I have had an email update from Pastor Lindsey Williams relating to what is about to happen around the world in relation to the global currency reset.
Pastor Williams says “There are some strange things happening in the financial world in the past few weeks. I have been hesitant to risk my reputation on what I know. Christine Lagarde, IMF personally came to the U.S. a few days ago. A gentleman who was in the meeting she had with some of the most powerful people in America, he said she was very angry and vowed to close some banks down if they did not cooperate immediately. We are in the midst of a big power struggle. People that I know in the financial world are extremely concerned because they expect “that one of the numerous things could happen any time”.”
He went on to say “The best advice I can give is – “If it is written on a piece of paper, it is worth the paper it is written on.” GET OUT OF PAPER!” Those of you who prepare now are going to prosper. Those who second guess Pastor Williams' warnings will find the future bleak.
Furthermore, he also told me “I have done no radio shows and cannot for a while because I don't dare answer certain questions.”
Chaplain Williams will not be available until the middle of February 2014. However, he said that “I will send you updates every time I can (am allowed to).”
Pastor Williams ended his email stating “please urge everyone to get the Global Currency Reset DVD and give it to everyone they know”. If you have not already viewed the DVD you can purchase one from Prophecy Club. This DVD will inform you about what is happening and how you can protect yourself and your family. The currency reset could happen at any time, without warning.
On a personal note, I have read the comments that come from the many concerned visitors and followers of Pastor Williams' work at his website LindseyWilliams.net. It looks like several people are trying to out-guess the Elite. As Pastor Williams has said many times GET OUT OF PAPER! Fiat currencies such as the Iraqi Dinar, Chinese Yuan and Bitcoin are worthless. The only investment you should make is in physical gold and silver. Pastor Williams has said this time and time again “Gold and silver are the currency of the Elite!” Please listen to what he says and prepare accordingly.
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of LindseyWilliams.net. I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to LindseyWilliams.net. I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
I have a question of great concern. I appreciate anyone’s perspective:
LW’s been saying for a long time: “get out of debt” and “buy gold (and/or silver)” – both of which I generally agree with.
If, for example, I have a $100K (payoff on) mortgage at 4% and I have $100K to pay it off. What if, rather than pay it off, I buy $100K worth of gold. When gold doubles (or more), I can convert 1/2 the gold to payoff the mortgage.
Any flaw or risks in that thinking?
Thank you,
even talks about a stock scheme with us companies???
Watch till wednesday he says uh Fed anyone???
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of The International Monetary Fund, speaking from Nairobi today, said that they will be revising upward their forecast on global growth. This new forecast will be made public in 3 weeks. She stated that it was premature to say anything more.
date on 16 jan 2014 was could be 7/ or 14 Feb 2014??
However … in trying to envisage possible scenarios for how all this may pan out, a number of variables have to be factored into the discussion:
i) The outcome of the power struggle between the banks and Christine Lagarde is by no means assured.
ii) The elite’s idea (discussed by LW) that the GCR can be carried out smoothly without large-scale unrest may be highly presumptuous. Public reaction may well turn in a direction that the elite have not anticipated, throwing the future projected timetable for their moves into question.
iii) There may also be political reaction on the part of sovereign governments who refuse to cooperate with the financial elite’s plans.
In other words, we have a rapidly morphing and complex situation which needs to be watched on an ongoing basis.
The Australian Dollar has fallen to $0.47 Cents before, and it did not effect people at all. Then three months or so later it went back up to $1.05
If anything, the revalue of global currency will change things. Manufacturing might come back the Australia and US as it is no longer a cost advantage to do manufacturing in China.
You will see inflation, but then again that can only last for a while. I expect nations to default on their Debt.
That will be good for gold and silver, if you can hold on to it 🙂
Great thoughts Shadow – I agree with all that.
I might add that I think the chaplain has recently implied that he’s said more than he should have though.
As an aside, I was wondering about PumpDump’s idea that a banking event in Europe might be coming which will give the IMF the excuse to implement the GCR action.
If a major bank in the EU were to fail, I expect the initial reaction would be a flight into US dollars. This could take down the price of gold, silver, oil, etc till the devaluation.
