savings, and income sources go down the drain as the global reset occurs. The reset is code word for the Return to Gold Standard, but the USGovt authorities do not wish to forewarn its population of a grand resurrection in the gold price.

    The Elite are furiously buying and stealing gold, sometimes under cover of war. The United States is the obstacle for the final implementation of the global reset. Invest in Gold & Silver, if you can find any at these artificial intervened phony prices. Find an Asian source, hire an Asian agent, and use an Asian vault. All has been turned upside down, as formerly communist has converted to capitalist, and formerly capitalist has converted to fascist. Go Gold!!”

    • bigo
    • January 17, 2014

    I guess a nice courtesy of him to update. Though not a whole lot of info. An update that says no update right now. Wait till middle of february. But that is an update. It was good to have that. I don’t have to keep checking youtube or this site for updates for another month. I’ll keep my pencil sharpened and paper ready for mid feb. glad to be updated.

    • cupcake1001
    • January 17, 2014

    The currency reset it seems, is a way of levelling the world currencies based on the value of assets owned by each country. It provides backing for currency (some in gold and other commodities) and may be an interim means to a fully gold backed currency. It also prevents the Fed and other central banks from printing money at will. For those in the US in particular, yes of course standards of living will drop because the country, through reserve currency status, has been disadvantaging other nations since the 1940’s – the day of reckoning is approaching. As for the elite, they will not get their way and even though they may have had a part in the currency reset, this is the beginning of their demise. There are now too many forces working against them.

    • Rebecca Sampson
    • January 17, 2014

    I am among those who thank Pastor Williams for his charity and fortitude in passing along this information.

    My only thought is that the elite may be fickle and
    these things (reset) may transpire later than we think.

    We wait for any radio interview updates and are
    thankful for the good will of Pastor Williams.

    • Lee
    • January 17, 2014

    Thanks for update. Every couple weeks check to see if any Updates from Pastor Williams. Do get concerned if it’s been a long while.

      • chloeJ
      • January 25, 2014
    • Anenome Ofglobalgov
    • January 17, 2014

    My family thank you for your update, Pastor Williams, we appreciate your concerns and sharing them with us. G’day, mate!

    • Lisa D'Alia
    • January 17, 2014

    Pastor Williams is a godsend! Thank you for your godly wisdom and advice.

    • Linda
    • January 17, 2014

    Thank you and God bless you, Pastor Williams!


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