I have had an email update from Pastor Lindsey Williams relating to what is about to happen around the world in relation to the global currency reset.
Pastor Williams says “There are some strange things happening in the financial world in the past few weeks. I have been hesitant to risk my reputation on what I know. Christine Lagarde, IMF personally came to the U.S. a few days ago. A gentleman who was in the meeting she had with some of the most powerful people in America, he said she was very angry and vowed to close some banks down if they did not cooperate immediately. We are in the midst of a big power struggle. People that I know in the financial world are extremely concerned because they expect “that one of the numerous things could happen any time”.”
He went on to say “The best advice I can give is – “If it is written on a piece of paper, it is worth the paper it is written on.” GET OUT OF PAPER!” Those of you who prepare now are going to prosper. Those who second guess Pastor Williams' warnings will find the future bleak.
Furthermore, he also told me “I have done no radio shows and cannot for a while because I don't dare answer certain questions.”
Chaplain Williams will not be available until the middle of February 2014. However, he said that “I will send you updates every time I can (am allowed to).”
Pastor Williams ended his email stating “please urge everyone to get the Global Currency Reset DVD and give it to everyone they know”. If you have not already viewed the DVD you can purchase one from Prophecy Club. This DVD will inform you about what is happening and how you can protect yourself and your family. The currency reset could happen at any time, without warning.
On a personal note, I have read the comments that come from the many concerned visitors and followers of Pastor Williams' work at his website LindseyWilliams.net. It looks like several people are trying to out-guess the Elite. As Pastor Williams has said many times GET OUT OF PAPER! Fiat currencies such as the Iraqi Dinar, Chinese Yuan and Bitcoin are worthless. The only investment you should make is in physical gold and silver. Pastor Williams has said this time and time again “Gold and silver are the currency of the Elite!” Please listen to what he says and prepare accordingly.
TRUMP OR HARRIS – The war for the US and the World…
CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT TRUMP! Hi. I am James Harkin, and I am the webmaster of LindseyWilliams.net. I sent this as an email on Monday, November 4th, 2024, to all of the current subscribers to LindseyWilliams.net. I think a lot of the emails got blocked. So, I am creating this blog post that includes the entire email. […]
Finding Healing and Hope: Joanna Williams’ Heartfelt Journey at IBC Hospital
Discover Healing Beyond Medicine: Joanna Williams’ Journey at IBC Hospital Finding the right healthcare provider can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Joanna Williams, the widow of the esteemed Pastor Lindsey Williams, knows this journey all too well. Since 2011, she and her late husband sought quality care, eventually discovering BioCare. […]
In Celebration of Lindsey Williams 01/12/36 – 01/23/23
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” – Lindsey Williams In Celebration of LINDSEY WILLIAMS January 12, 1936 – January 23, 2023 On Saturday, April 1, 2023, at FBC Fountain Hills dba Cornerstone Family Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, there was a special Memorial service in celebration of […]
There was an OP-ED in the New York Times yesterday titled:
The IMF Needs a Reset
They mainly discuss how the voting and the power structure of the IMF member states needs to be reset.
Wow, that article is a direct restatement of what Christine LaGarde said in her last big public appearance at the Press Club. Mainly that the US Congress is holding up the reset by not passing what the US Exec Branch (Obama) agreed to in 2010 with the IMF. Basically giving carte blanche to the IMF to do whatever they feel is necessary.
Lindsey’s Feb. 3rd interview was in the 2nd hour with Pastor Butch Paugh. It’s in the 2nd hour about 6 minutes in and he only talks for 5 minutes about the BioCare Center in Mexico. Pastor Butch later mentioned Lindsey did not want to talk about the reset in this interview.
(ED: Show archive without ads is available here: https://www.lindseywilliams.net/lindsey-williams-dr-rodrigo-rodriguez-call-to-decision-pastor-butch-paugh-february-2014-post/ )
Feb 7 mentioned by Lagarde during her numerology tutorial @ Nat Press Club.
“2/7/14= 2×7” recall her continued emphasis on that date?
I cant bring up Lindsey’s intv tonight from GCN. Cancelled?
US could start defaulting on debt ‘very soon’ warns Lew
“US Treasury Secretary calls on Congress to raise debt ceiling immediately to prevent the issue from harming the economic recovery.”
Feb. 7th is a key date. It’s also the date the Elite’s Legatus meeting is going on. Could Feb. 7th be the date the market tops and starts it’s long crash down? Or does it mean something more? Tune in to Lindsey Williams on Pastor Butch Paugh tonight Feb. 3rd at 6-7pm California time.
Debt ceiling appears to be permanently suspended. Which is why you probably haven’t heard a peep out of the mainstream media. So why the US Treasury Sec. who clearly should be aware of this as he’s an insider, would be squealing about a non-issue raises questions.
We should be Prepared no matter what. It is inevitable that this will happen. Like John 3:3-5 say we must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God.
So time will come that all we have is Jesus Christ, and we will have to have faith like never before (Luke 18:8), because those who endure to the end shall be saved(Mark 13:13). Call on Jesus that’s the only help we will have when everything hits the fan.