If that’s correct, it makes sense for Pastor Williams to have told us to buy physical gold before Jan 2014 and then just sit through whatever happens. If one were to have leveraged positions in gold or dollar [short] the whipsaw could cause alarming losses through margin calls ….
On the subject of European banks, current developments need to be monitored very carefully regarding Deutsche Bank (who left the London gold price fixing[sic!] mechanism last week just as the German regulators are onto them for involvement in precious metals market manipulation. It has been common knowledge since 2012 that DB is currently more heavily leveraged than Lehman Bros. in 2008.
What is interesting is that there has so far been little or no reference to the GCR on the part of those who have been doing the most penetrating work into the artificial suppression of the price of gold by the banking cartel (Eric Sprott, Ted Butler, Andrew Maguire, GATA). Their predictions of a huge rebound in the price of PHYSICAL gold in 2014 are therefore independent of the information coming out via Lindsey Williams, and not at all dependent on when and whether the GCR takes place. What happens if we put the two factors together, i.e. 1)the end of market manipulation because of the collapse of deliverable gold inventory and action on the side of the regulators against naked short selling using insider information and 2) the fallout from the GCR. In this case, the predictions that gold will go north of $2000 would seem extremely conservative: what would appear more likely is the case scenario outlined by Egon von Greyerz of Mattehorn Assets Management (who also does not mention the GCR but shares LW’s prediction of the total collapse of the present system) that gold may ultimately go as high as $50,000 … but in a very unpleasant world.
It should be emphasized that the perspective of Europe-based analysts such as Greyerz or others such as Dimitri Speck, Alasdair MacLeod et al.is important in adding weight to the contrarian hypotheses being offered on this and other sites; they have no agenda with regard to US politics and cannot therefore simply be dismissed as conspiracy theorists promoting an ultra-conservative agenda.
Not a good idea to listen to PM predictions from Permabulls.
Definitely agree, permabulls have no idea when to SELL
Deutsche Bank was one of those caught heavily shorting the various airlines and corporations directly damaged after 911. (Sorry- Lagarade ignited the ‘conspiracy stuff’ not us)
Here is topic I wanted to touch on…the reason for this “information leakage”.
Let’s face it, if the elite contact-person told Lindsey to not share the information (indeed he has instructed Lindsey to hold back quite a bit of information from us currently), Lindsey would not be sharing it. Lindsey has said this himself, stating he has been threatened and he fears for his family’s well being as well as the continued flow of information from his contact.
My point here is that the “elite” contact is in full control of what and how much information is supplied to the “profane” public that will listen via his conduit Lindsey.
So this begs the question, “Why are they supplying this information to us?”. Though Lindsey has offered his speculations of this subject in past radio shows, I propose the answer to this question is, in fact, two-fold.
1) The first is a bit of extrapolative conjecture based on a moral framework inculcated into their “religion”. A general Masonic principle is that no member of The Order can be “recruited” or actively requested or pursued to join. A member is suppose to enter the order under their own “free will”. Indeed, this theme of “free will” is recurring and pervasive in The Order. Likewise, this principle enters into other philosophic and ritualistic practice for the Insiders.
Now, it is my thesis firstly, that part of this “ritual of destruction” that we currently find ourselves immersed in is that we must enter into our own destruction by our own “free will”. Without going into the historical origins of this belief system, suffice it to say that it is believed that more power or potency is garnered through a “voluntary” victim. Additionally, there is a moral absolvency that is achieved if the victim enters their fate under their own free will. The general principle is that by revealing the “possible future”, if we willing walk into it, we become “willing victims” and both the morality and potency of the act is sanctified.
It’s like setting a mouse trap with some cheese in plain sight. If the mouse takes the cheese and get’s its neck snapped, there is a moral absolving of culpability as the mouse saw the trap, and walked into that trap under their own “free will”.
Informing us of our potential fate is a ritualistic act borne of their “religious mythology” and self-serving, disingenuously flawed moral code.
