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World Wide Financial Collapse Scheduled for between September and the end of December 2015!


From Lindsey Williams: I just received an email from my Elite friend.

My Elite friend indicated that they have a World Wide Financial Collapse scheduled between September and the end of December 2015!

You may have just THREE (3) months to prepare!

World Wide Financial Crash Sep-Dec 2015 – Full Newsletter

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MAY 2015 HEALTH AND FINANCIAL NEWSLETTER from Pastor Lindsey Williams


    • Valentin
    • August 7, 2015

    Le 20 octobre 2015 sur le calendrier juif c’est le 7 cheshvan 5776

    Eh bien le 7 magique revient


    On October 20, 2015 on the Jewish calendar is the 7 Cheshvan 5776

    Well the magic returns 7

    • David Marchionni
    • August 6, 2015

    I can’t wait for the FED to raise interest rates. It’s finally time to see some action around the world with the economy. I have had enough of this stupid game of seeing the flat market. Time to enjoy some fireworks next month.

    • mike
    • August 4, 2015

    This is the latest new this afternoon that came in
    Can Lindsey give an update on this is there now a delay in everything.

    Chinese Stock Short Squeeze Stalls After IMF Delays Decision On Yuan SDR Inclusion

      • jorgenson
      • August 4, 2015

      IMF report recommends delay:

      This means an additional year? but then what of the timing of the Blood Moons and all the astrology being pushed by the Pharisees?

      • Dammy
      • August 4, 2015

      I wonder if this means the collapse is also delayed…

    • mike
    • August 3, 2015

    SoT Jim Willie Part II: The Petro-Dollar Won’t Collapse – It Will Vanish

    • Blue
    • August 2, 2015

    Is Lindsey saying the financial collapse will take place before Sept 25th? The timing of the implementation of the NWO doesn’t make sense without a collapse first.

      • Mark
      • August 3, 2015

      He was told by his source Sept-Dec 2015 timeframe, and has stated you should be ready by Sept 15th. I think one thing to watch is when the Fed raises rates. It was leaked they would raise rates .1% in Sept. If that happens, we are really close, if not it might be a little longer.

      Puerto Rico defaulted today, that could be the start of something, however if the Elite choose to paper it over once again, we’ll have to wait.
      Best plan is don’t put your eggs in one basket, have some provisions if there is a collapse, but keep some back in case they decide to put it off a few more years.

      As far as the NWO, I think it wont be fully rolled out until WWIII in 5 years or so. It will take something of that magnitude to get everyone to accept it and also people will be so preoccupied with the war, it will help the Elite get away with it.

    • mike
    • July 30, 2015

    Karen Hudes Gold Out of Hiding listen 45 minutes 30 seconds

    • mike
    • July 30, 2015

    China’s Yuan Pushes Deeper Into Global Financial System

    • mike
    • July 30, 2015

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn 2015 -Prophecy Summit NW

    • mike
    • July 29, 2015

    listen at 21 minutes and 21 seconds
    She mention September 15
    Online Press Conference with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde
    (37:57) July 29, 2015

    • Dammy
    • July 29, 2015

    Looks like the Fed will increase the rate in Sept:

    • Dammy
    • July 28, 2015

    When LW said the Elites would have China under control, I wasn’t that sure they could. I am a believer now:

    • mike
    • July 27, 2015


    • Valentin
    • July 27, 2015

    Bon mon vrai commentaire c’est l’assouplissement quantitative que Peter Shift a anticipé c’est pour quand. En septembre ou en octobre 2015.

    Parce que je crois quand, Mme. Yellen va l’annoncer.
    Je crois que le système va capoter et avec ce qui va arriver le 20 octobre 2015 oh la la la bombe atomique financiere.

    Bon si j’ai bien compris la traduction française de certaine vidéo ou pst Lindsey a été interview.