Did James Harkin, creator of LindseyWilliams.net, put links to the 3 articles Lindsey sent him in the latest email alert? I couldn’t find them in the email that came out yesterday. James or anyone that has those links from Lindsey, please post them here.
(ED: The articles are paraphrased from the emails I received from Pastor Williams, I did not receive direct links to a 3rd party website.)
Good news Pastor Williams to do radio again starting next week. see commentary on link below
Again, check for dis-info. 10% savings/checking? bail-ins next, 2-3 weeks=/-?
Here comes talk of bail-ins. I can’t believe people tolerate this abuse. Give your money to the bank, get nothing for it. And then the banksters/government can steal it.
German Central Bank oks Bailin as ‘fiscal responsibility’
Pastor Williams said to watch China.
Well, here we go…
I will not trust what Gordon Chang says about China. He is a biased writer. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-01-26/no-there-no-stoppage-cash-transfers-china
Interesting article. Seems that the propaganda machines are intending some sort of self – fulfilling prophesy… as per CNN ‘hacked’ article below.http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:E6OJcLJ10WQJ:politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2014/01/23/breaking-china-dumps-all-bonds-declares-south-china-sea-closed-zone/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au&client=firefox-a
HSBC in UK limiting cash withdrawals according to BBC.
Remember how The Chaplain said that for us commoners, the next few months or so would be like finding ourselves in the midst of a barroom brawl?
Here’s how I see it (borrowing some of Dr. Willie’s terminology):
The “castle-dwellers” are going to see this (the GCR) through. They are turning away from, and turning the world’s monetary system away from, the Nazee/Narco-barons, and turning it toward the Dragon. The Dragon will not tolerate the Roman faction, and will barely tolerate the narco-barons. The castle-dwellers are moving the seat of monetary control to the Dragon. But the narco-barons have the most, and very-high-quality, arms, along with the hubris and insensitivity to use them.
But, the castle-dwellers have made the necessary in-roads into the narco-barons banking playhouses, and their change (i.e., the GCR) is coming.
The politics played out so clearly: during the “Iran nuclear negotiations”, the Bear deploys medium-range nuclear-capable missles in range of Western Europe, and the Dragon declares and defends the ADIZ. And the current public representative of the narco-barons BACKED DOWN.
When considering what’s going on, KEEP YOUR SCORECARD UP-TO-DATE!
Occasnl Trvlr
I listened to the whole video of Saturday’s program. Larry Fink of Blackrock was the only person to acknowledge Lagarde’s use of the word “reset,” as far as I could tell. And he was adamantly opposed to her comments that the Fed Taper is preventing the global economy from moving forward. He squarely blamed those other nations’ domestic policies for their woes. It was clear that the US is not on board with the Reset plan … which certainly jives with everything Jim Willie has been saying.
this is how the AP talks to Christine Lagarde’s comments
Here we go on capital flight and runs on the banks
Take a look at this I ran onto doing research on Bitcoins. An IMF approved hard asset backed version of Bitcoin already being used in some Central Banks?
Interesting for sure.
Let me correct this post a little bit.
It is my understanding this new digital currency is not in use yet at Central Banks, but the process to get approval is underway. And apparently it has been beta tested in the Pacific area where this company is based.
You can bet for sure they want a digital currency. It would mean total control of us for them. Here’s Larry Summers pushing the idea of negative interest rates and an electronic currency. This is really criminal.
TO ALL READERS HERE … please, do go listen to Christine Lagarde’s comments that she just finished an hour ago at the Davos forum. She is the first speaker in this symposium. Her portion is only about 10 minutes long. ALL OF THESE COMMENTS ARE ABOUT GLOBAL RESET:
Some points that I picked up:
* Her two “R’s”: RISKS and RESET
* And her RESET idea is broken down into three “resets”:
* Once it is well anchored, it could be “of a different kind.”
* Financial sector reform
* Structural reforms that are necessary in all areas of the world
Free archived video here:
http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000239477#eyJ2aWQiOiIzMDAwMjM5MzQ2IiwiZW5jVmlkIjoibU9jQzVVK2MvQzh5cmlLVGdRUnF6UT09IiwidlRhYiI6InRyYW5zY3JpcHQiLCJ2UGFnZSI6IiIsImdOYXYiOlsiwqBMYXRlc3QgVmlkZW8iXSwiZ1NlY3QiOiJBTEwiLCJnUGFnZSI6IjIiLCJzeW0iOiIiLCJzZWFyY2giOiIifQ== because today we’re worried about currencies, and nations use weekends to adjust their currencies. they usually do it on a sunday when no one around. so it triggers a run for cover in the meantime. they want to reduce their risk profile going into this for fear that one, two, or four medications may adjust their currency over the weekend. we’re talking about not specifically but some of the countries that have been a concern this week,
I assume we’d hear about it in the news before the trading starts up in Asia??
Madame Lagarde will be addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos today at 1400CET on stage with some major players
Lets see if she mentions her magic 7’s again?