2) I believe it serves their needs to inform and leak this information as it acclimatizes us to a potential outcome ahead of the event to where we “accept our fate”. This is especially important for the potentially more “radical” faction of society which tends to be “awake” and receiving information through certain channels such as these forums. The people who are “awake” are the most dangerous faction to contend with because it is these individuals that are more likely to rebel and organize resistance to the known agenda and endgame. It is therefore this faction that must be quelled into passive acceptance as much as possible.
By first creating a perception that large “wheels of fate” are turning which are beyond the ordinary individuals control to influence, they create a sense of hopeless acceptance and inevitability in the mind of what would otherwise be a source of active resistance to their agenda.
Further, by projecting their plans through direct and overt information leakage, they are inoculating that “dangerous” faction, with the intended result of removing the “shock” of the planned event upon its execution. In doing this, they temper and quell what would be a more violent reflexive movement against their plan and agenda and turn this behavior into passive acceptance as the result was known ahead of time, removing the shock the accompanies surprise.
This is much like knowing the ending of a movie. A powerful emotional reaction is much more likely in the viewer when the storyline unfolds without prior knowledge. Once one has seen the movie or are told of its storyline and ending, one becomes less emotionally invested in the events as they play out in the film.
It is through this innoculatory forewarning that pacification is achieved in the very faction that might create resistance to the desired outcome.
By leaking information on the coming event and also providing information on a means to shield ourselves (through gold and silver), they create a financial reward if/when their plans are enacted and achieved. They place the cheese in the mousetrap (financial reward through gold and silver) place the trap in plain sight (to diffuse the rebellion that will arise from the shock and alarm of the unexpected), and we willingly walk into our fate under our own free will thus minimizing resistance in a potentially troublesome demographic.
I only bring this topic up because I see people on this forum now posting how they “Can’t wait” for the GCR to occur and want the “elite” to “get on with it already.” Case in point. Mission accomplished.
Thanks for this Shadow.
Some of these thoughts are exactly what I was thinking.
Nicely articulated as well.
You are on the right path
1) I will not call it a “religion” or “ritual”, but I guess they think that are “saving” the humanity from itself. Humanity is too childish and irresponsible to take care for itself. This is a fact. You try to be honest with your child/pet, and tell it the truth in some way. To hide too much, means you are scared or think you are doing something wrong. It’s possible very little of them to understand these concepts, and for the rest to be really a ritual. But you know, every ritual was created by someone with understanding, the rest just follow…
2) Telling you what they really want in some way is actually preparing you to accept it. So, I think Lindsey is mostly doing what they want him to do. Even if he tends to talk and hype a bit more then they want, he plays his role. The situation is a bit complex and is really a matter of choice. Yes, humanity have a choice, but will most probably fail to understand and make it. For them, this means that they are doing the “right” thing, i.e. they can clear their conscious, it’s the human “choice”. For us, who don’t like this choice, it means we will most probably live it also, so we must take it as a fact and prepare… This doesn’t mean that you must blindly accept it, like most people do.
For gold/silver/farms etc., no, it can’t be a trick. Many others talk about this, and it’s no-brainer. Probably less then 5% of the 1% that will even listen, will do actually something. Especially after the price fall. People value what others seem to value. Most of them have no opinion and strength to go and actually do something on their own. So it’s really not big leak of information there…
I just seen on Bloomberg TV CEO of Bank Of America in Davos
so all the Bankers are there.
I just seen on Bloomberg TV CEO of Bank Of American in Davos
so all the Bankers are there.
Jesus is about to come down with Fire!
Place all faith in the Lord.
Time is short.
Thanks for the update from LW and thanks for posting the speech of Lagarde. Before the speech, people speculate about which fiat currency will go up. After the update and the speech, people speculate about the date GCR will occur. I will just continue to buy gold every month. I really hope GCR will occur in 2014. I’ve been waiting for this for so long. All I want is to buy a nice apartment in Hong Kong with my gold after the GCR.
I like your comment Singwin totally agree with you.I’m looking forward in the GRC
Dear readers, we urge you to visit http://orthodoxviews.com for a correct Christian context of the events happening in the world today.
This blog site is listing articles and interviews about the reset as they appear in various media.