    L’euro va tomber avant le dollars et ceux qui ont des actifs papiers c’est en sortir avant que l’armargueddon financiere arrive.
    N’est ce pas une bonne récapitulation

    Je crois que d’en cela il y a le QE 4 crise de la dette et budgétaire

    2 a 3 semaine c’est a dire que l’euro va chuter début octobre 2015 et tout sera prêt pour la chute du dollar.


    Well my real comment is that Peter quantitative easing Shift anticipated is when. In September or October 2015.

    Because I think when Mrs. Yellen will announce it.
    I think the system will collapse and what will happen 20 October 2015 oh the financial bomb.

    Okay so I understand the French translation of certain video or pst Lindsey was interview.

    The euro will fall prior to dollars and those with active paper is out before the financial armargueddon arrives.
    Is not it a good recap

    I believe that in this there QE 4 debt crisis and fiscal

    2 to 3 weeks that is to say that the euro will fall in early October 2015 and everything will be ready for the fall of the dollar.

    • Valentin
    • July 27, 2015

    Oups j’ai vue mon erreur il manque quelques mots quand j’ai dis : sans Dieu trinitaire dans notre vie : les mots manquant que je voulais écrire :
    C’est spirituellement je crois que Dieu c’est de 95% a 100% dans les preparatifs le reste c’est dans ces bonnes grace .sans Dieu trinitaire dans nos vies c’est la ruine corps âme et esprits.


    Oops my mistake I saw it lacks some words when I say no triune God in our lives: the missing words I wanted to write:
    It is spiritually I believe God that is 95% to 100% in preparations the rest is in such good grace .without Triune God in our lives is ruined body and soul minds.

    • Valentin
    • July 27, 2015

    Ah j’ai fait quelque faute dans mon commentaire précédant
    Dieu est vivant et c’est la solution en tous ceux qui espère en lui.
    Pardonnez moi pour mes erreurs d’orthographe et les mots manquants.


    Oh, I made some mistake in my previous comment
    God is alive and this is the solution in all who hope in him.
    Forgive me for my spelling errors and missing words.

    • V
    • July 26, 2015

    Hi Creed,

    I just saw your note to me. I’m sorry it took so
    long to get back to you. I have not heard of Irving
    Baxter. I don’t see how the 7th vial could be poured
    out in the 6th seal time. The day of the Lord does
    start in the 6th seal. We can tell it, because
    heaven departs as a scroll and that links up with Isaiah 34. The wicked will hide in the rocks is shown
    in Isaiah 2 and this also happens in the 6th seal.
    Before the people go to hide in the rocks for fear of
    the Lord’s face and His glory, they will cast away
    their idols. The great tribulation as you know is
    already over before the sun goes black. At the time of
    His glory is when we will be like Him. Titus 2:13,
    2 Timothy 4:8
    Joel 2 is over until you get to verse 28 where
    Pentecost came.
    Revelation is not in chronological order. It is in
    proper grammar order. See how in Revelation 8:2 it
    refers to actions already done by the seven angels?
    Revelation 8:2 – the seven angels
    What did they already do?
    which stood before God
    When did they do that?
    They stood before God in chapter 7 and gave the
    sealed numbers report. This is when they were also
    given seven trumpets and sounded them. This is shown
    too by a group being seen in chapter 7 that came out
    of great tribulation. Revelation’s seals led to the
    great tribulation/seals 1-6 so far opened,and now
    Revelation 7 begins a new vision that will also
    lead into the great tribulation. So since the great
    tribulation is in Revelation 7, we need a woman,
    a dragon, a beast and more to bring that to pass in
    Revelation 7. It is there, all hidden. The sealing
    angels ascend from the east. Here is where the mystery
    of God part is unfolding. In Revelation 10, John listened to the seven thunders utter their voices, and
    then soon was told when the mystery of God will end.
    He also ate a little open book so he could prophesy
    again/as in more. He would later make chapters 16-22
    due to the book that he ate. This is what book chapter
    22 is talking about that can’t have sealed sayings in it.