Just heard Christine Lagarde live from Davos via the webfeed. She said the word straight out: ‘RESET’…
Needless to say, she couched this in the normal vague diplomatic language, and didn’t actually mention the word ‘currency’, but nonetheless said that the ‘reset’ is global in terms of ‘structural changes in all corners of the world’.
It should be noted that there are any number of terms that Mme Lagarde could have used to describe these changes, so the use of ‘reset’ surely has to be considered a deliberate, calculated choice.
Any more proof needed about the reality of the GCR other than the actual announcement of the rates?
Peter B: yes, Lagarde’s RESET statement was tweeted out by the official @Davos twitter feed and can be seen here:
And repeating what Michael posted, yes, how coincidental is it that Art Cashin, a director at UBS Bank (Switzerland — think ‘Knights Templar’) posted this statement yesterday:
“Ordinarily Friday is the best day of the week—shorts tend to cover going into a weekend—but this is different because today we’re worried about currencies. And nations use weekends to adjust their currencies. They usually do it on a Sunday when no one’s around.”
no one is talking about the 23 trillion china real estate bubble to burst
how will this fit in the GCR?
23 trillion china debt is greater that usa, making them as bad as usa is.
Wal-Mart announces lay-offs (2,300 unless it’s another hack piece). http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/01/23/1272094/-CNN-scrubs-story-about-China-dumping-bonds-and-S-China-Sea
Looks like we’re plowing into the Chinese Lunar New Year, Jan 31st, right on schedule. JCP, Macy’s, Intel, few of numerous reported failing retail companies, sliding off the fiscal cliff, as it were, creating a monstrous tsunami wave of Chinese bankruptcies that is set to hit the mainland soon, via Wall Street and Main Street—SWOOSH!. Must be the minor disruptions, everyone has been warning usabout.
Wait til the nation hears the State of the Union speech scheduled to air next week requiring that US government debt (that includes state, muni, county, city) be “ROLLED BACK” (Roll-Back Movie 1981)to pre-crisis (2007) levels, because the US and World economies according to TPTB (IMF)are doing “great”, and now it’s time to repress and adjust. Imagine going back to a 2007 household family budget, only this time without wage, cost of living, cheap prices,and the credit increases everyone has had for the last 7 years, and now somehow, someway have to make up for it. That’s a 30-40% reduction at least. Then comes the next wave, under girdled re-set (riptide). And that’s just this spring. IMF says asset and stress test one more time for good measure (July 2014?)
No wonder Chaplain Williams couldn’t talk. All he and the world can do is reluctantly watch as the predicted slaughter unfolds.
Very good interview, and it mentions something that Lindsey Williams fails to understand:
“-Do you think that the world is ruled by a certain group or groups of people, who “control” the history of this planet? Is this possible or are they just conspiracy theories?
Certainly, the world – in the current mess – is run by perhaps one thousand individuals, who use the false economic theories that prevail to further their hold on power. There may be an even smaller very influential group, within these thousand individuals. But the main problem is not these power groups: the main problem is that false economic theories are supported by billions of humans who blindly accept those theories. So actually, it is the people themselves who enslave themselves.”
No, there isn’t really an “elite group”. There are billions of people that just don’t care, and are that easy to manipulate and rule. It’s not that some group is so powerful. It’s that so much people are giving their power away, because it’s just easier to follow promises.
certainly you are correct. the most important element is us, our sinful compliance.
but lindsey is also correct. “there really is a small group of folks who rule the world” and direct the other ‘thousand’ elite, even if the ‘profane’ dont know their names . that is beyond question
Hope everyone is doing well and preparations are coming along.
I have noticed that there is a lot of speculation around the time of the GCR.
What I have to say is simply this; before these kinds of events go down a wall is put up to stop information getting out.
It seems that they have stone walled Lindsey and not allowed him to do any radio shows or interviews, as he might be asked certain information and he does not want to let anything slip out (this also means that Lindsey knows a lot more than he is able to let on).
The fact that he has emailed and said that he is going away, but will come back in mid February, peaks my interest and leads me to believe that something big will go down between now and mid February.
Otherwise, why would he not be available now until mid February?
He has also said that ‘there is a struggle going on’.
I feel that this is why he has said he will try and get information out if he is allowed, as it all depends on how strong a chance the western elites have in seeing their plan come to fruition.
Your thoughts…..
I think there may be an ongoing battle behind the scenes related to the western financial institutions not wanting to give in to the uprising eastern block (the so called BRIC nations).
The IMF was expecting the US Congress to vote to allow these BRIC nations a voting position at the IMF. Congress did not go along with that yet. This may be causing problems behind the scenes. I have a post about this on my blog which will be following this reset event until as it unfolds regardless of how long it takes. Blog is here:
More info regarding the GCR(forward to the 31 min point)
“Watch till wednesday he says uh Fed anyone???” Can you write that in a different way please, morningstar – I don’t understand… Thanks
Not sure what the FED reference is but I think he is talking about Art Cashin on CNBC watching out for the China situation until next Wednesday in the story he linked.
Cashin says the China debt story is not a one day event and to keep an eye out on it until Wednesday.