Did you mean to post a link, Richard… or were you referring to the site we’re on here?
yes I meant to post this link to the blog site:
Shadow, your 2/14/2014 [as Valentine’s Day], shares the following significant events. They may not have fallen on that day through coincidence:
1946 Bank of England nationalised
1971 Richard Nixon installs secret taping system in White House
1963 U.S. launches communications satellite Syncom 1
1958 Arab Federation of Iraq and Jordan forms
1950 U.S.S.R. and China sign peace treaty
1903 U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor forms
1670 Roman Catholic emperor Leopold I chases Jews out of Vienna
1076 Pope Gregory VII excommunicates Henry IV
And, as pointed out, 2/14 = 2 + 1 + 4 = 7
Another one for the pot [this is getting complicated…] is that Paul Volkar [Chairman of the Federal Reserve under Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan] said in the Washington Times [Oct 25, 2012] that ..”there is a very large possibility that the real end of the world will occur around March 4, 2014″.
We know that this is not the end of the world, but it does suggest that he has chosen to use that actual date for some reason [….it could be a practical reason or an occult significant date?]. 4th March: 3 + 4 = 7 [not a weekend though…]
Significant historical events for 4th March:
2001 – 4 March 2001 BBC bombing: a massive car bomb explodes in front of the BBC Television Centre in London, seriously injuring 11 people. The attack was attributed to the Real IRA.
1801 – 1929 – 13 x US presidential inaugurations
1791 – Pres Washington calls the US Senate into its 1st special session
1789 – 1st Congress declares constitution in effect (9 senators, 13 reps)
1699 – Jews are expelled from Lubeck Germany
1492 – King James IV of Scotland concludes an alliance with France against England.
1215 – King John of England makes an oath to the Pope as a crusader to gain the support of Innocent III.
Forgot a big one, tho more political, than financial.
Feb 14, 2005 US-Israel sponsored the first Big Event trigger of their first manufactured “Arab Spring” via trained Al Qaeda mercs who killed PM Hariri. Lebanon’s 911 wasthe tool to drive Syrian Army out of Lebanon after 30 yrs- on the road to regime change in Syria (the false flag blame on Assad). Israel -US ‘s most wanted Hezbollah terrorist funeral on that date- Feb 14, 2008- after being killed by Mossad on 2/12/8.
So 2/14/14 would be a multi-pronged anniversary for Illuminati. Or maybe they’ll trigger GCR then – and capstone Syria regime change by killing Assad to get regional/global destabilizaiton rolling. Bottom line- whats coming is about ISRAEL
Mike Mahoney has published his thoughts on the Comex gold inventory tonight. His final two paragraphs talk about the #GCR — without specifically mentioning that word, but he sounds pretty definite about it happening! His words seem to generally follow along the same thread as Jim Willie:
Quote: “This boosts leverage to an amazing 112.2x, more than the 90-100 to one commonly cited as wackadoo. In that vein, Deutsche Bank will sell their LBMA seats to another participant, and while the horror of spot price setting by telephone with a third party is the red herring (as the price is merely an offer to sell the metals at the price, for immediate delivery), it may be timed with turmoil should the euro go gold-backed alongside the yuan and ruble, whether aided by an international organization or not. Why else would they put the populace through so many broken promises, if not harboring the intent of eventual transition to a sound, international monetary system?
From this perspective we couldn’t help but notice those needing to devalue, supposedly due to strong currencies, seem to have the most profligate central banks. Perhaps Germany is slowly moving to market-based price discovery of gold, by pulling their reserves home, now breaking from daily fixing routine. The bank did mention they would still remain active in precious metals—this is an important point. Many feel the framework is already there, in China, and European nations Cyprus and Greece, didn’t sell gold, rather using it as collateral in euro lending. Is this the last helicopter out, as silver has twice intertwined around six year old support levels?”
would apprec. ans. from anyone who knows.
when reset happens…is this when gov. also steals % of our bank acct. or does it happen very soon thereafter?
also, will money orders work for paying bills after gov. steals % from our acct.?