    4th seal – death and hell/Isaiah 28:15-18
    treaties will be broken
    Isaiah 33:8
    four ways to slay people- Ezekiel 14:21
    My four sore judgments
    This is where you want to pull in Ezekiel 7 as to
    what happens at the time of four corners and link that
    up with Revelation 7’s time of four corners.
    four corners
    time of several ways to slay people
    It is the way that God accomplishes His judgment
    time on Israel.
    It is the time when the worst of the heathen is sent
    against Israel.

    In the time of the 6th seal, the people get rid of
    their idols before going into the rocks. Now, bring
    in the 6th trumpet is over/2nd woe as the end of
    Revelation 9 shows that men do not repent of their
    idols at that point.

    7th seal – and now John sees heaven scenes
    time of silence in heaven
    The seven angels come back for a new set of plagues
    job. But we had yet to hear their past trumpet job
    results, and John places them in chapter 8.
    If that set of angels was just being seen for the first time, then John would have written – “seven angels”, not – “the seven angels”.
    This is the mystery that has to be discovered, why
    did John use the definite article in Rev. 8:2?
    Because he saw Rev. 12, 13 and 15 before the
    7th seal was opened.
    Rev. 12 John sees a sign in heaven and then another
    sign in heaven – woman, dragon.
    The signs end and he sees war in heaven.
    Revelation 15:1 brings in another sign in heaven –
    seven angels. This is going to all slide into Rev. 7
    and then John calls them – the seven angels in Rev. 8,
    just like he did eventually in Rev. 15.

    • Valentin
    • July 26, 2015

    Donc si le dollar va se faire bousculer par le yuan par la grâce du FMI le 20 octobre 2015.

    Je crois que cette année il n’arrivera rien avec le shemitah
    Ou bien quelque jour plus tard avec une hausse des taux directeur de la fed
    Certain table pour septembre 2015 pour une telle hausse et la reunion de la fed en septembre 2015 c’est le 17

    Le 17 c’est a 4 jours après le shemitah

    Alan greenspan a dit a ce sujet : ça serait la tourmente

    17+ 9+2+1+5= 34

    Je crois c’est signer ” made in Illuminatis”

    Ouais si mes calcul sont bon il nous reste seulement :
    53 jours d’ici a la tourmente et 86 jours avant le 20 octobre 2015.

    Bon je crois que je dois absolument pas tarder dans ma préparation de survie a cette crise mondiale.

    Je crois que le Canada sera éclabousser par cette crise car l’union nord américaine c’est l’union politique et économique du Canada, des USA et du Mexique.

    Si j’en crois certains articles que j’ai lu ici et ailleurs c’est du rien et je crois pour moi le temps n’est pas a la réflexion mais a l’ agir.

    Je crois a la divine sagesse que Dieu va nous influencer par l’Esprit Saint ce qui est sage a faire.

    Mais je garde en mémoire les précieux conseil d’Ed et du pst William

    Le stockage de stock survivaliste et la formation de commune de survie ainsi que la création de marcher ambulant de troc et une cache d’ argent physique en cas ou.

    Je crois que physiquement c’est une bonne réponse pour survivre a la crise qui s’en vient.

    Et spirituellement je crois c’est le 95% de préparation sans Dieu trinitaire dans nos vies
    Non seulement c’est l’espérance pour chaque croyant mais aussi c’est l’unique soutient pour ne pas craquer.

    Vue que les USA seront le plus durement toucher par la crise.

    Je vous dis que Dieu vous garde et que sa sagesse vous éclaire.
    Afin d’être une lumière pour ceux qui périsse pour que la foi soit un fort dans la nuit et qu ils puissent par espérance voir le jour nouveau la quiétude du seigneur.

    Je vais prier pour vous afin que vous puissiez être des torches dans la nuit afin de rassembler le troupeau perdu et attendre que la crise se passe.

    Je crois pas que l’enlèvement arrive ni en 2015, ni en 2016 , ni en 2022 mais en septembre 2023.