I posted this on another thread on this forum and makes sense in light of what people are saying here :
Occasnl Trvlr said:
“I came up with July 25, 2014…”
This seems like a likely target. I agree how she stressed “25″ (even to the point of pausing, repeating and giving a knowing stare) was deliberate and non-sequitur in light of her previous focus on 7 and 2 not to mention the whole seemingly inappropriate and bizarre meandering into the whole numerology topic in the first place. She seemed to first stress the month “7″ and then throw out the day “25″, citing the anniversary of the “fall” of the Berlin Wall….the symbolic metaphor is so obvious as to be blurring the lines between exoteric and esoteric meanings.
Further, 7-25-14 is the end of a moon cycle…or more specifically 7-26-14 is the date of the “New Moon”. In the occult this well understood to mean a time of “new beginnings”. As pointed out 7-25-14 is also a Friday and so an after-hours announcement after market close on Friday would be appropriate to handle damage control in the financial markets over the weekend whilst those markets are closed….as per tradition.
This event is a big deal in the timeline of the occultist elite. They are going to certainly have the date of the GCR announcement align with some occultically powerful celestial occurrence in the context of their mythology. This event is just too important not to have what they perceive to be a helping hand from the occultic energy and a “new moon” would provide some of that juice in their minds.
I originally was looking at 2-14-2014 for the simple numerological significance of the repeating 2 and 14, but after I read your analysis and re-listening to her speech, I am more swayed to the 7-25-14 date. Or perhaps we are all wrong…
I was rationalizing a further delay in the timing (Lindsey updating that Lagarde visited and had a meeting with the high ups and was “furious”). This might indicate their timetable is being delayed by opposing greedy elite interests that need more time to hoard gold and prepare or who knows what.
This situation, as we’ve seen in the past, is fluid and timetables change. I am still open to the 2-14-2014 date as well but as Lindsey has said…”it could happen at any time without warning”. I’d be interested to hear other peoples analyses as well. For those interested here is a link to the transcript of the speech by Lagarde in PDF format from the press club :
btw…this transcript from the press club does include the cryptic numerology remarks.
I’ll have to watch it again and take notes to really pick it apart. I agree this speech is rife with info waiting to be mined if looked at with open eyes.
“…forthcoming asset quality and stress tests that will take place in 2014…”
Interesting comment since another “stress test” may collapse the whole thing.
Let us know what you gleen further.
For “the biggest event in a thousand years” as Lindsey calls it? NWO usually accompanies with a blood sacrifice, amount of blood commensurate to enormity of outcome or ratio to whats at stake?
That would indicate a violent of bloody trigger ala 911 or 311 Fukushima.
I find this update to be very interesting and it goes along with one of my original posts a few weeks back that the GCR will not just occur without a preceding event(s) taking place.
I find it interesting at this point in the game that there is still push back from the US. From the original release by Lindsey Williams, it was all set into stone and the financial powers that be in the US were on board.
Back to one of my original posts, I said that I believe there would be a crisis and then a GCR. I’m still leaning towards that crisis being a banking crash/crisis in the Euro zone. This would be significant enough to force the hand of the US/Federal Reserve to accept/implement the GCR/devaluation of the dollar.
The comment by LaGarde about closing some banks supports my theory as well as I believe she is referring to Eurozone banks that are desperate for recapitalization.
If the IMF is still intent on sticking with the original 90 day period of the GCR, I expect the Euro banking crisis to occur a couple weeks prior.
Don’t forget what Lindsey William’s old elitist friend told him: “When you see the Euro collapse, you have about 3 weeks to get out of paper.” This was way before the Eurozone crisis of 2011.
Considering the continued decline of the Eurozone and their banks, along with Lindsey Williams comments, along with my conspiracy that the next dictator (or antichrist for Christians) will come out of Europe, I believe the triggering event necessitating the GCR will be a Euro banking crisis.
This will also provide the opportunity of further integration of the Eurozone by reforming into a new Economic Union (vs European Union) and kicking out countries that refuse to give banking sovereignty to the European Central bank. These steps will ultimately save the Euro but in the beginning it will fall dramatically.
So two things done at once: The US dollar removed as the world reserve currency and reforming of the Eurozone (strengthening).
Cheapest way out.
Lastly, look up the video of the financial analysts several years ago on Bloomberg talking about the reforming of the Euro along with a flat out currency reset announced on a Saturday.
Any thoughts on this.
Back about 1980 a movie called Roll Over came out. In short, currencies crash people move to gold. An account was set up to handle this. Account number 21214. Or 2-12-14. Here is the link to the theatrical trailer. Other segments found on YouTube show more financially important scenes and less of the love story, but it’s a starting point.
Uh, yeah, my thoughts?
Ho-Lee Shitake Mushrooms!
Those first few seconds of that trailer really make it seem pretty obvious.
Maybe that’s why Christine is getting ticked off.
Marquis size admission.
That bit of preplanning is EXHIBIT A.
Great you found the trailer, not just full movie. Trailer compresses it into blatant evidence.
China expected to announce it has more then double it gold reserve http://www.shanghaidaily.com/business/China-expected-to-announce-it-has-more-than-doubled-gold-reserve-expert-says/shdaily.shtml
China to purchase the federal reserve. http://philosophyofmetrics.com/2014/01/16/china-to-purchase-the-federal-reserve/
Well, got myself more Silver and Gold.
You guys realise that currency is possibly going to Zerro in the next year?
Yes but until it does please give me lots of it to care for those I love and help those in need! The timing of all of this (making lots of fiat then turning into hard assets) must be flawless as capital controls will be implemented soon after the GCR.
I thank you for another update.
The only update from Lindsey Williams in February I want to know what is the new reserve currency that’s all I want to know forget about gold and silver that has been said so many times,you can’t use silver and gold to buy food and pay bills yet.
This articles tell me what currency the centrals banks will buy and hold
China decided late last year to give UK investors the right to buy up to 80 billion yuan ($13 billion) of mainland stocks, bonds, funds and money market instruments directly using its currency, making Britain the first country outside Asia with such status.
Last week, the state-controlled Bank of China also sold a 2.5 billion yuan ($413 million) bond in London, the biggest issued in the currency – which is also known as the renminbi (RMB) – so far in the British capital.
Luxembourg is currently Europe’s leader in yuan bonds, funds and loans, with the largest pool of Chinese currency deposits in the region and 40 yuan bonds listed on its stock exchange.
China has relaxed controls over the last five years to establish the yuan as an international currency of trade and reduce its reliance on other currencies. The yuan is expected to become a leading so-called reserve currency, meaning it will be stockpiled by central banks, and be fully convertible by 2015.
Gold and silver ARE MONEY! You can convert an ounce of Gold into ANY fiat currency you want to, both now and after the GCR. You can’t eat a piece of paper either, it simply represents purchasing power as Gold does. Gold is simply a better and safer store of value. That is why LW has been telling us to BUY GOLD for years now (and those who listened have been handsomely rewarded financially). God Bless You and good luck with all of this! (sorry about the yelling (CAPS).
I came up with July 25, 2014. Here is my comment from the previous thread:
It was the numerology opening that clued me in to paying major attention.
I came up with the July 25, 2014 this way:
She emphasizes “7″ so very heavily, then refers to Bretton Woods and this being similar in nature. But it is so odd how she emphasizes “25″ when mentioning the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Bretton Woods was July 22, 1944. But they can’t quite hit 70 years, July 22, 2014, exactly. The soonest Friday after 7/22/14 just happens to be 7/25/14.
She is brutally explicit in that it won’t be the doing of the G-7, rather the G-20, and the fact that she picked the Berlin Wall to emphasize “25″ means to me that Dr. Willie is right, Germany will be a big player in the new monetary paradigm.
She says quite plainly that during this next “7 years of plenty”, a group of nations other than the groups she’d listed would be needing the help of the IMF.
What groups had she listed?
Latin America
Also, thanks to you, “Jimm Motyka”, you pointed out the obvious that had completely escaped me.
She did this at the NATIONAL PRESS CLUB. If this news is not disseminated (which it won’t be), her hands are completely clean. The folks there were far too blatantly stupid to hear a word she said, and got caught up in an estro-fest.