    Détruit ce temple et au troisième je le relèverais .
    Nous en somme a la 1985 Ieme année

    2000-7 = 1993/ 1993 -1985 = 8

    Dans 8 ans sera l’enlèvement de l’église
    1 jour devant Dieu = 1000 ans
    Donc troisième jour = 2000 ans

    Entre l’ascension et le millenium 2000 ans
    2000 ans – les tribulations = 1993

    1993-1985 = 8 ans

    On connait ni l’heure ni le jour c’est idiome juif pour la fête des trompette

    Donc septembre 2023. Sera le temp de l’enlèvement de l’église.


    So if the dollar is going to get pushed around by the yuan by the IMF through October 20, 2015.

    I believe that this year nothing will happen with the shemitah
    Or one day later with a rising rate of the Fed
    Certain table for September 2015 for such an increase and the meeting of the Fed in September 2015 is 17

    17 is 4 days after shemitah

    Alan greenspan said about it: it would be turmoil

    17+ 9 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 34
    3 + 4 = 7

    I think it’s sign “made in Illuminati”

    Yeah, if my calculations are correct we only have:
    53 days by a turmoil and 86 days before 20 October 2015.

    Well I think I have absolutely no delay in my preparation for survival in this global crisis.

    I believe that Canada will be splashed by the crisis because the North American Union is the political and economic union of Canada, the USA and Mexico.

    If I believe some articles I read here and elsewhere it’s nothing and I think for me the time is not a reflection but the act.

    I believe in the divine wisdom that God will influence us through the Holy Spirit which is wise to do.

    But I keep in mind the valuable advice of Ed and William pst

    The storage survivalist stock and common survival training and the creation of walking street and barter a cache of physical silver case.

    I think physically it’s a good answer has to survive the crisis is coming.

    And spiritually I believe it is the 95% of the Triune God without preparation in our lives
    Not only is the hope for every believer but also it is the only supported not to crack.

    View that the US will be hardest hit by the crisis.

    I tell you, God bless you and enlighten you wisdom.
    To be a light to those who perish so that the faith is strong in the night and that they can see the new hope by day the tranquility of the lord.

    I will pray for you so that you can be torches in the night to gather the lost sheep and wait until the crisis happens.

    I do not think that the rapture happens neither in 2015 nor in 2016 nor in 2022 but by September 2023.

    Destroy this temple and I will raise it in the third.
    We sum the year 1985 Ieme

    2000-7 = 1993/1993 -1985 = 8

    In 8 years will be the rapture
    1 day before God 1000 years =
    So the third day = 2000 years

    Between the rise and the millennium 2000 years
    2000 years – the tribulations = 1993

    1993-1985 = 8 years

    We know neither the day nor the hour is Jewish idiom for the trumpet festival

    So in September 2023. Will the temp of the rapture of the church.

    • Valentin
    • July 26, 2015

    La BIIA est officielle depuis mardi et coïncidence le Dow Jones depuis mardi est dans le rouge.

    Est-ce que les investisseurs ont paniquer a la nouvelle
    Ou une bulle a commencer a de dégonfler ou bien c’est une coïncidence.


    The BIIa is official since Tuesday coincidence and the Dow Jones is since Tuesday in the red.

    Do investors panic has new
    Or bubble begin to deflate or it was a coincidence.

    • mike
    • July 25, 2015

    The entire world is quietly moving to Chinese currency settlement facilities. US corporations alone are holding large amounts of Yuan to purchase their materials from China.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    • joki
    • July 25, 2015

    Happy to see comments below about Khazarians and fake jews. Genetic studies made in 2003 and 2013 have confirmed that only 12% of so-called “jews” have ancestors in the Holy Land. Shlomo Sand wrote his books before these studies and was perfectly right and has a clear idea about his people. I want to remark that today’s preachers from the Synagogue of satan are absolutely all non-jewish. Who think about herself being a jew, is better to pass a genetic test. From all declared jews in USA less than 12 % are real. Guys, this is a science, not fake interpretation about something.
    What I want to know, if someone here believe that the collapse will be “officially” presented as being caused as a result of huge programmed destructions (earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis). Moreover, who even believe that the destruction of eastern coast will be produced diversely of common accepted theory implying asteroid or meteorite, proposed by Pastor Rodriguez (widely accepted as a first option). I thought that California was going to be destroyed last year and huge programmed worldwide destructions must be initiated at least at june 2015. I was from beginning an adept of “cleans” last 7 years, but it seems they will push all these events (collapse, destructions) inside this term.
    I have seen that most are thinking, there will be an economical “storm”. My suppositions: they initially will produce massive destructions (not only in USA) and after without any “public” problems and explanations collapse the system.
    So, who think the eastern coast will be destroyed in other way, diversely of Rodriguez point of view, and who think that will be an unexpected implosion of earthquakes “in different places”, a worldwide very strange phenomenon, please write an answer.
    I don’t want to feel alone in what I believe should happen and it’s still better to clarify some details before the events comes.

    • Dammy
    • July 24, 2015

    They are looking interest rate of 0.625 by the end of December.

    (ED: It wasn’t an accident. They wanted it out there so it doesn’t come as a surprise when the time comes. Remember every financial market is manipulated. 0.625% is just the tip of the iceberg. Retirement funds need 8% return every year. Their 30 year bonds are currently rolling over at 1-1.5% return. Retirement funds are demanding at least 3% to keep solvent. Don’t be shocked to see QE4 announced instead of a major rate rise.)

      • Mark
      • July 24, 2015

      So just to reiterate the leak stated the first rate hike from 0-0.25 to 0.35% would happen in September and from .35 to .625% in December.

      Remember what Lindsey was told a few years ago, that when the Fed began to raise rates would be the final sign of the collapse of the system. Grant you 0.1% isn’t much, but it is a beginning. Interesting.

      Martin Armstrong has been saying it would play out like this:

      1. Fed Raises rates.
      2. Stock market takes huge dump (probably paper commodity prices, including paper gold and silver)
      3. the dollar rises, money pours into US stocks and they reach insane levels.
      4. However the rising dollar starts to choke off US business and US tax revenue.
      5. And then the US government starts having trouble paying the bills, the US treasury market starts to collapse.
      6. Then REALLY bad things start to happen (maybe hyperinflation, systemic collapse)

      Just wanted to share.

      • Dammy
      • July 26, 2015

      If they are going to be able to pull off a financial and currency deathblow by December, they are going to have to have the global economy already on it’s knees. To get a $50T world economy to it’s knees is going to take lead time. Five months is not a lot of time. I’m guessing they will aim at developing markets since they have a soft underbelly of not having significant liquidity and therefore the perfect starting place for the perfect storm. If the Fed does QE4 instead in September, that is going to help liquidity issues. I don’t see them caring what happens to the Retirement Funds since Treasure will raid them for MyRA transfers to put the dollar on a more solid debt:asset ratio for the IMF’s GCR.

      Or am I missing something?

      (ED: They can take down the economy in days not months. That’s how ‘on the brink’ the global economy is. They have already had a ‘trial run’ on crashing the currencies of the world. Remember this, they want to remove the US dollar as the sole reserve currency. Therefore, they need to weaken it as much as they can in order to persuade countries to use the new global currency.)

    • Valentin
    • July 23, 2015

    Dans une vidéo d’Alex Jones et le blogueurs la ensuite expliquer en français. Explique que l’élite était étonner de voir qu’Alex Jones partira pas de sa ville d’ici octobre 2015.

    Il y a Martin Armstrong qu il parle d’une crise de la dette souveraine le 1er octobre 2015.

    Le 30 septembre 2015 jour ou le budget devra être renouveler
    La coïncidence de la crise de la dette et un probable shutdown américain est frappante.

    20 octobre 2015 = 20+10+ 8 = 38 = 3+8 = 11
    C’est le 293 jours de l’année
    Il reste que 72 jours avant 2016

    Il y a une configuration néfaste du 9/11 : signer par le chiffre kabbalistique du 72 car il y a 72 noms de Dieu dans la kabbale.

    Donc rien n’est laisser au hasard

    Ah question qu est ce qu il dise son ami d’élite sur le probable big one en Californie et le probable intervention israélienne en Iran
    Selon mes info ça risque de flamber en octobre 2015.

    Et aussi la désintégration des USA avec la guerre civile qui s’ensuivra après avec le dollar aux oubliettes de l’histoire qu en est il de l’amero.

    D’après certain la 3 eme guerre mondiale ça éclater au printemps 2016 tout près de l’approche de la planète x en mars/avril 2016.

    En ezechiel 38-39 on voit les russes attaquer Israël et après la délivrance d’Israël par Dieu. Il y aura des cataclysmes et des pluie de feu sur les troupes de gog, sur la Russie, sur l’Angleterre sur Damas.

    Donc ces pluies de météorite va sûrement causer un tsunami et va inonder des terres côtières comme la plus importante new York.

    Donc si mes info sont bonnes je crois on aura droit à une période des plus captivant et des plus eschatologique depuis les jours de la Pentecôte au temps des apôtres.

    Ou bien je suis totalement fou.


    In a video of Alex Jones and then explain the French bloggers. Explains that the elite was surprised to see Alex Jones not leave his city by October 2015.

    There Martin Armstrong that he speaks of a sovereign debt crisis on 1 October 2015.

    The September 30, 2015 day or the budget should be renewed
    The coincidence of the debt crisis and a likely US shutdown is striking.

    October 20, 2015 = 20 + 10 + 8 = 38 = 3 + 8 = 11
    This is the 293 days of the year
    Still, 72 days before 2016

    There is a harmful configuration 9/11: Kabbalistic sign with the number of 72 as there are 72 names of God in the Kabbalah.

    So nothing is left to chance

    Ah issue that is what he told his elite friend on the likely big one in California and the likely Israeli intervention in Iran
    According to my information it may flare in October 2015.

    And also the disintegration of the USA with the civil war that will follow after the dollar to the dustbin of history that it is the amero.

    According to some 3rd world war that burst in spring 2016 close to the approach of Planet X in March / April 2016.

    In ezechiel 38-39 we see the Russian attack Israel and after Israel’s deliverance by God. There will be cataclysms and rain of fire on the troops gog, on Russia, on England on Damascus.

    So these meteorite rains will surely cause a tsunami will flood coastal land as the most important new York.

    So if my info is good I think we will be entitled to a period of the most exciting and most eschatological since the days of Pentecost in apostolic times.

    Either I’m totally crazy.

      • Dammy
      • July 25, 2015

      Two things, Fed raising it to 67.5 basis points is going to create a global margin’s call. That is going to cause quiet a ripple effect and a few banks in different countries will initiate bail-in option. According to LW, it will most likely start in Europe and spread around the globe. My bet for a TBTF bank will be Deutsche Bank to collapse the derivative market. The second item is that the Fed knows that the IMF will include China in the SDR which give the Yuan true global currency status. The Yuan being included in the SDR will mean less US dollars are needed which will lead to deflation so making the dollar stronger today makes up for China’s entry into the global market place.

      • joki
      • July 25, 2015

      Tu as écrit beaucoup d’information mixée. Je ne crois pas que nous avons lu quelque chose de nouveau. En case tu as une question concrète sur un sujet qu’est moins claire pour toi est bien de le poser. Mon impression que tu n’as compris rien qu’est-ce doit ce passe le mois suivant.
      J’ai senti aussi cette idée absurde d’invasion d’Israël par les russes avant la période de 7 ans. C’est une spéculation et une mauvaise interprétation du Ezechiel 38,39. L’invasion du Poutin arrivera dans la deusieme part de son règne des 7 ans (doit commencer ce septembre). L’idée d’un coup russe a été lance par les théologiens du Synagogue de satan, pour cacher le nom réel d’antichrist. Pendant la période immédiate Poutin ne peut pas se permettre de faire des escapades, parce que lui sera le bénéficier direct du collasse programmé. Donc, ce sera une nouvelle réalité imposée à niveau globale, avec certitude jusqu’à la fin d’année, comme résultat des évènements que nous approchons aux pas rapide – la fin d’un grand pays, que dans le système économique actuel a joué le rôle principal – les États-Unis. Tout le monde sera choqué cet automne, plutôt lesquels que ne savent pas les prophéties de la Bible si bien que nous avons à disposition moins de 2 mois pour faire nos préparations et éviter une grosse perte dans le budget des nos familles. Une vaste destruction du côté d’est américaine et puis la rupture de la ligne tectonique Sant Andrea in Californie vont provoquer une réaction en chaîne sur les bourses qu’en temps des quelques mois vont se fondrez, pourtant au collasse programme des tous les valûtes. Au risque d’une destruction partiale ou totale par les tremblements de terre programmée sons plus pays dans le monde. De toute façon, le monde vivra une période de chaos, possible pour une période de 3 mois, combinée avec la falaise propagande de réchauffement de la terre, pendant lequel tout le globe cherchera la réponse aux problèmes qu’ont brusquement apparu. La réaction la plus exprimée arrivera du part du leader russe, qui sera plus tard acclamé par la folie comme Sauveur. Après les destructions massives et la faillite programme du système monétaire actuel, sera implémenté un système électronique au poste d’argent liquide. Donc, la fonction actuelle d’argent sera éliminée en totalité et nôtres transactions serons totalement contrôlées.


      You wrote a lot of mixed information. I do not think we read something new. In case you have a specific question about a subject that is less clear for you is to ask him. My impression that you did not understand what this has to pass the following month.
      I also felt that absurd idea of ​​invasion of Israel by Russian before the period of 7 years. This is a speculation and misinterpretation of Ezekiel 38.39. The invasion of Putin will arrive in the deusieme from his reign of seven years (to start this September). The idea of ​​a Russian coup was launched by the theologians of the synagogue of Satan, to hide the real name of antichrist. During the immediate period Putin can not afford to make escapades, because it will benefit directly the programmed Collasse. So it will be a new reality imposed on global level, with certainty until the end of the year, as a result of events that we are approaching the fast pace – the end of a great country that in the current economic system played the main role – the United States. Everyone will be shocked this fall rather than that do not know the prophecies of the Bible so that we have available less than two months to make our preparations and avoid a big loss in the budget of our families. An extensive destruction of the American side, and then breaking the Tectonic Line Sant Andrea in California will cause a chain reaction on the stock exchanges in times of several months are going to melt in, yet the program Collasse all valûtes. The risk of a partial or total destruction by earthquakes programmed sounds more countries in the world. Either way, the world will live a period of chaos, possible for a period of three months, combined with the global warming propaganda cliff, during which the globe seek the answer to the problems that have suddenly appeared. The most expressed reaction happen the part of the Russian leader, who was later acclaimed as savior madness. After the massive destruction and the failure of the current program monetary system, an electronic system will be implemented in cash position. So the current money function will be eliminated entirely ours and transactions will be totally controlled.

    • James Harkin
    • July 23, 2015

    Gold Smash Leads to Surge in Demand For Coins, Bars Around World! As I told you yesterday in my comment, this is going to lead to shortages. -US Mint sees highest monthly gold eagle sales in over two years. -Indians take advantage of low price in a season not typically known for gold buying. -Chinese investors, disillusioned with stock market, are buying gold in large volumes. -Demand for coins from Perth Mint 37% higher in June and even higher for July. You need to get moving if you are going to secure your financial future. Physical gold and silver is the only port in a storm.

      • penny
      • July 23, 2015

      Is Sunshine Mint here is the US okay to haev rounds from? I know Lindsey mentioned that any silver from and year is okay as long as it was minted in the US?

      (ED: Pastor Williams has said to have gold minted by the US mint. [correction>] All silver is legal regardless of where it is minted [)

        • penny
        • July 24, 2015

        Okay so Sunshine Mint coins are not going to be legal or useful then is that what I am understanding?

        (ED: silver is silver regardless of where it is minted, it is legal. US minted coins in the US have a good premium and are the only ones allowed in a US precious metals IRA, most foreign coins/bars are not accepted in the IRA, therefore those that are always have a premium.)

      • mike
      • July 23, 2015

      Thank you James for the update

    • Blue
    • July 22, 2015

    What in the world is going on with the crashing gold prices? Any word from Lindsey on this?

    (ED: I have discussed earlier in this thread my thoughts on gold and silver. Another thought is for those with retirement accounts. Thirty years ago, during the Thatcher/Reagan era retirement companies invested in 30 year government bonds at 14-15% return. Those bonds are now rolling over at 1-1.5% interest return. Retirement companies need around 8% return every year in order to keep paying out. The retirement companies need interest rates to rise as soon as possible. They are asking for a 3% jump right now. What do you think this will do to the financial markets when there are $300 trillion in interest rate related derivatives? What do you think will happen if interest rates don’t rise? What if Yellen initiates QE4 in September instead of raising rates? We’re going to see carnage globally regardless of what happens. There is only so far down the road they can kick this can. It would have been better if they had let the zombie banks fail in 2008. Its much bigger this time, the banks have not learned their lesson and it won’t be the Elite that pay, it will be our children and grand-children. This is why I have been an avid supporter of the word of Pastor Williams and what his Elite friends have said. Get yourself protected! Self-sufficiency is the only way anyone can weather any storm. Unfortunately for those new to this knowledge and are sceptical – you are out of luck, its too late. We have less than two months to get out of paper, get out of debt and protect ourselves!)

    • Valentin
    • July 21, 2015

    Je vis au Canada et les infos sont très rare et mes finances encore plus.

    Bon votre information est que le 20 octobre 2015 le yuan va intégrer le panier des dts du FMI.

    Vue que je connais pas les finances ma question. Est la suivante:

    Quand le yuan va être effectivement dans le panier des dts : logiquement le dollar va s’effondrer les bourses va s’effondrer plus que jamais.

    J’ai pas les finances pour investir dans l’or ou l’argent
    Si le yuan aura le vent dans les voiles cet automne est-ce que ça sera logique d’investir dans les yuans avant et de les reinvestir dans l’argent metal au jour j et mon autre question c’est comment profiter de cet événement.

    Ou bien qu est ce que ça sera le moyen le plus profitable d’en profiter.

    Merci pst Williams de votre travail


    I live in Canada and information are very rare and my finances more. Good that your information is October 20, 2015 the Yuan will integrate in the IMF basket of currencies. View I not know the financial question. is next: When the Yuan will actually be in the basket of currencies: logically the dollar will collapse scholarships will collapse more than ever. I have not the finances to invest in gold or silver. If the Yuan will have the wind in its sails this fall is that it will make sense to invest in Yuan before and reinvest the money in the metal at day and my other question is how to enjoy this event. Or that ‘s what it will be the most profitable way to enjoy. Pastor Williams thank you for your work.

    (ED: Pastor Williams recommends only physical gold and silver since it is the currency of the Elite. He does not recommend investing in paper assets including the Chinese Yuan. You can buy 1/10, 1/5, 1/2 ounce gold and silver coins at a very low price now. I would go as far to say as below cost. If you can avoid dealers who are charging 25% above spot price for silver.)

      • MRD
      • July 23, 2015

      James, please give us some names of these dealers. That is what is hard to find. Any in the Tulsa or Oklahoma City area?

      (ED: If you are looking for small amounts one or two coins of silver/gold at a good rate, Pastor Williams recommends you contact his friend Mills Crenshaw (K-Talk Radio Host) on 1-801-706-2256 he can definitely help. My own recommendation, if you are looking for larger amounts $5,000+ investments and retirement account IRA conversions into physical gold (I believe very much recommended at this point!), is Regal Assets and they can get the process done in a matter of a few days. You can contact them on 1-888-748-6766. They are very good at what they do and are pleased to answer any questions you may have about the process. Unfortunately, I don’t personally know any dealers in Tusla or Oklahoma. My friend operates a website of dealers if you would like to do a search:


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