I just looked, Bloomberg’s spin is that her point was fighting deflation.
Her best idea? Day care for Japanese women.
I think you guys are reading to much into this numerology thing, but funny you pont to July cause a few cyclist I read up on mention july as a trigger point.
Mikel- its not that we are reading too much into it, it’s that they- the deceived “illumined” ones actually believe in the idea that numbers (numerology) hold divine powers/”blessings” and that they try/are commanded to perform their actions on these significant(in their mind) dates.
It is demonically driven.
*Also, many in the Illuminati sect have this depraved belief that if they telegraph(cryptically) to try to warn the unenlightened, they are doing Gods work. It is the unenlightened ones fault then they didn’t see the warning and take action.
So what are we doing that are “cracking their code”? Trying to determine what the next move may be.
Bottom line, is the LORD is using them all as His chess pieces to fulfill His purposes.
disagree. especially since they cut it from the transcript. that’s huge
It is perhaps worth noting that Christine Lagarde’s remarks on numerology and the ‘magic year’ 2014 do not appear in the official IMF transcript of her speech ‘as prepared for delivery’
Blood Moons events where Epic upheavals have occurred. NWO is a strictly ‘jewish’ enthronement and they control the intl banks:
Jewish Passovers on April 15, 2014, and April 4, 2015, and the Feasts of Tabernacles on Oct. 8, 2014, and Sept. 28, 2015.
Mar 15-17 PURIM- Ides of March- St Patricks Day weekend
April= 4/15/14
Lagarde references Cabalah, and the OT story of Joseph’s 7 year feast/7 yrs famine in Egypt. Reset will mandate accepting Mark of the Beast; bitcoin introduced as first cashless society instrument, then moving to SDRs outright? Satan is Lord of this World and what Lagarde does, she admits, “I follow orders”.
The Big Event will be packaged as Divine Will/Divine Prophecy to put the top Masonic Zionist into overt power. Look for the date to be hooked to jewish religious dates
I also found the numerological introduction the strangest and most disturbing of Christine Lagarde’s presentation (why is arguably the most powerful woman on the planet devoting public time to esoteric speculation? It’s not at all surprising that you can find quotes from her proudly displayed on a Kabbalist website…).
What is very interesting is that it seems that Lindsey Williams wasn’t the first to publicize the GCR; it seems that New Age blog posts by the likes of Scott Mowry were talking open about it (and proclaiming it to be a breakthrough in the evolution of human consciousness) at least as far back as Julne 2013.
Take a look at
Although this kind of interpretation is definitely out there on the lunatic/occult fringe, the articles in question do relay some insider information that has to be considered credible given its overlap with what we have learned via Lindsey Williams. Christine Lagarde is for instance mentioned by name as a prime mover in the process.
A good example is this, dated August 25, 2013:
‘We had been hearing multiple and credible reports of Christine Lagarde’s frustration over the delays, and a report was issued which indicated that she was at the end of her patience with Wells Fargo'[the source alleges that Wells Fargo had been given a major role in the implementation of the GCR on account of the strength of its IT department]
On the subject of numerology, take this from the same website’s source ‘ZAP’, dated August 4:
Listen to the first five minutes of Christine Lagarde’s Jan 15 speech (complete with reference to the New LUNAR Year) and the resemblence to the above paragraphs is so striking as to border on the creepy.
The question naturally arises – what esoteric philosophy is driving all of this??? While caution is certainly necessary with respect to the many Illuminati-hunting conspiracy theory websites out there (many of which operate on very little other than unsubstantiated rumours), to find the head of the IMF indulging in this kind of language is worrying in the extreme.
Peter B: forgive my shameless promotion of my favorite author, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. I just finished reading his new book “Financial Vipers of Venice.” The book answers your question about “what esoteric philosophy” are they following. And, yes, you hit the nail right on the head with that question.
It’s not a long book and it focuses on conditions that setup the Reformation, the elite cabal in Venice who guarded secret knowledge from Mesopotamia. Hey wait, isn’t that what Christine’s last name MEANS? “LaGarde”
Book is available anywhere, or here directly: